Summary of the CCT meeting 2014

Synopsis on the actions and decisions arising from the 27th meeting of the CCT (2014)
The Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT) held its 27th meeting from 21 to 23 May 2014
at the BIPM. The field of thermometry covers a wide range of different technologies in low-,
medium- and high temperatures, humidity and thermophysical constants. To meet this wide range
of needs, the CCT currently operates ten different working groups (WGs) and several task groups
The 2014 CCT meeting focused on three important issues:
1) As a follow up of the CCT Strategic Planning document of 2013 and the subsequent
feedback, in particular from NMI Directors, the CCT President has reviewed all WGs and TGs
and their membership. Starting from 1 June 2014, the CCT will be reduced to six working
groups for its long-term activities and a number of task groups with distinct missions that
will be limited in time.
2) The future new redefinition of the kelvin, for which a mise en pratique has been developed
since the last CCT meeting, was discussed and a recommendation was drafted on the
conditions for fixing the Boltzmann constant, to be addressed to the CIPM.
3) The need for new determinations of thermodynamic temperature was discussed, and a
declaration was drafted and incorporated into the meeting report.
The CCT meeting began with half a day of scientific seminars on current issues in the field of
thermometry. Significant progress has been made on a revised version of the Supplementary
Information for the ITS-90 as well as on a Guide on Secondary Thermometry. The need for a
strengthened Working Group on Key Comparisons (KCs) was emphasized, to assure a continuous
coherence and quality of international and regional key and supplementary comparisons. The Chairs
of the RMO Technical Committees in thermometry were invited for the first time to take part in the
CCT and its working groups in Key Comparisons, CMCs and Strategic Planning. A new Task Group was
formed to study its possible impact on environmental issues linked to thermometry. A new KC in
radiometry (CCT-K10) was registered during the CCT meeting, to meet the urgent needs as described
in the CCT Strategic Planning document. Dr K. Hill (NRC) and Dr T. Baba (NMIJ/AIST) stepped down as
the Chairs of WG7 and WG9, respectively, after many years of highly appreciated work for the
benefit of the CCT.
The essential actions and decisions arising from the 27th meeting of the CCT (2014) are summarized
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The Chairs of the newly formed working and task groups will suggest candidates for
membership to the CCT President for approval.
The Chairs of the newly formed working and task groups will draft terms of reference
to be communicated to the CCT President for approval.
TG-K is to continue to draft successively the revision of the “Supplementary
Information on ITS-90” to be completed in 2015, and submit the chapters to the CCT
for advice and approval.
TG-GoTh is to make a limited revision of the uncertainty document on SPRTs (keeping
the 2008 label) and continue the revision of Guide to Secondary Thermometry
(formerly Techniques for Approximating the ITS-90).
WG-KC will enlarge its membership and aim to involve members of all RMOs.
Six participants of the CCT-K9 will deliver initial data before end of June 2014, and all
participants will deliver all data (initial and final measurements) by the end of 2014.
A Special Issue of Metrologia on the Boltzmann constant will be co-edited by D.R.
White (MSL) and J. Fischer (PTB), working with around 20 groups of authors. It is to
be published in 2015.
The CCT President will recommend the CIPM to attribute observer status of the CCT
to the CMI (Czech Republic).
Dr K. Hill (NRC) stepped down as chairman of the WG7.
Dr T. Baba (NMIJ/AIST) stepped down as chairman of the WG9.
The establishment of the following Working Groups was approved by the CCT:
CCT Working Group for Contact Thermometry (CCT WG-CTh)
CCT Working Group for Non-Contact Thermometry (CCT WG-NCTh)
CCT Working Group for Humidity (CCT WG-Hu)
CCT Working Group for Key Comparisons (CCT WG-KC)
CCT Working Group for Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CCT WG-CMC)
CCT Working Group for Strategic Planning (CCT WG-SP)
The establishment of the following Task Groups was approved by the CCT:
CCT Task Group for the Realization of the Kelvin (CCT TG-K)
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CCT Task Group for Guide on Thermometry (CCT TG-GoTh)
CCT Task Group for Thermodynamic Quantities (CCT TG-ThQ)
CCT Task Group for Environmental Questions linked to Thermometry (CCT TG-Env)
The Task Group on SI (TG-SI) is to be maintained, with a reviewed membership.
The following appointments of Chairs for the CCT WGs were approved by the CCT:
J. Fischer (PTB)
G. Machin (NPL)
S. Bell (NPL)
A. Peruzzi (VSL)
G. Strouse (NIST)
Y. Duan (NIM)
The following appointments of Chairs for the CCT TGs were approved by the CCT:
B. Fellmuth (PTB)
D. R. White (MSL)
J.-R. Filtz (LNE)
A. Merlone (NIST)
Dr J. Fischer (PTB) was appointed to continue to chair the TG-SI.
A CCT recommendation was drafted on the conditions for fixing the Boltzmann
constant, to be addressed to the CIPM.
It was decided to draft a Declaration to emphasize the need for new determinations
of thermodynamic temperature to anticipate the implementation of the realization
of the new definition of the kelvin, ultimately resulting in a revised temperature
scale. It will be incorporated in the CCT minutes and in the next version of the
Strategic Planning document.
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