Logistics Report for a DETAILED AIRBORNE MAGNETIC, RADIOMETRIC AND DIGITAL TERRAIN SURVEY for the KURNALPI SOUTH PROJECT carried out on behalf of GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA Project Number 1264 (UTS Geophysics Job #UT130420) Unit 2/17 Oxleigh Drive, Malaga, WA 6090, Australia PO BOX 2721, Malaga, WA 6944, Australia Telephone +61 8 6310 4000 Facsimile +61 8 9479 7361 A.B.N. 31 058 054 603 ––––– UTS Geophysics Logistics Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 GENERAL SURVEY INFORMATION ........................................................................................... 3 2 SURVEY LOCATION....................................................................................................................... 3 3 AIRCRAFT AND SURVEY EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................... 4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 SURVEY AIRCRAFT ....................................................................................................................... 5 DATA POSITIONING AND FLIGHT NAVIGATION ............................................................................... 5 RMS INSTRUMENTS DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM AND DIGITAL RECORDING .................................. 6 ALTITUDE READINGS .................................................................................................................... 6 UTS GEOPHYSICS STINGER MOUNTED MAGNETOMETER SYSTEM................................................... 6 TOTAL FIELD MAGNETOMETER ..................................................................................................... 7 THREE COMPONENT VECTOR MAGNETOMETER.............................................................................. 7 AIRCRAFT MAGNETIC COMPENSATION .......................................................................................... 8 DIURNAL MONITORING MAGNETOMETER ...................................................................................... 9 DIURNAL MAGNETOMETER LOCATION .......................................................................................... 9 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE .............................................................................................................. 10 TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY .................................................................................................... 10 RADIOMETRIC DATA ACQUISITION .............................................................................................. 11 4 SURVEY LOGISTICS .................................................................................................................... 12 5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT........................................................................................................... 13 6 SURVEY PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................... 14 7 DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURES .......................................................................................... 15 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 DATA PRE-PROCESSING ............................................................................................................... 15 MAGNETIC DATA PROCESSING .................................................................................................... 16 RADIOMETRIC DATA PROCESSING ............................................................................................... 17 DIGITAL ELEVATION MODEL DATA PROCESSING ......................................................................... 19 APPENDIX A - LOCATED DATA FORMATS..................................................................................... 21 APPENDIX B - COORDINATE SYSTEM DETAILS ........................................................................... 25 APPENDIX C - SURVEY BOUNDARY DETAILS ............................................................................... 26 APPENDIX E - RADIOMETRIC CALIBRATION RESULTS............................................................. 28 APPENDIX F - ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING PARAMETERS ............................................... 30 APPENDIX G - SURVEY FLIGHT LOGS ............................................................................................ 33 Page 2 UTS Geophysics 1 Logistics Report GENERAL SURVEY INFORMATION From January 2013 to May 2014, UTS Geophysics conducted a low level airborne geophysical survey for the following company: Geoscience Australia Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Drive Symonston Canberra ACT 2609 Acquisition for this survey commenced on the 27th of January 2014 and was completed on the 11th of May 2014. 2 SURVEY LOCATION The area surveyed was east of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia is contained within the Kurnalpi 1:250,000 map sheet. Survey boundary coordinates are provided in Appendix C of this report. The survey was flown using the MGA94 coordinate system (a Universal Transverse Mercator projection) derived from the Geocentric Datum of Australia and was acquired in zone 51 with a central meridian of 123 degrees. Details of the datum and projection system are provided in Appendix B of this report. Page 3 UTS Geophysics 3 Logistics Report AIRCRAFT AND SURVEY EQUIPMENT Two specialised geophysical survey aircraft fitted with flight control computers, data acquisition systems and geophysical sensors were used, both are identical in aircraft model and configuration, the list of geophysical and navigation equipment used for the survey is as follows: General Survey Equipment • • • • • • Cessna 206H fixed wing survey aircraft. AG-NAV line navigation system. RMS DAARC50 data acquisition system Novatel OEM5 differentially corrected GPS. Bendix King KRA-405B radar altimeter. Riegl LD 90-3300HR Laser Altimeter Magnetic Data Acquisition Equipment • • • • • UTS Geophysics tail stinger magnetometer installation. Scintrex Cesium Vapour CS-2 total field magnetometer. Billingsley Fluxgate three component vector magnetometer. RMS DAARC500 magnetic compensator. Diurnal monitoring magnetometer (Scintrex Envimag Geometrics GR856). Radiometric Data Acquisition Equipment • • • RSI RSX500 gamma ray detector packs. Barometric altimeter (pressure measurements). UTS Geophysics temperature and humidity sensor. Page 4 UTS Geophysics 3.1 Logistics Report Survey Aircraft The aircraft used were two Cessna 206H fixed wing survey aircraft operated by UTS Aviation Pty Ltd registrations VH-UTQ and VH-BXG. The specifications for these aircraft is as follows: Power Plant • • • Engine Type Continental I0550 Brake Horse Power 305 bhp Fuel Type Avgas Performance • • • • • 3.2 Cruise speed 130 Kn Survey Speed 120 Kn Stall speed 60 Kn Range 1440 Km Fuel tank capacity 450 litres Data Positioning and Flight Navigation Survey data positions and flight line navigation was derived using real-time differential GPS (Global Positioning System). Navigation was provided through a AG-NAV built electronic pilot navigation system providing computer controlled digital navigation displayed both on a LCD screen as well as cross-track guidance information on a lightbar The same GPS derived positions were used to provide aircraft navigation information and to locate the survey data. The GPS system used for the survey was:: • • • • Aircraft GPS Model Novatel 39xx series Sample rate 0.5 Seconds (2 Hz) GPS satellite tracking channels 12 parallel Typical differentially corrected accuracy 1-2metres(horizontal) 3-5 metres (vertical) Page 5 UTS Geophysics 3.3 Logistics Report RMS Instruments Data Acquisition System and Digital Recording All geophysical sensor data and positional information measured during the survey was recorded using an RMS Instruments DAARC500 acquisition system. Survey data was downloaded on completion of each survey flight. 3.4 Altitude Readings Survey height above the terrain was measured using Bendix King radar altimeters installed in the aircraft. The height of each survey data point was measured by the radar altimeter and stored by the RMS data acquisition system. • • • • • Radar altimeter models Bendix King KRA-405B Accuracy +/- 5% Resolution 0.1 metres Range 0 - 762 metres Sample rate 0.1 Seconds (10Hz) The digital terrain model is calculated by subtracting the terrain clearance (radar altimeter) from the differentially corrected GPS height, The GPS height had the ellipsoid/geoid separation “N” values applied to it real time and is relative to the geoid and as such the resulting calculated digital terrain height is above the Australian Height Datum or AHD. 3.5 UTS Geophysics Stinger Mounted Magnetometer System The installation platform used for the acquisition of magnetic data was a tail mounted stinger. This stinger system was constructed of carbon fibre and designed for maximum rigidity and stability. Both the total field magnetometer and three component vector magnetometer were located within the tail stinger. Page 6 UTS Geophysics 3.6 Logistics Report Total Field Magnetometer Total field magnetic data readings for the survey were made using a Scintrex Cesium Vapour CS-2 Magnetometer. This precision sensor has the following specifications: • • • • • 3.7 Model CS-2 Sample Rate 0.1 seconds (10Hz) Resolution 0.001nT Operating Range 15,000nT to 100,000nT Temperature Range -40oC to +50 oC Three Component Vector Magnetometer Three component vector magnetic data readings for the survey were made using a Fluxgate Magnetometer. This specifications for this sensor are as follows.: • • • • • Model Billingsley Sample Rate 0.1 seconds (10Hz) Resolution 0.1nT Operating Range 20,000nT to 100,000nT Temperature Range -20oC to +50 oC Page 7 UTS Geophysics 3.8 Logistics Report Aircraft Magnetic Compensation At the start of the survey the systems were calibrated for reduction of magnetic heading error. The heading and manoeuvre effects of the aircraft on the magnetic data were removed using an Data Acquisition & Adaptive Aeromagnetic Real-Time Compensator (DAARC500). Calibration of the aircraft heading effects were measured by flying a series of pitch, roll and yaw manoeuvres at high altitude while monitoring changes in the three axis magnetometer and the effect on total field readings. A 26 term polynomial model of the aircraft magnetic noise covering permanent, induced and eddy current fields was determined. These coefficients were then applied to the data collected during the survey in real-time. The coefficients are listed in Appendix F. The compensation flight data was recorded and then checked to ensure the acquisition of the compensation solution was without spikes or dropouts. A testbox flight was then recorded repeating the series of pitch, roll and yaw manoeuvre on all cardinal headings as with the compensation flight but now using the approved solution stored in the DAARC500. This testbox flight data was then processed to test the validity of the compensation for all cardinal headings, north, south, east and west. Page 8 UTS Geophysics 3.9 Logistics Report Diurnal Monitoring Magnetometer A base station magnetometer was located in a low gradient area beyond the region of influence of any man made interference to monitor diurnal variations during the survey. The specifications for the magnetometers used are as follows: • • • • • 3.10 Model Scintrex Envimag Resolution 0.1 nT Sample interval 2 seconds (0.5 Hz) Operating range 20,000nT to 90,000nT Temperature -20oC to +50 oC Diurnal Magnetometer Location The following table contains the approximate locations of the diurnal base station magnetometers for the survey duration. Period 27/01/14 to 11/05/14 27/01/14 to 11/05/14 Latitude Longitude 30'45.755'S 121'27.579'E 30'46.751S 121'27.502E Page 9 Location Kalgoorlie Airport Kalgoorlie Airport UTS Geophysics 3.11 Logistics Report Barometric Pressure An Air DB barometric altimeter was installed in both aircraft to monitor and record barometric pressure. This data was recorded at 0.10 second intervals and is used for the processing of the radiometric data. • • • • • • • 3.12 Model PTB200 barometric altimeter Accuracy 2 metres Height resolution 0.1 metres Height range 0 - 3500 metres Maximum operating pressure 5000 mb Pressure resolution: 0.01 mb Sample rate 10 Hz Temperature and Humidity Temperature and humidity was measured using UTS built temperature and humidity sensors at a sample rate of 10Hz. Ambient temperature was measured with a resolution of 0.1 degree Celsius and ambient humidity to a resolution of 0.1 percent. Page 10 UTS Geophysics 3.13 Logistics Report Radiometric Data Acquisition The gamma ray detectors used for the survey were two Radiation Solutions Inc RSX500 crystal packs, each pack contains four thallium activated sodium iodide crystals each with its own spectrometer which is self stabilising in order to minimise spectral drift, the raw radiometric data was recorded as 256 channels in “GR820 ROI + 256 down” format. Thorium source measurements were made each survey day to monitor system resolution and sensitivity. A calibration line was also flown at the start and end of each survey day to monitor ground moisture levels and system performance. The background and height corrected thorium channel from the test lines, along with the source measurement results are presented in Appendix E. • • • Spectrometer model RSX500 Detector volume 34 litres Sample rate 1 Hz The following table lists the spectral windows used. Window Name Energy Range (MeV) Total Count 0.4-2.81 K 1.370-1.570 Page 11 U 1.660-1.860 Th 2.410-2.810 UTS Geophysics 4 Logistics Report SURVEY LOGISTICS The base location for the survey was the town of Kalgoorlie, the aircraft were operated from Kalgoorlie Boulder Airport and the Kalgoorlie Discovery Holiday Park in Boulder was used for accommodation and as a field office for performing in-field quality control and pre-processing of the survey data. Page 12 UTS Geophysics 5 Logistics Report Project Management Geoscience Australia Murray Richardson Marina Costelloe UTS Geophysics Field Operators: Hayley Kelly William Bennett Trent Posetti Lance Posetti Pilots: Matthew Borgas Des MacAtamney Paul Stewardson Allan Tudehope Peter Damon UTS Geophysics Perth Office Project Manager: Ryan Allen Data Processing: Adam Schubert Sales and marketing: Aida Muratbegovic Aviation: Peter Damon Page 13 UTS Geophysics 6 Logistics Report SURVEY PARAMETERS The survey data acquisition specifications are specified in the following table: AREA PROJECT No. NAME LINE SPACING LINE DIRECTION TIE LINE SPACING TIE LINE DIRECTION SENSOR TOTAL HEIGHT LINE KM 01 100m 090-270 1000m 000-180 50 Kurnalpi Sth TOTAL 92,461 92,461 The specified sensor height is as stated in the above table. This sensor height may be varied where topographic relief or laws pertaining to built up areas do not allow this altitude to be maintained, or where the safety of the aircraft and equipment is endangered. The coordinate boundaries for the survey area flown are detailed in Appendix C. Page 14 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report 7 DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURES 7.1 Data Pre-processing The raw binary survey data was downloaded from the aircraft after each flight and transferred to the field computer. Using UTS Geophysics developed software the flightpath was first reviewed to confirm line navigation and terrain clearance specifications had been met and the data was trimmed to the correct survey boundary extents, adjustments were then made to the data positions with respect to time to remove fixed system parallax or lag offsets, the magnetic and radar altimeter data was adjusted by -0.300 seconds, and the radiometric data by -1.400 seconds for each flight. The trimmed and parallax corrected data was then exported as located ASCII data and loaded into field data bases for further quality control procedures which include visual scrutinisation of channel profiles and grids. Page 15 UTS Geophysics 7.2 Logistics Report Magnetic Data Processing The diurnal data were filtered with a 13 point moving average filter to reduce noise levels, followed by second difference filter to identify and remove spikes of less than 0.25 nT. The filtered diurnal measurements were subtracted from the diurnal base field and the residual corrections applied to the survey data by synchronising the diurnal data time and the aircraft survey time. The average diurnal base station value was added to the survey data. An eighth difference filter was run on the raw magnetic survey data in order to identify any remaining spikes in the data, which were manually edited from the data. The X and Y positioning of the data was then checked for spikes before applying the IGRF correction. Any spikes in the positions were manually edited. The updated IGRF 2010 correction was calculated at each data point (taking into account the height above sea level). This regional magnetic gradient was subtracted from the survey data points. An assessment of the data at this point showed that no major levelling problems existed in the residual magnetic data. Survey tie line leveling was then applied to improve the DC component of the magnetic data. A single micro-levelling pass was then applied to the data to correct any minor level errors due to variations in terrain clearance or other factors. The micro-levelling process targets wavelengths of 2 x line spacing interval (in this case, 800m) using a proprietary method. For a given target wavelength a reference grid was constructed and then filtered by two dimensional operators. A file of levelling corrections is generated from comparing the survey line data and the reference grid for each target wavelength and then subjected to statistical analysis. Limits are established for the levelling corrections based on these statistics, and the levelling corrections restricted to these limits. The microlevelling corrections are then applied to the survey line data and the resulting line data are interrogated. Limits of +/- 6 nT were used for the levelling corrections. Located and gridded data were generated from the final processed magnetic data. Page 16 UTS Geophysics 7.3 Logistics Report Radiometric Data Processing Statistical noise reduction of the 256 channel data was performed for each aircraft using the Noise Adjusted Singular Variable Decomposition (NASVD) method described by Hovgaard and Grasty (1997). A noise-adjusted singular value decomposition is performed, and the number of components to be used is determined by inspection of plots of the spectral components and by a statistical analysis of the contributions of the components. If the spectral shapes show any unusual characteristics, further analysis of the concentrations of the spectral components in the line data is performed in order to identify and eliminate any corrupt spectra. If such spectra were eliminated, the NASVD process is re-performed, in order to obtain spectral components free of any bias from corrupt spectra. Only the dominant spectral shapes (identified as described above) were used in the spectral reconstruction process. The first 8 NASVD components were used for this process. Channels 30-250 only are spectrally smoothed, as these contain the regions of interest and are not dominated by the lower end of the Compton continuum. The energy spectrum between the potassium and thorium peaks was recalibrated from the spectrally smoothed 256 channel measurements. The aircraft background spectrum and the scaled unit cosmic spectrum were then subtracted from the 256 channel data. This 256 channel data were then windowed to the 5 primary channels of total count, potassium, uranium, thorium and low-energy uranium. Dead time corrections were then applied to the data. Radon background removal was performed using the Minty Spectral Ratio method (1992). The radar altimeter data was first clipped to give a maximum height of 300m to prevent errors being introduced where the aircraft was required by law to be above this height, the clipped radalt data was then corrected to a standard temperature and pressure, and height corrected spectral stripping was applied to the windowed data. Height attenuation corrections based on the STP radar altimeter were then performed to remove any altitude variation effects from the data. The Uranium and Total Count channels were tie-levelled to remove the effects of residual radon background. The tie-levelling process employed was a least-squares/median filter procedure, which generated a single correction for each line of data. Mis-matches were calculated at each tietraverse intersection and the median mismatch for each flight line was calculated as the residual levelling error for that line. Page 17 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report Final micro-levelling techniques were then selectively applied to the tie line levelled data to remove minor residual variations in profile intensities, as per the method outlined for magnetic data micro-levelling in 7.2 above. Limits of +/- 50 cps for Total Count, +/- 5 cps for Potassium, +/- 5 cps for Thorium and +/- 5 cps for Uranium were used for the levelling corrections. The corrected count rate data was then converted to ground concentrations for potassium, uranium and thorium (sensitivity coefficients are supplied in Appendix F). Located and gridded data were generated from the final processed radiometric data. References Hovgaard, J., and Grasty, R.L., 1997. Reducing statistical noise in airborne gamma-ray data through spectral component analysis. In “Proceedings of Exploration 97: Fourth Decennial Conference on Mineral Exploration” edited by A.G.Gubins, 1997, 753-764. Minty, B. R. S., 1992 - Airborne gamma-ray spectrometric background estimation using full spectrum analysis. Geophysics, 57, 279-287. Page 18 UTS Geophysics 7.4 Logistics Report Digital Elevation Model Data Processing The raw radar altimeter and GPS altitude data was checked for spikes and steps, and any found were manually edited. The radar altimeter height plus the vertical separation distance between the GPS and radar altimeter antennae (1.4 metres) was then subtracted from the GPS altitude to calculate the digital terrain height. The digital terrain data thus derived was tie line levelled and gridded. The tie-levelling process employed was a least-squares/median filter procedure, which generated a single correction for each line of data. Mis-matches were calculated at each tie-traverse intersection and the median mismatch for each flight line was calculated as the residual levelling error for that line. The tie-levelled data were then examined and subjected to a 2-pass microlevelling procedure targeting wavelengths of 800m and 400m, with correction limits of 5.0m and 2.0m respectively, to produce the final digital terrain model data channel. The final digital terrain model grid displayed no line dependent artifacts. This elevation model was compared with existing digital elevation data downloaded from the Geoscience Australia website. The following table contains spot height checks between the final processed digital elevation data and the Aust bathymetry and topography 250m 2006 digital elevation model. Easting (MGA94 Z51) 376407.10 366655.09 416735.73 417910.32 453535.72 462470.77 499159.45 487161.51 Northing (MGA94 Z51) 6620846.39 6582861.78 6619248.35 6576860.05 6623662.27 6583263.70 6619049.99 6576360.26 Kurnalpi South DEM (M) 348.20 326.70 328.13 387.33 384.35 379.59 367.25 297.89 Page 19 Aust_Bathy Topo_2006 (M) 349.67 325.99 326.29 386.43 382.67 379.48 366.65 300.21 Difference (M) -1.47 0.21 1.83 0.90 1.67 0.10 0.59 -2.32 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report For further information concerning the survey flown, please contact the following office: Head Office Address: UTS Geophysics Unit 2/17 Oxleigh Drive Malaga WA 6090 Tel: Fax: +61 8 6310 4000 +61 8 9479 7361 Postal Address: UTS Geophyysics P.O. Box 2721 Malaga WA 6944 Quoting reference number: UT130420 Page 20 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report APPENDIX A - LOCATED DATA FORMATS FINAL MAGNETIC LOCATED DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIELD FORMAT DESCRIPTION UNITS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I5 PROJECT NUMBER 2 I6 FLIGHT/AREA NUMBER AAFF (Area/Flight) 3 I8 LINE NUMBER 4 I8 FIDUCIAL NUMBER 5 I9 DATE YYYYMMDD 6 F6.1 BEARING degrees 7 F12.6 LONGITUDE (GDA94) degrees 8 F12.6 LATITUDE (GDA94) degrees 9 F11.2 EASTING (MGA51) metres 10 F11.2 NORTHING (MGA51) metres 11 F8.2 RADAR ALTIMETER HEIGHT metres 12 F7.1 PRESSURE hPa 13 F6.1 TEMPERATURE degrees C 14 F10.3 TIE LEVELLED TMI nT 15 F10.3 MICRO LEVELLED TMI nT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FINAL DIGITAL ELEVATION MODEL LOCATED DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIELD FORMAT DESCRIPTION UNITS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I5 PROJECT NUMBER 2 I6 FLIGHT/AREA NUMBER AAFF (Area/Flight) 3 I8 LINE NUMBER DATE 4 I8 FIDUCIAL NUMBER 5 I9 DATE YYYYMMDD 6 F6.1 BEARING degrees 7 F12.6 LONGITUDE (GDA94) degrees 8 F12.6 LATITUDE (GDA94) degrees 9 F11.2 EASTING (MGA51) metres 10 F11.2 NORTHING (MGA51) metres 11 F8.2 RADAR ALTIMETER HEIGHT metres 12 F7.1 PRESSURE hPa 13 F6.1 TEMPERATURE degrees C 14 F8.2 GPS HEIGHT metres 15 F8.2 DTM_FINAL metres --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 21 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report FINAL RADIOMETRIC LOCATED DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIELD FORMAT DESCRIPTION UNITS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I5 PROJECT NUMBER 2 I6 FLIGHT/AREA NUMBER AAFF (Area/Flight) 3 I8 LINE NUMBER DATE 4 I8 FIDUCIAL NUMBER 5 I9 DATE YYYYMMDD 6 F6.1 BEARING degrees 7 F12.6 LONGITUDE (GDA94) degrees 8 F12.6 LATITUDE (GDA94) degrees 9 F11.2 EASTING (MGA51) metres 10 F11.2 NORTHING (MGA51) metres 11 F8.2 RADAR ALTIMETER HEIGHT metres 12 F7.1 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE hPa 13 F6.1 TEMPERATURE degrees C 14 F10.4 DOSE RATE nGy/H 15 F9.4 POTASSIUM CONCENTRATION % 16 F9.4 URANIUM CONCENTRATION ppm 17 F9.4 THORIUM CONCENTRATION ppm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RAW MAGNETIC LOCATED DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIELD FORMAT DESCRIPTION UNITS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I5 PROJECT NUMBER 2 I5 FLIGHT/AREA NUMBER AAFF (Area/Flight) 3 I8 LINE NUMBER 4 I8 FIDUCIAL NUMBER 5 I9 DATE YYYYMMDD 6 F6.1 BEARING degrees 7 F12.6 LONGITUDE (GDA94) degrees 8 F12.6 LATITUDE (GDA94) degrees 9 F11.2 EASTING (MGA51) metres 10 F11.2 NORTHING (MGA51) metres 11 F6.1 RADAR ALTIMETER HEIGHT metres 12 F7.1 PRESSURE hPa 13 F5.1 TEMPERATURE degrees C 14 F9.2 FLUXGATE_X nT 15 F9.2 FLUXGATE_Y nT 16 F9.2 FLUXGATE_Z nT 17 F10.3 UNCOMPENSATED MAG nT 18 F10.3 COMPENSATED MAG nT 19 F10.3 DIURNAL MAG nT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 22 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report RAW DIGITAL TERRAIN MODEL LOCATED DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIELD FORMAT DESCRIPTION UNITS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I5 PROJECT NUMBER 2 I5 FLIGHT/AREA NUMBER AAFF (Area/Flight) 3 I8 LINE NUMBERDATE 4 F8 FIDUCIAL NUMBER 5 F9 DATE YYYYMMDD 6 F6.1 BEARING degrees 7 I4 ZONE 8 F12.6 LONGITUDE (GDA94) degrees 9 F11.6 LATITUDE (GDA94) degrees 10 F11.2 EASTING (MGA51) metres 11 F11.2 NORTHING (MGA51) metres 12 F6.1 RADAR ALTIMETER HEIGHT metres 13 F7.1 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE hPa 14 F5.1 TEMPERATURE degrees C 15 F10.1 GPS TIME seconds 16 F9.2 GPS HEIGHT (GEIOD) metres --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RAW RADIOMETRIC LOCATED DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIELD FORMAT DESCRIPTION UNITS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I5 PROJECT NUMBER 2 I6 FLIGHT/AREA NUMBER AAFF (Area/Flight) 3 I8 LINE NUMBER 4 I8 FIDUCIAL NUMBER 5 I9 DATE YYYYMMDD 6 F6.1 BEARING degrees 7 F12.6 LONGITUDE (GDA94) degrees 8 F12.6 LATITUDE (GDA94) degrees 9 F11.2 EASTING (MGA51) metres 10 F11.2 NORTHING (MGA51) metres 11 F6.1 RADAR ALTIMETER HEIGHT metres 12 F7.1 PRESSURE hPa 13 F5.1 TEMPERATURE degrees C 14 F6 RAW TOTAL COUNT counts/sec 15 F6 RAW POTASSIUM COUNT counts/sec 16 F6 RAW URANIUM COUNT counts/sec 17 F6 RAW THORIUM COUNT counts/sec 18 F6 COSMIC counts/sec 19 I7 FID AT START OF SPECTRUM 20 F6.0 SAMPLE INTEGRATION TIME msec 21 F3.1 LOW ENERGY BOUND OF SPECTRUM MeV 22 F3.1 HIGH ENERGY BOUND OF SPECTRUM MeV 23 F6.0 LIVE TIME msec 24 F6.0 SPECTRUM RESOLUTION % [x10] 25 F6.0 256 RAW RADIOMETRIC CHANNELS counts/sec -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 23 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report GRIDDED DATASET FORMATS Gridding was performed using a bicubic spline algorithm. The following grid formats have been provided: • ER-Mapper format LINE NUMBER FORMATS Line numbers are identified with a six digit composite line number and have the following format - ALLLLB, where: A LLLL Survey area number Survey line number 0001-8999 reserved for traverse lines 9001-9999 reserved for tie lines Line attempt number, 0 is attempt 1, 1 is attempt 2 etc. B FILE NAMING FORMATS Located and gridded data provided by UTS Geophysics uses the following 8 character file naming convention to be compatible with PC DOS based systems. File names have the following general format - JJJJAABB.EEE, where: JJJJ Job number AA Area number if the survey is broken into blocks BB M R TC K U Th DT EEE File name extension DAT Located digital data file DFN Located data definition file ERS Ermapper gridded data header file Ermapper data portion has no extension GRD Geosoft gridded data file Magnetic data Radiometric data Total count data Potassium counts Uranium counts Thorium counts Digital terrain data Page 24 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report APPENDIX B - COORDINATE SYSTEM DETAILS Locations for the survey data are provided in both geographical latitude and longitude and Universal Transverse Mercator metric projection coordinate systems. MGA94 Coordinate type Geodetic datum Semi major axis Flattening Map Grid of Australia 1994 Universal Transverse Mercator Projection Grid Geocentric Datum of Australia 6378137m 1/298.257222101 Page 25 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report APPENDIX C - SURVEY BOUNDARY DETAILS Kurnalpi South MGA51 Easting Northing 356,051 500,000 500,000 356,793 6,624,852 6,625,808 6,570,398 6,569,432 Survey boundary relative to the town of Kalgoorlie. Page 26 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report Radiometric testline location. Page 27 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report APPENDIX E - RADIOMETRIC CALIBRATION RESULTS The results of the daily thorium source tests for each aircraft. Page 28 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report The average corrected thorium values for the radiometric testlines flown each day by both aircraft. Page 29 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report APPENDIX F - ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING PARAMETERS Aircraft Heading and Manoeuvre Compensation VH-UTQ Solution Date Solution Altitude Standard Deviation Total Field Uncompensated Standard Deviation Total Field Compensated Improvement Ratio 01/08/2013 8,500 ft AGL 0.24929 0.01975 12.620 The results of the aircraft compensation test flight flown by VH-UTQ, the 0.125hz high pass filtered compensated magnetic (manoeuvre) response is shown in the very bottom profile relative to the three components of the vector magnetometer shown in the three upper profiles. Page 30 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report VH-BXG Solution Date Solution Altitude Standard Deviation Total Field Uncompensated Standard Deviation Total Field Compensated Improvement Ratio 28/02/2014 6,000 ft AGL 0.31837 0.02045 15.571 The results of the aircraft compensation test flight flown by VH-BXG, the 0.125hz high pass filtered compensated magnetic (manoeuvre) response is shown in the very bottom profile relative to the three components of the vector magnetometer shown in the three upper profiles. Page 31 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report Magnetic Processing Parameters IGRF Date: Average Declination: Average Inclination: Average IGRF: Average diurnal: 2014.2 1.390 degrees -64.436 degrees 57,736 nT 57,832 nT Radiometric Corrections VH-UTQ Height Attenuation Coefficients Cosmic Correction Coefficients Total Count: Potassium: Uranium: Thorium: Total Count: Potassium: Uranium: Thorium: -0.0074 -0.0094 -0.0084 -0.0074 1.1365 0.0612 0.0514 0.0617 Aircraft Background Coefficients Sensitivity Coefficients Total Count: Potassium: Uranium: Thorium: Total Count: Potassium: Uranium: Thorium: 95.602 22.963 1.390 0.000 35.75 cps/(nGy/hr) 120.35 cps/%k 11.04 cps/ppm 6.94 cps/ppm Radiometric Corrections VH-BXG Height Attenuation Coefficients Cosmic Correction Coefficients Total Count: Potassium: Uranium: Thorium: Total Count: Potassium: Uranium: Thorium: -0.007 -0.01 -0.008 -0.007 1.0933 0.0622 0.0339 0.0624 Aircraft Background Coefficients Sensitivity Coefficients Total Count: Potassium: Uranium: Thorium: Total Count: Potassium: Uranium: Thorium: 53.443 14.321 0.624 0.000 36.95 cps/(nGy/hr) 120.95 cps/%k 12.31 cps/ppm 6.98 cps/ppm Final Reduction - All radiometric data reduced to STP height datum 50m Page 32 UTS Geophysics Logistics Report APPENDIX G - SURVEY FLIGHT LOGS VH-UTQ Flight # F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 F25 F26 F27 F28 F29 F30 F31 F32 F33 F34 F35 F36 F37 F38 F39 F40 F41 F42 F43 F44 Date Flown 14-01-27 14-01-27 14-02-05 14-02-06 14-02-06 14-02-07 14-02-07 14-02-09 14-02-10 14-02-14 14-02-15 14-02-16 14-02-16 14-02-17 14-02-17 14-02-18 14-02-19 14-02-19 14-02-20 14-02-22 14-02-22 14-02-23 14-02-23 14-02-24 14-02-24 14-02-25 14-03-11 14-03-11 14-03-12 14-03-12 14-03-13 14-03-13 14-03-14 14-03-14 14-03-15 14-03-15 14-03-16 14-03-16 14-03-17 14-03-17 14-03-18 14-03-19 14-03-20 14-03-22 Km Accepted for Processing 436.7 291.2 582.3 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 582.3 873.5 582.3 291.2 727.9 291.2 727.9 727.9 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 582.3 1046.0 873.5 1103.5 697.3 965.9 873.5 873.5 876.0 873.5 931.0 893.1 1035.0 931.0 931.0 1035.0 950.6 931.0 931.0 835.6 145.6 873.5 582.3 582.3 Page 33 UTS Geophysics F45 F46 F47 F48 F49 F50 F51 F52 F53 F54 F55 F56 F57 F58 F59 F60 F61 F62 F63 F64 F65 F66 F67 F68 F69 F70 F71 F72 F73 F74 F75 F76 F77 F78 F79 F80 F81 F82 F83 F84 F85 F86 F87 F88 F89 F90 F91 F92 F93 F94 F95 F96 Logistics Report 14-03-23 14-03-27 14-03-28 14-03-28 14-03-29 14-03-30 14-03-30 14-03-31 14-03-31 14-04-01 01-04-14 14-04-02 14-04-02 14-04-03 14-04-03 14-04-04 04-04-14 04-04-14 14-04-05 14-04-05 14-04-06 14-04-06 14-04-07 14-04-07 14-04-08 14-04-11 14-04-11 14-04-12 14-04-12 14-04-13 14-04-13 14-04-14 14-04-14 14-04-15 14-04-15 14-04-16 14-04-16 14-04-17 14-04-17 14-04-18 14-04-19 14-04-19 14-04-20 14-04-20 14-04-22 14-04-22 14-04-23 14-04-23 14-05-01 14-05-01 14-05-02 14-05-03 873.5 582.3 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 582.3 291.2 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 291.2 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 291.2 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 873.5 582.3 582.3 582.3 582.3 866.2 Page 34 UTS Geophysics F97 F98 F99 F100 F101 F102 F103 F104 F105 F106 Logistics Report 14-05-03 14-05-04 14-05-06 14-05-07 14-05-07 14-05-09 14-05-09 14-05-10 14-05-10 14-05-11 954.2 896.7 751.2 988.5 582.3 751.2 873.5 873.5 873.5 436.7 VH-BXG Flight # F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 Date Flown 14-03-25 14-03-25 14-03-26 14-03-26 14-03-27 14-04-05 14-04-06 14-04-07 14-04-08 14-04-08 14-04-09 14-04-09 14-04-09 Km Accepted for Processing 873.5 291.2 873.5 291.2 873.5 582.3 582.3 582.3 582.3 582.3 582.3 582.3 582.3 Page 35
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