IJCA-18663; No of Pages 2 International Journal of Cardiology xxx (2014) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Cardiology journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijcard Letter to the Editor Novel use of absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold and STENTYS self-apposing coronary stent for complex saphenous vein grafts intervention Kuan Leong Yew ⁎ Cardiology Department, Sarawak General Hospital Heart Center, Kota Samarahan, 94300 Sarawak, Malaysia a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 6 August 2014 Accepted 9 August 2014 Available online xxxx Keywords: Saphenous vein graft intervention Ectatic Aneurysm Bioresorbable vascular scaffold Stentys Self-apposing stent A 53-year-old man suffered an episode of severe chest pain while he was working at an overseas project. After the chest pain had subsided, he flew back to his home country and was admitted to our hospital. The electrocardiography and cardiac enzymes were normal. His cardiovascular risk factors were type II diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension. He had coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery in 2001 with left internal mammary artery (LIMA) to left anterior descending artery (LAD), saphenous vein graft (SVG) to main major-obtuse marginal branch (OM) and SVG to right coronary artery posterior descending artery (RPDA). He had similar less intense episode in 2010. The exercise stress test was positive and coronary angiography showed a patent LIMA–LAD, patent SVG–RPDA and moderate disease at the mid SVG–OM with poor distal run-off. He was treated medically at that time. For this index event, he underwent coronary angiography via the right femoral artery. There were severe native triple vessel disease, patent LIMA–LAD, significant lesions at proximal and mid-distal ectatic SVG–OM and a subtotally occluded SVG–RPDA with Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) 1 flow at best (Fig. 1). A 6F MP1 guiding catheter (GC) was used to engage the SVG–RPDA. An uninflated 2.5 × 10 mm semi-compliant balloon was passed down the SVG–RPDA and followed by mechanical aspiration with Export AP Aspiration Catheter (Medtronic Inc., Minneapolis, USA). Repeated runs of aspiration yielded some whitish debris. After improvement to TIMI 2 flow, the culprit lesion at prox-mid of SVG–RPDA was inflated with ⁎ Tel.: +60 82 668111; fax: +60 82 455451. E-mail address: [email protected]. the 2.5 × 10 mm balloon to facilitate the deployment of a 3.0 × 28 mm ABSORB (Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, USA) bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS). The BVS was postdilated with a 3.5 × 15 mm noncompliant balloon to ensure good scaffold apposition. When he came back 1 month later for clinic visit, he described occasional niggling chest discomfort and he requested for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to the SVG–OM before taking up another transcontinental project. A 7F LCB GC was used to intubate the SVG– OM. Inadequate landing zone did not permit the use of distal protection device. The proximal lesion was predilated with a 2.5 × 10 mm semicompliant balloon but the same balloon could not cross the stenotic mid-distal SVG–OM. Hence, a smaller 1.5 × 15 mm balloon managed to predilate this lesion followed by further predilatation with the 2.5 mm balloon. 2 overlapping STENTYS (STENTYS SA, Paris, France) self-apposing drug eluting coronary stents were deployed at the ectatic mid-distal SVG–OM. A 3.5–4.5 × 22 mm STENTYS stent was delivered with firm and constant pressure to the distal SVG–OM and deployed slowly to avoid forward jump of the self-expandable stent. Then, a 3.0–3.5 × 22 mm STENTYS stent was deployed in a similar fashion to overlap with the distal STENTYS stent. The deployed STENTYS stents were postdilated gradually with 4.0 × 12 mm and 5.0 × 12 mm noncompliant balloons to reduce the incidence of distal embolisation. As for the proximal lesion, it was stented with a 2.75 × 15 mm Xience Prime stent (Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, USA). Final angiography revealed an excellent result with improvement of the myocardial blush grade. He was event free up to 1 year later. As the patient had a recent acute coronary syndrome episode, the subtotally occluded SVG–RPDA was potentially salvageable. After several runs of mechanical thromboaspiration which helped to improve the TIMI flow and yielded minimal whitish debris, things were kept simple with subsequent balloon predilatation and stenting without the usage of distal embolic protection device as the operator opined that the risk of distal embolisation was low. BVS offers the option of providing temporary scaffolding to overcome the coronary lumen narrowing and once resorbed, it also restores the coronary vasomotion milieu [1]. Thus, similar beneficial effects of BVS maybe endowed onto the vein graft. There was only one prior published use of BVS in SVG before this case and it was successfully done [2]. There were 3-month followup with cardiac computed tomographic angiography (CCTA) and optical coherence tomography imaging which revealed patent BVS. [2,3] From the CCTA, BVS permitted clear imaging results without the blooming artifacts of metallic stents [2]. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.08.043 0167-5273/© 2014 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. Please cite this article as: Yew KL, Novel use of absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold and STENTYS self-apposing coronary stent for complex saphenous vein grafts intervention, Int J Cardiol (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.08.043 e2 K.L. Yew / International Journal of Cardiology xxx (2014) xxx–xxx Fig. 1. Initial angiography of the saphenous vein graft (SVG)–right posterior descending artery (RPDA) (A). There was very slow flow of TIMI 1 grade down the SVG–RPDA (white arrows) (B). Thromboaspiration helped to improve the TIMI flow and revealed prox-mid SVG–RPDA culprit lesion (white arrows) (C). A 3.0 × 28 mm ABSORB bioresorbable vascular scaffold was successfully deployed in the SVG–RPDA (white arrows) (D). Angiography of the SVG to main major-obtuse marginal branch (OM) which revealed critical proximal stenosis and diseased ectatic mid-distal graft segment (E). The first 3.5–4.5 × 22 mm STENTYS self-apposing stent was positioned at the distal SVG–OM segment (white arrow) (F). A second 3.0–3.5 × 22 mm STENTYS stent (white arrow) was overlapped with the distal STENTYS stent (G). Final angiography of the SVG–OM which showed excellent angiographic result of the STENTYS stents and 2.75 × 15 mm Xience Prime stent (white arrow) and improved myocardial blushing (H). The SVG–OM was a severely degenerated graft with concomitant similarly diseased native left circumflex artery and OM vessel. After discussion with the patient, we decided upon SVG–OM intervention solely for symptom relief. The degenerated SVG–OM graft had technically challenging stenotic lesions and big ectatic segment. Conventional balloon-mounted stents are tubular structures which would not appose well for ectatic aneurysmal segment with large size discrepancy, and may in fact increase the risk of stent thrombosis. However, newer generation of self-expandable stent can overcome this limitation [4]. STENTYS stents have been described to treat bifurcation and ectatic aneurysmal coronary lesions but there is a lack of published data regarding its use in vein graft intervention [4–7]. STENTYS stent is made from nitinol with nickel–titanium alloy and would self-expand and conform to the vessel lumen over time. However, the longer and bigger sized STENTYS stent has lower profile especially for traversing a generated vein graft. Hence, the operator used a 7F LCB GC for better GC support and maneuvered it to power position to facilitate the delivery of STENTYS stents. Inadequate landing zone did not permit the use of distal protection device. The deployment of the stent was done carefully to avoid a forward jump complication of the device [7]. The second STENTYS stent was minimally overlapped with the distal STENTYS stent with the aid of platinum radio-opaque end markers under fluoroscopic guidance (Fig. 1). Despite its self-apposing characteristic, it is still prudent to perform postdilatation to ensure optimal stent strut apposition [4,6,7]. The application of BVS and STENTYS for vein graft PCI has been rarely described and this case is the first to use two different new stent technologies for complex saphenous vein graft intervention. Perhaps we now have the solution to tackle with confidence the unmet needs of various challenging saphenous vein graft lesions. Conflict of interest The authors report no relationships that could be construed as a conflict of interest. References [1] Onuma Y, Serruys PW. Bioresorbable scaffold. The advent of a new era in percutaneous coronary and peripheral revascularization? Circulation 2011;123(7):779–97. [2] Ong PJ, Jafary FH, Ho HH. “First-in-man” use of bioresorbable vascular scaffold in saphenous vein graft. EuroIntervention 2013;20(9(1)):165. [3] Roleder T, Parma Z, Smolka G, Ochała A, Wojakowski W. Optical coherence tomography imaging of everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold implanted into coronary vein graft at 3-month follow-up. Eur Heart J 2014 Apr 10. http://dx.doi. org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehu140. [4] Moretti C, Omedè P, Presutti DG, et al. Shaping an ectatic coronary artery: Stentys implantation. Int J Cardiol 2014;171(3):459–61. [5] Laborde JC, Borenstein N, Behr L, Ramcharitar S. Stentys coronary bifurcation stent. EuroIntervention 2007;3(1):162–5. 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