ISO 20022 Message Implementation Guide for Payment Initiation Pain001 Pain002 Version: 1.3 Issue date: 19 June 2014 Author: Swedbank Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V3 pain.001.001.03 3. Customer Payment Status Report pain.002.001.03 3.1 Statuses in Pain002 4. Examples 4.1 Domestic Payment Estonia, 2 payments 4.2 International Payment example (express payment in USD, via correspondent bank) 4.3 European Payment example (Sepa Credit Transfer) 4.4 Consolidated Payment example 4.5 International payment in Russian roubles example (via correspondent bank) 4.6 Payment status report pain.002.001.03 example (accepted) 4.7 Payment status report pain.002.001.03 example (rejected) Revision history Version 1.0 Changes First version of the MIG, main focus on EE local Banking Association MIG 1.1 Revision history added Allowed characters and file encoding described in more detail. InstructionIdentification will become optional starting from 10.04.2014, limitation on length removed from International Payment. Lithuania will still have local clearing related limitations applied to interbank Domestic Payment. ClearingSystemMemberIdentification not supported. PaymentTypeInformation logic and rules explained for payment type determination. RegulatoryReporting updated, not used in Estonia starting from 01.02.2014. Pain.002 GroupStatus, PaymentInformationStatus and TransactionStatus updated 1.2 Express payment currencies list updated InstructionIdentification remains mandatory for Consolidated Payment 1.3 Payment type definition page added to Introduction Payment type detection rules explained in detail Date 9.12.2013 27.02.2014 2.04.2014 19.06.2014 1. Introduction The purpose with this document is to provide guidance about how the Payment ISO messages shall shall be structured when exchanging information between Customer and Swedbank for the following messages: -Pain.001.001.03 - used to initiate a credit transfer -Pain.002.001.03 - used to report on the status of a credit transfer initiation This document should be read together with the ISO 20022 Message Definition Report since not all information have been repeated. Message elements that are not represented in this document will be viewed as overpopulated and will be ignored. This Message Implementation Guide complies with the international definitions for content and use of ISO20022 and Common Global Implementation (CGI) recommendations. Character set In UNIFI messages the UTF8 encoding must be used. Encoding must be declared in the XML header. The Latin character set, which is commonly used for international communication, must be used. It contains the following characters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 /-?:().,' + space Local characters In interbank Domestic Payments additionally local characters are allowed: In Estonia: Šš, Ţţ, Õõ, Ää, Öö, Üü In Latvia: Āā, Čč, Ēē, Ģģ, Īī, Ķķ, Ļļ, Ľľ, Šš, Ūū, Ţţ In Lithuania: Ąą, Čč, Ęę, Ėė, Įį, Šš, Ųų, Ūū, Ţţ Whitelisted characters Commonly used characters, which will be accepted, but replaced in domestic bank-to-bank message with ?, are: &%#|_";=! XML escape characters & " ' must be replaced in XML message as & " ' Description on the columns: ISO Index NO – Number that refers to the corresponding description in the ISO 20022 XML Message Definition Report. This report can be found at under “Catalogue of ISO 20022 messages” Or – indicates that only one of several elements may be presented Message Item - Element name used in ISO 20022 XML Message Definition Report. Tag Name - Name that identifies an element within an XML message. Is based on the ISO 20022 XML Message Definition Report. ISO Type - Indicates the ISO type Mult - indicates whether an element is mandatory or optional and how many repetitions are allowed for the element. For example: [1..1] – shows that element is mandatory and can be presented only once [1..n] - shows that element is mandatory and can be presented 1 to n times [0..1] – shows that element is optional and can be presented only once [0..n] – shows that element is optional and can be presented 0 to n times Rules - Provides information of usage in Swedbank messages. NB! Current document corresponds to requirements agreed in Banking Association in Estonia. Swedbank ISO20022 implementation may change due to new requirements agreed in local Banking Associations of Latvia and Lithuania, as discussions there regarding ISO20022 MIG are ongoing. Description of payment types Domestic payment - payment in any currency to other account in Swedbank - payment in euros to other local bank Consolidated payment Sub-type of Domestic payment, defined with value SALA in tag CategoryPurpose/Code. Payments initiated with code SALA are presented on account statement as single entry for the users who are not permitted to view individual salary payments one by one. European payment - payment in euros to bank located in SEPA* It is mandatory to indicate Creditor's IBAN and Creditor Agent's BIC. ChargeBearer has to be set as SHAR or SLEV International payment - payment in euros to bank located outside of European Economic Area - payment in any other currency to - other local bank - bank located in SEPA - bank located outside of SEPA -------------------*SEPA: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingtom. Payments within one Baltic country are considered as domestic payments. Payment type detection Column Order indicates in which order system should check if there exists a specific combination, as stated in column pain.001 code order STEP1 STEP2 STEP3 STEP4 STEP5 STEP6 STEP7 STEP8 STEP9 pain.001 code Local Instrument/Proprietary=NORM Local Instrument/Proprietary=HIGH Local Instrument/Proprietary=EXPR Service Level/Code=SEPA Service Level/Code=SEPA & Local Instrument/Code=ONCL Service Level/Code=SEPA & Local Instrument/Code=SDCL Service Level/Code=NURG Service Level/Code=URGP Service Level/Code=SDVA intrabank payment NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL domestic SEPA payment NORMAL URGENT URGENT NORMAL SEPA international NORMAL URGENT URGENT NORMAL international (express currency) NORMAL URGENT EXPRESS NORMAL international (other currency) NORMAL URGENT URGENT NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL URGENT NORMAL URGENT URGENT URGENT NORMAL URGENT URGENT NORMAL NORMAL URGENT EXPRESS NORMAL NORMAL URGENT URGENT If customer indicates any other value in 2.8 <SvcLvl>/ <Cd>, in 2.11 <LclInstrm>/ <Cd>, in 2.33 <SvcLvl>/ <Cd> or in 2.37 <LclInstrm>/ <Cd> then Bank accepts it and sets payment priority to NORMAL. Payment type indentifying data is required at either PaymentInformation (PmtInf) or CreditTransferTransactionInformation (CdtTrfTxInf) level. Recommended usage is at PaymentInformation level. If present on both PmtInf level and CdtTrfTxInf level, then values given on CdtTrfxinf level are used. In case of conflicting values for ServiceLevel and LocalInstrument, the LocalInstrument values are used for payment type determination. 2. Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V3 pain.001.001.03 Swedbank ISO Index No. Or 1.0 1.1 Message Item Tag Name Customer Credit Transfer Initiation GroupHeader MessageIdentification Structural Sequence ISO Type Mult. <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> <GrpHdr> + <MsgId> ++ Text [1..1] [1..1] Customer RULES This Id will be stored for 90 days and will be used for duplicate control. Will be returned in status report 1.2 1.6 CreationDateTime NumberOfTransactions <CreDtTm> <NbOfTxs> ++ ++ DateTime Text [1..1] [1..1] 1.7 ControlSum <CtrlSum> ++ Quantity [0..1] If given, Swedbank checks the given value with the total amount of all individual transactions in the entire message. 1.8 InitiatingParty [1..1] Accepted but not used at the moment. [0..1] Limited to 70 characters in length [0..1] [1..1] [1..1] Only one occurence is allowed, rest will be ignored <InitgPty> ++ 9.1.0 Name <Nm> +++ 9.1.12 9.1.13 9.1.15 Identification OrganisationIdentification Other <Id> <OrgId> <Othr> +++ ++++ +++++ <Id> <SchmeNm> <Cd> ++++++ ++++++ +++++++ 9.1.16 9.1.17 9.1.18 {Or Identification SchemeName Code Text Text Code [1..1] [0..1] [1..1] Swedbank checks the given value with the total number of transactions in the entire message. Accepted code: BANK Other code values will be set to 'Bank' 2.0 2.1 2.2 PaymentInformation PaymentInformationIdentification PaymentMethod <PmtInf> <PmtInfId> + ++ Text [1..n] [1..1] <PmtMtd> ++ Code [1..1] Recommended to be unique. Will be returned in status report. Accepted code: TRF Other code values will be set to 'TRF' 2.6 2.8 PaymentTypeInformation ServiceLevel <PmtTpInf> ++ [0..1] <SvcLvl> +++ [0..1] Page 8 of 40 Required at either PaymentInformation (PmtInf) or CreditTransferTransactionInformation (CdtTrfTxInf) level. Recommended usage is at PaymentInformation level. If present on both PmtInf level and CdtTrfTxInf level, then values given on CdtTrfxinf level are used. In case of conflicting values for ServiceLevel and LocalInstrument, the LocalInstrument values are used for payment type determination. ISO Index No. Or 2.9 Message Item Code Tag Name Structural Sequence ISO Type Mult. Customer RULES <Cd> ++++ Code [1..1] Accepted codes: NURG SEPA - if a payment fulfills the SEPA conditions the payment will automatically be an European or Estonian Domestic payment depending on the payment instructions URGP - payment type is set to urgent for Domestic, European(SEPA Credit Transfer) and International payments SDVA - payment type is treated as urgent for Domestic, European and International payments (please look exeception below) - payment type is set to express for International payments in EUR, USD (Estonia) and EUR, USD, SEK, GBP (Latvia) Value dates and cut-off times of different payment types are available in Price List. Empty or other values will be set to NURG or SEPA depending on payment instructions 2.11 2.12 LocalInstrument {Or Code <LclInstrm> +++ <Cd> ++++ [0..1] Code [1..1] Accepted codes: SDCL If code is set to SDCL and 2.9 <Cd> is set to SEPA then payment type is set to urgent for domestic and European payment ONCL is not supported by Swedbank. 2.13 2.14 Or} Proprietary CategoryPurpose <Prtry> ++++ <CtgyPurp> +++ Text [1..1] [0..1] Page 9 of 40 Accepted codes for Estonia and Latvia: NORM HIGH - payment type is set to urgent for Domestic, European and International payments EXPR - payment type is set to urgent for Domestic, European and International payments (please look execption below) - payment type is set to express for international payments in EUR, USD (Estonia) and EUR, USD, SEK, GBP (Latvia) Value dates and cut-off times of different payment types are available in Price List. Other values will be set to NORM ISO Index No. Or 2.15 Message Item Code Tag Name Structural Sequence ISO Type Mult. Customer RULES <Cd> ++++ Code [1..1] Accepted codes: SALA -Will be used for Consolidated Payment functionality. Indicator for consolidated functionality can only be set at Payment Information level. Other values will be ignored by Swedbank but forwarded to Beneficiary bank. Requirements for Consolidated payment: - in Swedbank Gateway, all underlying payments in a Consolidated payment must be valid in order to be accepted for processing. - <RmtInf><Ustrd> is mandatory for Consolidated payment. On camt messages Consolidated payment indicator is <BkTxCd><Prtry><Cd>MP 2.17 RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> ++ 2.19 Debtor <Dbtr> ++ 9.1.0 Name <Nm> +++ 9.1.1 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> +++ 9.1.10 Country <Ctry> ++++ AddressLine <AdrLine> ++++ <Id> +++ <OrgId> <BICOrBEI> ++++ +++++ <Othr> <Id> <SchmeNm> <Cd> <DbtrAcct> +++++ ++++++ ++++++ +++++++ ++ <Id> <IBAN> <Ccy> +++ ++++ +++ 9.1.11 9.1.12 9.1.13 9.1.14 9.1.15 9.1.16 9.1.17 9.1.18 2.20 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.11 Identification {Or Or} OrganisationIdentification BICOrBEI Other Identification SchemeName Code DebtorAccount Identification IBAN Currency DateTime [1..1] Cannot be more than 365 days in future. Yesterday's date is converted to Current Date, older dates are not accepted. [1..1] Text [0..1] Accepted but not used. The Debtor's name will be taken from Swedbank's customer database and this value will be sent to the Beneficiary Bank. [0..1] Accepted but not used. The Debtor's postal address will be taken from Swedbank's customer database. Code [0..1] Accepted but not used. Text [0..2] Accepted but not used. Only 2 occurences allowed, the rest will be ignored. [0..1] Accepted but not used. The Debtor's ID will be taken from Swedbank's customer database and this value will be sent to the Beneficiary Bank. Identifier Text Code Identifier Code [1..1] [1..1] Either BIC or BEI or one occurence of "Other" is allowed. [1..1] [1..1] [0..1] [1..1] [1..1] Only IBAN is allowed [1..1] [1..1] [0..1] Accepted but not used. For European and International Payments cover currency will be taken from the main account currency on the agreement in case there is not enough 2.43 Instructed Amount currency on the account. 2.21 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> ++ [1..1] Only BIC is allowed 6.1.0 6.1.1 2.23 FinancialInstitutionIdentification BIC UltimateDebtor <FinInstnId> <BIC> <UltmtDbtr> +++ ++++ ++ Identifier [1..1] [1..1] [0..1] Accepted but not used. Forward to Beneficiary Bank when it's possible. Text [0..1] Limited to 70 characters in length Code Text [0..1] [0..1] [0..2] Only 2 occurences accepted 9.1.0 Name <Nm> +++ 9.1.1 9.1.10 9.1.11 PostalAddress Country AddressLine <PstlAdr> <Ctry> <AdrLine> +++ ++++ ++++ 9.1.12 Identification <Id> +++ [0..1] Page 10 of 40 ISO Index No. Or 9.1.13 {Or 9.1.14 9.1.15 9.1.16 {{Or Or}} 9.1.17 9.1.18 9.1.21 Or} 9.1.22 9.1.23 9.1.25 9.1.26 9.1.27 9.1.28 {{Or 9.1.29 9.1.30 2.24 Or}} Message Item OrganisationIdentification Tag Name Structural Sequence ISO Type Mult. Customer RULES [1..1] Either "BIC" or "BEI" or one occurence of "other" is allowed. <OrgId> ++++ BICOrBEI Other Identification <BICOrBEI> <Othr> <Id> +++++ +++++ ++++++ SchemeName Code <SchmeNm> <Cd> ++++++ +++++++ <PrvtId> ++++ [1..1] <DtAndPlcOfBirth> <BirthDt> <CityOfBirth> <CtryOfBirth> <Othr> <Id> +++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ +++++ ++++++ Text [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] <SchmeNm> <Cd> ++++++ +++++++ Code [0..1] [1..1] <ChrgBr> ++ Code [0..1] PrivateIdentification DateAndPlaceOfBirth BirthDate CityOfBirth CountryOfBirth Other Identification SchemeName Code ChargeBearer Identifier Text [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] Code [0..1] [1..1] DateTime Text Code Latvia: Only 15 characters acceptable Accepted codes for Domestic Payments Estonia: COID, CUST, TXID Lithuania: COID Latvia: TXID Either DateAndPlaceOfBirth or one occurence of Other is allowed Latvia: Only 15 characters acceptable Accepted codes for Domestic Payments Estonia: NIDN, CUST, TXID Lithuania: NIDN Latvia: NIDN Strongly recommended to use at this PaymentInformation (PmtInf) level. If present on CdtTrfTxInf level and PmtInf level, then value given on CdtTrfTxInf level is used. Accepted codes: DEBT- Not valid for SEPA SHAR SLEV CRED If missing or not valid code, will be treated as SHAR 2.27 2.28 2.29 CreditTransferTransactionInformation PaymentIdentification InstructionIdentification <CdtTrfTxInf> <PmtId> ++ +++ <InstrId> ++++ [1..n] [1..1] Text [0..1] Optional starting from mid April 2014, except for Consolidated Payment. Recommended to be unique in payment message. The value is not passed on to the beneficiary. Returned in pain.002 message and in camt message of the payment initiator. Lithuania: Max 10 characters are accepted in case of interbank Domestic payment. 2.30 EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> ++++ Text Page 11 of 40 [1..1] The value is forwarded to the beneficiary. Recommended to be unique for better identification of transaction. Returned in pain.002 and camt messages ISO Index No. Or 2.31 Message Item PaymentTypeInformation 2.33 ServiceLevel 2.34 Code Tag Name Structural Sequence <PmtTpInf> +++ <SvcLvl> ++++ <Cd> +++++ ISO Type Mult. Customer RULES [0..1] Required at either PaymentInformation (PmtInf) or CreditTransferTransactionInformation (CdtTrfTxInf) level. Recommended usage is at PaymentInformation level. If present on both PmtInf level and CdtTrfTxInf level, then values given on CdtTrfxinf level are used. In case of conflicting values for ServiceLevel and LocalInstrument, the LocalInstrument values are used for payment type determination. [0..1] Code [1..1] Accepted codes: NURG SEPA - if a payment fulfills the SEPA conditions the payment will automatically be an European or Estonian Domestic payment depending on the payment instructions URGP - payment type is set to urgent for Domestic, European(SEPA Credit Transfer) and International payments SDVA - payment type is treated as urgent for Domestic, European and International payments (please look exeception below) - payment type is set to express for International payments in EUR, USD (Estonia) and EUR, USD, SEK, GBP (Latvia) Value dates and cut-off times of different payment types are available in Price List. Empty or other values will be set to NURG or SEPA depending on payment instructions 2.36 2.37 LocalInstrument {Or Code <LclInstrm> ++++ <Cd> +++++ [0..1] Code [1..1] Accepted codes: SDCL If code is set to SDCL and 2.9 <Cd> is set to SEPA then payment type is set to urgent for domestic and European payment ONCL is not supported by Swedbank. Page 12 of 40 ISO Index No. Or 2.38 Or} Message Item Proprietary Tag Name Structural Sequence ISO Type Mult. Customer RULES <Prtry> +++++ Text [1..1] Accepted codes: NORM HIGH - payment type is set to urgent for Domestic, European and International payments EXPR - payment type is set to urgent for Domestic, European and International payments (please look execption below) - payment type is set to express for international payments in EUR, USD (Estonia, Lithuania) and EUR, USD, SEK, GBP, RUB (Latvia) Value dates and cut-off times of different payment types are available in Price List. Other values will be set to NORM 2.39 2.40 CategoryPurpose Code <CtgyPurp> <Cd> ++++ +++++ Code [0..1] [1..1] 2.42 2.43 Amount InstructedAmount <Amt> <InstdAmt Ccy="AAA"> +++ ++++ Amount [1..1] [1..1] 2.51 ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> +++ Code [0..1] Indicator for Consolidated payment functionality should only be set at Payment information level, see 2.14<CategoryPurpose><Cd> Needs to be positive. Limited to 14 digits in total and 2 fraction digits. If Instructed Amount Currency does not exist on the Debtor account in required amount, cover currency will be set to the account main currency. Strongly recommended to use at PmtInf level. If present on CdtTrfTxInf level and PmtInf level, then value given on CdtTrfTxInf level is used. Accepted codes: DEBT- Not valid for SEPA SHAR SLEV CRED If missing or not valid code, will be treated as SHAR 2.70 <UltmtDbtr> +++ 9.1.0 Name <Nm> ++++ 9.1.1 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> ++++ 9.1.10 9.1.11 9.1.12 9.1.13 Country AddressLine Identification OrganisationIdentification <Ctry> <AdrLine> <Id> <OrgId> +++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ Code Text [0..1] [0..2] [0..1] [1..1] BICOrBEI Other Identification <BICOrBEI> <Othr> <Id> ++++++ ++++++ +++++++ Identifier [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm> +++++++ 9.1.14 9.1.15 9.1.16 9.1.17 UltimateDebtor {Or {{Or Or}} Text [0..1] Only used at PmtInf level. [0..1] Limited to 70 characters in length [0..1] Text [0..1] Page 13 of 40 Only 2 occurences accepted Either "BIC" or "BEI" or one occurence of "other" is allowed. Latvia: Only 15 characters acceptable ISO Index No. Or 9.1.18 Code 9.1.21 Or} 9.1.22 9.1.23 9.1.25 9.1.26 9.1.27 9.1.28 {{Or Or}} 9.1.29 9.1.30 DateAndPlaceOfBirth BirthDate CityOfBirth CountryOfBirth Other Identification IntermediaryAgent1 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.7 FinancialInstitutionIdentification BIC Name 6.1.8 6.1.17 6.1.18 PostalAddress Country AddressLine {Or Or} 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.7 IntermediaryAgent1Account Identification IBAN Other Identification IntermediaryAgent2 FinancialInstitutionIdentification BIC Name 6.1.8 6.1.17 6.1.18 2.74 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 PrivateIdentification SchemeName Code 2.71 2.72 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 2.73 Message Item PostalAddress Country AddressLine {Or Or} IntermediaryAgent2Account Identification IBAN Other Identification Tag Name Structural Sequence ISO Type Mult. Customer RULES <Cd> ++++++++ Code [1..1] Accepted codes for Domestic Payments Estonia: COID, CUST, TXID Lithuania: COID Latvia: TXID <PrvtId> +++++ [1..1] Either "DateAndPlaceOfBirth" or one occurence of "Other is allowed". <DtAndPlcOfBirth> <BirthDt> <CityOfBirth> <CtryOfBirth> <Othr> <Id> ++++++ +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ ++++++ +++++++ Text [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] <SchmeNm> <Cd> +++++++ ++++++++ Code [0..1] [1..1] <IntrmyAgt1> +++ <FinInstnId> <BIC> <Nm> ++++ +++++ +++++ Identifier Text [1..1] [0..1] [0..1] <PstlAdr> <Ctry> <AdrLine> +++++ ++++++ ++++++ Code Text [0..1] [0..1] [0..2] Only two occurences accepted <IntrmyAgt1Acct> <Id> <IBAN> <Othr> <Id> <IntrmyAgt2> +++ ++++ +++++ +++++ ++++++ +++ [0..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [0..1] Only valid for for International Payments, when applicable. <FinInstnId> <BIC> <Nm> ++++ +++++ +++++ Identifier Text [1..1] [0..1] [0..1] Only 70 characters <PstlAdr> <Ctry> <AdrLine> +++++ ++++++ ++++++ Code Text [0..1] [0..1] [0..2] Only two occurences accepted <IntrmyAgt2Acct> <Id> <IBAN> <Othr> <Id> +++ ++++ +++++ +++++ ++++++ DateTime Text Code [0..1] Identifier Text Identifier Text Page 14 of 40 [0..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] Latvia: Only 15 characters acceptable Accepted codes for Domestic Payments Estonia: NIDN, CUST, TXID Lithuania: NIDN Latvia: NIDN Only valid for for International Payments, when applicable. Used to indicate correspondent bank of Creditor Agent Only 70 characters RUB payments: the data of the parent bank - full name + city + BIK of the parent bank (9 digits) + correspondent account of the parent bank in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (20 digits, starts with 301) ISO Index No. Or 2.77 Message Item CreditorAgent Tag Name Structural Sequence <CdtrAgt> +++ ISO Type Mult. Customer RULES [0..1] In case of Domestic Payment – whole block of Creditor Agent is ignored (e.g. if BIC belongs to SEB EE but Creditor Account IBAN belongs to Nordea EE then payment order is not rejected but processed according to IBAN) International Payment - either CreditorAgent/BIC or CreditorAgent/Name (or both) must be filled. European Payment (SEPA Credit Transfer) - if currency=EUR and CreditorAgent IBAN starts with country code of EU/EEA then CreditorAgent/BIC field is mandatory. 6.1.0 6.1.1 FinancialInstitutionIdentification BIC <FinInstnId> <BIC> ++++ +++++ Identifier [1..1] [0..1] 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> ClearingSystemIdentification <ClrSysId> Code <Cd> +++++ ++++++ +++++++ Code [0..1] [0..1] [1..1] 6.1.6 6.1.7 MemberIdentification Name <MmbId> <Nm> ++++++ +++++ Text Text [1..1] [0..1] 6.1.8 6.1.17 6.1.18 PostalAddress Country AddressLine <PstlAdr> <Ctry> <AdrLine> +++++ ++++++ ++++++ Code Text [0..1] [0..1] [0..2] <CdtrAgtAcct> <Id> <IBAN> <Othr> <Id> <Cdtr> <Nm> +++ ++++ +++++ +++++ ++++++ +++ ++++ <PstlAdr> ++++ <Ctry> <AdrLine> +++++ +++++ <Id> <OrgId> <BICOrBEI> ++++ +++++ ++++++ <Othr> <Id> ++++++ +++++++ 2.78 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 2.79 9.1.0 {Or Or} 9.1.1 PostalAddress 9.1.10 9.1.11 9.1.12 9.1.13 9.1.14 9.1.15 9.1.16 CreditorAgentAccount Identification IBAN Other Identification Creditor Name Country AddressLine {Or {{Or Or}} Identification OrganisationIdentification BICOrBEI Other Identification Identifier Text Text [0..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] In case of European payments BIC is mandatory Accepted but not used. Currently not supported in Swedbank Only 70 characters RUB payment - full name of the payee’s bank + city + BIK of the payee’s bank (9 digits) + correspondent account of the payee’s bank in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (20 digits, starts with 301). The last three digits of the BIK and the correspondent account must coincide. In case payee bank is a branch of the bank: the name of the branch and the account are inserted in the field Creditor Agent/Name Only two occurences accepted Only 70 characters RUB payment - the taxpayer identification number or INN (and KPP) is inserted in the field “payee’s name” before the name. If the payee’s name is too long, the remainder of the name must be written in the PstlAdr/AdrLine field without any spaces (without a hyphen). [0..1] Forward if possible Code Text [0..1] [0..2] Only two occurences accepted, total length max 70 characters Identifier [0..1] [1..1] [1..1] Either BIC or BEI or one occurence of "Other" is allowed. Text [1..1] [1..1] Page 15 of 40 Latvia: Only 15 characters acceptable ISO Index No. Or Message Item 9.1.17 9.1.18 SchemeName Code 9.1.21 Or} 9.1.22 9.1.23 9.1.25 9.1.26 9.1.27 9.1.28 {{Or 9.1.29 9.1.30 Or}} PrivateIdentification DateAndPlaceOfBirth BirthDate CityOfBirth CountryOfBirth Other Identification SchemeName Code {{Or 9.1.31 2.80 1.1.0 1.1.1 Or}} 1.1.2 1.1.3 Or} {Or 2.81 Proprietary CreditorAccount Identification IBAN Other Identification UltimateCreditor Tag Name Structural Sequence ISO Type Mult. <SchmeNm> <Cd> +++++++ ++++++++ Code [0..1] [1..1] <PrvtId> +++++ [1..1] <DtAndPlcOfBirth> <BirthDt> <CityOfBirth> <CtryOfBirth> <Othr> <Id> ++++++ +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ ++++++ +++++++ Text [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] <SchmeNm> <Cd> +++++++ ++++++++ Code [0..1] [1..1] <Prtry> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN> ++++++++ +++ ++++ +++++ <Othr> <Id> +++++ ++++++ DateTime Text Code Text Text RUB payment - a 20-digit number, the digits 6-8 of which are 810 [0..1] Only forwarded with Domestic and European payment (except payment with type urgent) [1..1] Only 70 character +++ ++++ 9.1.1 PostalAddress <PstlAdr> ++++ 9.1.10 9.1.11 9.1.12 Country AddressLine Identification <Ctry> <AdrLine> <Id> +++++ +++++ ++++ <OrgId> +++++ <BICOrBEI> <Othr> ++++++ ++++++ Identifier OrganisationIdentification BICOrBEI Other Text [0..1] Code Text [0..1] [0..2] [0..1] Only two occurences accepted [1..1] Either "BIC" or "BEI" or one occurence of "other" is allowed. [1..1] [1..1] Only one occurence is allowed, rest will be ignored 9.1.16 Identification <Id> +++++++ Text [1..1] 9.1.17 9.1.18 SchemeName Code <SchmeNm> <Cd> +++++++ ++++++++ Code [0..1] [1..1] <PrvtId> +++++ 9.1.21 9.1.22 9.1.23 9.1.25 Or} {{Or PrivateIdentification DateAndPlaceOfBirth BirthDate CityOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth> ++++++ <BirthDt> +++++++ <CityOfBirth> +++++++ Accepted codes for Domestic Payments Estonia: NIDN, CUST, TXID Lithuania: NIDN Latvia: NIDN In case of Domestic and European payment IBAN is mandatory <Nm> {{Or Or}} Latvia: Only 15 characters acceptable [1..1] [1..1] <UltmtCdtr> {Or Either DateAndPlaceOfBirth or one occurence of "Other" is allowed. Identifier Name 9.1.14 9.1.15 Accepted codes for Domestic Payments Estonia: COID, CUST, TXID Lithuania: COID Latvia: TXID [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] 9.1.0 9.1.13 Customer RULES [1..1] DateTime Text Page 16 of 40 [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] Latvia: Only 15 characters acceptable Accepted codes for Domestic Payments Estonia: COID, CUST, TXID Lithuania: COID Latvia: TXID Either "DateAndPlaceOfBirth" or one occurence of "Other is allowed". ISO Index No. 9.1.26 9.1.27 9.1.28 Or Message Item CountryOfBirth Other Identification Or}} 9.1.29 9.1.30 SchemeName Code Tag Name Structural Sequence ISO Type Mult. <CtryOfBirth> <Othr> <Id> +++++++ ++++++ +++++++ Code Text [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] <SchmeNm> <Cd> +++++++ ++++++++ Code [0..1] [1..1] 2.86 Purpose <Purp> +++ 2.87 2.89 Code RegulatoryReporting <Cd> <RgltryRptg> ++++ +++ Customer RULES Latvia: Only 15 characters acceptable Accepted codes for Domestic Payments Estonia: NIDN, CUST, TXID Lithuania: NIDN Latvia: NIDN [0..1] Code [1..1] [0..1] Information about declaration of payments. Only one occurence allowed, rest is ignored Estonia: Is not used, information will be ignored starting from 1 Feb 2014. [0..1] Latvia: Regulatory reporting is mandatory if one of the parties is resident and another party is not resident(i.e. exluding when both payer and payee are residents or both payer and payee are non-residents) and the amount > 1000LVL. The amount will be changed to EUR 10000 from 1 Jan 2014 Lithuania: Is not used, information will be ignored 11.1.4 Details <Dtls> ++++ [0..1] Estonia Only the first occurence is valid the rest are ignored. [0..2] Latvia: Only two occurences are valid the rest are ignored. Latvia: Should contain EKK when budget income code is transferred in <Cd> (11.1.8) 11.1.5 Type <Tp> +++++ Text [0..1] 11.1.7 Country <Ctry> +++++ Code [0..1] Creditor’s residence country ISO code, see ents.htm 11.1.8 Code <Cd> +++++ Text [1..1] Code of the balance of payment. For appropriate code see: Estonia: Latvia: Latvia: If tag <Tp> (11.1.5) contains code EKK then the code value should contain budget income code Page 17 of 40 ISO Index No. 11.1.10 2.98 Or Message Item Information RemittanceInformation Tag Name Structural Sequence ISO Type Mult. Customer RULES <Inf> +++++ Text [0..1] Estonia: When the code<Cd> is 900 then extra information could be added in this field. <RmtInf> +++ [0..1] Estonia: Domestic Payments: unstructured or structured remittance information or both needs to be present. When the client fills both, the structured and unstructured information tags, only 130 characters of combined length is accepted. When bank cannot forward both tags, then creditor reference under the structured information will be lifted to the unstructured information tag in accordance with EACT standard for unstructured remittance information formatting rules. If the remittance information as a result will be longer than 140 characters, then the bank will deliver only 140 characters of the remittance information. For example /RFB/XXXXXX/TXT/ZZZZZZ, where RFB stands for the code of creditor reference, XXXXXX stands for the creditor reference, TXT stands for the code of unstructured information and ZZZZZZ stands for the unstructured information. For European Payment either unstructued or structured remittance information must be present but not both. For International Payments only unstructured remittance information is accepted. Latvia: Domestic Payments: Either unstructured or structured remittance information must be present but not both. Creditor reference under the structured information will be copied to the unstructured information tag in accordance with EACT standard for unstructured remittance information formatting rules - to assure compatibility with legacy statement formats. For European Payment either unstructured or structured remittance information must be present but not both. For International Payments only unstructured remittance incormation is accepted. Lithuania: Domestic Payments: Unstructured remittance information is mandatory for Domestic Payments. It's allowed to have Both unstructured and structured remittance information. For International Payments only unstructured remittance information is accepted. 2.99 Unstructured <Ustrd> ++++ Text [0..1] Only 1 occurence allowed with maximum 140 Characters. If unstructured and structured references are both used the maximum accepted combined length is 130. Estonia: If in Domestic payment information is filled in accordance of EACT standard for Unstructured remittance information formatting rules, RFB value will be validated by same rules as Structured Reference. In case of successful validation, the information is stored to separate values for payment initiator's account statement => Payment details and Creditor Reference. International payment in RUB - currency transaction code (VO) + verbal clarification of the payment (detailed information about goods/service, if payment is executed before goods are delivered then should be written predoplata za...., if payment is executed after goods are delivered then oplata za....) + commercial invoice and/or contract number, date + VAT amount (NDS). If no tax is imposed on the goods or services, “BEZ NDS” must be added. Page 18 of 40 ISO Index No. 2.100 2.120 2.121 2.122 2.123 2.125 2.126 Or Message Item Structured CreditorReferenceInformation Type CodeOrProprietary Code Issuer Reference Tag Name Structural Sequence <Strd> ISO Type Mult. Customer RULES ++++ [0..1] Only 1 occurence of "Structured" is allowed. <CdtrRefInf> <Tp> <CdOrPrtry> <Cd> +++++ ++++++ +++++++ ++++++++ Code [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] Accepted values is SCOR. <Issr> +++++++ Text [0..1] All other values will be set to SCOR . ISO in case of ISO11649 reference number <Ref> ++++++ Text [1..1] If Creditor Reference Information is used, Reference must be included. Estonia: When reference number is filled in Domestic Payment, the correctness of reference number is checked against Estonian reference number standard. For information about Estonian reference number standard see Starting from 01.02.2014 also ISO11649 reference number is accepted and the correctness validated Latvia: No validations are performed on the value currently Lithuania: Maximum length of reference number is 28. No validations are performed on the value currently Page 19 of 40 3. Customer Payment Status Report pain.002.001.03 Swedbank ISO Index No. 0.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 9.1.12 9.1.13 9.1.14 2.0 2.1 Or Message Item Tag Name Structural Sequence Type Customer Payment Status Report GroupHeader MessageIdentification CreationDateTime InitiatingParty Identification OrganisationIdentification <CstmrPmtStsRpt> <GrpHdr> <MsgId> <CreDtTm> <InitgPty> <Id> <OrgId> + ++ ++ ++ +++ ++++ [1..1] [1..1] Text [1..1] DateTime [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] <BICOrBEI> +++++ Identifier [1..1] <OrgnlGrpInfAndSts> <OrgnlMsgId> + ++ Text [1..1] [1..1] BICOrBEI OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus OriginalMessageIdentification Mult. 2.2 OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> ++ Text [1..1] 2.4 OriginalNumberOfTransactions <OrgnlNbOfTxs> ++ Text [1..1] 2.5 OriginalControlSum <OrgnlCtrlSum> ++ Quantity [0..1] 2.6 GroupStatus <GrpSts> ++ Code [0..1] RULES <GrpHdr> +<MsgId> value from corresponding C2B pain.001 file Specifies the original message name identifier to which the message refers, e.g. pain.001.001.03 NumberOfTransactions from the Credit Transfer file (pain.001.001.03) ControlSum from the Credit Transfer file (pain.001.001.03) Status codes used by Swedbank: RJCT - in case the whole file was rejected. PART - Partially accepted, at least one payment in response is in ACSP status ACSP - All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful within the whole file. ACSC - Settlement on the debtor’s account has been completed for all payments in the file. GroupStatus is not sent with the final processing messages of Consolidated Payment, International payment and European payment. 2.16 3.0 3.1 3.4 DetailedControlSum <DtldCtrlSum> OriginalPaymentInformationAndStatus <OrgnlPmtInfAndSts> OriginalPaymentInformationIdentification <OrgnlPmtInfId> PaymentInformationStatus <PmtInfSts> +++ + ++ Quantity Text [0..1] [0..n] [1..1] ++ <PmtInfId> value from corresponding C2B pain.001 file Code [0..1] Status codes used by Swedbank: RJCT - in case the whole payment initiation block was rejected. PART - Partially accepted ACSP - All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful within the payment information block. ACSC - Settlement on the debtor’s account has been completed for all payments in payment information block. 3.15 3.17 3.18 TransactionInformationAndStatus OriginalInstructionIdentification OriginalEndToEndIdentification <TxInfAndSts> ++ <OrgnlInstrId> <OrgnlEndToEndId> +++ +++ [0..n] Text Text Page 20 of 40 [1..1] [1..1] ISO Index No. Or 3.19 Message Item TransactionStatus Tag Name Structural Sequence Type Mult. RULES <TxSts> +++ Code [1..1] Status codes used by Swedbank: RJCT - in case the transaction was rejected. ACSP - All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successfull. ACSC – Settlement on the debtor’s account has been completed. In case of Swedbank Payments (intrabank) successful checks such as technical validation, customer profile and sufficient available balance produce ACSC status immediately, ACSP will be skipped. 3.20 3.22 3.23 StatusReasonInformation Reason Code 3.25 3.32 3.34 3.35 3.41 3.121 9.1.0 3.122 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.11 3.123 6.1.0 6.1.1 3.125 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.6 3.127 9.1.0 3.128 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 AdditionalInformation {Or Or} {Or Or} OriginalTransactionReference Amount InstructedAmount RequestedExecutionDate Debtor Name DebtorAccount Identification IBAN Currency DebtorAgent FinancialInstitutionIdentification BIC CreditorAgent FinancialInstitutionIdentification BIC <StsRsnInf> <Rsn> <Cd> +++ ++++ +++++ Code [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] <AddtlInf> ++++ Text [1..1] <OrgnlTxRef> <Amt> <InstdAmt Ccy="AAA"> <ReqdExctnDt> <Dbtr> <Nm> <DbtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN> <Ccy> <DbtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <BIC> <CdtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <BIC> +++ ++++ +++++ ++++ ++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ ++++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ ++++++ ++++ +++++ ++++++ [0..1] [0..1] Amount [1..1] DateTime [1..1] [1..1] Text [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] Identifier [1..1] Code [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] Identifier [1..1] [0..1] [1..1] Identifier [1..1] ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> ClearingSystemIdentification<ClrSysId> Code <Cd> MemberIdentification <MmbId> Creditor <Cdtr> Name <Nm> CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> Identification <Id> IBAN <IBAN> Other <Othr> Identification <Id> ++++++ +++++++ ++++++++ +++++++ ++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ ++++++ ++++++ +++++++ Code Text Text Identifier Text Page 21 of 40 [1..1] [0..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] Swedbank Gateway error description. Not reported for Consolidated payments 3.1 Statuses in Pain002 4. Examples 4.1 Domestic Payment Estonia, 2 payments: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Document xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03"> <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> <GrpHdr> <MsgId>201111251</MsgId> <CreDtTm>2013-08-30T11:16:58.696</CreDtTm> <NbOfTxs>2</NbOfTxs> <CtrlSum>1</CtrlSum> <InitgPty> <Nm>ETTEVÕTE AS</Nm> </InitgPty> </GrpHdr> <PmtInf> <PmtInfId>PMTID005</PmtInfId> <PmtMtd>TRF</PmtMtd> <BtchBookg>false</BtchBookg> <NbOfTxs>2</NbOfTxs> <PmtTpInf> <SvcLvl> <Cd>SEPA</Cd> </SvcLvl> </PmtTpInf> <ReqdExctnDt>2013-09-26</ReqdExctnDt> <Dbtr> <Nm>ETTEVÕTE AS</Nm> <PstlAdr> <Ctry>EE</Ctry> <AdrLine>Metsa 8, Tallinn</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> <Id> <OrgId> <Othr> <Id>123456789</Id> </Othr> </OrgId> </Id> </Dbtr> <DbtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE942200221017496868</IBAN> </Id> <Ccy>EUR</Ccy> </DbtrAcct> <DbtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <BIC>HABAEE2X</BIC> </FinInstnId> </DbtrAgt> <ChrgBr>SLEV</ChrgBr> <CdtTrfTxInf> <PmtId> <InstrId>115</InstrId> <EndToEndId>327</EndToEndId> </PmtId> <Amt> <InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">0.15</InstdAmt> </Amt> <Cdtr> <Nm>FIRMA AS</Nm> <PstlAdr> <Ctry>EE</Ctry> <AdrLine>Leevikese 5,Tallinn</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> <Id> <OrgId> <Othr> <Id>100000009</Id> </Othr> </OrgId> </Id> </Cdtr> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE572200221017496855</IBAN> </Id> </CdtrAcct> <RmtInf> <Strd> <CdtrRefInf> <Tp> <CdOrPrtry> <Cd>SCOR</Cd> </CdOrPrtry> </Tp> <Ref>8806947</Ref> </CdtrRefInf> </Strd> </RmtInf> </CdtTrfTxInf> <CdtTrfTxInf> <PmtId> <InstrId>116</InstrId> <EndToEndId>328</EndToEndId> </PmtId> <Amt> <InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">0.85</InstdAmt> </Amt> <Cdtr> <Nm>Mari Ööbik</Nm> <PstlAdr> <Ctry>EE</Ctry> <AdrLine>Pronksi 12, Tallinn</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> <Id> <PrvtId> <Othr> <Id>48606112009</Id> </Othr> </PrvtId> </Id> </Cdtr> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE142200221000127063</IBAN> </Id> </CdtrAcct> <RmtInf> <Ustrd>Here enter payment details</Ustrd> <Strd> <CdtrRefInf> <Tp> <CdOrPrtry> <Cd>SCOR</Cd> </CdOrPrtry> </Tp> <Ref>88069474660</Ref> </CdtrRefInf> </Strd> </RmtInf> </CdtTrfTxInf> </PmtInf> </CstmrCdtTrfInitn> </Document> 4.2 International Payment example (express payment in USD, via correspondent bank): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Document xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03"> <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> <GrpHdr> <MsgId>201111258</MsgId> <CreDtTm>2013-09-27T11:16:58.696</CreDtTm> <NbOfTxs>1</NbOfTxs> <CtrlSum>5</CtrlSum> <InitgPty> <Nm>ETTEVÕTE AS</Nm> </InitgPty> </GrpHdr> <PmtInf> <PmtInfId>PMTID0051</PmtInfId> <PmtMtd>TRF</PmtMtd> <BtchBookg>false</BtchBookg> <NbOfTxs>1</NbOfTxs> <PmtTpInf> <SvcLvl> <Cd>SDVA</Cd> </SvcLvl> </PmtTpInf> <ReqdExctnDt>2013-11-14</ReqdExctnDt> <Dbtr> <Nm>ETTEVÕTE AS</Nm> <PstlAdr> <Ctry>EE</Ctry> <AdrLine>Metsa 2, Tallinn</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> </Dbtr> <DbtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE942200221017496868</IBAN> </Id> <Ccy>USD</Ccy> </DbtrAcct> <DbtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <BIC>HABAEE2X</BIC> </FinInstnId> </DbtrAgt> <ChrgBr>DEBT</ChrgBr> <CdtTrfTxInf> <PmtId> <InstrId>12345</InstrId> <EndToEndId>323009</EndToEndId> </PmtId> <Amt> <InstdAmt Ccy="USD">5</InstdAmt> </Amt> <IntrmyAgt1> <FinInstnId> <BIC>BKTRUS33</BIC> <Nm>Deutche Bank Trust</Nm> <PstlAdr> <AdrLine>New York 60 Wall Street</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> </FinInstnId> </IntrmyAgt1> <IntrmyAgt1Acct> <Id> <Othr> <Id>1234567890</Id> </Othr> </Id> </IntrmyAgt1Acct> <CdtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <BIC>SWEDSESS</BIC> <Nm>Swedbank AB Sweden</Nm> <PstlAdr> <AdrLine>Stockholm Brunkebergstorg 8</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> </FinInstnId> </CdtrAgt> <CdtrAgtAcct> <Id> <Othr> <Id>987654321</Id> </Othr> </Id> </CdtrAgtAcct> <Cdtr> <Nm>Beneficiary Test1</Nm> <PstlAdr> <Ctry>SE</Ctry> <AdrLine>Stockholm Ridmansgatan 3F</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> </Cdtr> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <Othr> <Id>56949203947</Id> </Othr> </Id> </CdtrAcct> <RgltryRptg> <Dtls> <Ctry>SE</Ctry> <Cd>310</Cd> </Dtls> </RgltryRptg> <RmtInf> <Ustrd>Test payment in USD dollars with express payment type</Ustrd> </RmtInf> </CdtTrfTxInf> </PmtInf> </CstmrCdtTrfInitn> </Document> 4.3 European Payment example (Sepa Credit Transfer): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Document xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03"> <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> <GrpHdr> <MsgId>201111258</MsgId> <CreDtTm>2013-08-30T11:16:58.696</CreDtTm> <NbOfTxs>1</NbOfTxs> <CtrlSum>0.65</CtrlSum> <InitgPty> <Nm>ETTEVÕTE AS</Nm> </InitgPty> </GrpHdr> <PmtInf> <PmtInfId>PMTID0051</PmtInfId> <PmtMtd>TRF</PmtMtd> <BtchBookg>false</BtchBookg> <NbOfTxs>1</NbOfTxs> <PmtTpInf> <SvcLvl> <Cd>SEPA</Cd> </SvcLvl> </PmtTpInf> <ReqdExctnDt>2013-09-27</ReqdExctnDt> <Dbtr> <Nm>ETTEVÕTE AS</Nm> <PstlAdr> <Ctry>EE</Ctry> <AdrLine>Metsa 2, Tallinn</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> </Dbtr> <DbtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE942200221017496868</IBAN> </Id> <Ccy>EUR</Ccy> </DbtrAcct> <DbtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <BIC>HABAEE2X</BIC> </FinInstnId> </DbtrAgt> <ChrgBr>SLEV</ChrgBr> <CdtTrfTxInf> <PmtId> <InstrId>123456</InstrId> <EndToEndId>323009</EndToEndId> </PmtId> <Amt> <InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">0.65</InstdAmt> </Amt> <CdtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <BIC>NDEAFIHH</BIC> </FinInstnId> </CdtrAgt> <Cdtr> <Nm>Company AB</Nm> <PstlAdr> <Ctry>FI</Ctry> <AdrLine>HELSINKI</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> </Cdtr> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>FI0524001800005605</IBAN> </Id> </CdtrAcct> <RgltryRptg> <Dtls> <Ctry>FI</Ctry> <Cd>999</Cd> </Dtls> </RgltryRptg> <RmtInf> <Ustrd>Payment details</Ustrd> </RmtInf> </CdtTrfTxInf> </PmtInf> </CstmrCdtTrfInitn> </Document> 4.4 Consolidated Payment example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Document xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03"> <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> <GrpHdr> <MsgId>201111251</MsgId> <CreDtTm>2013-08-30T11:16:58.696</CreDtTm> <NbOfTxs>3</NbOfTxs> <CtrlSum>0.6</CtrlSum> <InitgPty> <Nm>AS MKONTSERN</Nm> </InitgPty> </GrpHdr> <PmtInf> <PmtInfId>PMTID005</PmtInfId> <PmtMtd>TRF</PmtMtd> <BtchBookg>false</BtchBookg> <NbOfTxs>3</NbOfTxs> <PmtTpInf> <SvcLvl> <Cd>SEPA</Cd> </SvcLvl> <CtgyPurp> <Cd>SALA</Cd> </CtgyPurp> </PmtTpInf> <ReqdExctnDt>2013-10-01</ReqdExctnDt> <Dbtr> <Nm>AS MKONTSERN</Nm> <PstlAdr> <Ctry>EE</Ctry> <AdrLine>Liivalaia, Tallinn</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> </Dbtr> <DbtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE892200221000214468</IBAN> </Id> <Ccy>EUR</Ccy> </DbtrAcct> <DbtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <BIC>HABAEE2X</BIC> </FinInstnId> </DbtrAgt> <ChrgBr>SLEV</ChrgBr> <CdtTrfTxInf> <PmtId> <InstrId>1</InstrId> <EndToEndId>01</EndToEndId> </PmtId> <Amt> <InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">0.10</InstdAmt> </Amt> <Cdtr> <Nm>MARI METS</Nm> <PstlAdr> <Ctry>EE</Ctry> <AdrLine>Leevikese 5,Tallinn</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> </Cdtr> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE142200221000127063</IBAN> </Id> </CdtrAcct> <RmtInf> <Ustrd>september salary</Ustrd> </RmtInf> </CdtTrfTxInf> <CdtTrfTxInf> <PmtId> <InstrId>2</InstrId> <EndToEndId>02</EndToEndId> </PmtId> <Amt> <InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">0.2</InstdAmt> </Amt> <Cdtr> <Nm>MAGNUS MERI</Nm> <PstlAdr> <Ctry>EE</Ctry> <AdrLine>Siinseal, Tallinn</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> </Cdtr> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE602200221000235748</IBAN> </Id> </CdtrAcct> <RmtInf> <Ustrd>september salary</Ustrd> </RmtInf> </CdtTrfTxInf> <CdtTrfTxInf> <PmtId> <InstrId>3</InstrId> <EndToEndId>03</EndToEndId> </PmtId> <Amt> <InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">0.3</InstdAmt> </Amt> <Cdtr> <Nm>AADU KALA</Nm> <PstlAdr> <Ctry>EE</Ctry> <AdrLine>Leevikese 5,Tallinn</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> </Cdtr> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE602200221000235748</IBAN> </Id> </CdtrAcct> <RmtInf> <Ustrd>september salary</Ustrd> </RmtInf> </CdtTrfTxInf> </PmtInf> </CstmrCdtTrfInitn> </Document> 4.5 International payment in Russian roubles example (via correspondent bank) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Document xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03"> <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> <GrpHdr> <MsgId>201111258</MsgId> <CreDtTm>2013-09-27T11:16:58.696</CreDtTm> <NbOfTxs>1</NbOfTxs> <CtrlSum>5</CtrlSum> <InitgPty> <Nm>ETTEVÕTE AS</Nm> </InitgPty> </GrpHdr> <PmtInf> <PmtInfId>PMTID0052</PmtInfId> <PmtMtd>TRF</PmtMtd> <BtchBookg>false</BtchBookg> <NbOfTxs>1</NbOfTxs> <PmtTpInf> <SvcLvl> <Cd>NURG</Cd> </SvcLvl> </PmtTpInf> <ReqdExctnDt>2013-11-15</ReqdExctnDt> <Dbtr> <Nm>ETTEVÕTE AS</Nm> <PstlAdr> <Ctry>EE</Ctry> <AdrLine>Metsa 2, Tallinn</AdrLine> </PstlAdr> </Dbtr> <DbtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE942200221017496868</IBAN> </Id> <Ccy>EUR</Ccy> </DbtrAcct> <DbtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <BIC>HABAEE2X</BIC> </FinInstnId> </DbtrAgt> <ChrgBr>DEBT</ChrgBr> <CdtTrfTxInf> <PmtId> <InstrId>133456</InstrId> <EndToEndId>323011</EndToEndId> </PmtId> <Amt> <InstdAmt Ccy="RUB">5</InstdAmt> </Amt> <IntrmyAgt1> <FinInstnId> <Nm>OAO AKB Probiznesbank, g.Moskva, 044525986.30101810600000000986</Nm> </FinInstnId> </IntrmyAgt1> <CdtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <Nm>Vernadskoe otdelenie 9038, 303xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</Nm> </FinInstnId> </CdtrAgt> <Cdtr> <Nm>INN1234567891.KPP123456001 OOO Severnyy Tr/e/vel</Nm> </Cdtr> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <Othr> <Id>41234810487623900000</Id> </Othr> </Id> </CdtrAcct> <RgltryRptg> <Dtls> <Ctry>RU</Ctry> <Cd>310</Cd> </Dtls> </RgltryRptg> <RmtInf> <Ustrd>(VO20100) predoplata za transportnye uslugi, schet no.5 ot 15.10.2013, NDS 5.00 RUB</Ustrd> </RmtInf> </CdtTrfTxInf> </PmtInf> </CstmrCdtTrfInitn> </Document> 4.6 Payment status report pain.002.001.03 example (accepted) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.03"> <CstmrPmtStsRpt> <GrpHdr> <MsgId>20131115-093012731-466-1816/2325</MsgId> <CreDtTm>2013-11-22T15:50:34</CreDtTm> <InitgPty> <Id> <OrgId> <BICOrBEI>HABAEE2X</BICOrBEI> </OrgId> </Id> </InitgPty> </GrpHdr> <OrgnlGrpInfAndSts> <OrgnlMsgId>201111251</OrgnlMsgId> <OrgnlMsgNmId>pain.001.001.03</OrgnlMsgNmId> <OrgnlNbOfTxs>1</OrgnlNbOfTxs> <OrgnlCtrlSum>1.6</OrgnlCtrlSum> <GrpSts>ACSC</GrpSts> </OrgnlGrpInfAndSts> <OrgnlPmtInfAndSts> <OrgnlPmtInfId>PMTID006</OrgnlPmtInfId> <PmtInfSts>ACSC</PmtInfSts> <TxInfAndSts> <OrgnlInstrId>315</OrgnlInstrId> <OrgnlEndToEndId>527</OrgnlEndToEndId> <TxSts>ACSC</TxSts> <OrgnlTxRef> <Amt> <InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">1.60</InstdAmt> </Amt> <ReqdExctnDt>2013-11-22</ReqdExctnDt> <Dbtr> <Nm>ETTEVÕTE AS</Nm> </Dbtr> <DbtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE942200221017496868</IBAN> </Id> </DbtrAcct> <DbtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <BIC>HABAEE2X</BIC> </FinInstnId> </DbtrAgt> <CdtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <BIC>HABAEE2X</BIC> </FinInstnId> </CdtrAgt> <Cdtr> <Nm>FIRMA AS</Nm> </Cdtr> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE572200221017496855</IBAN> </Id> </CdtrAcct> </OrgnlTxRef> </TxInfAndSts> </OrgnlPmtInfAndSts> </CstmrPmtStsRpt> </Document> 4.7 Payment status report pain.002.001.03 example (rejected) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.03"> <CstmrPmtStsRpt> <GrpHdr> <MsgId>20131101-090903211-1701-13682/10868</MsgId> <CreDtTm>2013-11-22T13:22:12</CreDtTm> <InitgPty> <Id> <OrgId> <BICOrBEI>HABAEE2X</BICOrBEI> </OrgId> </Id> </InitgPty> </GrpHdr> <OrgnlGrpInfAndSts> <OrgnlMsgId>201111251</OrgnlMsgId> <OrgnlMsgNmId>pain.001.001.03</OrgnlMsgNmId> <OrgnlNbOfTxs>1</OrgnlNbOfTxs> <OrgnlCtrlSum>1.5</OrgnlCtrlSum> <GrpSts>RJCT</GrpSts> </OrgnlGrpInfAndSts> <OrgnlPmtInfAndSts> <OrgnlPmtInfId>PMTID109</OrgnlPmtInfId> <PmtInfSts>RJCT</PmtInfSts> <StsRsnInf> <Rsn> <Cd>BE01</Cd> </Rsn> <AddtlInf>The account number and the name do not coincide!</AddtlInf> </StsRsnInf> <TxInfAndSts> <OrgnlInstrId>1150006</OrgnlInstrId> <OrgnlEndToEndId>528</OrgnlEndToEndId> <TxSts>RJCT</TxSts> <StsRsnInf> <Rsn> <Cd>BE01</Cd> </Rsn> <AddtlInf>The account number and the name do not coincide!</AddtlInf> </StsRsnInf> <OrgnlTxRef> <Amt> <InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">1.50</InstdAmt> </Amt> <ReqdExctnDt>2013-11-22</ReqdExctnDt> <Dbtr> <Nm>ETTEVÕTE AS</Nm> </Dbtr> <DbtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE942200221017496868</IBAN> </Id> </DbtrAcct> <DbtrAgt> <FinInstnId> <BIC>HABAEE2X</BIC> </FinInstnId> </DbtrAgt> <Cdtr> <Nm>WRONGNAME AS</Nm> </Cdtr> <CdtrAcct> <Id> <IBAN>EE572200221017496855</IBAN> </Id> </CdtrAcct> </OrgnlTxRef> </TxInfAndSts> </OrgnlPmtInfAndSts> </CstmrPmtStsRpt> </Document>
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