2014 Hondo Corn Performance Test, Paul Aelvoet Farm, Hondo, Texas. Hybrid Company or Brand Name Grain Cob Type Color Color GE (1) (2) (3) Y R GENSSX Y P SSX Y R VT3P Y R GENVT3P Y R YGCB/HX1/LL/RR DKC 62-08 2C797 G5621 DKC 64-69 REV® 23BHR55™ Monsanto Company Mycogen Seeds Golden Acres Genetics Monsanto Company Terral Seed, Inc REV® 26BHR50™ Integra 9678 VT3PRO 2D848 REV® 28HR20™ G7663 Terral Seed, Inc Wilbur-Ellis Company/Integra Mycogen Seeds Terral Seed, Inc Golden Acres Genetics Y Y Y Y Y X75976-3111 Integra 9642 VT3PRO DKC 67-57 G7601 G6641 Syngenta Wilbur-Ellis Company/Integra Monsanto Company Golden Acres Genetics Golden Acres Genetics N83D-3000 REV® 25BHR44™ REV® 24BHR93™ N78N-3111 REV® 27HR83™ Syngenta Terral Seed, Inc Terral Seed, Inc Syngenta Terral Seed, Inc Days to 50% Silk 80 80 80 79 81 Plant Ht. In. 85 84 78 85 97 Ear Ht. In. 37 33 33 38 42 Plant Pop. Per Acre 28,342 28,063 28,621 28,551 29,389 % Erect Plants 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Moisture % 12.3 12.1 12.6 12.8 11.9 Test Wt. lb/bu 57.6 57.1 59.1 58.4 57.0 Yield bu/A (4) Mean Separation LSD, 0.05 208.7 204.1 203.0 201.3 198.2 A AB A-C A-D A-E R R P R R YGCB/HX1/LL/RR VT3PRO SSX HX1/LL/RR VIP3111 83 79 83 85 83 92 85 83 99 104 34 37 38 40 40 28,761 28,551 29,249 29,040 28,831 100.0 99.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 13.9 14.0 16.9 12.8 14.3 60.5 57.3 57.7 58.5 57.9 196.7 195.9 194.8 191.6 190.3 A-E A-F B-F B-G C-H Y Y Y Y Y R R R R V,Bt,CRW,GT VT3PRO GENVT3P VT3P VT3P 82 80 79 80 80 94 81 82 94 88 38 33 33 41 38 28,342 28,900 28,063 27,853 28,621 100.0 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.8 14.2 12.5 13.5 13.1 14.1 54.4 58.7 59.4 55.7 57.0 189.8 189.7 188.9 188.7 186.1 D-I D-I B-K D-J E-K Y Y Y Y Y R R R W R Bt,CRW,LL,GT YGCB/HX1/LL/RR YGCB/HX1/LL/RR V,Bt,CRW,GT HX1/LL/RR 80 84 83 81 80 94 94 95 94 91 35 40 40 36 37 27,365 28,133 29,319 28,272 28,272 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.3 100.0 14.4 13.1 12.6 14.3 11.9 57.5 60.0 57.5 58.7 58.4 185.8 182.5 179.6 179.4 178.2 E-K F-L G-M G-M H-M Hybrid Company or Brand Name Grain Cob Color Color (1) (2) Type GE (3) Days to 50% Silk Plant Ht. In. Ear Ht. In. Plant Pop. Per Acre % Erect Plants Moisture % Test Wt. lb/bu Yield bu/A (4) Mean Separation LSD, 0.05 R9806EVT3PRO N78S-3111 DKC 69-29 REV® 18BHR84™ Integra 6709 VT3PRO Stine Seed Company Syngenta Monsanto Company Terral Seed, Inc Wilbur-Ellis Company/Integra Y Y Y Y Y P P P R R RR/Triple Pro V,Bt,CRW,GT GENVT3P YGCB/HX1/LL/RR VT3PRO 79 81 78 78 82 82 90 84 87 92 35 39 33 36 41 27,225 29,319 27,644 28,831 28,691 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 13.9 14.4 13.0 12.3 13.0 55.9 56.1 57.8 56.2 54.7 177.2 175.5 174.6 172.7 171.4 I-N J-O K-O K-P L-P REV® 28R10™ N79T-3111 DKC 66-40 R9739VT3Pro REV® 17HR73™ Terral Seed, Inc Syngenta Monsanto Company Stine Seed Company Terral Seed, Inc Y Y Y Y Y R P R P R RR V,Bt,CRW,GT GENSS RR/Triple Pro HX1/LL/RR 84 81 80 79 77 92 94 90 77 89 38 37 40 31 36 27,644 27,574 28,342 28,482 28,551 99.8 100.0 99.7 100.0 100.0 13.2 14.7 12.6 15.4 11.7 58.3 57.7 55.7 53.8 55.6 171.0 166.7 165.1 160.9 159.4 L-P M-P N-Q O-Q PQ R9740VT3Pro Stine Seed Company Y P RR/Triple Pro 78 70 30 27,714 100.0 12.6 56.7 152.2 Q 80.49 88.50 36.65 28,405 1.29 4.05 7.51 4.07 NS <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 99.9 0.22 NS Mean C.V. Prob>F (Hybrid) 13.3 57.3 183.8 2.60 0.65 5.02 <.0001 <.0001 <0.001 Note 1: All data was analyzed using JMP. Mean separation was performed using LSD and is designated by the letter groupings. Those hybrids followed by the same letter are not statistically different at P<0.05. Note 2: Appreciation is expressed to Mr. Wayne Schotlz, Retired Medina County CEA, for collecting flowering data and mointoring test. (1) Grain color designated by respective seed companies: Y=Yellow, W=White. An asterisk (*) indicates company did not submit grain color. (2) Cob color designated by respective seed companies: R=Red, W=White, P=Pink. An asterisk (*) indicates company did not submit cob color. (3) Genetically enhanced hybrid submitted by respective seed companies. B.t.=Bacillus thuringiensis, YG= YieldGuard, CRW= Corn Root Worm, HX= Herculuex, LL= Liberty Link, RR= Roundup Ready, CL= Clearfield, CB= Corn Borer, SS=SmartStax. Please check with respective seed companies for details on a GE hybrid. (4) Yields corrected to 15.5% moisture Hybrid Company or Brand Name Grain Cob Color Color (1) (2) Type GE (3) Days to 50% Silk Plant Ht. In. Ear Ht. In. Plant Pop. Per Acre % Erect Plants Moisture % For further information about this report, contact Mr. Dennis Pietsch, Crop Testing Director, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, College Station, TX (979) 845-8505, [email protected] Please visit the Crop Testing webpage at http://varietytesting.tamu.edu Test Wt. lb/bu Yield bu/A (4) Mean Separation LSD, 0.05
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