CNZ Newsletter Fall 2014

By: Erin Sanchez
President CNZ
Inside this issue:
JRFH Information
October 2014
Adapted P.E.
CNZ Awards
Info/Banquet Invite
Free PE Trip
Executive Council
Coaches Corner
Board of Directors
AAHPERD Membership Application
Welcome back to school everyone! It is with great
sadness that this is my last back to school piece for
our CNZ newsletter. I have enjoyed every minute
of being your CNZ President. I have met so many
new people and have learned something from each
of you. This is truly a wonderful organization and
I am proud to say I am a member.
Save the Date
CNZ Mini-Conference
In November, at our State Conference,
Shelly Connors will officially be taking over as
our CNZ President. Shelly has already started
some of her Presidential initiatives. Her weekly
info blasts is just one example. Shelly is a hardworking, passionate, and devoted Physical Education teacher. I truly feel she can elevate our zone to
great new heights.
March 5, 2015
Register starting in
It is with great enthusiasm the NYS Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance presents our 77th Annual Conference ~ "PRIDE, PASSION, PARTNERSHIPS”, The Heart of NYS AHPERD" at the beautiful Turning Stone
Convention Center in Verona, New York.
Our Conference commences on Wednesday, November 19 with Intensive Training Workshops. Thursday, November 20 Saturday, November 22, we are offering over 160 sessions and we have keynote presentations planned by Dr. Joe Martin and
Deborah Tackmann.
Register On-line now! At
Welcome Back!
We want you to meet our new friends!
Everyone at the American Heart Association knows that we couldn’t have great events without
great volunteers like you! Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation goes out for all that you do.
We have been working hard this summer getting our ducks in a row and can’t wait for you to
meet our new Life Saving Ducks! (and monkey)
A sample of each exclusive American Heart Association duck will be included in your event kit this year. You can expect your event kit to
ship 10 – 12 weeks before your event. Be sure to confirm your event day with me!
Remember, three lifesaver ducks: Splatter Quacky, Scribbles Ninja and Ms. Cool are instant thank you gifts.
What else is new? Be on the lookout for more great tools and materials coming your way this school year including…
Downloadable posters connecting our Life Saving Ducks to heart healthy messages
Experiential curriculum
Common core lesson plans to share with colleagues
Parent newsletters to send home
Documents with ideas from volunteers around the country
Downloadable and printer friendly skill cards
Have a great 2014-2015 school year! AND AS ALWAYS THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO EVERY DAY! See you all soon!
Welcome Back!
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer!
First, I would like to thank everyone for your dedication and support. Together we are making a huge
impact in heart health and the health of all our students and their families!
With all of that being said, I have very exciting news to share with you.
Last year was AHMAZING!! Our territory raised over $380,000!!!!!! It was the biggest year EVER for
us and I have you to THANK!!
It is important that we meet so I can help you with the changes and plan how I can help you and your
events this year.
New Ducks gift structure – Samples will be provided.
New collection envelope
New promotional materials
New NEON Colored t-shirts!
MORE New Lesson Plans that align with the Core State Standards
We are in recruitment season right now! If you have a friend, neighbor, or coworker that works in another school, as if they would like to JUMP IN!!! If you refer a school that completes, whatever US
Games they receive the first year, YOU DO TOO!!! What a great, fun way to earn more equipment for
your school!
Please start thinking about your JUMP/HOOPS dates for your school! I will be around soon to give you
your new Educational kits. All our lesson plans are linked to common core and we have plenty of
handouts for your students and newsletters. If you need something let me know! I can’t wait to catch up
with everyone!!
As always THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO EVERY DAY! And Thank you for helping us QUACK
down on Heart disease, Stroke and Childhood Obesity!!!
See you soon!!
Meg Gibbons- Youth Market Director Central NY [email protected] 603-361-0918 cell
Adapted Physical Education
Thoughts on a spring and a fish
Submitted by: Renee (McCall) Brown
Adapted Physical Education Teacher
North Syracuse Central School District
I recently had the opportunity to listen to an audio presentation by Motivational Speaker Max Moyo, Founder
and CEO of Ignite My Potential. In his lecture he makes a statement that many reading this may have already heard, but
for me, it was my first introduction. His words were an effectual reminder of the power of purpose and our role as
teachers in helping a child discover that which they can excel at. Moyo states:
“If a fish spends his life trying to learn how to climb a tree the fish will always feel like a failure. It’s about discovering that which you were born to do.”
I thought of the children I work with and the objectives I set in seeking their greatest potential. I always strive
to guide my ‘fish’ through a stream and not to a tree. But his words prompted me to reflect. To thoughtfully re-analyze
my curricular practices and re-assess my student goals. To make sure a ‘tree’ had not replaced my ‘water’. This quote
also reminded me of a story I had heard a while ago that I rediscovered on the internet. It is a story written by Pedro
Pablo Sacristán. It is the story of the spring…
Once upon a time there was a spring who lived happily and safely inside a pen. Although he heard many noises
coming from outside, he lived believing that outside his world inside the pen, there was nothing good. Just to think
about leaving his pen made him scared. He was quite content to spend his life compacting and stretching himself again
and again inside that tiny space.
One day, the ink ran out, and when the pen's owner was busy changing it, there was an accident. The spring
was flung through the air and landed in the toilet drain, well out of sight. Terrified, and cursing his bad luck, the spring
was flushed through pipe after pipe, each time thinking it might be his end. During the journey, he did not dare open his
eyes out of pure fear. Swept away by the water, he travelled on and on and on, until he ended up in a river. When the
river current lost its force, and the spring could feel that things had calmed down a bit, he relaxed and began to listen
to all that was around him. Hearing birdsong and wind in the trees, he felt confident enough to finally open his eyes.
What the spring saw was the pure, crystal waters of the river, the rich green rocks of the riverbed, and all kinds of fish,
of many colors, whose skin seemed to dance under the sunlight. He now understood that the world was much greater
than the space inside the pen, and that there had always been many things outside, waiting to be enjoyed…
Recognize all of our students as a school of wonderfully diverse fish swimming in a stream of instructional purpose and ultimate success. Release the spring of potential in all of their pens.
“The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” Scott Hamilton
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Message from our President Elect
Shelly Connors
CNZ President Elect
I will be taking over as the President of the Central North Zone at the State conference in November. I am currently a high school Physical Education Teacher in the Auburn
Enlarged City School District.
One of my goals as the incoming president are to try and involve more of the Syracuse area. Steps I have taken to achieve this goal is moving our CNZ meeting to the F-M
school district, having the zone conference at OCC and sending out e-mails to inform every
one of the changes taking place. Another goal I have started is trying to make sure members
are getting more information from the zone. One of the things I’ve done, if you haven’t already noticed, is started a weekly e-mail blast to all the members of the CNZ. The blasts are
meant to inform and educate members about local, state and national resources.
I look forward to serving this position and once again invite all of you to please contact me with any information, comments or concerns you may have. I hope everyone has a
wonderful school year.
Central North Zone 2014 Awards Dinner
You are cordially invited to attend our 2014 Awards Dinner to honor professionals from the
Central North Zone for their outstanding work during the 2013-2014 school year.
When: Thursday, November 6, 2014
Where: Rusty Rail in Canastota
Time: 5:30pm (Cocktails & Appetizers)
(Dinner served at 6pm- Awards to follow)
Cost: $16.00
Please make checks payable to NYS AHPERD Central North Zone and mail or email your
reservations by October 31, 2014 to:
Monica Wolfe, CNZ Past-President
215 Geywits Road
Richfield Springs, NY 13439
[email protected]
Central North Zone 2014 Awards Dinner
Name: ____________________________________________
______ # Attending
______ Sorry, I will not be able to attend.
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On September 13th canoe and kayakers from the Central North Zone joined others from around NYS and
neighboring states to form the LARGEST floating raft on 4th Lake in Inlet, NY
Not only did we set a Guinness Book of World Records with 3,150 boats, but we also raised over
$100,000 to benefit Breast Cancer Research!
Good Job to all!
Physical Education Field Trip: FREE!!
Sauquoit Valley Central School's 8th graders went Kayaking at Tow Path
Creek in Boonville and Black Creek Landing in Cold Water. Half of the 8th
graders went to one site while the other half of the class went to the other.
The students were instructed on how to use a kayak, given life jackets and
water shoes and then got to kayak for 2 hours!! The students loved it. You
can see some of the pictures on For this particular trip you
need to have 1 chaperone per 5 students. This is a free field trip. Check out
their web page on Black River Outdoor Education. Darleen Philpotts and
Frank Curriere also take the 5, 6, and 7th graders mountain biking, snow
shoeing, and cross country skiing.
Many Schools in the area utilize this
great resource! If you have any questions please e-mail someone on the
executive committee or check out the
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“Y-Ties” Elastic Laces FUND RAISER
Earn $500 to $2,500
or more!!
Please support
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Dr. Tamela Ray
COA/AAA CNZ Representative
Proxy for July Minnowbrook Executive Council meeting
It was my pleasure to attend the Summer NYS AHPERD Executive Council meeting July 28 –
30 at the Minnowbrook Conference Center in Blue Mountain Lake, NY as the Central North
Zone President Proxy. At this meeting there were several informative and productive work sessions. Some of the accomplishments of Zone President’s time together were: (1) the creation of
a shared Google Docs folder where Zone Presidents can share resources and documents, (2) the
establishment of definitive criteria for the Special Project Fund, (3) approval of this year’s request for each Zone to receive blue and yellow 7’ x 8’ banners with telescoping poles through the
Special Project Fund, (4) sharing of various Zone project ideas, (5) sharing and brainstorming of
various methods of Membership recruitment and Advocacy, and (6) the determination that the
“What do you do to get moving” Video Contest will be a Special Project by all Zones for the
2014-15 school year.
Fall Coaching Classes Being Offered
Philosophy, Principles &
Organization of Coaching
Monday & Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
9/8/14 – 10/29/14
Theory & Techniques of Coaching
Monday & Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
11/3/14 – 12/8/14
Where: Madison-Oneida BOCES
4937 Spring Rd.
Verona, NY 13478
To register call 1-888-593-6238 or
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Coaches Corner
By: Steve Yarnell
Coaching and Skill Development
As teacher-coaches, it is critically important that breaking something down to it's simplest form is a
MUST in connecting with the student-athletes that we coach in our fast-paced, distracted, technological
world. They are of the IY Generation and have grown up in a world where you have 140 characters to
catch their attention before their minds move on to the next big thing.
As teachers and coaches it takes time on our part. It takes research and peer-sharing on our part. It
takes focused effort and planning on our part.
Breaking skill development down to it's simplest form is the main way you can effectively connect with
your players and in turn, get them to reach their goals while helping to take them to places they never
dreamed possible!
Making things SIMPLE can be very challenging...
Some "Food for Thought":
"If you can't explain it to a 6 year-old, you don't understand it yourself" - Albert Einstein
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" - Leonardo Da Vinci
"There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness, and truth." - Leo Tolstoy
Good luck to you and your student-athletes on the challenging journey together up the "Pyramid of
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Central North Zone NYS AHPERD
Officers and Executive Board Members
Members Needed!
There are still openings on the executive committee!
If interested please e-mail Monica Wolfe at:
[email protected]
Shelly Connors at
[email protected]