SEMESTER 2 MSC CCM PART‐TIME LECTURES IN KUALA LUMPUR WEEK DATE DAY 1 (1)1/2 15.2.14. 16.2.14 22.2.14 23.2.14 1.3.14 2.3.14 8.3.14 9.3.14 15.3.14 16.3.14 22.3.14 23.3.14 29.3.14 30.3.14 5.4.14 6.4.14 12.4.14 13.4.14 19.4.14 20.4.14 26.4.14 27.4.14 3.5.14 4.5.14 10.5.14 11.5.14 17.5.14 18.5.14 24.5.14 25.5.14 31.5.14 1.6.14 Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday 3 (2)3/4 5 (3)5/6 7 (4)7/8 9 (5)9/10 11 (6)11/12 13 (7)13/14 15 (8)15/16 17 PART 2 COURSE MBG 1433 (1) MBG 1223 (1) MBG 1233 (1) MBG 1243 (1) MBG 1223 (2) MBG 1433 (2) MBG 1433 (3) MBG 1243 (2) LECTURER RAR JY MH JY JY JY RAR RAR 2 2 2 2 PART 3 COURSE MBG 1244 (1) MBG 1244 (2) MBG 1244 (3) MBG 1253 (1) MBG 1353 (1) MBG 1353 (2) MBG 1253 (2) MBG 1353 (3) LECTURER JY RAR JY MH MH MH MH MH TECHNICAL VISIT AND SPECIAL LECTURES IN KUALA LUMPUR MBG 1223 (3) MBG 1223 (4) MBG 1233 (2) MBG 1233 (3) MBG 1243 (3) MBG 1223 (5) MBG 1233 (4) MBG 1433 (4) MBG 1223 (6) MBG 1243 (4) JY JY MH MH RAR JY RAR RAR JY JY 1 2 3 2 2 18 MBG 1253 (3) MBG 1244 (4) MBG 1253 (4) MBG 1244 (5) MBG 1353 (4) MBG 1244 (6) SESSION 2013‐2014 JY JY MH RAR JY JY RAR PART 4 COURSE LECTURER SEMESTER 2 MSC CCM PART‐TIME LECTURES IN KUALA LUMPUR SESSION 2013‐2014 Part 2 MBG1223 Land, Planning & Environmental Law 3 Credits (Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob) MBG 1243 Construction Contract Studies 1 3 Credits (Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid & Mr. Jamaluddin Yaakob) MBG 1233 Construction Project Procurements (Dr. Maizon Hashim & Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid) 3 Credits MBG 1433 Case Study (Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid & Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob) 3 Credits Total Credits 12 Credits PART 3 MBG 1244 Construction Contract Studies 2 4 Credits Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid & Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob MBG 1253 Arbitration 3 Credits Dr. Maizon Hashim & Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob MBG 1353 Alternative Dispute Resolution & Adjudication 3 Credits Dr. Maizon Hashim & Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob Total Credit 10 Credits _________________________________________ Department of Quantity Surveying Faculty of Built Environment MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT MANAGEMENT (Part-Time – Kuala Lumpur) Lecture Programme (Part 2) Semester 2 Session 2013/2014 February 2014 THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE PROGRAMME The process of procuring construction projects are getting more complex and challenging not only because projects are getting bigger, taller and more sophisticated but also due to greater involvement of specialist and professional consultants, specialist subcontractors, and increasing internationalization of the construction market. Clients are now asking for more efficient and effective management approaches as well as speedier, simpler and less intricate project procurement systems and contractual arrangements. There is currently an increasing use of nontraditional systems that emphasise on co-operative relationship between the principal and contractor and other stakeholders within a construction project. Examples of such systems include Public-Private Partnering (PPPs) aka Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs) and alliances such as "pure" or "project" alliances and "impure" or "strategic" alliances. This development inevitably leads to changes to the rights, duties and risks of the participating parties and to the management approaches. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for today’s project managers and/or contract managers to be extremely well verse with the legal and procedural aspects of construction law and the various procurement systems. The basic philosophy of this programme is that “a project manager or contract manager will be more adept to evaluate and select an appropriate procurement approach and managing its contractual and procedural aspects more efficiently and effectively, if he/she is very conversant with construction law and operational aspects of the various contracting systems. At the same time, he/she can be a better manager and arbitrator if he/she has a thorough knowledge about arbitration and other dispute resolution approaches.” THE OBJECTIVE OF THE PROGRAMME The programme is designed to provide advanced education to construction and engineering professionals and graduates who are seeking greater knowledge and experience in construction law and operational aspects of the various construction procurement systems and wishing to broaden their careers into the specialised field of construction contract management. COURSES OFFERED The subjects offered in Semester 2 of Session 2013/2014 are as follows: MBG1223 Land, Planning & Environmental Law 3 Credits (Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob) MBG 1243 Construction Contract Studies 1 (Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid & Mr. Jamaluddin Yaakob) 3 Credits MBG 1233 Construction Project Procurements (Dr. Maizon Hashim & Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid) 3 Credits MBG 1433 Case Study (Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid & Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob) 3 Credits Total Credits 12 Credits 26 - 30 March 2014 TECHNICAL VISIT AND SPECIAL LECTURES IN KUALA LUMPUR Lecture Programmes - As attached MSc CCM (Part 2) 1 Semester 2_2013/2014 Subject Semester MBG 1223 - LAND, PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 2 Lecture Status Core Tutorial/Seminar Pre-condition None Credit See lecture program None 3 TEACHING TEAM Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob SYSNOPSIS This is a fundamental course. It consists of three different laws. The main focus is the Malaysian land law, particulalrly: the Torrens system, indefeasibility of title, classification and category of land, disposals and dealings, restrain of dealings, subdivision, partition, amalgamation and strata title. The planning and environmental laws are treated as an overview of the relevant legislations with special emphasis on certain issues. In the former, the emphasis is on the planning control mechanism. In the latter, the emphasis is on the legal principles and legislations for the different environmental issues in construction work. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course students should: a) Have deeper knowledge and understanding about laws associated with land and land development and their relationship with construction; and able to evaluate and make decisions to solve problems and issues related to land and construction; b) Have deeper knowledge and understanding about the principles and mechanism of Town and Country Planning Act (Act 172) and the critical provisions in the act including the provisions in connection with the environment; and able to apply the provisions under the planning law and environmental law in making decisions on matters or issues associated with construction. TEACHING AND LEARNING APPROACH: The teaching and learning for this subject involve lectures and tutorials. Students will be given assignments to be prepared individually and in groups. The assignments will be assessed as part of the continuous assessments. ASSESSMENTS: The assessment for this subject will be based on course works and final examination. The distribution of the marks is as follows: Course works : 60% Final examination : 40 % TOTAL : 100% MSc CCM (Part 2) 2 Semester 2_2013/2014 MBG 1223 - LAND, PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL LAW LECTURE PROGRAMME: Date Week 1/2 Sunday 16 Feb 14 JY (1) Content Introduction to land development law: Stages in land development process and the governing statutes, Introduction to land law: Basic elements of land law Torrens System and the National Land Code 1965: Basic principles and characteristics of the Torrens System and their codification into the National Land Code 1965. Definition of land: section 5 of NLC 1965; common law principles of fixture and chattel; application of those principles in construction contracts Week 5/6 Saturday 15 Mar 14 JY (2) Classification of land: country land, village land & Town land Week 9 Saturday 5 Apr 14 JY (3) Dealings: rights of registered proprietor to carry out dealings with respect to the alienated land; types of dealings: registrable and unregsitrable dealings; Transfer, Charge, Lien. Lease, Tenancy, Easement, right of ways, registration of dealings; and equitable dealings. Week 9 Sunday 6 Apr 14 JY (4) Restraint of Dealings: Types of restraint of dealings; private caveats; conditions and procedures; caveatble interests; duration and determination of private caveats. Category of land use: agriculture, building and industry Disposal of land by State Authority: alienation, reservation, lease of reserved land, temporary occupation license and permits. Subdivision, Partition and Amalgamation: definitions, conditions and procedures and legal issues Week 11/12 Sunday 27 Apr 14 JY (5) Strata Title: Basic concepts and characteristics of strata title scheme; overview of the Strata Title Act 1985; applications and issuance of strata titles; management corporation; legal issues. Maintenance & Management of Strata Schemes: Overview of maintenance and management of strata schemes; overview of the Common Property (Maintenance and Management). Act 2007 [Act 663); legal issues. Planning Law: Definition of planning; objective and philosophy of planning; governing statutes; overview of Town and Country Planning Act 1976; Development Plans, Development Order; Planning Control and Planning permission; legal issues. Week 15/16 Saturday 24 May 14 JY (6) Environmental Law: Global environmental issues; national environmental issues; environmental issues in construction works; governing laws: common law and statutes; relevant law cases MSc CCM (Part 2) Conveyancing: Definition of conveyancing; purpose of conveyancing; instances requiring transfer of title; governing laws; normal conveyancing procedures; contract of sale and purchase; roles of lawyers and stakeholders. Assignments Presentation 3 Semester 2_2013/2014 MBG 1223 - LAND, PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL LAW READING LIST Land Law 1) Salleh Haji Buang, Malaysian Torrens System (2nd ed), Kuala Lumpur : DBP, 2007 2) Judith Sihombing, National Land Code : a commentary (3 volumes), Kuala Lumpur : Malayan Law Journal, 2004 3) Halsbury's laws of Malaysia (24v), Kuala Lumpur : Malayan Law Journal, 2002 4) Legal & practical issues on strata titles, duties of developers & management corporation / conducted by Tang Kean Onn, [S. l. : s. n.], [2000] 5) Lainah Yow Oi Lin, Conveyancing practice and procedure in West Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur : Malayan Law Journal, 2003 6) Salleh Buang, Malaysian law on housing developers : with Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 and subsidiary legislation (2nd ed.), Petaling Jaya, Selangor, D.E. : Sweet & Maxwell, 2002 7) Koperasi Pegawai Pentadbiran dan Pengurusan Tanah Malaysia Berhad, A manual on the National Land Code, Kuala Lumpur :Koperasi Pegawai Pentadbiran dan Pengurusan Tanah Malaysia Berhad in cooperation with Dept. of Director General of Lands and Mines, 2002 8) Ainul Jaria Maidin, Principles of Malaysian land law. Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan :Lexis Nexis, 2008 9) Shaikh Abdul Saleem Shaikh Abdul Karim, Enforcement of charges handbook (2nd ed), Kuala Lumpur :Malayan Law Journal, 2005 MSc CCM (Part 2) 4 Semester 2_2013/2014 Subject Semester MBG1243 – CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT STUDIES 1 2 Lecture 3 hours/week 0 hours/week Status CORE Tutorial/Seminar Pre-condition None Credit 3 TEACHING TEAM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid and Mr. Jamaluddin Yaakob SYNOPSIS This course introduces the students to the different background and qualification of the legal and managerial aspects of construction contract management. It discusses the Malaysian legal system, the nature Malaysian construction industry, structure and organisation. The course also dwells on the formation of construction contract, the associated laws and statutes, the local and international forms of construction contracts, their features and usage including the preparation and usage of the various contract documents – drawings, specifications, bills of quantities etc. Attention is also given to the aspects of insolvency and insurances in construction contracts. The course also discusses matters pertaining to consultancy services in construction, engagement of consultants and the retainers and professional liabilities. LEARNING OUTCOME After completing this course, the students should be able to: a) identify the relevant laws associated with construction contract and discuss the legal issues relating to the formation of construction contracts; b) identify the various standard and non-standard forms of contract and to evaluate the appropriateness of their use in various conditions; c) give advise on the engagement of consultants and the associated legal matters including the rights, duties and liabilities of the consultants and standard of performance; d) give advise on the on the various types risks and insurances in construction e) discuss the legal effects insolvency regimes with regard to certain relevant terms in construction contracts. TEACHING AND LEARNING APPROACH The teaching and learning for this subject involve formal lectures, seminars, group discussions and course work. Students will be given written course works or assignments to be done either individually or in groups. The assignments will be assessed as part of the continuous assessment. ASSESSMENT: The assessment for this subject will be continuous and based on the course works and final examination. Course works Final examination Total Marks MSc CCM (Part 2) 60 % 40 % 100 % 5 Semester 2_2013/2014 MBG1243 – CONTRACT STUDIES 1 LECTURE PROGRAMME Date Week 3/4 Sunday 2 March 14 (1) JY Content Lecturer Malaysian legal system: Definition of law; classification of law; sources of law; court system & jurisdictions; judicial precedent; law reports. Introduction to construction contract: Definition of construction contract; applicable laws, nature of construction contracts. formation of construction contracts: basic elements of valid and enforceable contract, basic process of the formation of contract and formality - elements of invitation to tender, tender, letter of acceptance (award), letter of intent, consideration etc. Forms of Construction Contracts: Standard and non-standard forms, advantages and disadvantages; types of standard forms: Malaysian and international forms of contract, the issuing bodies; comparative analysis of various standard and non-standard forms of contract, criticism against the use of standard forms. Week 7 Sunday 23 March 14 (2) RAR Construction Contract documentation: Legal basis for the use of contract documents; Types of contract documents and their functions: drawings, specification, bills of quantities, schedule of rates, articles of agreement, appendices etc.; Issues on discrepancy in and divergence between various documents in the contract documents. Insurance in Construction Contracts Risks and insurances in construction contracts and the relevant policies. Performance Bond: Nature of performance bonds, bank guarantee, retention funds, special trustee funds; conditional and on-demand performance bond; conditions and procedures for calling the bond; injunctions against employer from calling the bond. Week 11/12 Saturday 26 Apr 14 (3) RAR Week 15/16 Sunday 25 May 14 (4) JY Professional consultants and Retainer: Professionals in construction contracts, characteristics of professionals; roles of professionals; the legal and administrative relationship between parties; standard retainer for professional services (standard conditions of engagement of consultants). Professional liabilities (negligence): duties and liabilities of the professionals under contract, tort, statute and criminal liability; and liabilities of professionals with respect to defective buildings. Terms and conditions of construction contract: the importance of writing down the terms and conditions of the contract; Guides to drafting sound terms and conditions of construction contract; rules of interpretation of terms; conditions and warranties; express and implied terms. Insolvency in construction contract: Insolvency and bankruptcy: liquidation, receivership; arrangement; effects of insolvency in relation to certain terms in construction contracts. Assignments Presentation MSc CCM (Part 2) 6 Semester 2_2013/2014 MBG1243 – CONTRACT STUDIES 1 LECTURE PROGRAMME READING LIST th 1) Billington, Michael J., The building regulations : explained and illustrated (12 Blackwell Science, 2004 2) Bunni, Nael G., Risk and insurance in construction, London : Spon Pres, 2003 3) Chan, Philip Chuen Fye, Commonwealth construction cases : the Singapore perspective, Singapore: Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2002 4) Chow Kok Fong, Law and practice of construction contracts (3rd ed.), Singapore : Sweet & Maxwell, 2004 5) Chow Kok Fong, Construction law casebook, Singapore : Lexis Nexis, 2003 6) Halsbury's laws of Malaysia / Malayan Law Journal, Kuala Lumpur : Malayan Law Journal, 2002 7) Harbans Singh, K.S., Engineering and construction contracts management : law and principles, Selangor : Malayan Law Journal, 2004 8) James, Michael F., Construction law : liability for the construction of defective buildings (2nd ed.), New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2002 9) Murdoch, John, Construction contracts : law and management (4th ed.), London : Spon Press, 2008 10) Noe, Monica, Construction defects : your rights and remedies, Singapore : Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2005 11) Powell-Smith, Vincent, Powell-Smith & Furmston's building contract casebook (4th ed.), London : Oxford : Blackwell Publishing, 2006 12) Uff, John, Construction law : law and practice relating to the construction industry (9 th ed.), London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2005 13) Wong, Gary Soo, Construction law and practice in Hong Kong, Hong Kong : Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2004 14) Wilmot-Smith, Richard, Construction contracts : law and practice, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006 MSc CCM (Part 2) 7 ed.), Oxford : Semester 2_2013/2014 Course Semester Status Pre-condition MBG1233 – CONSTRUCTION PROJECT PROCUREMENT 2 MAJOR CORE Lecture 3 hours/week Tutorial/Seminar O hours/week None Credit 3 TEACHING TEAM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maizon Hashim and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid SYNOPSIS This course is designed to provide students with in-depth knowledge and understanding about the concept and application of the various construction project delivery systems such as the traditional system, turnkey, design and build, PFI, BOT and cost plus and the latest application of partnering and alliancing systems as used in Malaysia and other countries. It also looks into the various methods of bidding and tendering procedures. The course gives emphasis on the legal, economics and technical aspects of the various delivery systems and discusses the strategic aspects of their choices against the background of the project requirements, clients’ needs, risks allocation and current construction technology and practice. LEARNING OUTCOME After completing the course the students should have a thorough knowledge and understanding about construction procurement systems. They should also have the capability and competency to: a) Evaluate and select the procurement and contracting system that is most appropriate to the client’s, project and management requirements and project cost, time and quality b) Economically and speedily undertake the process of evaluating, selecting and appointing of contractors for the project c) Draft and prepare the most appropriate tender/bidding and contract documents according to the procurement system TEACHING AND LEARNING APPROACH The teaching and learning of this course involve formal lectures and group discussions. Lecture and discussion will be based on modular approach. Each module will be taken by different lecturers. Refer to schedule. ASSESSMENT The assessment for this course will be based on course works and final examination. The coursework will be assessed based on the written work and its presentation. The distribution of marks is as follows: Courseworks : 60% Final Examination : 40% Total : 100% MSc CCM (Part 2) 8 Semester 2_2013/2014 MBG1233 – CONSTRUCTION PROJECT PROCUREMENT LECTURE PROGRAMME Week Week 3/4 Saturday 1 Mar 14 MH (1) Lecture Outline Introduction to the course, The scope of study of the course, its importance in contract management and to contract managers Introduction to procurement Definition of project procurement, historical background and evolution of contemporary procurement systems in Malaysia and overseas; Problems and issues associated with project procurement in Malaysia and overseas and the need for more efficient procurement system to meet the changing construction & business environment Overview of the Project Procurement systems Citing the various procurement systems use today; their classification and method of classification and providing an overview of concept and evolution of each of the system. (It is a prelude to detail review (analysis) of the concept and operation of the different procurement systems) Separated or Multiple Responsibility Procurement system The characteristic and operation (process and procedure) of this category of procurement i.e. the traditional or conventional system The merits and demerits of the traditional or conventional system – cost, time, information needs, risks allocation, organisation, coordination, method of evaluation and selection etc. The Integrated system and its variants – design and build & novated design and build system The characteristic and operation (process and procedure) of the design and build and its variants i.e. novated design and build system The merits and demerits of the design and build and its variants i.e. turnkey system – cost, time, information needs, risks allocation, organisation, coordination, method of evaluation and selection etc. MSc CCM (Part 2) 9 Semester 2_2013/2014 MBG1233 – CONSTRUCTION PROJECT PROCUREMENT Lecture Programme Week Week 9/10 Saturday 12 Apr 14 MH (2) Lecture Outline The Integrated system and its variants – turnkey, package deal & design and develop The characteristic and operation (process and procedure) of the design and build system and its variants i.e. turnkey, design and develop The merits and demerits of the design and build and its variants i.e. turnkey, package & design and develop system – cost, time, information needs, risks allocation, organisation, coordination etc. The Management Oriented System – project management, construction management & management contracting The characteristic and operation (the process and procedure) of the management oriented system – project management, construction management and management contracting system The merits and demerits of the project management, construction management and management contracting system – cost, time, information needs, risks allocation, organisation, coordination etc. The Discretionary (modified) procurement system – the Public Private Partnership (PPP), Private Financing Initiatives (PFI) and Partnering The characteristic and operation (the process and procedure) of the discretionary (modified) procurement system – the Public Private Partnership (PPP), Private Financing Initiatives (PFI) and Partnering The merits and demerits of the Public Private Partnership (PPP), Private Financing Initiatives (PFI) and Partnering – cost, time, information needs, risks allocation, organisation, coordination etc. MSc CCM (Part 2) 10 Semester 2_2013/2014 MBG1233 – CONSTRUCTION PROJECT PROCUREMENT Lecture Programme Week Week 9/10 Sunday 13 April 14 (3) MH Lecture Outline The summary of the merits and demerits of the various procurement systems Summary of the merits and demerits of the different procurement systems The selection of procurement system – discussion on the factors influencing the choice of procurement system Societal factors – economics, technology, politic, legal, commercial; organisational resources – knowledge and experience, type, nature and culture of clients’ organisation; Project characteristic and nature – type, size, complexity, location; availability of labour and materials; method of financing; flexibility and adaptability; Other factors – time, urgency, degree of control, allocation of risks, information and documentation requirement etc. Performance improvement in procurement innovation, continuous improvement, knowledge management Week 13/14 Saturday 10 May 14 (4) RAR Tendering and bidding Overview of the different tendering/bidding procedure commonly used by the construction industry; Principles and the operation (process and procedures) of different tendering/bidding procedure – open, selective, negotiated, serial and two stage tendering Review of the different tendering/bidding system – their merits and demerits and the implication on project cost, time, quality and performance; documentation requirements Procurement Management Concept, elements and process of project procurement management; procurement management and contract life cycle Process of project procurement management - what, when, who and how to manage procurement; Plan acquisition – policy, objective, strategy; review and evaluation – evaluation techniques or system, decision making tools, input and output Plan contracting – review, evaluation and selection of contract form; review of terms and conditions; documentation Plan tender and bidding; Contract administration and closure MSc CCM (Part 2) 11 Semester 2_2013/2014 MBG1233 – CONSTRUCTION PROJECT PROCUREMENT READING LIST Masterman, Jack W. E., Introduction to Building Procurement Systems (2nd ed.), London: Spon Press, 2002 ICE Virtual Library Journals, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Management, procurement and law [electronic resource], London :Thomas Telford, Peter Brandon, Virtual Futures for Design, Construction and Procurement, New York: Blackwell,2 008 Will Hughes, Procurement in the Construction Industry : the impact and cost of alternative market and supply processes, New York: Taylor & Francis, 2006 Kalidindi, Satyanarayana N., Project Procurement for Infrastructure Construction, New Delhi: Narosa Pub. House, 2004 Khairuddin Abdul Rashid, Construction Procurement in Malaysia : processes and systems : constraints and strategies, Kuala Lumpur: Research Centre IIUM, 2002 Construction contract and procurement system, Electronic access: asp?id=50261 Koch, James Edward, Project Administration for Design-Build Contracts: a primer for owners, engineers, and contractors, Reston, Va. :ASCE Press/American Society of Civil Engineers, 2010 George Elvin, Integrated Practice in Architecture : mastering design-build, fast-track, and building information modelling, Hoboken : J. Wiley & Sons, 2007 David Chappell, The JCT Design and Build Contract 2005 (3rd ed.), Oxford, UK : Blackwell, 2007 Molenaar, Keith R., Alternative Project Delivery, Procurement, and Contracting Methods for Highways, USA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2007 Gransberg, Douglas D., Preparing for Design-Build Projects: a primer for owners, engineers, and contractors, Reston, VA :American Society of Civil Engineers,2006 Levy, Sidney M., Design-Build Project Delivery, New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2006 Griffith, Alan, Best Practice Tendering for Design and Build Projects, London :Thomas Telford, 2003 Wepner, Shelley B., Collaborative Leadership in Action : partnering for success in schools, New York :Teachers College Press, 2011 John Bennett, Partnering in the Construction Industry : a code of practice for strategic collaborative working, Oxford :Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006 MSc CCM (Part 2) 12 Semester 2_2013/2014 MBG1233 – CONSTRUCTION PROJECT PROCUREMENT READING LIST Loraine, R. K., Partnering in the Social Housing Sector: a Handbook, London: Thomas Telford, 2000 Thomas, Gill, Construction Partnering and Integrated Team Working, Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2005 Cain, Clive Thomas, Profitable Partnering for Lean Construction, Oxford, UK ;Blackwell Pub., 2004 David Jones, Partnering and Collaborative Working : law and industry practice, London :LLP, 2003 Tony Lendrum, The Strategic Partnering Handbook: the practitioners' guide to partnerships and alliances (4th ed.), New York :McGraw-Hill, 2003 Nigel Dubben, Partnerships in Urban Property Development, Chichester, U.K.; WileyBlackwell Pub., 2009 Franceys, R., Regulating Water and Sanitation for the Poor: economic regulation for public and private partnerships, London; Earthscan, 2008 International handbook on public private partnerships, Northampton, MA :Edward Elgar Pub., 2010 ProQuest Central, European Public Private Partnership Law Review [electronic resource], Berlin: Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft, 2006 Greve, Carsten., Contracting for Public Services [electronic resource], Abingdon, Oxon, England ;Routledge, 2007 Osborne, Stephen P., Public Private Partnerships [electronic resource] : theory and practice in international perspective, London ;Routledge, 2000 MSc CCM (Part 2) 13 Semester 2_2013/2014 Subject Semester MBG1433 – CASE STUDY 2 Lecture Status CORE Independent study Pre-requisite None Credit See attached Lecture programme 2 TEACHING TEAM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid & Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob SYNOPSIS It is a course designed to further enhance the students’ skill and ability to readily identify, systemise and analyse or synthesise problems and issues and suggesting appropriate answers or solutions to the issues or problems in hand through literature reviews and formal presentations and discussions in forum and seminars. In this course, the students are given books, articles, journals, law cases or seminar papers to be reviewed, presented and discussed in the class. As a preparation for their research project, the course also provides the students with in depth understanding of research methodology and strategy. LEARNING OUTCOME After successfully completing the course, the students are expected: c) To have enhanced their reading habits and be more aware and interested in the current local and global issues d) To have further improved their ability to view the various issues holistically and in a more systematic and critical manner; e) To have further enhanced their ability and confidence to communicate and express their ideas and propositions TEACHING AND LEARNING APPROACH This subject focuses on further developing the students critical and creative thinking and analytical capability through reading, analysis of given cases and book review. The students are either given cases to study, books/articles to review or they may select books/articles of their interest to review. They are required to read and critically study the cases, books or articles and present their comments, argument or discussion in writing. They are also required to present and discuss their comment etc. in a series of discussion session or seminars. The written work must be submitted to the lecturer in-charge before the discussion session for his/her assessment. ASSESSMENT Students will be continuously assessed based on their written work and verbal presentation/discussion. The distribution of marks is as follows: MSc CCM (Part 2) Coursework : 60 % Final Examination : 40% Total : 100% 14 Semester 2_2013/2014 MBG1433 – CASE STUDY LECTURE PROGRAMME Date/Time Week 1/2 Saturday 15 Feb 14 (1) RAR Content INTRODUCTION Objectives, teaching and learning approach, assessment Develop awareness; hone analytical skill – systematic, critical, view holistically; communicate effectively – clear, precise, confidence, appropriateness Difference between ‘finding out’ and ‘research’; knowledge acquisition Examples (review, analysis, propositions, hypotheses) Distribution of case studies 1, 2 & 3 Brief introduction to case study 1 (article review) Week 5/6 Sunday 16 March 14 (2) JY RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Concept, types and purpose of academic research; Process of academic research, content of research proposal and research report (dissertation) Literature review for academic research Preparation of research proposal Research design, data collection and dissertation writing Week 7 Saturday 22 March 14 (3) RAR CASE STUDY 1 Re-introduce case study 1 Submission & presentation of case study 1 Continuation of presentation of case study 1 Brief introduction to case study 2 (case law analysis) CASE STUDY 2 Re-introduce case study 2 Submission and presentation of case study 2 Continuation of presentation of case study 2 Brief introduction to case study 3 (book review) Week 13/14 Sunday 11 May 15 (4) RAR CASE STUDY NO.3 Re-introduce case study 3 Submission and presentation of case study 3 Continuation of presentation of case study 3 READING LIST Any book, journal, magazine, monograph, seminar papers and others which are of interest to students and relevant to the given case studies Research Methodology Carol M. Bast, Foundations of legal research and writing (4th ed.), Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2010 Putman, William H., Legal research, analysis, and writing, New York: Thomson/Delmar Learning, 2004 MSc CCM (Part 2) 15 Semester 2_2013/2014 M.Sc. IN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT MANAGEMENT EXAMINATION TIME-TABLE PART-TIME/PERSISIR PROGRAMME KUALA LUMPUR CENTRE PART 2 SEMESTER 2 SESSION 2013/2014 Date/time Sunday 1 June 2014 9.00 – 12.00 Sunday 8 June 2014 9.00 – 12.00 Sunday 15 June 2014 9.00 -12.00 MSc CCM (Part 2) Course MBG 1223 Land, Planning and Environmental Law MBG 1233 Construction Project Procurement MBG 1243 Construction Contract Studies 1 16 Invigilator Dr. Maizon Hashim Ms Hamizah Liyana Tajul Ariffin Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob Semester 2_2013/2014 M.Sc IN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME COURSES OFFERED (FOR PART-TIME/PERSISIR) PROGRAMME PART 1 Code Subjects Credit MBG1133 Construction Economics (Ekonomi Pembangunan Projek) 3 MBG1144 Project Management & Operational Research (Pengurusan Projek & Penyelidikan Operasi) 4 MBG1213 Law of Contract, Tort, Agency & Sales of Goods (Undang2 Kontrak, Tort, Agensi dan Jual Beli ) 3 MBG1113 Construction Environment (Persekitaran Pembinaan) ** 3 TOTAL CREDIT 10 PART 2 Code Subjects Credit MBG1223 Land, Planning & Environmental Law (Undang2 Tanah, Perancangan & Alam Sekitar) 3 MBG1233 Construction Project Procurement (Perolehan Projek Binaan) 3 MBG1433 Case Studies (Kajian Kes) 3 MBG1243 Contract Studies 1 (Kajian Kontrak 1) 3 MBG1123 Construction Project Development (Pembangunan Projek Binaan)** 3 TOTAL CREDIT 12 PART 3 Code Subjects Credit MBG1244 Construction Contract Studies 2 (Kajian Kontrak Binaan 2) 4 MBG1253 Arbitration (Timbangtara) 3 MBG1353 Alternative Dispute Resolution & Adjudication (Penyelesaian Pertikaian Alternatif dan Adjudikasi) 3 TOTAL CREDIT 10 PART 4 Code MBG2415 Subjects Credit Master Project (Dissertation) 5 TOTAL CREDIT 5 UNIVERSITY SUBJECTS (offered every semester) Code Subjects Credit UHP6013 Seminar on Development and Global Issues (Seminar Pembangunan dan Isu Global)* 3 UHW6023 Philosophy of Science and Social Development (Falsafah Sains dan Pembangunan Sosial)* 3 TOTAL CREDIT 3 * Students are required to take only ONE of these TWO university subjects at anytime during the duration of the programme. ** Students with LLb may register for MBG1113 and MBG1123 in lieu of MBG 1213 dan MBG 1223. MSc CCM (Part 2) 17 Semester 2_2013/2014 ________________________________________________________ Department of Quantity Surveying Faculty of Built Environment MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT MANAGEMENT (Part-Time – Kuala Lumpur) Lecture Programme (Part 3) Semester 2 Session 2013/2014 February 2014 THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE PROGRAMME The process of procuring construction projects are getting more complex and challenging not only because projects are getting bigger, taller and more sophisticated but also due to greater involvement of specialist and professional consultants, specialist subcontractors, and increasing internationalization of the construction market. Clients are now asking for more efficient and effective management approaches as well as speedier, simpler and less intricate project procurement systems and contractual arrangements. There is currently an increasing use of nontraditional systems that emphasise on co-operative relationship between the principal and contractor and other stakeholders within a construction project. Examples of such systems include Public-Private Partnering (PPPs) aka Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs) and alliances such as "pure" or "project" alliances and "impure" or "strategic" alliances. This development inevitably leads to changes to the rights, duties and risks of the participating parties and to the management approaches. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for today’s project managers and/or contract managers to be extremely well verse with the legal and procedural aspects of construction law and the various procurement systems. The basic philosophy of this programme is that “a project manager or contract manager will be more adept to evaluate and select an appropriate procurement approach and managing its contractual and procedural aspects more efficiently and effectively, if he/she is very conversant with construction law and operational aspects of the various contracting systems. At the same time, he/she can be a better manager and arbitrator if he/she has a thorough knowledge about arbitration and other dispute resolution approaches.” THE OBJECTIVE OF THE PROGRAMME The programme is designed to provide advanced education to construction and engineering professionals and graduates who are seeking greater knowledge and experience in construction law and operational aspects of the various construction procurement systems and wishing to broaden their careers into the specialised field of construction contract management. COURSES OFFERED MBG 1244 Construction Contract Studies 2 4 Credits Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid & Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob MBG 1253 Arbitration 3 Credits Dr. Maizon Hashim & Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob MBG 1353 26 - 30 March 2014 Alternative Dispute Resolution & Adjudication Dr. Maizon Hashim & Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob 3 Credits Total Credit 10 Credits TECHNICAL VISIT AND SPECIAL LECTURES IN KUALA LUMPUR Lecture Programmes - As attached MSc CCM (Part 3) 2 Semester 2_2012/2013 Subject Semester MBG1244 – CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT STUDIES 2 2 Lecture Status CORE Tutorial/Seminar Pre-condition None Credit See Lecture programme 0 hours/week 4 Lecturers Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid & Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob SYNOPSIS This course is an extension of the Construction Contract Studies 1. It generally examines the important terms in construction contracts with special reference to the PWD and PAM standard forms as well as other forms such as JCT and FIDIC. Some of those important clauses discussed include those that relate to performance of the work: conditions and possession of sit; time related issues (extension of time and liquidated damages), completion of work; payments and remedies for non-payment; breach and termination of contract, remedies for breach of contract such as contractor’s claims for loss and expense and suspension of works. This course also discusses issues relating subcontracting and international contracting. Objective of the subject: After completing this subject, the students should have a good knowledge and deep understanding on the followings: a) Principles of construction contract, construction risks and risk distribution in the contract b) Identification and understanding of the main issues relating to the use of various construction contracts in Malaysia and overseas c) Understanding the effects of globalisation on the professionalism of construction contract management Teaching and Learning Approach The teaching and learning approach of this subject involve formal lectures and group discussions. Lectures and discussion will be based on modular approach. Each module will be taught by different lecturers. Refer to schedule. Assessment The assessment for this subject will be based on courseworks and final examination. The coursework will be assessed based on the written work and its presentation in the workshop or seminar organized by the programme leader. The distribution of marks is as follows: MSc CCM (Part 3) Coursework : 60% Final Examination : 40% TOTAL : 100% 3 Semester 2_2012/2013 MBG1244 – CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT STUDIES 2 LECTURE PROGRAMME: Week Lecture Outline Week 1/2 Introduction to the course Duties and obligations of employers and contractors under the Contract Statutory duties; Contractual duties; Express and Implied duties. Role and Duties of Contract Administrator Statutory duties; Contractual duties; Express and Implied duties. Site Possession : Legal basis. duty of giving possession of site, risk of condition of site; effect of giving site out possession; delay in giving site possession; liability of contractor and employer – employer’s representatives, consultants, trespassers, children, etc. Saturday 15 Feb 14 JY (1) Week 1/2 Sunday 16 Feb 14 RAR (2) Week 3/4 Saturday 01 Mar 14 JY (3) Variations and Valuation of Variation Definition, legal basis, types, causes, scope or limits, variation v new work; process and procedures related to variations, contractor’s right to object; valuation of variation works. Certificate and Payment: Legal basis; types of payment- interim, penultimate and final payment; contractor’s right to payment; process of payment; the effect of interim certificate Price fluctuation clauses Contractor’s remedies for delay or non-payment, set-off, Summary judgment, section 182 Companies Act Final account and final certificate; the conclusiveness of final certificate Site Conditions Contractor’s duty and liability relating to condition of the site under the common law and the contracts; Contract Administrator’s Instruction: Legal Basis; Types/forms of instruction & compliance; Effects of non-compliance’ contractor’s right to object instructions Week 9/10 Sunday 13 Apr 14 (4) JY Breach, suspension and determination of contract Week 11/12 Commencement and Completion of the work: Commencement of work and contract duration; meaning of completion and noncompletion of work; certificate of practical completion; defective work and defect liability period; Stage completion and partial possession. Time related provisions Non-completion and Certificate of Non-completion; extension of time; basis for extension of time; assessment of extension of time. Liquidated damages (LAD) - time as essence of contract; time at large issues; rights of employer and contractor pertaining to liquidated damages and extension of time respectively; liquidated damages – legal basis, provision in Contract Act 1950, contractual provisions & current legal issues. Sunday 27 Apr 14 (5) RAR MSc CCM (Part 3) Legal basis of breach and discharge of contract; remedy for breach of contract under construction contract and common law. Legal basis; suspension and determination under common law and Contract Act 1950; determination under standard forms, effects of determination. 4 Semester 2_2012/2013 MBG1244 – CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT STUDIES 2 LECTURE PROGRAMME: Week 15/16 Sunday 25 May 14 (6) RAR Contractor’s Claims for loss and expenses Delays and disruption to regular progress of the Work; Legal basis of contractor’s right to claim; the process and procedure for making the claim; notices and information and Global claims; Sub-contract: Legal basis, contractual links; incorporation of main contract terms into subcontracts; main contractor’s liability with respect to subcontractor’s and employer’s breaches of contract. READING LIST 1) David Chappell, Building Law Encyclopaedia, Ames, Iowa :Wiley-Blackwell Pub., 2009 2) David Chappel, Standard Letters For Building Contractors [electronic resource] (4 ed.), Oxford, UK, Blackwell,2008 3) David Chappel, Understanding JCT Standard Building Contracts, Abingdon, Oxon : Taylor and Francis 2007 4) David Chappel, The Architect in Practice, 2005 5) David Chappel, Building Contract Claims, 2004 6) Bob Greenstreet, Legal and Contractual Procedures for Architects, 2003 7) Harbans Singh, K.S., Engineering and construction contracts management, Kelana Jaya, MLJ, 2002 8) Harbans Singh, K. S., Engineering and Construction Contracts Management: pre-contract award rd practice (3 ed.), Dayton, Ohio :LexisNexis, 2007 9) Construction Specifications Institute, The CSI construction contract administration practice guide, Hoboken, N.J. :Wiley, 2011 th 10) Michael D., Robinson, A contractor's guide to the FIDIC conditions of contract, Hoboken, [N.J.] :Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 nd 11) David Chappel, Construction contracts : questions and answers (2 ed.), New York, NY : Spon Press, 2011 12) Ansley, Robert B., Smith, Currie and Hancock's common sense construction law [electronic resource]: a practical guide for the construction professional (4th ed.), Habokwn, NJ :Wiley, 2009 13) Eggleston, Brian, Liquidated Damages and Extensions of Time in Construction Contracts (3rd ed.), West Sussex, ENK :Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 nd 14) Davison, R. Peter, Evaluating Contract Claims (2 ed.), London :John Wiley, 2009 15) Levine, Marshall, Construction Insurance and UK Construction Contracts (2nd ed.), London :Informal Law, 2008 16) Gibson, Roger, Construction Delays : extensions of time and prolongation claims, London ; Routledge, 2008 17) Barnes, Peter, Subcontracting Under The JCT 2005 Forms, Oxford, UK :Wiley-Blackwell, 2008 18) Nasser Hamid, Interpretation Of Contracts, Petaling Jaya :Gavel Publications, 2008 19) John Murdoch and Will Hughes, Construction Contracts: law and management (4th ed.), Abingdon, Oxon :Taylor & Francis, 2008 MSc CCM (Part 3) 5 Semester 2_2012/2013 MBG 1244: Construction Contract Studies 2 READING LIST nd 20) Adriaanse, J., Construction Contract Law: the essentials (2 ed.), Basingstoke :Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 21) Russell, Victoria, Construction Law and Management, London :Informal Law,2007 22) Michael Furmston, Powell-Smith & Furmstons Building Contract Casebook (4th ed.), Blackwell Publishing, 2006 23) Totterdill, Brian W., FIDIC User's Guide: A Practical Guide to the 1999 Red and Yellow Books, London: Thomas Telford, 2006 24) John Uff, Construction Law: Law and Practice Relating to the Construction Industry (9th ed.), London :Sweet & Maxwell, 2005 25) Cheng, Teresa Y. W., Construction Law and Practice in Hong Kong, Hong Kong :Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2004 26) Ben Patten, Professional Negligence in Construction, London : Spon Press, 2003 27) Chow Kok Fong, Construction Law Casebook, Singapore :Lexis Nexis, 2003 28) Malayan Law Journal, Malaysian Precedents & Forms, Kuala Lumpur: MLJ, 2000 MSc CCM (Part 3) 6 Semester 2_2012/2013 Subject Semester MBG1253 – ARBITRATION 2 Lecture 3 hours/week 0 jam/minggu Status CORE Tutorial/Seminar Pre-condition None Credit 3 Lecturer in charge Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maizon Hashim and Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob SYNOPSIS This course discusses the law relating to domestic and international arbitration in Malaysia. It generally examines the arbitration process and procedure as set out in the legislation, the institutional rules and arbitration agreements. In the course of the discussions, it makes specific reference to the Arbitration Act 2005, the KLRCA and UNCITRAL rules and the PWD and PAM standard forms of contract. It gives special attention to matters relating to the arbitrators, their appointments and powers; the various steps and procedures in arbitration proceedings and procedure for stay of proceedings; awards, their enforcement and setting aside of awards. Learning outcome After successfully completing this subject, the students should be able to: a) Explain the principles of arbitration in construction b) Advise on the feasibility of referring construction disputes to arbitration c) Commence arbitration proceeding under construction contract d) Advise on enforcement and setting aside of valid arbitration award Teaching and learning approach The teaching and learning for this subject involve formal lectures, seminars, group discussions and course work. Students will be given written course works or assignments to be done either individually or in groups. The assignments will be assessed as part of the continuous assessment. Assessment: The assessment for this subject will be continuous and based on the course works, mock arbitration proceeding and final examination. The course works will assessed based on both written work and technical presentation. The distribution of the marks is as follows: MSc CCM (Part 3) Courseworks : 60 % Final examination : 40 % Total Marks : 100 % 7 Semester 2_2012/2013 MBG1253 – ARBITRATION LECTURE PROGRAMME: Week Week 3/4 Sunday 2 Mar 14 (1) MH Lecture Outline Introduction to course Introduction to the course and its importance to the programme and the students Introduction to Arbitration Definition of arbitration; historical background of arbitration in Malaysia and other countries An overview of the use of arbitration as a method of disputes settlement associated with inheritance, land acquisition, tenancy, industrial relation, international investment and other industries. The general perspective of arbitration in the construction environment and its development Types of arbitration, aadvantages & disadvantages of arbitration; comments and criticism against arbitration. Week 7/8 Saturday 29 Mar 14 (2) MH Laws and statutes on Arbitration The laws and statutes governing arbitration – Arbitration Acts, various institutional rules and arbitration agreement; overview of Arbitration Act 2005 Malaysian and international Institute of Arbitrators Process and Procedure of Arbitration Reference to arbitration: arbitration agreement – objectives, forms, contents and scope Appointment of arbitrator Under arbitration agreement, under arbitration rules, by the court, duties, responsibilities and power of arbitrators, cancellation of arbitrator’s power, termination of appointment of Arbitrators and liability of arbitrator. Week 9/10 Saturday 12 April 14 JY (3) Arbitration proceedings: Arbitration proceedings under arbitration agreement, under institutional rules and contracts. Preliminary meetings; pleadings; inspection of documents and discovery; interrogatories; interlocutory applications; consolidation; orders for direction. Hearing; witness, expert witness; rules of evidence, case stated proceedings. Stay of proceedings Legal basis; statutory provisions, conditions and procedures; grounds for granting of stay. Week 11/12 Saturday 26 April 14 MH (4) Arbitration Award: forms of award, condition of valid award, enforcement, amending, remitting and cancelling award, award stated as a special case Setting aside Award: Legal basis, statutory provisions, grounds for setting aside awards, arbitrator’s misconducts. Cost and interest in arbitration International arbitration MSc CCM (Part 3) 8 Semester 2_2012/2013 MBG 1253 – Arbitration READING LIST 1) Lexis, International Arbitration Rules [electronic resource], Lexis, Access Restriction: Remote access restricted to users with a valid UTM ID via VPN 2) Lexis, Construction Industry Arbitration Rules [electronic resource], Lexis, Access Restriction: Remote access restricted to users with a valid UTM ID via VPN 3) Strong, S. I., Research and Practice in International Commercial Arbitration : sources and strategies, London, UK :OUP Oxford, 2009 4) Bishop, R. Doak, Multiple Party Actions in International Arbitration, London, UK :OUP Oxford, 2009 5) Peter Turner, A guide to the LCIA Arbitration Rules, London, UK :OUP Oxford, 2009 6) Hilary Heilbron, A Practical Guide to International Arbitration in London, London, UK :Informa Law, 2008 7) Ben Horn, Arbitration Law Handbook, London, UK : Informa Law, 2007 8) Sundra Rajoo, The Arbitration Act 2005 : UNCITRAL Model Law as applied in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor :Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2007 9) Institution of Civil Engineers (Great Britain), ICE Arbitration Procedure (2006), London, UK : Thomas Telford, 2006 10) Philip Capper, International Arbitration : a handbook (3rd ed.), London, UK :Informa Business Publishing, 2004 11) Peter Sanders, The Work of UNCITRAL on Arbitration and Conciliation (2nd ed.), The Hague :Kluwer Law International, 2004 12) Alvarez, Henri C., Model Law Decisions: cases applying the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985-2001), The Hague :Kluwer Law International, 2003 MSc CCM (Part 3) 9 Semester 2_2012/2013 Subject Semester Status Pre-requisite MBG1353 – ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND ADJUDICATION 2 MAJOR CORE None Lecture 3 hours/week Tutorial/Seminar 0 jam/minggu Credit 3 Teaching Team Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maizon Hashim and Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob Synopsis This course introduces students the various methods of dispute resolution that may be utilised in the construction industry as alternatives to litigation and arbitration. It gives special treatment to the adjudication provisions set out in the proposed Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act that is in the process of being introduced as legislation in the Malaysian Parliament. The other methods examined under the course include the processes and procedures in mediation, conciliation and dispute review board. It refers to the PAM, CIDB and UNCITRAL mediation rules as guidelines. However, the list is not exhaustive. It will certainly consider other methods as and when they become relevant to the Malaysian construction industry. Learning Outcome After completing this subject, the students should be able to: 1. Critically discuss the concept and legal principles of alternative dispute resolution 2. Advise on the merits and demerits of the various ADR and their applicability in relation to the nature of disputes, project attributes and environment 3. Evaluate and select a dispute resolution method appropriate to the nature of disputes, project attributes and environment 4. Discuss in detail the process and procedure of conducting selected ADR methods. Teaching and learning approach The teaching and learning for this subject involve formal lectures, seminars, group discussions and course work. Students will be given written course works or assignments to be done either individually or in groups. The assignments will be assessed as part of the continuous assessment. Assessment The assessment for this subject will be continuous and based on the course works and final examination. The course works will assessed based on both written work and technical presentation. The distribution of the marks is as follows: MSc CCM (Part 3) Courseworks : 60 % Final examination : 40 % Total Marks : 100 % 10 Semester 2_2012/2013 MBG1353 – ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND ADJUDICATION Lecture Programme: Week Week 5/6 Saturday 15 Mac 14 Lecture Outline Lecturer Introduction to the course Review of the source, its importance to the programme and students Construction disputes, MH Definition, nature, causes and implication to the project and the parties (1) General discussion The various dispute resolution approaches – history and development from various perspectives Alternative dispute Resolution (ADR) Definition, concept, ADR as non-adversarial dispute resolution; application of ADR, its merit and demerit compared to litigation and arbitration; types of ADR Week 5/6 Sunday 16 Mar 14 MH (2) Adjudication Week 7/8 Sunday 30 Mar 14 Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act (CIPAA) (3) MH Week 13/14 Saturday 10 May 14 (4) JY Concept, features and historical development, adjudication process and procedure; appointment of adjudicator, adjudication proceedings; Adjudication decision (award); enforcement of adjudicator’s decision, Setting aside adjudicator’s decision. The concept, the historical background and development; overview of the proposed draft bill, operation of security of payment rules. Other ADR practice Other methods or approach of dispute settlement practiced by various races, culture, customs, localities and religions in Malaysia. Litigation Mode of proceedings, stages of proceedings, trials, judgments and enforcements. Mediation Concept, features, conditions, legal requirements and procedures, institutional rules, settlement agreement and enforcement Conciliation Concept, features, conditions, legal requirements and procedures, institutional rules, settlement agreement and enforcement Dispute review board Concept, features, conditions, legal requirements and procedures, institutional rules, settlement agreement and enforcement MSc CCM (Part 3) 11 Semester 2_2012/2013 MBG 1353 – Alternative Dispute Resolution and Adjudication READING LIST 1) American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal Of Legal Affairs And Dispute Resolution In Engineering And Construction [Electronic Resource], 2009 (Electronic Access: T=marc ) 2) Penny Brooker, Mediation in the Construction Industry: an International Review, London ;Spon Press, 2010 3) Gwyn Owen, Dispute Boards : Procedures And Practice, London: Thomas Telford, 2008 4) Morgan, D. Brian, Dispute Avoidance: a non-confrontational approach to the management of construction contracts, London :RIBA Enterprises, 2008 5) Cyril Chern, Chern on Dispute Boards, Oxford, UK :Blackwell Publishing, 2008 6) David Richbell, Mediation of Construction Disputes, Oxford, UK :Blackwell Publishing, 2008 7) Chan, Philip Chuen Fye, Statutory Adjudication in Singapore : the act, standard forms and determinations, Singapore :Sweet And Maxwell, 2008 8) Peter Coulson, Construction Adjudication, New York, NY: OUP Oxford, 2007 9) Robert Gaitskell, Engineer's Dispute Resolution Handbook, 2006 10) Jeremy Glover, Building Contract Disputes : materials and cases handbook, London :Sweet & Maxwell, 2005 11) Reynolds, Michael P., The Expert Witness in Construction Disputes, Oxford :Blackwell Science, 2002 12) Carmichael, David G. Disputes and International Projects, Lisse, Netherlands: AA Balkema, 2002 13) Edwards, Leslie, Practical Adjudication for Construction Professionals, London: Thomas Telford, 2002 MSc CCM (Part 3) 12 Semester 2_2012/2013 M.Sc. IN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT MANAGEMENT EXAMINATION TIME-TABLE PART-TIME/PERSISIR PROGRAMME KUALA LUMPUR CENTRE PART 3 SEMESTER 2 SESSION 2013/2014 Date/time Sunday 1 June 2014 9.00 – 12.00 Sunday 8 June 2014 9.00 – 12.00 Sunday 15 June 2014 9.00 -12.00 MSc CCM (Part 3) Course MBG 1353 Alternative Dispute Resolutions & Adjudication MBG 1253 Arbitration MBG 1244 Construction Contract Studies 2 13 Invigilator Dr. Maizon Hashim Ms Hamizah Liyana Tajul Ariffin Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob Semester 2_2012/2013 M.Sc IN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME COURSES OFFERED (FOR PART-TIME/PERSISIR) PROGRAMME PART 1 Code Subjects Credit MBG1133 Construction Economics (Ekonomi Pembangunan Projek) 3 MBG1144 Project Management & Operational Research (Pengurusan Projek & Penyelidikan Operasi) 4 MBG1213 Law of Contract, Tort, Agency & Sales of Goods (Undang2 Kontrak, Tort, Agensi dan Jual Beli ) 3 MBG1113 Construction Environment (Persekitaran Pembinaan) ** 3 TOTAL CREDIT 10 PART 2 Code Subjects Credit MBG1223 Land, Planning & Environmental Law (Undang2 Tanah, Perancangan & Alam Sekitar) 3 MBG1233 Construction Project Procurement (Perolehan Projek Binaan) 3 MBG1433 Case Studies (Kajian Kes) 3 MBG1243 Contract Studies 1 (Kajian Kontrak 1) 3 MBG1123 Construction Project Development (Pembangunan Projek Binaan)** 3 TOTAL CREDIT 12 PART 3 Code Subjects Credit MBG1244 Construction Contract Studies 2 (Kajian Kontrak Binaan 2) 4 MBG1253 Arbitration (Timbangtara) 3 MBG1353 Alternative Dispute Resolution & Adjudication (Penyelesaian Pertikaian Alternatif dan Adjudikasi) 3 TOTAL CREDIT 10 PART 4 Code MBG2415 Subjects Credit Master Project (Dissertation) 5 TOTAL CREDIT 5 UNIVERSITY SUBJECTS (offered every semester) Code Subjects Credit UHP6013 Seminar on Development and Global Issues (Seminar Pembangunan dan Isu Global)* 3 UHW6023 Philosophy of Science and Social Development (Falsafah Sains dan Pembangunan Sosial)* 3 TOTAL CREDIT 3 * Students are required to take only ONE of these TWO university subjects at anytime during the duration of the programme. MSc CCM (Part 3) 14 Semester 2_2012/2013 ** Students with LLb may register for MBG1113 and MBG1123 in lieu of MBG 1213 dan MBG 1223. MSc CCM (Part 3) 15 Semester 2_2012/2013 _____________________________________________ DEPARTMENT OF QUANTITY SURVEYING FACULTY OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT MANAGEMENT (Part-Time - Part 4 - Kuala Lumpur) LECTURE PROGRAMME Semester 2 Session 2013/2014 February 2014 MSC CCM KL PART 4 Semester 2 Session 2013/14 The Philosophy of the Programme The process of procuring construction projects are getting more complex and challenging not only because projects are getting bigger, taller and more sophisticated but also due to greater involvement of specialist and professional consultants, specialist subcontractors, and increasing internationalization of the construction market. Clients are now asking for more efficient and effective management approaches as well as speedier, simpler and less intricate project procurement systems and contractual arrangements. There is currently an increasing use of nontraditional systems that emphasise on co-operative relationship between the principal and contractor and other stakeholders within a construction project. Examples of such systems include Public-Private Partnering (PPPs) aka Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs) and alliances such as "pure" or "project" alliances and "impure" or "strategic" alliances. This development inevitably leads to changes to the rights, duties and risks of the participating parties and to the management approaches. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for today’s project managers and/or contract managers to be extremely well verse with the legal and procedural aspects of construction law and the various procurement systems. The basic philosophy of this programme is that “a project manager or contract manager will be more adept to evaluate and select an appropriate procurement approach and managing its contractual and procedural aspects more efficiently and effectively, if he/she is very conversant with construction law and operational aspects of the various contracting systems. At the same time, he/she can be a better manager and arbitrator if he/she has a thorough knowledge about arbitration and other dispute resolution approaches.” The Aim of the programme The programme is designed to provide advanced education to construction and engineering professionals and graduates who are seeking greater knowledge and experience in construction law and operational aspects of the various construction procurement systems and wishing to broaden their careers into the specialised field of construction contract management. Course offered in Semester 2 Session 2011/2012 MBG 2415 Master Research Project (Dissertation) 5 Credits Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid, Dr. Maizon Hashim, Dr. Nur Emma Mustaffa, Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob, Ms Hamizah Liyana Tajul Ariffin Total Credit MSc CCM KL PART 4 5 Credits 1 Semester 2 2011/12 Subject Semester Status Pre-requisite MBG2415 – MASTER RESEARCH PROJECT 2 Core Major Must pass all courses offered in the earlier Semesters Lecture Own study Tutorial/seminar Own study Credit 5 LECTURERS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosli Abdul Rashid, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maizon Hashim, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Emma Mustaffa, Mr. Jamaludin Yaakob, Ms Hamizah Liyana Tajul Ariffin and Dr. Muzani Mustapa SYNOPSIS It is a research project that the students have to undertake in order to fulfill the requirement for the award of the master degree. It emphasises on scientific research involving identifying problems, issues and current news or events that require solutions, innovations, improvement or change based on established theories or models or practices. This would also involve wide literature search and analysis, case studies and interviews. This is aimed at further improving the students’ thinking aptitude, analytical competency, problem solving capability and creativity. The course also makes it a point to organise the viva voce as an integral part of a formal seminar. Each student is required to prepare a seminar paper based on his/her research and presenting it in the seminar cum viva which is open to participants from the industry. It provides a platform for students to further develop their confidence in forwarding and discussing new ideas, knowledge and experience in public. It is also a vehicle for the university to “transfer and disseminate” its research findings. OBJECTIVE OF THE SUBJECT The main aim of the subject is to enhance the ability and competency of the students in carrying out research work either for academic, industrial or commercial purposes. After completing the subject, the students should be adept and capable to: a) Identify contemporary issues and problems and carry out scientific or empirical research in order to explain current state of knowledge, to forecast future trends, to suggest solutions, to innovate or to develop new knowledge; b) Identify and gather relevant data and information c) Select an appropriate method or technique for the collection and analysis of data for the research; d) Synthesise and analyse the data, interpret the results e) Writing a comprehensive but precise reports MSc CCM KL PART 4 2 Semester 2 2011/12 THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY The programme is design to focus on 4 specialised areas, namely Construction Contract Study, Project Procurement System and Professional Liabilities and Dispute Resolution. Therefore, the research project under this programme should look into these four specialised areas: a) Construction Contract Studies – which should cover the aspects of Standard Forms Construction Contract, the problems, the interpretation, issues and cases associated with the Terms and Conditions of the various contracts, the changes and development and the issues and problems associated with them; b) Construction Project Procurement – that covers the legal and managerial aspects of the construction project procurement, their changes and development, current issues as well as the associated issues and problems. c) Professional Liabilities – that covers the contractual and administrative aspects of the procurement of consultants and design teams including issues on professional liabilities. d) Arbitration - which should cover the critical study of the merits and demerits of arbitration, process, procedure and the proceedings of arbitration, their development as well as issues and problems associated with arbitration. e) Alternative Dispute Resolutions – which should cover the critical study of the various approach of dispute resolution, their development, current issues and the legal, administrative and economic problems and risks issues associated with them. STUDY APPROACH Master research project is an academic research work which is the pre-requisite to the award of Master Degree. It is an individual work that must carried out by each student studying the programme. The students must carry out the research project according to the rules and procedures set out by the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Students are required to obtain the Rules and Procedure for Research Project Writing from the SPS. Although the they will be given lectures on research methodology, students are expected to read books, journals and papers in order to further familiarize themselves with the art and science of research. Each student will be assigned to a supervisor to advise them in developing a research proposal, preparing the research design, data collection, analysis and in report writing. Students are encouraged to regularly meet their supervisors and discuss their work. However, it must be pointed out that 90% of the work and effort must be from the students themselves. ASSESSMENTS The assessment for this subject will be based on the research proposal, report writing and viva. The allocation of the mark is as follows: Research Proposal Report writing Viva (seminar) Total MSc CCM KL PART 4 20 % 60 % 20% 100 % 3 Semester 2 2011/12 STUDY PROGRAMME Week/Date (0) Saturday 25 January 14 Content Lecturer Viva for the approval of research proposal and assignment of Supervisor RAR & MH (0) Friday 8 Feb 2014 (1) Saturday 16 Feb 2014 (4) Saturday 15 Mar 2014 (8) Saturday 12 Apr 2014 (15) Saturday 25 May 2014 Before 3.00pm (17) Saturday 7 June 2014 To be informed Students finalise research proposals and submit to supervisors for endorsement. MH 1st. Meeting with individual supervisor (Students and supervisors may make alternative arrangements for convenience purposes) Supervisors nd 2 . Meeting with individual supervisor (Students and supervisors may make alternative arrangements for convenience purposes) Supervisors 3rd. Meeting with individual supervisor (Students and supervisors may make alternative arrangements for convenience purposes) Submission of final draft of the thesis to SPS-KL office. Students must submit 2 copies of their dissertation in ring binding. Supervisors MH Assigning 2nd examiners Students’ Seminar and Dissertation Presentation Students are required to prepare a 5–7 pages seminar paper based on their research and to be presented in the seminar/viva Submission of 2 copies of bounded thesis with two copies of CD in PDF format to Pn Lelawati (SPS-KL) MH MH Reading list All related books, journals, reports and electronic references MSc CCM KL PART 4 4 Semester 2 2011/12 M.Sc IN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME COURSES OFFERED (FOR PART-TIME/PERSISIR) PROGRAMME PART 1 Code Subjects Credit MBG1144 Project Management & Operational Research (Pengurusan Projek & Penyelidikan Operasi) 4 MBG1213 Law of Contract, Tort, Agency & Sales of Goods (Undang2 Kontrak, Tort, Agensi dan Jual Beli ) 3 MBG1133 Construction Economics (Ekonomi Pembinaan) 3 MBG1113 Construction Environment (Persekitaran Pembinaan) ** 3 TOTAL CREDIT 10 PART 2 Code Subjects Credit MBG1433 Case Studies (Kajian Kes) 3 MBG1223 Land, Planning & Environmental Law (Undang2 Tanah, Perancangan & Alam Sekitar) 3 MBG1233 Construction Project Procurement (Perolehan Projek Binaan) 3 MBG1243 Contract Studies 1 (Kajian Kontrak 1) 3 MBG1123 Construction Project Development (Pembangunan Projek Binaan)** 3 TOTAL CREDIT 12 PART 3 Code Subjects Credit MBG1244 Construction Contract Studies 2 (Kajian Kontrak Binaan 2) 4 MBG1253 Arbitration (Timbangtara) 3 MBG1353 Alternative Dispute Resolution & Adjudication (Penyelesaian Pertikaian Alternatif dan Adjudikasi) 3 TOTAL CREDIT 10 PART 4 Code MBG2415 Subjects Credit Master Project (Dissertation) 5 TOTAL CREDIT 5 UNIVERSITY SUBJECTS (offered every semester) Code Subjects Credit UHP6013 Seminar on Development and Global Issues (Seminar Pembangunan dan Isu Global)* 3 UHW6023 Philosophy of Science and Social Development (Falsafah Sains dan Pembangunan Sosial)* 3 TOTAL CREDIT 3 * Students are required to take only ONE of these TWO university subjects at anytime during the duration of the programme. ** Students with LLb may register for MBG1113 and MBG1123 in lieu of MBG 1213 dan MBG 1223. MSc CCM KL PART 4 5 Semester 2 2011/12 MSc CCM KL PART 4 6 Semester 2 2011/12
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