Trilateral Cooperation -Cultivating Multilateralism in East Asia- -- Iwatani Shigeo Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat 1. 2. 3. 4. About the Trilateral Mechanism Significance and Achievements Role of TCS Immediate Challenges and Countermeasures 1. About the Trilateral Mechanism Development 1999.11 1st Trilateral Summit 1997.12 Meeting at 1st ASEAN+3 ASEAN+3 Summit to Summit overcome the financial crisis 2008.12 1st Independent Trilateral Summit 2010.05 3rd Trilateral Summit -Adoption of Trilateral Cooperation VISION 2020 2011.09 Establishment of Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat 2012.05 5th Trilateral Summit - Signing of Investment Agreement - Decision to launch CJK-FTA Current Structure of the Trilateral Mechanism Trilateral Summit Ministers’ Meeting Senior Officials Meeting, Director-General Meeting, Deputy Director-General Meeting Think tanks, NGOs, IOs In addition to the Summits, the three countries have developed: • 18 Ministerial Meetings • More than 50 Inter-governmental Meetings • Over 100 Cooperative Projects Innumerable activities at the private sector which no one grasps the whole picture Areas of Trilateral Cooperation Politics/Security Foreign Affairs Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Economy Summit Disaster Manage -ment Research Institute Nuclear Safety Central Banks Standardi -zation Sustainable Development Agriculture Forestry Environment Health Water Resources Finance Intellectual Property Trade and Investment ICT Logistics Science and Tech -nology Customs Consumer Human and Cultural Exchange Personnel Administra -tion Local Governm ent Culture Education Tourism Sports Media Youth Exchange 2. Significance and Achievements Significance • Combined population of CJK makes up almost 21.8% of the world population. • China (2nd), Japan (3rd) and ROK (15th) combined GDP accounts for 20.5% of the world GDP. • Combined exports of CJK account for 16.8% of the world exports value. • CJK is the 3rd largest economic bloc following NAFTA and EU. • Military spending of CJK account for 16% of the world military expenditure. • Abundant opportunities for win-win-win cooperation Achievements: Politics The 5th Trilateral Summit May 2012, Beijing, China • ASEAN + 3 (breakfast) → Independent Summit → Establishment of TCS (amorphous role) → Summit suspended • Non-traditional security issues: disaster management, terrorism, cyber security, water management, • Traditional security issues: sporadic military-to-military contacts, foreign policy dialogues and coordination • In the context of widen East Asia: ARF, EAS, Shangri-La Dialogue, ADMM+, Think-tank networks Achievements in Figure: Economy Trade Volume among the three countries Total FDI Inflow among the three countries Unit: billion USD Unit: million USD 800 17.000 14.000 600 11.000 400 8.000 5.000 200 2.000 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Japan-China ROK-China China-Japan China-ROK Japan-ROK ROK-Japan -1.000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Japan-China ROK-China Japan-ROK China-ROK ROK-Japan China-Japan • The trade volume of CJK is in constant increase and more than doubled in recent 10 years. • The intra-regional trade ratio is still small, C-J-K : NAFTA : EU = 20% : 40% : 62%) • The total FDI inflow is also on the rise albeit some fluctuations. Achievements: Economy Signing of Trilateral Investment Agreement May 2012, Beijing, China • CMI Multilateral (financial stability scheme) • Trilateral Investment Agreement came into force in May 2014. • CJK FTA is currently under negotiations. Since March 2013, 5 rounds of the negotiations had been conducted. • Creation of Seamless Logistics System: Mutual access of trailer chassis, Logistics Information Service Network (NEAL-NET), Returnable Pallet System Achievements: Sustainable Development 16th Tripartite Environment Ministers’ Meeting April 2014, Daegu, ROK • With the rapid economic growth, the three countries are faced with crossborder environmental problems. • Tripartite Environment Ministers’ Meeting is the most institutionalized and successful mechanism in trilateral cooperation. It has been held 16 times since 1999 on annual basis for information-sharing and technology exchange. Achievements in Figure: People-to-people Exchange Number of International Students Visitors among the three countries Unit: 10 thousand 2000 2003 Unit: Person 2013 81884 1500 70814 63.488 1000 50343 500 21126 12765 0 From Japan to China From ROK to Japan 35353 31829 From Japan to ROK From China to Japan From ROK to China From China to ROK Japan to China 15871 15304 4344 2486 Japan to ROK China to Japan China to ROK ROK to Japan ROK to China • The total number of visitors among the three countries more than doubled in ten years. • The number of international students within the three countries also has increased. Achievements: People-to-people Exchange 3 Cultural Cities at the 5th Trilateral Cultural Ministers’ Meeting September 2013, Gwangju, ROK • CAMPUS Asia and Student Conferences: Joint exchange programs among universities of the three countries • East Asia Cultural City (Quanzhou, Yokohama and Gwangju in 2014) • Northeast Asia Trilateral Forum: high-level track-two exchange platform among the three countries (9th in April, 2014) • Trilateral Cultural Exchange Forum: Meeting of experts, scholars and influential figures in the culture and art sectors to discuss the present and future of trilateral cultural exchange (10th in Oct., 2014) 3. Role of Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) Structure of the TCS: Equality Principle Consultative Board Secretary-General Mr. IWATANI Shigeo Consultative Board Deputy Secretary-General Mr. CHEN Feng Deputy Secretary-General Mr. LEE Jong-heon SG Tenure is two years SG is appointed on a rotational basis starting in the order of the ROK, Japan and China DSG DSG 4 Departments Chief: Official from the governments General Service Staff: Open Recruitment Total Staff: 27 Official Language: English Budget: Shared equally by the three countries Manage -ment Economic Affairs Political Affairs SocioCultural Affairs Functions A) Providing support for the consultative mechanisms B) Exploring and facilitating cooperative projects C) Promoting understanding of trilateral cooperation D) Networking with other international organizations E) Compiling database and conducting research 2014 TCS Activities at a Glance Support Trilateral Mechanisms 5th Trilateral Cultural Ministers’ Meeting 6th Trilateral Health Ministers’ Meeting 16th Tripartite Environment Ministers’ Meeting 5th Trilateral Ministerial Conference on Transport and Logistics Explore Cooperative Agenda International Forum for Trilateral Cooperation 2nd Trilateral Table Top Exercise CJK FTA Seminar TCS Sessions at Jeju Forum Promote Human Exchange Trilateral Business Networking Events Trilateral Journalist Exchange Program TCS Lecture Series Young Ambassador Program Facilitate Dialogue Dialogue on Wartime History Issues in Asia Track 2 Dialogue on Sharing Experiences of Confidence Building Measures among TCS/OSCE/ARF/SCO 4. Immediate Challenges and Countermeasures Challenge: Political Conflicts • Difference of opinion on basic values (Democracy, Fundamental Human Rights vs. Social stability, etc.) • Shifting balance of power and lack of solid conflict management mechanism • Discrepancy and fluctuation of top leaders’ views on regional integration • Reconciliation process after WWII still incomplete • Historical and territorial disputes in bilateral relations • Rising nationalism and xenophobia Sentiment survey 57% 67% 68% 51% 74% 43% 48% 34% 33% 29% 19% 13% 4% 4% Japan China China (Sentiment survey by Asahi Shimbun, April 17, 2014) 11% 8% ROK Positive 13% Japan Negative 19% ROK Neither Possible way out More people to people exchanges at all levels to understand each other by overcoming language barriers More dialogues on sensitive hardcore issues particularly in the political and security affairs Facilitate further the on-going dialogues and cooperation in the economic, environmental and other non-controversial areas European participation to share their experiences and wisdom in this process is highly desirable TCS Efforts to Mitigate Negative Impacts • Encourage and support existing cooperation: Disaster Management Exercise, FTA Seminar, Agricultures, Tourism, and Water resources Ministers’ Meetings • Explore and propose new areas for cooperation: Security, Energy, Sports, etc. • Cultivate “Asian Identity” through dialogue: History Dialogue, Journalist Exchange, Business Networking, Student Program, Monthly Lecture • Strengthen the trilateral cooperation mechanism and define TCS’s role: Learn from the OSCE and other confidence building mechanisms, Increase contact with ASEAN, EU, etc. Visit Us! 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