SUMMARY OF FEE CH ANGES AT E XCH ANGES WEEK COMMENCING 24 NOVEMBER 2014 NAME OF EXCHANGE SUMMARY OF CHANGE NEW FEE CHANGED FROM EFFECTIVE DATE BATS Exchange Adopts pricing for Supplemental Peg Orders Rebate of $0.0017 per share for all Supplemental Peg Orders executed on the Exchange that add liquidity in securities priced $1.00 and above. N/A Immediately Supplemental Peg Orders in securities priced below $1.00 would not receive a liquidity rebate. Adopts fees for ROUT and ROUX strategies $0.0029 per share for orders in securities priced $1.00 and above executed through ROUT and ROUX at a venue other than a dark liquidity venue Immediately Any execution through DRT routing at a dark liquidity venue will continue to be charged $0.0020 per share Adopts fees for the INET routing strategy $0.0029 per share N/A Immediately Fees are based on existing pricing for similar orders. Adopts fees for the ROLF routing strategy $0.0030 per share for any ROLF routed execution at LavaFlow ECN. N/A Immediately Fees are based on existing pricing for similar orders. Adopts fees for the Post to Away routing strategy Add liquidity at BYX through Post to Away routing: $0.0018 charge per share; at EDGX: $0.0020 rebate per share; at EDGA: $0.0005 charge per share; at NYSE through Post to Away, RDOT or RDOX routing: $0.0015 rebate per share; at NYSE ARCA through Post to Away routing for Tape B: $0.0022 rebate per share; at NYSE ARCA through Post to Away routing for Tapes A and C: $0.0021 rebate per share; at NYSE MKT: $0.0015 rebate per share; at NASDAQ through Post to Away or INET routing: $0.0015 rebate per share; at NASDAQ BX: $0.0020 charge per share. N/A Immediately These are the same fees and rebates charged and provided by the Exchange’s affiliates, EDGA and EDGX, for identical routing strategies that post to away market venues. Adopts pricing for Supplemental Peg Orders $0.0024 per share for all Supplemental Peg Orders executed on the Exchange that add liquidity in securities priced $1.00 and above. N/A Immediately Supplemental Peg Orders in securities priced below $1.00 would not receive a liquidity rebate. Adopts fees for ROUT and ROUX strategies $0.0029 per share for orders in securities priced $1.00 and above executed through ROUT and ROUX at a venue other than a dark liquidity venue. N/A Immediately Fees are identical to the fees charged for executions through similar routing strategies offered by the Exchange, namely Parallel D and Parallel 2D. Adopts fees for the INET routing strategy $0.0029 per share N/A Immediately Fees are based on existing pricing for similar orders. Adopts fees for the ROLF routing strategy $0.0030 per share N/A Immediately Fees are based on existing pricing for similar orders. Adopts fees for the Post to Away routing strategy Add liquidity at BZX through Post to Away routing: $0.0020 rebate per share; at EDGX: $0.0020 rebate per share; at EDGA: $0.0005 charge per share; at NYSE through Post to Away, RDOT or RDOX routing: $0.0015 rebate per share; at NYSE ARCA through Post to Away routing for Tape B: $0.0022 rebate per share; at NYSE ARCA through Post to Away routing for Tapes A and C: $0.0021 rebate per share; at NYSE MKT through Post to Away routing: $0.0015 rebate per share; at NASDAQ through Post to Away or INET routing: $0.0015 rebate per share; at NASDAQ BX through Post to Away routing: $0.0020 charge per share. N/A Immediately These are the same fees and rebates charged and provided by the Exchange’s affiliates, EDGA and EDGX, for identical routing strategies that post to away market venues. CBOE Amends Order Handling System Order Cancellation Fee $0.00 $2.00 Immediately The Exchange believes it is reasonable to waive the cancellation fee because it will merely result in Trading Permit Holders no longer being subject to this fee. Direct Edge Decreases the fee for orders yielding Flag K, which routes to PSX using ROUC or ROUE routing strategies $0.0024 per share $0.0026 per share Immediately The proposed change is in response to PSX’s November 2014 fee change where PSX decreased the fee to remove liquidity via routable order types it charges its customers. International Securities Exchange Eliminates special fees for Singly Listed Symbols $0.00 $0.20 per contract for regular and Crossing Orders, including PIM orders of 100 or fewer contracts Immediately These will now be subject to the same fees as other Priority Customer orders in Non-Select Symbols. ISE Gemini Amends fees to introduce a new higher maker rebate for certain Market Maker orders. Market Makers that achieve Tier 2 and execute an ADV of 100,000 to 124,999 contracts in a given month, including both maker and taker volume, will qualify for a maker rebate of $0.33 per contract in Penny Symbols and SPY, and $0.43 per contract in Non-Penny Symbols. In Penny Symbols and SPY: $0.30 per contract for Tier 1, $0.32 per contract for Tier 2, $0.34 per contract for Tier 3, $0.37 per contract for Tier 4, and $0.38 per contract for Tier 5. In Non-Penny Symbols: $0.40 per contract for Tier 1, $0.42 per contract for Tier 2, and $0.44 per contract for Tier 3, $0.47 per contract for Tier 4, and $0.49 per contract for Tier 5. Immediately The new maker rebate is designed to attract additional volume from Market Makers that do not qualify for Tier 3 or higher maker rebates. Nasdaq OMX BX Amends fees for remote MITCH Wave Ports for clients colocated at other thirdparty data centers $5,000: installation fee; $7,500: monthly recurring fee $2,500: installation fee; $5,000: monthly recurring fee Immediately BX will be providing a direct connection to NYSE’s data center in Mahwah, which is significantly farther from Carteret. Amends routing fees $0.99 per contract Non-Customer routing fee to any options exchange; $0.13 per contract customer routing fee for option orders routed to The NASDAQ Options Market and NASDAQ OMX PHLX; $0.23 per contract customer routing fee for option orders routed to all other options exchanges; $0.13 per contract routing fee if the away market pays a rebate. $0.97 per contract Non-Customer routing fee to any options exchange; $0.12 per contract customer routing fee for option orders routed to The NASDAQ Options Market and NASDAQ OMX PHLX; $0.22 per contract customer routing fee for option orders routed to all other options exchanges; $0.12 per contract routing fee if the away market pays a rebate. Nov.3 The Exchange desires to recoup an additional portion of the cost it incurs when routing orders. Increases a credit provided to member firms applicable to transactions in securities priced at $1 or more $0.0005 per share $0.0003 per share Nov.3 The proposed increase should encourage firms to access more resting midpoint liquidity before routing to other destinations for price improvement opportunities. Amends routing fees $0.99 per contract Non-Customer routing fee to any options exchange; $0.13 per contract customer routing fee for option orders routed to The NASDAQ Options Market and NASDAQ OMX PHLX; $0.23 per contract customer routing fee for option orders routed to all other options exchanges; $0.13 per contract routing fee if the away market pays a rebate. $0.97 per contract Non-Customer routing fee to any options exchange; $0.12 per contract customer routing fee for option orders routed to The NASDAQ Options Market and NASDAQ OMX PHLX; $0.22 per contract customer routing fee for option orders routed to all other options exchanges; $0.12 per contract routing fee if the away market pays a rebate. Nov.3 The Exchange desires to recoup an additional portion of the cost it incurs when routing orders. Amends Initiating Order Fee for PIXL Executions in SPY $0.00 if the Customer PIXL Order is greater than 399 contracts $0.05 per contract Nov.3 The proposed pricing will encourage market participants to send an even greater amount of orders to the Exchange through PIXL. Amends fees in PIXL Pricing for Initiating Orders that is contra to a Customer PIXL order $0.00 if the Customer PIXL Order is greater than 999 contracts $0.07 per contract or $0.05 per contract if the Customer Rebate Program Threshold Volume is greater than 100,000 contracts per day in a month Nov.3 The Exchange believes that this amendment to PIXL pricing will encourage a greater number of PIXL Orders on the Exchange, thereby increasing liquidity. Amends the Active SQF Port Fee $2,500: for 1 Active SQF Port, $4,000: for 2-6 ports; $15,000: for 7 or more ports. Active SQF Port Fees are capped at $42,000 per month. $350: for 0-4 ports, $1,350: for 5-18 ports; $2,500: for 19 or more ports. Active SQF Port Fees are capped at $41,000 per month. Apr.1 2015 The Active SQF Fixed Fee will be assessed on a monthly basis to these Specialists and Market Makers, for their current ports, from 1 December 2014 through 31 March 2015. Any new ports utilized by Specialists or Market Makers, that are being assessed the Fixed Fee, will not be subject to any additional fees through 31 March 2015 beyond the Fixed Fee. The Exchange proposes to not assess Specialists or Market Makers for new ports assigned in connection with XL refresh during the time period from 1 December 2014 through 31 March 2015. Modifies fees assessed for execution and routing securities listed on NASDAQ (Tape C), NYSE (Tape A) and on exchanges other than NASDAQ and the NYSE (Tape B) $0.0030 per share across all the tapes $0.0027 per share across all the tapes Immediately NASDAQ is seeking to harmonize the remove rate for orders whether or not they execute against the midpoint so that the remove rate for orders is certain before the order is entered. Eliminates rebate for all the Tapes. $0.00 $0.00293 per share executed rebate for a member with shares of liquidity provided in all securities through one or more of its Nasdaq Market Center MPIDs that represent more than 0.10% of Consolidated Volume during the month, with shares executed in the Opening and Closing Cross that represent more than 0.20% of Consolidated Volume and orders entered through a single Nasdaq Market Center MPID that represent more than 0.50% of Consolidated Volume during the month. Immediately NASDAQ believes that the elimination of this rebate is warranted since it has failed to increase liquidity in Tape A, B or C securities or to provide members with additional incentive to improve market quality. Adds rebates across the Tapes. $0.0025 per share executed for midpoint orders; $0.0010 per share executed for Tape C securities; $0.0033 per share for Designated Retail Orders liquidity; $0.0034 per share executed if the member adds Customer and/or Professional liquidity in Penny Pilot Options and/ or Non-Penny Pilot Options of 1.40% or more of national customer volume in multiply-listed equity and ETF options classes $0.0014 per share executed for Tape C securities; $0.0033 per share for Designated Retail Orders liquidity Immediately The reduced remove rate for receiving a midpoint execution for Tape C securities is no longer necessary because the reduction did not result in a meaningful change in midpoint activity. Amends fees assessed for executions received in the Opening and Closing Crosses. $0.0004 per share $0.0003 per share Immediately The proposed will help the Exchange recapture some of the costs it incurs operating the cross system, while maintaining very low fees for the execution of orders in these crosses. Amends Level-2 Professional Subscriber fee $50 for display usage based upon direct or indirect access, or for non-display usage based upon indirect access only $45 for display usage based upon direct or indirect access, or for non-display usage based upon indirect access only Jan.1 2015 The change will not affect the pricing of the NASDAQ OpenView Non-Professional and Professional Subscriber fee Amend the NYSE Amex Options fee schedule related to the use of ports $450 per Port, per month for the first 40 Ports ; $150 per Port, per month for any Port in excess of 40 for which an ATP Holder is authorized Ports 1-5: no charge; Ports 6-100: $200 per port per month; Ports 101 and greater: $100 per port per month Nov.3 Any NYSE Amex Options Market Maker that executes 50% or more of their market maker volume in open outcry shall receive a discount on their monthly port fees of 60%, not to exceed a maximum dollar discount of $10,000 per month. Adds fees for the NYSE Arcabook for Amex Options Complex Feed Access Fee: $1,500 per month; Redistribution Fee: $1,000 per month for ArcaBook for Amex Options – Complex; and fees of $20 per month for each Professional User and $1 per month for each Non-Professional User. Access fee: $3,000 per month; Redistribution Fee: $2,000 per month; Professional User Fee: $50 per month for each Professional User; and a Non-Professional User Fee of $1 per month for each Non-Professional User Nov.1 There is a Non-Professional User Fee Cap of $5,000 per month per Redistributor. The fee for non-display use of all six Amex Options Products is $5,000 per data recipient for each category of organization Proposes to charge a Non-Display Fee for non-display use of ArcaBook for Amex Options $1,000 per data recipient for each category of organization N/A Nov.1 Data recipients would not be liable for Category 2 Non-Display fees for which they are also paying Category 1 Non-Display fees; and similarly, Category 3 fees would be capped at $3,000. Amends fees NonDisplay Use of NYSE Arca Integrated Feed, NYSE ArcaBook, NYSE Arca BBO, and NYSE Arca Trades NYSE Arca Integrated Feed Non-Display Category 1: $7,000; NYSE Arca Integrated Feed Non-Display Category 2: $7,000; NYSE Arca Integrated Feed Non-Display Category 3: $7,000; NYSE ArcaBook Non-Display Category 1: $5,000; NYSE ArcaBook Non-Display Category 2: $5,000; NYSE ArcaBook Non-Display Category 3: $5,000; NYSE Arca BBO Non-Display Category 3: $1,000, capped at $3,000; NYSE Arca Trades Non-Display Category 1: $2,000; NYSE Arca Trades Non-Display Category 2: $2,000; NYSE Arca Trades Non-Display Category 3: $2,000. NYSE Arca Integrated Feed Non-Display Category 1: $5,000; NYSE Arca Integrated Feed Non-Display Category 2: $5,000; NYSE Arca Integrated Feed Non-Display Category 3: $5,000; NYSE ArcaBook Non-Display Category 1: $4,000; NYSE ArcaBook NonDisplay Category 2: $4,000; NYSE ArcaBook Non-Display Category 3: $4,000; NYSE Arca BBO Non-Display Category 3: $1,000; NYSE Arca Trades Non-Display Category 1: $1,000; NYSE Arca Trades Non-Display Category 2: $1,000; NYSE Arca Trades Non-Display Category 3: $1,000. Immediately Category 1 Fees would apply when a data recipient’s Non-Display use of real-time market data is on its own behalf; Category 2 Fees would apply to a data recipient’s Non-Display use of real-time market data on behalf of their clients; Category 3 Fees would apply to data recipients’ Non-Display Use of real-time market data for the purpose of internally matching buy and sell orders within an organization Amends current fees for managed nondisplay services NYSE Arca Integrated Feed Managed NonDisplay: $2,500; NYSE ArcaBook Managed NonDisplay: $1,800; NYSE Arca Trades Managed Non-Display: $800 NYSE Arca Integrated Feed Managed NonDisplay: $1,750; NYSE ArcaBook Managed Non-Display: $1,500; NYSE Arca Trades Managed Non-Display: $400 Immediately The managed non-display services fee would only apply if a data recipient is receiving real-time Exchange market data for NonDisplay Use from a third party Redistributor that is approved by the Exchange. Establishes fee for managed non-display services for NYSE Arca BBO $200 N/A Immediately The managed non-display services fee would only apply if a data recipient is receiving real-time Exchange market data for NonDisplay Use from a third party Redistributor that is approved by the Exchange. Amends fees for non-display use of NYSE Arca Options market data Non-display Category 1: $5,000; Non-display Category 2: $5,000; Non-display Category 3: $5,000, capped at $15,000 Non-display Category 1: $1,000; Non-display Category 2: $1,000; Non-display Category 3: $1,000 or $0 if Category 1 or 2 fees paid Immediately Non-display fees would apply to the Non-Display Use of the data product as part of automated calculations or algorithms to support trading decision-making processes or the operation of trading platforms. Data recipients will not be liable for Category 2 Non-Display fees for which they are also paying Category 1 Non-Display fees. Amends the NYSE Arca Equities schedule of fees and charges for exchange services to change the pricing for the Retail Liquidity Program and the qualification requirement for the existing Retail Order Tier Credit of $0.0030 per share for Retail Orders that provide liquidity Credit of $0.0033 per share under the Retail Order Tier for Retail Orders that provide liquidity on the Exchange in Tape A, Tape B and Tape C securities ; $0.0020 per share for an ETP Holder that submits Retail Orders that provide liquidity, but does not qualify for the Retail Order Tier or a separate Tiered rate. Immediately The Exchange believes that providing a credit would further incentivize submission of RPIs for interaction with Retail Orders and therefore could result in greater price improvement for Retail Orders. BATS Y-Exchange Nasdaq OMX PHLX Nasdaq Stock Market NYSE Amex NYSE Arca EXPLANATION SOURCE: EXCHANGE RULE FILINGS DISCLAIMER: Most fee changes are effective upon filing. WSL notes fee highlights here, but additional changes may be made post publication. Please visit exchange websites for the latest fee changes.
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