Legacy Matters The Newsletter of Legacy Foresight • Total legacy income 2010 – 2050 £bn, 2012 constant prices 4.00 • • • • The recession was longer, and recovery more gradual than anticipated While consumer confidence is recovering, recognition that we live in a global ‘risk society’ has not dissipated – this means that donors are delaying making legacy decisions as long as possible Consumers continue to be canny with their money, thinking twice before buying, and shopping around for bargains whenever possible. The internet has made this process easier, triggering a more consumerist attitude to ‘suppliers’ of all kinds – including charities For those with offspring, family needs – now and into the future – are often seen as paramount, leaving little space for charity in peoples’ wills Boomers (especially the childless) are more willing to downsize their home to save costs and release capital. Legacy Matters – Spring 2014 - Page 1 2.95 2 1.31 1.74 2.13 2.30 2050 0 Since our last project in 2010, new factors have emerged: • 5.16 4 2040 • • 2030 • Baby Boomers are a very large cohort, representing 22% of the UK population. Compared to previous generations (and probably the ones that follow) they are significantly more affluent Core Boomer deaths will start to climb in 2020, peaking in around 2040. The % of people dying childless will also climb steadily from 2030 As a generation, the Boomers are charitably-minded. But they are also demanding, want control and proof of ‘value’ • 2020 • • The number of charitable bequests will double from 112,000 to 227,000 The % of wills containing a charitable bequest will rise from 14.5% to 19%, thanks to a more wealthy, charitably-minded legator cohort, more people dying without ‘natural heirs’ and the cumulative impact of legacy marketing But remember, pecuniary gifts will continue to rise faster than residuals, as charities reach out to new groups of mid-wealth and family households. By 2050, pecuniary gifts will account for 58% of all legacies compared to 55% today In real terms (after taking into account inflation) legacy income will increase from £2.1bn now to £5.2bn by 2050. 2010 The project built on the findings of two previous projects, carried out in 2007 and 2010. The results have been used to update Legacy Foresight’s long-term legacy market model, with forecasts out to 2050. All three projects have confirmed that: • 2000 Legacy Giving 2050 was a recent project to assess the outlook for legacy giving in the aftermath of the global recession. The project explored whether the ‘crunch’ has resulted in changes in donor behaviour and attitudes that could have a lasting impact on legacy giving. We focussed on two key cohorts: the ‘War-Baby’ generation, born 1930 – 1945 (now 68-83); and the ‘Core Boomer’ generation, born 1946 – 1957 (now 56-67). We are grateful to our clients for sharing some key findings. Our latest central forecast suggests that by 2050: 1990 Legacy Giving 2050 spring 2014 Legacy market growth will vary by decade: • • • • 2010 to 2020 will see slow income growth (averaging 0.8% p.a.), due to a confluence of adverse economic and social factors; in particular falling deaths, a low % of childless deaths, the long-lived recession and a lingering sense of uncertainty From 2020 to 2030, factors start to work in favour of the legacy market (with growth of +2.5% p.a.), as deaths rise. At the same time, the economic backdrop will be more upbeat, making people feel richer and more benevolent 2030 – 2040 will be legacy boom years thanks to a happy combination of stronger economic growth, accelerating death rates and more childless deaths. Over this period, real growth rates are expected to reach 3.1% p.a. – outpacing the nineties boom In 2040 - 2050 growth will slow somewhat (2.6% p.a.) although still far exceeding recent years. Legacy Monitor 2014 exploring in-memory fundraising through events, as well as updating key benchmark data. As we enter the seventh year of the Legacy Monitor benchmarking programme, we are pleased to welcome seven new charities - Alzheimer’s Research UK, the Brooke, Greenpeace, Livability, the National Deaf Children’s Society, Shelter and National Trust for Scotland - bringing the total Consortium to 67 members. With combined legacy income of £1.1bn, and over 47,000 notifications recorded, this year’s Consortium represents 53% of the legacy market in value terms, and around 45% by volume. Working in association with Help the Hospices, we are offering a special module where hospices can take part in the programme at a significantly reduced cost. Help the Hospice members have until June 16th to sign up to the module, which kicks off on 1st July. For more information, please contact Natasha Robinson, National Hospice Support Manager at [email protected] Each year we aim to improve and extend the programme. This year, we’re launching an enhanced set of excel data sheets, including a series of charts which members can use to track their own performance against the rest of the group. We’re also planning a training session on how to make the most of your Legacy Monitor data. New members will be invited to join the Consortium in September 2014 – to reserve a copy of the prospectus, contact Meg Abdy at [email protected] Assessing your long-term potential For charities starting out in legacies, predicting future performance can be tricky. Our legacy income is rocketing now, but can that growth continue? Our brand is strong, but our supporters are young – what’s their future value as legators? If we invest in legacy marketing now, how quickly will it pay back? We’ve been working with a number of fast-growing legacy charities to answer questions like these. By combining future market trends with your own positioning, performance and strategy, we can help to understand your future potential. For more information on our forecasting and scenariobuilding services, visit our website, or email Chris Farmelo at [email protected] In-Memory Insight enters its fourth year In-Memory Insight is a rolling programme to research and analyse In-Memory giving and fundraising in the UK. The project is funded by a “Learning Circle” of charities, who share costs, information and insight. Last year’s research focused on performance benchmarking and market sizing; this time we're Legacy Matters – Spring 2014 – Page 2 The Learning Circle have kindly agreed to share headline findings from the first three years of research with the sector. To reserve a copy of the summary report, email Meg Abdy at [email protected] Clear Foresight awards the rising stars of legacy management Clear Foresight is a joint venture between Clear (developers of FirstClass) and Legacy Foresight, combining our skills in data analysis and software development to create the next level of legacy intelligence. We are proud to sponsor this year’s award for the highest achieving CiCLA student. The award will be presented at this year’s Institute of Legacy Management conference on May 16th. Legacy Foresight goes Dutch! Over the years we have received enquiries from many overseas legacy markets, including Australia, Canada, Sweden and – most recently – the Czech Republic. We’re now in conversation with some Dutch fundraisers about bringing the Legacy Monitor model to Holland. Local consultants Arjen van Ketel and Jerry Smit have convened a meeting of 25 large Dutch charities, who between them command a sizeable share of Dutch legacy income. We’ll be presenting a comparative analysis of the British and Dutch legacy markets, and discussing how a Legacy Monitor-style service could work in Holland. We hope that Arjen and Jerry will share their thoughts on the Dutch legacy market in a forthcoming edition of Legacy Matters. In preparation for the seminar, we’re learning a whole set of new words including nalatenschap (legacy), fondsenwerving (fundraising), pandgever (pledger) and meervallertje (windfall). Who knows, one day Legacy Foresight may become Nalatenschap Vooruitziendheid! Integrating Free Wills into your legacy strategy Over the years, Pauline Mayer has been involved in a number of Free Wills Schemes, including at NSPCC, British Heart Foundation, The Children’s Society and now at Cancer Research UK, where she heads up the inhouse programme. Her experience has taught her the benefits of such an approach when it’s integrated into a well-rounded legacy strategy. We asked her to share her views. Encouraging supporters to write or update their Wills is an objective for many legacy fundraisers; but what tools are available, does it really deliver a return on investment and how can you afford to do it? There are already several Free Will services available within the sector. Capacity Marketing, for example, offer a cold acquisition Free Will Scheme to national charities whereby the charities pay a set fee to be part of a consortium and the recipients pay no charge for a ‘simple’ Will. Capacity Marketing report on activity as soon as Wills are completed, providing data on the number of gifts included by type and by value, as well as the personal details so you can contact to thank, which enables charities to see their long term expected return on investment. The Scheme is limited to just ten charities per consortium and currently runs five schemes. An alternative option is the Free Wills Network, also run by Capacity Marketing. This is an open service for charities to join and allows fundraisers to send a targeted offer to their own supporters at any time of the year, so is perhaps more accessible for some to use. Will Aid is a well-known annual Will writing programme, which takes place each November. With this Scheme, recipients opt to make a donation in place of paying for the Will. Again, there are limitations on the number of spaces and the types of charity which can be involved but it is now an integral part of an annual calendar of opportunities to write a Will. The costs of this scheme are outweighed by the donations received and any future pledged income is on top of this. Many charities are also looking at developing their own Will writing schemes. Barnardo’s became partners with Quality Solicitors to offer a Free Will to their supporters and many others are developing or offering various options, if not working with one of the above organisations. Another scheme is Cancer Research UK’s Free Will Service which is operated by the charity itself, and has been running over 20 years. Jack Visser and I shared some of the return on investment figures at last years’ Institute of Legacy Matters – Spring 2014 – Page 3 Fundraising Legacy Conference. Currently around 70% of participants choose to include CR-UK in their Free Will and the average legacy gift received is around £7,000. As you can see from the chart below, the scheme has delivered an extremely strong return for the charity. Has the investment paid off? Cumulative cost v income, £m £80 £70 £60 £50 £40 £30 £20 £10 £0 Costs Income CRUK So how can you look to incorporate a Free Will offer into your own strategy? Although the examples here are nationwide schemes, the idea can be utilised and worked within a region or a smaller locality, for example, centred around a Hospice. A good first step for any charity starting out on this journey is to invest staff time in making contact with legal firms and exploring the possibility of them offering a free or reduced rate on Will-writing for a dedicated week or month. You can then incorporate this into a charity-wide focus on legacy giving during that period. There are other options; online wills are becoming popular and we may need to move more in this direction if this best meets the needs of our supporters. Development of a Free Will offering of course requires investment in a longer term strategy, but these schemes will help to grow the number of gifts you receive in the future, not only as a direct result of the activity but also by creating more opportunities to promote charitable gifts in wills and therefore raising awareness about legacy giving – to the benefit of the whole sector. Pauline Mayer, Head of Legacy Development, Cancer Research UK This article originally appeared in Legacy Barometer, Issue 4 2013 Newsflash! Legacy Foresight and specialist arts consultancy Arts Quarter are planning to update their research on legacy fundraising in the arts sector. The latest online survey will be launched during Remember A Charity week in September, and the results will be available by December 2014. To reserve a copy of the report, contact Meg Abdy. Bates Wells & Braithwaite’s legacies and contentious probate team regularly run free legacy updates for charities. The next seminar is scheduled for 26th June (details will soon be on the BWB website at www.bwbllp.com, including booking details). Legacy Foresight are delighted to be guest speakers at the event and will be giving a briefing on the latest trends in the legacy market. The BWB team will be focussing on trouble-shooting legacy issues regularly experienced by their charity clients. BWB’s events tend to be very popular, so if you would like to attend, please fill in the BWB online form but also let Meg Abdy know direct. After 12 months of intense development and testing, along with a complete review of the installation and upgrade process, Clear is now ready to roll out FirstClass 4. The first two installations of FirstClass 4 are currently under way and should be live by the end of May. As with the previous version (FirstClass 2) the software can be installed ‘In-House’. What was ‘Express’ is now renamed Shared Hosted - this option allows a number of charities to access FirstClass on a secure shared server. The third option is ’Dedicated Hosted’, where a client has the sole use of a server that is provided and managed by Clear. This provides much of what In House can provide without the IT overhead that approach brings. The Institute of Legacy Management (ILM) is proposing a merger with the Institute of Fundraising (IoF). The Boards of both organisations believe that coming together has many benefits, including greater exposure and awareness of legacy management; a more joined-up approach to legacy fundraising; enhanced benefits for ILM members and improved operational efficiency at ILM. The proposal is for the ILM to become an IoF Special Interest Group – it is hoped that this new structure will allow ILM to deliver more efficient services without losing the ILMs strong sense of community. ILM members are being consulted on the plans, which will be discussed at the ILM annual conference on May 16th. Legacy Matters – Spring 2014 – Page 4 On the 17th July, in London, fundraising consultants John Grain Associates are running a full day’s workshop on In-Memory Giving. Having worked on programmes in the UK and USA they will be sharing their key learning and expertise from the past ten years, and showing how to transform this area from the reactive into a dynamic, effective and appropriate activity that can deliver significantly increased loyalty, engagement and income. They will share best practice, explode some myths, demystify Tribute Giving and leave you with the outline of a comprehensive strategy that is right for your organisation. Full details at johngrainassociates.com Memory Giving, the online funeral collection service has reported that there has been significant acceptance by the UK funeral industry, particularly smaller independents, for online donation collection in the last year. Funeral directors using Memory Giving have cited positive client feedback, administrative cost savings, 24hr accessibility, compatibility with social media, the reduction in cheque usage and Gift Aid recovery as key advantages over the traditional collection methods. Funeral directors using Memory Giving now extend throughout every corner of the UK. Currently their online collection pages have an average donation value of £37.87 with the majority qualifying for Gift Aid. For more details contact Jo Read on [email protected] Legacy Foresight Associate Kate Jenkinson and her business partner Mark Cook have joined forces with Bryan Miller, at his strategic fundraising consultancy strategy Refresh. They pride themselves on not only providing top quality strategic advice but also training and supporting clients to drive forward what they develop together. For more information, visit http://strategyrefresh.com Legacy Foresight Ltd Ashingate Novington Lane East Chiltington East Sussex BN7 3AU www.legacyforesight.co.uk
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