Title Quality evaluation of Propolis. 1. A comparative stu dy on radical scavenging effects of Propolis and Ve spae Nidus (露蜂房) Author(s) Matsushige, Katsumichi, Kusumoto, Ines Tomoco, Yamamoto, Yuriko, Kadota, Shigetoshi, Namba, Tsu neo Citation 和漢医薬学雑誌 = Journal of traditional medicines, 12(1): 45-53 Issue Date 1995-07 Type Article Text version URL Rights publisher http://hdl.handle.net/10110/1983 rights: 本文データは和漢医薬学会の許諾に基づき複製 したものである http://utomir.lib.u-toyama.ac.jp/dspace/ Joumal of Traditional Medicines12,45−53,1995 Quality evaluation of Propolis.1. study on radical scavenging 45 A comparative effects of Propolis and Vespae Nidus (露蜂房) Katsumichi MATSuSHIGE,Ines Tomoco KuSuMOTO,Yuriko YAMAMOTO, Shigetoshi KADoTA*and Tsuneo NAMBA R6s6απh lns渉加!6カ7肱hαn−y4h%,7加αアnα〃64i6α1αn‘1Phα7窺α66躍i6αl Un初6欝め Ol∼666吻601〈砂z/6窺66714,1994./166¢1)陀ゴノ4nz6α勿y25,1995.ノ Abstract Propolis is a resinous material collected by the honey bee that has been used as a valuable folk medicine due to its medicinal properties such as antiinflammatory,antimicrobial and immuno− stimulatory properties.On the other hand,Vespae Nidus(露蜂房)is a crude dmg used in Chinese traditional medicine that has some properties similar to those of propolis.The pharmacological effects of propolis are thought to be related at least in part,with the free radical scavenging effects.By testing the propolis collected in different regions of Brazil and Vespae Nidus for DPPH radical and superoxide anion scavenging effects both were found to possess such effects,and the most potent scavenging action was shown by the EtOH−insoluble fraction of their water extracts. :Key words Propolis,Vespae Nidus,radical scavenging. Abbreviations BSA,bovine semm albumin;DPPH,1,1−dipheny1−2−picrylhydrazyl l IC50,50% inhibitory concentration l NBT,nitroblue tetrazolium l PMS,phenazyne methosulfate;SOD,superoxide dismutase l XOD,xanthine oxidase. The efficacy of propolis as folk medicine reported Introduction so far led us to study an old Chinese traditional medicine derived from the homet nest,the Vespae Since ancient times the human being has received Nidus(露蜂房).A brief historical review of both natu− many benefits from the honey bees,whose valuable ral medicines showed that they have some features in products have been used as nourishment and medi− common such as the similar source in nature and cines.Propolis is a resinous material that the bee medicinal properties.Vespae Nidus is known to pos− collects from the exudates of plants and attaches to sess antimicrobia1,antiinfla卑matory,and tumor hea− the beehive and has been an old folk medicine.It is reported to have some medicinal properties as antimi− crobia1,antiinflammatory and immunostimulatory 2) 1ing Properties. ごう ラ Recently propolis from Poland and Cuba were reported to present free radical scavenging effects and propertles. In the last few years propolis has been these findings were applied to compare the biological gaining Popularity in Japan although its use is activity of propolis from Brazil and the Chinese crude restricted as a dietary natural product.However,it dmg Vespae Nidus.Moreover,in order to find out faces a serious problem on the quality evaluation since parameters for standardization of propolis,Brazilian propolis is subject to great variations according to the propolis of different regions were compared in some species of the honey bee and the variety of the plants tests for the radical scavengillg effects. surroundillg the apiaries. *〒930−01富山市杉谷2630 富山医科薬科大学和漢薬研究所 資源開発部門 2630Sugitani,Toyama930−01,Japan 和漢医薬学雑誌12,45−53,1995 門田重利 46 Quality evaluation of Propolis Materia Medica of Toyama Medical and Pharmaceu− Materials and Methods tical University.Each extract and fraction was dis− solved in water or EtOH before adding to the reaction 」P70ヵo/is齪4 施s加61Vi4麗s:The so皿ces of mlxture. Brazilian propolis and Vespae Nidus are shown in En∼甥z8s:Superoxide dismutase(SOD,Cu,Zn Table I.Propolis collected at different areas in Brazil type)and xanthine oxidase(XOD,from butter milk) were provided by Nihon Propolis Co.,Ltd.(Tokyo). were purchased from Wako Pure Chemicals Co.,Ltd. Vespae Nidus from the market of Hong Kong was (Osaka,Japan). purchased from Uchida Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. Ch6窺i6召/s:Xanthine,1,1−diphelly1−2−picrylhydr− (Tokyo).This cmde dmg was identified to be the nest azyl(DPPH),nitroblue tetrazolium(NBT)l EDTA2 of施ψ麗/απα∂16のs SMITH(Family Vespidae)by Dr. Masami Sasaki,Institute of Honeybee Science,Fac− ulty of Agriculture of Tamagawa University(Japan). Na,phenazyne methosulfate(PMS)and allopurinol were purchased from Wako Pure Chemicals Co.,Ltd. (Osaka,Japan)・Caffelc acid was purchased from Pzのo:z認ionのr!h66x!名鷹∠s:The extracts and Tokyo Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.(Tokyo),bovine fractions of propolis were prepared as illustrated in semm albumin(BSA),from Seikagaku Corporation Chart l.The same method was applied to Vespae Nidus.A selection of this cmde drug was made prior Propo特s to the extraction by removing the imp皿ities and (P1,10.Og) organic residues of homet.Ten grams of each sample Water(100mi) were extracted two times with loo ml of hot water 80。C/3hr x2 (800C/3h),filtered,concentrated under reduced pres− sure and freeze dried.The residue of the water Water ext、 Residue (0.69) extract was extracted two times with100ml of MeOH(reflux/3h)and the solvellt was evaporated MeOH(100mi) 80。C/3hr x2 EtOH(50ml〉 under reduced pressure.The water6xtract was mixed with10volumes of EtOH and centrifuged to separate illto EtOH soluble and−insoluble fractions。The water MeOH ext. EtOH−soL EtOH−insol. (0。089) Residue (4.59) (0.449) Ether(50mi) extract of Vespae Nidus gave ollly traces of EtOH− soluble fraction,which was excluded from the assays. Similarly the MeOH extractwasseparated into ether− Ether−soL Ether−insoL soluble and−insoluble fractions.A voucher specimen (4」29) (0.259) of each sample has been deposited in the Museum of Chart l Extraction alld fractionatiol/of propolis. Table I Samples of Propolis and Vespae Nidus and their geographical soし1rce. Sample })ropolis Producillg Area Maill Vegetatioll (Brazil) I)1 Lagoa Vermelha,RS ノ1πzz!α〃〆iごz spP.,prin/eval forest P2 Atibaia,SP Ezκ召/i1)!z♂8spP.,forest P3 Corumbatai,SP Ci加5spP.,Ez雌li加!8s加.,primeval forest P4 Carlos Barbosa,RS Natural Eucaliptus forest,/17・とzzゼαz7i‘z spp. P5 Carlos Barbosa,RS Several varieties of Eπαz/i/)々‘s spP. Vespae Nidus(重馨虫条ルチ) Rl Market of Hong Kol/g RS二Rio Grande do Sul State,SP二Sao Paulo State 47 Joumal of Traditional Medicines(Vol.12 No.1 1995) (Tokyo),and NADH disodium salt from Sigma Chem− 、μg/mL Caffeic acid was used as a positive contro1 ical Co.(St.Louis,MO,USA). (IC50二1.2μg/m1). ノln観y孟i6召1砂卿z召魏8αn46h70窺認09名砂勿:UV ii)Nりn−6nzy7n召オio76α6!ion:The method required spectrometer model UV−2200Shimadzu(Shimadzu Corporation,Kyoto,Japan).A two−dimensional thin− layer chromatography(TLC)was performed in Avicel NADH and PMS for production of superoxide anion, の according to Nishikimi6!砿 In a l.O ml reaction mixture composed of lOO mM phosphate buffer(pH SF plates(Funakoshi,Tokyo),developing with 7.4),0.01mM of PMS,0.025mM NBT and the test BuOH:HOAc:H20(4:1:5)in the first direction and sample,0.1mM of l.56mM NADH was mixed and the with HOAc:H20(15:85)in the second direction.The absorbance at560nm was measured after2min.The spray reagents used were5%FeC130r2%ninhydrin. concentration of SOD required to inhibit the produc− Pho∠oアn6!7i646!召7n¢in召∠ionρプ〃召6π14i6α/8:The tion of the superoxide anion by50%in this reaction aqueous extracts and fractions were dissolved in was2.6μg/m1.Caffeic acid was used as a positive water and the MeOH extracts and EtOH contro1(IC50二36μg/ml). or ether− soluble fractions were dissolved in EtOH.The final P伽7nzinα!ion6ゾXOO紹i∂i砂:Following the concentration of EtOH in the reaction mixture was method of Robak and Gryglewski, the test sample 1%and this solvent had no influence on the absorban− was added to a reaction mixture of50mM phosphate ce in the test for DPPH radical or in the test for buffer(pH7.8),0.l mM xanthine,and O.04units/m1(0.l superoxide anion in a concentration up to2.5%.In mg/ml)XOD.The production of uric acid in this each experiment indicated below the absorbance was reaction was measured by the absorbance at295nm. measured against a blank without the test sample and Allopurinol was used as a positive control(IC50二4.0 the control reaction contained the same solvent used μ9/m1). to dilute the test sample.The absorbance of the test ノ∼α4i6召l s6α∂6ngingゆ6∠s:The percent scaマeng− sample was given by the difference between the absor− ing effect was determined as the ratio of the differ− bance of the reactions with and without test sample. ence of absorbance between the test solution and its 1.P費P万観ノi6α1:The scavenging effect corre− blank to the control solution.The result is the mean of sponded to the intensity of quenching DPPH,as des一 4measurements.Dunnettラs test was used for the sta− の cribed by Hatano6!α1.. A portion of the sample tistical analysis of the data and the test sample values solution was mixed with the same volume of6×10−5M were considered to be significantly different from the DPPH in EtOH and allowed to stand for30min at corresponding control values at the statistical signifi− room temperature.The absorbance was then mea− cance of1)<0.05. sured at520nm.Caffeic acid was used as a positive control and the IC500btained in this condition was Results l.0μ9/m1. 2.Szψ670xi4召αnion:The SOD−like activity of the P76/i〃zin‘z冗y 6h6nzi6‘z/‘zn‘zか8is samples were measured by two different methods: The percent(w/w)yield of the extracts and frac− i)R6召6∠ion‘ゾx召n〃zin6αn/XO1):The produc− tions of propolis(P1−P5)and Veapae Nidus(R1)is tion of superoxide anions in xanthine−XOD system shown in Table II.There was a distinct difference on was calculated foHowing the methods of Imanariα the yield of the water and the MeOH extracts of の α/.A reaction mixture composed of O.l ml of each propolis.While6.0−7.48%of water extract were O.05M Na2CO3(pH lO.2),3mM xanthine,3mM EDTA, obtained,the yield of MeOH extract was35.0−43.7%. !.5mg/ml BSA,0.75mM NBT,the test sample,and There was no remarkable differences on the yield O.l ml of O.14mg/ml XOD was incubated20min at25 between propolis of different sources.On the contrary, QC.Then the reaction was stoPPed with O.1ml of6mM the yield of RI extracts was higher in water extrac− CuCl2and the absorbance was measured at560nm.At tion(24.16%)than that in MeOH extraction(4.46%). this condition SOD inhibited the production of super− oxide anion by50%at a concentration of8.0×10㎜3 The samples of propolis(P1−P5)and Vespae Nidus (R1)were studied qualitatively on their chemical 48 Quality evaluation of Propolis ’ Table II Percent yield(w/w)of Propolis and Vespae Nidus extracts. Sample Water ext. EtOli−soL EtOHイnsoL MeOH ext. Ether−soL Ether−insoL (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Pl 6.00 0.80 4.40 45.00 41.17 P2 6.88 0.65 4.38 39.00 36.10 2.80 P3 P4 P5 7.12 0.93 4.77 35.00 30.00 4.70 7.48 0.71 5.16 42.50 38.96 3.48 7.11 0。73 4.95 43.60 39。25 4.16 0.008 2.00 R1 24.16 4.46 1.00 2.47 1.00 100 B) A) 75 に O 眉 〇 三 ⊂ 50 = こ Φ o Φ ユ 25 0 1 100 10 1 10 100 Concentration(μ9/ml) Fig.1 DI)PH radical scavenging effects of propolis and Vespae Nidus.The DPPH radical scaveng− ing effect was measured by the absorbance of DPPH radical at520nm in a reaction containing the test sample and30mM DPPH.(A),Propolis l(B),Vespae Nidus.Water extract(■),EtOH−soluble fr.(口),EtOH−insoluble fr.(●),MeOH extract(△),ether−soluble fr.(▲),ether−insoluble fr.(○). constituents.The2D−TLC on Avicel plates revealed ρzoプ)ol客sノンoηz、乙㎎o‘z Vセ7抄z61hα6P1ノ)‘zn4 V老母)6z6・ヘヴ4z6s that propolis differed each other in a few substances, 〃07n飾ngκongOP1/ and Vespae Nidus had a distinct pattem compared to For the comparative analysis of the radical them.The characterization of the chemical constitu− scavenging activities of propolis(P1−P5)and Vespae ents through some spray reagents indicated several Nidus(R1)initially PI was randomly selected for compounds visualized by5%alcoholic FeC13solution, fractionation procedures and the same procedures a spray reagent that gives dark green color for were performed over R1.The values for50%radial phenolic compounds,while Vespae Nidus presented scavenging activity(IC50)are shown in Table III.As the major substances being positive to2%ninhydrin solution,that detects amino acids and peptides. ム∼召4ガαzl so召∂6ngin8’‘z6!iz/i!i6s 6ゾ !h6 プンα6!io陀s (ゾ shown in Fig.1,all extracts and fractions of PI and R1,except the ether−soluble fraction of R1,quenched the DPPH radical by80%一90%at the concentrations 49 Joumal of Traditional Medicines(Vo1.12 No.1 1995) of50−100μg/mL The IC50values of PI for the DPPH Table III Effects of propolis(P1−P5)and Vespae Nidus (R1)on scavening DPPH radica1,and superoxide anion radical in xanthine/XOD and NAD/PMS reactions. radical show clearly that the water extract and its fractions,EtOH−soluble and−insoluble were potent IC50(μ9/ml) Sanlples scavengers,as well as the etheレinsoluble fraction of DPPH Xallthine/XOD NADH/PMS PI Water ext. EtOH−soL EtOH一一insoL 5.8 3.6 8.0 8.0 soluble fraction presented values close to each other 110.0 and were less active than the others.For R1,a similar 14.0 5.2 3.2 MeOH ext. 32.0 60.0 290.0 ether−so1. 28.0 7.O 400.0 4.6 l2.0 72.0 ether−insol. the MeOH extract.The MeOH extract and its ether− 34.0 pattem was observed but with low potency. Similarly,the production of superoxide anion in the reaction of xanthine and XOD was inhibited by RI Water ext. 18.0 17.O 88.0 EtOH−insoL 19.0 l7、0 100.0 MeOH ext. 21.0 20.0 200.0 fractions of PI and R1,except the ether−soluble ether−so1. 〉100.0 >100.0 >250.0 fraction of R1,at the concentrations of lOOμg/m1 ether 16.0 5.8 18.0 (Fig.2).The results given by this experiment were 5.4 4.4 12.0 4.2 3.6 56.0 radical also on the IC50values. 5.4 4.0 10.0 In the experiment for production of superoxide 8.0 6.8 65.0 5.6 2.8 14.0 6.0 7.0 50.0 5.6 2.6 17.0 P2 inso1. EtOH−insoL ether−insol. P3 EtOH−insoL ether−insol. P4 EtOH−insoL ether−inso1. P5 EtOH−insoL ether−insol. Caffeic acid 6.0 7.6 65.0 1.0 1.2 36.0 SOD 8.0×10 3 72%一100% in the presence of the extracts and the generally in good correlation with those of DPPH anion by a non−enzymatic reaction,by NADH/PMS, the water extract,the EtOH−insoluble and ether−in− soluble fractions of Pl showed83%,82%and62% inhibition at lOOμg/m1,respectively(Fig.3).It was necessary to increase the concentration of the extracts and fractions of RI to obtain the maximum 2.6 100 B) A〉 75 c o l…i ρ く 三 50 芒 Φ oΦ 氏 25 0 1 10 100 1 10 100 Concentration(μ9/ml) Fig.2 Superoxide anion radical scavenging effects of propolis and Vespae Nidus.The superoxide allion radical scavengillg effect was measured by the absorbance of NBT at560nm in a reaction contailling O.1mM xanthine,0.01U/ml XOD,0.1mM EDTA,0.05mg/ml BSA,0.025mM NBT and 50mM Na2CO3buffer(pH10.2).(A),Propolis;(B),Vespae Nidus.Waterextract(■),EtOH−soluble fr.(□),EtOH・一insoluble fr.(●),MeOH extract(△),ether−soluble fr.(▲),ether−insoluble fr.(○)。 50 Quality evaluation of Propolis’ 100 A) B) 75 仁 O 眉 ρ £ ⊆ 一 50 芒 Φ o Φ 氏 25 0 10 1000 100 100 10 1000 Concentration(μ9/ml) Fig.3 Superoxide anion scavenging effects of propolis and Vespae Nidus.The superoxide allion radical scavengillg effect was measured by the absorbance of reduced NBT at560nm ill the presence of O.156mM NADH and O,01mM phenazylle methosulfate.(A),Propolis;(B),Vespae Nidus. Water extract(■),EtOH soluble fr.(□),EtOHinsoluble fr.(●),MeOH extract(△),ether soluble fr.(▲),ether il/soluble fr.(○). inhibition of the superoxide anion production in this P2,P3,P4and P5)were compared by the experi− experiment.The IC50also showed some correlation mental methods described above.Their IC50were with the above tests however the values were higher, similar to each other ill all3experiments.For DPPH especially for the MeOH extract and its ether−soluble radical scavengillg activity the IC500f P2−P3were fraction. 5.4 From the above experiments it was found that the 5.6μg/ml for the EtOH−illsoluble fractions and 4.2−8.0μg/ml for the ether−insoluble fractions.For scavel/ging effects of DPPH and superoxide anioll the xantine/XOD reaction the IC50were2.6−4.4μg/ml radicals were present in both,PI and R1,at different for the EtOH−insoluble fractions and6.8−7.0μg/ml potencies.The water extracts and its EtOH insoluble fraction,and the ether−illsoluble fraction of MeOH for the ether insoluble fractions.In the reaction of NADH/PMS,the inhibitoryeffectsshownwereslight. extract showed the most potent effects.The order of ly lower,the IC、o being10.0−17.0μg/ml for the EtOH the potency was EtOH−insoluble fraction二ether−in− insoluble fractions and50.0−65.0μg/ml for the ether− soluble fraction>water extract>EtOH−soluble frac− insoluble fractions.Fig.4shows the DPPH and super− tion>MeOH extract>ether−soluble fraction.Gener− oxide allion radical scavenging effects by the EtOH− ally the effects of PI were stronger than those of R1. Co〃z1)‘〃’召!i∂6 !6s孟sノわ7 ∠h6箔召6/ioα/86αz/6nging召6!iz/i乏y in insoluble fractions of P1,P2,P3,P4and P5.No significant differences on the radical scavenging activ− カ70カO/iS加nZ吻%76n∠76giOnSi刀Bノ’傭/0P1,P2,1黛3, ities were observed in different samples of Brazilian P4πn凶P5/ propolis. From the previous study on the fractions of Pl 雌6!6ゾ!h6E∠0∫ノーinso/z4ゐ16∫死とz6!ion86ゾ1)ノ・01)oli86P1 for radical scavenging activity the EtOH−insoluble P5フαn4ノ∼10n XOO and ether il/soluble fractions were found to possess An additional experimellt on XOD was carried the strongest activities.Therefore the same fractions out.The EtOH−insoluble fraction of each propolis and of propolis collected in different regions in Brazil(P1, RI were tested for the illhibitory effects of XOD.As Joumal of Traditional Medicines(Vol.12 No.11995) 51 100 B) A) C) 75 ⊂ O 還 ρ £ ⊂ 一 50 芒 Φ o し Φ 0− 25 0 1 10 100 1 10 100 Concentration 1 10 100 (μ9/ml) Fig.4 Comparative superoxide anion and DPPH radicals scavenging’effects of pmpolis from various sources.(A),DPPH;(B),superoxide allion(xanthine−XOD system)1(C),superoxide anion (PMS−NADH system).The samples tested were the EtOH−insoluble fractions of the water extracts of Pl(○),P2(□),P3(△),P4(▲)alld P5(■). a result,the inhibitory effect was not observed in any of propolis(P1−P5)and RI were mainly due to the of the samples tested. scavenging of oxygen radicals formed in the reaction and not due to the inhibition of XOD activity. Discussion SOD is an enzyme that catalyzes the dismutation of univalently reduced oxygen formed in many biolog. The free radical scavenging activities of propolis ごの り ical oxidations and is assumed to play an important were reported earlier by Scheller ln an expenment role in aerobic organisms for defense against the 4) をめ on Cuban propolis.In the present study a qualitative fore SOD−1ike activity is expected to be effective usillg propolis from Poland,and recently by Pascual deleterious actions of the superoxide radicaL There− chemical analysis was performed on propolis and against affections involving active oxygen free radi− Vespae Nidus that showed no notorius differences cals,such as inflammation,tumor,atherosclerosis, between propolis of different regions but distinct melanin pigmentation,6渉6.In the present study caffeic differences between propolis and Vespae Nidus on the acid was used as a positive control since it is a sub− yield of the extraction and on the main chemical stallce commonly present in plants and is known to constituents.On the test for their biological activities have radical scavenging activity.In addition,SOD firstly the DPPH and superoxide anion radical scaven− was tested in the reactions of xanthine/XOD and ging activities were monitored in the presence of the NADH/PMS and the strong inhibition shown by this extracts of a Brazilian propolis(P1)and Vespae ensured the involvement of superoxide in both reac− Nidus(R1).Although in general PI showed to be tions.The free radical scavenging effects of the stronger than RI in the present radical scavenging propolis and RI extracts were not as strong as those tests there was no significant difference between of caffeic acid or SOD,however,the mild effects propolis of different sources(P1−P5).Neither propolis should not be unconsidered before a more detailed nor RI influenced the activity of XOD and this sug− study in z厚z/o. gests that the effects of the extracts and the fractions A number of experimental pharmacologica1 52 Quality evaluation of Propolis ’ effects of propolis have been reported. On the other kindly providing the samples of propolis.The authors hand,there is a report on lOO cases of clinical apPlica− are also grateful to Professor Masao Hattori of this tion of a Chinese medicine prescription containing University for his criticism and advice. Vespae Nidus(複方露蜂房滴鼻液)for the treatment of ロ 和文抄録 rhinitis.While there are only a few studies on the chemical constituents of Vespae Nidus,several con− stituents of propoliswere identifiedso far,most ofthem プロポリスはミツバチが樹木の蕾や樹皮から採集した flavonoids and caffeic acid derivatives.Flavonoids 物質と自らの分泌物を混合したものであり,古くから民 ごの have been identified in propolis of Brazi1, Bulgaria 間薬として用いられている。一方,露蜂房はスズメバチ and Spain, 6!6.,and other propolis of different ori− 科の蜂の巣を乾燥した漢薬である。これらは共にハチの gins have been studied quantitatively and qualitative 採集生産物である他,薬理作用や適応領域にも共通点が 1y.Some reports suggest the quantitative determina− い 見いだされている。プロポリスはフリーラジカル消去作 tion of flavonoid compounds for the standardization 用を有することが報告されており,この作川がプロポリ ロっ スの薬効に関与していることが考えられる。今回,活性 of propolis. However,additional tests are required for the evaluation of the products,since propolis is a 酸素消去作用に関するプロポリスと露蜂房の比較検討を complex of many substances coming from the 行い,両者にその作用が存在することを見いだした。ま exudates of plants and the bee itself,in which the たその作用は水溶性の画分に最も強く認められた。 content of chemical constituents(including flavonoids) References vary qualitatively and quantitatively with the environ− ment.The identification of Vespae Nidus is relatively simple by the morphology while satisfactory evalua− tion of propolis is very difficult since it is commercia1− 1)a)Grange,J.M.and Davey,R.W.二Antibacterial properties of propolis(bee glue).1.∫ぜoツ召/So6ノ〔遊y‘∼プ〃64i‘ゴn683,159 160,19901 b)Serkedjieva,J.,Mallolova,N.alld Bankova,V.二AntHllflu− ized in several forms,from the crude solid forms to extracts or solutions,and also in different range of concentrations.Moreover,the commercial propolis enza virus effect of sonle propolis collstituents and their ana− logues(esters of substituted cinnamic acids).1.N認.P70ゴ.55,294− 297,19921c)Scheller,S.,Tustanowski,J.,Felus,E.and Stojko, A.:Biological properties and clinical application of propolis. probably are mixture of raw materials collected in VII。Investigation of immunogenic properties of ethanol extract different apiaries.Therefore the present results show− of propolis(EEP)./レzn6in¢. ing that there are no remarkable differences between Fo裕6h./ρ7z6g R6s.27 (II).2342, 1977;d)Gmnberger,D.,Banerlee,R.,Eisinger,K.,Oltz,E.M., Efros,L.,Caldwell,M.,Estevez,V.and Nakanishi,K.:Preferen− propolis of different regions in Brazil indicate that cial cytotoxicity on tumor cells by caffeic acid phenethyl ester there should not be a great influence by those mate− isolated from propolis.Eゆ67i6n!i召44,230 232.1988. rials on the biological activity concerning radical 2)Namba,T.:The Encyclopedia of Wakan Yaku(Traditional Sino一一Japanese Medicines)with Color Pictures Vol.II,Hoikusha, scavenging effects.However,the standardization of Osaka,Japan,p.346,1993. propolis on its biological activities and on the chemi− 3)Scheller,S.,Wilczok,T.,Imielski,S.,Krol,W.,Gabrys,」.and cal constituents is very important.This kind of com− Shani,」.二Free radical scavengillg by ethanol extract of propolis. 1n!.1.1∼召4i認.Bio/.57,461−465,1990. parative study is an initial work that is going to be 4)Pascual,C.,Gonzalez,R.and Torricella,R.G.:Scavenging action performed on propolis from different regions in the of propolis extract agaillst oxygen radicals.ノ.E!hnoプ)h‘z7n7召60/. world.Furthermore this also served as a trigger for a 41,913,1994. re−evaluation of the use of Vespae Nidus and its Yasuhara,T.,Yoshida,T.and Okuda,T.:Effects of the interac− medicinal properties. tion oftannins with co existillg substances.VI.Effects oftannins 5)Hatallo,T.,Edamatsu,R.,Hiramatsu,M.,Mori,A.,Fujita,Y., and related polyphenols on superoxide allion radical,and on1,1− Acknowledgments diphelly1 2−picrylhydrazyl radical.Ch6鈴z.Ph召ηn.βκ〃.37,2016− 2021,1989. 6)Imanari,T.,Hirota,M.and Miyazaki,M.:Impmved assay The authors are grateful to Dr.Masami Sasaki, method for superoxide dismutase.1μ々z”20/1』yz6n2i IO1,496 497, 1977. 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