Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project Project Implementation Unit Complaint Handling Mechanism ‐ CHM Operational Manual Submitted by: Backend Bangalore Pvt Ltd 587 KPC Layout, Kasavanahalli, Bangalore – 560 035 Tel/Fax: +91 80 28439031 Tel: +91 80 32911189 www.backend.co.in © 2013 Backend Bangalore Pvt Ltd The contents of this document are the proprietary information of Backend Bangalore Pvt. Ltd. and may not be copied, distributed or reverse engineered without prior written permission from Backend Bangalore Pvt Ltd. Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Contents Introducction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 3 Process Flow for Com mplaint Hand dling Mechanism (CHM) ............................................................................. 4 4 4 Input: ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 onse: ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 4 Respo Verificcation and Feedback: ......................................................................................................................... 4 4 Process flow diagram m ...................................................................................................................................... 5 5 nd Responsib bilities ............................................................................................................................... 6 6 Roles an Guide fo or Citizen .............................................................................................................................................. 7 7 Operatio onal Manual for Departm ment Login .................................................................................................. 10 0 Login to CHM .............................................................................................................................................. 10 0 Screen Layout ............................................................................................................................................. 11 1 Manual for CMO (Co omplaint Management O Officer) .................................................................................... 12 2 mplaint ............................................................................................................................ 12 2 Entry of New Com Assign n Complaint to RO............................................................................................................................. 13 3 Despaatch Complaints ................................................................................................................................ 14 4 Close Complaints:: ...................................................................................................................................... 15 5 ding Officer (RO) ............................................................................................................. 16 6 Manual for Respond nts .................................................................................................................................. 16 6 Addreess Complain Addreess Grievancee .................................................................................................................................... 17 7 Manual for Internal Verification Team ......................................................................................................... 18 8 9 Manual for Feedback Collection team .......................................................................................................... 19 0 Reports: .......................................................................................................................................................... 20 P a g e | 2 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Introd duction Handlingg complaintss is an essen ntial part of any organization’s comm mitment to being accountable to itss stakeholders. KSHIP‐PIU has implemented a a comprehensive Compllaint Handlin ng Mechanissm (CHM) to o ork related problems faceed by the citizens of the state. address the road wo des user how w to use Com mplaint Handling Mechan nism (CHM) This doccument explaains and guid This doccument is arrranged in thee following o order. • • • • • Explanation of the Comp plaint Handling Mechanissm (CHM) Process Flow w Diagram Roles and Reesponsibilitiees Manual for ccitizen Manual for d department users o Logiin o Screeen Layout o Analytical Chartss o User Guides onal Manuall for CMO (Co omplaint Maanagement O Officer) Operatio • Assign Comp plaints to RO O • Despatch Reesponse • Closure of reedressal onal for Resp ponding Officer (RO) Operatio • Address Com mplaints • Address Grieevances onal for Verifying team Operatio • Internal veriification/aud dit of redresssal onal for Feed dback collecttion team Operatio • Updating co omplainant feeedback to tthe CHM P a g e | 3 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Proce essFlowfforComp plaintHandlingM Mechanism m(CHM) Input: Complaiint can be reegistered byy the citizen in different Modes: Using Online w web site, Posstal Letter to o departm ment, Phonee, Fax, Emaail. Online complaints can be registered byy visiting www.kship.in w . Complaiinant enters the details o of the issue aand contact d details alongg with supporting Photo ((optional). c also sen nd the comp plaint to the departmentt through po ost, email, faax, or phonee. Complaintt Citizen can Manageement Cell ((CMC) arran nges the enttry of the complaint c in nto the CHM M though a a Data Entryy Operato or (DEO). ue Complain nt number is generated d through CHM C and acknowledge a ement is sent as email A uniqu automattically if emaail is mentioned in the ccontact details. A printou ut of the ackknowledgem ment also can n be taken n. The compllaint no can be used for ffinding the ccurrent status of the com mplaint. Respo onse: Complaiint Managem ment Officerr (CMO) assiggns the com mplaint alongg with time fframe to the e Concerned d Expert w who (Responding Officer ‐ RO) will prepare the reesponse to th he complaintt. If RO is tthe not the cconcern auth hority, it can be re‐assign ned or transferred to ano other officer.. Finally RO R preparess the respon nse along with w attachment of relevvant documeents and co ompletes thee redressaal. Verificcationand dFeedbacck: After the response is ready, it w will be verifieed by internaal verification n/audit team m. The team updates thee verificattion result in CHM. CMO will able to re‐assign the co omplaint to ssame/other expert if verrification resu ult is not satisfactory. he response and verification result and despatch hes it to the ccomplainantt by updatingg CMO can evaluate th O may ask th he Feedbackk Collection team to collect feedbaack from thee the despatch no in CHM. CMO ose the comp plaint (this d decision is taken depending on the n nature of thee complainant or mayy directly clo complaint). he complainaant through Email, phone or in perso on. The Feedback Collecction team caan contact th nt to RO if th he feedback is negative ffrom the com mplaint. Oth herwise CMO O CMO can re‐assign tthe complain mplaint. If required, CM MO may able to ask to o collect fee edback again n can do the closure of the com optionallly. P a g e | 4 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Proce essflowd diagram P a g e | 5 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 RolesandResp ponsibiliities There arre six different roles are identified for CHM Citizen CMO DEO RO Verificattion Team M Member Feedbacck Team M Member P a g e | 6 Cittizen can ab ble to registeer compliantt by clicking a link on th he departmeent web site,, an nd also citize en can able tto view the status of thee complaint using the co omplaint no. Cittizen can able to recoverr the complaaint no by pro oviding email id and mob bile no. Co omplaint Management O Officer is resp ponsible persson for adm ministrating C CHM. He/she e asssigns the complaint c to the responding officcer, despatcches the complaint to o co omplainant, and closing the complaiint after opttionally receiving the fee edback from m feedback team m. Daata Entry Op perator enters the comp plaints, which h are receiveed via offlinee modes likee po ost, email, .and phone. D DEO works un nder guidancce of CMO Reesponding Officer can bee any emplo oyee of the d department who can able to resolve e the complaintt assigned. RO R can able to re‐assign n to another RO if the complaint iff not concern expert. RO’ss neecessary. RO can able to transfer to aanother RO iif current is n main responsibility is to resolve thee complaint and preparre proper re esponse and d nally complette the redresssal of the co omplaint. fin Th his team is responsible to do the internal aud dit of the reedressal pro ocess beforee deespatching reesponse to complaint by CMO. Th his team is responsible r t collect feedback from to m Complaint via multiplee modes likee ph hone, email, post etc. The response ffrom this teaam helps CMO to do a prroper closuree off the complaiint Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Guide eforCitizzen To registter a Complaaint online 1. Visit www.kship.in 2. Click Complaaints on navigation bar P a g e | 7 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 3. Fill complain nt registratio on form. ory details (m marked with *) 4. Citizen mustt fill mandato 5. Click Submitt button. P a g e | 8 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 After successsful submisssion, Citizen can able to view an ackknowledgem ment which m mentions thee complaint no. Citizen can able to takke printout fo or future refference. us by giving tthe complain nt no Citizen can view to statu P a g e | 9 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Opera ationalM Manualfo orDeparttmentLog gin To do th he redressal o of the complaints posted d by citizen, tthe departm ment user neeeds to login tto Complaiint Handling Mechanism (CHM). The user names and passwords are provvided to each h user to do his/her p part of the w work. LogintoCHM 1. To Login to C CHM open U URL http://ww ww.kship.in in browser, then from Lo ogin menu se elect CHM Login 2. Login screen n appears. En nter user nam me and password and cliick login buttton. P a g e | 10 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Screen nLayout After successful login the home screen appears, which displays few aanalytical chaarts along with menu and navigation bar Logout User Name Navigation B Bar M Menu Bar Explanattion of the sccreen layoutt: • • • • User Name: User can ab ble to change e password b by clicking on n the user naame Logout button: This is ussed to logout from CHM Navigation B Bar: This is u used to naviggation betweeen various sscreen Menu Bar: TThis bar show ws various icons as per user privilegee for different user can taake. Analytical Charts: • • • • otal pending complaint against total ccomplaint. U User can able e to see view w Overall Status: shows to more detailss by clicking View Detailss button and View Complaint List buttton Aging Summ mary: shows count of com mplaints pen nding in diffeerent range o of days Category wiise count: sh hows count o of complaintss in differentt category Current Rating for Employees: show w summary o of point employees achieved during rredressal process. P a g e | 11 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Manu ualforCM MO(Comp plaintMa anageme entOffice er) EntryofNewCo omplaint Offline ccomplaints reeceived by th he departmeent can be en ntered in CHM by Data EEntry Operato or (DEO) 1. To enter thee complaint, click on ‘Add d New Comp plaint’ icon in n menu bar w Complaintt’ button on the top right of the screen 2. Click on ‘New mplaints 3. DEO can entter the details of the com P a g e | 12 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Assign nComplaiinttoRO CMO recceives list off complaint w which are reggistered by C Citizen or entered by Datta Entry Ope erator, which h are requ uired to be assigned to co oncern expert for respon nse. 1. Click “Assign n Complaint”” icon in the menu bar. A screen ap ppears with list of New Complaints along with complaints which are termed t “Nott Satisfactory”” by verification team or feedbacck collection n team. Theese are required to bee assigned to tthe Respond ding Officer 2. 3. 4. 5. Click on ‘Takke Action’ to assign individual complaaint To assign self select “Asssign to self” o others” and d Select Resp ponding Officcer (RO) from m the list. To assign to others selecct “Assign to me frame (in days) Mention tim P a g e | 13 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Despa atchComp plaints Responsse for the complaint is reequired to seend to the co omplainant aafter internal verification n/audit. CMO O can update Despatch h No to ensu ure the comm munication. plaints’ icon o on the menu u bar 1. click on ‘Desspatch Comp The list of co omplaints wh here are veriified satisfacctorily by inteernal team aappears. 2. click on ‘Desspatch’ to Deespatch the ccomplaint number 3. Enter the Despatch n P a g e | 14 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 CloseC Complain nts: The addressed Comp plaints need to be closed d after all req quired action ns are complleted. 1. Click of ‘Close Comp plaints’ icon n in the men nu bar. A listt of complaints awaitingg closure will appear n ‘Take Actiion’ on seleected complaaint. A wind dow appearrs with detaail/history off 2. Click on complaint 3. CMO evvaluate if the complainaant feedbackk is required or not. Clicck on “Send to feedbackk team” to request feeedback collection team m to collect ffeedback. Ottherwise clicck “Close” to o do the cclosure. P a g e | 15 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Manu ualforRe esponding gOfficer (RO) Addre essCompllaints RO has tto prepare th he response an update in n CHM. 1. Click on “Ad ddress Comp plaint” on menu m bar. Th he list of Co omplaints asssigned to him/her afterr login. n the selecteed complaintt. A window aappears with h details. 2. Click on ‘Takke Action’ on on to transfe er or re‐assiggn to other R RO if required d. 3. RO has optio ompleted” raadio button and mention ned mandato ory Closure N Note (along with closure e 4. Click on “Co note). “Done” 5. Click to button complete P a g e | 16 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Addre essGrieva ance RO has tto prepare th he response an update in n CHM. 1. Click on “Ad ddress Grievvance” on menu m bar. Th he list of Co omplaints asssigned to him/her afterr login. 2. Click on ‘Takke Action’ on n the selecteed complaintt. A window aappears with h details. on to transfe er or re‐assiggn to other R RO if required d. 3. RO has optio ompleted” raadio button and mention ned mandato ory Closure N Note (along with closure e 4. Click on “Co note). 5. Click “Done”” button to ccomplete P a g e | 17 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Manu ualforIntternalVe erificationTeam The verification team m does the in nternal auditt/verification n of the redressal processs before desspatching ponse. the resp 1. Click Verifyy icon on menu m bar affter login ppears with the complaiints A screen ap where are awaiting veriffication. Action’ link. TThe details o of the complaaints appearr with action area 2. Click ‘Take A ponse “Not SSatisfactory” or “Satisfacctory” by seleecting ration n button with h comments 3. Choose resp button 4. Click Done b P a g e | 18 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Manu ualforFee edbackC Collection nteam Complaiinant feedbaack are colleccted by this tteam and alsso this team is responsible for updatiing the feedback in CHM 1. Click on ‘Colllect Feedback’ icon on the menu bar after login Action’ link. A A window with complain nt details app pears. 2. Click ‘Take A 3. 4. 5. 6. of communication Select date o Select mode e of commun nication with h the complainant Select “Not Satisfied” orr “Satisfied” radio with ccomment fro om complainaant button Click Done b P a g e | 19 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 Reporrts: To view the reports click on ‘Rep ports’ icon on n the menu b bar after login of Reports Click on links in List o P a g e | 20 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 • Count of Pen nding complaints of diffeerent category: • Aging analyssis of complaaints for diffeerent catego ory • Count of Complaint Status‐wise • List of all complaints. Vaarious filters are availablee to search the complaints based on their Categories, A Age, Status aand Date of C Complaint. C Click view link to view mo ore details. P a g e | 21 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d Complaaint Hand dling Me echanism m KSHIP‐PIU U Operatiional Manuaal Version 1.0 0 • Summary off Employee R Rating. To vieew the details of the rating click on ‘V View Details’’ P a g e | 22 Baackend Bangalore Pvt Ltd d
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