March 2014 - North West Employers

North West
Leading Children’s Services
Sector Led Improvement in Children’s Services
March 2014
Sector Led Improvement
Best Practice Networks
North West continues to lead the way nationally in
developing regional sector led improvement in Children’s
Service. All 23 LAs are committed to: Robust peer challenge to identify where good
practice exists and support is needed
 Share best practice particularly with those most
requiring support
 Consider new ways to deliver services which
have most impact
NW Councils are organised into three BPNs, each
containing seven or eight councils. They provide a mix of
LAs in terms of geographical location and performance.
Peer Challenges have been organised through these BPNs.
The leads DCSs for the BPNs are represented on the
Regional Board.
Governance structure
SOLACE, LGA and ADCS support sector led improvement
through the governance arrangements. The sub groups
of the NWADCS drive forward the priorities for the
region. The sub regional groups support these
arrangements via the DCS chairs.
Blackburn with
Cheshire East
Cheshire West
and Chester
St Helens
The North West Approach
The role of the Sector Led Improvement
The NW has developed three pillars of evidence that
support the formation of a rigorous self- view.
 DCSs prepare the self-view with their corporate
colleagues and submit to their BPN members.
 They are challenged on that self- view by the DCS
colleagues at the BPN Challenge Forum.
 Headlines emerging from the peer summits
become the ongoing priorities for the region.
 Early support issues are identified through this
process. The regional team coordinates this
The Regional Board governs the arrangements for sector
led improvement and includes representation from Lead
Members, LGA, DCSs and LSCB Chairs. The Board agrees
the regional priorities and monitors the regional plan.
All 23 NW councils have been involved in the BPN
Challenge Summits – First tranche was in May 2013 and
second tranche in December 2013.
Four key ambitions
 Deliver excellent outcomes for children and
families across the region
 Develop a world class workforce to provide first
class services
 Host effective governance and delivery
arrangements which provide value for money
 Ensure good practice is widely shared and leads
to impact
Successes of the approach;
 All 23 councils have been involved in both giving
and receiving a peer challenge
 Many challenges have resulted in tangible and
important changes
 Openness has gained ground in our culture
 Aspiring Leaders have been engaged in providing
support for improvement
 Two councils removed from intervention
 Regional approaches developed and
disseminated for adoption, early help and CSE
 Rapid support sourced from within the region for
 Regional support for councils in intervention
through leadership of their Improvement Board
Forthcoming Regional Events
More information please view the full document
attached named Better for Children: The North West
Approach to Development, Challenge and Support in
Children’s Services.
25 March 2014
NW SEND Pathfinder Champions Spring Conference
Venue: Haydock Racecourse
For more information contact:[email protected]
Peer Support: Loaning of individual officers for fixed pieces of
 Performance Leads working together to build a
regional data profile.
 Sharing events on inspection process, adoption ,
early help, CSE.
 Regional strategies developed on school
improvement and safeguarding issues.
 Regional repository developed for open access to
share documents and toolkits.
 LAs in intervention scheduled for quarterly
reviews with those who have moved out.
 Five high performing LAs for school improvement
paired with those with identified issues.
Peer Challenge: Teams from across LAs providing on-site
challenge on early help, safeguarding,
performance systems, workforce and school
 Diagnostics devised and delivered by cross
regional teams for performance data , school
improvement and LSCB effectiveness.
 Round table events engaging a group of
identified experts from within the region to test
out ideas/plans/pilot work.
Sector Led Improvement Team
For further information on any of the work contact:Maxine Froggatt
Project Manager
[email protected]
Tel: 07977535041
Zelda Massey
Project Coordinator
[email protected]
Tel: 07944382253
Sue Cockerill
Peer Challenge and Support Coordinator
[email protected] Tel: 07501726594
14 March 2014
National Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) event
Venue: The Place Hotel, Piccadilly, Manchester
For more information contact:[email protected]
20 March 2014
Early Help Strategies - Implementation and Impact.
Venue: The Lowry, Salford Quays
To book places or for more information contact:[email protected] Tel: 07944382253
What’s New
Aligning sector led improvement in Children’s, Adults and
North West Employers has recently agreed to host the
regional coordination and administration of sector led
improvement for children’s, adults and health. This first
stage towards integration sees the alignment of systems,
processes and toolkits.
Regional Chair of the NWADCS
Kath O’Dwyer will be leaving the region in April to take up a
national post with Ofsted. Kath has been instrumental in
driving the sector led approach in the NW and will continue
to champion this approach in her national role. Her
successor as chair and on the regional board is currently
being agreed.
The following inspections have recently taken place: Inspection of LA School Improvement in Blackpool
 Focussed inspection of secondary schools in
 Early Help inspection in Bury
 Safeguarding Inspection in Bolton
The following inspection notice has been received:
 Focussed inspection of secondary schools in