wdkkaoh A N A N D A Y A 2014 September 2014 ìkr Publication of Old Boys' Association of Ananda College OBA FELICITATION CEREMONY The OBA organised a ceremony to felicitate Professor Sudharshan Seneviratne (High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to India) and Major General Prasad Samarasinghe (Chief of Staff of Sri Lanka Army) P rof. Sudarshan Seneviratne was appointed the Sri Lankan High Commissioner to India in June. Prof. Seneviratne who was born in May 1949 was Head of the Department of Archaeology for nearly 10 years at the University of Peradeniya and holds the only Chair in Archaeology within the University system of Sri Lanka. He received his complete University education in India, his adopted home for ten years. Having completed the BA (Hon.) Degree at Hindu College, Delhi University, Seneviratne became the first Sri Lankan to receive both, the Masters and Doctoral Degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. His doctoral thesis, entitled the Social Base of Early Buddhism in Southeast India (Andhra and Tamil Nadu) and Sri Lanka, 3rd Century BC to 3rd Century AC, worked under the supervision of Professor Romila Thapar was the first multi-disciplinary doctoral thesis undertaken from a cross regional perspective on this region. Prof. Seneviratne also was the first Sri Lankan to receive a merit fellowship awarded from the Indian Council of Historical Research in support of his doctoral research. He was the 20122013 Edwin F. Arnold Visiting Professor of South Asian Archaeology at Whitman College, USA. In the course of the last thirty odd years he has worked extensively at Sri Lankan and Indian archaeological sites and has contributed towards cross regional studies, innovative research methodologies in interpretative archaeology and training the next generation of archaeologists in South Asia. As early as 1980 he pioneered the introduction of Early Iron Age Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology (including sections in Archaeological Sciences), Settlement Archaeology, Pre Industrial Technology and Ethnoarchaeology to the University curriculum in Sri Lanka. His publications in international learned journals, numbering over fifty, cover a wide range of multi disciplinary topics in problem-oriented and issue-related archaeological research. Professor Seneviratne was a joint recipient of the coveted Fritz Kunz Challenge Trophy in 1968 (the other recipient being Mr. Sanjiva Senanayake) Prof. Sudarshan Seneviratne Major General Prasad Samarasinghe Prof. Sudarshan Seneviratne and Major General Prasad Samarasinghe receiving their awards and was the first student to Captain the Ananda rugby team. He represented Sri Lanka at several international fora and holds membership in numerous national and international professional organizations and policy-making committees relating to archaeology, heritage management and Higher Education. He is Archaeological Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Jetavana at Anuradhapura, Director & Senior Coordinator of UNESCO & NORAD Heritage Projects, Co-Director of the Anuradhapura Citadel Archaeology Project and the Galsohonkanatta Megalithic Project. Prof. Seneviratne is a member of the Board of Management at the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, the Advisory Board to the Director General of Archaeology in Sri Lanka and Board of Governors of the Institute of Fundamental Studies (Kandy). Major General Prasad Samarasinghe took over the Army Volunteer Force. Major General S A P P Samarasinghe RSP USP psc was appointed the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force. Maj Gen Prasad Samarasinghe was the Chief of Staff of the Office of the Chief of Defence Staff before becoming the Commandant of the SLAVF. The post of Commandant of the SLAVF is considered the third most senior post in the hierarchical structure of the Sri Lanka Army. The origin of the volunteer movement can be traced back to 1861. The Volunteer movement grew out of a civilian riffle club and was broad - based for infantry soldering by a proclamation issued by the Lieutenant Governor (Sir John Douglas KCMG) in the Govt Gazette of 01 Apr 1881 authorizing the formation of "The Ceylon Light Infantry Volunteers". Maj Gen Samarasinghe joint Sri Lanka Army as an Officer Cadet in 1980. After receiving commission as a 2/ Lieutenant he was posted to the Sri Lanka Army Signals Corp. At Ananda College, he was a Contd. to Page 2... wdkkaoh A N A N D A Y A l;=jelsh ''' wd † YsIHhka jk wms mdi, yerod f.dia oeka jirla" folla úh yel' iuyr úg Bg;a jvd jeä ld,hla .; ù we;' kuq;a tod mdi,a ld,h yd wo ii|k úg yeu fohlau fjkia ù we;' tod isá ñ;%fhda wo iudcfha by< ;ekaj, jecfUhs' wmg wl=re lrjQ .=re uEKsjreka yd .=re mshjreka wo mdif,a ke;' tod wfma mka;s ldurh jQ mia uy,a f.dvke.s,,a wo fmfkkakgj;a ke;' ta fjkqjg ish¨ wx.j,ska iïmQrK ® jQ f.dvke.s,,a la b†ls¯ug lghq;= iQodkïj we;' EXCO GET-TOGETHER The Annual Get-together of the new Executive Committee of ACOBA was held on 28th June at Roof Top, Cavalry Officers’ Mess, Rock House Army Camp. wdkkaofha wfma „ú;fha idr®:l;ajh i|yd ,enqKq msájy, wkka;h" wm%udKh' wdkkaofhka ìysjk orejd ≤kqfuka muKla fkdj wfkl=;a ish¨ w;a≤lSïj,ska ikakoaO ù we;' Tjqka fyg †kfha iudchg hkúg wd.ka;l= hl= fkdù iïmQrK ® orejl= ù iudc.; fõ' wdkkaofha jeäu ,l=Kq ,enqK orejka ìysjkq d muKla fkdj" kdgH" ix.S;" ksfõok" kj ksru® dK" msyks ïq " YsIHNg" nd,olaI" kdhl;ajh" l:ßl yelshdjka yd olaI;d we;s orejka tod jf.au wo;a ìysfõ' rfÜ wfkla mdi,aj,g jvd wdkkaoh iqúfYaIS jkafka ta ksidh' wd† YsIHhka jYfhka ta iqúfYaIS ;;a;ja h wdrlaId lr .ekSu i|yd wo mdif,a orejkag w;ys; ° Tjqkg iyh ,ndfoa' fjkodg jvd w;sYhska ;rÛld¯ idudchla ìys ù we;' ta ;rÛld¯ jgmsgdj ;=< wdkkaofha orejkag;a .uka ls¯ug is≥j we;' wd† YsIH lKavdhïj,ska wfma orejkaf.a olaI;d Tmakexùu i|yd úúO jHdmD;s l%hs d;aul lrhs' wdkkaofha orejka oekqfuka fmdaIKh lrhs' bx.%iS s ≤kqu ,nd°u" w'fmd'i' id$fm" W$fm' iu;a orejka we.hSu" w'fmd'i' id$fm" W$fm' úNd.hg b†˙m;a jk orejkag iïuka;K % meje;aùu" YsIH;aj ,nd°u muKla fkdj mdi,a wOHdmkfhka miqj l<hq;= oE ms<ns |j jD;a;hS udr®. WmfoaYkh ,nd°u" mdif,a fN!;sl iïm;a jr®Okh yd l%vS d ch.%yK i|yd w;ys; °u úfYaI ;ekla .kS' mdi,a orejka muKla fkdj orejkaf.a weia mdok .=rejreka mjd we.hSug ,la lrhs' ta ;uhs wdkka°hkaf.a ,laIKh' wd† YsIH lKavdhï tlaj fufia lghq;= lrk ksid mdi,go úYd, Yla;hs la ù we;' fï yeu wd† YsIHhl=gu fm!oa.,sl mrudr®:hla ke;' iuyr fj,djg rdcld¯ ldr®hd,hg jvd jeä ld,hla wdkkaofha .; lrhs' Tjqka wdkkaohg Yla;hs la fjhs' Tjqkfa .a Yla;hs wdkkaoh fjkqfjka jeh lrhs' Tjqka mdi, jgd wdrlaIl mjqrla fuka l%hs d;aul ù we;' ú≥y,am;s;u= d we;=Ω mdi,a l<ukdld˙;ajho mdif,a wNsjDoaêh i|yd hk udjf;a uQ,ls hka ù we;' wd† YsIHhkaf.ka fï i|yd ,efnkafka fkduo iyhls' wd† YsIHhka jk wms yeuúglu is;hs hq;fa ;a uf.a wdkkaoh fyg rfÜ fld;ekgo f.k hkafka hkakhs' fuu yeu fohlskua jecfUkafka Tfí;a" uf.a;a mdi,jk wdkkaohhs' Mass Media & Communication Sub Committee Bimal Wijayasinghe (Chair of the Sub-Committee), Dinith Karunaratne, Gajaba Ariyadasa, Roshan Thotahewa, Sujeewa Fernando, Theja Perera, Thilina Pathirana, Nipun Warusawithana, Shashika Ranasinghe, Ratna Marasinghe, Kamantha Marambage, Shashika Jayathilake Waruna Withanagama, Lakmal Fernando, Upatissa Nikapitiya, S.P.K.Algama, Anuja Gunarathne, Prabodha Weerasinghe, Januka Nanayakkara, Yasas Randunu Ariyaratne Photos Manjula Makolage 2 Contd. from Page 1... O B A F E L I C I TAT I O N C E R E M O N Y. . . good sportsman and excelled in academic activities as well. During the tenure in the Army he had completed the Master of Science in Management degree at the Sir John Kotelawala Defence University and did the staff course at the Command and Staff College, Bangaladesh. In his long and illustrious military career that spans over 33 years Maj Gen Samarasinghe has held a number of operational and staff appointments. The one time Military Spokesman was actively involved in major operations during the humanitarian operations. With his in-depth understanding of media manipulations of local and foreign terrorist networks and affable manner in dealing with all media personnel he was able to effectively play a multi faceted role during his tenure as the military spokesman. He had also served as the Defence Advisor (Minister Counselor) at the Sri Lankan High Commission in the UK. At present he is the Director General of the Centre for Research and Development under the Ministry of Defence and Urban Development and Regimental Commander of the Military Intelligence Corps (MIC) of the Sri Lanka Army. With the proclamation of the Republic of Sri Lanka on 22nd May 1972 the nomenclature of the Ceylon Volunteer Force changed to the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force. Over the years the force grew from strength to strength to become an important arm of the SLA. From a humble beginning with strength of little more than a thousand men in 1896 the SLAVF was later developed into a fighting force with seven units in 1910 and subsequently into 55 battalions in 1998. At present there are 103 battalions and a training school. It's vital contribution during the humanitarian operation had been widely recognized and appreciated by all. More than 2500 of its valiant souls paid the supreme sacrifice to safeguard the nation from the throes terrorism. One of its men was the first recipient of Sri Lanka Army's highest gallantry award - The Parama Weera Vibushanaya. It is worthy of mentioning that Sri Lanka's first Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. DS Senanayake PC and Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawala CH PC KBE LLD were illustrious members of the Volunteer Force. oe kg jdr®;d jk m˙† f,dj mqrd ì,shk 3'6 l muK ck.ykhla „j;a jk ksjr®;k yd Wm ksjr®;k rgj, fvx.= frda.h jHdma; ùfï jeä wjOdkula mj;S' jdr®Islj ñ,shk 50 ;a 100 ;a w;r m%udKhla fvx.= frda.hg f.d≥re jk w;r" fuhska 20"000 muK m%udKhla ñh hk nj f,dal fi!LH ixúOdk o;a; wkqj fmkS hhs' Ya%Í ,xldj ;=< m<uqfjka frda.fs hl= jdr®;d jQfha 1962 oSh' ks˙; †. yd Bidk †. fudaiï jr®Idj;a iuÛ jix.; ;;ajfhka me;sr hk fuh jir 2000 mgka wm rg ;=< úYd, jYfhka jHdma; fjñka fï jk úg nrm;, fi!LH .egΩjla f,i fld<U" .ïmy" lΩ;r" l=reKE.," lE.,a," r;akmqr" hdmkh" uvl,mqj" ;sl % K = du,h" ud;r yd yïnkaf;dg we;=Ω †jhsfka †ia;l s% l a lsyms hl jix.; ;;ajfhka jHdma;j mj;S' 2012 jifr®° jeäu frda.k S a ixLHdjla jQ frda.k S a 44"456 jdr®;d úh' frda. ,laIK ffjrih Y¯r .; ù †k lsysmhlg ^îfc!IK iuh †k 3 isg 14 olajd& miq WK frda. ,laIK we;s fõ' frda. ,laIK wkqj frda.Ska my; i|yka ldKav ;=kg fjka lr oelaúh yelsh' ¿ idudkH ffjria WK ¿ fvx.= WK ¿ fvx.= rla;md; WK ñka m<uq ldKavh i|yd frda. ,laIKj,g m%;sldr ls¯fuka iqjh ,efnk w;r" fvx.= WK iy fvx.= rla;md; WK frda.S ;;ajhka uq,a wj†fha° iudk ,laIK fmkajk w;r fjka jYfhka y∫kd .ekSu wmyiqh' fvx.= frda.h j<lajd .ekSfï° fvx.= jdyl u≥rejka úkdY ls¯u i|yd m%uqL;djh ,nd° lghq;= is≥ lrkq ,efí' ta i|yd u≥rejka fnda jk ia:dk bj;a ls¯u yd úkdY ls¯u jvd;a M,odhs l%ufõoh jk w;r" Bg wu;rj u≥re lSg ur®okh yd iqyqUq,a u≥re ur®okh i|yd ridhksl yd „j úoHd;aul l%ufõo fhdod .; yelsh' YaÍ% ,xldj ;=< is≥ lrkq ,nk lSg úoHd;aul iólaIKj,ska fmkS hk wdldrhg 65] ) 70] ;a w;r m%udKhla u≥rejka fndaùu is≥jkafka ñksid úiska bj; oukq ,nk iy c,h tla /ia jk n∫kaj, neúka jvd M,odhs l%shdj,sh jkafka tajd bj;a ls¯u yd úkdY ls¯uhs' ta i|yd ish¨u wdh;k iy ksjdi fm<Uùu w;HjYH fõ' j≥r W H L ! k fi c y u % dk O m = < ; dj YS% ,xl h . a d r f = . x fv fvx.= frda. ,laIK frda.h me;s¯u fvx.= hkq ffjrihla uÛska iEfok frda.hla jk w;r" fuu ffjrifha Wm úfYaI y;rla y∫kdf.k we;' tajd ffjri ldKav 1" 2" 3" 4 jYfhka y∫kajhs' fuu tla tla ffjri ldKavhla Y¯r .; ùfuka „ú; ld,h ;=< isõ j;djla fvx.= frda.h je<¢h yel' HEALTH WATCH fuu ffjrih ñksia isrerg we;=Ω jkafka Bäia .Khg wh;a u≥re úfYaI folla jk aedes aegypti iy aedes albopictus uÛsks' ffjrih Y¯r .; jQ mqoa.,fhl=f.ka .eyeKq u≥refjla reêrh Wrd ìfï° fvx.= ffjrih u≥rejd ;=<g we;=Ω ù i;shla muK jr®Okh fõ' bka wk;=rej reêrh Wrd îug fmr u≥rejd úiska Y¯hg we;=Ω lrk flaGh iuÛ ffjrih fjk;a mqoa.,fhl=g we;=Ω fõ' ¿ ;o WK ^†k 2 isg 7 olajd& ¿ ysiroh ¿ weia hg fõokdj ¿ fmaYs iy yka† lelal=u ¿ ifï r;= meye ,m we;s ùu tneúka †k follg jvd WK mj;S kï iq≥iqlï ,;a ffjoHjrfhl=f.ka wm%udoj Wmfoia ,nd reêr m¯laIdjla i|yd fhduq úh hq;= fõ' fvx.= rla;md; ;;ajfha° reêr ;r,h ^ma,diaudj& reêr jdyskS ì;a;s yryd ldka≥ ùu ksid reêr m˙udj wvq ùfuka we;s jk fvx.= lïmk ;;ajh l,ska y∫kd f.k ixl=,;d j<lajd .ekSug tuÛska yels fõ' frda. md,kh †jhsk mqrd msysá 330 la muK jk fi!LH ffjoH ks,Od¯ ldr®hd, uÛska frda.Ska jdr®;d ùu ms<sn| ks;sm;d úur®Ykh ls¯u" lSg úoHd iólaIK uÛska fvx.= jeä wjodkï l,dm y∫kd.ekSu yd tuÛska b†˙ jevigyka ie,iqï ls¯u" uyck;dj yd fi!LH ldr®huKav, oekqj;a ls¯u" wka;r® wdh;k yd wka;r® mqoa., iïnkaëlrKh we;=Ω jevigyka rdYshla °m jHdma;j l%shd;aul lrkq ,nhs' fuu l%shdj,sh Yla;su;a ls¯u i|yd fvx.= ur®okh ms<sn| ckdêm;s ldr®h idOk n,ldh 2010 uehs ui 25 jk †k msysgqjkq ,enQ w;r" u≥re ur®okh i|yd wod< l%shdudr®.hka l%shdjg kexùug wod< ish¨ wud;HdxY fuu n,ldhg wh;a fõ' m%;sldr wxYh hgf;a uyck;dj oekqj;a lr fvx.= hehs iel lrk WK frda.Ska yg wjYH m%;sldr ,nd °u i|yd fi!LH ldr®h uKav, mqyqKq ls¯u" frday,aj, wêi;aldr tall ia:dms; ls¯u" reêr m¯laIK i|yd wjYH WmlrK ,nd °u wd° mshjr ksid frda. jHdma;sh iy urK wkqmd;slh wju ls¯ug;a" frday,a .; jQ frda.Ska f.ka w;s nyq;rhla iqjm;a ls¯ug;a yelshdj ,eî ;sfí' fi!LH wud;HxYh uÛska fvx.= frda.h md,kh ls¯u i|yd m%Odk wxY folla Tiafia lghq;= lrhs' tkï frda. ksjdrK wxYh yd m%;sldr wxYhhs' ffjoH md,s; .=Kr;ak uySmd," YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;l %s iudcjd° ckrcfha fi!LH fiajd wOHlaI ckrd,ajrhdh' 1983 jr®IfhaoS fmardfoKsh iriúfhka uQ,l s ffjoH Wmdêh ,nd.;a Tyq uyck fi!LH yd ffjoH m˙md,kh iïnkaOj mYapd;a ffjoH Wmdêh ,nd we;' ;jo rcrg iriúfha l<uKdlrKh ms<ns o mYapd;a Wmdê ämaf,daudjo le,Ksh úYajúoHd,fhka fn!oaO lghq;= wOHhkh ms<ns oj mYapd;a Wmdê ämaf,daudjo" fld<T úYajúoHd,fhka wdr®:l ß ixjr®Okh ms<ns o mYapd;a Wmdê ämaf,daudjo" YS% ,xld ixjr®Ok m˙md,k wdh;kfhka rdcH m˙md,kh ms<ns o ämaf,dudjo ,nd we;s Tyq" rcrg úYajúoHd,fhka jHdmdr l<uKdlrKh ms<ns o mYapd;a Wmdêho ,ndf.k we;' YS% ,xld ffjoH m˙md,k fiajfha jeo.;a ;k;=re lSmhla ord we;s ffjoH uySmd," cd;Hka;r iuqΩ yd ixúOdk rdYshloSu YS% ,xldj ksfhdackh lr we;' ffjoH m˙md,lhskfa .a ix.uh" YS% ,xld ffjoH ix.uh" uyck fi!LH úfYaI{hskfa .a ix.uh wdoS ixúOdk rdYshl m%Odk ks,;, ord we;s Tyq" jr®;udkfha rdcH T!IO kS;.s ; ixia:dj" rdcH T!IO ksYma dok kS;.s ; ixia:dj" cd;sl c, iïmdok yd c,m%jdyk uKav,h" cd;sl m%jdyk ffjoH wdh;kh" YS% chjr®Okmqr cd;sl frday," úch l=udr;=x. wkqiua rK frday," fm!oa.,sl ffjoH wdh;k kshduk fldñiu yd YS% ,xld ffjoH ix.uh hk wdh;kj, wOHlaIl uKav, idudcslfhl= f,i lghq;= lrhs' óg wu;rj f,dal fi!LH ixúOdkfha 'Vision 2020' jevigyfka idudcslfhl= f,io tys w.akos .s wdishd l,dmfha iu iNdm;s jYfhkao taâia" laIh frda.h yd uef,a˙hdjg tfrys c.;a wruqof,a md,l uKav, idudcslfhl= jYfhka cd;Hka;r ;k;=re lSmhla fydnjhs' wd† wdkka°h ffjoH md,s; uySmd, ^fi!LH fiajd wOHlaI ckrd,a& 3 wdkkaoh A N A N D A Y A Ananda College Old Hostellers' Guild gives leadership to celebrate CENTENARY OF THE HOSTEL The Ananda College Hostel completed 100 Years of its existence on the 1st of July. Ananda College established a hostel for its students in a house named “Swarna” situated on Campbell Place (then known as Jail Road) on the 1st of July 1914. In 1916 it was shifted to a house known as “Star Light” on Hedges Court for want of space. Although both places were in Maradana, in 1923 the then Principal Mr. P. De. S Kularatne realized the benefits of housing the hostel within the College premises. Accordingly, a new building was obtained as a gift. On 20th January 1923 the hostel was shifted to its current premises. T his hostel has produced many a leaders in varying professions and vocations. They were all exited to participate in the celebrations organized by the Old Hostellers Guild, which was held on 23rd and 24th July 2014. The celebrations started on the 1st of July with the present hostellers, Principal and members of the staff performing religious ceremonies under the guidance of the Maha Sangha. On 23rd July a Pirith Ceremony was held within the hostel premises with the participation of the Principal, Staff, inmates of the hostel, Old Hostellers and Old Boys. This event as depicted in the pictures was a very colorful event patronized by many faithful and devout Old Boys. 24th of July dawned with offering of Heel Dana to 35 monks. This again was an extremely successful event that exhibited dedication of the present hostellers, the Staff and the Old Hostellers. During both events the visitors and the other participants amounting to 400 persons at each event were given dinner and breakfast by the Old Hostellers. Activity on the 24th July afternoon was organized for the Old Hostellers to socialize meeting old friends. The lunch was given for 600 participants including the present hostellers and some members of the College staff. The Chief Guest at this event was Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksha the Secretary of the Ministry of Defense and Urban Development. The Guest of Honour was Mr. Edwin De Silva, the oldest living hosteller who is 99 years of age. In the evening, Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksha unveiled a plaque to commemorate the Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksha unveiled a plaque to commemorate the centenary centenary and the day’s activities were brought to an end with a colourful cultural show directed by an old boy Bathiaya Jayakody. The funding for this project was mainly by Old Hostellers, both old and young along with some donations from institutions The cultural show was arranged and funded by Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksha. lsis∞ ienE fkdjk isyskhla miqmi yUdhk Tfí is;" ñ˙Û=jla miqmi ≥jñka úvdnr jQ Tfí .;" ima; iajr ix.S;fhka rid,sma; lrkq jia" wdkkao úoHd,hSh wd† YsIH ix.uh .;a jEhul kjuq w;aoelSula f,i zfid∫re iq.ehqïZ ;s<sKhlau úh' S O N D U R U 4 S U G E Y U M mqrd jir 128 la mqrd cd;shg mK fmjQ wdkkaoh f.dvke.=fKa foi" ni" /i iq/lskq jia ish oyäh uykaish lem l< wdor”h ñksiqkaf.a fkduiqre m˙;Hd.fhks' if;ka i;h" remshf,ka remsh, tl;= fldg ìysl< wdkkaoh fyg ojfia wkd.; mrmqrg ;s<sK ls¯fï j.lSu mejfrkqfha wka lsisfjl=g fkdj wdkka°hhka jk wm ishÆ fokdgh' ta isyskh h:dr®:hla njg m;afldg" wdkkaoh wka lsis≥ úoHd,hlg fkdfofjks ;lai,djla f,i u;= mrmqrg ∞hdo ls¯fï udyeÛs wruqK fjkqfjka m%;smdok iïmdokh ls¯u fï fid∫re ie|Ej Tn fj; ;s<sK ls¯fï uqLH mrudr®:h úh' úúO cd;Ska iu. tluq;=j lghq;= lrk yeá wdkkao fndaäfïoS w;a úkaod''' wdkkao fndaäfï ril;d f∞rg jevqfï°''' bï;shdia ndlSr® udldr® lshhs' §ú úO cd;Ska iu. cd;sl tluq;j= lska lghq;= lrkafk fldfyduo lsh, wdkkao fndaäfïos wms w;aúkafouq' lsifs jl=g fldkao fkdkud wNsudkfhka „j;a fjkak tod wmg úYd, ksoyila ;snK q d' takis d wfma „ú;h idr®:l fjkak wdkkaofha ° ,o w;aoelSï m%n, msgnq ,hla jqKd¶ hehs ysgmq wud;H bï;shdia ndlSr® udldr® uy;d mejiS h' §wdkkao fndaäfï oÛldrhka ú†yg .; l< iqkoa r „ú;h jir 40 lg miafia wdfh;a u;la fjkjd' ta w;aoelSï „ú; ld,hgu iqkoa rhs' wdkkaofhka wmg yeufoau ,enqKd' wdkkao ud;dj tod jf.au wog;a uf.a ys;g f.k fokafka wNsudkhla"¶ hehs bï;shdia ndlSr® udldr® uy;d m%ldY lf<ah' .d,af,a foõis˙ mS' fyajdúodk uy;d úiska ˙úr b˙od ix.%yhg ,shQ wdkkao fndaäfï ri l;d tl;=j .%k:a hla f,i fodrg jeãu fld<U wdkkao úoHd,hSh l=,r;ak Yd,dfõ ° meje;s wjia:dfõ fyf;u fï nj i|yka lf<ah' §wdkkao fndaäfuka wmg yeu foa u ,enqKd' mdi,a .S;h wefioa° tod jf.a u wo;a ug wNsudkhla oekqKd' wdkkaoh lshkafka f,dalhg úYsIaghka ìys l< mdi,la' wm yefudagu ta iqkaor w;aoelSï ,nkak jdikdj ;snqKd'¶ §uu lshkafka fuÉprhs' orejkag <ud ld,h .; lrkak fokak' Tjqkaj fmd;a .=,a,ka" lg mdvñka lshjk .srõ jf.a lrkak tmd' wo fu;k bkak wfma fndaäïldrfhda yefudau oÛ jev lr,d .=rejreka f.ka .=áld,d ye≥Kq ms˙ila' Tjqka wo f,dalfha úYsIaghka njg m;a fj,d' ta ksid orejkag orejka fjkak bv y˙kak' ta nj uf.a fï .%ka:h ;=<ska jgyd.kak mqΩjka'¶ foõisrs mS' fyajdúodk - l;D wdkkao fndaäfï .; l< ld,fha fid∫re u;lhka kej; isy. s kajñka bï;shdia ndlSr® udldr® uy;d fufia o lSh' §tod uqΩ mdi,u uf.a lsh,d oekqKq yeÛSu wog;a tfyuhs' fgksia msÜgksh olso°a YsIH fkajdisld.dr f.dvke.s,,a olso°a u;lhg kef.k fid∫re is;j= ï wog;a ueù fmfkkjd' nr®á úf–isxy .=re;=ud" lr®k,a rdcmlaI .=re;=ud" .=Kodi m;srdc .=re;=ud fï yeu flkdu wmg b.ekakfq õ fyd| ñksik q a fjkak' ta jf.a u .=rejrekaf.ka .=á ld,;a ;sfhkjd' ta .=rejre wo fu;kg weú,a,d bkakjd' wdkkao fndaäfï° wms úkao w;aoelSï fjk lsius flfkl=g ,eì,d ke;=j we;s' wo fu;k bkak f.daGdNh rdcmlaI" jika; lrkakdf.dv" fyaud,a .=Kfialr" uyskoa †idkdhl" wdkkao mS˙ia" fï yefudau ta jdikdjka; ldf,a Wreulrefjda' wdkkao fndaäfï° foaYmd,kh" wdorh" wu;r l%hs dldrlï fï yeufoau bf.k .;a;d' wms ;=< tla tla u;jdo ormq wh ysáhd' wm ;=< wd.ï fNaohla ;snfq Ka kE' ta ldf,a wmg lav%Í d msáhla ;snfq Ka keye' kd,kafoa lav%Í d msáh ojia .Kkg wrf.k wms lav%Í d l<d'¶ §uu uqi,a ïs ksid ug kdhllula ,efnkafka ke;sfjhs lsh,d ys;K = d' ta;a 14 ka my< fydlS lKavdhfï kdhl;ajh ugo jika; lrkakdf.dvg o fokafka lsh,d l;d nyla ;snK q d' uu uqi,a ïs ksid ug ta wjia:dj ke;sfjhs lsh,hs uu ys;f= õ' ta jf.a u isxy, fn!oaO mdi,la ksid wdkkaofha újdo lKavdhfï kdhl;ajh ug ,efnk tlla kE lsh,d ys;j= d' ta;a ta fol u wdkkaoh ug ,nd ≥kakd' fld;rï jdo újdo l<;a ál fõ,djlska .syk s a wms tlg f;a fndkjd'¶ lsh,d' uuhs frdayKhs mq≥u jqKd' YsIH Ng mqyqKqjg hx lsh,d lsõju wms fokakd fïij,a hg yex.=Kd' ta;a w¨;a flkd tajdg leu;shs' wmsg nh ys;=Kd' Tyqf.a ys; fjkia lrkak iEfyk foaj,a lsõjd' ta;a ne˙ jqKd' Tyqf.a .uk Tyq .shd' Tyq ;uhs l=˙re t,a à à B ;%ia;jdoh úkdY lrkakg kdhl;ajh ≥ka wfma rfÜ ysgmq kdúl yuqodm;s woañrd,a jika; lrkakdf.dv uy;d' wdkkao fndaäfï ril;d l;D foõisrs mS' fyajdúodk uy;d l;dkdhl pu,a rdcmCI uy;d iy f.daGdNh rdcmCI uy;d fj; fmd; ms<s.ekajQ wjia:dj tu W;aij iNdj wu;ñka foõisrs mS' fyajdúodk uy;d mejiqfõ ;ud úiska rÑ; ,sms fm< ;=<ska orefjl= fmd;a.=,af,l= fkdfldg ksoyia Ñka;lfhl= f,i mrßK; ls¯ug wjYH jgmsgdj ilia lrkafka flfia o hkak .ek uõmshkag yd .=rejrekag wjfndaOhla ,nd ° we;s njhs' fyf;u fufia o mejiSh' §wfma fndaäug wdmq lΩ;r ydofhla wdmq m<fjks ojfiau uf.ka weyqfõ YsIH Ng lKavdhug nef|kafka fldfyduo §uu lshkafka fuÉprhs' orejkag <ud ld,h .; lrkak fokak' Tjqkaj fmd;a .=,a,ka" lg mdvñka lshjk .srõ jf.a lrkak tmd' wo fu;k bkak wfma fndaäïldrfhda yefudau oÛ jev lr,d .=rejrekaf.ka .=áld,d ye≥Kq ms˙ila' Tjqka wo f,dalfha úYsIaghka njg m;a fj,d' ta ksid orejkag orejka fjkak bv y˙kak' ta nj uf.a fï .%ka:h ;=<ska jgyd.kak mqΩjka'¶ §fldfydu jqK;a wdkkao fndaäfï w;S;h b;d iqkaorhs' ta ldf,a kej; tkafka keye' u;la lr lr ri ú¢kak mqΩjka w;S;hla ,enqKd' ta .ek i;=gqhs'¶ 5 wdkkaoh A N A N D A Y A iQúis jila wdkkaoh fmdnl<" wk| fmda;lhkaf.a wdorKSh f,dl= .=reuE◊fhda''' we h mqrd jir 28 la jQ ish .=re „ú;fhka iQúis jirla uqΩ,af,ys wdkkaoh ;=<k s a Wodr ,lam; q k = a fuf,djg odhdo lrkakg ;uka fj; mejreKq j.lSu ksis ú,i bgq l< iajlSh .=re N+ñldj wdkkaokShj fmdnl< .=re W;a;udjla jQjdh' iajlSh jD;a;hS jpkfha m˙iudma; wr®:fhkau fiajdjlau njg m;alr .;a weh" tod fuod ;=r iqjyila wdkkao mq;k = fa .a fukau .=re uKav, i.hkaf.a iy foudmsh - wdos isiq ieu fokdf.ao tl f,i yo oskd" ku lsjQ muKska wdkkaohg ys;e;s <ne¢ ieu fokdu fyd|ska y∫kk p˙;hla njg m;a jQjdh' mka;s ldurfha b.ekaùï fl!I,Hh yd uqiq jqKq úIh ndysr yd iu.dó l%hs dldrïys j.lSï ≤¯fï ksmK q ;dj fukau isiq m˙md,k yelshdj u.ska wdkkaohg oYl follg wêl ld,hla ;=< bgql< wkNsnjkSh fufyjrg ,o we.hqï ;=gq m~qrla f,iska weh m<uqj iyldr ú≥y,am;skhs l f,i ú≥ ujqkfa .ka ms≥ï ,nkakhS ' wo jk úg weh wdkkaofha m%dK jdhqj jka m%d:ñl wxYfha m%Odkdpdr®hj˙h njg m;aj isákakhS ' weh wka ljfrl=j;a fkdj iEu fok tl f,i msh% lrk" tl f,i .re lrk ouhka;s fldä;=jlal= kï iodorKSh .=re ud;djhs' fujr wm wE iu. wef.a .=re N+ñldj ms<ns |j fukau wdkkaofha m%d:ñlfha j;auk yd wkd.;h ms<ns | idlÉPdjl ksr; ùuq' fï os. yefrkafka ta os.= idlÉPdfõ idrdxYhhs' .=rej˙hla ùu wfmalaIdjl m%;sM,hlao fkdtfiakï wyïnhlao@ ta b;sydih álla isysm;a lf<d;a'''' t;fldg fldhs ldf, jf.ao Tn ;=ñh wdfhu;a rcrg b|ka weú†ka f.kao.ï fmd<j md.kafk' we;a;gu lshkjd kï uu .=rej˙hla jkafk uf.a mshdKkaf. m%dr®:kdjla bIaG ls¯ula ú†yg' fld<U f.da;ó úoHd,fhka iriú jrï ,nd le,Ksh úYaj úoHd,fhka msgfj,d ud m<uqj udi 06 la muK §ce*r®‚ n%or®ia˜ wdh;kfha l<ukdldrj˙hla f,i mqyqKq fjkj" tys° ug fndfyda myiqlï ,efnkjd" yenehs Bg fmr uu rdcH m˙md,k ;r. úNd.fhka (S.L.A.S) iu;a fj,d isáh;a iïuqL m¯laIKfhka Tíng fkd.sh ksid mqoa.,sl wxYfha Th ú†hg mqyqKq fjoa† ug Wmdêod¯ .=re m;aùula ,efnkj' mshdf. ys; i;=gq lrkak;a tlal uu mqoa.,sl wxYfha myiqlï yd ≥r hd yels idr®:l wkd.;hla lem lr, .=re fiajhg tkj' 1985 ° m<uqj ≥Ialr fiajhg m;aùu ,nkafk" ta jifr® foieïnr® 17 od wkqrdOmqr †ia;%slalfha rdcdx.kh hdh 08 m%foaYfha msysá Y%S rdyq, úoHd,hg' idudkH fm< olajd orefjd bf.k .;a;" ta úoHd,fh' uu m<uqfjkau b.ekakqfj fojk jirg' <uhs 80 fofkla" kdu f,aLk folla' fld<Uu bm†,d f.or b|ka úYajúoHdf, .sh uu m<uqfjka f.orska msg ysáhuhs Th' ;d;a;d udj od, tkfldg Tyq;a yvñka ;uhs wdfõ' ta kqyqre ≥Ialr m˙irhg yqrefjñka tlu f.or b|,d wjq 04 la ta úoHdf, orejkag fndfydau fyd¢ka b.ekaùï lghq;= l<d' y˙hgu lshkj kï 1990 jifr® fmnrjd˙ 01 jeksod' ug fï fj,dfj isys fjkj ysgmq ksfhdacH úÿy,am;sjreka jk .,mam;a;s ir®" úf–;s,l ir® jf.au fk,aika úf–fiak ir®' fudlo udj wdkkafogu .kak ´k lsh, ,shqï hj, hj, ta wh f,dl= lemls¯ula l<d' tjlg ú≥y,am;s;=ud fjÉp ta' mS' .=Kr;ak ir® cmdfkg f.dia isá ksid ú≥y,am;s OQrfha jevn,mq úf–;s,l ir® udj .,mam;a;s ir® <Ûg fhduq l<d' t;=ud ug §≥fõ¶ lsh, wdofrka weu;=j" fudlo t;=uf. ≥j „úf;ka iuq wrka ál ld,hhs t;fldg' t;=ud udj fk,aika ir® <Ûg heõjd' t;=ud udf. mqoa.,sl ,sms f.dkqj n,,d fndfydu i;=gqfj,d tjlg m%d:ñl wxYfh wxY m%Odksh jqKq ud,s ùrisxy ue;sksh fj; heõj' t;=ñh udj iïuqL m¯laIKhg Ndckh lr,d lsõj" Thd WmdêOd¯ .=rej˙hla Thdj .e,fmkafk wmr® ial+,a tlg lsh,d fndfydu ldreKslj idudkH fm< mka;s Ndrj ysá isâks mshodi ir® fj; fhduq l<d' t;=ud ug mka;shla lrkak lsh,d W.kajk yeá n,, fndfydu meye†,d" wkqu; l<d' bka miafi fldÜGdY yd l,dm wOHdmk ldr®hd,j,g wkque;shg heõju fukaäia .=re uEKshka úY%du .sh mqrmamdvqjg isxy, úIh i|yd udj f;dard .;a;d' 6 tfyu wrUmq wdkkaofha .=re .uk Tn ;=ñh fldhs ú†ygo ,iaik lr.;af;@ uu fndfydu rij;aj leue;af;ka orejkag isxy, úIh W.kajk w;fr ,nd≥kak j.lSï ish,a, fkdms˙fy,d bgq l<d' ld,hla rKùr ir®f. iydh Ndr wdpdr®hj˙h yeáhg neâñkagka l%Svdj;a Ndrf.k lghq;= l<d' Tfydu jev lrf.k ysgmq Tn fldfyduo Wiia fm< jdKscH wxYhg meñKqfka@ we;a;gu mqf;a Th w;fr wdmq iafõÉPdfjka fiajfhka bj;aj hdfï ^V.R.S& mámdáfhka fndfydauhla fcHIaG .=rejre úY%du .shd' ta fj,dfj Wiia fm< jdKsc wxY m%OdkS fyaupkaø ir® udj b,a¨j ta wxYhg" fudlo uu wdr®:ßl úoHd úfYaIfõ° Wmdê∞˙Kshla' b;ska .=Kr;ak ir® lsõj uu Tn ;=ñhj t;kg odkj tfykï jdKscH wxYfh úkh;a n,df.k bkak lsh,d' Th w;fr Tfí „ú;fha jeo.;a fjkila fjkj@ Tõ 1991 jifr uu újdy †úhg t<fUkj" wdkkafog tkfldg uu újdy fj,d ysáfha keye' ú≥y,am;s .=Kr;ak ir® ;uhs idlaIshg w;aika lf<a;a' we;a;gu wd† YsIHhska fndfyda fofkla fmr isgu udj fï ;k;=rg fhdackd lr, ;snqKd' fldfydu Wk;a fï j.lSu Ndr .kakfldg uu fndfyda ≤kqj;a fï miqìu .ek' ;E.s fNda. yd uqo,a tl;= ls¯ï j,g uq,a;ekla fkd° wOHdmk ;;ajh kxjd,ñka ta yryd fyd| idr®:l m%;sM, wdkkaohg ,nd °uhs uf.a wruqK jqfKa' b;ska Bg miafi'''' uu b;d fyd¢ka .=reuKavf,;a orejkaf.;a ys; †kdf.k lghq;= l<d' ug u;lhs Y%Sud,a lsh, mqf;la ,xldfjkau m<fjksh tfyu;a WKd" 1992 jifr®' úoHd,fha b;sydifha fndfyda úg úYsIag;u wdkka†hd ìys jQfha jdKscH wxYfhka' úIhdkqnoaO fukau úIh ndysr l%shdldrlï iunrj ls¯uo talg fya;=j" Tn ;=ñh fï idr®:l;ajfha fldgiald˙hla" fldfyduo orejkag ta w;°u lf<a@ we;af;kau ug jevla fyda j.lSula mejrefjd;a uu th fl<jr olajdu lemùfuka lrkj' w;aoelSula ke;=j WK;a l<uKdld¯;aj uKav,h ug mjrmq foaj,a uu fkdìhj Ndr .;a;d' fcHIaG .=rejre lrkj n,ka b|, taj l<d' mjrmq ix.ï" úfYaIfhkau iqcd;d uevï b¢oa°u weh hgf; l:ßl yd újdo ix.uh Ndrj orefjd wrf.k ;r.j,g .shd' iudc úoHd ix.ufh;a f,dl= jev fldgila l<d' uu yefudagu mqf;a lsh,d l;d l<d' ;reK Wk;a ta ldf, Wiia fm< orefjd;a lshk foa wyk wh njg m;a lr.kak ug mqΩjka WKd' uu urodk Y%S ,xld úoHd,fh ^´fv mxif,a& oyï mdif,a wjq 11 la .=rej˙hla f,i b.ekajQjd" .=rejD;a;shg leue;af;kau wdmq ksid fyd¢ka jev lr.kak mqΩjka jqKd' oÛ orefjd yd fyd| orefjd fjkilska f;drj wjk; lr.ekSfï ryi l=ulao@ we;a;gu wms mka;s ldurhlg hkfldg úIh oekqfuka ikakoaOj .sys,a,d ta whf. ´kEu m%Yakhlg ms<s;=re fokjdkï tal y˙u f,aishs' l%Svdjg ix.ï jevj,g hk whg fï mdvu;a lr,u hkak lsõfjd;a ta wh wykj' ´ku .egqula ueog mek, Wk;a ug wdkkaofha mq;d,j iu;hlg m;a lrkak ;rï f,dl= wd;au Yla;shla ;shkjd' tal m%dfhda.slj w;a≤l, ;shkjd' wfír;ak ú≥y,am;s;=ud jev Ndrf.k biafi,a,du m;alrmq úkh uKav,fha úkh md,l jqKq úf–isxy ir®f. f,alïj˙h jqfKa uu' mQcHmdo w;m;a;=lkafoa wdkkao ysñmdKkaf.a iNdm;s;ajfhka YsIH úOdhl uKav,h;a wm fj; Ndrl<d' t;k;a yrd;aul yd .=Kd;aul keUqrejla we;s lrkak wmsg yelsjqKd' Tn;=ñh ;uhs uu ys;kafk wdkkafo m%d:ñlh .ek fyd¢ka ±l, ta ms<sn| ±klshdf.k fï ;k;=rg m;ajQ m%Odkdpdr®hj˙h' fudk jf.A wÆ;a ie,iqï o m%d:ñlh mj;sk ;;ajfhka by<g Tijd ;nkakg Tn fhdod .kafk@ we;a;gu wd† YsIHhska fndfyda fofkla fmr isgu udj fï ;k;=rg fhdackd lr, ;snqKd' fldfydu Wk;a fï j.lSu Ndr .kak fldg uu fndfyda ≤kqj;a" fï miqìu .ek' ;E.sfnda. yd uqo,a tl;= ls¯ïj,g uq,a;ekla fkd° wOHdmk ;;ajh kxjd,ñka ta yryd fyd| idr®:l m%;sM, wdkkaohg ,nd°uhs uf.a wruqK jqfKa' uu uf.a wOHdmk ämaf,daudjg lf<;a m%d:ñl wOHdmkh .ek' ta ksid wjfndaOfhka fï .uk hkak ug mqΩjka lsh,d úYajdihla ;shkjd' fï jk úg ta fjkqfjka wr.;a mshjr fudkjdo@ mka;s ldur wOHdmkhg ndOd fkdjk m˙† foudmsh wd† isiq yeu fokdu i;sfha ´kEu †kl iji 1'30 ka miqj úkS; ksYaÑ; .e,fmk ixjr weªulska ieriS meñK udj fyda mka;s Ndr .=rejreka yuqúh hq;= njg iïu;hla we;s l<d' ta jf.au YsIH;aj m%;sM, Wiia uÜgulg .ekSug 3" 4" 5 jirj, orejkag mdi,a fõ,dfjka miq w;sfr®l mka;s meje;aùug lghq;= iïmdokh l<d' orejkaf.a wdrlaIdj i|yd m%Odk l%Svdx.kh jgd ≤,a iys; neïula ilia lrf.k hkj" iïmQr®K fjÉp fyd| ld, igykla yo, ;shkjd' mka;s ljhg tl;= lrk uqo, wvqlr, úhoï jdr®;dj ud fj; f.kajd .kakj' ta jf.au mka;s lj ks,Od¯ka m;als¯fï°;a yeu fokdgu wjia:djla ,ndfokak Wmfoia ≥kakd' orejkaf.a Wmka†k ieureï lrk l%uh jvd;a wr®:dkaú; l<d' wjq 12 g wvq orejkag cd;sl uÜgfï l%Svd ;r. ke;s Wk;a wjg mdi,a w;r l%Svd ;r. ixúOdkh lrkak;a" ≤kqu ñkqu ;r. u.ska orejkaf.a ≤kqu jr®Okh ls¯ug;a n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkj' YsIH kdhlhka m;als¯fï° mdi,a b;sydih yd idys;H ≤kquo iu. ,sÅs; úNd.hlska iu;ajk orejka muKla iïuqL m¯laIKh i|yd le|jd f;dard .ekSu is≥ lrkjd' by< mka;sj, .=rejrekag;a ;u orejka ne,Sug wkjYH f,i m%d:ñl wxYh fj; meñKSu je<elaùug ldreKsl mshjr .;a;d' úfYaIfhka lshkak ´k ud jev Ndrf.k †k lSmhlska fifk;= lsh, mqf;la l%Svd msáfha° y†is wk;=rlska ñh .shd' uf.a .=re „ú;fha° ljodj;a wu;l l< fkdyels ojila tal' urKh wmg j<lajkak fkdyels jqK;a mdi, ;=< wdrlaIs; jgmsgdjla ksr®udKh ls¯u wfma j.lSu' bosrsfhoS uu ta fjkqfjka uf.a Wm˙u Yla;sh fhdokjd' Tn wdkkaofha isák fcHIaG;u .=rej˙hla" uqΩ rgu wdkkaoh foi n,d isákjd' fudllao wkd.; n,dfmdfrd;a;=j @ ujlg msfhl= yg we;akï iekfikak f,dj we;s iem; orejka nj i,lkak lshk tl ;uhs uf.a .=re „ú;fha wdor®Y mdGh' tal uf.a ldr®hd,hg tk ;eku m%or®Ykh lr,;a ;shkjd' ta jf.au W.f;la fkdj orejdj ñksfil= lrkak wms W;aidy .;hq;=hs lsh, uu yeu fjf,au l,amkd lrkjd' fmd;m;ska wka;r®cd,fhka W.;alu" ≤kqu <Ûd lr.kak mqΩjka" ta Wk;a wdkkaofhka úh hq;af;a fyd| ñksiqka ;ekSuhs' ljqre fldfydu lsõj;a wdkkaofha orefjda wfkla yeu mdi,l orejkagu jvd úkh .relhs' ta ;;ajh /lf.k oyï mdi,a hk" foudmshkag" .=rejrekag" uyiÛrejkg .re lrk" .=K oyï wdrlaId lrk" hym;a ukqIHfhl= ìys ls¯fï lghq;a;g to;a uu lemjqKd' wo;a tfiauhs' fyg ojfi;a uf.a wNsm%dh tjeks hy.=Kfhka ms˙ ore mrmqrla cd;shg odhdo ls¯uhs' t;=ñh iu. is≥l< tu idlÉPdfjka wef.a rej.=K flf,i≤hs y∫kd.kakg yelshdj ,efn;ehs hkak wmf.a úYajdihhs' weh me;+ i;a m%dr®:kh ta whq˙kau iM, fõjdhs hkak §wdkkaoh¶ l;= uvq,af,a wfma me;=uhs' .=reuõks" tla lf,l wmgo „ú;h lshd≥ka Tn;=ñhg wdkkao ud;djf.a irKhs' ixjdoh ( kS;s{ YIsl pñ,a Y%S ch;s,l PdhdrEm ( uxcq, udfld<f.a m%d:ñl wxYhlska .=re „úf;a mgka wrf.k idudkH fm<g Wiia fm<g W.kaj,d iyldr ú≥y,am;skshla njg Wiia fj,d Tn;=ñh wdkkaofh yoj; jka m%d:ñl wxYfha m%Odkdpdr®h OQrhg m;afjkj" fudlo ys;kafk ta .ek@ we;a;gu fndfydu i;=ghq 's jr®;udk ú≥y,am;s ls;ia ˙s ,shk. uf.a ue;s;u= d ug fndfydu úYajdijka;j fï ;k;=r mjrmq fj,dfõ uu fndfydu i;=áka fïl Ndr.;af;' wdkkaofha uu mh fkd.ymq ;ekla keye' .=rejrfhla l< hq;"= l< yels iEu fohlau uu wdkkaofha° m%.K = lr, ;shkjd' wfma jf.a mdi,aj, isáh hq;fa ;a 7'30 g weú,a, 1'30 g f.or hk .=rejre fkdfjhs' ug u;l we;s ldf,l uu 1'30 g f.or .sy,s ,a d keye' wdkkafo† uu lrmq yeu ldr®hhlgu wod< iure l<U yd ixúOdk ,sms f,aLk uu f.dkq lr, ;shdf.k bkakjd' 2011 jifr® b|, ;Hd. m%odfkda;ia jfha lghq;j= , j.lSu uu orkj' uf. úisy;r jirl w;a≤lSï ug m%fhdackj;a jqKd' m%d:ñl wxYfha orejkaf.a YsIH kdhl ,dxPk me<|ùfï W;aijh isú,a wdrCIl n,ld m%OdkS wd† wdkka°h wdkkao mS˙ia ue;s;=udf.a m%Odk;ajfhka meje;aùh' wdkkao úoHd,hSh m%d:ñl wxYfha msfmk lel=Ω <ud iudcfha ixúOdkfhka yd m%d:ñl wxYfha .dhk jdok ksfõol yelshdjka we;s orejkaf.a iyNd.s;ajfhka fmdfidka Nla;s .S; jevigyk mj;ajk ,°' Colors Nite 2013 was held on 30th May 2014 at Kalarathne Auditorium with the graceful participation of the distinguished Chief Guest Major General Jaygath Dias. 7 wdkkaoh AA NN AA NN DD AA YY AA Highlights of Affiliated Groups 75 – 80 Group The Eye Camp organized by our group which was a brainchild of our President Janaka Hapangama was held on the 29th and 30th of April and then on 2nd, 5th and 6th of May. All students from years 1 to 11 were screened with the help of members of the Saukyadana Movement and Dr. Nalin Gunasinghe and Dr. Mahesh Premarathne of the 93 Group. A total of 203 students were detected with vision defects and further investigation and treatment including issuance of spectacles will follow. We extend our gratitude to Dr. Nalin Gunasinghe, Dr. Mahesh Premarathne and staff, all members of the Saukyadana Movement and all who supported this noble project. state of the art studio with new equipment. With the support of student members of the ACRC, we were able to successfully execute this project. We take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported. The opening of the Studio Complex was held on 20th May. Anandians’ 75-80 Group Janaka Hapangama, the Organising team led by Co-Project Chairmen Priyantha de Silva and Upul Jayasuriya guided by conceptualist Channa Premaratne and the Old Anandians Medical Guild did a wonderful job in organising the event. Following a request from the Principal to renovate and upgrade the Ananda College Radio Club Studio Complex, our Group undertook and completed a “Poojaacha Pooja Neeyanang”, the most exhilarating event in our annual calendar, was held for the 20th consecutive year on 29th June with the participation of over 260 past and present teachers. 60 Medical consultants, 40 medical officers, 50 paramedics and technicians, 15 Ayurveda consultants and doctors together with a team to dispense the native medicines attended. Old Anandian Jayanath Warakagoda provided entertainment with his skills, while President of the Music Circle contributed with a couple of songs. Executive Committee and President of the Old The principal requested for a canteen in College to serve students of grades 10 & 11, who find it inconvenient to get their requirements from the existing canteen and to ease off the rush during the break. Our group stood up to the task and after much deliberation opted for a ‘containerized canteen’ an extension from convertainers to best suit the requirement. At a later date the convertainer could be re-converted or relocated as per the requirement. The new canteen was handed over to the principal on 31st July. 90 Group 91 lKavdhu 99 Group In addition to organising the O/L Students and Teachers Felicitation Programme, the inaugural AnandaNalanda 90 Groups Friendly Cricket Encounter was held in June at Prison Grounds Borella, with the aim of refreshing old friendships and camaraderie amongst the parallels of both colleges. President of ACOBA Mr. Lalith Senanayake graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Sujeewa Rathmahal welcomed the members and explained the purpose of organising such a sports gathering. Ananda 90 Group won the Trophy. The event was highly commended at the OBA Exco meeting too. 91 lKavdhfï idud‚lhskaf.a mjq,a w;r iqy;djh jr®Okh ls¯u wruqKq fldgf.k §.ïmy fõá fjdagr®¶ ys° iqyo yuqjla wm lKavdhï idud‚lhska yd mjq,aj, idud‚lhskaf.a iyNd.S;ajfhka 2014 uehs ui 24 †k mj;ajk ,†' wdkkao úydrfha w¨;ajeähd lghq;= i|yd 91 lKavdhfï idudPSl m%ikak fj,f.or fidfydhqrdf.a ueosy;aùu u; P&A rCIK wdh;kh fj;ska re( 250"000'00 l uqo,la m˙;Hd. ls¯ug wmg yels úh' wm 91 lKavdhfï idud‚lfhl= jk m%Nd;a úf–isxy fidfydhqrdf.a wdorKsh mq;kqjka y†is wk;=rlska wNdjm%dma; jq w;r" wjux.,H lghq;= fjkqfjka uq,Huh odhl;ajhla ms˙kuk ,†' During March, we supported the welfare subcommittee of the main OBA to organise and we participated for the first ever "Anada Mithusara" - an event for all affiliated groups to join together. Other Projects completed are a Bodhi Puja in December 2013 (Project Chair - Thushara Tharanga), a Hostel Dinner (Project Chair - Janaka Kuruppu) in January, a Motivational Lecture for O/L students (Project Chair - Chaminda Jayanath) the launch of Ananda website (Project Chair - Nishan Amarathunga) in February, Anada Peduru Patiya (Project Chair Deepthi Somaweera), Donation for Anada Viharaya Renovation Project and Maroon Sixes Cricket Festival in March, donation of fabric material to non academic staff (Project Chair - Suyama Aranayake) in April, 90 Group Friendship Walk ((Project Chair - President Duleepa Vithanage) and Ranaviru Upahara Ulela (Project Chair - Indika Wickramasinghe) in May and renovation of electrical wiring and switching network of Primary Section in June. Future Projects lined up include Dr. P.P. Jayasinghe Memorial Mega Medical Project which will include general medical clinics, dental screening and treatment clinics, psychotherapy and counseling clinics and a blood donation Camp (Project Chair - Jagath Priyantha) and the 90 Group Annual Family get-together in Negombo (Project Chair - Ravi Pathiravithana) in October. 8 yosis wK;=rlska „ú;CIhg m;ajq wm 91 lKavdhfï idud‚l ;kqc frdIdka; fidfydhqrdf.a mq;kqjka yg 2014 jifr® wOHdmk lghq;= fjkqfjka YsIHdOdrhla ,nd°ug lghq;= lf<uq' úoHd,hSh Tre me°fï ix.uh ioyd wju ms˙jehla hgf;a úoHd,hSh ,dxckhla ksr®udKh lr≥ka w;r wm lKavdhfï idud‚l iqÑ;% wef,laiekavr® ta i|yd uq,sl;ajh f.k lghq;= lf<ah' 91 lKAvdhfï wruqo,a ;rlr .ekSu ioyd ;re wyqr ix.S; ieoEj 2014 wf.daia;= ui 23 jk †k ksjdi wêld˙hg wh;a ˆksjdi mshi˜ Yd,dfõ° idr®:lj ixúOdkh lrk ,o w;r" ta ioyd úYd, krUkakka m%udKhla iyNd.S úh' Pd;Hka;r „ú; wdrCIl ;r.dj,shg iyNd.S jk Y%S ,xld fhdjqka lKAvdhfï kdhl;ajh orK wdkkao úoHd,Sh Âú; wdrCIl lKAvdhfï OkqIal ykail YsIHhdg ixpdrl úhoï ,ndoSug lghq;= l< w;r Ökfha yqwdfidka.a úYaj úoHd,fha ffjoH Wmdê YsIH;ajhla ,en wOHdmk lghq;= ioyd iyNd.S jk wd† wdkka°h ixPh iorejka úl%uisxyf.a wOHdmksl lghq;= fjkqfjka wOHdmksl YsIH;ajhla 91 lKAvdhu úiska ,ndfok ,†' In April we successfully concluded to first ever Joint Motor Rally with fellow Nalandians of 99 concurrent to the Big Match. In June we helped to bring forward the youth of our primary section (Pipena Kekulu) by training 7 youngsters to present the "Poson Bethi Gee" competition. One of our flagship events The Annual Cricket Carnival was concluded on the 5th of July at the Buddadasa Stadium with the biggest ever participation of members, their families’ and host of well wishers. We are currently conducting feasibility studies to help the Ananda primary section to improve their PA system which is currently not in a great condition. We are organising a blood donation campaign to be conducted on the 20th of September at the National Blood Bank premises to commemorate the lost members of our group and to help a much needed cause. Old Anandians Group of 99 is also proud to present Sunil Ederisinghe’s Sandakadapahana the most sorts-after solo musical extravaganza on the 15th of November at the Maharagama Youth Amphytheater. Tickets will be available soon on our website www. ananda99.org 93 Group Following a request from the Main OBA our Group provided fullest cooperation to make the inaugural Olcott Schools’ Quiz Competition a success. Coincidently Ananda won the competition. In addition, we extended our support to the Colonel Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation on behalf of the Main OBA. 98 Group The ’98 Group recently conducted “SwarANANDA 2014”, an enchanted Paduru Musical Evening, which saw the participation of several reknowned artists at the Lions Activity Hall in Kotte amidst a very traditional setting. This event, which is the group’s main fundraiser for year, will fund projects planned for the year. They include a medical camp and a blood donation campaign, a scholarship programme for students facing financial hardships at Ananda, a medical equipment donation to a preselected disabled soldiers home being operated by Seva Wanitha Unit of the Sri Lanka Army and other infrastructure development programmes being carried out at College. More than 150 guests attended this event, which went on past midnight and those present had a very pleasurable evening, singing along to songs they love and networking with fellow members of 98 Group. A childrens bouncy castle and buffet dinner were also provided. Music was provided by the troupe led by Vajira and the clan (Vajira saha mithuru kela) who usually perform at Apey Gama, while eminent artists such as Dayan Witharana, Rohan Shantha Bulegoda, Amal Perera, Mario Ananda, Isuru Jayaratne, and Ishaq Baig, sang wellknown sinhala songs. There were a couple of dance items by the Ranwala Balakaya, which provided entertainment in the form of a traditional ‘Salu Paliya’ dance. Thus far, this project stands as the most successful fundraiser organised and conducted by the ’98 Group and it is bound to be a main stay in event calendars in the foreseeable future. Mawbima and Ceylon today were chosen as the print media partners for this glamorous event. Those wishing to be a part of this group, and those interested in advertising and providing sponsorships are welcome to contact the Executive Committee. Your contributions will make a sizeable difference in the activities we have planned for the betterment of Ananda College and the society we live in. Teachers and O/L Students Felicitation Programme The annual programme to felicitate students who excelled with 9’A’s at the O/L Examination in 2013 and the teachers who guided them was held on 3rd July at the Kularatne Hall for the consecutive 13th Year. Old Anandian and present Director General Health Services of Ministry of Health, Dr. Palitha Maheepala, graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Ravin Lasindu Thennakoon who was ranked all island 3rd was the recipient of N K B de Silva Trophy presented for the Most Outstanding student at the O/L Examination from Ananda. Cultural items performed by kids from the Ananada Primary and dancing groups from Samudradevi Balika Vidyalaya added colour to the event, which was organised by the 90 Group. ACHIEVEMENTS Vajira Kulatilaka Vajira assumed office as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE), on June 5. He has served on the CSE Board since October 2009. Kulatilaka is Director and Chief Executive Officer of NDB Capital Holdings PLC. He has almost 30 years of experience in the finance sector and capital markets. Before joining NDB Investment Bank Limited, he was the Chief Executive Officer at CKN Fund Management (Pvt) Limited. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and holds a BSc Degree in Civil Engineering with First Class Honours from the University of Moratuwa and MEng in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Asian Institute of Technology. He is also a Fellow Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants UK (FCMA). Kulatilaka holds Directorships at NDB Capital Holdings, NDB Investment Bank, NDB Securities, NDB Wealth Management and NDB Capital Limited - Bangladesh. He succeeds Mr. Krishan Balendra, who stepped down on June 5th, at the AGM, on the conclusion of the customary 3 year term. Aravinda Perera Aravinda, Managing Director of Sampath Bank PLC was appointed a Director of Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE). He is a Governing Board Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (IBSL), Director – Lanka Financial Services Bureau Limited, Director – Lanka Bangla Finance Limited and Immediate Past President of the Association of Professional Bankers of Sri Lanka. Perera had been with Samapath Bank for 27 years, holding positions that included Deputy Managing Director, Chief Operating Officer, Deputy General Manager (Corporate Banking). He had been Senior Project Officer, DFCC and Departmental Manager and Service Engineer at Ceylon Tobacco Company and an Engineer at National Milk Board. He is also a Fellow Member of the Institute of Bankers, Sri Lanka (FIB), and Fellow Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK (FCMA), Chartered Engineer and member of the Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL). He holds an MBA from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from the University of Moratuwa. Marvan Athapattu Marvan Atapattu, former Sri Lanka, Ananda and SSC cricket Captain was appointed as Head Coach of the Sri Lankan Cricket team. He will become Sri Lanka's first full-time local coach in 15 years. During his 3 – month tenure as interim coach, Marvan oversaw a major Test series win over England in June, as well as triumphs in the ODIs and Twenty20, along with Test & ODI series wins against Pakistan. Sri Lanka's last local Head Coach, aside from brief interim appointments, had been Roy Dias, in 1999. Marvan's first assignment will be the 7 – match ODI series against England, in November. Sri Lanka will then have a tour of New Zealand followed the World Cup. Marvan played 90 Test matches for Sri Lanka scoring 5,502 runs at an average of 39.02 and 8,529 runs at an average of 37.57 in 268 ODIs. Marvan was the second Anandian to Captain Sri Lanka in Test matches after Arjuna Ranatunga. He captained Sri Lanka in 18 Test matches, winning 8 of them and in 63 ODIs winning 35 of them. 9 wdkkaoh A N A N D A Y A wdkkao ud;dj fjkqfjka Achievements Contd.... Keashan Wijayasinghe, Keashan Wijayasinghe, an Advanced Level student of our Commerce stream, became The Best Student (Gold Medalist) of the Preliminary Certificate of Marketing 2014, conducted by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM) at its Certification Ceremony held at The Water’s Edge on 21st September. Keashan is the son of Bimal Wijayasinghe, Vice President of the OBA and Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Mass Media and Communication. ISAC 2014 I N T E R S C H O O L Announcing Competition 2014 ANANDA WHIZ KIDS CLINCH INAUGURAL OLCOTT QUIZ COMPETITION In year 2000, the Broadcasting Unit of Ananda College created a new era of school based media by introducing a novel concept to the Sri Lankan media field, an Inter-School Announcing Competition (ISAC) that brought young voices from all around the country together, giving them a chance to showcase their talents and to be recognized in the field. The concept was well received and spread throughout the country. It has so far introduced some of the country's best announcers over the last 14 years. Four years ago, it was held under the supervision of the Ministry of Mass Media and Information, thus escalating it to the next level. The 15th edition of the ISAC attracted more than 1000 students from over 500 schools, under the supervision of the Ministry of Mass Media and Information and an experienced elite panel of judges who excelled in the field. The first ever Olcott Quiz Competition was won by Ananda. The main objectives of the Quiz Competition was to encourage students to achieve academic excellence, create awareness on latest global developments, applying knowledge in real life scenarios, encourage team work, build self-esteem & confidence, empower students and build better interactions, understanding and friendship amongst participating students. The Old Anandians' 93 Group provided their fullest cooperation, on a request by the OBA, to make this event a resounding success. Photo Highlights of the Group Events The Sinhala medium competition was held on the 5th July, while the Tamil and English medium competitions were held on 6th July, under the auspicies of Secretary to the Ministry of Mass Media and Information, Dr. Charitha Herath. Students from Musaeus College, St. Paul’s Girls School - Milagiriya, Sir John Kothalawala Central College – Kurunegala, Boys’ Model School – Malabe, Mahinda College – Galle, Royal Institute, D.S Senanayake College, St. Bridget’s Convent, Ramanathan Hindu Ladies College, Royal College and Zahira College – Kalmunai performed admirably well. These students will now face new challenges at the ISAC Finals which will give them a whole new unparalleled experience. 10 Renovate and upgrade the Radio Club Studio Complex by 75-80 Group Annual Cricket Carnival by 99 Group wdkkaokSh msúiqï fodrgqjla wdkkao úoHd,hSh 91 lKavdhu úiska remsh,a ,laI 15 l muK ms˙jehla ord ilia lrk ,o b†˙mi msúiqï fodrgq moaO;sh iy iajhxl%Sh udr®. ndOlh mdi,g mej¯fï W;aijh 2014 iema;eïnr® 09 jeks †k Y%aÍ ,xld hqO yuqodfõ wd{dm;s ^hqOyuqod mqyqKq& iy ludkafvda fr‚fïka;=fõ wêm;s wd† wdkka°h fïcr® ckrd,a m%ikak o is,ajd uy;d w;ska is≥ úh' fuu W;aijh i|yd YaÍ% ,xld kdúl yuqodfõ wd{dm;s ^.sksfldK kdúl m%foaYh& wd† wdkka°h" woañrdr® c.;a f– rKisxy uy;d o iyNd.s úh' wdkkao úoHd,fha ú≥y,am;s ls;ais˙ ,shk.uf.a uy;df.a u.fmkaùu u; b† lrk ,o fuu msúiqï moaO;sh b†˙fha° úoHd,hSh m˙md,kh myiq lrkq we;ehs wfmaCId flfr®' fuys° mej;s flá W;aijfha° .re ú≥y,am;s;=ud" m%Odk wdrdê; fïcr® ckrd,a m%ikak o is,ajd uy;d iy wdkkao úoHd,hSh wd† YsIH ix.ufha .re iNdm;s ,,s;a fiakdkdhl uy;d foiqï meje;ajQ w;r" 91 lKavdhfï iNdm;s wkqc .=Kr;ak uy;d ia;=;s l:dj mj;ajk ,†' OBITUARIES • Sam Wijesinha, eminent public servant and one time Secretary General of Parliament passed away in September, aged 93. Mr. Wijesinha was the Secretary General of Parliament from 1964 to 1981 and was the first Ombudsman of Sri Lanka and served in this capacity for nearly 10 years. During his tenure as Secretary General of Parliament Mr. Wijesinha had to oversee the promulgation of the Republican Constitution of 1972 and the the Democratic Socialist Republic Constitution of 1978. Mr. Wijesinha, an attorneyat-law by profession, joined the Attorney General’s Department in 1948 as a State Counsel. He held posts in several international organisations, including the International Parliamentary Association, Commonwealth Parliamentary Union and Asian Parliamentary Union. He was a past student of Getammanna School in his home village, Rahula College Matara, Ananda College and St. Thomas’ College, Mt. Lavinia. • H.D.K. Subhash, a former cricket captain of Ananda College passed away in September. NORTH SOUTH DIALOG THROUGH CRICKET & DEBATE The cricket encounter between JHC and Ananda, inaugurated in 2012 and devoted to perpetuate the memory and ethos of Mr. Sivagurunathan, took place at Ananda grounds on 25th and 26th of April. Jaffna Hindu College (JHC), the foremost seat of learning for Hindus in Sri Lanka and Ananda College combined for the 3rd consecutive year to further strengthen inter-school ties through a series of events held from 24th to 27th April that included a cricket match, an English debate, a celebratory dinner and a day out at a leisure centre. The cricket encounter between JHC and Ananda, inaugurated in 2012 and devoted to perpetuate the memory and ethos of Mr. Sivagurunathan, took place at Ananda grounds on 25th and 26th of April. These matches though contested keenly have been devoid of rivalry that is witnessed in many interschool competitions. The opening ceremony had the pomp and pageantry of that event in Jaffna in 2013 when the JHC OBA laid a red carpet welcome to the cricketers, staff and to over 100 alumni of Ananda and their families visiting Jaffna. Principal of JHC, the Principal of Ananda followed by the cricketers, dignitaries and Old Boys of both institutions were escorted to the ground by the Ananda College Senior Brass Band. The school flags were hoisted and the school anthems were sung. These were followed by an introduction of the teams. Principal Mr. Kithsiri Liyanagamage addressed the gathering in Tamil and the Principal of JHC, Mr. V. Ganesarajah did so in Sinhala keeping to the tradition started by Ananda’s former Principal Mr. L M D Dharmasena. Sidath and Deva with the JHC skipper J Kalkokan and T Athulathmudali captained JHC and Ananda respectively. Although the home team won, the sportsmanship displayed by both teams was admirable and appreciated by spectators. This year a further event was introduced on a proposal made by eminent Anandian Mr. Gomin Dayasiri, to hold an English debate after the first day’s play, for The Panikkar – Thanabalasingham Trophy, in respectful memory of two past teachers who excelled in teaching at Ananda. The debate, which was conducted under the rules of the Debaters Council of Sri Lanka, was held at the Opening ceremony of the cricket match lobby of the Centenary Building. JHC defended the motion “This House believes that Fair Play is more important than winning in international cricket matches” while Ananda opposed the motion. The teams were captained by Harishankar (JHC) and M Muhandiramge (Ananda). The debate was judged by an exceptional and experienced panel of adjudicators from the Debaters Council, who named Vithyasahar from JHC as the Best Speaker. The debate was won by Ananda. Awards and certificates were distributed by the two Principals. JHC debaters were accommodated at the residences of debaters of Ananda to give the students from Jaffna a flair of life in a home in Colombo and its suburbs and to give them more opportunity to bond together. The traditional Celebratory Dinner was held on Saturday the 26th of April at the Bolgoda Lake front holiday home of the former President of the OBA, Mr. Thilak Karunaratne. Former Sri Lankan Cricketer Mr. Sidath Wettimuny graced the occasion as Chief Guest. The Guest of Honour was former Surveyor General Mr. K. Thavalingam. President of the OBA Mr. Lalith Senanayake, Mr. K. Thavalingam and Mr. Wettimuny made excellent speeches replete with anecdotes and lessons for the young cricketers. The convener of Bowling at Excel World the Organising Committee Mr. Deva Rodrigo proposed the vote of thanks. The JHC contingent departed to Jaffna late on Sunday 27th April after a thoroughly enjoyable day at Excel World followed by a movie, Captain America. wdkkaoh A N A N D A Y A Ananda blazes through the 2014 Inter School Shakespeare Drama Competition A nanda emerged triumphant at the 41st Annual Inter School Shakespeare Drama Competition, held on 20th September at the Bishop's College Auditorium. This was the first time Ananda has won this prestigious contest, which is the pinnacle of interschool drama and one of the most keenly anticipated English theatre events in Sri Lanka. Taking part consistently in the competition since 2006, Ananda has entered the finals twice before, placing 2nd Runners Up in 2011 and in 2013. 18 other boys’ schools took part in this year’s competition. The other finalists, in order of placement, were St. Benedict’s College, Maris Stella College and D. S. Senanayake College. St. Bridget’s Convent won the girls’ competition. The excerpt performed this year was from Timon of Athens, one of Shakespeare’s least known, least performed and least loved plays, which is extremely difficult to perform because the script exists only in very rough form. That Ananda won despite this difficulty, and despite stiff competition from more established schools, is great credit to its cast and crew The cast was led by Head Prefect Vinu Wijemanne and featured Chirantha Kolonne as Timon and Lakshitha Edirisinghe as Flavius, alongside Vinura Kularatne, Madura Wijeratne, Ravin Hettiarachchi, Thilina Udayaratne, Gavin Ranasinghe, Vidura Manoratne and nine other students. The directorial team comprised past pupils Nishantha de Silva, Ishtartha Wellaboda and Rajitha Hettiarachchi. The Master in Charge is Mr. R. R. Rohana. This long awaited victory at the prestigious Shakespeare Drama Competition caps a very productive year for English drama at Ananda. At the start of 2014, a dedicated alumni organization – AnandaDrama – was instituted to foster English theatre and related activities at the school. An inter house English drama competition, named in memory of past principal Mr. S. A. Wijayatilake, was also inaugurated at the start of the year to further popularise drama amongst students. Cricket Ananda emerged champs at the Zonal Basketball Tournament held in July. Gateway International School and Colombo International School were placed 2nd and 3rd respectively. Ananda was coached by Buddhika Kumudapperuma and Edeepa Samarasekara. Ananda won the Under 15 – Division 1 championship beating St.Sebastians College, Moratuwa by 5 wickets in the finals concluded at the R.Premadasa stadium in August. wd† wdkka°h mdmka≥ ix.uh f∞f<diajk jrg;a ixúOdkh l< jhi wjqre≥ 17 ka my< i;a idud‚l iEï pkaøisxy mdmka≥ ;rÛdj,sfha Y+r;djh hdmkh Ydka; fyka˙ia úoHd,h úiska †kd.kakd ,°' fuu ;rÛdj,sh i|yd mQr®K wkq.%yh olajk iEï pkaøisxy uy;d w;ska Ydka; fyka˙ia úoHd,fha kdhl iqykaoka YsIHhd úiska l=i,dkh ,nd.kakd whqre PdhdrEmfha ≤lafõ' Please visit www.anandadrama.org for more details. VIVACE ‘14 This elegant event, which was organised by Ananda College Western Music Association, was held on 27th June at the Kularathne Hall. AnandaDrama's biggest project for the year an original public production entitled Grease Yaka, which was Basketball iEï pkaøisxy mdmka≥ ;rÛdj,sh directed by renowned dramatist Ruwanthie de Chickera and staged at the Lionel Wendt Theatre. The play, a devised theatre piece in Sinhala and English that explored how fears spread in society, was a critically acclaimed sell out during its brief initial run on 8th and 9th August. AnandaDrama's young artists were able to regroup and perform Timon of Athens within just one month after Grease Yaka’s triumphant conclusion, reaching yet another significant milestone on its journey. T.M. Jayaratne's 'Sonduru Atheethaya ' on 11th October 2014 at the College Kularatne Hall. Golf Ananda came in as the clear winner and runner up of this year’s annual ‘Inter-School Golf Championship’ hosted by NDB together with the Royal Colombo Golf Club (RCGC) in July at the Royal Colombo Golf Club (RCGC). For the first time in Sri Lanka, Dons Golf in association with the Royal Colombo Golf club initiated the RCGS Inter-School Golf Championship in 2013. The tournament was played on a five ball stable ford basis and featured more than 240 golfers from 22 schools including five girls school from all over Sri Lanka. This championship was organised under a big match theme and is the second time such an event has been held in the history of golf in Sri Lanka. For more details following could be contacted. Dinendra Rabel - 0718023363 Dhananjaya Mohotti - 0777317009
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