WIL Group Press Kit 2014 Table of content Belgium ................................................................................... 3 France...................................................................................... 5 Germany .............................................................................. 10 India ...................................................................................... 15 Spain ..................................................................................... 16 United Kingdom ................................................................. 19 USA........................................................................................ 25 Belgium L’Echo 23.09.2014 Le Belge BCV cofondateur d’un réseau mondial d’interim management China France Executives 11.09.2014 Patrick Laredo, nouveau secrétaire général de WIL Group Le Journal du Net 08.09.2013 Patrick Laredo « Nous voulons devenir le numéro 1 mondial du management de transition » En s'associant à 12 autres cabinets, le français X-PM crée un groupe international fort de 30 000 collaborateurs. Ce lundi 8 septembre, 13 acteurs du management de transition opérant dans 31 pays donnent naissance à WIL Group. Le cabinet X-PM, l'un des poids lourds hexagonal du secteur, fait partie de ce regroupement. Son président et fondateur, Patrick Laredo, répond au JDN. JDN. Pourquoi souhaitiez-vous ce changement d'échelle ? Patrick Laredo. La création de WIL Group a, dans le management de transition, la même ambition que celle de KPMG dans monde du conseil. Avec nos partenaires, nous créons une structure internationale, basée à Londres, et mettons en commun des procédures, un code éthique, ou encore une assurance qualité, mais nous conservons les structures nationales. Le modèle est le même que celui du conseil, c'est celui d'une entreprise d'entrepreneurs. Qui sont vos partenaires internationaux ? Cette structure est le prolongement d'un mouvement ancien. X-PM a créé un bureau en Chine il y a déjà 10 ans, puis un autre à Singapour, en Inde… Nous aidions beaucoup les entreprises françaises à s'implanter en Asie. Puis, suivant les demandes de nos clients, nous avons cherché des partenaires brésiliens, anglais, espagnols, nordiques… Avec ces partenaires de confiance, nous avons trouvé, fin 2013, que le moment était venu d'aller plus loin dans notre rapprochement. Comment vous positionnez-vous sur le marché mondial ? Nous avons l'ambition de devenir le numéro 1 mondial du management de transition. Nous comptons à ce jour 30 000 managers, dont 4 500 sont des dirigeants de haut vol. Je ne connais aucune autre organisation disposant de 4 500 dirigeants capables de régler les grands problèmes de transformation d'entreprise. 4 500 consultants, oui, mais pas des dirigeants. En quoi ce rapprochement intéresse-t-il vos clients ? Cela présente trois avantages. D'abord, nous pouvons leur offrir un service transnational de bout en bout. Un siège social français souhaite lancer une opération dans une filiale étrangère, nous pouvons y répondre grâce à notre présence dans 60 pays. Il faut rester local au deux bouts. Ensuite, nous pouvons répondre aux demandes « multi-pays » : une entreprise désire réaliser un transfert technologique de la France vers l'Allemagne, nous pouvons proposer un manager en France, un autre en Allemagne et un troisième travaillant avec la direction. Enfin, nous pouvons désormais opérer globalement. Des clients indiens recherchent des managers experts de la sidérurgie, qui peuvent par exemple être des spécialistes français du secteur. Ces missions internationales sont susceptibles d'attirer des managers de transition encore plus pointus. Est-ce l'un de vos buts ? Si nous devenons le 1er groupe mondial de management de transition, les meilleurs ne viendront pas chez nous pour pouvoir être envoyés dans un autre pays, mais parce que nous leur proposerons des missions à plus forte valeur ajoutée. D'ores et déjà, certains de nos clients, au courant de ce rapprochement, envisagent de nous confier de nouvelles missions plus ambitieuses. Ce rapprochement constitue une transformation. N'avez-vous pas besoin de managers de transition pour vous accompagner ? J'ai trouvé ma vocation lorsque, à la tête de KPMG, j'ai vendu Peat Marwick à CSC. J'ai découvert qu'une transition devait être proprement gérée. Les techniques que j'ai apprises il y a 13 ans, je les connais suffisamment pour ne pas avoir besoin de faire appel à un confrère ! Les Echos (repris par Capital Finance) 08.09.2014 WIL Group veut faire bouger le management de transition C'est sous l'impulsion de Patrick Laredo, président d'X-PM, que se sont réunies 13 acteurs du management de transition pour constituer WIL Group - DR Une entité, basée à Londres, vient d'être créée par treize entreprises du secteur réparties sur tous les continents. L'initiative a été lancée par le Français X-PM. C'est probablement le signe que ce marché atomisé n'a pas terminé sa croissance et peut-être commencé sa mue… WIL Group, pour Worldwide Interim Leadership, sera donc le « premier groupe mondial de management de transition », avec un chiffre d'affaires cumulé de 65 millions de dollars (49,5 millions d'euros). Un temps « management des transitions », l'appellation s'est dénaturée pour devenir « de transition ». Et elle est aujourd'hui traditionnellement assimilée à un « simple » intérim haut de gamme pour les fonctions de direction, mais dans la pratique, il s'agit davantage de « gérer un projet d'entreprise, lors d'une crise ou d'une transformation, avec les ressources qui conviennent », défend Patrick Laredo, président d'X-PM, réputé comme étant l'un des pionniers du management de transition en France. C'est sous l'impulsion de ce cabinet parisien que ce sont réunies treize entreprises du secteur, dont six X-PM, tout de même, pour constituer le nouveau groupe. Toutes leaders sur leur marché national - aux contours plus ou moins définis -, elles étaient, pour certaines, déjà partenaires de longue date mais avec cette nouvelle structure dont le siège social est basé à Londres, leur objectif est de travailler sous une bannière commune et forte - l'identité anglo-saxonne n'est anecdotique - et surtout d'étendre leur rayon d'action géographique. Répartis sur les continents européen, sud et nord américains, et en Asie-Pacifique, elles pourront s'épauler pour agir dans une trentaine de pays, et vont pouvoir puiser dans un vivier de 30.000 intervenants, dont 4.500 « top guns », ces stars des professions identifiées comme telles par chaque secteur. Installé depuis dix ans en Chine, aujourd'hui présent en Russie, au Brésil et en Inde notamment, X-PM a acquis la conviction que les problèmes locaux pouvaient se résoudre de façon globale. « Les experts en sidérurgie français sont très appréciés en Inde », illustre Patrick Laredo, convaincu des dimensions transnationales du management de transition. La gouvernance de WIL Group sera dans un premier temps assurée par les patrons des entités française (Patrick Laredo, X-PM), allemande (Thorsten Becker, Management Angels), anglaise (Jason Atkinson, Russam GMS) et suédois (Janeric Peterson, Nordic Interim Executive Solutions). CFNews 08.09.2014 WIL Group se lance Focus RH 08.09.2014 Trois questions à Patrick Laredo, nouveau secrétaire général du WIL Group Né de la volonté de treize entreprises bien ancrées dans leurs territoires nationaux respectifs, WIL Group* propose un service de management de transition à échelle mondiale. Patrick Laredo, nouveau secrétaire général, par ailleurs président de X-PM Transition, revient sur la genèse du projet. Pourquoi avoir créé un groupe mondialisé spécialisé dans le management de transition maintenant ? La volonté est ancienne. X-PM s’est implantée en Chine et en Asie il y a dix ans et, plus récemment, en Inde et en Russie. Aujourd’hui, le passage à une ère numérique a considérablement réduit la taille du monde. Aucune entreprise ne peut plus se satisfaire durablement d’un rayon d’action qui serait uniquement local. Nos clients attendent de nous un service transnational et global. C’est pourquoi nous n’avons d’autre choix que d’accélérer notre mondialisation, ce que nous faisons avec la création du WIL Group. Comment répondre à des entreprises aux problématiques si variables selon les pays, les cultures ? Etre mondial dans le service aux entreprises, c’est d’abord être multi local. Partout où il opère, WIL Group propose une offre complète à ses clients parce que nous disposons d’implantations locales ou régionales capables de répondre aux besoins locaux, dans des environnements culturels divers. Comment Wil Group va-t-il se positionner par rapport à des concurrents bien implantés localement ? Nos implantations se fondent sur les entreprises locales de management de transition les plus reconnues. Nous entendons poursuivre notre développement en offrant la possibilité à des entreprises de référence bien implantées de rejoindre le groupe là où nous ne sommes pas encore suffisamment présents. Propos recueillis par Christina Gierse *Basé à Londres, WIL Group couvre la majeure partie de l’Europe, de l’Amérique du Nord et du Sud et de l’Asie Pacifique - incluant tous les pays des BRIC - et s’appuie sur un réseau de plus 30.000 managers de transition. Le groupe pèse 65 millions de dollars. Germany India Spain El Diario Vasco 09.09.2014 Norgéstion entra en la alianza WIL El Economista 08.09.2014 Noraction se integra en el nuevo grupo internacional WIL Group Noticias de Gipuzkoa 09.09.2014 La consultora Noraction entra como fundandora en WIl Group United Kingdom Bdaily Business News 09.09.2014 Russam GMS announces launch of WIL Group – the world’s largest global interim management company Russam GMS announces launch of WIL Group – the world’s largest global interim management company Russam is part of WIL Group (the Worldwide Interim Leadership Group) – a new global alliance of leading professional services companies launched today to offer interim management and transitional management services to clients around the world. WIL Group has been set up in response to increased global demand for high calibre interim and transition leaders needed for short term business critical assignments. The Group is owned by 13 member companies, who are all established market leaders in their countries and has a talent pool of more than 30,000 interim executives ready to lead global and transnational assignments. The Group’s mission is to help owners, their representatives and management teams to overcome extraordinary business challenges and fulfil their ambitions and to build an alliance that attracts and develops the best interim leaders and experts. Finding the right people to work transnationally can be difficult unless a firm is located in that area and possesses in-depth knowledge of the market, the national employment legislation, working culture and business operations. WIL Group can source and integrate international Interim Leaders and functional experts including CEOs, CFOs, and supply chain experts to work anywhere in the world. With operations in over 30 countries it is uniquely placed to help clients with global issues and is the first company to offer interim solutions on a truly global scale. Initially the WIL Group offers five global services: • Performance Improvement • Company Transformation • Turnaround & Restructuring • Private Equity & Investment Services • Project & Programme Management WIL Group has its international office in London at The Gridiron Building, One Pancras Square, London, N1C 4AG, as well as offices in 12 other countries covering most of Europe, the Americas and Asia Pacific – including all BRIC nations – all areas where there is a growing demand for interim resources. Patrick Laredo, CEO of X-PM France, and Secretary General for the WIL Group said: “The business world is increasingly globalised, with many companies undergoing major change and transformation. We address these complex business challenges, and source experienced interims to work globally and transnationally; making the process of recruiting Interim Leaders straightforward. Our executives are heavy weight professionals, who can be parachuted individually or in teams into any business situation, often at very short notice to lead projects and handle complex business challenges. “We bring decades of business experience and leadership, and many members and partners have been working together over the past seven years on global assignments. The Group is committed to integrate assets to support clients on a worldwide basis and this includes the ability to multi-source Interim Leaders,” adds Mr Laredo. Jason Atkinson, Managing Director of Russam GMS said, “WIL Group is an exciting new venture for Russam GMS. It is a unique ‘star alliance’ which brings together the world’s top interim management providers to offer interim and transitional management services globally. We are uniquely placed to help clients with all their global resourcing challenges and have the world’s largest talent pool of over 30,000 proven interim managers ready to structure and lead complex projects, deliver sustainable change and create lasting value.” For more information: contact: Kathryn Hughes, Kayak PR, Tel: +44 (0)20 8547 3879/07801 823 839 [email protected] About WIL Group – www.wilgroup.net For the first time, 13 leading interim and transitional management companies, operating in 31 countries around the world, have come together to form WIL Group (Worldwide Interim Leadership) to deliver truly global interim and transitional management solutions to clients around the world. WIL Group‘s vision is to be the number one company for global interim and transition managers by offering a unique “international multi-sourcing” model that leverages the assets of each member firm and ensures the best talent is selected for assignments globally. The Group offers five global services: • Performance Improvement • Company Transformation • Turnaround & Restructuring • Private Equity & Investment services • Project & Programme Management With operations in 31 countries around the world, WIL Group offers a single destination for clients to find interim and transition management leaders of every discipline to work anywhere in the world. As its members are located in many markets around the world they can tap into local talent pools, driving down the cost of international resourcing and providing clients with a faster solution and a better service at a fair price. It has a talent pool of around 30,000 proven interim and transition managers ready to structure and lead complex projects, deliver sustainable change and create lasting value to clients worldwide. We have 13 offices enabling WIL Group to offer truly global interim management and transition services. The member companies of WIL Group include: BCV & Partners in Belgium, Management Angels GmbH in Germany, Russam GMS in the UK, X-PM France, X-PM China, X-PM India, X-PM Hellas in Greece, X-PM Partners Pte Ltd in Singapore, X-PM Cifal in Russia, Nordic Interim Executive Solutions AB in Sweden, Noraction in Spain, TH Business Advisors in the USA and Thompson Management Horizons in Brazil. Executive Grapevine 10.09.2014 World's largest global interim management company launches World's largest global interim management company launches Published: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 Consultancy NewsConsultancy News Russam GMS have announced the launch of the world’s largest global interim management company, the Worldwide Interim Leadership (WIL) Group. The new international business venture – an alliance of 13 interim management companies from around the world – has been set up in response to increased global demand for high calibre interim and transition leaders needed for short term business critical assignments. The member companies that own the group are all established market leaders in their countries and have a talent pool of more than 30,000 interim executives in over 30 countries, meaning WIL Group is the first company to offer interim solutions on a truly global scale. Jason Atkinson, Managing Director of Russam GMS said: “WIL Group is an exciting new venture for Russam GMS. It is a unique ‘star alliance’ which brings together the world’s top interim management providers to offer interim and transitional management services globally. Patrick Laredo, CEO of X-PM France, and Secretary General for the WIL Group added: “The business world is increasingly globalised, with many companies undergoing major change and transformation. We address these complex business challenges, and source experienced interims to work globally and transnationally; making the process of recruiting Interim Leaders straightforward. “The Group is committed to integrate assets to support clients on a worldwide basis and this includes the ability to multi-source Interim Leaders.” Initially the WIL Group offers five global services: Performance Improvement, Company Transformation, Turnaround & Restructuring, Private Equity & Investment Services, Project & Programme Management. The Global Recruiter 10.09.2014 WIL FOR INTERIMS : International interim resource created WIL FOR INTERIMS International interim resource created. WIL Group (the Worldwide Interim Leadership Group) has been created to offer a new global alliance of leading professional services companies. Russam GMS is now part of this group and will continue working to offer interim management and transitional management services to clients around the world. WIL Group has been set up in response to increased global demand for high calibre interim and transition leaders needed for short term business critical assignments. The Group is owned by 13 member companies, who are all established market leaders in their countries. It has a talent pool of more than 30,000 interim executives ready to lead global and transnational assignments. Its mission is to help owners, their representatives and management teams to overcome extraordinary business challenges and fulfil their ambitions and to build an alliance that attracts and develops the best interim leaders and experts. Finding the right people to work transnationally can be difficult unless a firm is located in that area and possesses in-depth knowledge of the market, the national employment legislation, working culture and business operations. WIL Group can source and integrate international Interim Leaders and functional experts including CEOs, CFOs, and supply chain experts to work anywhere in the world. With operations in over 30 countries it is uniquely placed to help clients with global issues and is the first company to offer interim solutions on a truly global scale. “The business world is increasingly globalised, with many companies undergoing major change and transformation,” said Patrick Laredo, CEO of X-PM France, and secretary general for the WIL Group. “We address these complex business challenges, and source experienced interims to work globally and transnationally; making the process of recruiting Interim Leaders straightforward. Our executives are heavy weight professionals, who can be parachuted individually or in teams into any business situation, often at very short notice to lead projects and handle complex business challenges. “We bring decades of business experience and leadership, and many members and partners have been working together over the past seven years on global assignments,” he added. “The Group is committed to integrate assets to support clients on a worldwide basis and this includes the ability to multi-source Interim Leaders.” Jason Atkinson, managing director of Russam GMS said: “WIL Group is an exciting new venture for Russam GMS. It is a unique ‘star alliance’ which brings together the world’s top interim management providers to offer interim and transitional management services globally. We are uniquely placed to help clients with all their global resourcing challenges and have the world’s largest talent pool of over 30,000 proven interim managers ready to structure and lead complex projects, deliver sustainable change and create lasting value.” Recruiter 09.09.2014 Global interim management services company launched Global interim management services company launched Tue, 9 Sep 2014 A new global interim management services company has been launched, the Worldwide Interim Leadership (WIL) Group. WIL Group has been set up in response to increased demand for high calibre interim and transition leaders for short-term business critical assignments, according to a statement from interim recruiter Russam GMS. The group, which has its head office in London, boasts a talent pool of more than 30,000 interim executives. It is owned by its 13 member companies, including BCV & Partners (Belgium), Management Angels (Germany), Russam GMS (UK), X-PM (France), XPM Hellas (Greece), X-PM Singapore and X-PM Cifal (Russia) and Nordic Interim Executive Solutions AB (Sweden). The group’s management board comprises four executives: Patrick Laredo, chief executive of X-PM; Thorsten Becker, CEO of Management Angels; Jason Atkinson, managing director of Russam GMS; and Janeric Peterson, managing director and founding partner of Nordic Interim Executive Solutions. WIL Group offers five global services: performance improvement; company transformation; turnaround and restructuring; private equity and investment services; and project and programme management. - See more at: http://www.recruiter.co.uk/news/2014/09/global-interim-management-services-companylaunched/#sthash.8Mwg1TRZ.dpuf http://www.recruiter.co.uk/news/2014/09/global-interim-management-services-company-launched/ Recruitment international UK 09.09.2014 Russam GMS announces launch of WIL Group Russam GMS announces launch of WIL Group Posted on Tuesday Sep 9 Russam GMS is now part of WIL Group (the Worldwide Interim Leadership Group) – a new global alliance of leading professional services companies launched today to offer interim management and transitional management services to clients around the world. WIL Group has been set up in response to increased global demand for high calibre interim and transition leaders needed for short term business critical assignments. The Group is owned by 13 member companies, who are all established market leaders in their countries. It has a talent pool of more than 30,000 interim executives ready to lead global and transnational assignments. Its mission is to help owners, their representatives and management teams to overcome extraordinary business challenges and fulfil their ambitions and to build an alliance that attracts and develops the best interim leaders and experts. Finding the right people to work transnationally can be difficult unless a firm is located in that area and possesses in-depth knowledge of the market, the national employment legislation, working culture and business operations. WIL Group can source and integrate international Interim Leaders and functional experts including CEOs, CFOs, and supply chain experts to work anywhere in the world. With operations in over 30 countries it is uniquely placed to help clients with global issues and is the first company to offer interim solutions on a truly global scale. Initially the WIL Group offers five global services: · Performance Improvement · Company Transformation · Turnaround& Restructuring · Private Equity & Investment Services · Project & Programme Management WIL Group has its international office in London at The Gridiron Building, One Pancras Square, London, N1C 4AG, as well as offices in 12 other countries covering most of Europe, the Americas and Asia Pacific – including all BRIC nations – all areas where there is a growing demand for interim resources. Patrick Laredo, CEO of X-PM France, and Secretary General for the WIL Group said, “The business world is increasingly globalised, with many companies undergoing major change and transformation. We address these complex business challenges, and source experienced interims to work globally and transnationally; making the process of recruiting Interim Leaders straightforward. Our executives are heavy weight professionals, who can be parachuted individually or in teams into any business situation, often at very short notice to lead projects and handle complex business challenges. “We bring decades of business experience and leadership, and many members and partners have been working together over the past seven years on global assignments. The Group is committed to integrate assets to support clients on a worldwide basis and this includes the ability to multi-source Interim Leaders,”adds Mr Laredo. Jason Atkinson, Managing Director of Russam GMS said, “WIL Group is an exciting new venture for Russam GMS. It is a unique ‘star alliance’ which brings together the world’s top interim management providers to offer interim and transitional management services globally. We are uniquely placed to help clients with all their global resourcing challenges and have the world’s largest talent pool of over30,000 proven interim managers ready to structure and lead complex projects, deliver sustainable change and create lasting value.” USA Reuters and other 300 websites 08.09.2014 The WIL Group Launches to Offer Interim and Transition Management Services to Companies, Organizations and Institutions Worldwide The WIL Group Launches to Offer Interim and Transition Management Services to Companies, Organizations and Institutions Worldwide PR Newswire BUFFALO, N.Y., Sept. 8, 2014 BUFFALO, N.Y., Sept. 8, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- TH Business Advisors is a founding member of the The WIL Group (the Worldwide Interim Leadership Group), which is being launched today. It is the first global alliance of leading professional services companies offering interim management and transitional management services to clients around the world. The WIL Group has been set up in response to increased global demand for high calibre interim and transition leaders who are needed for critical short-term business assignments. The WIL Group mission is to help owners, their representatives and management teams to overcome extraordinary challenges and to build an alliance that attracts and develops the best interim leaders and experts. Finding the right people can be difficult unless a firm is located in that area and possesses indepth knowledge of the market, working culture and business operations. The WIL Group can source and integrate international Interim Leaders and functional experts including CEOs, CFOs, and supply chain experts to work anywhere in the world. With operations in over 30 countries it is uniquely placed to help clients with global issues and is the first company to offer interim solutions on a truly global scale. Initially the WIL Group offers five global services: o Performance Improvement o Company Transformation o Turnaround & Restructuring o Private Equity & Investment Services o Project & Program Management The WIL Group is owned by 13 member companies, who are all established market leaders in their countries, and has a talent pool of more than 30,000 executives ready to lead global and transnational assignments. The WIL Group has its international office in London at The Gridiron Building, One Pancras Square, London, N1C 4AG, as well as offices in 12 other countries covering most of Europe, the Americas and Asia Pacific – including BRIC nations – all areas where there is a growing demand for interim resources. Patrick Laredo, CEO of X-PM France, and Secretary General for the WIL Group said, "The business world is increasingly globalised, with many companies undergoing change and transformation. We address these complex business challenges, and source experienced interims to work globally, making the process of recruiting Interim Leaders straightforward. Our executives are experienced professionals, who can be parachuted individually or in teams into any business situation, often at short notice to lead projects and handle complex business challenges. "We bring decades of business experience and leadership, and many members and partners have been working together over the past seven years on global assignments. The Group is committed to integrate assets to support clients on a worldwide basis and this includes the ability to multi-source Interim Leaders," adds Mr Laredo. TH Business Advisors is a business advisory firm with offices in Buffalo, Los Angeles, Rochester, Erie, Boston and Sarasota. The firm offers a range of C-level advisory and interim management services.
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