I have t o .t*' for to • •l 1 4 • * tie -o i em published cm kv n < •> ■idsiue.of yesterdays' date vnder . • ■ « m mt*. -m 2 in your — . < . m M >, « ueading -Jtetalftees 'Belief--Fund.* "1'ir, state?; that inter alia the he Inntj Institute of 'R&cc delations in " i....1 -. ."',/ ;V':’ ?,•:«; — — ____ — Co .v. 'UI < c <<■ . rr.-n.-'-iGmvrd. n.n t*-.- 1» .V'v'.: T have to r.nv 'Irr; th<« Tne‘f4f«+n ’ representative to this Cororaittoe, *■’• ** f$ • •’a-' ■ v ••V- if % THE SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RAGE RELATIONS (INC.) DIE SUID AFRIKAANS!) INSTITUUT VIE RASSEVERHOUDING-S (ING-EIYF) Tot The Director, South African Institute of Race Relations, P.O. Box 97, JOHANNESBURG. ?rom: ^he Regional Secretary, oape Eastern Region, South African Institute of Race Relations, 23? Russell Road, PORT ELIZABETH. 27th. April. I960 Dear Mr. Y/hyte, The attached press cutting and copy of my letter to the newspaper concerned refers. I bad no hesitation in putting in the contradic tion first thing this morning so that it could appear in this afternoon's issue as I have a distinct recollection that at a meeting in Johannesburg last July of the Executive Committee it quite emphatically reaffirmed that the Institute could not associate itself with an appeal or organisation of a similar nature to this. This was in response to a request hy a member of the Executive. No reference to the request or ruling was made in the minutes but the matter is firmly in my recollection. I would be glad however if you would confirm the correctness of my action in this particular case as this will considerably strengthen my hand. There is, of course, no objection whatsoever to members of the Institute serving on such a Committee so long as it is clearly understood that they do so purely in their personal capacity and not as representatives of the Institute. ASR/SM f) EVENING POST, TUESDAY, A P R IL 26, 1960. _____ ________ ■- Detainees Relief Fund in P.E. stands at over £200 MORE than £200 has already beep received by the Detainees Relief Fund in Port Elizabeth. The aim of the fund is to help the families of those who have been held under the Emergency Regulations. The committee is headed by Father Cyprian Thorpe, of the Anglican Holy Spirit Mission in Kwazakele. The Black Sash, the Liberal Party, tbs Institute of Race Relations, the Christian Council for Social Action, the Distressed Areas Council, and the African, Coloured and Indian communities are represented on it. The fund has the backing' of leaders of the Roman Catholic Church, the Christian Council, the Anglican. Presbyterian, Bap tist and Conp-regationalist Chur ches in Port Elizabeth. The committee applied for registration under the Welfare Act on April 2, and the applica tion was granted on Saturday. Among the early money gifts were various donations from Canada, totalling about £50. These were the result of a report about Port Elizabeth written by Mr Norman Phillips, Foreign News Editor of the Toronto Star, who visited the city while report ing the South African crisis. Mr Phillips referred to the com mittee headed by Father Thorpe, and almost immediately Canadian dollars began to come in. One cheque from a legal firm was for £25. The committee estimates there are at least 60 detainees, most of them with families of more than two children. The distribution of food and clothing has already begun. Money, food or clothing can be sent to the Distressed Areas Council office, 35 Short Street, every morning of the week except Tuesdays. The office will also be open on Tuesday afternoons. Contributions can also be sent to Father Thorpe, 50 Diaz Road. Parsons Hill. Similar funds have been estab lished in Durban, Cape Town, and in other centres. The Regional Secretary) S.A.l.R.R. y 23 Russell Read, PORT ELIZABETH. AIRMAIL Dear Mx. Robertson, re* Detainees Relief Fund 1 write to confirm that while there is no objection to members of the institute serving on committees such as the Committee for the Detainees Relief Fund, it should be on the clear understanding that they do so purely in their personal capacity and not as representatives of the Institute. You are quite correct in stating that the Institute doe* not associate itself, as an Institute, with appeals of this nature, although there may, of course, be occasions when the Exeoutive .Committee of the institute may decide that the Institute as such should participate. We wish to thank you for your prompt action in this matter. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, / F.J. van Wyk, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR The Regional Secretary, S.A.I.R.R., 23 Russell Road., PORT ELIZABETH. AIRMAIL 5th May, I960. Dear Mr. Robertson, re 1 Detainees Relief Fund Thank you for your letter of April 27th. We have noted the action which you took in this matter. With every good wish, Yours sincerely, F.J. van Wyk, ASSISTANT PIHECTOR Prof, the Hon.E.H. Brookes ’7th May, i960. The Secretary, Defence & Aid Organization, 17 Harvard Building, Joubert Street, JOHANNESBURG Dear Sir, Mr. Whyte has asked me to send you the enclosed cheque for £2 5 * 0. 0. Yours faithfully, Director's Secretary HR.80/59 Is5s59 MO CIRCULAtZON OF GHEEN FILING ~T Date ..............19 Office Initials \ Director Assistant Director Technical Officer Administrative Assistant Financial Organiser Editor Field Officer V Regional SecretarySecret ary/Bookkeeper Librarian Filing Clerk rfc y V The Director, Head Offioe. (to await return) 7th July, I960. re: The detainees. Amount raised hy Staff - £ 7 -I5-O 3 prs. warm Slippers 6 prs. warm sooks 3 handkerchiefs 3 prs. warm gloves t 3-13-6 2- 19-6 3-0 17-9 £ 7-13-9 l/3 refunded to Mias Pike. (Mrs.) M« Soott, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ^ . 27 j : L i960 ftpfZCKZn P/'/EHLRHEj P.0. B o x 8t7/ E>RF>rtDFGRT, D.F.St \Tu Lij I'jieC. ~7#£, S ' & - l h S ~ ri-ru t i l o r T- o B p j l /ptfce RcUm'm, ? 7 ; 'fctneL^Cij J c V ] e Or^D£.fZ d5 ^ e . ^ b£) 5 kj-£jz^ 9 Crc^ / C ^ m £ > E T R ) riELfc ^ ^ u L P y T r i & r ^ c^wv ‘j d u» ^ v^e €.cC ^ be^+JtO&ft W J ” f Hk.e_ . Ui«-H p ^ " ^ \ c w t K n fr-t. 4r> HoX\\t<e- J ^ r r r , ^ isc> c rvs ^ e / / e ^ ) a/ I j U J i ^ t S S P l e a s e We^-e. - 1 du-«^v>j K e f c , cl| ijcrw/^c "V k< 3 V - v V u ^ «- ^ecj U-rlc E m z k g e h 3 p rl~ ~ T ' l f \ R C L H S i/ /c rr^ hirtsi^t^ ^fVi ^ ? ^ 4 o e ^ o - Ur* M. Phehlane, P.O. Box 87, BRANDFORT 1 O.F.S. Dear Mr. Phehlane, A Defence and Aid Fund has been set up for the specific purpose of helping the detainees and their families. I suggest you apply at once to The Secretary, Defence and Aid Fund, 17 Harvard Buildings, Joubert Street, JOHANNESBURG. Yours sincerely, (Mrs.) M. Scott, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT The Rt. Rev. R.W.F. Cowdry, Assistant Bishop of Cape Town, P.O. Box 1932, CAPETOWN. Dear Bishop Cowdry, This is just a tiny note to congratulate you, the Cape Committee and staff on what they have done over detainees. It has been a grand job and must have taken infinite persistence and patience. And Donald Molteno has been quite wonderful. I felt I must write to say this for I am very proud of Cape initiative, and of what the Institute has been able to do through your committee and staff. Tours sincerely, Quintin Whyte, Director. / ' • ' p Sll\ y Iu X jj - 6 s e p i 9 Coux^ m W X wjj/Iu \ l/JU> i)^X^<kX lO i T U j J ^ UJi" C/lJvC(pa&AXX^Mjl{jyjj ( L U ^ L IVStUhJj' U W / & t Uju CIA UyVJxJ C U M & f\M(L^ ^/juUoJUaJ&_/ ^ ttirU&AhUA)di (uL fS fc'AAMMCkA 'Ujul/Co ujmajjj 1 (AJMJJ& Xu U jS^ UUj^ f js ix /u ^ (Uj^jdi uysu 0uu44L l& OuJjjoL- OLouJl^ iasjm J j pujjju Lj (jf^USXJil i \kju Hou^ <LsxU k ^ M W U SJUJS^ l^aAAUk) ^ O v ^ - a jo ^ lAk^-Wv>-M^ 0^/> ^UJJU W JJ i X 0 l A / j 6 lOJ^ { I aju lit *( U u _a CU_A,(5^J flLA>jLCAk<Jj tKAjah (^j U t Ua> jo 6lXj(i'. LyxJO/ aj ^ U (L^/JvJ O&tAk^ ^6 [fJjjuJh { ^ lu^ 6-iM.' ^ puui' Lu_x>U(j ^ cujjs W 4 o p UA/v&Aj ^ ^ a j u u M^ ojjjc ^ txtJji+XlLd UCL^ V j S j{i^ J j . W S b £/ tflAJU 6l/<UJJ0 0(jmJo £/(j .u^X/nXX-Cv} ^) (j^ ^ U (IkjLkJ- t\ i U->0L-uJ,,C4 tAs' IjLXAjOUAj td . Qd^L*jLt~K#Sjx^ - V a I s <MJH-<5^o (O^XMjO \JA-^ (y(U>4 . I Ifj ^5fc\ o^o\yXj {0^^\\^\Kaxom U u r t ^ (jjiAaUOjC^J \ U j VjjXoaA.' V U ; 6 u C Cx» (iC <X-^ aj-4^ VJU&.&4 uysxs/ 5) l<uM 1 U Thto (jj ldu£, ca-|o' {& SM a1/ (aAX/Xo ^ Umaaj ( Oo«Js ^ ^ m J,(j ZAAAJLtykjU?^ t/kCuAlL ([ . (^U'OdJj (jJU OJSASL ' Q CyoOooC (j^(ms/j W -MJb fluW -oX (Cu/ (jJ L S b too A Uj^-m Pa ux'CvuX/i ~ V I CK^C' A WjU; WWj ^ ujJJi M-ujoajjdu^ < U a k j /?(juU m k ~j /u i A ^ / U K u ) to CAUjUb LUj^UJ^M-LukMJ CM-^Aj p m j u o \ Ooaa.' io ■ tk (Ut^ Ujj UjjjJ+J ^ X jJU jJ M j i ( m - U ^ C\j /iXu. yO^(W OJJj i \Ux> CMa-ua^ /a/yJCU-AjO. iXju^ £a~>0Ju M cm (w UHm £ UWA^tX^LoM-' 'buj^ &OJb < M U \ ^ < ^ h (j a^tJj C^U-Aro ajl* Ajs W j ^ OJMJJj (WJ j (MJ^4 (yCoM tfJU-^ (\> b B {bshjj^jwj (JLUM^ m A ^ / %-rom tk e c~R igkt <~Q everen d ' r1 9 SEP 1960 5-- (Bowdry d C jt id t a n t "^Bid/top c l (^ .ap e ^ o u v September I960 / f Dear Mr. Whyte, I am sorry your letter of August 9 has been unanswered for so long. It arrived on the day of our August meeting, but too late for me to read it to the members, so it was only last Friday that I was able to pass on your praise. We were very gratified and grateful for what you had to say. Donald Molteno actually blushedi All good wishes, Yours very sincerely, Quintin Yfhyte, Esq. Collection Number: AD1646 SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS, Unrests, banishments, removals, 1948-1969 PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive Location:- Johannesburg ©2013 LEGAL NOTICES: Copyright Notice: All materials on the Historical Papers website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. 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