Current Biology, Volume 24 Supplemental Information Germ-Granule Components Prevent Somatic Development in the C. elegans Germline Dustin L. Updike, Andrew Kekūpa'a Knutson, Thea A. Egelhofer, Anne C. Campbell, and Susan Strome Supplemental Information Table S1. Strains used in this study Strain Name Genotype* N2 OH9279 edIs6[unc-119p::UNC-119(first 101aa) ::GFP + ROL-6] IV edIs6[unc-119p::UNC-119(first 101aa) ::GFP + ROL-6] IV edIs6[unc-119p::UNC-119(first 101aa) ::GFP + ROL-6] IV edIs6[unc-119p::UNC-119(first 101aa) ::GFP + ROL-6] IV edIs6[unc-119p::UNC-119(first 101aa) ::GFP + ROL-6] IV otIs118[unc-33p::GFP + UNC-4] ntIs1[gcy-5p::GFP + LIN-15] V otIs264[ceh-36p::tagRFP] III; ntIs1 V; otIs305 otIs302[LSY-6::GFP + F25B3.3::dsRed2] otIs266[cat-1p::mCherry] VH905 hdIs30[GLR-1::dsRed2] DP132 DP132 L4 Stage DP132 1st Day Adults DP132 2nd Day Adults DP132 4th Day Adults OH439 OH3192 OH10997 OH9729 No. of F1s examined after P-granule RNAi 100 219 % Sterile F1s No. of sterile F1s examined % Sterile F1s with germline expression of transgene 40 76 Source CGC 145 9 219 0 247 2.4 200 10 213 17 CGC 124 194 88 68 103 194 34 0 CGC CGC 178 67 120 0 CGC 292 36 91 0 CGC 231 80 150 0 186 73 186 0 CGC Don Moerman 201 53 110 0 CGC 90 154 67 82 90 154 0 0 CGC CGC Oliver Hobert Ian Hope Ian Hope Bob Horvitz EG1285 OH1098 zuIs178 V; stIs10024; stIs10060[cnd-1p::mCherry + UNC-119] oxIs12[unc-47p::GFP + LIN-15] X otIs133[pttx-3p::RFP + UNC-4] II OH122 mgIs25[UNC-97::GFP] 411 51 200 0 UL2484 UL2157 leEx[dhhc-14p::GFP + UNC-119] leEx[nhr-52p::GFP + UNC-119] 212 222 86 74 125 140 0 0 MT11439 nEx1047[UNC-93::GFP + LIN-15] 285 86 150 0 OH11054 ntIs1 V; otIs305; otEx4445[snb1p::NLS-TagRFP] 82 74 48 0 CGC OH10596 otEx4720[YFP::HLH-2 + ROL-6] 330 47 48 0 Oliver Hobert 192 70 108 0 CGC 240 45 89 0 342 27 84 0 291 33 92 0 CGC Strome Lab Strome Lab 258 41 107 0 RW10060 RW10062 BC12881 SS974 SS947 RW10097 zuIs178 V; stIs10050[pha4p::HIS-24::mCherry + UNC-119] sEx12881[grl-11p::GFP + DPY-5] bnEx46[elt-2p::mCherry + myo2p::GFP] bnEx35[GLH-1::GFP + myo3p::dsRed2] zuIs178 V; stIs10088[hlh-1p::HIS24::mCherry] CGC trIs30[him-4p::MB::YFP + HMRPeter 1b::dsRed2 + UNC236 28 236 0 Roy 129nsp::dsRed2] zuIs178 V; stIs10567[cehRW10724 21p::HIS-24::mCherry + UNC265 89 120 0 CGC 119] wgIs177[EGLOP177 27::TY1::GFP::3xFLAG + UNC308 28 82 0 CGC 119] BC10577 sEx10577[vab-3p::GFP + DPY-5] 220 53 105 0 CGC ctIs39[hbl-1p::HBL-1(first VT1142 185 68 114 0 CGC 133aa)::NLS::GFP + ROL-6] IV zuIs178 V: stIs10064[end-3p::H1RW10064 mCherry::let-858 3’UTR + UNC171 73 103 0 CGC 119] otIs305[hsp-16.2p::CHEOH9846 1::3xHA::BLRP + ROL-6] V; CGC ntIs1[gcy-5p::GFP + LIN-15] V otIs306[hsp-16.2p::CHE-1::3xHA + ROL-6]; edIs6[unc-119p::UNCDUP3 this study 119(first 101aa)::GFP + ROL-6] IV glp-1(ar202gf) III; edIs6[uncSS1113 119p::UNC-119(first this study 101aa)::GFP + ROL-6] IV *F1s were scored on the 2nd day of adulthood unless otherwise noted. Fluorescent reporters examined are in bold. Genep (e.g. unc-119p) indicates the promoter used to drive each transgene. Lowercase (DNA). Uppercase (protein-coding region). RP247 Supplemental Experimental Procedures Microscopy: A Volocity acquisition and spinning disk confocal system (PerkinElmer) fitted on an inverted microscope (Eclipse TE2000-E; Nikon) with an EM-CCD camera (Hamamatsu Photonics) was used to acquire images in Figure 2A,C,D and Figure 3A,C,D (Nikon 60X oil objective) and Figure 3B (Nikon 40X air objective). Leica AF6000 acquisition software on an inverted microscope (Leica DMI6000B) with a cooled CCD camera (Leica DFC365FX) and a Leica 60X oil objective was used to acquire and deconvolve images in Figure 1 and Figure 2B,E. Strain construction: C. elegans strains were maintained as described previously [S1]. Strains used in this study are listed in Table S1. Immunocytochemistry: Whole worms and dissected germlines were fixed using methanol/acetone [S2]. Antibody dilutions were 1:30,000 rabbit anti-PGL-1 [S3], 1:1 mouse monoclonal SP56 (sperm) [S4], 1:1000 rabbit anti-DEPS-1 [S5], 1:10 mouse monoclonal anti-UNC-10 [S6], 1:10 chicken anti-HLH-1 [S7], 1:2000 mouse monoclonal mAb5.6 (MYO-3) [S8], 1:10,000 mouse monoclonal anti-H3S10ph (clone 140-3-5F5 from Hiroshi Kimura) [S9], 1:1000 rabbit anti-GFP (Novus), 1:1000 rabbit anti-REC-8 (SDIX), and 1:500 Alexa Fluor secondary antibodies (Life Technologies). P-granule RNAi: 350 base pair fragments of glh-1 (cDNA base pairs 675-1024), glh-4 (749-1098), pgl-1 (13171666), and pgl-3 (265-613) were joined by PCR and cloned into the L4440 RNAi feeding vector to create pDU49, which was transformed into HT115 bacteria. Feeding RNAi [S10] was performed at 24°C. Feeding RNAi was commenced in the parental generation (P0) at the first larval stage (L1); progeny (F1) were examined on the 2nd day of adulthood for GFP expression in the germline. For glp-1(ar202gf); unc-119::GFP worms, feeding RNAi was initiated in the P0 generation at 15°C; P0 adults were shifted to the restrictive temperature of 24°C, and their adult F1 progeny were examined for GFP expression in the germline. Control RNAi feeding was performed with HT115 bacteria carrying the L4440 plasmid. Two-tailed p-values were calculated using Fisher’s Exact Test. mex-3; gld-1 RNAi: The first 400 base pairs of mex-3 cDNA and gld-1 cDNA were joined by PCR and cloned into the L4440 RNAi feeding vector to create pDU50, which was transformed into HT115 bacteria. Feeding RNAi was started at the 4th larval stage (L4) at 24°C, and adult F1 progeny were examined. Single molecule FISH: Stellaris FISH probes (Biosearch Technologies) were designed for unc-119 with CAL Fluor Red 610. Germlines from control and P-granule RNAi fed unc-119::GFP expressing worms were dissected in egg buffer (25mM HEPES, 120mM NaCl, 2mM MgCl2, 2mM CaCl2, and 50mM KCl) on a GCP (0.2% w/v gelatin, 0.02% w/v chrome alum, 0.05% w/v poly-L-lysine) coated slide. Slides were fixed in 3.7% formaldehyde in PBS for 45 minutes, washed 2X with PBS, and incubated in 70% EtOH overnight at 4°C. Slides were then washed with wash buffer (2XSSC, 10% formamide) and incubated with FISH probes in hybridization buffer (2XSSC, 10% formamide, 10% w/v dextran sulfate) in the dark at 37°C for 4 hours. Slides were rinsed in wash buffer, and then incubated in wash buffer for 30 minutes in the dark at 37°C. During the last 30-minute 37°C incubation, 5ng/ml of DAPI was included in the wash buffer. 15ul of 2XSSC and a coverslip were placed on each slide for imaging. Expression profiling: Control or P-granule RNAi was performed on unc-119::GFP worms as described above. 100 germlines were dissected from F1 worms on the first day of adulthood. Undissected worms were scored for sterility (84%, n=100) and germline GFP expression (9%, n=100) the following day. Total RNA was prepared from dissected germlines using Trizol reagent (Life Technologies). cDNA was prepared using a QuantiTect Reverse Transcription Kit (Qiagen), and qPCR was performed in quadruplicate on 384-panel StellARray qPCR arrays (Bar Harbor Biotechnology) in a Roche LightCycler 480 system. Induction of CHE-1 by heat shock: Control and P-granule RNAi was performed on hs::CHE-1; gcy-5::GFP and hs::CHE-1; unc-119::GFP worms as described above. F1 progeny at the L4 stage were heat-shocked at 37°C for 30 minutes and were examined for GFP expression in the germline the following day. Supplemental References S1. Brenner, S. (1974). The genetics of Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 77, 71–94. 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