CLP Vendor Number - CLP Supplier Management System

Supplier Guide – CLP Vendor Number
CLP Vendor Number is a supplier’s ID within CLP HK database.
All suppliers successfully registered on CLP
SMS will be assigned with a CLP Vendor Number.
New Supplier:
A confirmation e-mail will be sent by the system to supplier who completed the entire registration
A unique CLP Vendor Number will be assigned within the e-mail (highlighted as red on
screenshot as per above)
CLP SMS Helpdesk – operated by Achilles Information Hong Kong Limited
8/F, Chiina Minmetals Tower, 77-79 Chatham Road, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong
T: +(852) 2815 7100 F: +(852) 2815 7120 E: [email protected]
Existing suppliers:
Login to CLP SMS, click on your CLP HK
questionnaire and you will find the CLP Vendor
Number (listed as Buyer ERP on the system)
located at the top left of the screen.
Printed on Purchase Order issued by CLP HK (for current suppliers)
Obtain the number from CLP Buyer who is currently in contact with you.
Should you have further enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact CLP SMS helpdesk at (+852)
CLP SMS Helpdesk – operated by Achilles Information Hong Kong Limited
8/F, Chiina Minmetals Tower, 77-79 Chatham Road, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong
T: +(852) 2815 7100 F: +(852) 2815 7120 E: [email protected]