INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: NEW ENGINEER FROM: I.M. ANOLDGUY SUBJECT: ANALYSIS OF CRUDE COMPLEX – DESCRIPTON OF SIDE STRIPPERS CORRECTED DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 2014 We are looking to make a change to our crude unit feed in the near future. Your assignment is to analyze the current crude unit operation and determine the impact of any proposed changes. Depending on the magnitude of these changes we may need to make capital expenditures, so we need to start planning as soon as possible. The report describing the expected operational changes will be due to me no later than 6:00 PM on Thursday, December 11, 2014. I expect a memo report consisting of: A one-page Executive Summary describing the problem and summarizing the results. An Appendix with any tables, charts, and descriptions of the assumptions made in the simulations to support these results. In addition, please turn in the following with your report: Any simulation files used to generate the values in your report (HYSYS files in HSC format or Aspen Plus files in BKP format). As mentioned you should start looking at this as soon as possible. I’m planning on a 3-week vacation to Bora Bora right as your deadline is approaching. I will have no ability to answer questions after December 6th. Please plan your time wisely. EXISTING OPERATIONS Q W DEC4 Q LPGS HX-DEC4 Q S-NAP Q Q NAPHTHA Q Q Q VACOVHD KERO VACCOL Q DIESEL LVGO Q AGO HVGO MIX-VAC SLOPWAX ATMRESID COILSTM VACSTM VACRESID You have been using something similar to the existing crude oil operations as a sample problem in your Petroleum Refining class. The preceding figure shows the arrangement of the crude oil separation train: a crude preheat train leading to the Atmospheric Distillation Column with Unstabilized Naphtha, Kerosene, Diesel, and Atmospheric Gas Oil (AGO) products; the Atmospheric Resid is fed to the Vacuum Distillation Column with Light Vacuum Gas Oil (LVGO), Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil (HVGO), Slop Wax, and Vacuum Resid products; the Unstabilized Naphtha is fed to a Debutanizer with LPG & Stabilize Naphtha products. The existing 101,000 bpd crude charge is made up of an equal mix of light, medium, & heavy crude oils. The attached Tables 1, 2, & 3 give assay data for these oils. The following table gives the important specifications on the products from these distillation columns. Check these specifications carefully; they may be different than what you’ve set up previously. Column Product Quality Specification Adjust Atmospheric Unstabilized Naphtha 410°F 95% D86 (dry, vol% basis) Distillate Draw Rate Kerosene 525°F 95% D86 (dry, vol% basis) Kerosene Draw Rate Diesel 645°F 95% D86 (dry, vol% basis) Diesel Draw Rate AGO 750°F 95% D86 (dry, vol% basis) AGO Draw Rate LVGO 915°F 95% TBP (dry, vol% basis) LVGO Draw Rate HVGO 1050°F 95% TBP (dry, vol% basis) HVGO Draw Rate Atmospheric Resid Vacuum Slop Wax Vacuum Resid Debutanizer LPG Stabilized Naphtha The following tables give current operating parameters for these distillation columns. Note that the available steam is at 150 psig & 500°F. Operation Type Operating Parameter Operating Parameter Crude Oil Preheat Crude Oil & Entrained Water 101,000 sbpd (dry) 500 bpd water Outlet 450°F & 260 psig 2 Column Type Operating Parameter Operating Parameter Atmospheric Trays & Efficiencies 50 trays. Numbering from top: Trays 1 to 6: 80% Trays 7 to 10: 50% Trays 11 to 16: 70% Trays 17 to 30: 50% Trays 31 to 39: 30% Tray 40: 100% Trays 41 to 50: 30% Condenser Total with water draw Bubble point conditions for liquid; 130°F (est.) Reboiler Type No reboiler, steam feed to bottom stage Distillate Rate 30,200 sbdp (est) (Unstabilized Naphtha) Pressures 4 psig Condenser 12 psig Top Tray 22 psig Bottom Tray Feed Stages Preheated Crude Oil to Tray #40 (10 above bottom, through furnace) 20,000 lb/hr steam to Tray #50 (bottom) Feed Preheater Feed Furnace, 635°F & 25 psig outlet Kerosene Side Stripper Liquid from Tray #10, vapor to Tray #6; 8,800 sbpd (est.) Diesel Side Stripper Liquid from Tray #20, vapor to Tray #16; 10,240 sbpd (est.) Side Strippers AGO Side Stripper Liquid from Tray #30, vapor to Tray #26; 3,850 sbpd (est.) Kerosene Pumparound Draw from Tray #10, returned to Tray #7 25,000 bpd flow, 200°F return temperature Diesel Pumparound Draw from Tray #20, returned to Tray #17 15,000 bpd flow, 250°F return temperature Pumparounds AGO Pumparound Draw from Tray #30, returned to Tray #27 10,000 bpd flow, 350°F return temperature 3 Column Type Operating Parameter Operating Parameter Kerosene Side Stripper Trays & Efficiencies 10 @ 30% efficiency Pressures Feed Stages Liquid from Atm Column Tray #10 to Top 2,500 lb/hr steam to Bottom Tray Column Type Operating Parameter Operating Parameter Diesel Side Stripper Trays & Efficiencies 10 @ 30% efficiency Pressures Feed Stages Liquid from Atm Column Tray #20 to Top 2,500 lb/hr steam to Bottom Tray Column Type Operating Parameter Operating Parameter AGO Side Stripper Trays & Efficiencies 10 @ 30% efficiency Pressures Liquid from Atm Column Tray #30 to Top 2,500 lb/hr steam to Bottom Tray Feed Stages Column Type Operating Parameter Operating Parameter Debutanizer Trays & Efficiencies 45 @ 80% efficiency Condenser Total condenser with water draw 1.5 reflux ratio Reboiler Kettle reboiler Distillate Rate 5,500 sbdp (LPG) Pressures 150 psig Condenser 150 psig Top Tray 160 psig Bottom Tray 160 psig Reboiler Feed Trays Unstabilized Naphtha to Tray #22 Naphtha pressurized to 250 psig & preheated to 250°F Liquid Draws None Side Strippers None Pumparounds None 4 Column Type Operating Parameter Operating Parameter Vacuum Trays & Efficiencies 14 “trays”. Numbering from top: Tray 1: 100% Trays 2 to 11: 50% Tray 12: 100% Trays 13 to 14: 30% Condenser Type None, LVGO pumparound liquid return to top Reboiler Type No reboiler, steam feed to bottom stage Pressures 50 mmHg Top 62 mmHg Bottom Stage Feed Stages Atm Resid from Heater to Tray #12 20,000 lb/hr steam to Tray #14 (bottom) Feed Preheater Feed Furnace, 780°F & 180 mmHg outlet 20,000 lb/hr vac coil steam added upstream Liquid Draws LVGO from Tray #4; 5,000 bpd (est.) HVGO from Tray #8; 21,000 bpd (est.) Slop Wax from Tray #11; 1,000 bpd LVGO Pumparound Draw from Tray #4, returned to Tray #1 22,300 bpd flow, outlet temperature adjusted to control top temperature of tower to 180°F; (85°F return, 40 MMBtu/hr cooling est.) Pumparounds HVGO Pumparound Draw from Tray #8, returned to Tray #5 50,000 bpd flow, 150°F cooling (400°F return, 40 MMBtu/hr cooling est.) ANALYSIS OF EXISTING OPERATIONS We would like to determine the current operations as determined from these operating conditions. Please use the following table as a guideline for tabulating the results: Stream Rate [bpd dry] API Gravity Sulfur Content [wt%] LPG Stabilized Naphtha Unstabilized Naphtha Kerosene Diesel AGO LVGO HVGO Vacuum Resid Vacuum Tower Overhead 5 T5 [°F] TBP TBP TBP TBP TBP TBP T95 [°F] D86 & TBP D86 & TBP D86 & TBP D86 & TBP D86 & TBP TBP TBP In addition I’d like the calculated cut points using the T5 & T95 TBP values for the following adjacent streams: Unstabilized Naphtha/Kerosene, Kerosene/Diesel, Diesel/AGO, AGO/LVGO, LVGO/HVGO, & HVGO/Vac Resid. Finally, calculate the following carryover of certain boiling point material: C5+ into the LPG steam. 1050°F+ into the HVGO & lighter streams 1050°F- into the Vacuum Resid MODIFIED OPERATIONS Once you have the base case we’d like to examine the following changes to the operating scenarios starting each time with the Base Case: 1. Change the Diesel spec. The spec applied in the base case may result in a diesel stream that does not make spec. Apply a new spec of 640°F to the 90% volume (D86 basis). What is the new cut point between the Diesel/AGO streams? What is the change in rates between the Kerosene, Diesel, & AGO streams? 2. Reduce the overhead losses in the Vacuum Column. We’d like to reduce the overhead losses of hydrocarbons from the Vacuum Tower. Let’s try two ways to do this: Increase the LVGO pumparound rate by 50% but keep the same top temperature. Decrease the top temperature to 170°F but keep the same pumparound rate. Compare the overhead losses. Has either scenario reduced the losses? 3. Reduce the C5+ losses into the LPG stream. We’d like to reduce the C5+ losses in the Debutanizer to half that of the base case. Let’s try two ways to do this: Increase the reflux ratio. Decrease the distillate draw ratio. In either case do not let the C4- content of the Stabilized Naphtha get above 0.1 vol% (dry basis). Compare the condenser & reboiler duties for the three cases (base & the two alternates). 6 Table 1. Assay Data Light Crude TBP Cumulative Yield Wt% @ °F @ IBP °F @ EP IBP Whole Crude 31 160 0 160 236 5 236 347 10 347 446 20 446 545 30 545 649 40 649 758 50 758 876 60 876 1015 70 1015 1205 80 1205 1350 90 1350 FBP 95 @ Mid 2.5 7.5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 92.5 97.5 Properties API Wt% Gravity Sulfur 34.17 1.77 74.91 0.019 62.90 0.031 51.09 0.060 43.38 0.379 36.97 1.064 31.37 1.698 25.96 2.159 20.86 2.554 15.45 3.041 8.94 3.838 4.44 4.503 -6.57 6.382 Light Ends Analysis Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane Wt% 0.000 0.146 0.127 0.702 0.654 1.297 Table 2. Assay Data Medium Crude TBP Cumulative Yield Wt% @ °F @ IBP °F @ EP IBP Whole Crude 88 180 0 180 267 5 267 395 10 395 504 20 504 611 30 611 721 40 721 840 50 840 974 60 974 1131 70 1131 1328 80 1328 1461 90 1461 FBP 95 @ Mid 2.5 7.5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 92.5 97.5 Properties API Wt% Gravity Sulfur 28.97 2.83 71.51 0.022 55.69 0.062 47.08 0.297 38.78 1.010 31.67 2.084 26.36 2.777 21.36 3.284 16.15 3.857 10.15 4.706 2.74 5.967 -1.87 6.865 -11.08 8.859 7 Light Ends Analysis Wt% Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane 0.000 0.030 0.089 0.216 0.403 0.876 Table 3. Assay Data Heavy Crude TBP Cumulative Yield Properties Wt% @ API Wt% °F @ IBP °F @ EP IBP @ Mid Gravity Sulfur Whole Crude 28.36 2.8 26.8 153.6 0 2.5 74.11 0.005 153.6 255.1 5 7.5 61.40 0.041 255.1 400.5 10 15 46.98 0.341 400.5 523.4 20 25 37.47 1.076 523.4 645 30 35 30.47 1.898 645 769.6 40 45 24.36 2.557 769.6 901.9 50 55 18.65 3.185 901.9 1043.8 60 65 12.95 3.916 1043.8 1198.1 70 75 7.24 4.826 1198.1 1380.5 80 85 0.94 5.990 1380.5 1499.7 90 92.5 -3.07 6.775 1499.7 FBP 95 97.5 -10.78 8.432 8 Light Ends Analysis Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane Wt% 0.039 0.284 0.216 0.637 0.696 1.245
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