Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone by Legesse Allyn Copyright 2014 Press Press © Copyright 2014 Legesse Allyn ISBN-13: 978-1502485809 ISBN-10: 150248580X First trade paperback edition October 15, 2014 All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, write to Press, [email protected] Amarigna and Tigrigna word matching by Legesse Allyn © Copyright 2014 Legesse Allyn Page scans from the Dover Publications edition of “The Rosetta Stone,” by E.A. Wallis Budge, reprinted by permission of Dover Publications, NY The Dover Publications edition of “The Rosetta Stone,” by E. A. Wallis Budge is available in bookstores and online at Special thanks to: Online Tigrigna Dictionary, located at from SelamSoft, Inc., located at Cover image: © Hans Hillewaert/CC-BY-SA-3.0 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone GUIDE TO TRANSLATIONS AND MATCHES IN THIS BOOK HIEROGLYPHS FROM THE ROSETTA STONE APPROXIMATE TRANSLITERATION BY E.A. WALLIS BUDGE APPROXIMATE TRANSLATION BY E.A. WALLIS BUDGE ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE GREEK TEXT Land of Egypt AMARIGNA/TIGRIGNA MATCHES BY LEGESSE ALLYN ACTUAL FIDEL SPELLING ACTUAL ABUGIDA PRONUNCIATION ACTUAL MEANING ACTUAL LANGUAGE(S) ተዋሐደ tewahede united, merged, formed union, be united (A/T) A = AMARIGNA T = TIGRIGNA 1 መሬት meraet land (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 2 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Introduction In the IXth year, month XANDIKOS, the IVth day of the ለ ማበጥ le mabeT' for to swell (A) (T) (watch for it to happen) ሽUሽU shUshU at that time (T) which corresponds Eንታይ Eርሐ entay E'rhe what make (T) (T) of the Egyptian month of MEKHEIR the second month of the season PERT Aበጠ ናይ ዓማዊል ተዋሐደ መሬት Aበጠ abeT'e nay A'mawil tewahede meraet abeT'e swell of customers, united, merged, land swell (A) (T) clients formed union, (A/T) (A) (it is happening) (T) be united (A/T) XVIIIth day ሽUሽU shUshU at that time (T) ጋር gar with (A) In the reign of 3 ሹም shum leader (A/T) ፍርያት fryat produce (T) watchman who ናይ ሓላዊ ራEይ nay halawi raE'y of protector vision (T) (T) (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone holdeth in reverence the gods, Aምነሸነሸ Aበ amnesheneshe ab treat (well) place (A) (T) ጋር gar with (A) ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) who hath gained the mastery over his enemies, ሓራ ወጸ hara weTS'e free go (T) (T) who hath made the life of man to follow its normal course, lord of the Thirty-year Festivals, ወጸ ኣናቅሐ ናይ ገናና ነቢይ ግብዣ weTS'e anaqhe nay genana nebiy gbzha go give life of abundant prophet/god's festival (T) (T) (T) (A) messenger (A) (A/T) 4 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone like HEPHAISTOS THE GREAT, a King, like HELIOS, great king of the UPPER COUNTRY and of the (Ptah - craftsman and architect) (Ra = raey) LOWER COUNTRY, በተከ ጥንታዊ መሳይ Eቲ ራEይ መሳይ ንሱ በጽሐ beteke T'ntawi mesay eti raE'y mesay nsu beTS'he cut ancient similar that(m) vision similar he achieve, reach, (A) (A/T) (A) (T) (A/T) (A) (T) overtake (T) (Hephaistos = “giver of fire”) (Helios = a-li/a-ri = raey) ሃበ Eሳት ራEይ habe esat raE'y give fire vision (A) (A/T) (A/T) offspring of the gods PHILOPATORES, whom HEPHAISTOS hath chosen, to whom HELIOS hath given the victory, the Living Image 8 of ZEUS, ነጠላ/ንጽል ናይ በተከ Aስተባበረ Aከተመ ራEይU Aስቀመጠ ኣናቅሐ neT'ela/nTS’l nay beteke astebabere aketeme raeyu asqemeT'e anaqhe independent of cut bring finish he sees put down prolong (A/T) (T) (A) (A) (A) (T) (A) (T) (Philopatores) ፍሉይ ኣቦ fluy abo extraordinary father (T) (T) Aድሏዊ adlwawi biased (A/T) (Hephaistos) ሃበ Eሳት habe esat give fire (T) (T) 5 (Helios) ኃይል heyl power (A/T) (Zeus) ሰዋ sewa sacrifice (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone the son of HELIOS (RĀ), PTOLEMY, the everliving, the beloved of PTAH. ዘርI ኣናቅሐ ጸጥታ zeri anaqhe TS'eT'ta offspring prolong serenity (T) (T) (A/T) the God EPIPHANES ነጠላ/ንጽል Aበራ/ኣብረሀ neT'ela/nTS’l abera/abrehe independent light, illuminate (A/T) (A/T) መመረጥ memereT' be chosen (A/T) EUCHARISTOS ነቢይ nebiy prophet/god's messenger (A/T) (Epiphanes) ኣቦ ፋና abo fana father torch, lantern (T) (T) the daughter ዘርI zeri offspring (T) በተከ beteke cut (A) (Eucharistos) የ ቁራጽ ye quraTS’ of piece (A/T) (A/T) of ናይ nay of (T) PTOLEMY 6 ጋራ Eና gara ena together and (A) (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone being priestess of ARSINOË PHILOPATOR was priest of Aባ ናይ aba nay priest of (A/T) (T) (Philopator) ፍሉይ ኣቦ fluy abo extraordinary father (T) (T) Aድሏዊ adlwawi biased (A/T) and of ጋራ Eና gara ena together and (A) (A) the gods SOTERES, ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) (Soteres) Aስጣለ asT'ale save (A) 7 and ጋራ Eና gara ena together and (A) (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone of the gods ADELPHOI, 11 and of the gods EUERGETES, ነጠላ/ንጽል Eሱን ጋራ neT'ela/nTS’l esun gara independent him together (A/T) (A) (A) Eና ena and (A) ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) Aምነሸነሸ amnesheneshe treat (well) (A) (Euergetai) ወረጃ wereja noble, polite (T) and of ጋራ Eና gara ena together and (A) (A) the gods PHILOPATORES, and the God EPIPHANES ጋራ Eና ነጠላ/ንጽል Aበራ/ኣብረሀ gara ena neT'ela/nTS’l abera/abrehe together and independent light, (A) (A) (A/T) illuminate (A/T) (Phililopatores) ፍሉይ ኣቦ Aድሏዊ fluy abo adlwawi extraordinary father biased (T) (T) (A/T) 8 ነቢይ nebiy prophet (A/T) (Epiphanes) ኣቦ ፋና abo fana father torch, lantern (T) (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone EUCHARISTOS I the son of, በያኝ beyany decision maker (A) (Eucharistos) የ ቁራጽ ye quraTS’ of piece PYRRHA, daughter of Aዎ/Eወ awo/ewe yes (A/T) PHILINOS, being the ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) 9 ኣንስተይቲ ansteyti daughter (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Athlophoros ናይ Aቆመ nay aqome of put an end to, (T) stop something BERENIKE (A) (Athlophoros) Aደላ/ ዓደለ ፈራ adela/A'dele fera bring produce fruit fortune (A/T) (A) of Eቲ eti the (T) EUERGETES Aምነሸነሸ amnesheneshe treat (well) (A) and AREIA, Aዎ/Eወ awo/ewe yes (A/T) daughter ኣንስተይቲ ansteyti daughter (T) (Euergetes) ወረጃ wereja noble (T) 10 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone DIOGENES, the Kanephoros of (Kanephoros) ካህን Aፈራ hahn afera minister produce (A/T) (A) ARSINOË Eቲ eti the (T) 11 PHILADELPHOS መመረጥ memereT' be chosen (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and EIRENE Aዎ/Eወ awo/ewe yes (A/T) PTOLEMY, being ናይ nay of (T) PHILOPATOR Eቲ eti the (T) (Philopator) ፍሉይ fluy extraordinary (T) ኣቦ abo father (T) priestess Aባ aba priest (A) መመረጥ memereT' be chosen (A/T) Aድሏዊ adlwawi biased (A/T) 12 the daughter of ኣንስተይቲ ansteyti daughter (T) of ናይ nay of (T) ARSINOË Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 13 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 14 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone The Assembling of the Priesthoods of all Egypt at Memphis ህላዌ hlawae occurance, existence (A) ብይን byn decision (A/T) ዜጋዊ zaegawi civic (A) and the Prophets ሹም ነጠላ/ንጽል shum neT'ela/nTS’l leader independent (A/T) (A/T) and those Aባ aba priest (A) who go ከደ kede walk, go (T) The High-priests and the Bearers of Feathers Aዎ/Eወ መሪ ሸኘ awo/ewe meri shenyewi yes chief escort, carry (A/T) (A/T) (A) ሓላዊ halawi guard, (A/T) into ለ le for (A) ሻጠ shaT'e insert into (A/T) the shrine Aብ ab place (T) 15 ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) ጸለየ TS'eley pray (A/T) to dress ማሳመር masamer adorn (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone the gods ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) መሀል ዘውዲ ሸመነ EዚOም mehel zewedi shemene eziom middle crown weave these (A) (A/T) (A) (T) and the sacred Scribes ጋራ Eና ሾክ /Eሾኽ gara ena shok/eshokh together and thorn (A) (A) (A/T) መጽሓፍ meTS'haf book (A/T) ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) and ከኣ kea and (A) Aስተዋይ asteway wise (A) all the other ንn and (T) ፍሬ/ፍረ fre/fre fruit of product of (A/T) ካልE kale other (A/T) ኣናቅሐ anaqhe prolong (T) ጋራ gara together (A) Eና ena and (A) priests who have gathered themselves together from the temples Aባ ምንጭ ጸሎት aba mnCH' TS'elot priest source worship (A) (A) (A/T) 16 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone throughout the country ራስ መውጪያ ras mewCH'iya head (south) exit (north) (A/T) (A ) before the king in MEMPHIS, for the commemorative festival of Aዎ/Eወ ግንብ ሀጫ ንዋይ ንግብዣ ናይ awo/ewe gnb heCH'a nway ngbzha nay yes wall white property for party of (A/T) (A) (A) (A/T) (T) (A) (T) the reception of the kingdom, which he received from his father Aስገባ ሟያ/መሃያ ጠፊ/ጥፉE ወፈየ Eሙን asgeba mwaya/mehaya T'efi/T'fue wefeye emun asgeba compensation lost give, offer, sincere put inside (A) (person) dedicate, (A/T) (A) (A/T) donate (T) ነቢይ nebiy prophet/god's messenger (A/T) ተዋሐደ tewahede united, merged, formed union, be united (A/T) 17 ሹም shum leader (A/T) ንሱ nsu he (T) በጽሐ beTS'he achieve reach, overtake (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone by PTOLEMY, the everliving, ኣናቅሐ ጸጥታ anaqhe TS'T'ta prolong serenity (T) (A/T) the god EPIPHANES ነጠላ/ንጽል Aበራ/ኣብረሀ neT'ela/nTS’l abera/abrehe independent light, illuminate (A/T) (A/T) (Epiphanes) ነጠላ/ንጽል ኣቦ neT'ela/nTS’l abo independent father (A/T) (A) the temple of [PTAH] in ቅጽረ ግቢ qTS're gbi compound (A) ፋና fana torch, (T) EUCHARISTOS, ነቢይ nebiy prophet (A/T) (Eucharistos) የ ቁራጽ ye quraTS’ of piece (A/T) (A/T) Eንታይ entay what (T) 18 the beloved of PTAH, በተከ መመረጥ beteke memereT' cut be chosen (A) (A) being assembled Aብ EዚOም ab eziom place these (A/T) (T) in ለ le for (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone MEMPHIS, ተመቻ ቸ temechache be balanced (Makha-t) (A) on this day, declared [thus] : ተዋሐደ Aዘዘ/ኣዘዘ tewahede azeze united, merged, command formed union, (A/T) be united (A/T) Inasmuch ሟያ/መሃያ mwaya /mehaya compensation (A/T) Eንታይ entay what (T) ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) መመረጥ memereT be chosen (A) ከ ke of (A) as ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) ናይ nay of (T) (Ptah) በተከ beteke cut (A) Aስተባበረ astebabere bring (A) 19 EዚOም eziom these (T) King ንሱ በጽሐ nsu beTS'he he achieve, reach, (T) overtake (T) (Usr) ዋሕስ wahs security (T) (Ka) Aከተመ aketeme finish (A) (Ra) ራEይ Aስቀመጠ ኣናቅሐ raey asqemeT'e anaqhe vision put down prolong (A/T) (A) (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone PTOLEMY, the everliving, the beloved of PTAH ኣናቅሐ ጸጥታ anaqhe TS'T'ta prolong serenity (T) (A/T) ዘርI zeri offspring (T) the God EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS ነጠላ/ንጽል Aበራ/ኣብረሀ ነቢይ neT'ela/nTS’l abera/abrehe nebiy independent light, illuminate prophet/god's (A/T) (A/T) messenger (A/T) PTOLEMY the off- spring of King ዘርI ናይ zeri nay offspring of (T) (T) and ጋራ Eና gara ena together and (A) (A) 20 Queen በተከ beteke cut (A) ንሱ nsu he (T) ነቢያት nebiyat prophet/god's messenger (A/T) መመረጥ memereT' be chosen (A) በጽሐ beTS'he achieve, reach, overtake (T) ተዋሐደ tewahede united, merged, formed union, be united (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ARSINOË, the Gods PHILOPATORES, (Philopator) ፍሉይ ኣቦ fluy abo extraordinary father (T) (T) many Eቃ eqa possession (A/T) benefactions, ንፉE nfuE excellent (T) ውሩይ wruy eminent (T) Aድሏዊ adlwawi biased (A/T) both to ን n to (T) the temples, and ሓላዊ ተዋሐደ ከኣ halawi tewahede kea guard, united, merged, and watchman formed union, be united (T) (A/T) (A) 21 hath given ኣለዎ ዓረየ alewi A'reye have to do (T) (T) to those that dwell therein ዓሚል EዚOም ናብ A'mil eziom nab customers, these at clients (T) (T) (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and to all ሁሉ/ኩሉ hulu/kulu all (A/T) those Eዚኣ eziya there (T) Aምነሸነሸ amnesheneshe treat (well) (A) of a god ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) ናብ nab at (T) ለ le for (A) who are subject ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) ሕያው hyaw living (T) EዚOም eziom these (T) ረዳ reda serve, help (A) ነ ne to (T) to መሀል mehel middle (A) being ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) his ጨዋነት CH'ewanet dignity (A) a God born ወፈየ ናይ wefeye nay give, offer, of dedicate, (T) donate (T) and goddess ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) 22 dominion ዓወት A'wet success (T) ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) ለ le for (A) ዘርI zeri offspring (T) ተዋሐደ tewahede united, merged, formed union, be united (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone even Aዎ/Eወ ወፈየ awo/ewe give, offer, yes dedicate, (A/T) donate (T) ISIS Aፄቲ/ሃጸይቲ aTS'aeti/haTS'eyti empress (A/T) መሳይ mesay similar (A) and ዘርI zeri offspring (T) and towards ሳሳ sasa feel pity (A) like ጽውጽዋይ TS’wTS’way story (T) OSIRIS ራስ ras emperor (A/T) the gods ሹም ነጠላ/ንጽል shum neT'ela/nTS’l leader independent (A/T) (A/T) who ሕነ hne avenge (T) being ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, (T) 23 Aዎ/Eወ awo/ewe yes (A/T) HORUS, the son of ሓላዊ ዘርI halawi zeri guard, offspring watchman (T) (T) avenged ጠፊ T'efi lost person (A) his father OSIRIS ወፈየ ራስ/ርEሲ wefeye ras/resi give, offer, emperor dedicate, (A/T) donate (T) መሀል mehel middle dedicate, donate (A) full ኣብ ab place (T) of ናይ nay of (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone benevolent piety, ነጠላ/ንጽል Aምነሸነሸ neT'ela/nTS’l amnesheneshe independent treat (well (A/T) (A) ቻለ chale to bear, can (A) hath dedicated to the temples revenues in money ነጠላ/ንጽል ረዳ ነፍ ሀጫ neT'ela/nTS’l reda nef heCH'a independent serve a lot white (A/T) assist (A) (A) (A) and in grain and hath incurred great expenses in order that he might bring EGYPT ውሩይ Eህል/Eኽሊ ጫና Aዎ/Eወ ረባ/ረብሐ ማይ ሸመተ wruy ehl/ekhli CH'ana awo/ewe reba/rebhe may shemete eminent grain load yes earn, water buy, (T) (A/T) (A) (A/T) profit, (T) sell, benefit trade (A/T) (A/T) into ረዳ reda serve (A) ነፍ nef a lot (A) ሰብ Eዝ seb ez person command (T) (A) ነዋይ neway money (A/T) a state of prosperity ውሩይ Aዎ/Eወ ግርጌ ተዋሐደ መሬት wruy awo/ewe grge tewahede meraet eminent yes at the foot united, merged, land (T) (A/T) (A) formed union, (A/T) be united (A/T) 24 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and might ለ le for (A) and hath given away freely ረዳ ወፈየ reda wefeye serve give, offer, (A) dedicate, donate (T) establish the temples ስጦታ sT'ota grant, provision (A) ፋታ fata relief (A) ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) of all the moneys ናይ ምቹ/ምሹE nay mcu/mshue of appropriate (T) (A/T) ውሩይ wruy eminent (T) መሳይ mesay similar (A) 25 ቅጥ qT' order (A) which were his own; ወናኒ ኩነታት wenani kunetat owner condition (T) (T) Eዞም eziom these (T) ዓወት A'wet success (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 26 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Ptolemy V Reduces Some Taxes and Abolishes Others and of the taxes ቀረጥ/ቀረጽ qereT'/qereTS' tax, tribute (A/T) which ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) ኣለዉ alewu they are (T) and ከኣ kea and (A) come ታየ taye appear (A) he hath reduced ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) Aረፈ/ኣEረፈ arefe/aErefe rest, break (A/T) dues በቂ beqi enough (A) to him ከ ke of (A) ጉቦ ነፍ gbo nef bribe a lot (A/T) (A) 27 ናይ nay of (T) from ጋር gar with (A) Eቲ eti the (T) EGYPT ተዋሐደ tewahede united, merged, formed union, be united (A/T) and others some ኣምጽA import, get, fetch, furnish (T) መሬት meraet land (A/T) Eዞም eziom these (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone he hath ኣየናይ ayenay which (T ረዳ reda serve (A) finally remitted ረዳ ነፍ reda nef serve a lot (A) (A) ለ le for (A) so that the people Aዎ/Eወ awo/ewe yes (A/T) Eዞም eziom these (T) and all the others foreigners domiciled in the country መፏከት ከኣ ኣየናይ mefwaket kea ayenay fight and which (A) (T) (T) ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) might be prosperous during ምቾት መሀል mchot mehel comfort middle (A/T) (A) ተዋሐደ መሬት tewahede meraet united, merged, land formed union, (A/T) be united (A/T) his reign ልክ/ልክE lk/lkE precise, exact, right, accurate (A/T) 28 ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) ናይ nay of (T) ተለየ teleye be alone (A) ናብ nab in (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 29 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 30 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Ptolemy V Remit Arrears of Taxation and hath remitted to the natives ገረሸ gereshe to return (A) of EGYPT ማይ በቘለ may beQWele water grow (T) (T) and ከኣ kea and (T) kingdom, ዓወት ወፈየ A'wet wefeye success give, offer, (T) dedicate, donate (T) Aምነሸነሸ amnesheneshe treat (well) (A) Eቲ eti the (T) ኣለዉ alewu they are (T) ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) to all the other people Eዚኣ ናብ iziya nab there in (T) (T) ጋር gar with (A) ገናና genana abundant (A) in ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) his መን men who (T) ኩነታት kunetat condition (T) the debts which were due to the royal treasury ለ Aዋጅ Eዚኣ ረዳ EዚOም ሹም ወፈየ ለ ተዋሐደ መሬት le awaj ezia reda eziom shum wefeye le tewahede meraet for decree this serve these leader give, offer, for united, land (A) (A/T) (T) (A) (T) (A/T) dedicate, (A) merged, (A/T) donate formed union, (T) be united (A/T) 31 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and which were indeed very many in number; and hath set free from the charges against መሀል Eብጥ ዓብዪ መጠን ለቀቀ/ለቐቐ ዳንነት EዚOም Eቃ ነፍ mehel ebT ' Abyi meT'en leqeqe/leQ'eQ'e dannet eziom eqa nef middle swollen great amount quit, unleash, judgment these thing a lot (A) (A) (T) (A/T) vacate, desert, (A/T) (T) (A/T) (A) release, free (A/T) those who Aስገባ insert, insert, put inside (A) ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) were in the prisons ጋር gar with (A) 32 and ከኣ kea and (T) Eዩ eyu is (T) who Eዚኣ iziya there (T) ናብ nab in (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone had been there for a long time because of the [non-settlement of their cases] and hath ordered ገነነ ኣብ ታሕቲ ነዊሕ መሀል Eርሐ ሩሁሩ/ርሕሩሕ Aዋጅ genene ab tahti newih mehel Erhe ruhru/rhruh awaj be exaggerated under long middle make merciful decree (A) (T) (T) (A) (T) (A/T) (A/T) ውይይት wyyt discussion (A) ሹም shum leader (A/T) ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) መሀል mehel middle (A) Aለ ale exist (A) that the revenues of ነጠላ/ንጽል ሸጠ በ neT'ela/nTS’l sheT'e be independent exchange for (A/T) (A/T) the temples, and the grants which are made to them annually, both in respect of grain ነጠላ/ንጽል ከኣ ሀጫ Eኽሊ/Eህል ረዳ neT'ela/nTS’l kea heCH'a ekhli/ehl reda independent and white grain serve (A/T) (T) (A) (A/T) (A) 33 ናይ nay of (T) ለ le for (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ሓጹር ነጠላ/ንጽል haTS'ur neT'ela/nTS’l compound independent (T) (A/T) ጥብቅ ለ T'bq le good for (T) (A) ማበጥ mabeT' to swell (A) ከኣ kea and (T) [which is assigned to the gods from the vine- yards, ነጠላ/ንጽል ኣቕሑ ኣEተወ neT'ela/nTS’l aQhu aetewe independent furnish submit, import, (A/T) insert, introduce, admit deposit, (T) (T) ማይ may water (T) and ማይ may water (T) money, and also the proper portion Eቃ əqa possession (A/T) Eርያ erya harvest (T) መንገድ ኣEተወ menged aetewe road, path submit, (A/T) admit, import (T) and from the gardens, and the other possessions of the gods, should, as they ከሰከሰ በሽ ኣEተወ ከኣ Eቃ ኣየናይ kesekese besh aetewe kea əqa ayenay break up plenty import, and possession which (soil) introduce, insert, (T) (A/T) (T) (A) (A) deposit (T) 34 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone were in the reign of his father ሀገር/ሃገር Eዞም ጋር ሹም ጠፊ ወፈየ heger/hager eziom gar shum T'efi wefeye country these with leader lost give, offer, (A/T) (T) (A) (A/T) (person) dedicate, (A) donate (T) ሚና mina role (A) remain the same EዚOም eziom these (T) ሀገር/ሃገር heger/hager country, nation (A/T) EዚOም eziom these (T) 35 ሰብ seb person (T) Eዝ ለ ez le command for (A) (A) ረዳ reda serve (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 36 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Ptolemy Releases the Priesthood from Taxation and from their Annual Journey to Alexandria, Abolishes the Press Gang, and Remits Two-Thirds of the Tax on Byssus he hath also ውይይት wyyt discussion (A) commanded that they ነፍ Eዝ ለ nef Ez le a lot command for (A) (A) (A) should pay no more ቆመ/ትም ረዳ tome/tm reda stop serve (A/T) (A) as their fee for ምቹ mchu appropriate, comfortable (A) and in respect of the priests also, consecration, than what they had been [formerly] assessed መሀል ያው Aባ መን ለ ኣየናይ ረዳ mehel yaw aba men le ayenay reda middle the same priest who for which serve (A) (A) (A) (T) (A) (T) (A) ውፉይነት wfaynet devotion (T) ለ le for (A) ለ ማበጥ le mabeT for to swell (A) (A) in the time of ሹም shum leader (A/T) 37 ኣምጽA amTS’e import, get, furnish (T) his father and up to the first year [of his reign]. ጠፊ ወፈየ ሰብ Eዝ T'efi wefeye seb ez lost give, offer, person command person dedicate, donate (T) (A) (A) (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone And further he hath released ለ Eዩ le eyu for be (A) (T) Aዋጣ awaT'a contribute (A) ናይ nay of (T) members of the priestly class [from the obligation] to sail down [the NILE] annually Aዎ/Eወ ነጠላ/ንጽል ሓጹር ዋንነት Aባ ን ወጸ awo/ewe nTS'l haTS'ur wannet aba n weTS'e yes independent enclosure property priest to go out (A/T) (A/T) (T) (T) (A) (T) (T) to Aዎ/Eወ awo/ewe yes (A/T) በ be at (A/T) ALEXANDRIA . ግንብ ናይ gnb nay wall of (A) (T) 38 ሹም shum leader (A/T) Eርሐ Erhe make (T) ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) EዚOም eziom these (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone መሀል mehel middle (A) ጊዜ gizae time (T) ናይ nay of (T) ለ le for (A) ማበጥ mabeT' to swell (A) And he hath likewise commanded that men shall no longer be seized by force ውይይት ነፍ Eዝ ለ ቆመ/ትም ረዳ wyyt nef Ez le tome/tm reda discussion a lot command for stop serve (A) (A) (A) (A) (A/T) (A) [for service] in EዚOም ማይ eziom may these water (T) (T) the Navy ጭነት CH'net cargo (A) and of the tax upon cloth 39 ገባ geba come in, go in (A) ወደ wede toward (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone of byssus which is መሀል ብጭጭ ሸመነ mehel bCH'CH' shemene middle yellowish weave (A) (A) (A) መን men who (T) two-thirds paid to the royal Eርሐ ለ Erhe le make for (T) (A) treasury ገዛ ብር geza br house silver (T) (A) he hath remitted Aዋጣ awaT'a contribute (A) Eዞም eziom these (T) 40 ፍረ Eዮ ንሱ fre Eyu nsu output he (T) (T) ናይ nay of (T) ሹም shum leader (A/T) ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and whatsoever things had ማዋጣት ኣለዉ Eቃ mawaT'at alewu əqa to contribute they are possession (A) (T) (A/T) been ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) in times past he hath restored, and set in the order in which they should be መሀል ሩሁሩ Aዋጅ መታ ሹም ወፈየ ለ mehel ruhru awaj meta shum wefeye le middle make merciful mount leader give, for (A) (A) (A/T) (A) (A/T) offer, (A) dedicate, donate (T) and he hath taken care that ኣየናይ ወፈየ ሓለወ ምቹ/ምቹE ayenay wefeye halewe mchu/mchue which give keep appropriate (T) offer, (T) (A/T) dedicate, donate (T) the Aዎ/Eወ awo/ewe yes (A/T) 41 neglected ዘንግA zengA neglect (T) መሀል mehel middle (A) ጽቡቕ TS'buQ good (T) ceremonial ዓቢ ውሩይ Abi wruy great eminent (T) (T) Eዞም eziom these (T) ንፉE nfuE smart, clever (T) obligations ሓለወ Eርሐ halewe Erhe keep make (T) (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Eቃ əqa possession (A/T) ወትሩ wetru usually (A/T) ማይ may water (T) to the Gods ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) ናይ nay of (T) should መሳይ mesay similar (A) Eርሐ Erhe make (T) be Eንታይ entay what (T) ለ le for (A) 42 መሀል mehel middle (A) rightly ጽቡቕ TS'buQ good (T) መጣር meT'ar to try hard (A) performed; መጣር meT'ar to try hard (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and moreover, he ማዋጣት ኣለዉ mawaT'at alewu to contribute they are (T (T) Eርሐ Erhe make (T) ናይ nay of (T) hath administered justice unto ረዳ ጽቡቕ ንፉE ናይ reda TS'buQ nfuE nay serve good smart, of (A) (T) clever (T) (T) every man, even ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) like መሳይ mesay similar (A) HERMES, the Great Great; ትችት ዓቢ ዓቢ tcht Abi Abi critique great great (Tehuti) (T) (T) and he hath further ordered that those of the soldiers who returned, and of the others who had held rebellious opinions in the troubled times, should, having come back, be allowed ውይይት ነፍ Eዝ wyyt nef Ez discussion a lot command (A) (A) (A) 43 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone to keep possession of their own property. ለ ረዳ ናተን le reda naten for serve their (A) (A) (T) And he hath made Eርሐ ነፍ Erhe nef make a lot (T) (A) cavalry and Aሸሸ asheshe to drive away (A) Eቃ eqa possession (A/T) provision that ምቹ mchu appropriate (A) Eዞም eziom these (T) forces of Eዝ ሓለወ Ez halewe command guard (A) (T) infantry, በሶምሶማ besomasoma at a trot (A) 44 ጋር gar with (A) ረዳ reda serve (A) Eዞም eziom these (T) ኣምጽA amTS'a dispatch (T) and ships also መርከብ merkeb boat (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone መን men who (T) should be dispatched against ቀሠፈ qesefe punish, kill (A) ናይ nay of (T) were about to invade EGYPT, both by ሃለወ ወግE ሓለወ ሸመተ halewe wege halewe shemete exist fight guard buy, sell (A/T) (A/T) (T) trade (A/T) sea and by land, ወጻI ውሩይ weTS'ai wruy outside eminent (T) (T) those who ማዋጣት mawaT'at to contribute (A) incurring great expenditure in money and grain ረዳ ነፍ ሀጫ Eኽሊ reda nef heCH'a ekhli serve a lot white grain (A) (A) (A) (A/T) 45 ውሩይ wruy eminent (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone so that the temples and all who were in the country might be in a state of security. ለ Eዞም ለ ሓላዊ ተዋሐደ le ezom le halawi tewahede for these for free united, merged, (A) (T) (A) guard, formed union, watchman be united (T) (A/T) ተዋሐደ መሬት tewahede meraet united, merged, land formed union, (A/T) be united (A/T) 46 መሬት ጋር meraet gar land, with (A/T) (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 47 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 48 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Ptolemy V Besieges Lycopolis And having gone to LYCOPOLIS, which is in the Busirite nome, which had been occupied and fortified against a siege with an arsenal well stocked with weapons of war and supplies of every kind— now of long standing ሹም ወፈየ Aዎ/Eወ shum wefeye awo/ewe leader give, offer, yes (A/T) dedicate, donate (A/T) (T) was the disaffection of the impious men who were gathered together in it, ሰብኣይ ኣየናይ መሀል ኩነታት Eዚኣ sbay ayenay mehel kunetat eziya man which middle condition, here (T) (T) (A) situation (T) (T) and who had done much injury ጫሪነት CH'arinet against (A) Eርሐ Erhe make (T) Eዞም eziom these (T) 49 ጽቡቕ TS'buQ good (T) ገበዘ gebeze act with hypocrisy (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ውሩይ wruy eminent (T) ናይ nay of (T) መን men who (T) Aብቃይ abqay productive land (A) to the temples ሹም ወፈየ shum wefeye leader give, offer, dedicate, (T) donate (A/T) ከኣ kea and (T) ተዋጋ tewaga fight (A) Eዞም eziom these (T) መጠነ meT'ene measure out (A/T) and to all those who dwelt in EGYPT ዜጋ ናይ zega nay citizen of (A/T) (T) ምርጫ mrCH'a choice (A/T) ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) and having encamped against them, he surrounded it with mounds, and trenches, and marvellous engines ኣጸናንA ነፍ aTS’enanE nef fortify a lot (A/T) (A) 50 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and when the NILE made a great rise (i.e. inundation) in the VIIIth , and being about, as usual, to flood out the plains Aዳወረ ናብ Eንታይ ውሕጁ ለ ርስት/ርስቲ adawere nab entay whju le rst/rsti wind around into what flood for inherited land (A) (T) (T) (T) (A) (A/T) he (i.e. the King) held [the river] in check, having dammed up in many places the mouths of the canals, and in carrying out this work ደኅና መጠን Eርሐ ማዋጣት Eውን ንሱ ጽቡቕ dehna meT'en Erhe mawaT'at ewn nsu TS'ebQ good amount, make to contribute real he good (A/T) measure (T) (A) (A/T) (T) (T) (A/T) spent ረዳ ነፍ reda nef serve a lot (A) (A) no small sum of money ሀጫ መሳይ heCH'a mesay white similar (A) (A) Aሻ asha need (A) 51 Eዞም eziom these (T) ለ le for (A) Eዞም eziom these (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and having stationed ረዳ Aኖረ reda anore serve put (A) (A) ሹም shum leader (A/T) to guard [the dams] ለ le for (A) ናይ nay of (T) ለ le for (A) ዘይzeynot (T) ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) cavalry and infantry ተራመደ ሮጠ ወፈየ teramede roT'e wefeye walk run give, offer, (A) (A) dedicate, donate (T) ከተራ ketere dam (A) ውሕጁ whju flood (T) በ የን be yen where Eዞም eziom these (T) 52 በሶምሶማ besomasoma at a trot (A) ለ le for (A) Aየ aye watch (A) Eዞም eziom these (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ዓሚቝ amiQw deep (T) መሸፈኛ meshefenya cover (A) took by storm the city ርስት/ርስቲ rst/rsti inherited land (A/T) in a very short time Aመጣ ውሩይ ameT'a wruy brought eminent (AM (T) ደኅና dehna good (A) መዓት meAt much (T) ጨቈነ CH'eqw’ene repress, oppress (A/T) ኣምጽA amTS'a dispatch (T) ገባ geba come in (A) 53 ነፍ nef a lot (T) መን men who (T) ናይ nay of (T) ሹም shum leader (T) ለ le for (A) ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) ጸገI TS'egeI protection (T) ኣምጸA amTS'ee bring (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and destroyed all the impious men ንሰብኣይ n sebay for man (T) (T) መን men who (T) ዓወት Awet success (T) the son of ISIS and OSIRIS ዘርI zeri offspring (T) ማዋጣት mawaT'at to contribute (A) ናይ nay of (T) who were therein ኣየናይ መሀል ayenay mehel which middle (T) (A) ቀነሰ qenese he reduced (A) Eርሐ Erhe make (T) ነፍ nef a lot (A) Eርሐ Erhe make (T) even as HERMES (THOTH), and HORUS ናይ nay of (T) ሰብኣይ sebay man (T) ሓለወ Eዞም halewe eziom keep these (T) (T) 54 Eዞም eziom these (T) in those very same places መሀል ኣብ በ የን mehel ab be yen middle at where (A) (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone reduced to subjection those who had rebelled ኩነታት ሰብኣይ kunetat sebay condition, man situation (T) (T) 55 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 56 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Ptolemy Punishes the Leaders of the Rebellion Against His Father Ptolemy IV Philopator And the men who had led astray the rebels in the time of his father, Eስከ Aማጽያን eske amaTS'yan as far as rebels (A) (A) and መሀል mehel middle (A) ጽቡቕ Eዞም TS'buQ eziom good these (T) (T) had stirred up revolt Aስታማሚ Eዞም astamami eziom person who these spreads (A) disease (A) and had committed sacrilege in the temples for the purpose of avenging ፀብ ሓላዊ ተዋሐደ መሬት ተዋግA Eዞም TS'eb halawi tewahede meraet tewaga eziom hostility guard, united, merged, land fight these (A) watchman formed union, (A/T) (A/T) (T) (T) be united (A/T) 57 ኣየናይ Eዞም ayenay eziom which these (T) (T) in the country, ጥሻ ነዋይ T'sha neway bush lan property, (T) possession, money (A/T) ማደን maden hunt (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ናይ nay of (T) ሹም shum leader (A/T) ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) and his own sovereignty ረዳ ናይ ነጠላ/ንጽል reda nay neT'ela/nTS’l serve of independent (A) (T) (A/T) መን men who (T) MEMPHIS ግንብ gnb wall (A) ከኣ kea and (T) his father ጠፊ ወፈየ T'efi wefeye lost give, offer, (person) dedicate, (A) donate (T) having come into ገባ ወፈየ geba wefeye come in give, offer, (A) dedicate, donate (T) ሀጫ heCH'a white (A) 58 ኣምጸA amTS'ee bring (T) ሰብ seb person (T) Eዝ ez command (A) EዚOም eziom these (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone at the time when he came there to perform the duly appointed ceremonies for his reception of the crown መሀል ግብዣ Aስገባ ንሱ ዘውዲ መን ጠፊ ወፈየ mehel gbzha asgeba nsu zewdi men T'efi wefeye middle party insert, he crown who lost give, offer, (A) (A) put inside (T) (A/T) (T) person dedicate, (A) (A) donate (T) he punished according to their deserts Aስማማ መሀል ረዳ asmama mehel reda make agreeable middle serve (A) (A) (A) ጽቡቕ TS'buQ good (T) Eጨይቲ ECH'eyti wood (T) 59 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 60 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Ptolemy V Remits the Arrears of Taxes and Contributions Due to the King from the Temples And moreover ጉርሻ grsha bonus (A) ናይ nay of (T) up to the VIIIth of his reign ለ le for (A) he hath remitted to the temples ሹም ወፈየ ኣየናይ shum wefeye ayenay leader give, offer, which dedicate, (T) (T) donate (A/T) ቸረ chere donate (A) ገዛ ፍረEዮ geza fre Eyo house output (T) (T) that which was due to the royal treasury money ማበጥ Aሃዝ ብይን ዘመን Eህል/Eኽሊ mabeT' ahez byn zemen ehl/ekli to swell amount decision period grain (A) (A) (A/T) (A/T) (A/T) which was no small amount of and corn ከኣ Eህል/Eኽሊ ረዳ Eዞም kea ehl/ekli reda eziom and grain serve these (T) (A/T) (A) (T) 61 ነዋይ neway possession, property, (A/T) ሀጫ heCH'a white (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and moreover, he hath remitted ሹም ወፈየ shum wefeye leader give, offer, (A/T) dedicate, donate (T) the dues ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) upon ንዓደለ n Adele for deliver (T) (T) ቸረ chere to donate (A) ለ le for (A) ማዋጣት mawaTat to contribute (A) ኣለዉ alewu they are (T) byssus cloth which had not been paid into the royal treasury, ናይ ብጭጭ ሸፈነ ረዳ ለ ፍረ Eዮ ንሱ nay bCH'CH' shefene reda le fre Eyo nsu of yellowish cover serve for output he (T) (A) (A/T) (A) (A) (T) (T) ገዛ geza house (T) ፍረ Eዮ fre Eyo output (T) and also the charges made for the examination ነዋይ ከኣ ዋጋ ሰጠ neway kea waga seT'e possession, and fee give property, (T) (A/T) (A) money (A/T) 62 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone of those which had been ሟነነ ዓደለ mwanene A'dele be shrunk deliver (A) (T) sent in during ሸፈነ Eዞም shefene eziom cover these (A/T) (T) that same period; ለ ግዜ le gzae for period (A) (T) and he hath also freed the temples from [the tax of] one artaba ሐውልት ናይ EህልEኽሊ ሓቂ hewlt nay ehl/ekhli haqi monument of grain exact (A) (T) (A/T) (T) Aዎ/Eወ ስጦታ awo/ewe sT'ota yes provision (A/T) (A) for each arura መን men who (T) of land Eጫ E'CH'a lot (T) ናይ nay of (T) 63 በ የን be yen where (T) ሰጠ seT'e give (A) [held by the temples], and also ነጠላ/ንጽል ማዋጣት neT'ela/nTS’l mawaT'at independent to contribute (A/T) (A) ኣለዉ alewu they are (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone [the tax of] መሀል mehel middle (A) ሀብት/ሃብቲ ናይ hebt/habt nay wealth of (A/T) (T) መሀል mehel middle (A) one jar of wine Aለበ alebe draw out (A) Eዞም eziom these (T) ንn for (T) 64 for each arura of vineyards. Eጫ ናይ E'CH'a nay lot of (A) (T) ሃራራ harara addiction (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 65 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 66 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone The Endowments of Apis, Mnevis, and the Other Sacred Animals Made by Ptolemy V he hath given many gifts ረዳ ነፍ Eቃ reda nef eqa serve a lot thing (A) (T) (A/T) And to [the Bull] APIS, and to [the Bull] MNEVIS and ውሩይ ን ዓበየ ውሩይ ከኣ wruy n Abeye wruy kea eminent to mature eminent and (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) to the other sacred animals in EGYPT, Aውሬ awrae untamed animal (A) Eርሐ Erhe make (T) Eዞም eziom these (T) Eቃ eqa thing (T) the kings who were before him ናይ ጽቡቕ nay TS'buQ of good (T) (T) 67 ሃበ habe grant (T) መሀል mehel middle (A) far more indeed than ሁሉ/ኩሉ ለ hulu/kulu le all for (A/T) (A) and he was careful ወፈየ ሓለወ wefeye halewe give, offer, keep (T) dedicate, donate (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ችግር chgr issue (A) in respect of what መሀል mehel middle (A/T) Eዞም eziom these (T) every matter whatsoever ዘለዓለም zeleAlem forever (A) ናብ nab in (T) belonged to them in ረዳ ነፍ Eቃ reda nef əqa serve a lot possession (A) (A) (A/T) Eዞም eziom these (T) and for their burials he gave all that was needed with splendid generosity ለ Aብ ጽዱ Eዞም ውሩይ le ab TS'du eziom wruy for place pure these eminent (A) (T) (A) (T) (T) 68 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and that which was necessary for private shrines ነፍ ሸክም/ሰኸም ኣምጽA nef shkm/skhem amTS’e a lot load import, get, (A) (A/T) fetch, furnish (T) መሀል mehel middle (A) ግብዣ gbzha party (A) ዓብዪ Abyi great (T) Eህል/Eኽሊ ehl/ekhli grain (A/T) Eዞም eziom these (T) Aዎ/Eወ awo/ewe yes (A/T) Aጋየ agaye burn up, consume (A) and for commemorative feasts, and for the ordinances as by law (or, custom) ወደመ ከኣ Eቃ wedeme kea əqa sacrifice and possession (A) (T) (A/T) 69 ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) ሓጹር Eዞም hatsur eziom compund these (T) (T) and for sacrifices ዝክር zkr commemoration (A/T) ናይ nay of (T) Eርሐ Erhe make (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone prescribed and the honourable estate of the temples and of EGYPT ሥያሜ ጽቡቕ መሀል ገዛ ፍረ Eዮ syamae TS'buQ mehel geza fre Eyo designation of good middle house output something (T) (A) (T) (T) (A) he hath maintained in a fitting manner ውሩይ ናይ wruy nay eminent of (T) (T) በቘለ beQWele grow (T) ከኣ kea and (T) Eዞም eziom these (T) according to traditional custom መሳይ Eንታይ ለ mwsay entay le similar what for (A) (T) (A) 70 ቁብ qub preference (A) ሹም shum leader (A/T) Eቃ əqa possession (T) ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone expending upon it gold, and silver, and precious stones in no small quantities ረዳ ነፍ ሀጫ ከኣ Eህል/Eኽሊ reda nef heCH kea ehl/ekhli serve a lot write and grain (A) (A) (A) (T) (A/T) ሁሉ/ኩሉ hulu/kulu all (A/T) Eቃ əqa possession (A/T) ውሩይ wruy eminent (T) Aሻ Eዞም asha eziom want these (A) (T) and he hath decorated the Temple of APIS with fine work, ሓጹር ሸከም Eንታይ ዓበየ haTS'ur meshekem entay Abeye compound to be loaded what mature (T) (A/T) (T) (T) 71 ኣናቅሐ anaqhe prolong (T) ከኣ kea and (T) ማስጌጫ masgaeCH'a decoration (A) ለ le for (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and he ሹም shum leader (A/T) መሀል mehel middle (A) ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) ሸፈነ shefene cover (A/T) hath founded (refounded ?) temples, and shrines, and altars, መሀል Aከተመ ወፈየ Aምነሸነሸ ንኣOም mehel aketeme wefeye amnesheneshe naom middle finish give, offer, treat (well) them (A) dedicate, (T) (A) (T) donate (A) መዓት meat much (T) ሰኵA sekwA insert (T) ነፍ nef a lot (A) and hath restored those which needed repairs Aሻ ነፍ ነጠላ/ንጽል asha nef neT'ela/nTS’l need a lot independent (A) (A) (A/T) ዓበየ Abeye mature (T) ሓጹር haTS'ur compound (T) 72 ኣናቅሐ anaqhe prolong (T) መኻን mekhan site, spot (T) ንፉE nfuE smart, clever (T) ራስ ras head (A/T) ኣቐመጠ aQWemeT'e deposit (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 73 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 74 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone The Devotion of Ptolemy V to the Service of the Gods and His Reward] having the zeal መን men who (T) ናይ nay of (T) ናይ nay of (T) of a beneficent god in matters which relate to ነጠላ/ንጽል ሲሳይ ሹም neT'ela/nTS’l sisay shum independent fortune leader (A/T) dedicate, (A/T) donate (A) divine service, ነጠላ/ንጽል Aምነሸነሸ neT'ela/nTS’l amnesheneshe independent treat (well) (A/T) (A) ወፈየ መን wefeye men give, offer, who (T) (T) and having discovered ሥራ ነጠላ/ንጽል ሓለወ ሕነ sra neT'ela/nTS’l halewe hne work independent watch avenge (A/T) (/T) (T) (T) 75 Aብ ab place (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone which ሰደረ sedere put in order (A) Aዎ/Eወ awo/ewe yes (A/T) of the temples were most held in honour, ገዛ ፍረ Eዮ ንፉE geza fre eyo nfuE house output smart (T) (T) (T) he hath restored the same during his reign, as was meet Eዞም መሀል ልክ eziom mehel lk these middle precise, exact, (T) (A) right, accurate (A) 76 ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ናይ nay of (T) ተለየ teleye be alone (A) ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) ሁሉ/ኩሉ hulu/kulu all (A/T) ናብ nab in (T) In return for all these things gs have given him Eዚ ezi this (T) the gods health, and victory, and power, Aቆመ Eንጨት aqome EnCH'et put an end to, wood stop something (A) (A/T) and all other Eቃ əqa possession (A/T) good things ንፉE nfuE excellent (T) 77 ኣናቅሐ anaqhe prolong (A/T) ረዳ reda serve (A) ነፍ nef a lot (T) ጸንቶ/ጽኑE ስነ ጥEና TS'ento/TS’nuE sne T'Ena strong health (A/T) (T) ለ le for (A) Aዋጅ awaj decree (A/T) Eዞም eziom these (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ለ le for (A) and his sovereignty ዓወት ወፈየ ውሩይ Awet wefeye wruy success give, offer, eminent (T) dedicate, (T) donate (T) and with his children for all time. ቆልዓ ወፈየ ን qwelA wefeye n child give, offer, for (T) dedicate, (T) donate (T) shall remain ጠጠው T'eT'ewu upright (A) ትዝታ tzta memory (A/T) 78 with him, ጋር ወፈየ gar wefeye with give, offer, (A) dedicate, donate (T) ከኣ kea and (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 79 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 80 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone The Priests Decide to Augment the Honours Paid to Ptolemy V and His Ancestors It hath seemed good ከኣ ሸክም/ሰኸም kea shkm/skhem and load (T) (A/T) ንፉE nfuE excellent (T) that the honours which have been bestowed upon to the priests of all the temples Eገዛ/ሓገዝ መሀል ሃበ ን Aባ egeza/hagez mehel habe n aba support, aid middle grant to priest (A/T) (A) (T) (T) (A) ራስ ras head (A/T) መውጫ/መውጽI mewCH'a/mewTS'i exit (A/T) መሳይ mesay similar (A) Aተመ ateme print (carve) (A) Eዞም eziom these (T) 81 ናይ nay of (T) ማተት matet report (A) ጸሎት TS'älot prayer (A/T) Aቆመ/ቀወመ aqome/qeweme put an end to, stop something (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone King PTOLEMY, the everliving, the beloved of PTAH ንሱ በጽሐ nsu beTS'he he achieve, reach, (T) overtake (T) the God EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS ሓላዊ halawi guard, watchman (T) ተዋሐደ tewahede united, merged, formed union, be united (A/T) ኩነታት kunetat condition, situation (T) መሬት meraet land (A/T) 82 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and likewise those of his parents Aዎ/Eወ ዘወረ Eዞም awo/ewe zewere eziom yes transplant these (A/T) (A) (T) ከኣ kea and (T) ግብAት gbat result (A) and those of his ancestors, the Gods EUERGETES, Aስገባ Eሱ ከኣ asgeba esu kea put inside he and (A) (T) (T) ግንኙነት gnnyunet relationship (A) ናይ nay of (T) the Gods PHILOPATORES Aስገባ asgeba put inside (A) Eሱ esu he (T) 83 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and ከኣ kea and (T) the Gods ADELPHOI, Aስገባ asgeba put inside (A) the Gods SOTERES, should be greatly added to ጸዓነ TS'Ane add (T) (Soteres) Aስተረፈ asterefe to save from death (A) 84 ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) ን n to (T) Eዞም eziom these (T) EተዋጽA etewaTS’e collection (T) and ጋራ gara with (A) Eዞም eziom these (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 85 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 86 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone The Priests Decide to Set Up Statues of Ptolemy V and the Chief Local God in Each of the Temples of Egypt To set up to the God ማዋጣት ሐውልት mawaT'at hewlt to contribute monument (A) (A/T) PTOLEMY, the everliving ኣቕነA aQneA erect (T) ናይ nay of (T) ኣናቅሐ anaqhe prolong (T) ጸጥታ TS'eT'ta serenity (A/T) God EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS most prominent part of every temple, which shall be called ነጠላ/ንጽል ብሩህ ነቢይ ንፉE neT'ela/nTS’l bruh nebiy nfuE independent bright prophet smart (A/T) (A) (A/T) (T) 87 ንሱ nsu he (T) በተከ beteke cut (A) በጽሐ beTS'he achieve, reach, overtake (T) መመረጥ memereT' be chosen (A/T) an image in the Aርማ ወፈየ arma wefeye icon give, offer, (A) dedicate, donate (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ‘PTOLEMY, ሃበዎ habewo gave him (T) THE AVENGER OF EGYPT .’ ሕነ ብኽያት hne bkhyat avenge cry (T) (T) Eንጨት EnCH'et wood (A) ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) ሸመተ ንዋይ shemete nway buy, sell, trade, property to buy in bulk possession (A/T) (A/T) And close by this image shall stand [an image of] the chief god of the temple presenting to him ከኣ ኣቕነA ናይ ነጠላ/ንጽል ንዋይ ረዳ ነፍ kea aQneA nay neT'ela/nTS’l nway reda nef and erect of independent possession, serve a lot (T) (T) (T) (A/T) property (A) (A) (A/T) 88 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone the weapon of victory, ጩቤ ንሱ CH'ube nsu small knife he (A) (T) ናይ nay of (T) Aቆመ መን aqome men put an end to, who stop something (T) (A) which shall be constructed ሓለወ Aርማ ወፈየ መሀል halewe arma wefeye mehel keep icon give, middle (T) (A) offer, (A) dedicate, donate (T) Aስከተተ asketete assemble (people) (A) 89 ናይ nay of (T) Aማጽያን amaTS'yan rebels (A) Aነጸ aneTS'e build (A) ሸመተ shemete buy, sell, trade, to buy in bulk (A/T) ሓጹር ነጠላ/ንጽል hatTS'ur neT'ela/nTS’l compound independent (T) (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ናይ nay of (T) after the Egyptian fashion ንሱ በጽሐ መሸመን nsu beTS'he meshemen he achieve, reach, weave (T) overtake (A) (T) ማዋጣት mawaT'at contribute (A) Eርሐ Erhe make (T) And the priests ዜጋዊ zegawi civic (A) ናይ nay of (T) ናይ nay of (T) shall do homage to the[se] image[s] ሓለወ Aርማ ወፈየ halewe arma wefeye keep icon give, offer, (T) (A) dedicate, donate (T) 90 በቘለ beQWele grow (T) ሓጹር ነጠላ/ንጽል haTS'ur neT'ela/nTS’l compound independent (T) (A/T) ኣቕነA aQneA erect (T) መሀል mehel middle (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone መስበቅ mesbeq inform about someone (A) three times each day. And መሀል mehel middle among, between (A) ጋር gar with current (A) they shall array them in sacred apparel and they shall perform Eርሐ ረዳ ጽቡቕ መብቃት Erhe reda TS'buQ mebqat make serve good be enough, (T) (A) (T) be sufficient (A) [for them] ceremonies similar to those ጽቡቕ ናብ TS'buQ nab good in (T) (T) EተዋጽA etewaTS’e collection (T) 91 ህሉው hlwu existence, (T) Eዞም eziom these (T) ንnfor (T) ረዳ reda serve (A) ክምU kmu same (T) ጋር gar with (A) Eዞም eziom these (T) Eዞም eziom these (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone which they are wont to perform for the other gods መሳይ Eርሐ ንነጠላ/ንጽል mesay E'rhe nneT'ela/nTS’l similar make for independent (A) (T) (T) (A/T) which are celebrated throughout the country. ጽቡቕ ክዋኔ ጋር TS'buQ kwanae gar good performance with (T) (A) (A) ሁሉ/ኩሉ hulu/kulu all (A/T) መሀል mehel middle (A) Aርማ arma icon (A) during the festivals መሀል ግብዣ mehel gbzha middle festival (A) (A) ሕዝባዊ hzbawi civic (T) ህላዌ hlawae existence current (A/T) ናይ nay of (T) ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) 92 ሰኵA sekwA insert (T) ከኣ kea and (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 93 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 94 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone A Wooden Statue of Ptolemy V, In a Shrine of Gold, Shall Be Set Up And they shall set up for King ማዋጣት Aመሳሰለ mawaT'at amesasel to contribute make to resemble (A) (A) Eውቅ ewq famous (A) PTOLEMY, the God EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS the offspring of King PTOLEMY (IV) ዘርI ናይ ንሱ በጽሐ zeri nay nsu beTS'he offspring of he achieve, reach, (T) (T) (T) overtake (T) 95 ናይ nay of (T) ንሱ በጽሐ nsu beTS'he he achieve, reach, (T) overtake (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and Queen ARSINOË ከኣ ጨቋኝ kea CH'eqwany and oppressor (T) (A) ነብያት nebyat prophet (A/T) ተዋሐደ tewahede united, merged, formed union, be united (A/T) መሬት meraet land (A/T) the Gods PHILOPATORES a statue and a golden shrine ከኣ kea and (T) ቀዬ qeyae living place (A) ሰብ Eዝ seb Ez person command (T) (A) 96 መሀል mehel middle (A) ወርቃማ werqama golden (A) መሻጥ meshatT' insert (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ዓቢ Abi great (T) ናይ nay of (T) መዓት meAt much (T) and they shall place it in the inner chambers with the other shrines ሓለወ Aርማ ወፈየ ሻጠ መሀል ቦት halewe arma wefeye shaT'e mehel bota keep icon give, offer, insert middle place (T) (A) dedicate, (A/T) (A) (A) donate (T) ናይ nay of (T) ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) ሕዝባዊ hzbawi civic (T0 And during 97 Aለ ale exist (A) in each of the temples, መሀል ንዋይ mehel neway middle possession, (A) property, money (A/T) ጸለየ TS'eleye pray (A/T) ጋር gar with (A) Aለፈ alefe pass, undergo (A/T) ቀዬ qeyae living place (A) ጉባኤ gubaae assembly (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone the great commemorative festivals, wherein ግብዣ ውሩይ ፈለመ ነጠላ/ንጽል gbzha wruy feleme neT'ela/nTS’l party eminent commence independent (A) (T) (T) (A/T) the shrines go forth [in processions] ወፈየ ኣምጽA Eዞም wefeye amTS’e eziom give, offer, import, get, these dedicate, donate fetch, furnish (T) (T) (T) አ መቻ ቸ amechache arrange the shrine of the God EPIPHANES ቀዬ ሰብ Eዝ qeyae seb Ez living place person command (A) (T) (A) መሀል mehel middle (A) ወፈየ wefeye give, offer, dedicate, donate (T) ማዋጣት mawaT'at to contribute (A) ናይ nay of (T) 98 ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) ሰብ seb person (T) ሰኵA sekwA insert (T) Eዝ ለ Ez le command for (A) (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone EUCHARISTOS shall go forth with them ነቢይ ጋር Eዞም nbiy gar eziom prophet with these (A/T) (A) (T) 99 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 100 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Description of the Shrine And in order that the shrine may be readily distinguished ለ ረዳ Aስታወሰ le reda astawese for serve to recognize (A) (A) (A) now and in after time, ህላዌ በ የን ለ hlawae be yen le existence where to current (A) (A/T) ብስቀመጥ basqemeT put (A) ቀናት qenat days (A) ቀዬ qeyae living place (A) ለ ማበጥ le mabeT' for swell (A) (A) መሀል mehel middle (A) it shall be surmounted by ማዋጣት መታ mawaTat meta to contribute mount (A) (A) the ten golden crowns of the King, and an asp (i.e. cobra) ናይ ሹም ወፈየ ለ nay shum wefeye le of leader give, offer, for (A) dedicate, (T) (A) donate (A/T) 101 ደኅና dehna good (A) ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone shall be affixed thereto, even as there ኣጣበቐ Eዞም መሀል aT'abeQe eziom mehel affix these middle (T) (T) (A) is on all the other crowns መሳይ Eርሐ ጽቡቕ mesay Erhe TS'buQ similar make good (A) (T) (T) ሓለወ ጽቡቕ halewe TS'buQ keep good (T) (T) ቀዬ qeyae living place (A) ደኅና dehna good (A) ኣምጽA amTS’e import, get, fetch, furnish (T) ንፉE nfuE excellent (T) መሀል mehel middle (A) መሀል mehel middle (A) ናይ nay of (T) 102 ብስቀመጥ basqemeT' put (A) with asps which ውሩይ wruy eminent (T) ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone are on other shrines, but in the centre of them shall be [placed] the crown which is called PSCHENT, ሓለወ ጽቡቕ ቀዬ Aዎ/Eወ ባስቀመጠ መሀል ሓለወ ኣብ ኣለዉ halewe TS'buQ qeyae awo/ewe basqemeTe mehel halewe ab alewu keep good living place yes put middle keep place they are (T) (T) (A) (A/T) (A) (A) (T) (T) (T) which he (i.e. the King) put on when he went into the Temple [of PTAH] in MEMPHIS ጋር Eንታይ በስተ ሹም ወፈየ ኣምጽA ወፈየ መሀል ሓጹር በተከ gar entay beste shum wefeye amTS’e wefeye mehel haTS'ur beteke with what toward leader give, offer, import, get, give, offer, middle compound cut (A) (T) (A) (A/T) dedicate, fetch, furnish dedicate, (A) (T) (A) donate (T) donate (T) (T) to perform therein the prescribed ceremonies Eንጨት Eርሐ ነፍ Aወራ EnCH'et Erhe nef awera wood make a lot tell a story, (A) (T) (A) talk to (A) ናብ nab in (T) 103 ብ b by (T) Eዚ ezi order (T) ንሱ nsu he (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ለ le for (A) connected with [his] assumption of sovereignty ሓጹር ነጠላ/ንጽል መጋፋት Aስገባ ነፍ ዓወት ወፈየ ውሩይ haTS'ur neT'ela/nTS’l megafat asgeba nef A'wet wefeye wruy compound independent advance insert, a lot success give, offer, eminent (T) (A/T) (A) (A) (A) put inside donate (T) (T) (T) And there shall be placed ማዋጣት ረዳ mawaT'at reda to contribute serve (A) (A) which Eንታይ entay what (T) is መን men who (T) on the [faces of the] መሀል ገጽ mehel geTS' middle side (A) (A/T) ወጻI weTS’ai outside (T) square [cornice ?] ሓለወ ናይ halewe nay keep of (T) (T) በ የን be yen where 104 መሀል mehel middle (A) በፊት befit before face, front (A) round about ጋ ga near, along, beside (A) ን n to (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone the crowns, side by side with the above-mentioned crown [PSKHENT] ten golden phylacteries (i.e. scrolls or tablets ?) ባስቀመጠ በ የን ሸነኽ ከኣ ውጭ/ ወጻI basqemeTe be yen shenekh kea wCH'/ weTS’ai put where side and outside (A) (T) (T) (A/T) ሓለወ halewe keep (T) ቋጨ qwaCH'e finish (A) ናብ nab in (T) ሸነኽ shenekh side (T) የማን yeman right (T) ናይ nay of (T) 105 ቀረጸ qereTS'e carve, record, form (A) ቀዬ qeyae living place (A) ደኅና dehna good (A) keep ሓለወ halewe (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ጅራት/ጭራ jrat/CH'ra tail (T) ሓለወ halewe keep (T) ማዋጣት mawaT'at to contribute (A) ሓለወ halewe keep (T) ውጭ wCH' outside (T) ቀረጸ qereTS'e carve, record, form, engrave which shall bear the inscription ‘This is [the shrine] of the KING who ቋጨ ኣብ ታሕቲ ወፈየ ሃበዎ qwaCH'e ab tahti wefeye habewo finish under, give, offer, gave to him (A) underneath dedicate, (T) (T) donate (T) maketh manifest the UPPER COUNTRY and the LOWER COUNTRY Eዚች ተዋሐደ ezich tewahede here united, merged, (A) formed union, be united (A/T) 106 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 107 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 108 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Festivals are to be Celebrated on the Birthday of PtolemyV and on the Day of the Accessio to the Throne in each Month And ጋር gar with (A) inasmuch as the XXXth day of the month of Mesore Eንታይ ኣየናይ Aበጠ entay ayenay abeT'e what which swell (T) (T) (A) whereon the birthday of the KING ህላዌ መጸ ነጠላ/ንጽል hlawae meTS'e neT'ela/nTS’l existence arrive independent current (T) (A/T) (A/T) ጠጠው T'eT'ewu upright (T) መሀል mehel middle (A) is celebrated, ግብዣ gbzha party (A) ንፉE nfue good (T) ሰኵA sekwA insert (T) 109 ራቀ raqe far (A) ኣናቅሐ anaqhe prolong (T) መሀል mehel middle (A) ተዋሐደ tewahede united, merged, formed union, be united (A/T) ህላዌ hlawae existence, current (A/T) ዝያዳ zyada extra (T) መሬት meraet land (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and ጋር gar with ((A0 whereon he received Eርሐ ነፍ Erhe nef make a lot (T) (A) likewise the XVIIth day of the month of PAOPHI ማዋጣት ኣለዉ ናይ Aበጠ Aካተተ mawaT'at alewu nay abeT'e akatete to contribute they are of swell add (A) (T) (T) (A) (A) ናይ ንሱ nay nesu of he (T) (T) ሰኵA sekwA insert (T) መሀል mehel middle (A) ሽUሽU shUshU at that time (T) Aስገባ asgeba insert, put inside (A) ነፍ nef a lot (A) the sovereignty from his father have been recognized as name-days in the temples, for they were the sources ንሱ ጠፊ ወፈየ Eዝ ሁነት/ኩነታት nsu T'efi wefeye ez huneet/kunetat he lost give, offer, command condition, (T) person dedicate, (A) situation (A) donate (A/T) (T) 110 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone of ናይ nay of (T) many benefits Eቃ eqa possession (A/T) for all people ለ le for (A) ጽቡቕ TS'buQ good (T) መጸ meTS'e arrive (T) Eውቅ ewq famous (A) ውሩይ wruy eminent (T) ተዋሐደ tewahede united, merged, formed union, be united (A/T) ናይ nay of (T) ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) መሬት meraet land (A/T) ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) 111 ንፉE nfue good (T) ኣናቅሐ anaqhe prolong (T) ዝያዳ zyada extra (T) ከኣ kea and (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Aስገባ asgeba insert, put inside (A) on these days በ የን be yen where ዓወት ወፈየ Awet wefeye success give, offer, (T) dedicate, donate (T) Aምነሸነሸ amnesheneshe treat (well), decorate (A) Aዎ/Eወ awo/ewe yes (A/T) ራቀ ሽUሽU raqe shUshU distant at that time (A) (T) Eርሐ Erhe make (T) መሀል mehel middle (A) Aበጠ abeT'e swell (A) a festival and a panegyry shall be celebrated in the temples of EGYPT each month መሀል ግብዣ መን ገዛ ፍረ Eዮ ናይ በቘለ Aዎ/Eወ mehel gbzha men geza fre Eyo nay beQWele awo/ewe middle party who house output of grow yes (A) (A) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (A/T) 112 ህሉው hlw current (A/T) ሕያው hyaw living (T) Eዞም eziom these (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and sacrifices and libations, and ማዋጣት ከዓወ ስውA mawaT'at keAawe swe to contribute pour sacrifice (A) (T) (T) ዝቅ Aለ be low zq ale (A) ውጽE wTS'e eject (T) ከኣ kea and (T) all the other rites and ceremonies which are prescribed shall be duly performed as on other festivals. Eርሐ Eቃ ናይ Eርሐ መሀል ግብዣ Erhe əqa nay Erhe mehel gbzha make possession of make middle party (T) (A/T) (T) (T) (A) (A) መሀል mehel middle (A) ግብዣ gbzha party (A) በ የን be yen where ጽቡቕ TS'buQ good (T) Aበጠ abeT'e swell (A) Eቃ əqa possession (A/T) 113 Eርሐ Erhe make (T) መሀል mehel middle (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ግብዣ gbzha party (A) መን men who (T) በ የን be yen where Aዎ/Eወ awo/ewe yes (A/T) ሓጹር haTS'ur compound (T) 114 Eዚኣ ezia this (T) ናብ nab in (T) Eርሐ Erhe make (T) Eዞም eziom these (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 115 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 116 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone A Five-Day Festival at the Beginning of the Month of Thoth Shall Be Celebrated Annually in Honor of Ptolemy V And a festival and a panegyry shall be celebrated yearly for ማዋጣት Eርሐ ግብዣ ሰኵA mawaT'at Erhe gbzha sekwA to contribute make party insert (A) (T) (A) (T) በቘለ beQWele grow (T) ለ le for (A) PTOLEMY, ሕያው hyaw living (T) Eዞም ናይ eziom nay these of (T) (T) the everliving, 117 ናይ nay of (T) ገዛ geza house (T) ፍረ Eዮ fre Eyo output (T) King ንሱ በጽሐ nsu beTS'he he achieve, reach, (T) overtake (T) the beloved of PTAH ናይ nay of (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone the God EPIPHANES country, from ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) መን men who (T) five days. ጽቡቕ TS'buQ good (T) EUCHARISTOS in all the temples throughout the ጽቡቕ ለ ማበጥ TS'buQ le mabeT' good for to swell (T) (A) (A) Aካተተ akatete add (A) the first day of the month of THOTH, for ሽUሽU ለ shUshU le at that time for (T) (A) And they shall wear crowns (i.e. garlands) ለ le for (A) 118 Eዞም eziom these (T) ግብዣ gbzha party (A) ህሉው hlwu existence, current (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and shall offer up sacrifices and make libations, and do everything which it is customary ከዓወ ዝቅ Aለ ውጽE ከኣ Eቃ ተወዳጅ keAawe zq ale wTS'e kea əqa tewedaj pour be low eject and possession well-liked person (T) (T) (T) (T) (A/T) (A) to do ን n to (T) Eርሐ Erhe make (T) 119 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 120 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone The Priests of Ptolemy V Shall Assume an Additional Title And the priests Aባ aba priest (A) of the other gods ናይ ገዛ nay geza of house (T) (T) ፍረ Eዮ fre eyo output (T) shall adopt the name of ‘Priests ሓለወ Aርማ ወፈየ halewe arma wefeye keep icon give, offer, (T) (A) dedicate, donate (T) EUCHARISTOS,’ ነቢይ nbiy prophet (A/T) Eዞም eziom these (T) ናይ nay of (T) of the God ‘EPIPHANES ሹም ነጠላ/ንጽል shum neT'ela/nTS’l leader independent (A/T) (/T) in addition to the names of the other gods to whom they minister. ናይ ሁሉ/ኩሉ Aዎ/Eወ ዓወት Aባ nay hulu/kulu awo/ewe A'wet aba of all yes success priest (T) (A/T) (A/T) (T) (A) 121 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone And in all the decrees and [ordinances] promulgated by ናይ Eዞም nay eziom of these (T) (T) ሰረረ serere hit (A) them shall be Eዞም ንሱ eziom nsu these he (T) (T) ቀጠጠ qeT'eT'e cut (A) ሓለወ halewe keep (T) mentioned his order of priests. ኣጣበቐ Eዞም aT'abeQe eziom affix these (T) (T) the name of ‘Priests of the God ‘EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS,’ in addition to the names of the other gods to whom they minister ዓወት Aባ ናይ ነጠላ/ንጽል ነቢይ Awet aba nay neT'ela/nTS’l nbiy success priest of independent prophet (T) (A) (T) (A/T) (A/T) 122 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone ሓለወ halewe keep (T) ካቲም katim ring (T) Iድ id hand (T) 123 EዚOም eziom these (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 124 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone Private Persons Shall be Allowed to Pay These Honours to Ptolemy V And Eዝ Ez command (A) and Eተን eten those (T) members of the laity Eልፍ ሰው elf sew uncountable person amount (A) (A) ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) shall be permitted to celebrate the festival ኣየናይ Eዚ መን ayenay ezi men which this who (T) (T) (T) Eዞም eziom these (T) ናይ nay of (T) ሐውልት hewlt monument (A/T) ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) ማዋጣት mawaT'at contribute (A) ነቢይ nbiy prophet (A/T) 125 ቀዬ qeyae living place (A) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone to ለ le for (A) set up and maintain ረዳ ኣየናይ reda ayenay make which (A) (T) Eዚ ezi this (T) in their houses መሀል mehel middle (A) Eዞም eziom these (T) shrines similar to the aforesaid shrine, and to perform the ceremonies which are prescribed for the festivals መሳይ Eዞም Eርሐ ግብዣ ሰኵA በ የን mesay eziom Erhe gbzha sekwA be yen similar these make festival insert where (A/T) (T) (T) (A) (T) both monthly ጽቡቕ Aበጠ TS'buQ abeT'e good swell (T) (A) and annually, in order that it may be well known that ጽቡቕ ለ ማበጥ ለ ረዳ Aስታወቀ TS'buQ le mabeT' le reda astaweqe good for to swell for make make known (T) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) 126 ኣየናይ ayenay which (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone in ዓሚል A'mil customers, clients (A/T) EGYPT men magnify and honour ተዋሐደ መሬት ሓለወ ጸለየ tewahede meraet halewe TS'eleye united, merged, land keep pray formed union, (A/T) (T) (A/T) be united (A/T) the God EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS, the King, as they are bound to do by law. መሳይ Eንታይ ለ ጽቡቕ mesay entay le TS'buQ similar what for good (A/T) (T) (A) (T) 127 ንፉE nfuE excellent (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 128 Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone The Decree Shall be Published And this ቀጠጠ qeT'eT'e cut (A) of hard stone, ዓቢ ላጠ Abi laT'e great hit (T) (A) native, Decree ዜጋዊ zaegawi civic (A) መሀል mehel middle (A) ሾክ/Eሾኽ shok/ashokh thorn (A/T) shall be inscribed upon stelae በ የን ሓለወ ሐውልት be yen halewe hewlt where keep monument (T) (A/T) in holy, ሾክ/Eሾኽ ናይ shok/ashokh nay thorn of (A/T) (T) ማተት matet report (A) and in ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) ሾክ/Eሾኽ ናይ shok/ashokh nay thorn of (A/T) (T) and in Greek letters ሾክ/Eሾኽ ናይ ሓው shok/ashokh nay haw thorn of brother (A/T) (T) (T) 129 Eንታይ entay what (T) ነቢይ nbiy prophet (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone and [a stelae] shall be set up ረዳ ሐውልት reda hewlt serve monument (A) (A/T) ሓለወ halewe keep (T) Aርማ ወፈየ arema wefeye icon give, offer, (A) dedicate, donate (T) መን men who (T) of ናይ nay of (T) in each of the temples ገዛ ፍረ Eዮ geza fre eyo house output (T) (T) the first, ማEረግ maEreg rank, class, order (T) near the image of the everliving KING ለ ገጽ ኣቕነA le geTS' aQneA for side erect (A) (A/T) (T) 130 መሀል mehel middle (A) ናብ nab in (T) second, ማEረግ maEreg rank, class, order (T) and third [class] ማEረግ maEreg rank, class, order (T) ናይ nay of (T) ንሱ በጽሐ nsu beTS'he he achieve, reach, (T) overtake (T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone PTOLEMY, the everliving, the beloved of PTAH the God EPIPHANES ነጠላ/ንጽል neT'ela/nTS’l independent (A/T) EUCHARISTOS ነቢይ nbiy prophet (A/T) 131 በተከ beteke cut (A) ምርጫ mrCH'a choice (A/T) Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Rosetta Stone 132
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