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G52CON: Concepts of Concurrency
Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Abdur Rakib
School of Computer Science
[email protected]
© Abdur Rakib 2012
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
• Monitors in Java
• Bounded buffer producer-consumer problem
- Solution with classical monitors
- Solution with Java monitors
• Exercise: Saving accounts problem
- Solution with classical monitors
- Solution with Java monitors
© Gabriela Ochoa 2011,
© Abdur Rakib 2012
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Monitors in Java
• In Java there is no special construct for a monitor. Every object has a
lock that can be used for synchronising access to fields of the objects
class PCMonitor {
final int N = 5;
int Oldest = 0, Newest = 0;
volatile int Count = 0;
int Buffer [] = new int[N];
synchronized int Take() {
int temp;
while (Count == 0)
try { wait();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
synchronized void Append(int V) {
temp = Buffer[Oldest];
while (Count == N)
Oldest = (Oldest + 1) % N;
try { wait();
Count = Count - 1;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {} notifyAll ();
Buffer [ Newest] = V;
return temp;
Newest = (Newest + 1) % N;
Count = Count + 1;
notifyAll ();
© Abdur Rakib 2012
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Monitors in Java
• Once a class is defined we can declare objects of this class
- PCMonitor monitor = new PCMonitor
• And then invoke its methods
- nonitor.Append(5);
- int n = monitor.Take();
© Gabriela Ochoa 2011
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Monitors in Java
• The synchronized specifier in the declaration of a
method, means that the process must acquire the
lock for that object before executing the method
• Upon return from (the last) synchronized method
invoked on an object, the lock is released
• A class whose methods are declared synchronized
can be called a Java monitor
• Difference from classical monitors: A Java monitor
has no condition variables. Instead it has s single
implicit condition variable per object.
© Gabriela Ochoa 2011
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Monitors in Java
• Java provides built-in support for condition synchronisation
with the methods wait(), notify() and notifyAll():
• If a process needs to block itself (i.e. to avoid appending to a
full buffer, or taking from an empty buffer) it can invoke the
method wait()
• wait() throws InterruptedException , that needs to
be caught
• notify(): similar to signal(v)in the classic monitors, it
will unblock one process
• notifyAll(): similar to signal_all(v). It will
unblock all processes
© Gabriela Ochoa 2011
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
wait(), notify()and notifyAll()
• wait() , notify() and notifyAll() must
be executed within synchronized methods or
• wait() releases the lock on the object held by
the calling thread-the thread blocks and is added
to the wait set for the object
• notify() wakes up a thread in the wait set (if
• notifyAll() wakes up all threads in the wait
set (if any)
© Brian Logan 2007
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
notify() vs notifyAll()
• notify() can be used to increase performance
when only one thread needs to be woken:
- all threads in the wait set are waiting on the same
delay condition and
- each notification enables at most one thread to
continue and
• notifyAll() is required when:
- the threads in the wait set are waiting on different
conditions; or
- a notification can satisfy multiple waiting threads
© Brian Logan 2007
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Summary: Monitors & Java
• A monitor in Java is a class whose methods are declared
• A synchronized method (or block) is a monitor
• Each Java object has a single (implicit) condition variable
and delay queue, the wait set, manipulated by wait(),
notify(), notifyAll()
• Since there is only one implicit condition variable per
object, wait, notify and notifyall have no
• Java uses the signal and continue signalling discipline
© Brian Logan 2007
Chris Greenhalgh 2010
Gabriela Ochoa 2011
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
© Gabriela Ochoa 2011
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Producer-Consumer problem
produce data item
put it in the buffer
take item from the buffer
consume (use) data item
© Gabriela Ochoa 2011
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
The producer-consumer problem
• There are two synchronisation issues in the
producer-consumer problem with bounded
1. A producer cannot append a data element to a full
2. A consumer can not take an element from an
empty buffer
© Gabriela Ochoa 2011
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Bounded buffer with classical monitors
monitor BoundedBuffer {
// Private variables …
Object buf = new Object[n];
integer out = 0,
// index of first full slot
in = 0,
// index of first empty slot
count = 0;
// number of full slots
// Condition variables ...
condvar not_full,
// signalled when count < n
// signalled when count > 0
// continued ...
© Brian Logan 2007
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Bounded Buffer with classical monitors 2
// Monitor procedures ...
procedure append(Object data)
while(count == n) {
buf[in] = data;
in = (in + 1) % n;
© Brian Logan 2007
procedure remove(Object &item)
while(count == 0) {
item = buf[out];
out = (out + 1) %n;
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Bounded buffer in Java
class BoundedBuffer {
// Private variables …
private Object buf;
private int out = 0,
// index of first full slot
in = 0,
// index of first empty slot
count = 0; // number of full slots
// No separate condition variables
public BoundedBuffer(int n) {
buf = new Object[n];
// continued ...
© Brian Logan 2007
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Bounded buffer in Java 2
public synchronized void append(Object data) {
try {
while(count == n) {
catch (InterruptedException e) { return; }
buf[in] = data;
in = (in + 1) % n;
© Brian Logan 2007
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Bounded buffer in Java 3
public synchronized Object remove() {
try {
while(count == 0) {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
return null;
Object item = buf[out];
out = (out + 1) % n;
return item;
© Brian Logan 2007
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Savings account problem
• A savings account is shared by several people
• Each person may deposit or withdraw money from the
• The current balance in the account is the sum of all deposits
to date less the sum of all withdrawals to date
• The balance must never become negative
• Account holders are represented as processes
• A process making a deposit never has to delay (except for
mutual exclusion), but a withdrawal has to wait until there are
sufficient funds
© Gabriela Ochoa 2011
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Savings account with monitors
• Develop a monitor to solve this problem
• The monitor should have two procedures:
- deposit(amount)
- withdraw(amount).
• Assume the arguments to deposit and withdraw are
positive, and the monitor uses Signal and Continue
• Exercise 3: Solution with classical monitors
• Exercise 4: Solution with Java monitors
© Gabriela Ochoa 2011
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java
Next lecture
Synchronisation in Java 1
Suggested reading:
Ben-Ari (2006), chapter 7
Lea (2000), chapter 2
© Gabriela Ochoa 2011
G52CON Lecture 11: Monitors in Java