ASSOCIATED STUDENT GOVERNMENT SENATE MEETING MINUTES Los Angeles City College, 755 N. New Hampshire Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90029 Student Union Building, 2nd floor Conference Room Monday, October 20, 2014 – 4:30PM Notice is hereby given that the Associated Student Government (ASG) of Los Angeles City College will convene their Senate Meeting at the place and time listed above. The starting and ending times are approximate. This meeting is to be called under the authority of the California Government Code Section 54956. The Board invites public testimony in conjunction with each item of business after formal discussion. The agenda is as follows: *** PLEASE NOTE*** ASG SENATE BOARD HAS THE DISCRETION TO TAKE AGENDA ITEMS OUT OF ORDER I. CALLED TO ORDER AT 3:10PM II. ROLL CALL: PRESIDENT, Victoria Boutros- present EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, David Allsop- present PARLIAMENTARIAN, Colette Amin- present VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE, - Anna Mckinley- present VICE PRESIDENT OF CLUBS, Lisa Bao- present EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, Robin Stuart- present SENATOR, Omar Martinez- present SENATOR, Cesi Lopez- present SENATOR, Ramya Mukund - present SENATOR, Rose Oscar - present SENATOR, Bryant Woodert- present SENATOR, Lavel Berry- present SENATOR, Elizabeth Orr - present SENATOR, Lidia Bernal- absent SENATOR, - Vacant ADVISOR, - Alen Andriassian- present III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES McKinley moves to approve the minutes with amendment of Cesiah to Cesi, Bao seconds IV. PUBLIC FORUM This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Board on issues not already appearing on the agenda. Each member is will be limited to two (2) minutes. (20 minute limit) Katherine Ho speaks for the Spectrum Caucus, wants board to advocate for gender neutral restrooms. Needs T-shirts for Domestic Violence Awareness month for event next Tuesday. V. REPORTS: i. President Dormevil resigns, we have a senate vacancy. Thanks all who attended CCCSSA. ii. Officers Bao: Club council this Wednesday at noon McKinley: California Lottery giving $96,000 to Los Angeles City College, L.A.C.C.D received $682,000 from California Lottery. Martinez: Attended Student Services council, Dr. Pay is in new ideas to better process of accreditation and matriculation is the start. Stem academy sent him to110 chapters in California, and he wants to help create a new chapter. Stem Academy lost their grant, looking for another. Lopez: Attended the facilities management meeting, call #2440 for restroom maintenance, not enough custodians Allsop: CCCSAA was informative, found a way to bring sports back to L.A.C.C., doing research. Stuart: Will email notes from CCCSSA to everyone. Orr: Attended CCCSSA, learned how to be a lobbyist, lower fees to attend conferences out of state, learned ASGs are allowed to give clubs access to Advocacy Budget. iii. Advisor Andriassian: Waiting for legal council for approval of sending Nursing Club to the conference using Advocacy budget, some students have issues with Financial Aid, meeting this Friday to settle some issues. Proud of this group at CCCSSA, honored to be the advisor. Martinez moves to a 5 minute recess Allsop seconds VIII. IX. DISCUSSION ITEMS: NONE ACTION ITEMS: A. STUDENT ADVOCATES Allsop sets up ad-hoc committee to appoint student advocates Allsop appoints Berry as chair: Woodert added to committee B. Quickbooks Suspended indefinitely in Finance Committee C. Volunteer Spanish Tutoring Mckinley moves to approve $96.77 from department and program support to purchase lamps for tutoring. Lopez seconds EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, David Allsop- yes VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE, - Anna McKinley- yes VICE PRESIDENT OF CLUBS, Lisa Bao- yes SENATOR, Omar Martinez- yes SENATOR, Cesi Lopez- yes SENATOR, Ramya Mukund - yes SENATOR, Rose Oscar - yes SENATOR, Bryant Woodert- yes SENATOR, Lavel Berry- yes SENATOR, Elizabeth Orr – yes Motion Passed D. Latin America Culture Club Mckinley moves to approve $150.00 from Club Activities for the Latin America Culture Club EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, David Allsop- yes VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE, - Anna Mckinley- yes VICE PRESIDENT OF CLUBS, Lisa Bao- yes SENATOR, Omar Martinez- yes SENATOR, Cesi Lopez- yes SENATOR, Rose Oscar - yes SENATOR, Ramya Mukund - yes SENATOR, Bryant Woodert- yes SENATOR, Lavel Berry- yes SENATOR, Elizabeth Orr – yes Motion passed McKinley moves to add Emergency Item E to agenda Bao seconds E. Mukund moves to approves $475 for long sleeve dress shirts for ASG Shirts Bao seconds EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, David Allsop- yes VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE, - Anna Mckinley- yes VICE PRESIDENT OF CLUBS, Lisa Bao- yes SENATOR, Omar Martinez- yes SENATOR, Cesi Lopez- yes SENATOR, Rose Oscar - yes SENATOR, Ramya Mukund - yes SENATOR, Bryant Woodert- yes SENATOR, Lavel Berry- yes SENATOR, Elizabeth Orr – yes Motion passed X. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chemistry Club: Mole day in Sci Bldg on Oct 23, 2014 Martinez : STEM Academy having research conference November 13 12-2pm, 1st floor SUB, Dr.Pay planning new matriculation process for 2015. Alen: Proud that Omar represented ASG well Woodert: Music in the park on 10.29.14 Bao: Need Volunteers? Ask in Club Council Allsop: Read and learn Bylaws XI. ADJOURNEMENT: 5:47 Signed: ___________________________ ASG President, Victoria Boutros ___________________________ ASG Advisor, Mr, Alen Andriassian
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