Winship Cancer Institute Funding Announcement Cancer Cell Biology Program Call for Pilot Project Grant Proposals The Winship Cancer Institute’s Cancer Cell Biology (CCB) program is pleased to announce the availability of up to 3 one-year grant awards to active Winship members. This funding opportunity is the result of philanthropic contributions to Winship in addition to developmental funds from the cancer center support grant. Together, these funds are designed to support novel and innovative cancer-related research projects. Up to $100,000 (directs) is available for meritorious research grant proposals. Both new and established investigators are eligible. The grants will operate for one year, with a written progress report expected at the 12-month mark detailing outcomes from the research project and how the funds were used. To incentivize inter-programmatic grants with the Cancer Prevention & Control (CPC) program, grant applications with budgets of up to $50,000 (directs) will be considered. These grant applications will be reviewed by both CPC and CCB program leadership and will be funded jointly by the two programs. New collaborations will be prioritized, however applications from existing collaborators in the two programs will be considered. New collaborations are defined as coming from investigators who have had no co-publications and no joint grant funding. Up to one such grant may be funded. All other grants will be eligible for up to $25,000 (directs) each. Up to two such grants may be funded. CCB program specific grants will be considered in three areas of emphasis: 1. New and young investigators (investigators who have been in an independent faculty position or a member of the Winship Cancer Institute for less than 2 years). Up to $25,000 (directs) can be requested. 2. Applications that result in new intra-programmatic collaborations between CCB members. Up to $25,000 (directs) can be requested. 3. Collaborative projects between members of the CCB and Cancer Prevention and Control (CPC) programs. Applicants can prepare a joint pilot grant submission of up to $50,000 (directs). Joint grants will be reviewed by both CCB and CPC program leadership and will be funded jointly by the two programs. New collaborations will be prioritized, however applications from existing collaborators in the programs will be considered. New collaborations are defined as coming from investigators who have had no co-publications and no joint grant funding. General Eligibility Criteria: 1. Available only to active CCB Winship members. To maintain active membership status, one must meet the following criteria: a. Member must attend at least 50% of the published meetings of the research program to which he/she belongs; b. Member must maintain a good financial standing with Winship; c. Member must serve on committees and pilot grant review panels; d. Member must appropriately acknowledge the Winship Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG: P30CA138292) on all publications resulting from utilization of services in one or more of the Winship Shared Resources; e. Members must acknowledge the appropriate pilot project fund source on all publications resulting from work supported by the Winship Pilot Project Grant Program. 2. Winship members will qualify for only 1 pilot grant in a given year, with the exception of shared resource pilot grants. 3. All proposals must include a clear plan for subsequent extramural grant submissions as a result of the work proposed in this grant. 4. Proposals must include a plan to maintain data in Red Cap or other secure data management system (if relevant) with quality control, and stored on the Emory system with back-up and potential for data sharing. Members receiving funding are expected to submit annual progress reports to the Winship Executive Committee, by emailing reports to Traci Cobbs-Palmer at [email protected] Key Dates Letter of Intent submitted by applicant: October 8 2014 (by 5:00 pm) Invitation to submit application to selected applicants: October 15, 2014 Application receipt date: November 17, 2014 Anticipated start date: January 1, 2015 Letter of Intent from Applicant (1-page limit) The letter should: 1. Explain the applicant’s intent for consideration to submit a Program Specific Pilot Grant proposal (1 page letter). 2. Briefly describe the applicant’s research plan, including a brief statement on the contemplated approaches to methodology and data (use NIH Specific Aims page format). 3. Describe the applicant’s research experience, committed resources, and current efforts on existing research projects (NIH Biosketch). The letter of intent should be submitted on official letterhead, saved as a PDF and emailed to Traci Cobbs-Palmer at [email protected] or hand delivered to Ms. Cobbs-Palmer in the Winship Cancer Institute administrative office, C4014 no later than by 5:00 pm on the due date above. Please direct any questions you have regarding this funding opportunity to Ms. Cobbs-Palmer. Review Process: The nomination stage of this award is intended to verify eligibility and identify candidates with potential research proposals appropriate for this grant mechanism. LOIs will be ranked based on the strength of the proposals’ potential. The highest rated nominees will then be invited to submit a full application. Format of Full Application: 1. Cover Letter from the applicant – describe how this proposal fulfills the goals of the RFP, including a statement of cancer relevance and future extramural funding plans. 2. Research Plan (5-page limit, Arial 11 point font, 0.5 inch margins) – describe the proposed project in detail. Specific instructions will be provided upon receiving the invitation to apply. (The 5-page limit does not include references, but does include any tables or figures.) 3. Detailed Budget - Allowable costs include staff/trainees salary support, research supplies, shared resource services and others costs directly relevant to the execution of the project. Note: salary support for PIs or other faculty level collaborators (Assistant, Associate or Professor level) and travel will not be supported. 4. Budget Justification 5. Biosketch of the PI and all senior/key personnel (Note: do not include biosketches for research staff or postdocs). 6. Timeline – describe and/or illustrate at what time point each specific aim will begin and conclude. Gantt charts or PowerPoint images are suggested.
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