BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, ODISHA, CUTTACK. No. 2213(9000) / (Exam. Conf.)/ Date: 15/09/2014 From The Secretary Board of Secondary Education, Odisha, Cuttack. To The Head of the Institutions of the all Recognised High Schools of the State Sub.- Instructions for filling up application forms for different categories of candidates for Annual HSC Examination, 2015. Sir/ Madam, This is to inform you that the following categories of the candidates will appear the Annual & Supplementary HSC Examination, 2015. 1. Regular - As per 2014 & 2015 syllabus carrying 600 marks in toto. 2. Ex-Regular (new) - As per 2014 & 2015 syllabus carrying 600 marks in toto. 2. Ex-Regular (old) - As per 2013 syllabus carrying 600 marks in toto. You are requested to fill up the forms and deposit the fees as per the schedule detailed below. Issue of blank forms - 20/09/2014 onwards Without Fine – 10.10.2014 With Fine - (1) 15.10.2014 Submission - 16/10/2014 – A to H alphabet schools 17/10/2014 – I to R alphabet schools 18/10/2014 – S to Z alphabet schools Please collect the following forms :1. Check list & D.R.-cum Application Form (Regular, Ex-Regular (new) & Ex-Regular (old). [1] 2. ICR forms for ex-regular old candidates. These forms will be used in case of candidates whose name do not find place in the check list. 3. Subject-cum Account statement. 4. Pay-in-Slips having account Nos. – Central Zone– 32686493791, Bhubaneswar Zone – 32686494401, Balasore Zone – 32686494456, Berhampur Zone – 32686494478, Jeypore Zone – 32686494525 & Sambalpur Zone – 32686494581 5. Details of fees statement form. 6. Forwarding letter. 7. Omission form for regular Ex-Regular (New) candidates (this form will only be used in case name of a candidate omitted inadvertently by the computer inspite of submission of enrolment form i.e. ICR). All such cases must be verified by the Headmaster concerned and submitted to the Deputy Secretary with detail information. The candidate to appear under regular category must fulfill the critera of eligibility regarding attendance in class–IX and X i.e. 66% or above. The candidate must have been enrolled in Class–IX in time and attained the age of 14 as on 31/03/2015. The candidate to appear under ex-regular (old) category must be a fail cadidate under regular or quasi regular category or duly admitted by the Board to the HSC Examination, 2009 to 2013 but could not appear. The regular or quasi regular candidates duly admitted by the Board to the HSC Examination, 2014 shall have to appear as ex-regular (new) candidates.In case of compartmental candidates he/ she must have secured 198 marks in aggregate at the qualified examination but secured un-successful mark in one or more than one subject(s) and are allowed to appear compartmentally in that particular subject(s) for consequtive 3 chances to pass the examination. Candidate securing 198 marks in aggregate but remained absent in any paper are not permitted to appear as compartmental candidate (s). He/ she will appear in all papers. The facilities for physical challenged candidates which was allowed for last examination will be followed for the ensuing examination. Provision for change of centres will be the same which was followed in the last examination. [2] The subject and subject codes for the aforesaid examinations are (Regular & Ex-Regular (new & old) Subject Subject Code First Language Odia Bengali Hindi Urdu Telugu Alternative English (ii) Second Language English Hindi Environment and Population Education (iii) Third Language Hindi Sanskrit Persian Odia Visual Art (iv) Mathematics (v) Science (vi) Social Science Mark (i) 1. 100 FLO FLB FLH FLU FLT FLE 100 SLE SLH SEP (for Deaf & Dumb Candidates only) 100 TLH TLS TLP TLO TLV MTH GSC SSC (for Deaf & Dumb Candidates only) 100 100 100 Procedure for filling up the Check List & D.R.-cum Application Form REGULAR & EX-REGULAR (NEW) The candidates shall have to put their signature in the space provided in the aforesaid form which will be duly attested by Head of the Institution. If any candidates name does not find place in the above list, omission forms will be used for filling up of forms in that case. 2. EX-REGULAR (OLD) The candidates shall have to put their signature in the space provided in the aforesaid form which will be duly attested by Head of the Institution. If any candidates name does not find place in the above list, ICR forms (green colour) will be used. Correction is allowed if there is any printing mistake in Check List & D.R.-cum Application Form. Corrections should be made in red ink. [3] Insertion of candidates can be done only in the omission list. It should not be inserted in the Check List & D.R.-cum Application Form. Internal Assessment Grades must be supplied in appropriate column of D.R. Photo graph of the candidates required to be supplied separately in a prescribed format if not printed in Check List & D.R. Application Form. The columns in each form must be filled in correctly in all respect. Documents to be submitted (for Regular Candidates) Lot - 1 (Meant for computer firm.) (i) 1st copy of Check list & D.R.-cum Application Form. (ii) 1st copy of ommission list. Lot - 2 (To be retained in the zonal office) (i) Forwarding letter. (ii) Pay-in-slip (iii) 2nd copy of Check List & D.R.-cum Application Form (iv) Subject-cum-Accounts Statement (v) 2nd copy of the omission list For Ex-Regular (new) Candidates Lot - 1 (Meant for computer firm.) (i) 1st copy of Check list & D.R.-cum Application Form. (ii) 1st copy of ommission list (if any). Lot - 2 (To be retained in the zonal office) (i) Forwarding letter. (ii) Pay-in-slip (iii) 2nd copy of Check List & D.R.-cum Application Form (iv) Subject-cum-Accounts Statement (v) 2nd copy of the omission list For Ex-Regular (old) Candidates Lot - 1 (Meant for computer firm.) (i) 1st copy of Check list & D.R.-cum Application Form. (ii) ICR Form (Green Colour) [4] Lot - 2 (To be retained in the zonal office) (i) Forwarding letter. (ii) Pay-in-slip (iii) Details of fees statement from along with Regular & Ex-Regular (New) forms in last lot only (iv) 2nd copy of check list & D.R. - cum Application Form (v) Subject-cum Accounts Statement Enclosure : Photostat copy of the mark sheets/admit cards of the previous H.S.C. Examinations. Mode of Payment of Fees – The same procedure will be followed which was followed last year. Rate of Examination Fees Per Candidate for Various Examinations Conducted by the B.S.E., Odisha A. Fees for H.S.C. Examination Sl.No. Category i. Regular Annual H.S.C. Rs. 255.00 Suppl. H.S.C. Rs.318.00 ii. Quasi Regular Rs. 340.00 Rs. 390.00 iii. Ex-Regular Rs. 340.00 Rs. 390.00 iv. Correspondence Regular Rs. 340.000 Rs. 390.00 v. Correspondence Ex-Regular Rs. 340.000 Rs. 390.00 vi. Cost of Enrolment Form (ICR) (Regular & Ex-Regular) Rs.10.00 Rs.10.00 vii. Change of Centre Rs. 100.00 Rs. 100.00 ix. Fine for late filling of Forms (1st) Rs. 50.00 Rs. 50.00 x. Fine for late filling of Forms (2nd) Rs. 100.00 Rs. 100.00 B. Fees for Sanskrit Examination i. Madhyama Regular / Compartmental Rs. 280.00 ii. Madhyama Ex-Regular / Compartmental Rs. 355.00 iii. Fine for late filling of forms (1st) Rs. 50.00 iv. Fine for late filling of Forms (2nd) Rs. 100.00 N.B.: In addition to the above mentioned fees, Rs.10/- per candidate shall be collected towards fee for Check List & D.R. - cum- Application Form. [5] Penalties will be imposed in pursuance to Govt. Letter No. 2095 / IX-SME(BSE)28/13/ SME/ Dt. - 01/02/2014 on the erring officers and officials as defined below. PENALTY FOR LAPSES/ ACT IN CONNECTION WITH EXAMINATION CONDUCTED BY THE BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, ODISHA. Sl. No. Nature of lapse/ act comitted in connection with the examination conducted by the B.S.E., Odisha Penalty PENALTY ON HEAD OF THE INSTITUTION 1 Wrong recording of name of the candidate and parent name of the candidate. Departmental proceeding will be drawn against the person responsible for the lapses 2 Wrong recording of date of birth. Departmental proceeding will be drawn against the person responsible for the lapses 3 Forwarding the name of the candidate who is not bonafide students to appear the examination. Rs.100/- (per candidate) 4 Forwarding application form for candidates those who have below 14 years. Rs.100/- (per candidate) 5 Improper verification of check list Departmental proceeding will be drawn against the person responsible for the lapses 6 Changing of all particulars of a candidate in check list/ roll sheet/ D.R.-cum Application Form. Rs.100/- (per candidate) 7 Claiming exemption from payment of fees by recording wrong information in case of disabled candidates. Rs.100/- (per candidate) [6] 8 Wrong recording of subject/ medium of examination offered by the candidates. Departmental proceeding will be drawn against the person responsible for the lapses 9 In case of ex-regular candidates wrong recording of their previous roll no. Departmental proceeding will be drawn against the person responsible for the lapses 10 Submission of incomplete data Departmental proceeding will be drawn against the person responsible for the lapses 11 Not sending the photo signature of the candidate 12 Tampering of records Rs.100/- (per candidate) 13 Deposit of fees less than the amount due Severe warning to be given by the concerned District Education Officer 14 Submission of form and fees for enrolment and for examination not within the due date. Rs.500/(per candidate) & departmental proceeding for action according to CCA Rule. The penalty will be collected from the erring headmaster/ headmistress, teacher, staff & officers responsible for such lapses. and Departmental proceeding will be drawn against the person responsible for the lapses PENALTIES ON THE CANDIDATES VIOLATING CONDUCT OF EXAMINATION RULE AT THE CENTRE 1 Possession of incriminating material not related to the subject of the examination. Severe warning to be given by the concerned District Education Officer. 2 Possession of electronic device like mobile phone etc. in the examination hall. Severe warning to be given by the concerned District Education Officer [7] 3 Possession of incriminating material related to the subject of the examination Debarring of the candidate of one exam. in all subjects including the one in which he/she commits the malpractice. 4 Copying from books or notes or answer books of the neighbour. Debarring of the candidate of one exam. in all subjects including the one in which he/she commits the malpractice. 5 Communication in the exam. hall by gestures or conversation with the intention of committing the malpractice Severe warning to be given by the concerned District Education Officer. 6 Tampering the answer papers any time after the exam. with the intention of gaining good mark. Debarring of the candidate of one exam. in all subjects including the one in which he/she commits the malpractice. 7 Serious misbehaviors on the part of the candidates in the examination hall or centre. Candidate shall be sent out of the exam. hall/ room and shall not be admitted to the examination hall/ room on that day and on subsequent days of examination. 8 Manhandling or resorting to any other kind of violence by the candidate at the examination hall or centre. Debarring of the candidate of two consecutive examinations in all subjects including the one in which he/she commits the malpractice. 9 Impersonation at the examination hall Debarring of the candidate of two consecutive examinations in all subjects including the one in which he/she commits the malpractice and criminal proceeding against the candidate and person impersonate. 10 Tampering of roll no. on the answer sheet or writing roll nos. or any number other than own roll no. as per admit card with malafide intention. Debarring of the candidate of two consecutive examinations in all subjects including the one in which he/she commits the malpractice. [8] 11 Attempt to send qn.-cum answer booklets outside the examination hall/ centre or attempt to take the same outside the examination hall/centre with a malafide intention. The candidates shall be sent out immediately and not to be allowed to give the examination on subsequent days. He/she shall be debarred for two subsequent examinations including the one in which he/she resorts to malpractice. PENALTIES TO BE IMPOSED ON CENTRE SUPERINTENDENT, DEPUTY CENTRE SUPERINTENDENT, INVIGILATOR AND OTHER STAFF ENGAGED IN THE EXAMINATION CENTRE FOR NEGLIGENCE IN DUTY IN CONNECTION WITH CONDUCT OF EXAMINATION 1 Failure to prevent mass copying reported by members of the squad. Departmental proceeding and action as per CCA Rule and will be debarred from any examination duty. 2 Invigilator conniving with the candidate & allowing him/her to record the roll no. of the other candidate. Departmental proceeding & action as per CCA Rule & will be debarred from any examination duty. 3 Failure to detect the tampering/ interchanging of roll nos. by Centre Supervisory staff. Departmental proceeding & action as per CCA Rule & will be debarred from any examination duty. 4 Wrong despatch of answer books forevaluation with reference to dispatch advice send by the Board. Departmental proceeding & action as per CCA Rule & will be debarred from any examination duty. 5 Replacement of new question-cum answer books by removing the written answer scripts. Departmental action and recommendation for dismissal from the service. 6 Failure to report taking away of question-cum answer book from the exam. centre before half an hour of the commencement of the examination or before leaving the examination room by Supdt./Dy. Supdt./ Invigilator. Departmental action and recommendation for dismissal from the service. [9] 7 Deliberate late for opening school gate to give entry members of the squad. of to Severe warning and drawl of proceeding according to CCA Rule. 8 Replacing a new answer sheet in place of original one in the examination centre. Departmental action & recommendation for dismissal from the service. PENALTIES FOR POST EXAMINATION WORK 1 Totaling mistake up to 5 marks. 2 Totalling mistake change of results. in Penalty up to 01 day remuneration and proceeding for disciplinary action. 3 Failure to award marks to question or part of question resulting in change of results. Penalty up to 01 day remuneration and proceeding for disciplinary action. 4 Failure to award marks to questions or part of questions resulting no change of results. Penalty up to 01 day remuneration and proceeding for disciplinary action. 5 Mistake in transcribing marks from answer scripts to mark foils, resulting no change of results. Penalty up to 01 day remuneration and proceeding for disciplinary action. 6 Mistake in transcribing marks from answer scripts to mark foils, resulting change of result. Penalty up to 01 day remuneration and proceeding for disciplinary action. 7 Failure to record marks of each qn. on the cover page of the answer book which has been awarded inside the answer book. Penalty up to 01 day remuneration and proceeding for disciplinary action. 8 Failure to sign on the cover page of the question-cum answer sheet. Penalty up to 01 day remuneration and proceeding for disciplinary action. resulting Penalty up to 01 day remuneration and proceeding for disciplinary action. [ 10 ] 9 Failure to notice & report over writing or tampering of roll nos. on the question-cum answer booklets. Penalty up to 01 day remuneration and proceeding for disciplinary action. 10 Inter change of marks while posting in the mark foil. Penalty up to 01 day remuneration and proceeding for disciplinary action. 11 Wrong posting of marks while transferring from answer script to mark foil resulting change of results. Penalty up to 01 day remuneration and proceeding for disciplinary action. 12 Replacing a new answer sheet in place of original one at the valuation centre. Measure penalty of Rs.500/- per mistake & proceeding for dismissal from the service. 13 Changing of marks on the answer book without attestation by Chief Examiner. Measure penalty of Rs.500/- per mistake & proceeding for dismissal from the service. 14 Wrong information on the cover page of the mark foil. Serious warning. Yours faithfully, Sd/Secretary B. S. E. Odisha, Cuttack. Memo No. 2214(400)/ (Exam. Conf.)/ Dt. 15/09/2014 Copy forwarded to : 1. All Dy. Secretaries of zonal offices of the Board for information and necessary action. They are requested to circulate this letter among the staff of their zonal office for their reference so that they can follow the guidelines. 2. All District Education Officers of the state/ all Block Education Officers of the State/ Director, Secondary Education, Odisha/ P.S. to Commissioner-cum Secretary to Govt., Dept. of S & ME for kind information. 3. All officers of the Board office (Head Office) for information and necessary action. 4. Establishment-cum Accounts Officer/ Section Officer, Store–II for information and necessary action. He is requested to print 10,000 letters for issue to schools and different departments. Sd/Secretary B. S. E. Odisha, Cuttack. [ 11 ]
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