Cell Reports, Volume 9 Supplemental Information The C. elegans HGF/Plasminogen-like Protein SVH-1 Has Protease-Dependent and -Independent Functions Naoki Hisamoto, Chun Li, Motoki Yoshida, and Kunihiro Matsumoto Supplemental Experimental Procedures, relates to Experimental Procedures. C. elegans strains. C. elegans strains used in this study are listed below. All strains were maintained on nematode growth medium (NGM) plates and fed with bacteria of the OP50 strain, as described previously (Brenner, 1974). Mapping of the kmDp1 duplication by a SNP mapping method (Wicks et al., 2001) revealed that kmDp1 is translocated to the right end on LGX. PCR analysis revealed that kmDp1 carries the intact length of the svh-1 gene with at least the 1.7 kb promoter. The kmDp1 duplication can be maintained only in heterozygotes, as kmDp1 homozygotes are embryonic or early-larval lethal. Bristol N2 (WT) CB4856: Hawaiian strain (for SNP mapping) KU21: kgb-1(km21) IV. KU251: svh-1(ok2531) IV; kmDp1/+ X. KU252: svh-1(ok2531)/nT1[qIs51] (IV, V). KU253: svh-1(tm2646)/nT1[qIs51] (IV, V). KU255: svh-2(tm737) X. KU256: juIs76 II; svh-1(ok2531)/nT1[qIs51] (IV, V). KU260: juIs76 II; svh-1(ok2531) IV; kmEx505. KU261: juIs76 II; svh-1(ok2531)/nT1[qIs51] (IV, V); kmEx520. KU262: juIs76 II; svh-1(ok2531)/nT1[qIs51] (IV, V); kmEx517. KU263: juIs76 II; svh-1(ok2531) IV; kmEx201. KU264: juIs76 II; svh-1(ok2531) IV; kmEx202. KU265: kmEx203 (generated transiently). KU267: unc-119(e2498) Ⅲ; svh-1(ok2531)/nT1[qIs51] (IV, V); Ex[fbl-1c::venus + unc-119]. KU268: fbl-1(hd43)/nT1[qIs51] (IV, V). KU269: svh-1 fbl-1(hd43)/nT1[qIs51] (IV, V). KU501: juIs76 II. KU502: juIs76 II; svh-1(ok2531) IV; kmDp1/+ X. KU508: juIs76 II; svh-1(ok2531) IV; kmDp1/+ X; kmEx505. KU533: juIs76 II; svh-1(ok2531) IV; kmDp1/+ X; kmEx520. KU534: juIs76 II; svh-1(ok2531) IV; kmDp1/+ X; kmEx517. NF1077: unc-119(e2498) Ⅲ; Ex[fbl-1c::venus + unc-119]. Transgenic animals. Transgenic animals were obtained as described (Li et al., 2012). The Pjkk-1::svh-1Δcl (25 ng/µl), Pjkk-1::svh-1Δk (25 ng/µl), Pjkk-1::svh-1Δpan (25 ng/µl) and Pmyo-2::DsRed monomer (25 ng/µl) plasmids were used in kmEx201 (Pjkk-1::svh-1Δcl + Pmyo-2::DsRed monomer), kmEx202 (Pjkk-1::svh-1Δk + Pmyo-2::DsRed monomer), and kmEx203 (Pjkk-1::svh-1Δpan + Pmyo-2::DsRed monomer), respectively. The kmEx505 (wild-type svh-1), kmEx517 [svh-1(h755a)] and kmEx520 (svh-1Δss) transgenes were described previously (Li et al., 2012). Suppression of the svh-1 growth defect by fbl-1 RNAi. RNA interference experiments were conducted by feeding as described in a previous study (Li et al., 2012). Animals of the svh-1(ok2531)/nT1[qIs51] genotype were grown from the L4 larval stage, allowed to lay eggs on NGM plates seeded with bacteria of the E. coli HT115 strain carrying plasmids expressing a double-stranded RNA targeting fbl-1, and incubated for 5 days. GFP-negative animals that grew to the adult stage were confirmed to have the ok2531 deletion by PCR. Microscopy and laser ablation. Standard fluorescent images of transgenic animals were observed under a 60 X objective of a Nikon Eclipse E800 fluorescent microscope and photographed with a Hamamatsu ORCA 3CCD camera. Movies were taken using the same system except under a 40 X objective lens. Confocal fluorescent images were taken on an Olympus FV500 confocal laser scanning microscope with 60 X or 100 X objectives. Laser microsurgery for determining axon regeneration was performed as described previously (Li et al., 2012). Phalloidin staining. Pharyngeal muscles were stained with Rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin based on the methods described elsewhere (Strome, 1986). Plasmids. The Pjkk-1::svh-1(h755a) and Pjkk-1::svh-1Δss plasmids were described previously (Li et al., 2012). Mutations and deletions were introduced into Pjkk-1::svh-1 by PCR using PhusionTM DNA polymerase (NEB). High-speed video imaging of pharyngeal pumping. High-speed video images were taken using a Nikon Eclipse E800 microscope (60 X objective) fitted with a Hamamatsu ORCA 3CCD camera. Homology search, phylogenetic analysis, identification of domains and alignments of amino acids. Homology search, identification of conserved domains, signal peptides, transmembrane regions and alignments of amino acids were executed by the NCBI BLAST, NCBI CD-search, CBS SignalP4.1, CBS TMHMM2.0 and Genetyx-Mac programs, respectively. The evolutionary relationships among candidate genes were determined by constructing neighbor-joining phylogenetic trees using MEGA5.2 software (Tamura et al., 2011). Supplemental references Brenner, S. (1974). The genetics of Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 77, 71-94. Li, C., Hisamoto, N., Nix, P., Kanao, S., Mizuno, T., Bastiani, M., and Matsumoto, K. (2012). The growth factor SVH-1 regulates axon regeneration in C. elegans via the JNK MAPK cascade. Nat. Neurosci. 15, 551-557. Strome, S. (1986). Fluorescence visualization of the distribution of microfilaments in gonads and early embryos of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. J. Cell. Biol. 103, 2241–2252. Tamura, K., Peterson, D., Peterson, N., Stecher, G., Nei, M., and Kumar, S. (2011). MEGA5: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis using maximum likelifood, evolutionary distance, and maximum parsimony methods. Mol. Biol. Evol. 28, 2731-2739. Wicks, S.R., Yeh, R.T, Gish W.R., Waterston, R.H., and Plasterk, R.H.A. (2001). Rapid Gene mapping in Caenorhabditis elegans using a high density polymorphism map. Nat. Genet. 28, 160-164. A TM Human SEMA Amphioxus P SEMA Sea urchin P SEMA I I I SEMA C. elegans kinase I I I I I kinase I kinase SEMA Oyster 2 kinase I I P SEMA Oyster 1 I kinase P P I kinase I B C. elegans Water flea C Pea aphid C Ant C Bee C Oyster Sea urchin C C C C C C C CL SCR K CL K L N L SCR SP SCR L SCR SP SCR CL K L N L SCR CL K L N L SCR L SCR SP SCR CL K L N L SCR L SCR SP SCR CL K L N L SCR L SCR SP K N L SCR SCR SCR SCR SCR SP K SP N L N L N L SCR SCR Amphioxus 1 SCR K K L N L SCR L K L K SP Amphioxus 2 SCR K SCR SP Figure S1, relates to Figure 1. Structure of the SVH-1-like and SVH-2-like proteins (A) Schematic diagrams of Met-like receptor tyrosine kinases from Homo sapiens (Met), sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus XP_793763.3), oyster (Crassostrea gigas EKC24814.1 and EKC24815.1), amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae XP_002597380.1) and C. elegans (SVH-2) are shown. Domains are shown as follows: a signal peptide (black box), a Sema domain (Sema), a PSI-like domain (P), an IPT-like domain (I), a transmembrane domain (TM), and a tyrosine kinase domain (kinase). The predicted oyster Met-like-1 protein is probably incomplete, as it lacks a signal peptide. (B) Schematic diagrams of SVH-1like proteins from C. elegans (SVH-1), water flea (Daphnia pulex EFX82507), pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum LOC100160261), ant (Camponotus floridanus EFN70973.1), honeybee (Apis mellifera LOC724971), oyster (Crassostrea gigas EKC30355), sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus LOC578177), amphioxus Bf-SVH-1-1 (Branchiostoma floridae XP_002601961.1 + XP_002601959.1) and Bf-SVH-1-2 (Branchiostoma floridae XP_002610402.1) are shown. Domains are shown as follows: a signal peptide (black box), a chitin-binding domain (C), a C-type lectin domain (CL), a kringle domain (K), an LDL receptor-like domain (L), a PAN domain (N), a scavenger receptor domain (SCR), and a serine proteaselike domain (SP). Gray color indicates a SP domain lacking a catalytic triad. The predicted oyster and amphioxus SVH-1 like proteins are probably incomplete, as they lack signal peptides. C. elegans 713 Water flea 1216 Pea aphid 1733 Ant 2036 Bee 2033 Oyster 1242 Sea urchin 1274 Amphioxus 1 1031 Amphioxus 2 387 Human Plg 581 Zebrafish Plg 589 Human HGF 490 Zebrafish HGF 477 Human MSP 498 Zebrafish MSP 482 VVGGFETVP-GAFPWTAALR-------NKATKAHHCGASILDKTHLITAAHCFEEDER-VSSYEVVVGDWDNNQTDGNEQIFYLQ VVKGEPTKP-GAYPWQVGVR----VRNSGKSDNHWCGATIISEHFILTAAHCMEDFPK--GLYVLRVGDYNTEDSDVEEEQFTVE IASGFNTER-GDHPWQASIR----STTPAGQTEHVCGAVIISKYHVLTAAHCVRDLDK--DFYYVRIGDYNMGTLEDSEQDIYID VVHGSIAPK-GTYPWQASIR----VRGHS-RSSHWCGAVMISPIYLLTAAHCLEGYNK--GTYFVRAGDYNTDIDEGTEAEANIE VVRGNIAPK-GSYPWQASIR----VRGYS-KSNHWCGAVIISPLHVLTAAHCLEGYNK--KTYFVRAGDYNTEIDEGTEIEANIE IFGGLNADY-GMFPWQVAIRKVIYRTQTRKIDAQHCGGIVLSRFWILSAAHCFDDEVK--SDLIIRVGDLNNKEPDSDEEEFEVE IIGGSSAKR-GNWPWQAQLI--------LRGSGHYCGGTLIDETHVLTAAHCFQRYGK--NSFKVRLGEHHQHINESSEQDFRIS PLSGDVAVK-GEHPWQALLL--------TKGVHHACSGTLVHDCWVVTAAHCMDG-SK--DAYVIRLGEYNTVLGEQTEQDFGID IVGGVLGER-GRWPWVAEVR--------LNGYGHWCGGALIRDCWVLSAAHCFYDYSK--SSFTVRLGEYNLSSAESGEQVFSIE VVGGCVAHP-HSWPWQVSLR--------TRFGMHFCGGTLISPEWVLTAAHCLEKSPRP-SSYKVILGAHQEVNLEPHVQEIEVS IVGGCVSKP-HSWPWQISLR--------TRGKIHFCGGTLIDPQWVVTAAHCLERSDSP-SAYKIMLGIHTERATESSKQERDVT VVNGIPTRT--NIGWMVSLR--------YRN-KHICGGSLIKESWVLTARQCFPS--RDLKDYEAWLGIHDVHGRGDEKCKQVLN IVGGMRVQRAEDGSWVVSIQ--------KGN-RHWCGGSLIREEWVLTDQQCFSTCVPDLSEYTVQVGLLHLNASAG---TQALR VVGGH---P-GNSPWTVSLR--------NRQGQHFCGGSLVKEQWILTARQCFSSCHMPLTGYEVWLGTLFQNPQHGEPSLQRVP IVGGT---P-GNSPWTVSLR--------DRKGNHFCGGSLVSSEWVISTKQCFSSCYVDLTGYTAMMGTLFRDPKEGEPDLQRIS 788! 1293! 1810! 2112! 2109! 1323! 1347! 1100! 460! 651! 659! 561! 549! 570! 554 C. elegans 789 Water flea 1294 Pea aphid 1811 Ant 2113 Bee 2110 Oyster 1324 Sea urchin 1348 Amphioxus 1 1101 Amphioxus 2 461 Human Plg 652 Zebrafish Plg 660 Human HGF 567 Zebrafish HGF 550 Human MSP 571 Zebrafish MSP 555 RIHFYPLYKD--IFSHDIAILEIP----YPGIEFNEYAQPICLPSKDFVYTPGRQCVVSGWGSM---GLRYAERLQAALIPIINR RMHFHEEFGQGGHLNNDIALIRIKK-KSNQGIRFGSHVQPICLPSPSTEYVAGMNCTIAGWGSPGQPGAAFAIKLQSATVPILSD KIYIHENFEVNVKLNNDIAVIKLKT--SGAGIKFNQYVQPICLPSEVIKLKSNMNCTITGWGSDGSIGSSFAKTMRSATVPIIDM DYYVHEEFRKGHRMNNDIALILLK----GHGIPLGKDIMPICLPSENTDYSPGLNCTISGFGSIETGKTTQSKNLRYGWVPLLDQ DYYIHEEFRKGHRMNNDIALVLLK----GRGIPLGKNVMPICLPSERIEYPAGLNCTISGFGSIETGKSTHSKDLRYGWIPLLDQ EIFMHEGYDS-ETYDNDIALIKITP-KDGRGIMAGMYVQPACLPSDNTRYTEDLDCYISGWGATSLGSPN---KLKYAEVPIIDR CIYKHPDYDS-RTTNNDIAVLRLDR-----PAHITSFVTPACLPTDGE-FAADHQCWISGWG--NTGNDNYPSRLQEARVPLLPR KAVIHPGYDV-GTGQHDIALLKLRK-KNGACARTTNFVRPICLPDAEMTFPVGTQCDVSGWGRTDTDRSLRPTTLMKARIPLLHD RMFLHPDYHP-ITNHNDIVLVRLREHADGTCARTGPYVRPACLPTPGETLQPGSNCSIVGWGKANSSDTSFSDILMEASVPFIPR RLFLEP-------TRKDIALLKLSS-----PAVITDKVIPACLPSPNYVVADRTECFVTGWG--ETQGTFGAGLLKEAQLPVIEN KIIKGP-------AGTDIALLKLDR-----PALINDKVSPVCLPEKDYIVPSNTECYVTGWG--ETQDTGGEGYLKETGFPVIEN VSQLVYGPEG-----SDLVLMKLAR-----PAVLDDFVSTIDLPNYGCTIPEKTSCSVYGWG--YTGLINYDGLLRVAHLYIMGN IAHVVCGPEG-----SNLALLKLTT-----PAPLSEHVRTVQLPVAGCAVAEGTLCLMYGWG--DTKGTGHEGSLKMVGLPIVSN VAKMVCGPSG-----SQLVLLKLER-----SVTLNQRVALICLPPEWYVVPPGTKCEIAGWG--ETKGTGNDTVLNVALLNVISN LTKIVCGPSE-----SHLVMLQLET-----PAQFNERVSQICLPPERYIVPDGTICEIAGWG--ETKGKGDETVLNVAQMPVLSN 864! 1377! 1893! 2193! 2190! 1403! 1423! 1186! 544! 726! 734! 634! 621! 641! 627! C. elegans 865 Water flea 1378 Pea aphid 1894 Ant 2194 Bee 2191 Oyster 1404 Sea urchin 1424 Amphioxus 1 1187 Amphioxus 2 545 Human Plg 727 Zebrafish Plg 735 Human HGF 635 Zebrafish HGF 622 Human MSP 642 Zebrafish MSP 628 FDCVNSSQIY--SSMSRSAFCAGYLEGGIDSCQGDSGGPFACRREDGAFVLAGVISWGDGCAQKKQPGIYTMVAPYLSWISAII DTC-KAPYVYGPDRIKVGMFCAGLLEGGVDACQGDSGGGLVCL-VDGRPTLMGVISWGFGCGRPNRPGVYTRVVHYLPWIYSKL KIC-NAAYVYGKQTISSGMFCAGNLDGGADACQGDSGGPMVCSTELGE-TVMGITSWGYGCGRANKPGVYTNVQHYEDWLSKTL SVC-RASYVYGEGAISEGMMCAGYLDEGIDTCDGDSGGPLACY-HNGAFTLYGITSWGQHCGKANKPGVYVRVAHYRRWIDQKI SVC-RAGHVYGERAISDGMVCAGYLNEGIDTCDGDSGGPLVCL-HNGVFTLYGLTSWGQHCGKMNKPGVYVRVSYYRQWIDKKI NIC-R--NVY--KRLTPSMFCAGYLKGGIDSCQGDSGGPLVCK-VGGKYTVLGVTSWGRGCGDPNSPGVYTVVKSHLQWIQDKL STCTR-QNVYG-NKLTPQMLCAGYLRGGIDSCDGDSGGPLVCENSNSVWKVVGVTSWGYGCAQPNAPGVYAVVTRYLGFINEKM GLC---QHIYG-DKLLPGMLCAGHVRGGNNACKGDIGGPLTCK-LDGKWVLWGVTSWGFGCGEPKTPGVYTRVAEYTDWLQRVM QEC-R-DRAYG-NMVTDRMTCAGFWEGGVDTCQGDSGGPLLCQ-QDDRWTVWGVTSWGDGCARPNWPGVYTAVEEFLGWIQETI KVCNRYEFLNG--RVQSTELCAGHLAGGTDSCQGDSGGPLVCF-EKDKYILQGVTSWGLGCARPNKPGVYVRVSRFVTWIEGVM KVCNRPSFLNG--RVKDHEMCAGNIEGGNDSCQGDSGGPLVCY-AQNTFVLQGVTSWGLGCANAMKPGVYTRVSKFVDWIERSI EKCS--QHHRGKVTLNESEICAGAEKIGSGPCEGDYGGPLVCE-QHKMRMVLGVIVPGRGCAIPNRPGIFVRVAYYAKWIHKII KRCS--QSHNGILPITETKICAGGKRD-QGVCEKDYGGPLVCQ-EGESKVIVGVSINGRGCAVARRPAVFVNVAFYSEWIRKVF QECN--IKHRG--RVRESEMCTEGLLAPVGACEGDYGGPLACF-THNCWVLEGIIIPNRVCARSRWPAVFTRVSVFVDWIHKVM KDCN--QYFKG--RVRENEMCTMAFQAGVGACERDYGGPLACQ-NSDCWVLEGVIIPMRRCGHAGQPNIFIRVSVYVDWIKKVM Figure S2, relates to Figure 1. Comparisons of protease-like domains Amino acid alignments of protease-like domains are shown. Identical residues are highlighted with gray shading. The Asp-His-Ser catalytic triads are indicated by red characters. 946! 1459! 1975! 2275! 2272! 1481! 1505! 1265! 624! 807! 815! 715! 702! 722! 706! human HGF* HumHGF zebrafish HGF* ZebraHGF HumMSP human MSP* HGF/MSP zebrafish MSP* ZebraMSP HumPlasminogen human Plasminogen Plasminogen ZebraPlasminogen zebrafish Plasminogen BfSVH-1PN amphioxus SVH-1-1* BfEEN66412 amphioxus SVH-1-2 SeaurchinSVH-1 sea urchin SVH-1 OysterSVH-1 oyster SVH-1 Apis SVH-1 bee SVH-1 SVH-1! antSVH-1 ant SVH-1 DaphniaSVH-1 water flea SVH-1 peaSVH-1 pea aphid SVH-1 CelegansSVH-1 C. elegans SVH-1 human Thrombin Thrombin Thrombin! zebrafish thrombin zebraThrombin1 BfEEN52030 XP_002596018 BfEEN52035 XP_002596023 kringle-! proteases! # BfEEN52019 XP_002596007 Humelastase human elastase 1 Chymotrypsin 0.2 Figure0.2S3, relates to Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree depicting genetic relationships A phylogenetic tree was constructed using MEGA5.2 software. The sequences of the protease-like domains in the indicated proteins were compared. Human chymotrypsin was used as an outgroup. Asterisks indicate “dead proteases” lacking intact catalytic triads. A sharp indicates a compressed amphioxus-specific branch including XP_002590082, XP_002590083, XP_002596021 and XP_002596022. The scale bar represents the evolutionary distance. A wild type B *** svh-1(ok2531) C vector RNAi svh-1(ok2531) (Terminal bulb/whole head) Ratio of fluorescence 1.5! 1! 0.5! 0! wild type fbl-1 RNAi svh-1 ! (ok2531) Figure S4, relates to Figure 4. Effect of the svh-1 mutation on the localization of FBL-1C::VENUS. (A) Confocal images of animals expressing FBL-1C::VENUS are shown in the top panels. The quantified areas of whole head regions and terminal bulbs are indicated by white and read lines, respectively. (B) Ratio of mean fluorescence intensities of FBL-1C::VENUS (the terminal bulbs/the whole head regions). The data (n = 10 animals) are quantified by the Welch’s t test. ***, P < 0.001. Error bars represent SEM. Scale bar = 10 µm. (C) Suppression of the svh-1 phenotype by fbl-1 RNAi.Light microscopy of animals grown for 5 days are shown. Suppression of the svh-1 growth defect was examined as described in Experimental Procedures. In svh-1 mutants treated with control RNAi, no animals grew to the adult stage on 40 plates. In svh-1 mutants treated with fbl-1 RNAi, animals grew to the adult stage on 7 plates out of 37 plates. Anterior is to the left. Scale bar = 50 µm. Movies S1 and S2. Time-lapse video microscopy of pharyngeal pumping. Movies S1 and S2 show time-lapse images of pharyngeal pumping in wild-type (Movie S1) and svh-1 mutant (Movie S2) animals, respectively. The movies were taken by using a Hamamatsu ORCA system at 20 frames/sec.
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