Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Siemens Plc Mobility Division Traffic Solutions Sopers Lane Poole, Dorset BH17 7ER United Kingdom +44 (0) 1202 782000 http://www.siemens.co.uk/traffic Handbook Supplement For Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals THIS DOCUMENT IS ELECTRONICALLY HELD AND APPROVED Prepared By Company/Dep Traffic Solutions / Engineering Name Paul Cox Function Lead Engineer Signature [ELECTRONICALLY APPROVED] Checked and Released Traffic Solutions / Engineering Dave Martin Engineering Manager [ELECTRONICALLY APPROVED] Date September 2014 September 2014 COPYRIGHT STATEMENT The information contained herein is the property of Siemens plc. and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions. No part may be reproduced or used except as authorised by contract or other written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction on reproduction and use extend to all media in which the information may be embodied Copyright Siemens plc 2014 All Rights Reserved 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 1 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals SAFETY WARNING HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK DISCONNECT ALL POWER TO THE CABINET BEFORE REMOVING OR INSTALLING ANY EQUIPMENT INTO THE CABINET. Safety of Maintenance Personnel In the interests of health and safety, when using or servicing this equipment the following instructions must be noted and adhered to: (i) Only skilled or instructed personnel with relevant technical knowledge and experience, who are also familiar with the safety procedures required when dealing with modern electrical/electronic equipment are to be allowed to use and/or work on the equipment. All work shall be performed in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 or the relevant local, state and government regulations. (ii) Such personnel must take heed of all relevant notes, cautions and warnings in this Handbook and any other Document or Handbook associated with the equipment including, but not restricted to, the following: (a) The equipment must be correctly connected to the specified incoming power supply. (b) The equipment must be disconnected/isolated from the incoming power supply before removing any protective covers or working on any part from which the protective covers have been removed. (iii) Any power tools must be regularly inspected and tested. (iv) Any ladders used must be inspected before use to ensure they are sound and not damaged. When using a ladder, before climbing it, ensure that it is erected properly and is not liable to collapse or move. If using a ladder near a carriageway ensure that the area is properly coned and signed. (v) Any personnel working on site must wear the appropriate protective clothing, e.g. reflective vests, etc. In the event of any person working elsewhere on the junction the Mains Supply to the controller must be switched off and the master switch locked in the ‘off’ position. In countries where both sides of the incoming supply are above earth potential, the Master Switch or Circuit Breaker on the rear of the controller should be opened, since the Controller Switch on the front of the controller does not isolate both sides of the supply. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 2 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Safety of Road Users It is important that all personnel are aware of the dangers to road users that could arise during repair and maintenance of traffic control equipment. Ensure that the junction area is coned and signed as necessary to warn motorists and pedestrians of any dangers and to help protect the personnel working on the site. When re-commissioning signals, the following sequence is recommended: 1. 2. 3. Switch OFF the controller at the main switch Switch ON the lamps on-off switch on the Manual Panel Switch ON the controller at the main switch. More specific safety information is given in the text of the handbook, where it relates to particular activities or situations. WARNING To isolate the equipment, the master switch must be in the “Off” position. Removal of the Electricity Board Fuse or Switching the Controller switch or the Manual Panel Signals On/Off switch to “Off” does not guarantee isolation of the equipment. WARNING These controllers require specific configuration to enable them to function correctly when installed. The configuration process is a complex activity and should only be carried out by persons who are adequately trained, have a full understanding of the needs of the county or region were the controller is to be used and are experienced in the tasks to be undertaken. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 3 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals CONTENTS: 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................ 6 1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Document Specific Abbreviations and Definitions ................................................ 7 1.4 References ........................................................................................................... 7 2. Overview .............................................................................................................. 10 2.1 The LV CLS Facility ............................................................................................ 10 2.2 Upgrade Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 10 2.3 PB801 / PB815 Compatibility.............................................................................. 11 2.4 Upgrade Procedure ............................................................................................ 12 3. Upgrade Details .................................................................................................. 16 3.1 New LED Lamp Switch / Phase Driver Card Variants......................................... 16 3.2 Signal Types that can be Lamp Monitored ......................................................... 19 3.3 Deciding Which Signals to Upgrade ................................................................... 21 3.4 Upgrading the Signals ........................................................................................ 25 3.5 ST800 Mains Filter.............................................................................................. 29 3.6 Replace the ST700/ST750 Phase Driver PCB ................................................... 35 4. Handset Command Changes ............................................................................. 38 4.1 Fault Log Changes ............................................................................................. 38 4.2 Handset Command Changes ............................................................................. 40 5. Signal Upgrades – Detailed Options ................................................................. 43 5.1 Red / Amber / Green Signals .............................................................................. 44 5.2 Near-Side Peds (Puffin / Toucan) ....................................................................... 45 5.3 Far-Side Peds with Wait Indicators [ST700/ST750 Controllers].......................... 45 5.4 Far-Side Peds with Wait Indicators [ST800/ST9XX Controllers]......................... 45 5.5 Monitoring Wait Indicators [ST800/ST9XX Controllers] ...................................... 48 6. Appendix A: Upgrade Kits for Peek Elite Signals ............................................ 54 6.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 54 6.2 Part Numbers ..................................................................................................... 55 6.3 Wiring modifications............................................................................................ 55 6.4 Door Locking Options ......................................................................................... 56 7. Appendix B: Part Numbers ................................................................................ 57 FIGURES: Figure 1 – ST700/ST750 LED Phase Driver Overview ............................................. 18 Figure 2 – Upgrade Strategy Flowchart (Part 1) ....................................................... 23 Figure 3 – Upgrade Strategy Flowchart (Part 2) ....................................................... 24 Figure 4 – Futurit Signal (left) / Dialight Signal (right) ............................................... 28 Figure 5 – PL1 MDU Connections ............................................................................ 30 Figure 6 – Rack Cabling ........................................................................................... 30 Figure 7 – Completed Filter Installation .................................................................... 32 Figure 8 – DIN Rail Terminal Block Assembly 32 Phase .......................................... 33 Figure 9 – Relocated DIN Rail Terminal Block Assembly 32 Phase ......................... 33 Figure 10 – ST700/ST750 LED Phase Driver PCB .................................................. 37 Figure 11 – Front view of HELIOS Peek Elite Retro-fit door ..................................... 54 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 4 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Figure 12 – HELIOS Peek Elite Retro-fit door assembled to Peek Elite Housing ..... 54 Figure 13 – Cam locking option 1: a) Unlocked, b) Locked ...................................... 56 Figure 14 – Cam locking option 2: a) Unlocked, b) Locked ...................................... 56 TABLES: Table 1 – Change History ........................................................................................... 5 Table 2 – Abbreviations and Definitions ..................................................................... 7 Table 3 – Essential Documents .................................................................................. 8 Table 4 – Other Documents........................................................................................ 9 Table 5 – ST700/ST750 Sensor Changes ................................................................ 17 Table 6 – Signal Types that can be Lamp Monitored (ST800/ST9XX) ..................... 20 Table 7 – Signal Types that can be Lamp Monitored (ST700/ST750) ...................... 20 Table 8 – Helios CLS (NLM) Upgrade Kits ............................................................... 27 Table 9 – Signal Upgrades – RAG Signals ............................................................... 44 Table 10 – Signal Upgrades – Far-Side Peds (Enabled) .......................................... 46 Table 11 – Signal Upgrades – Far-Side Peds (Disabled) ......................................... 47 Table 12 – Wait Lamp Configuration Options ........................................................... 48 Table 13 – Peek Elite Retro-Fit Part Numbers.......................................................... 55 Table 14 – Part Numbers.......................................................................................... 57 CHANGE HISTORY: Version Date Author Change 1 Apr 2009 Paul Cox First Release. 2 May 2009 Paul Cox Minor improvements (ref 0005447) 3 Jun 2009 Paul Cox Minor improvements (ref 0006501) 4 Filter DIN plate detail addition for 32 phase Nov 2009 Dave Brocklehurst controllers (ref TS005309) 4a May 2010 Kevin Wass Addition of Appendix A for Peek Elite retro-fit 5 July 2010 Kevin Wass Formal issue of Appendix A (Ref TS005499) 6 Aug 2010 Paul Cox Added ST700/ST750 Controllers Removed the option to monitor Helios LED and Helios CLS+LMF using on-board sensors. Implemented RFC TS005351 (Neutrals). 7 Sep 2014 David Hoslett Paul Cox Updated KLV and KLT values and added KRW handset command, to support Lamp Monitoring for Panasonic and Ketc LED Signals on ST800 Controller for Hong Kong (ref TS006655) Add ST950 Controller and CLS Waits (ref TS007682) Table 1 – Change History 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 5 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to detail the installation and operation of Traffic Controllers upgraded to lamp monitor ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ LED Traffic Signals. 1.2 Scope This document covers the facility that allows these Traffic Controllers to lamp monitor ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ LED Traffic Signals. ST700 Single/Dual Pedestrian Controller ST750 Single/Dual Pedestrian Controller ST800 Intersection Traffic Controller ST900 (LV) Intersection Traffic Controller ST950 (LV) Intersection Traffic Controller It does not replace the original documentation provided for those controllers. The documents listed in section 1.4.1 are still essential for installation, commissioning and maintenance of these controllers. All normal installation and commissioning procedures must be adhered to. To use the facility, the controller must be fitted with “LED Lamp Switch Card” (ST800/ST9XX) or “LED Phase Driver” (ST700/ST750). If upgrading existing sites, the firmware may need to be updated, but in most cases, a new IC4 configuration is not required; the original configuration can be used. This facility is not available on the ST800P Pedestrian Controllers, or the ST700SE / ST750SE Small Intersection controllers. The ST9XX-ELV and ST750-ELV Controllers are capable of monitoring the equivalent Central Light Source LED Signals ‘Helios ELV’ at their ELV supply voltages. IMPORTANT: Compatible types of LED Signal – At the time of writing, these LV Controllers can only monitor 230V LED Signals supplied by Siemens and listed in the appropriate 667/SU/xxxxx/000 document for the controller. These controllers cannot monitor LED signals from other manufacturers, nor can they monitor 48V LED Signals such as LED Wait Indicators and Near-Side Puffin Signals. Refer to section 3.2 on page 19 for full details. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 6 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 1.3 Document Specific Abbreviations and Definitions Abbreviation Explanation ELV Helios CLS ‘Extra Low Voltage’ (nominally below 50V AC) Central Light Source; marketing name for Siemens LED traffic signals. Helios CLS signals contain a small number of high-power LED devices. ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ refers to a CLS module without the LMF module ‘Helios CLS+LMF’ refers to a CLS module with the LMF module. Siemens LED Traffic Signals prior to the introduction of the CLS type. Each module contains a large number of individual standard LED devices. It also simulates a halogen lamp load for Siemens lamp monitoring equipment in a similar way to an LMF. Lamp Monitoring Facility; add-on unit that simulates a halogen lamp load for Siemens lamp monitoring equipment so they can monitor Helios CLS Signals as normal incandescent lamps. ‘Low Voltage’ (includes 230V; contrast with ELV) Lamp Switch Card No LMF Module Red Lamp Monitor[ing] Pedestrian Controller version of the ST800 Controller Pedestrian Controller version of the ST900 Controller Siemens Traffic Controller product prior to 2007 Siemens Traffic Controller product from 2007 to 2013 Siemens Traffic Controller product from 2013 onwards Applies both ST900 and ST950 Controllers Helios LED LMF LV LSC NLM RLM ST700 ST750 ST800 ST900 ST950 ST9XX Table 2 – Abbreviations and Definitions 1.4 References 1.4.1 Essential Documents No. Part Number Title Version ST800 Traffic Controller Documents 1. 667/HB/27000/000 ST800 Traffic Controller General Handbook Issue 7 or later 2. 667/HE/27000/000 ST800 Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance Handbook Issue 9 or later 3. 667/HH/27000/000 Handset Handbook for the Siemens Type 800 & Type 700 Traffic Controllers 4. 667/CI/32921/007 667/HB/32921/007 ST800 Helios CLS NLM Retrofit Installation Note Issue 7 Issue 9 or later Latest Page 7 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals ST700 Traffic Controller Documents 5. 667/HB/27880/000 Siemens ST700 General Handbook 6. 667/HH/27000/000 Handset Handbook for the Siemens Type 800 & Type 700 Traffic Controllers 7. 667/CI/32755/000 ST700 Helios CLS NLM Retrofit Installation Note Latest Issue 9 or later Latest ST900 Traffic Controller Documents 8. 667/HB/32900/000 General Handbook for the ST900 Family of Traffic Controllers Issue 5 or later 9. 667/HE/33900/000 ST900 Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance Handbook Issue 3 or later 10. 667/HH/32900/000 Handset Handbook for the Siemens Type 900 and Type 750 Family of Traffic Controllers Issue 5 or later ST750 Traffic Controller Documents 11. 667/HB/33750/000 General Handbook for the ST750 12. 667/HH/32900/000 Handset Handbook for the Siemens Type 900 and Type 750 Family of Traffic Controllers Issue 4 or later Issue 7 or later ST950 Traffic Controller Documents 13. 667/HB/46000/000 ST950 General Handbook Latest 14. 667/HE/46950/000 ST950 Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance Handbook Latest 15. 667/HH/46000/000 ST950 Handset Command Handbook Latest General Traffic Controller Documents 16. 667/HE/20664/000 Installation and Commissioning handbook: Installation Testing (General) Latest 17. 667/HB/30000/000 Helios General Handbook Latest Table 3 – Essential Documents 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 8 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 1.4.2 Other Documents No. Part Number Title Version ST800/ST700 Traffic Controller Documents 18. 667/SU/27000/000 Use of ST800/ST700 Firmware and Hardware Configurations Latest ST900/ST750 Traffic Controller Documents 19. 667/SU/32900/000 Use of ST900 and ST750 Firmware and Hardware Configurations Latest 20. 667/CC/32900/000 ST900 Family Controller Configuration Latest 21. 667/CC/32750/000 ST750 Family Controller Configuration Latest ST950 Traffic Controller Documents 22. 667/SU/46000/000 Use of ST950 Firmware and Hardware Configurations Latest Table 4 – Other Documents 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 9 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 2. Overview 2.1 The LV CLS Facility In order to lamp monitor Helios CLS signals without an LMF module both the firmware and hardware within the Controller need to be upgraded. The new ST800/ST9XX “LED Lamp Switch Card” (LSC) and ST700/750 Phase Driver Card are described in section 3.1. It should be noted that the ST800 Retrofit Kit can not be used to upgrade an ST800 fitted with a ‘high-current’ 30A kit. Contact Siemens Engineering in Poole for upgrade options in this case. Once these changes have been made, the ST800/ST9XX Controllers will monitor both low-power ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ and continue to monitor incandescent signals, although the number of signals that can be monitored by each on-board sensor is reduced. For ST700/750 Controllers, the only incandescent signals that can be monitored are WAIT lamps. This is covered in more detail in section 3.2. Note that when a lamp monitor sensor is configured to monitor LED Signals, the ‘Bulb Watts’ value configured on the IC4 screens is ignored. The KLT ‘Load Type’ includes all the information required by the controller to monitor those LED Signals; no information on power consumed by those signals is required from IC4. 2.2 Upgrade Prerequisites It is vital that all the following steps have been undertaken BEFORE WORK TO UPGRADE THE SITE BEGINS. 1) Obtain the correct number of new variant Lamp Switch Cards; section 3.1 2) Determine which signals are to be upgraded; sections 3.2 and 3.3 3) Obtain the required signal upgrade kits; section 3.4 4) [ST800 ONLY] Obtain Mains Filter Upgrade Kit; section 3.5 5) [ST800 ONLY] If the controller is wired 32 phases and fitted with a DIN rail mounted terminal block in place of the ‘Hedgehog’ obtain an ST800 32 Phase Retrofit DIN Rail Mounting Panel Kit; section 3.5 6) [ST700/750 ONLY] Check no more than 2 RLM channels are required on the second pedestrian stream; section 3.1.5 starting on page 17. 7) Check firmware version / obtain new firmware PROM; section 2.4 Step 8) 8) [ST900 ONLY] Ensure “SIC:PB815 issue 4” or later is fitted, see section 2.3 that follows. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 10 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 2.3 PB801 / PB815 Compatibility From PB801 issue 7 onwards, the ST900 main processor firmware insists that the Phase Bus Processor firmware 667/TZ/12815/000 “PB815” is issue 4 or later. This is the issue used in most ST900 Controllers. However, issue 2 may be fitted to some early ST900 CPU Cards. Use the handset command 'SIC' to determine which version of firmware is fitted. If PB815 issue 2 is fitted, it must be upgraded to PB815 issue 4 or later at the same time as the PB801 firmware PROM is upgraded. If it is not, the signals will not illuminate and the fault “FLF 2:253” will be logged. For this reason, the latest versions of both the PB801 and PB815 firmware PROMs are supplied in the ST900 Retrofit Kit (see page 57 for the part number). 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 11 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 2.4 Upgrade Procedure This section summarises the steps to be followed when upgrading a controller to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’. IMPORTANT: Before starting the upgrade, consider using ‘IC4 View Differences’ to extract any changes to the controller’s configuration data before changing the Firmware PROM or the IC4 Configuration PROM. Changes may have been made to the controller’s configuration data using handset commands and these will be erased when either the Firmware* or IC4 Configuration are changed. * On an ST950, the firmware upgrade procedure does not erase handset changes; all settings changed using handset commands or the web interface are preserved. Step 1) Prerequisites for Upgrade BEFORE WORK TO UPGRADE THE SITE BEGINS, refer to section 2.2 for steps that must be performed first. Step 2) Switch Off the mains power at the Master Switch Ensure that the Master Switch is locked in the OFF position. Ensure that the mains supply has been isolated. Step 3) Upgrade the traffic signals; refer to section 3.4 (page 25). After upgrading the signals, if any changes are made to the earth connections, ’Minor Works’ electrical testing as required in 667/HE/20664/000 must be completed. Step 4) ST700/ST750 Only: Remove or Bypass 230/48V WAIT Transformers The ST700/ST750 LV CLS Controller only provides 48V drive outputs for WAIT signals; the option for 230V has been removed on safety grounds. Step 5) ST700/ST750 Only: Check External Toroid Sensors External (off-board) lamp monitoring toroid sensors for additional vehicle RLM channels and Pedestrian Red/Green signals must be removed as these are now on-board. If monitoring of incandescent WAITs is required, use sensors 38 and 40. Refer to section 3.1.5 (page 17) for more information. Step 6) Replace lamp switch / phase driver card; refer to section 3.1 (page 16) For the ST700/ST750, instructions on how to change the Phase Driver Card are in Section 3.6 (page 35). Step 7) (ST800 only) Fit the Mains Filter to the back of the controller rack Refer to section 3.5 (page 29) ST9XX controllers already have a Mains Filter fitted near the Master Switch. ST700/750 controllers already have Mains Filter fitted in their ‘biscuit tin’. An additional filter is not needed. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 12 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Step 8) Upgrade the Firmware On an ST800 Controller the firmware must be PB800 issue 26 or later. The ST800 firmware PROMs may be labelled "PB800" or "667/TZ/12800/000". On an ST900 Controller the firmware must be PB801 issue 8 or later. The ST900 firmware PROMs may be labelled "PB801" or "667/TZ/12801/000". The PHS daughter card needs to be removed to gain access to the firmware PROM. In both cases, the firmware PROM is located near the centre of the PCB. IMPORTANT: If the ST900 firmware needs to be upgraded, also check the Phase Bus Processor firmware is PB815 issue 4 or later; see section 2.3 on page 11. On an ST700 Controller the firmware must be PB800 issue 27 or later. The ST700 firmware PROMs may be labelled "PB800" or "667/TZ/12800/000". On an ST750 Controller the firmware must be PB801 issue 11 or later. The ST750 firmware PROMs may be labelled "PB801" or "667/TZ/12801/000". On an ST950 Controller all firmware versions support LV CLS monitoring, but issue 6 (or later) is required for CLS Waits (the KRW settings). Step 9) If necessary, change configuration PROM Confirm that the configuration has been generated by a competent person in accordance with the required procedures in place for the county and region. NOTE: A controller can usually be upgraded to LV CLS without changing the IC4 Configuration PROM; it depends on the signals types and monitoring required. This is covered in section 3.3 (page 21). Step 10) Power on Switch the Signals On/Off switch to the OFF position. Switch the power to the controller back on. Step 11) ST700/750 – Download the IC4 Configuration If the firmware PROM has been changed in Step 8), an IC4 configuration will need to be downloaded from a PC into the CPU PCB and customised using the handset mnemonics detailed in the Special Instructions. Follow your usual procedures for configuring the ST700 and ST750 Controller. Step 12) Enter any Timing Changes Make any adjustments to the controller’s timings and settings identified by the IC4 View Differences (recommended on page 12) and marked-up on the IC4 Printout in the controller cabinet. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 13 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Step 13) Change the KLV setting The fault FLF 2:10 will be logged if the type of Lamp Switch / Phase Driver Card fitted does not match the KLV setting, see section 4.1.1 on page 38. If the KLV value is zero, select the one KLV value that is most applicable: If Siemens/Dialight Helios CLS signals are fitted: Use KLV=3 if there are no far-side peds or these remain incandescent, or Use KLV=4 if far-side peds are also changed to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’. If Siemens/Futurit Helios CLS signals are fitted: Use KLV=5 if there are no far-side peds or these keep their LMF units, or Use KLV=6 if LMF units are removed from the far-side peds. For information on how to distinguish between Dialight and Futurit signals, refer to section 3.4.8 on page 28. For information on the options for far-side peds, see section 3.3 (page 21). Step 14) Review and if necessary correct the KLT settings for ALL the sensors The KLT handset command is described in section 4.2.2 (page 41). KLT s:0 ........ Monitoring disabled on sensor <s>. KLT s:1 ........ Siemens/Dialight Helios CLS (default after KLV=3 or KLV=4). KLT s:10 ...... Siemens/Futurit Helios CLS (default after KLV=5 or KLV=6). KLT s:255 .... Incandescent lamps, Helios LED, Helios CLS+LMF, tubes. Tip! On the ST950, rather than using the KLV, KLT and KRW handset commands, consider using the LMU-General web page to alter the ‘Lamp Supply Voltage Type’ and the LMU-Sensors page to set up each sensor. Step 15) Check the KRW settings For a sensor configured to monitor both Pedestrian LED Red and Wait, two options are available, selected using the KRW handset command described in section 4.2.3 (page 42): 0: Auto (Default) – Monitoring of the Pedestrian LED Red is automatically suspended while the Wait indicator is illuminated on the assumption that the Wait indicator is not the same LED signal type as the Red. 1: Enabled – Monitoring of the Pedestrian Red and Wait is enabled. The sensor monitors all the states and the LED Red and LED Wait signal types must be the same Load Type, i.e. require the same KLT setting, for example Helios CLS Red and CLS Wait. Step 16) Reset the Lamp Monitor if any KLT/KRW values are changed Use KLR=1 to reset the lamp monitor if any KLT or KRW settings are changed. Step 17) Illuminate the signals Enter RFL=1 and Power off/on to clear the FLF 2:10 fault (if present) and illuminate the traffic signals. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 14 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Step 18) Calibrate the lamp supply voltage reading Carefully measure the bright lamp supply using a calibrated multi-meter. If this differs from the value displayed by the handset command ‘KEV’, enter the correct value, e.g. KEV=235, to calibrate the controller’s reading. It is important that the controller has an accurate reading of the lamp supply voltage because it has to suspend monitoring of the LED signals (except those monitored for RLM) when the supply is outside of the normal working range to avoid reporting erroneous lamp faults. Step 19) Check the dim lamp supply voltage If dimming is required, set transformer output to the 160V tap. Measure the actual dim voltage and check that it is no higher than 160V. If dim voltage is higher, move the input to the next higher tap, e.g. from the 230V input tap to the 240V input tap. If the dimming voltage is still too high, then the 140V tap can be used to reduce the dimming voltage further. IMPORTANT: The use of the 120V tap is not supported by Helios CLS signals. Step 20) Reset the Lamp Monitor if the dimming voltage is changed If any changes are made to the transformer connections; enter KLR=1 to reset the lamp monitor and relearn the loads. Step 21) Check lamp monitoring learning This is detailed in Handset Handbook (/HH/) for the Controller. Check using the KEL handset command that the number of watts learnt equates to the correct number of signals fitted; ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ consume between 10W and 15W. NOTE: The KES and KEL handset commands will show 0mA and 0W respectively for sensors configured to monitor both Pedestrian Red and Wait (Red,Wt) if ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ signals are fitted on the pedestrian phase; monitoring is suspended while the Wait indicators are lit. This is the default operation, but may have been changed using the KRW settings (Step 15). Step 22) Upgrade Complete Follow usual commissioning procedures for completion of site installation. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 15 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 3. Upgrade Details 3.1 New LED Lamp Switch / Phase Driver Card Variants 3.1.1 Why is a new version of the card required? In order to reliably monitor the low currents of these low power ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ signals, a new version of the ST800/ST9XX Lamp Switch Card or ST700/ST750 Phase Driver Card is required. The current consumed by these signals is typically around 20mA when dimmed. The new variants of the PCBs are capable of monitoring these lower currents but as a result there is a lower current limit for the on-board sensors. The ‘off-board’ sensors continue to monitor up to 4 amps; these cannot be used to monitor ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ signals. Section 3.2 starting on page 19 lists the type of signals (and quantity) that can be lamp monitored. IMPORTANT: Do not fit a mix of different variant Lamp Switch Cards in a controller. For the controller to monitor any Helios CLS (NLM) signals, all the Lamp Switch Cards must be ‘LED Lamp Switch’ variants, even if the signals on other phases remain incandescent. 3.1.2 Identification of the new variants – ST800/ST9XX Lamp Switch Card The new variants of the ST800/ST9XX Lamp Switch Card are clearly distinguishable from the original cards by a label on the front of the cover stating ‘LED Lamp Switch’. The part numbers of the PCBs are: 667/1/33905/312 – UK Variant (Fail to Blackout) 667/1/33905/302 – Non-UK Variant (with ‘Fail to Flashing’ option) The PCB’s are provided as part of a kit. The kit part numbers are listed in section 7 on page 57. 3.1.3 Identification of the new variants – ST700/ST750 Phase Driver Card The new variant of the ST700/ST750 Phase Driver Card is clearly distinguishable from the original cards by the “ST700/ST750 LED Phase Driver” title on the Heatsink Cover. For details on this Phase Driver Card, see section 3.1.5. The part numbers of the PCBs are: 667/1/33790/002 – ST700/750 LED 2 Phase Driver – Single Pedestrian Stream 667/1/33790/004 – ST700/750 LED 4 Phase Driver – Dual Pedestrian Stream The PCB’s are provided as part of a kit. The kit part numbers are listed in section 7 on page 57. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 16 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 3.1.4 Controller Self-Test When the controller asks ‘All Cards Working?’ it illuminates amber LEDs in a scrolling pattern down the phase output mimic LEDs: For standard controllers, only one amber LED is illuminated at a time on each card. For LV CLS controllers, the pattern will illuminate two amber LEDs. Also note that the ADC Test voltage of 2.5V on the normal variant LSC is replaced by a test at 3.6V on the new variant LSC. 3.1.5 ST700/ST750 LED Phase Driver Card Compared to the ‘standard’ ST700/ST750 Phase Driver Card, the LED variant has twice as many on-board sensors to allow it to monitor the LV CLS Signals. External toroid sensors for monitoring Vehicle RLM Channels 3 & 4 and the Pedestrian Red/Green signals are no longer supported, with most of these features now provided by on-board sensors. External toroid sensors are only required to monitor incandescent WAIT lamps. Phase Colour Sensor Standard Variant LED Variant A R1 A G R2 A G R3 R4 5 6 33 37 On-Board On-Board Toroid Toroid On-Board On-Board On-Board On-Board B R,G W 34* 38 Toroid Toroid On-Board Toroid C R1 A G R2 A G R3 R4 7 8 35 39 On-Board On-Board Toroid Toroid On-Board On-Board n/a n/a R,G W 36* 40 Toroid Toroid On-Board Toroid D Comments Now on-board Now on-board Now on-board No longer available No longer available Now on-board Table 5 – ST700/ST750 Sensor Changes * Existing Controllers may use off-board toroid sensors 34 (Phase B) and 36 (Phase D) to monitor all the pedestrian signals (Red, Green and Wait). In this case, physically re-arrange those sensors so they become sensors 38 (Phase B Wait only) and sensor 40 (Phase D Wait only). For safety reasons and to reduce complexity, the LV CLS variant only provides 48V Ped Amber outputs for the WAIT / Demand Accepted indicators; the option for 230V Ped Amber outputs has been removed. As a result, Fuse F8 and links LK16, LK19 and LK21 have been removed from the PCB. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 17 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Figure 1 – ST700/ST750 LED Phase Driver Overview 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 18 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 3.2 Signal Types that can be Lamp Monitored These tables list the signal types that can be lamp monitored. Separate tables are provided for the ST800/ST9XX Controllers and the ST700/ST750 Controllers. The tables indicate how many signals can be lamp monitored by the On-Board and OffBoard sensors. The ‘Can be Lamp Monitored’ column indicates whether the type of the signal can be monitored by the LV CLS Controller, but is subject to other restrictions: Lamp monitoring must be enabled in the IC4 configuration. Lamp monitoring of a phase can only be modified or disabled by handset commands; it cannot be enabled using handset commands alone. Where a lamp monitor sensor is configured to monitor a pedestrian phase with Wait Indicators, refer to section 3.3 (page 21). All signals of a phase that are monitored by one lamp monitor sensor must have the same ‘load type’, i.e. require the same KLT setting. DO NOT install a mix of CLS signals and other signal types on the same sensor, or fit both types of Helios CLS (NLM) signals on the same sensor. Dialight CLS (NLM) Red/Green and CLS Wait indicators can be fitted to a pedestrian phase and monitored by the same on-board sensor (ST800/ST950) by changing the KRW setting. ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ Signals can only be lamp monitored by the built-in on-board sensors; the external off-board sensors are not capable of monitoring these signals. The on-board sensors are not capable of monitoring Helios CLS+LMF or Helios LED Signals. The ST700/ST750 LED Phase Driver Card is limited to two RLM channels on the second pedestrian stream (but there remain four on the first ped stream); refer to section 3.1.5 (page 17). The KLT handset command (section 4.2.2 on page 41) sets the ‘load type’ for each lamp monitor sensor, informing the controller the type of signal attached. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 19 of 57 Can be Lamp Monitored? Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals ST800/ST9XX Signal Type Helios CLS (NLM) [Dialight] Includes Vehicle and Far-Side Ped & Cycle Signals Helios CLS (NLM) [Futurit] Includes Vehicle and Far-Side Ped & Cycle Signals 2 Incandescent / Filament lamps* Fluorescent Tubes*2 Helios LED and Helios CLS+LMF LED Near-Side Puffin, Toucan, etc. LED Wait & Demand Indicators CLS Wait Indicators Number of signals that can be monitored per Sensor*1 On-board Off-board KLT Yes 8 NONE 1 Yes 8 NONE 10 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 4 16 12 16 255 255 255 0 0 1 NONE NONE NONE NONE 3 4* NONE Table 6 – Signal Types that can be Lamp Monitored (ST800/ST9XX) Can be Lamp Monitored? *1 On-board sensors: built-in to the LSC, one per phase, limited to 240W (approx). Off-board sensors: external toroid sensors with flying leads that can be added, four per LSC, starting with sensor 33. *2 Refer to the General Handbook for full details on the types of incandescent, filament and fluorescent signals that can be driven and lamp monitored by the controllers. *3 In addition, the total number of Helios CLS Red (Pedestrian/Cycle) plus CLS Wait Indicators monitored by the same sensor must not exceed eight, e.g. four Red + four Wait is the maximum. ST700/ST750 Signal Type Helios CLS (NLM) [Dialight] Includes Vehicle and Far-Side Ped & Cycle Signals Helios CLS (NLM) [Futurit] Includes Vehicle and Far-Side Ped & Cycle Signals 40W 48V Wait Lamps 65W 48V Wait Lamps Incandescent Ped Red/Green Helios LED and Helios CLS+LMF LED Near-Side Puffin, Toucan, etc. LED Wait & Demand Indicators CLS Wait Indicators Number of signals that can be monitored per Sensor*4 On-board Off-board KLT Yes 6 NONE 1 Yes 6 NONE 10 Yes Yes No No No No No NONE NONE 4 3 NONE NONE NONE NONE 255 255 0 0 0 0 0 NONE NONE NONE (*5) Table 7 – Signal Types that can be Lamp Monitored (ST700/ST750) *4 On-board sensors: built-in to the Phase Driver Card. There are more on-board sensors on the LED variant Phase Driver Cards than the standard types (see page 17). Off-board sensors: external toroid sensors with flying leads that can be added to monitor 48V incandescent WAIT lamps. *5 The external toroid sensors used to monitor Wait signals on the ST700/ST750 are not capable of monitoring CLS Wait signals. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 20 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 3.3 Deciding Which Signals to Upgrade As mentioned in previous sections, limitations to the monitoring scheme influence the possible upgrade paths. This section provides a brief overview of the signal upgrade options available without changing the IC4 configuration and changing controller’s configuration PROM. If you are prepared to reconfigure the controller, there are additional upgrade options. Full details of the signal upgrade options that can be attained are to be found in section 5, which starts on page 43. For details of how to physically upgrade the signals, see section 3.4, which follows and starts on page 25. IMPORTANT: In all cases there are limits on the number of signals that can be monitored by a sensor; refer to section 3.2 on page 19. For information on the KLV and KLT handset commands, see section 4.2 that starts on page 40. Figure 2 and Figure 3 on pages 23 and 24 provide an overview of possible routes to upgrade. The upgrade options depend on the type of the phase and the controller type: Vehicle Signals Near-Side Pedestrian Signals Far-Side Pedestrian Signals on ST700/ST750 Controllers Far-Side Pedestrian Signals on ST800/ST9XX Controllers Regulator Signs and Fluorescent Tubes Vehicle Signals (and all phases without WAIT / Demand Accepted indicators): o Upgrade from incandescent to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’. o If ‘Helios LED’ signals are fitted, upgrade to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ (refer to section 3.4.4). o If ‘Helios CLS+LMF’ signals are fitted, then usually the Helios CLS aspects can continue to be used without the LMF unit (refer to section 3.4.2) o If ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ signals are already fitted, then monitoring has probably been disabled in the configuration; refer to section 5.1 for information on how the controller should be reconfigured. The recommended KLV value to use depends on the pedestrian signals (see below). If there are no pedestrian signals, use either KLV value for the type of LED signals fitted, e.g. either KLV=3 or KLV=4 if Dialight CLS Signals are fitted. Near-Side Pedestrian Signals: o No upgrade possible; these cannot be monitored. Use the KLV=3/5 command, which disables monitoring of the pedestrian phases. Far-Side Pedestrian Signals (ST700/ST750): o Treat the pedestrian red/green signals as for Vehicle Signals above and use the KLV=4/6 command, which enables monitoring of the pedestrian phases. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 21 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals o Use 40W 48V Wait lamps or 48V LED Waits. The LED Phase Driver only supports 48V Wait signals, not 230V signals. If monitoring of the 40W Wait lamps is required, retain/fit the external lamp monitoring toroid. Far-Side Pedestrian Signals (ST800/ST9XX): If the controller firmware supports the KRW command (section 4.2.3, page 42), consider using ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ for the Pedestrian Red/Green Signals and ‘CLS Wait’ for the Pedestrian Wait Indicators. o Upgrade the pedestrian red/green signals to Dialight ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’. o Upgrade the pedestrian wait signals to ‘CLS Waits’. o Use the KLV=4 command enable monitoring of pedestrian phases. o Use the KRW s=1 command to enable monitoring during the ‘Red+Wait’ period for each sensor ‘s’ monitoring a pedestrian phase. The limits for each sensor are four Red signals plus four CLS Waits. Where more than two Pedestrian Red Lamps or more than two Wait Lamps are monitored on a phase (limit of four incandescent per sensor): o Upgrade the pedestrian red/green signals to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ as for Vehicle Signals above and use the KLV=4/6 command, and o Continue to use incandescent Wait lamps or upgrade to LED Waits. The limitation is that monitoring of the Waits is not possible, and neither is monitoring of the Pedestrian Red whilst the Waits are ON. Reconfiguring the controller could remove these limitations; refer to section 5.4. Where no more than two Pedestrian Red and two Wait Lamps are monitored on a phase (limit of four incandescent per sensor): o Leave as incandescent signals and use the KLV=3/5 command. This option allows both the pedestrian red and wait lamps to be monitored because the number of aspects does not exceed the one amp current limit. IMPORTANT: If the on-board sensor is used to lamp monitor these signals, the pedestrian signals must be true incandescent lamps. The on-board sensors cannot monitor Helios LED or Helios CLS+LMF. For other signal upgrade options for pedestrian phases, refer to section 5, which starts on page 43. Note however that some of those options will require a change to the configuration PROM. Regulator Signs and Fluorescent Tubes: Leave the signals monitored by ‘Reg. Sign’ and ‘Sw. Tube’ as Fluorescent Tubes. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 22 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Start Figure 2 – Upgrade Strategy Flowchart (Part 1) 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 23 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Figure 3 – Upgrade Strategy Flowchart (Part 2) 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 24 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 3.4 Upgrading the Signals To upgrade a signal head to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ follow the instructions in this section. The part numbers of the upgrade kits are listed in section 3.4.7; the individual instructions indicate whether a complete signal head is required or just a door upgrade kit. The master switch must be locked in the off position and isolation confirmed (as defined in the IEE regulations BS7671) before starting to upgrade the signals. 3.4.1 From Helios (Halogen) to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ Use the ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ door/aspect assembly kits (see section 3.4.7). Cut the incoming power (brown and blue cables) from the lamp transformer. Prepare and connect the cables to the retrofit connector (supplied). In most cases the lamp transformer and associated earth wiring can be left in place. Where it becomes necessary to remove the lamp transformer it is essential to ensure that the earth wiring and any earth chaining is maintained. Re-terminate the earth wiring as necessary. Note that all metallic items, transformers, power supplies, LMFs etc. must have adequate Earthing. When upgrading to LED Signals, it is recommended that individual neutral returns are used for each green signal if spare cores are available. Refer to Engineering Change Bulletin ECB10-0124 for more information. Remove Helios Halogen door assembly. Fit the new complete ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ door/aspect assembly. Connect the retrofit connector to the mating connector on the aspect cable. 3.4.2 From ‘Helios CLS+LMF’ to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ Disconnect the incoming power lead to the LMF. Disconnect power feed to the CLS from the LMF. Connect these two connectors together so incoming power goes straight to the CLS signal, bypassing the LMF. In most cases the LMF can be left in place and earth wiring can remain unaltered. Where it becomes necessary to remove the LMF it is essential to ensure that the earth wiring and any earth chaining is maintained. Re-terminate the earth wiring as necessary. Note that all metallic items, transformers, power supplies, LMFs etc. must have adequate Earthing. IMPORTANT: Where a mix of ‘Helios CLS+LMF’ and incandescent lamps are fitted on a phase, the Futurit CLS signals normally supplied in ‘Helios CLS+LMF’ signals MUST BE REPLACED with new Dialight ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ signals. A sensor must not monitor a mix of Futurit and Dialight signals. Only if all the signals monitored by a sensor are ‘Helios CLS+LMF’, can those CLS signals be retained with the LMF bypassed as described above. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 25 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 3.4.3 From existing ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ If Siemens Helios CLS (NLM) signals purchased prior to the year 2009 are already fitted on the site, then these signals can remain in place. The controller will be able to monitor these signals in the same way as ‘newer’ Helios CLS (NLM) signals. However, it should be noted that optically these signals look slightly different to newly purchases Helios CLS (NLM) and this should be taken in to consideration if a mixture of old and new signals are fitted at the site. IMPORTANT: Do not install a mix of old (Futurit) and new (Dialight) CLS signals monitored by the same sensor, e.g. fitted on the same phase. The controller has to be configured as to which type of Helios CLS signal is monitored by each sensor and one sensor is unable to monitor a mixture (see the KLT command). 3.4.4 From ‘Helios LED’ to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ Use the ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ door/aspect assembly kits (see section 3.4.7). Unplug all connectors from the Helios LED door assembly and from the PSU / Transformer assembly. Undo the three screws (keyhole) that secure the PSU / Transformer assembly. Remove the PSU / Transformer assembly. Disconnect the earth cabling from the PSU / Transformer assembly. Re-terminate the earth cabling using the screw, nut and associated washers previously removed, ensuring that earth continuity is preserved. Tidy and secure the screw / nut assembly using a cable tie. Note that all metallic items, transformers, power supplies, LMFs etc. must have adequate Earthing. Disconnect the Brown (pin 4) and Blue (pin 3) cables from the Helios LED connector PL1. Connect the brown and blue cables to the retrofit connector (supplied). Remove the Helios LED door assembly. Fit the new complete ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ door/aspect assembly. Connect the retrofit connector to the mating connector on the aspect cable. 3.4.5 From Peek Elite to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ Refer to Appendix A: Upgrade Kits for Peek Elite Signals, starting on page 54. 3.4.6 From non-Helios head to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ Use complete ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ signal heads. If the existing signals do not use Siemens Helios traffic signal heads, then the whole signal head needs to be replaced. Follow the normal instructions for installing and replacing traffic signal heads. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 26 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 3.4.7 Signal Upgrade Kits To upgrade to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ usually requires the door/aspect assembly to be replaced. Where only door/aspect assemblies are needed, use the following part numbers: Door/Aspect Assembly Kit 667/1/31500/964 667/1/31500/965 667/1/31500/966 Description Standard RAG Signal – Red Standard RAG Signal – Amber Standard RAG Signal – Green 667/1/31500/968 667/1/31500/963 667/1/31500/967 Pedestrian Signal – Red Pedestrian Signal – Amber (Non-UK) Pedestrian Signal – Green 667/1/31500/970 667/1/31500/961 667/1/31500/962 Cycle Signal – Red Cycle Signal – Amber Cycle Signal – Green 667/1/31500/939 667/1/31500/959 667/1/31500/980 Ahead Green Arrow Left Green Arrow Right Green Arrow Table 8 – Helios CLS (NLM) Upgrade Kits 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 27 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 3.4.8 Distinguishing between Futurit and Dialight LED Signals Two types of Siemens Helios CLS LED Signals are in circulation; one manufactured by Futurit and one by Dialight. Figure 4 – Futurit Signal (left) / Dialight Signal (right) Futurit aspects were supplied in Helios CLS+LMF Signals and Dialight aspects are supplied in new Helios CLS (NLM) Signals. Electrically, optically and physically there are subtle differences between these two types of LED signal. The electrical differences mean that the controller must be configured with the correct Load Type using the KLV and KLT handset commands (see section 4.2 starting on page 40). This means that a mix of Dialight and Futurit signals must not be used on the same lamp monitor sensor. All aspects monitored by a sensor must be Dialight or all must be Futurit. It should also be noted that optically these signals look different and this should be taken in to consideration if a mixture of signals are fitted at the site. The physical differences between the aspects make it easy to distinguish between the types. Futurit aspects can be identified by their ribbed plastic case. The Dialight aspects have a smooth plastic case. Dialight aspects have an integral fixing ring and lugs that mate directly with the Helios door. The Futurit aspects require separate clips to hold them in place against the Helios door. One white clip is clearly visible in the above picture. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 28 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 3.5 ST800 Mains Filter 3.5.1 Mains Filter Upgrade Kit (ST800) Where the upgrade is to an ST800 system, a mains filter will need to be fitted. The filter is supplied as a kit including bracket assembly and supplementary wiring. The kit part number is 667/1/33907/000, although the filter is usually called up in the ST800 Retrofit Kit 667/1/27000/800. NOTE: ST9XX Controllers already have a Mains Filter fitted near the Master Switch. ST700/750 Controllers already have Mains Filter fitted in the ‘biscuit tin’. In these cases, this filter upgrade kit is not needed. 3.5.2 Mains Filter Fitting Instructions (ST800) IMPORTANT Dangerous voltages may be present at the rear of the controller rack. Ensure that the mains supply to the controller is isolated at the Master Switch before commencing the fitting process. Note: The addition of the filter bracket to the controller rack assembly will increase the depth of the rack assembly. Ensure that any transformers fitted to the rear panel of the controller cabinet will not clash with the filter bracket. Reposition the transformers as necessary. The fitting procedure is as follows. 1) Ensure the mains supply to the controller is isolated at the master switch. The master switch must be locked in the OFF position and isolation confirmed (as defined in the IEE regulations BS7671). 2) Remove the MDU from the rack. 3) If the controller is wired with 32 phases and fitted with a DIN rail mounted terminal block in place of the ‘Hedgehog’, it will be necessary to reposition the terminal block using an ST800 32 Phase Retrofit DIN Rail Mounting Panel 667/1/33908/000. See section 3.5.3 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 29 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 4) Disconnect the blue and pink power cables from the rear of the MDU (top right connector bank) z28, z24, d30, d26 (See Figure 5). Figure 5 – PL1 MDU Connections 5) Referring to Figure 6, cut the top cable tie (if present) securing the power cables. Figure 6 – Rack Cabling 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 30 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 6) Remove the existing faston receptacles from the pink and blue cables. Trim the cables back by approximately 8cm (3”). 7) Terminate the blue pair with a single yellow faston receptacle (fully insulated). Terminate the pink pair with a single yellow faston receptacle (fully insulated). Note two cables per faston receptacle. IMPORTANT: Take great care when crimping these cables to ensure a secure connection with no bare conductors or loose strands of wire. 8) Attach the pink power cables (now paired) to the bottom of the filter, to the terminal marked “P LINE”. 9) Attach the blue power cables (now paired) to the bottom of the filter, to the terminal marked “N LINE”. 10) Attach the flying earth cable on the bracket to the earth stud on the back of the rack. 11) Connect the pre fitted blue and pink cables coming from the filter to the connector PL1 on the back on the rack; pink to d30 and z28; blue to d26 and z24 (see Figure 5). 12) Fit the filter assembly to the rack assembly using the pre-existing holes marked “INSERT” in Figure 6. 13) Use the washers and nuts provided to secure the bracket from the inside of the rack. 14) Ensure all cables are neatly routed and not trapped, use cable ties and the cable standoffs on the bracket. 15) ’Minor Works’ electrical testing as required in 667/HE/20664/000 must be completed. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 31 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Figure 7 – Completed Filter Installation 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 32 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 3.5.3 ST800 32 Phase Retrofit DIN Mounting Panel Some controllers wired with 32 phases use a DIN rail mounted terminal block assembly in place of the ‘Hedgehog’. The mounting position for this assembly clashes with the mounting position of the new filter bracket. An ST800 32 Phase Retrofit DIN Mounting Panel 667/1/33908/000 has been designed to relocate the terminal blocks clear of the filter bracket. Figure 8 – DIN Rail Terminal Block Assembly 32 Phase Figure 9 – Relocated DIN Rail Terminal Block Assembly 32 Phase Figure 8 shows the original position of the DIN Rail Terminal Block Assembly whilst Figure 9 shows the DIN Rail Terminal Block Assembly repositioned by fitting the ST800 32 Phase Retrofit DIN Mounting Panel. Figure 9 also shows the filter bracket in situ. The fitting instructions are on page 34. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 33 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 3.5.4 ST800 32 Phase Retrofit DIN Mounting Panel Fitting Instructions IMPORTANT Dangerous voltages may be present at the rear of the controller rack. Ensure that the mains supply to the controller is isolated at the Master Switch before commencing the fitting process. The fitting procedure is as follows. 1) Ensure the mains supply to the controller is isolated at the master switch. The master switch must be locked in the OFF position and isolation confirmed (as defined in the IEE regulations BS7671). 2) Remove the MDU from the rack. 3) Detach the terminals, separator and end-stops from the DIN Rail. 4) Drill out the rivets securing the DIN Rail to the rack assembly. 5) Remove the DIN Rail and ensure that any swarf is removed. 6) Fit the ST800 32 Phase Retrofit DIN Mounting Panel assembly (667/1/33908/00) to the rack using the holes previously occupied by the rivets. 7) Secure the panel assembly in place using the fixings supplied. 8) Re-attach he terminals, separator and end-stops to the new DIN Rail. Ensure that the end-stops are firmly secured. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 34 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 3.6 Replace the ST700/ST750 Phase Driver PCB 3.6.1 ST750 LED Upgrade Kits (ST700/ST750) There are four different Upgrade Kits, including either a ST700 or ST750 Firmware PROM, and either a 2-Phase or 4-Phase Driver PCB. See section 7 (Page 57) for details of the 667/1/32755/xxx Part Numbers. The kits include some mounting hardware, so the PSU mounted on the existing Phase Driver PCB can be removed and fitted to the new Phase Driver PCB. Phase Driver PCB replacement is best achieved by removing the Power/Phase Assembly (‘Biscuit Tin’) from the Controller, and then replacing the Phase Driver PCB in a suitable work area. It is understood that some Installation Teams will carry this out on site, and some will want to carry out this work at a Depot. Traffic Solutions, Siemens Mobility want to assist in the Retrofit process, and have therefore introduced the option of a basic ‘Biscuit Tin’, 667/1/27870/799, (see section 7), so that Depots can purchase one or two basic ‘Biscuit Tin’ units, and use them to prepare ‘Biscuit Tins’ with new Phase Driver PCBs for subsequent site installation. The basic ‘Biscuit Tin’ includes the Toggle Switch and EMC Filter with associated wiring, and fixings required for the new Phase Driver PCB. The new Phase Driver PCB includes a new PL8 connector that offers Red Lamp monitored connections for Phase A Vehicle Channels 3 and 4, as explained in Section 3.1.5, and as shown in Figure 1 on page 18. It is recognised that only a few sites want to use this facility, and the Soft Wire Kit 667/1/32756/000 (see section 7) to connect to PL8, is therefore an option that can be purchased, when needed. 3.6.2 Power/Phase assembly (‘Biscuit Tin’) removal and re-fitting IMPORTANT Dangerous voltages may be present inside the Power/Phase assembly. Ensure that the mains supply to the controller is isolated at the Master Switch before commencing the removal process. The removal procedure is as follows. 1) Isolate the Mains to the ST750 at the master switch. 2) Disconnect the 64-way Phase Control ribbon cable and other cables from the CPU. 3) Unclip the earth lead from the hinged front plate. 4) Remove the front plate holding the CPU (and I/O or OTU) and store carefully. 5) Disconnect the earth wires from the fixing point in the assembly. 6) Disconnect PL6, PL7, and SK2. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 35 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Warning Care must be exercised when removing or inserting the green connectors and their cables from the PCB, as strong extraction and insertion forces are required. Be careful not to over flex the board, which could cause tracks to fracture and the board to fail. 7) Disconnect PL1 and SK1. 8) Using a medium crosshead screwdriver, loosen (do not remove) the four screws holding the Power/Phase assembly to the equipment mounting plate. Lift the assembly off the mounting plate. 9) Replace the Phase Drive PCB, as detailed in Section 3.6.3, checking that the end part numbers are the same, i.e. /002 for 2-phase, and /004 for 4-phase. 10) Ensure that all links and fuses are set correctly (i.e. in the same position as the original unit), noting that Wait links and fuses are not present on the new Phase Driver PCB, as explained in section 3.1.5. 11) Reconnect PL1, PL6, PL7, SK1, SK2 and the earth wires. 12) Replace the hinged front plate holding the CPU PCB and, if fitted, the I/O or OTU PCB. 13) Replace all the cables to the CPU. Clip the earth lead to the front plate. 14) Restore power to the ST750. 3.6.3 Phase Driver PCB replacement The removal procedure is as follows. Figure 10 (page 37) shows a ST700/ST750 LED Phase Driver PCB mounted in a Power/Phase Assembly. 1) Undo the EMC Filter fixings (M5 stainless screw, shake proof washer and nut), so the EMC Filter is free to move. 2) Remove the Mains Live/Neutral connections to and from the EMC Filter and Switch. 3) Remove the M3 Hex Spacers that retain the Phase Driver PCB. 4) Lift out the Phase Driver PCB, noting that it has to disengage PL1 and SK1. 5) Cut the tie wraps holding the PSU cables, and unplug the cables from PL2. 6) Remove the PSU from the nylon PCB supports. 7) Fit the new nylon PCB supports to the new Phase Driver PCB. 8) Fit the PSU onto the new Phase Driver PCB. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 36 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 9) Plug the PSU cables into PL2, and tie wrap the cables to the Heatsink/Cover. 10) Fit the Phase Driver PCB into the Power/Phase assembly. M3 Hex Spacers Tie wraps Nylon PCB Supports for PSU EMC Filter fixings M3 Hex Spacers Earth strap to Door Mains Live/Neutral from EMC Filter Mains Live/Neutral to Switch/EMC Filter Figure 10 – ST700/ST750 LED Phase Driver PCB 11) Fit the M3 Hex Spacers to retain the Phase Driver PCB. 12) Re-fit the Mains Live/Neutral connections to and from the EMC Filter and Switch, being very careful to fit them correctly with respect to polarity and Filter input/output, as shown below. Fast-on Tag TAG1 TAG2 TAG3 TAG4 Wire Connection Mains Live from EMC Filter Output (Load) Mains Neutral from EMC Filter Output (Load) Mains Live to Switch Mains Neutral to EMC Filter Input (Line) 13) Secure the EMC Filter using the fixings (M5 stainless screw, shake proof washer and nut). 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 37 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 4. Handset Command Changes The LV CLS facility has made some changes to the handset interface: 4.1 Fault Log Changes 4.1.1 FLF 2:10 PBUS This existing fault code will be set and the signals will not illuminate if the variant of Lamp Switch / Phase Driver Card fitted does not match the KLV setting (see page 40). This fault will also be logged if a mix of different variants of Lamp Switch Card is fitted in the controller. All the cards fitted must be the same variant. FLF 2:10 PBUS ...... Phase Bus Processor Checks Fail FLD 10:0 ................. (Data latch test ok) FLD 11:0 ................. (Address test ok) FLD 12:1 ................. ADC Tests Failed! 4.1.2 FLF 55:255 LAMP The ‘load dropped’ as seen using the KLD and LOG handset commands will show a value of between 10 and 15 watts for each ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’. The rolling log (LOG) / ST950 System Log also logs the lamp supply voltage when lamp faults and replacements (and more serious faults) are confirmed. If spurious lamp faults are reported (or no lamp fault reported when a signal fails): Carefully check the incoming mains supply. Is it within 10% of 230V (207-253V)? Check the dim lamp supply voltage as instructed by ‘Step 19)’ in the upgrade procedure (page 15). Check the log for supply voltage entries. E.g. “229-231V(230)” – Shows the minimum, maximum and average lamp supply voltage seen by the software (for diagnostic purposes). Are the voltages significantly different from the nominal 230V ‘Bright’ voltage during the daytime and the 160V ‘Dimmed’ voltage during the night? For example, entries showing the lamp supply is below 200V logged during daylight hours implies problems with the incoming mains supply, such as ‘brownouts’. Check the log for entries showing an unexpected load increase. An unexpected load increase, e.g. “A/Red+7W”, implies a problem with an LED Signal and it is consuming more power than before. A typical fault is when the LED Signal remains Bright when the controller switches the supply Dim. Visually inspect the signals on this phase/colour to ensure that the brightness of the signal changes as the controller switched between the Bright and Dim voltages. If this does not identify the faulty signal, consider swapping the individual signals with 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 38 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals others at the site and monitor where the fault ‘moves to’ to identify the faulty signal. The Lamp Monitor diagnostic log KTE/KTR (Trace Records) may help identify the cause of spurious lamp faults. See the description of those commands in 667/HH/32900/000 for details. On the ST950, the KTR Trace Records can also be obtained using the Export Site Information (‘PI Dump’). The recommended method for identifying a faulty LED Signal on a particular phase/colour, where there is nothing obviously wrong with its light output uses the KES handset command to measure the current. Temporarily remove each aspect in turn noting the drop in current each time. This is quicker with two engineers. If safe to do so, also repeat this with the signals forced Dim. Replace any signal that consumes more than 150% or less than 75% of the typical current. If Red Lamp Monitoring is enabled, consider changing the Low Lamp Supply settings. Consider setting the low lamp supply thresholds to LBT=200 and LDT=120. The controller will extinguish all the signals while the lamp supply is below 200V (or the dimmed lamp supply is below 120V). This will help prevent spurious lamp faults from being logged. See “FLF 17” and “LBT” in the Handset Handbook for more details of this ‘Low Lamp Supply’ facility. 4.1.3 FLF 56:255 LMUC This fault log entry is set whenever lamp monitor configuration data is changed using the handset and a lamp monitor reset is required before the changes will be fully implemented. It will be set when any KLT values are changed for example. Enter KLR=1 to reset the lamp monitor and automatically clear this fault. As normal, if Red Lamp Faults (FLF 22) are set, it may be necessary to enter KRD=1 first. KLR will indicate when this is necessary: ‘KLR:USE KRD’. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 39 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 4.2 Handset Command Changes This section contains a copy of the descriptions for the KLV and KLT handset commands. Minor changes were also made to other handset commands (KES, KEV, SLL, KTE and KTR) as part of this and related developments. Refer to the relevant controller Handset Handbook 667/HH/xxxxx/000 for details on the commands. 4.2.1 KLV – Lamp Supply Voltage Type KLV 3 KLV : <Lamp Supply Voltage Type: 0 to 8> The configured Lamp Supply Voltage Type. This single value configures the whole controller to expect signals of a particular type. The following table shows the options available. Value KLV:0 KLV:1 KLV:2 KLV=3 KLV=4 KLV=5 KLV=6 KLV=7 KLV=8 KLV=9 KLV=10 KLV=11 KLV=12 KLV=13 KLV=14 KLV=15 KLV=16 Description 200-240V (incandescent) 100-120V (incandescent) 48V (ST9XX-ELV & ST750-ELV only) 230V Siemens/Dialight ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ Traffic 230V Siemens/Dialight ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ Traffic and Ped*** 230V Siemens/Futurit ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ Traffic 230V Siemens/Futurit ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ Traffic and Ped*** 230V Siemens SILUX 1.230d Traffic 230V Siemens SILUX 1.230d Traffic and Ped*** Spare Siemens Helios LV CLS (Futurit) SILUX LV CLS Hong Kong Panasonic 210 with Panasonic Peds Hong Kong Panasonic 300 with Panasonic Peds Spare Hong Kong Ketc 210 with Ketc Peds Hong Kong Ketc 300 with Ketc Peds *** See section 3.3 starting on page 21. Changing the value will result in a lamp monitor reset and relearn. ‘KLV:2’ is specific to the ST9XX-ELV and ST750-ELV Controllers. If the command KLV=3 (or higher) is used, always review all the KLT settings afterwards. Note: ‘Incandescent’ includes fluorescent tubes as well as LED signals that simulate an incandescent lamp load, e.g. ‘Helios CLS+LMF’ and ‘Helios LED’ Signals. For information on how to distinguish between Dialight and Futurit signals, refer to section 3.4.8 on page 28. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 40 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 4.2.2 KLT – Lamp Load Type KLT KLT <Sensor 1 to 48> : <Load type 0-255> 3 Load Type for each lamp monitor sensor. All these values are set up by IC4, or may be changed if KLV=3 (or higher) is entered, and can be viewed and modified using this handset command. Changing a KLT value will result in the fault “FLF 56:255 LMUC” being set to act as a warning. This fault will be cleared when a lamp monitor reset and relearn is requested using KLR=1. The currently defined types are shown in this table. The types available depend on the controller type, the firmware issue and the version of the LED Signal; refer to the controller handbook 667/SU/xxxxx/000 for version information. KLT Signal Types 0 Monitoring Disabled 1 Siemens / Dialight Helios CLS (NLM) 10 Siemens / Futurit Helios CLS (NLM) 11 230V Siemens SILUX 1.230d LED Signals 12 Hong Kong Panasonic 210mm LED Signals 13 Hong Kong Panasonic 300mm LED Signals 14 Hong Kong Panasonic Ped LED Signals + Audibles 15 Hong Kong Ketc 210mm LED Signals 16 Hong Kong Ketc 300mm LED Signals 17 Hong Kong Ketc Ped LED Signals + Audibles 18 Sagemcom DIOFIT WE D300 255 Original ** ** ‘Original’ includes HI lamps, Helios LED, Helios CLS+LMF and fluorescent tubes. Only this Load Type uses the IC4 configured ‘Bulb Watts’ value. *** If an on-board sensor is configured to monitor pedestrian Red and Wait with an “LED Lamp Switch” or “LED Phase Driver” PCB, refer to section 3.3 starting on page 21 and the following applies: The 'KLT s:255' option allows the controller to monitor two incandescent Pedestrian Red Man Signals and two 40/60W Wait lamps. This is the default when KLV = 3, 5 or 7 is entered on an ST800 or ST9XX-LED Controller. The ‘KLT s:0’ option disables monitoring of the pedestrian phase. This is the default when KLV = 3, 5 or 7 is entered on an ST750LED Controller. With other KLT values, unless the KRW settings are changed, monitoring of the Pedestrian Red LED Signals will only occur while the Waits are OFF and monitoring of the Waits will be disabled allowing LED Waits to be fitted. KES will display "CLS:R+W" while both the Red and Wait signals are illuminated. This is the default when KLV = 4, 6 or 8 is entered. For all other sensor types, the setting applies to all colours monitored by that sensor. IMPORTANT: All signals monitored by a particular sensor must be of the same type, i.e. require the same KLT value. Do not fit different signal types on the same sensor. On a wide screen terminal device (see WID), this command also shows the phase and colours monitored by this sensor. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 41 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 4.2.3 KRW – Allow Lamp Monitoring when Wait Indicators lit KRW 3 KRW <Sensor 1 to 96> : <Enabled (1) or Auto (0)> Enables Red and Wait monitoring when it is disabled by default on LVCLS controllers. For a sensor configured to monitor both Pedestrian LED Red and Wait, two options are available: 0: Auto – Monitoring of the Pedestrian LED Red is automatically suspended while the Wait indicator is illuminated on the assumption that the Wait indicator is not the same LED signal type as the Red. KES will display "CLS:R+W" while both the Red and Wait signals are illuminated to highlight that monitoring is suspended. As a result, the sensor only monitors the Pedestrian Red and Green and not the Wait. 1: Enabled – Monitoring of the Pedestrian Red and Wait is enabled. The sensor monitors all the states and the LED Red and LED Wait signal types must be the same Load Type, i.e. require the same KLT setting, for example Helios CLS Red and CLS Wait. This setting can also be used where no load is connected to the Wait (Amber) drive monitored by this sensor. This setting has no effect on sensors that are not configured to monitor both LED Red and Wait. The KRW is available with the following firmware versions: ST800/ST700 – PB800 issue 31 onwards ST950 – 46059 issue 6 onwards IMPORTANT: After changing these settings, request a lamp monitor reset and relearn. As a reminder, changing these settings will set the fault entry “FLF 56:255 LMUC”, which will be automatically cleared by a Lamp Monitor Reset. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 42 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 5. Signal Upgrades – Detailed Options This section covers in detail the various options that are available for upgrading the different types of traffic signals. For a simple overview and what we recommend, go to section 3.3 on page 21. This section is divided in to the following sub-sections covering the different types of signals: 5.1) Red / Amber / Green Signals (page 44) 5.2) Near-Side Peds (Puffin / Toucan) (page 45) 5.3) Far-Side Peds with Wait Indicators [ST700/ST750 Controllers] (page 45) 5.4) Far-Side Peds with Wait Indicators [ST800/ST9XX Controllers] (page 45) 5.5) Monitoring Wait Indicators [ST800/ST9XX Controllers] (page 48) 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 43 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 5.1 Red / Amber / Green Signals Do not use this table for sensors monitoring the red, green and wait signals of a pedestrian phase. Refer to sections 5.2 to 5.4 instead. Original Signal Types Incandescent Helios LED Helios LMF+CLS Helios CLS (NLM) [Not Monitored] Incandescent New Signal Types Helios CLS (NLM) This table indicates what upgrade options are possible without the configuration needing to be modified by IC4, i.e. handset only changes. - Table 9 – Signal Upgrades – RAG Signals Key - This upgrade combination is not recommended. The IC4 configuration does not need to be changed. Requires the load type to be set to incandescent using KLT s=255. Limited to four signals (1 Amp) per onboard sensor. This option is NOT available on the ST700/ST750 LV CLS controller; always upgrade the signals, i.e. the option. The IC4 configuration does not need to be changed. This is the default assumed by the firmware and the recommended upgrade step. The IC4 configuration needs to be modified to enable monitoring because monitoring will have been disabled; these signals could not have been monitored by the original controller. Monitoring cannot be enabled using the handset. The signals themselves may not need to be changed (see section 3.4.3 on page 26). 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 44 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 5.2 Near-Side Peds (Puffin / Toucan) For Near-Side LED Signals (Puffin, etc.) lamp monitoring is not currently possible. Lamp Monitoring of these phases should have already been disabled in the IC4 configuration. If monitoring has been enabled in error, monitoring can be disabled using the handset command KLT s=0 (see section 4.2.2 on page 41). On the ST700/ST750 Controllers, use the KLV=3 (Dialight) or KLV=5 (Futurit) options to disable monitoring of the pedestrian phase. Note that the sensors for monitoring the pedestrian red/green signals are now built-in and thus need to be explicitly disabled (using KLV or KLT). Previously, monitoring may only have been disabled because no external off-board toroid sensors were fitted. 5.3 Far-Side Peds with Wait Indicators [ST700/ST750 Controllers] On ST700 and ST750 LV CLS Controller, the far-side pedestrian red/green signals should be upgraded to CLS in the same way as the vehicle phases (see section 5.1 on page 44). If off-board toroid sensors 34 (Phase B) and 36 (Phase D) were fitted to monitor the pedestrian phase, these must be removed; on-board sensors are provided on the LV CLS Controller. The ST700 and ST750 LV CLS Controllers can monitor up to four 40W 48V WAIT lamps (per ped stream), and monitoring for these is enabled by default using offboard toroid sensors 38 and 40. For more details, see 3.1.5 starting on page 17. 5.4 Far-Side Peds with Wait Indicators [ST800/ST9XX Controllers] 5.4.1 Introduction By default, an ST800 or ST9XX Controller normally monitors the pedestrian Red, Green and Wait Indicators of one phase using one on-board sensor. These phases need special consideration because it is not possible for the controller to monitor different types of signal by the same lamp monitor sensor. The upgrade options depend on whether monitoring of the phase was enabled in the original configuration. If the controller is already configured to monitor pedestrian red, green and wait using incandescent signals, or LED signals that mimic an incandescent load, then refer to section 5.4.2. Where monitoring had been disabled because either ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ and/or LED Wait indicators were fitted, the IC4 configuration must first be modified to enable monitoring because monitoring cannot be enabled using handset commands. In this case, refer to section 5.4.3. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 45 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Incandescent & 40/60W Wait Helios LED & 40/60W Wait Helios CLS+LMF & 40/60W Wait - - - - Helios CLS (NLM) CLS Wait Incandescent LED Wait Original Signal Types Helios CLS (NLM) 40/60W Wait Incandescent 40/60W Wait 5.4.2 Far-Side Peds – Monitoring Originally Enabled [ST800/ST9XX Controllers] The following options are available if the controller is already configured to monitor pedestrian red, green and wait using incandescent signals, or LED signals that mimic an incandescent load. New Signal Types Table 10 – Signal Upgrades – Far-Side Peds (Enabled) Key - This upgrade combination is not recommended. The IC4 configuration does not need to be changed. Use KLV=3/5 and KLT s=255 to select ‘Original’ load type. The on-board sensor has a limit of two red and two wait signals (four in total). If more signals are fitted, change to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ (i.e. the options) or disable lamp monitoring using KLT s=0. The IC4 configuration does not need to be changed. Use KLV=4/6 and KLT s=1 to select ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ load type. The on-board sensor has a limit of eight red and eight green signals. Monitoring is not possible using an Off-board sensor. By default the Wait Indicators will not be monitored and neither will the pedestrian Red while the Wait indicators are illuminated. If this is not acceptable, see section 5.5 for other options, which starts on page 48. The IC4 configuration does not need to be changed. Use KLV=4/6 and KLT s=1 to select ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ load type. The on-board sensor has a limit of four red signals, four CLS Waits and up to eight green signals. Monitoring is not possible using an Off-board sensor. By default the Wait Indicators will not be monitored and neither will the pedestrian Red while the Wait indicators are illuminated, but this can be changed using the KRW setting, see section 4.2.3 on page 42. Use KLT s=0 to disable monitoring (because of the mix of Incandescent and LED Waits). Alternatively, make an IC4 configuration change to utilise Option 4 (page 53) moving the LED Waits to a switched sign, leaving the controller to monitor the ped signals with the phase’s on-board sensor (limited to four Red and four Green). 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 46 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 5.4.3 Far-Side Peds – Monitoring Originally Disabled [ST800/ST9XX Controllers] Where monitoring had been disabled because either ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ and/or LED Wait indicators were fitted, the IC4 configuration must first be modified to enable monitoring because monitoring cannot be enabled using handset commands. Helios CLS+LMF LED Wait Helios CLS (NLM) LED Wait - - - - - - Helios CLS (NLM) with 40/60W Wait Incandescent with LED Wait Helios LED with LED Wait Helios CLS+LMF with LED Wait - Helios CLS (NLM) with LED Wait - - - - - - - - Helios CLS (NLM) CLS Wait Helios LED LED Wait Original Signal Types Incandescent LED Wait Helios CLS (NLM) 40/60W Wait In this case, the following options become available when the IC4 configuration is modified: New Signal Types - - Table 11 – Signal Upgrades – Far-Side Peds (Disabled) Key - This upgrade combination is not recommended. Select ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ load type. On-board sensor is limited to eight red and eight green signals. Monitoring is not possible using an Off-board sensor. By default the Pedestrian Red and Wait Indicators will not be monitored while the Wait indicators are illuminated. If this is not acceptable, see section 5.5 for options, which starts on page 48, or consider replacing the LED Waits with CLS Waits, i.e. the options. Use KLV=4/6 and KLT s=1 to select ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ load type. The on-board sensor has a limit of four red signals, four CLS Waits and up to eight green signals. Monitoring is not possible using an Off-board sensor. By default the Wait Indicators will not be monitored and neither will the pedestrian Red while the Wait indicators are illuminated, but this can be changed using the KRW setting, see section 4.2.3 on page 42. Monitoring is not possible using the on-board sensor (because of the use of LED Waits). Leave monitoring disabled in the IC4 configuration. Consider changing the signals to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’, i.e. the 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 options. Page 47 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 5.5 Monitoring Wait Indicators [ST800/ST9XX Controllers] To monitor the Wait Lamps of a pedestrian phase that has ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ fitted, or to enable monitoring of the Pedestrian Red signals while the Wait Indicators are illuminated, there are a number of options available. This issue only affects phases where the amber output of the pedestrian phase is used to drive the Wait Indicators and it is required that the built-in on-board sensor is used to monitor the pedestrian red and green man signals. The problem is the amber output used for the Wait Indicators is also monitored by that built-in on-board sensor. There are pro’s and con’s with each option as summarised in the table below. To find the best option, firstly decide how many Wait signals need to be monitored and whether monitoring of the Pedestrian Red while the Wait signals are illuminated is required. Then select the option that meets these requirements to determine whether a switched sign needs to be configured and/or an external toroid sensor needs to be configured and fitted. If lamp monitoring of the Wait Indicators is not required or is not possible, e.g. because LED Wait Indicators are used, then select Option 4. No. Wait Lamps Ped Red Always Monitored Wait Indicator Option 4 CLS Waits Use the KRW setting – Page 42 4 Lamps (1A) Option 1) – Page 49 Switched sign (no external sensors) 16 Lamps (4A) - External Switched Toroid Sign Sensor Option 2) – Page 50 External sensor (no switched sign) 16 Lamps (4A) Option 3) – Page 51 Switched sign (with external sensor) N/A Option 4) – Page 53 Unmonitored Wait (with switched sign) - - - - Table 12 – Wait Lamp Configuration Options Adding a switched sign is relatively easy to do, but it should be noted that: A controller has a limited number of switched sign facilities. Each switched sign uses one phase output on an LSC and thus it may require another LSC to be fitted. A simple line of special conditioning is required to control the switched sign in sympathy with the pedestrian phase amber/wait, detailed overleaf. When adding an external toroid sensor it should be noted that: A controller has a limited number of external toroid sensors; four per LSC. External sensors may already be needed to monitor other signals, such as Regulatory Signs. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 48 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 5.5.1 Option 1) Monitored Wait – Switched Sign (No External Sensors) Summary: Limited to 4 wait lamps and 1A rms Will monitor ped red while wait indicator lit Complications of adding a switched sign Does not require the fitting of an external lamp monitor sensor toroid Add a switched sign to the configuration and control it from Special Conditioning using the following as an example: ;Use Switched Sign 0 for B/Wait (A=Amber, B=Phase B) PRSLMPAB=SESYN0 On the lamp monitor screens, change the settings for the pedestrian phase: change lamp monitor ‘Sensor Type’ from ‘As Seq.’ to ‘R,G’ (because the controller can monitor the red current while the phase amber is illuminated since no wait lamps are connected to that output) and enable monitoring of ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ and set up the switched sign phase: change lamp monitor ‘Sensor Type’ from ‘As Seq.’ to ‘G’ (Switched sign uses the green output) and do not enable monitoring of ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ In the example below, Phase B is the ped phase and Phase C is the switched sign phase: Make it clear in the Special Instructions: Connect the Wait Indicator lamps to the switched sign output (green) on the LSC. DO NOT connect any signals to the pedestrian phase’s amber output on the LSC. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 49 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals OFF-BOARD SENSOR ON-BOARD SENSOR 5.5.2 Option 2) Monitored Wait – External Sensor (No Switched Sign) Summary: Limited to 16 wait lamps and 4A rms Still won’t monitor ped red while wait indicator lit No complications of adding a switched sign Requires the fitting of an external lamp monitor sensor toroid Configure a new lamp monitor external sensor: Drive = ‘B-Amber’ (assuming ped phase is Phase B) Sensor Type = ‘Sw. Sign/Bulb…’ Bulb Watts = ‘40W’ (this is acceptable for either 40W or 60W Lamps) Leave the lamp monitor ‘Sensor Type’ for the pedestrian phase as ‘As Seq.’ (not shown above). Make it clear in the Special Instructions: Connect the Wait Indicator lamps to the pedestrian phase’s amber output on the LSC. Fit external sensor; feed ped phase amber cables through this new toroid. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 50 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals OFF-BOARD SENSOR ON-BOARD SENSOR 5.5.3 Option 3) Monitored Wait – Switched Sign (With External Sensor) Summary: Limited to 16 wait lamps and 4A rms Will monitor ped red while wait indicator lit Complications of adding a switched sign Requires the fitting of an external lamp monitor sensor toroid Add a switched sign to the configuration and control it from Special Conditioning using the following as an example: ;Use Switched Sign 0 for B/Wait (A=Amber, B=Phase B) PRSLMPAB=SESYN0 Change the lamp monitor ‘Sensor Type’ for: the pedestrian phase from ‘As Seq.’ to ‘R,G’ (the controller can monitor the red current while the phase amber is illuminated since no wait lamps are connected to that output) the switched sign phase from ‘As Seq.’ to ‘None’ (use off-board sensor, not onboard) Option 3 continues over the page… 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 51 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals Configure a new lamp monitor external sensor: Drive = ‘S1’ (the first switched sign is used) Sensor Type = ‘Sw. Sign/Bulb…’ Bulb Watts = ‘40W’ (this is acceptable for either 40W or 60W Lamps) Make it clear in the Special Instructions: Connect the Wait Indicator lamps to the switched sign output (green) on the LSC. DO NOT connect any signals to the pedestrian phase’s amber output on the LSC. Fit external sensor; feed switched sign cable (switched sign phase green) through this new toroid. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 52 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals ON-BOARD SENSOR 5.5.4 Option 4) Unmonitored Wait – Switched Sign (No External Sensors) Summary: Will monitor ped red while wait indicator lit Complications of adding a switched sign Does not require the fitting of an external lamp monitor sensor toroid Use this option if it is required to monitor the pedestrian red while the wait indicators are illuminated and monitoring of the Wait indicators is not possible or not needed, e.g. LED Wait indicators are fitted. Add a switched sign to the configuration and control it from Special Conditioning using the following as an example: ;Use Switched Sign 0 for B/Wait (A=Amber, B=Phase B) PRSLMPAB=SESYN0 Change the lamp monitor ‘Sensor Type’ for: the pedestrian phase from ‘As Seq.’ to ‘R,G’ (the controller can monitor the red current while the phase amber is illuminated since no wait lamps are connected to that output) the switched sign phase from ‘As Seq.’ to ‘None’ (to disable monitoring) In the example below, Phase B is the ped phase and Phase C is the switched sign phase. IMPORTANT: The above example shows ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ monitoring enabled on the pedestrian phase (Phase B). Option 4 can also be used with ‘incandescent’ type pedestrian signals (see section 5.4.2), and in these cases, the ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ option would not be ‘ticked’. Make it clear in the Special Instructions: Connect the Waits to the switched sign output (green) on the LSC. DO NOT connect any signals to the pedestrian phase’s amber output on the LSC. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 53 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 6. Appendix A: Upgrade Kits for Peek Elite Signals 6.1 Introduction A series of doors are available to upgrade an existing Peek Elite signal to ‘Helios CLS (NLM)’ which requires the door/aspect assembly to be replaced. Figure 11 – Front view of HELIOS Peek Elite Retro-fit door Figure 12 – HELIOS Peek Elite Retro-fit door assembled to Peek Elite Housing 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 54 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 6.2 Part Numbers Door/Aspect Assembly Kit 667/1/33540/964 667/1/33540/965 667/1/33540/966 Description Standard Peek Elite Retro-Fit Signal – Red Standard Peek Elite Retro-Fit Signal – Amber Standard Peek Elite Retro-Fit Signal – Green 667/1/33540/968 Pedestrian Peek Elite Retro-Fit Signal – Red 667/1/33540/963 Pedestrian Peek Elite Retro-Fit Signal – Amber (Non-UK) 667/1/33540/967 Pedestrian Peek Elite Retro-Fit Signal – Green 667/1/33540/970 Cycle Peek Elite Retro-Fit Signal – Red 667/1/33540/961 Cycle Peek Elite Retro-Fit Signal – Amber 667/1/33540/962 Cycle Peek Elite Retro-Fit Signal – Green 667/1/33540/939 Peek Elite Retro-Fit Signal - Ahead Green Arrow 667/1/33540/959 Peek Elite Retro-Fit Signal - Left Green Arrow 667/1/33540/980 Peek Elite Retro-Fit Signal - Right Green Arrow Table 13 – Peek Elite Retro-Fit Part Numbers 6.3 Wiring modifications Existing signal head wiring is to be retained and modified using the supplied connector, as per instructions in main section of this handbook. 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 55 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 6.4 Door Locking Options The door locking cams on the existing head are to be retained. There are two types of cam available, see figures below for details. The cams can be operated using a small Allen key, or similar tool as shown. Important Note: Ensure that the door is pressed fully shut to compress the seal before attempting to lock the cams. Figure 13 – Cam locking option 1: a) Unlocked, b) Locked Figure 14 – Cam locking option 2: a) Unlocked, b) Locked 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 56 of 57 Handbook Supplement for Monitoring Helios LV CLS (NLM) Signals 7. Appendix B: Part Numbers Listed below are a summary of the part numbers referred to in this document. Part Number Description 667/TZ/12800/000 PB800 ST800/ST700 Main Processor Firmware PROM 667/TZ/12801/000 PB801 ST800/ST750 Main Processor Firmware PROM 667/TZ/12815/000 PB815 Phase Bus Processor Firmware PROM 667/1/33907/000 ST800 Mains Filter Upgrade Kit 667/1/27000/800 ST800 Retrofit Kit (includes the above and PB800 PROM) 667/1/33908/000 ST800 32 Phase Retrofit DIN Mounting Panel 667/1/33900/900 ST900 Retrofit Kit (includes the PB801 and PB815 PROMs) 667/1/33905/312 ST800/ST9XX LED Lamp Switch PCB – UK Variant (Fail to Blackout) 667/1/27002/002 ST800/ST9XX LED Lamp Switch Kit – UK Variant (includes the above) 667/1/33905/302 ST800/ST9XX LED Lamp Switch PCB – Non-UK (Fail to Flashing option) 667/1/27002/102 ST800/ST9XX LED Lamp Switch Kit – Non-UK Variant (incl. the above) 667/1/33790/002 ST700/ST750 LED 2 Phase Driver PCB – Single Pedestrian 667/1/33790/004 ST700/ST750 LED 4 Phase Driver PCB – Dual Pedestrian 667/1/32755/702 ST700 2-Phase Retrofit Kit (incl. Phase Driver PCB and PB800 PROM) 667/1/32755/704 ST700 4-Phase Retrofit Kit (incl. Phase Driver PCB and PB800 PROM) 667/1/32755/752 ST750 2-Phase Retrofit Kit (incl. Phase Driver PCB and PB801 PROM) 667/1/32755/754 ST750 4-Phase Retrofit Kit (incl. Phase Driver PCB and PB801 PROM) 667/1/27870/799 ST750 LED Power/Phase Modification Kit (basic ‘Biscuit Tin’) 667/1/32756/000 ST750 Phase A Vehicle RLM Cable 667/1/31500/xxx Helios CLS (NLM) Door/Aspect Assembly Kits (see page 27) 667/1/33540/xxx Upgrade Kits for Peek Elite bodies (see page 55) Table 14 – Part Numbers Last Page of the Handbook 667/HB/32921/007 Issue 7 Page 57 of 57
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