E e-mail: (o22)22006385(Drnncr) (o22) 22os6738 (Fax) (O22)22Og9131 Exrw.2328 hqadmnmumbai(g)gmail.com GovpRNMENToF luore OFFTcE oF THE PTUCIPAL CHtpF CoMMIssroNER oF IwcoME Tax Igg€gryMIIM/ ry_EIlOOR' A+YAI<aFFHaveu, IEaHARsHIl(anvp Roeo Muunat - 20.. Gaz.l r&p/Ac-Dc | 2t 2f/14-rs Date: OS.O9.ZAI4 W The followinl; tra,nsfer anci postinS;sin the grade of Assistant/Deputy commissioner of Income Tax are herebryordered with irnmediate effect and until further orders: S.No. 1. 2. o J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Civil List No. 20075C8 NAME [Mr./\zls.] Ivlahender I,. Ahuja 20ct7sJL Dinesh Chaurasia 20c)80EE t(anjan Kurnar Singh 2009088 20090EK 20100DX 20105CS 20105DL 20105DM 20105EO 2011OCL 20125F1 20055EE \/ivek Kumeir Upaclhyaya lrlayur Kamble SionalL. Sonkavde lJlevaramSharma SiuhasJ. Mistry G.J.Ninawe 10. Dhananjay Keshav Mahajan \vrinodPawar 11. 12. K.ismatK. Budhiraja 1.3. Ir'rakashD. Chougule L4. 200zsGQ SlmithaV Nair 1 5 . 20055ED \r'ishwas S. Jadhav 76. 200'75GP N{anjit Kumar 17. 200',70B8 SiudhanshuShekhar 18. 20100AJ l\.mbadkar Aviyogi Damodar 19. 20105CI I':[oshangBoman Irerni 20. 2011sAY lt.M.Garg _ 2:1. 20100cE Vlanfu Kumar Das 22. 20100cc N[anoj Kumar Mishra 23. 20065GX \r. Murlidharan 24. 2011OED \r. Koteshwaramma P'age1 of 2 From To UOP crr(rDS) UOP UOP UOP UOP UOP UOP crr(c)-r crr(c)-r UOP DIT(Exem.) UOP UOP crr(c)-r crr(c)-rv UOP crr(c)-ry UOP Drr(Rrr) (Ha)crr(c)-rv CIT-01 (Ha)crr-02 (Ha)crr-10 (Ha)crr-23 crr(rDS) crr(c)-r crr(c)-r crr(c)-r crr(c)-rr crr(c)-rrr crr(c)-rv CIT-02 CIT.O5 CIT-10 CIT-03 CIT-02 crr(c)-rrr crr(c)-m CIT-23 (Ha)ccrr-rv crr(c)-rr (Ha)ccrr-x Drr(r&cr) DGIT(Inv.) DGIT(Inv.) (Ha)crr-02 CIT.O8 3' The above referred order is being passed in accordancewith the recommendations of the Placement Committee. 4. RespectiveCtsIT/DsITwill issuefurther posting orders of the above referred officers within their jurisdiction, with the approval of the CCsIT/DGIT concernedunder intimation to this office l>y 12.09.20_L4. 5. All the transferred officers must be relieved f under intimation rothisoffice andareport regard,"r,:?il;T:j,:T;ilff#JJ"ffi this officeby 17.09.2014. 6' with this order, a.flthe representationsrerated to transfer and postingsreceivedin the gradeof ACsIT/DCsITstanddisposedoff. sd/ (RAMESH CHANDRA MISHRA) CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF INCOME-TAX-I MUMBAI. Copyto: 1,. The [.S.(Admn.), CBDT, New Delhi. 2. CCsxr-lI to XIII, DGIT (Inv.), cctIT(c)-I & II, ccIT (LTU), Mumbai. 3. CSIT-1tO 29,C]IT(TDS),C:IT(C).JI tOIV, CIT(CO;,CiTPTU), MUMbAi. 4. DsIT'(Inv') I & II/cIT(cIB)/DIT(E)/Dt:f(Irj-r c IIlDiT(Tp)-r&il/Drr(vig.),Mum6ai. 5. CsIT(DR)-ITlc,/cslr(DR)-rr at:1 Csrr(Appeats), Mumbai. 6. CsIT(M)AA/ crr (RTr)/crr(Juclt.)/crr(A"aity-i & rr,Mumbai. 7. Ad d,t.csIT (Personnel/ Co-ordination/ systems y igilance), Mumba i. / 8. ITO t(Pay& Accounts)/ZAo, Mumbai. 9. Officers concer..ned. 10. [5 to Presiclent,ITAT 11,. I.T.Co-op.Bank, (ANKUR ALYA ) Dy. coMMrssroNER OF TNCOMETAX (HQ) ADMINISTRATION,MUMBAI. Page2 of 2
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