IEEE 802.11af: TV White Space based WLAN Hyoil Kim Wireless and Mobile Networking Lab. (WMNL) School of ECE Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) Ulsan, Republic of Korea Presentation Outline Introduction to TV White Space IEEE 802.11af: Architectural Framework IEEE 802.11af: MAC Specification IEEE 802.11af: PHY Specification IEEE 802.11af: Regulations 2 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 Spectrum White Spaces Under-utilized legacy spectrum – sub-GHz: average spectrum utilization: 13-17% (2007) – white space (WS): temporarily vacant licensed spectrum opportunistic reuse of WS – dynamic spectrum access (DSA), cognitive radio (CR) – IEEE 802.22 WRAN, ECMA 392 (ECMA TC48-TC1), IEEE 802.11af 3 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 TV White Space (TVWS) TVWS: white space in TV bands (VHF/UHF) – 54–698 MHz (TV channels 2–51) – standardization: • IEEE 802.11af-2013 (a.k.a. Super Wi-Fi) • IEEE 802.22 WRAN • ECMA 392 (equivalently, ECMA TC48-TC1) Benefits (compared to ISM/UNII) – smaller path loss & better wall-penetrability – larger coverage – more evenly-distributed data rates 4 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 TVWS in Korea [3] Use Cases of TVWS Rural Broadband Home Network Smart Grid Cellular Offload smartlab/project/astra_ran.html 5 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 technicalhighlights/scenarios-and-business-models.html TVWS Identification Spectrum sensing (via signal detection) – field test by FCC (2008) showed limitations of sensing • Adaptrum, I2R, Microsoft, Motorola, Philips – an optional feature (FCC ruling 10-174 on WS, 2010) Geo-location database (GDB) OET Report, FCC/OET 08-TR-1005, 2008 – possesses location-specific spectrum availability – e.g., Spectrum Bridge, Google Spectrum Database 6 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 Worldwide Activities on TVWS The AIR.U Initiative (2012) – a consortium of educational associations, public interest groups and high-tech companies (e.g., Google, MS) – (2013/07) first on-campus Super Wi-Fi @ WVU – (2013/11) Declaration Networks plan for Super Wi-Fi at 500+ university campuses Super Wi-Fi at Africa – (2013/03) Google, wireless Internet via TVWS @ South Africa Super Wi-Fi at Asia – (2013/11) Gardens by the Bay @ Singapore – (2014/01) Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning, TVWS 시범사업 @ Korea 7 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 gle-unveils-tv-white-space-test-bed-southafrica/2013-03-26 Presentation Outline Introduction to TV White Space IEEE 802.11af: Architectural Framework IEEE 802.11af: MAC Specification IEEE 802.11af: PHY Specification IEEE 802.11af: Regulations 8 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 IEEE 802.11af: An Overview Finalized in Feb. 2014 as IEEE 802.11af-2013 802.11af: enhanced coverage, moderate rate – channel BW 6, 7, 8 MHz (region-specific) – peak rate 384.0 Mbps (6 or 7 MHz), 568.9 Mbps (8 MHz) – coverage < 1km – TVHT (TV High Throughput) PHY • based on VHT (Very High Throughput) PHY • use parameters for 40 MHz channel (sampling freq. scaled accordingly) – channelization: 9 TVHT_W, TVHT_W+W, TVHT_2W, TVHT_2W+2W, TVHT_4W 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 IEEE 802.11af: Terminology White Space Device (WSD) Geolocation Database (GDB) – a DB that stores geographic-location-specific information, e.g., permissible frequencies and operating parameters for WSDs – a DB whose operation is mandated or authorized by a regulatory authority White Space Map (WSM) – representation of the information on identified available frequencies obtained from a GDB Registered Location Secure Server (RLSS) – a local DB that organizes geographic location and operating parameters of its related BSSs 10 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 IEEE 802.11af: Terminology Geolocation-Database-Dependent Entities (GDD) – entities whose operation is dependent on information received from a GDB GDD enabling Station – equivalent to the AP STA – authorized to control the operation of GDD dependent STAs and securely access the GDB GDD dependent Station – equivalent to the STA – a STA that is under the control of a GDD enabling STA Registered Location Query Protocol (RLQP) – a query protocol for registered location information that is received and transported by generic advertisement service (GAS) Public Action frames 11 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 IEEE 802.11af Architecture APs (GDD enabling STAs) are required to – securely communicate with GDBs – maintain the WSMs and other information received from GDBs – transmit a contact verification signal (CVS) to inform GDD dependent STAs that the map they received is still valid 12 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 IEEE 802.11af Mechanisms Channel Availability Query (CAQ) – to obtain one or more WSMs of available channels for an area or a geolocation Channel Schedule Management (CSM) Public Action frames - CAQ, CSM, CVS, NCC, GDD Enablement Req., GDD Enablement Rsp., WSM Announcement – to obtain start and ending times for each available channel - Public Action frames: for inter/intra-BSS and Contact Verification Signal (CVS) AP to unassociatedSTA communications, – sent by AP (a GDD enabling STA), for GDD dependent STAs and GAS to verify if they are still receiving frames from their AP GDD Enablement – the procedure where a GDD enabling STA forms a network and maintains the network under the control of a GDB Network Channel Control (NCC) – to inform a local channel controller that has a view of nearby transmitters and their emissions footprints WSM Announcement – sent by a GDD enabling STA to provide a WSM to GDD dependent STAs 13 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 Presentation Outline Introduction to TV White Space IEEE 802.11af: Architectural Framework IEEE 802.11af: MAC Specification IEEE 802.11af: PHY Specification IEEE 802.11af: Regulations 14 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 White Space Map (WSM) WSM procedure – WSM includes a list of available WS channels and power limitations as directed by the GDB GDD enabling STA GDD dependent STA • the WSM may be updated by the GDB – a GDD enabling STA should transmit the WSM to its GDD dependent STAs, via • GDD Enablement response, • CAQ response, or • WSM Announcement – GDD dependent STAs can transmit only in the channels specified by the WSM WSM Announcement frame format 15 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 White Space Map (WSM) WSM element – WSM Type = 1 • TV band WSM – WSM Information • • • • channel index max. power valid duration max. channel bandwidth • map version – increased by 1 whenever the WSM is updated 16 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 GDD Enablement GDD Enablement procedure GDD dependent STA GDD enabling STA – allows a GDD enabling STA to form a network satisfying regulatory requirements – availability of GDD enablement service is notified by GDD enabling beacon signals transmitted by a GDD enabling STA • Upon receiving a GDD enabling beacon signal, the GDD dependent STA can initiate the GDD Enablement procedure by sending out a GDD Enablement request GDD Enablement Request / Response frame format 17 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 GDD-Dependent STA State Transition Diagram 18 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 Channel Availability Query (CAQ) CAQ procedure – to obtain the list of available channels for the operation of a GDD STA CAQ requesting STA – CAQ requesting STA: GDD dependent STA or GDD enabling STA – CAQ responding STA: GDD enabling STA • CAQ response contains WSM CAQ frame format – Reason Result Code field: 1 for request, 2-6 for response 19 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 CAQ responding STA Channel Schedule Management (CSM) CSM procedure CSM requesting STA CSM responding STA – to obtain the channel schedule information for the operation of a GDD STA – CSM requesting STA: GDD enabling STA • shall not be a GDD dependent STA – CSM responding STA: RLSS or another GDD enabling STA • CSM response contains channel schedule CSM frame format – Reason Result Code field: 0-1 for request, 2-12 for response 20 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 Channel Schedule Management (CSM) Channel Schedule Descriptor – channel index – availability starting time in UTC and timestamp – availability duration in minutes 21 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 Network Channel Control (NCC) NCC procedure – used to control frequency usage in TVWS NCC requesting STA NCC responding STA • NCC requesting STA requests usage of selected frequencies from its WSM while providing its spectrum mask • NCC responding STA provides the allowed channels and max. transmit power constraints – may be performed whenever WSM changes – NCC requesting STA: GDD dependent STA or GDD enabling STA – NCC responding STA: GDD enabling STA or RLSS NCC frame format – Reason Result Code: 0 for request, 1-4 for response 22 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 (repeated) Contact Verification Signal (CVS) CVS procedure – transmitted by a GDD enabling STA GDD enabling STA GDD dependent STA • to establish which GDD dependent STAs are within the range of the GDD enabling STA • to notify whether the available channel information from the GDB has been updated – a GDD dependent STA verifies its WSM via the Map ID field in CVS • if their MAP ID match, the STA resets its dot11GDDEnablementValidTimer to 60 seconds • if they do not match, the STA initiates CAQ procedure CVS frame format 23 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 Presentation Outline Introduction to TV White Space IEEE 802.11af: Architectural Framework IEEE 802.11af: MAC Specification IEEE 802.11af: PHY Specification IEEE 802.11af: Regulations 24 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 TVHT Channelization Basic Channel Unit (BCU): W = 6, 7, or 8 MHz – TVHT_MODE_1: W – TVHT_MODE_2C: 2W – TVHT_MODE_2N: W+W – TVHT_MODE_4C: 4W – TVHT_MODE_4N: 2W+2W mandatory: – TVHT_MODE_1 (W) – a single spatial stream (SS) 25 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 TVHT PHY channelization [2] TVHT vs. VHT: Bandwidth & OFDM TVHT PHY is based on 40 MHz VHT OFDM PHY of 11ac – CBW40: 128 subcarriers (SCs) in 40 MHz, # occupied SCs (NST) = 114 – 144 SCs per BCU (not 128), for 55 dB ACLR (Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio) guard bands for roll-off 6 MHz 7 MHz 8 MHz 5.33 MHz 5.33 MHz 7.11 MHz BCU (MHz) 6 7 8 # SCs per BCU 144 168 (= 144 * 7/6) 144 # SCs used 128 128 128 BW used (MHz) 5.33 (= 6 * 128/144) 5.33 (= 7 * 128/168) 7.11 (= 8 * 128/144) scaling factor for sampling freq. 7.5 (= 40/5.33) 7.5 (= 40/5.33) 5.625 (= 40/7.11) # occupied SCs (NST) 114 114 114 # pilot tones (NSP) 6 6 6 26 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 (per BCU) TVHT vs. VHT: PPDU Format VHT PPDU TVHT PPDU 27 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 CCA and MCS CCA BUSY Conditions (for a primary channel) – 6/7 MHz: VHT PPDU at or above -88 dBm – 8 MHz: VHT PPDU at or above -87 dBm MCS and minimum sensitivity TVHT_MODE_1, NSS=1 28 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 TVHT PHY Characteristics Characteristics TVHT aSlotTime 24 us (6/7 MHz) 20 us (8 MHz) 9 us aSifsTime 120 us (6/7 MHz) 90 us (8 MHz) 16 us aCCATime < 15 us (6/7 MHz) < 4 us < 11.25 us (8 MHz) aPPDUMaxTime 20 ms aPSDUMaxLength 1,065,600 octets 29 VHT 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 5.484 ms 4,692,480 octets Presentation Outline Introduction to TV White Space IEEE 802.11af: Architectural Framework IEEE 802.11af: MAC Specification IEEE 802.11af: PHY Specification IEEE 802.11af: Regulations 30 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 Spectrum Regulations by Regions FCC [4] ETSI, Ofcom [5,6] TVWS 54-698 MHz 470-790 MHz Channel bandwidth 6 MHz 8 MHz Maximum EIRP Portable WSDs – 100 mW Flexible (according to frequency (40 mW if adjacent to an occupied chan.) and location) Fixed WSDs – 4 W TVWS allocation Static (daily, up to 48 hours) Dynamic (e.g., typically 2 hours) TVWS vacation DL N/A AP – 60 seconds STA – 1 second RLSS relays WSM from GDB to GDD enabling STAs calculates WSM for its BSSs 31 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 FCC Regulation [7] Fixed device – allowed to communicate with fixed & personal/portable devices – required to • determine its geographic location • access GDB • operate with antennas mounted outdoors – max power: 1 W at transmitter output, 4 W EIRP with antenna gain Personal/portable device – allowed to communicate with fixed & personal/portable devices – Mode I: controlled by a fixed or a personal/portable Mode II device • Mode I and II interaction: Mode II is master and Mode I is client – Mode II: independent device; needs to access GDB – max power: 100 mW EIRP with no antenna gain • 40 mW when operating in an adjacent channel to an occupied channel 32 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 Ofcom Regulation [5] Master TV WS device (WSD) – for operation in UHF TV bands, it is required to • discover approved TV WS databases (WSDBs) • communicate information to the WSDBs – WSD unique device identifier, antenna characteristics, etc. • receive information from the WSDBs and follow the instructions – lower/upper frequency boundaries, max. permitted EIRP spectral densities, max. bandwidth, time validity parameters, etc. Slave WSD – for operation in UHF TV bands, it is required to • receive information from its master WSD and follow the instructions power requirement – power: POOB (dBm/(100 kHz)) ≤ max{ PIB (dBm/(8 MHz)) - AFLR (dB), -84 } • POOB: out-of-block EIRP spectral density • PIB: in-block EIRP spectral density • AFLR: adjacent frequency leakage ratio (54 ~ 84 dB) 33 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍 References [1] IEEE Std 802.11af-2013, “Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, Amendment 5: Television White Spaces (TVWS) Operation,” IEEE, February 2014. [2] A.B. Flores, R.E. Guerra, and E.W. Knightly, “IEEE 802.11af: A Standard for TV White Space Spectrum Sharing,” IEEE Commun. Mag., October 2013. [3] S.W. Choi et al., “Technology Standard Trends for Utilization in TV White Space,” ETRI, August 2011. [4] Electronic Code of Federal Regs., Title 47, part 15, subpart H, Television Band Devices. [5] Ofcom, “Regulatory Requirements for White Space Devices in the UHF TV band,” July 2012. [6] ETSI, “EN 301 598 White Space Devices (WSD); Wireless Access Systems Operating in the 470 MHz to 790 MHz Frequency Band,” October 2012. [7] FCC, “Second Report and Order and Memorandum Opinion and Order,” ET Docket No. 08-260, November 2008. 34 2014/04/02 제3회 WLAN 최신기술 워크숍
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