Ian Wardle Managing Director Civic Centre, Reading, RG1 7AE 0118 937 3737 Our Ref: N:\Plng Apps Cttee\Agendas\141015.doc Your Ref: Councillor Maskell (Chair) Councillors Ayub, Ballsdon, Gavin, Lawrence, Livingston, Page, Robinson, Singh and Whitham Direct: 0118 937 2303 e-mail: [email protected] 7 October 2014 Your contact is: Simon Hill – Committee Services NOTICE OF MEETING - PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE – 15 OCTOBER 2014 A meeting of the Planning Applications Committee will be held on Wednesday 15 October 2014 at 6.30 pm in the Council Chamber, Reading. The Agenda for the meeting is set out below. Please note that with regard to the planning applications, the order in which applications are considered will be at the Chair’s discretion, and applications on which members of the public have requested to speak are likely to be considered first. AGENDA ACTION 1. MINUTES OF THE PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE HELD ON 10 SEPTEMBER 2014 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. WARDS AFFECTED PAGE NO - 1 - - - QUESTIONS - - - 4. POTENTIAL SITE VISITS FOR COMMITTEE ITEMS DECISION BOROUGHWIDE 17 5. PLANNING SITE VISITS REVIEW DECISION BOROUGHWIDE 20 6. PLANNING APPEALS INFORMATION BOROUGHWIDE 22 7. APPLICATIONS FOR PRIOR APPROVAL INFORMATION BOROUGHWIDE 28 CIVIC CENTRE EMERGENCY EVACUATION: Please familiarise yourself with the emergency evacuation procedures, which are displayed inside the Council’s meeting rooms. If an alarm sounds, leave by the nearest fire exit quickly and calmly and assemble at the Hexagon sign, at the start of Queen’s Walk. You will be advised when it is safe to re-enter the building. www.reading.gov.uk SMS Text 81722 DX 40124 Reading (Castle Street) 8. DCLG / DEFRA CONSULTATION ON PROVIDING SUSTAINABLE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS THROUGH THE PLANNING PROCESS DCLG PLANNING TECHNICAL CONSULTATION – COUNCIL RESPONSE 9. DECISION BOROUGHWIDE 39 INFORMATION BOROUGHWIDE 45 Planning Applications to be determined Item(s) Action Ward(s) Page 10-15 DECISION ABBEY 77 16 DECISION CAVERSHAM 155 17 DECISION KENTWOOD 173 18-20 DECISION MINSTER 183 21-22 DECISION NORCOT 223 23 DECISION PEPPARD 255 24 DECISION REDLANDS 271 At this point, the following motion will be moved by the Chair: “That, pursuant to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) members of the press and public be excluded during consideration of the following Item on the agenda, as it is likely that there will be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to that Act.” 25. PLANNING ENFORCEMENT QUARTERLY UPDATE ACTION WARDS AFFECTED INFORMATION BOROUGHWIDE PAGE NO 277 TABLE OF CONTENTS BOROUGH WIDE SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED Planning Applications Committee – 15 October 2014 Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal 10 77 Abbey 140485 Full Planning Approval Davis Brown (on behalf of LPA receivers) 173-175 Kings Road, Reading, RG1 4EY Change of use from office to 13 dwellings. Minor external alterations to create 1 no. new window at lower ground floor and new roof lights to mansard roof. Permitted subject to Legal Agreement Recommendation 10 77 Abbey 140486 Listed Building Consent Davis Brown (on behalf of LPA receivers) 173-175 Kings Road, Reading, RG1 4EY Internal works associated with the change of use from office to 13 dwellings. Minor external alterations to create 1 no. new window at lower ground floor and new roof lights to mansard roof. Application Permitted Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation 11 99 Abbey 140551 Full Planning Approval Mr John Sykes 2 Kings Walk, King Street, Reading, RG1 2HG Alterations to front & rear elevations. Application Permitted Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal 11 99 Abbey 140552 Advertisement Consent Mr John Sykes 2 Kings Walk, King Street, Reading, RG1 2HG i) LED display around existing glazed canopy fronting King Street for the display of advertisements relating to businesses within the shopping centre. ii) Atlantis Village & Logo signs on Kings Walk & Yield Hall Place frontages. Split Decision Recommendation TABLE OF CONTENTS BOROUGH WIDE SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED Planning Applications Committee – 15 October 2014 Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal 12 124 Abbey 141252 Full Planning Approval Best Parties Ever Ltd Kings Meadow, Napier Road, Reading, RG1 8DF Temporary Change of Use for up to 30 days in calendar year 2014, to change from Class D2 Assembly & Leisure to Christmas Party Events at Kings Meadow, with the site being restored to its former conditions at, or before, 14:00 hours on 24th December. Application Permitted Recommendation 13 136 Abbey 141340 Householder Ms C Howell 8 Clifton Street, Reading, RG1 7YE Single storey rear and side extension with glazed roof to replace the existing leanto. Application Permitted Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation 14 142 Abbey 141403 Regulation 3 Planning Approval HCC Property Services Plaza West, Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LZ 1 external free standing sign Application Permitted Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation 15 149 Abbey TBA Discharge of Conditions Thames Tower Reading Ltd Station Hill, Reading, RG1 1NF Application to discharge condition 3 of planning permission 141043 (Construction method statement). Condition Discharged Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation 16 155 Caversham 141289 Regulation 3 Planning Approval Reading Borough Council Thameside Primary School, Harley Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 8DB Extension to school Application Permitted TABLE OF CONTENTS BOROUGH WIDE SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED Planning Applications Committee – 15 October 2014 Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation 17 173 Kentwood 141263 Non Material Change GS Properties Rear of 154 Overdown Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 6NS Non-material change to planning permission 101288 for construction of new threebedroom detached dwelling house. Agree 18 183 Minster 140213 Full Planning Approval Thames Water Utilities Ltd Thames Water Plc, Fobney Treatment Works, Rose Kiln Lane, Reading, RG2 0HP Retrospective application to replace boundary security fencing and installation of security kiosks over existing equipment kiosks. Application Permitted 19 194 Minster 141157 Full Planning Approval Reading Link (Jersey) Limited Units 1a And 1b, Reading Link Retail Park, Reading, RG2 0SN Application for external alterations to elevations and internal reconfiguration to create three new units. Application Permitted 19 194 Minster 141216 Variation of Condition Reading Link (Jersey) Limited Reading Link Retail Park, Rose Kiln Lane, Reading Operation of outline permission for Residential and Retail and retail development on land west of Rose Kiln Lane without complying with condition 13 of 01/00873/VARIAT (as amended by 11/00983/VARIAT) to allow for an extended range of goods that can be sold from Unit 1 Reading Link Retail Park. Permitted subject to Legal Agreement 20 209 Minster 141214 Full Planning Approval Mrs M Dench North House, 1 Brownlow Road, Reading, RG1 6NP Change of use from residential institution (C2) to large House in Multiple Occupation (Sui Generis). Permitted subject to Legal Agreement TABLE OF CONTENTS BOROUGH WIDE SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED Planning Applications Committee – 15 October 2014 Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation 21 223 Norcot 141076 Regulation 3 Planning Approval Mr Ian Nicholls 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40, 44, 45, 53, 57, 61, 85, Dulnan Close, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 4YN Works comprise of removal of existing cladding systems, insulation and associated items and the supply and installation of 150mm plank continuous panels including starter trim, expansion trim, internal trim, top and window trim to first floor and Steni Panels on the ground floor. Application Permitted 21 223 Norcot 141077 Regulation 3 Planning Approval Mr Ian Nicholls 12,16,24,38,46, Deveron Drive, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 4YD Removal of existing cladding systems, insulation and associated items and the supply and installation of 150mm plank continuous panels including starter trim, expansion trim, internal trim, top and window trim to first floor and Steni Panels on the ground floor. Application Permitted 21 223 Norcot 141078 Regulation 3 Planning Approval Mr Ian Nicholls Eskin Close, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 4DU Removal of existing cladding systems, insulation and associated items and the supply and installation of 150mm plank continuous panels including starter trim, expansion trim, internal trim, top and window trim to first floor and Steni Panels on the ground floor. Application Permitted 21 223 Norcot 141079 Regulation 3 Planning Approval Mr Ian Nicholls Gairn Close, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 4DY Removal of existing cladding systems, insulation and associated items and the supply and installation of 150mm plank continuous panels including starter trim, expansion trim, internal trim, top and window trim to first floor and Steni Panels on the ground floor. Application Permitted TABLE OF CONTENTS BOROUGH WIDE SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED Planning Applications Committee – 15 October 2014 Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal 21 223 Norcot 141080 Regulation 3 Planning Approval Mr Ian Nicholls Eldart Close, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 4BX Removal of existing cladding systems, insulation and associated items and the supply and installation of 150mm plank continuous panels including starter trim, expansion trim, internal trim, top and window trim to first floor and Steni Panels on the ground floor. Application Permitted Recommendation 22 228 Norcot 141151 Regulation 3 Planning Approval Reading Borough Council St Michaels Primary School, Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4AS Part two storey part single storey extension with canopy links to main school, entrance extension, removal of 3 modular buildings, associated external works and new free-standing canopy to retained modular. Permitted subject to Legal Agreement Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation 23 255 Peppard 141153 Full Planning Approval Mr Andrew Graves Land Adjoining, 16 St Barnabas Road, Emmer Green, Reading RG4 8RA Construction of a self-contained 5-bedroom detached dwellinghouse. Application Refused Item: Page: Ward: Application Number Application Type Applicant Address Proposal Recommendation 24 271 Redlands 141498 Full Planning Approval Reading Borough Council Adult Services The Willows, 2 Hexham Road, Reading, RG2 7UG Siting of temporary single storey modular building for a further three years. Application Permitted KEY TO CODING OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1. 2. Planning application reference numbers are made up of 2 parts. 1.1 The number begins with the year e.g. 13 1.2 This is followed by a consecutive number, showing what number the application is in any year (e.g. 130128). The following is a key to existing officers with their direct dial telephone numbers. GF1 KAR LEB JW6 RJE AJC JT3 SFB BFP SDV GPC CR2 CJB SGH MDW AJA SHE KMR DPG POA TJF BXP Keytocoding - Giorgio Framalicco Kiaran Roughan Lynette Baker Julie Williams Richard Eatough Andrew Chugg Justin Turvey Susanna Bedford Ben Pratley Steve Vigar Gary Crawford Claire Ringwood Christopher Beard Stephen Hammond Mark Worringham Alison Amoah Sarah Hanson Kate McHale David Griggs Peter Owusu Ansah Toby Fox Boja Petkovic 9372604 9374530 9372413 9372461 9373338 9372458 9372993 9372023 9372417 9372980 9372446 9374545 9372430 9374424 9373337 9372286 9372440 9374294 9372488 9373827 9374294 9372352 Issue 28/08/2014 GUIDE TO USE CLASSES ORDER and Permitted Changes of Use (England) Use Classes (Amendment) Order 2005 Use Classes Order 1972 A1 Shops Description Class I • Shops, retail warehouses, hairdressers, undertakers, travel and ticket agencies, post offices, dry cleaners, internet cafes, etc. • Pet shops, cat-meat shops, tripe shops, sandwich bars • Showrooms, domestic hire shops, funeral directors A2 Class II • Banks, building societies, estate and Financial and employment agencies Professional • Professional and financial services, betting Services offices A3 Restaurants, snack bars, cafes Restaurants and Cafes A4 Pubs and bars Drinking Establishments A5 Take-Aways Hot Food Take-Aways Sui Generis Shops selling and/or displaying motor vehicles, retail warehouse clubs, laundrettes, taxi or vehicle hire businesses, amusement centres, petrol filling stations B1 Class II (a) Offices, not within A2 Business (b) Research and development, studios, laboratories, high tech Class III (c) Light industry B2 Class IV-IX General industry General industry B8 Class X Storage or Distribution Sui Generis Wholesale warehouse, distribution centres, repositories Any work registrable under the Alkali, etc. Works Regulation Act, 1906 Hotels, boarding and guest houses C1 Class XI Hotels C2 Class XII • Residential schools and colleges Residential Class XIV • Hospitals and convalescent/nursing homes Institutions C2A Prisons, young offenders institutions, detention Secure residential centres, secure training centres, custody centres, institutions short-term holding centres, secure hospitals, secure local authority accommodation or use as military barracks. C3 • Single occupancy or single households (in the Dwelling houses family sense); • No more than six residents living as a single household where care is provided; • No more than six residents living as a single household where the building is managed by a local housing authority, a registered social landlord, a police authority, a fire authority, or a health service body. C4 Use of a dwellinghouse by between three and six Houses in multiple residents, who do not form a single household (in occupation the family sense) and share basic facilities (toilet, bathroom or kitchen). Sui Generis • House in multiple occupation with more than six residents • Hostel Keytocoding General Permitted Development (Amendment) Order 2005 No permitted changes Permitted change to A1 where a ground floor display window exists Permitted change to A1 or A2 Permitted change to A1. A2 or A3 Permitted change to A1, A2 or A3 No permitted change Permitted change to B8 where no more than 235m Permitted change to B1 or B8 B8 limited to no more than 235m Permitted change to B1 where no more than 235m No permitted change No permitted change No permitted change No permitted change Permitted to change to C4 Permitted to change to C3 No permitted change Issue 28/08/2014 Class XIII • Class XV • D1 NonResidential Institutions Class XVI D2 Assembly and Leisure Class XVII Class XVIII Sui Generis Class XVII Keytocoding Places of worship, church halls Clinics, health centres, creches, day nurseries, consulting rooms • Museums, public halls, libraries, art galleries, exhibition halls • Non-residential education and training centres • Cinemas, music and concert halls • Dance, sports halls, swimming baths, skating rinks, gymnasiums • Other indoor and outdoor sports and leisure uses, bingo halls, casinos Theatres, nightclubs No permitted change No permitted change No permitted change Issue 28/08/2014
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