Advertising Formats BerlinOnline Stadtportal GmbH & Co. KG 2014 2 / 19 Table of content Standard Advertising / UAP 3 MobileAds for mobile devices Wallpaper / Halfpage Ad 4 Retain control 15 - 17 18 Layer Ad / Bottom Ad 5 Billboard / Banderole Ad contact 6 Dynamic Skyscraper 7 Click-Through-Rate compared 8 Special-Advertising 1. Teaser 9 2. TeaserAd 10 3. Sponsored Link 11 4. Advertorial 5. BerlinFinder 12 - 13 19 14 3 / 19 Standard Advertising / UAP 1 1) Leaderboard* 2 Specifications: 728 x 90 px File format: gif, jpg, swf (Flash) File capacity: max. 65 KB CPM: 10.00 EUR 2) Skyscraper* Specifications:: 120 x 600 px / 160 x 600 px File format: gif, jpg, swf (Flash) File capacity: max. 65 KB Optional: sticky - sticks to the position even when site is scrolled down 3 CPM: 10.00 EUR 3) MPU* Specifications: 300 x 250 px File format: gif, jpg, swf (Flash) File capacity: max. 65 KB CPM: 15.00 EUR UAP Universal Ad Package: Superbanner / leaderboard + Skyscraper + MPU CPM: 12.00 EUR *bookable for:,,,,, 4 / 19 Wallpaper / Halfpage Ad 1 1) Wallpaper* A wallpaper is a combination of: Horizontal: Leaderboard (728 x 90 px) Vertical: Skyscraper (120 x 600 px / 160 x 600 px) File format: gif, jpg, swf (Flash) Optional: Background colouring (no additional charge) CPM: 30.00 EUR 2 2) Halfpage Ad** Specifications: 300 x 600 px File format: gif, jpg, swf (Flash) File capacity: max. 65 KB CPM: 25.00 EUR *bookable for:,,,,, **bookable for:,,,, 5 / 19 Layer Ad / Bottom Ad 1) Layer Ad* + highly perceptive - is positioned in the middle of a page Specifications: variable (max. 500 x 500 px) File format: gif, jpg, swf (Flash) File capacity: max. 65 KB CPM: 30.00 EUR 1 2) Bottom Ad* + sticks to the bottom of a browser window (sticky) Specifications: 800 x 250 px File format: gif, jpg, swf (Flash)* File capacity: max. 65 KB CPM: 30.00 EUR 2 *bookable for:,,,, 6 / 19 Billboard / Banderole Ad 1) Billboard* + fixed position between page header & content 1 Specifications: 800 x 250 px File format: gif, jpg, swf (Flash) File capacity: max. 65 KB CPM: 30.00 EUR 2) Banderole Ad** + expands over full width of the page + can be opened and closed Specifications: 770 x 250 px File format: gif, jpg, swf (Flash) File capacity: max. 65 KB CPM: 30.00 EUR 2 *bookable for:,,, **bookable for:,,,, 7 / 19 Dynamic Skyscraper Dynamic Skyscraper* + adapts itself dynamically between website content and the very right screen border, so it uses the full space + also the height can vary, up to the full screen height Specifications: 160 x 600 px - max. 1600 x screen height File format: swf (Flash) File capacity: max. 90 KB CPM: 15.00 EUR *bookable for:,,,,, 8 / 19 Click-Through-Rate compared* Leaderboard Teaser Skyscraper MPU Halfpage Ad Billboard Layer Banderole Wallpaper Bottom Ad 0.05 % 0.08 % 0.17 % 0.19 % 0.26 % 0.38 % 1.17 % 1.26 % 1.45 % 3.36 % *acquisition period: jan 2013 - jul 2014 BerlinOnline Network (,,,,,, 9 / 19 Special Advertising - Teaser Teaser* + your advert in editorial shape with text and image + can be placed nearly everywhere + direct link to your page with SEO relevance Image: variable (depends on the website) Headline: ca. 40 characters incl. blanks Promotion text: ca. 140 characters incl. blanks Fixed price: from 50.00 EUR / week Long term positioning: from. 500.00 EUR / year *bookable for:,,,,, 10 / 19 Special Advertising - TeaserAd TeaserAd* + your advert in editorial shape with text and image (page 9) + delivery via AdServer, that enables Geo-Targeting, Predictive Behavioral Targeting and Frequency Capping + placed sticky or run over a few channels or websites Image: variable (depends on the website) Headline: ca. 40 characters incl. blanks Promotion text: ca. 140 characters incl. blanks CPM: 10,00 EUR *bookable for:,,,, 11 / 19 Special Advertising - Sponsored Link Sponsored Link* A Sponsored Link is a combination of: 1) Keyword Advertising + your image-text-advert in our portal search results + keyword specific + max. 30 words for quick search 2) Sponsored Link 1 + your text advert on a cost-per-click-basis Image: 122 x 92 px Headline: ca. 40 characters incl. blanks Promotion text: ca. 140 characters incl. blanks Cost-per-Click: 0.20 EUR Startbudget: min. 100.00 EUR 2 *bookable for:,,, 12 / 19 Special Advertising - Advertorial Advertorial* + Your content will be integrated individually with the look & feel of,, and + texts, images, PDF files, videos, Google Map widget your requirement result in a site layout + various direct links to your website (SEO relevant) + daily page view and click tracking + all changes are free Fixed price: 50.00 EUR / week *bookable for:,,, 13 / 19 How users will find your advertorial Advertorial Banner advertising Teaser Sponsored Link 14 / 19 Special Advertising - BerlinFinder Berlin Finder - The directory,, and Your company‘s entry on four websites at once. 1) Premium Package* + top placement in search results + up to 5 categories + 20 keywords to find your advert + a detail site (3) without competitive entries + up to 10 images and 1 Video 1 + direct link to your website (SEO relevant) Fixed price: 588,00 EUR / year 2) Business Package* + advanced placement above all basic entries 2 + up to 2 categories + 5 keywords to find your advert + a detail site (3) without competitive entries + up to 3 images + direct link to your website (SEO relevant) Fixed price: 468,00 EUR / year 3 15 / 19 MobileAds 1.8 Mio PIs* / month (** 520,000 PIs* / month (** 560,000 PIs* / month (** * Page Impressions ** source: internal 16 / 19 MobileAds for smartphones Mobile Content Ad Mobile Interstitial + Standard creative for mobiles with an aspect + A screen filling creative which either can be closed by users or clothes automatically after ratio of 6:1, 4:1, 3:1, or 2:1. 5-7 seconds. Specifications: 300 x 50 px / 300 x 75px / 300 x 100 / 300 x 150 px Specifications: 320 x 416 px File format: gif, jpg, png File format: gif, jpg, png incl. close button File capacity: max. 20 KB File capacity: max. 25 KB CPM: 5,00 EUR / 6,00 EUR / 7,00 EUR / CPM: 15,00 EUR 8,00 EUR Mobile Flip Ad + The mobile website flips around its own 1) Mobile PreExpandable Ad 1 + Expanding creative which can minimized by user axis, a screen filling creative appears. After 5 2) Mobile Expandable Ad seconds the site flips back again. Specifications: 320 x 416 px File format: gif, jpg, png incl. close button File capacity: max. 25 KB CPM: 15,00 EUR 2 + Creative which can be expanded („openend“) by user Max. px expanded: 320 x 416 px File format: gif, jpg, png incl. close button File capacity: max. 25 KB Reminder: MCA 4:1 / 6:1 CPM (Mobile PreExpandable Ad): 12,00 EUR CPM (Mobile Expandable Ad): 8,00 EUR 17 / 19 MobileAds für Smartphones Mobile Reveal Ad Mobile Slider Ad / Swipe Ad + The creative opens automatically and pu- + This creative is a variation of a Mobile Con- shes the website content down. After 3-5 tent Ad. Up to 5 motives can be displayed seconds it returns back to the top. by scrolling to the left and right. Max. px expanded: 320 x 416 px Specifications: 320 x 100 px File format: gif, jpg, png incl. close button File format: gif, jpg, png File capacity: max. 25 KB File capacity: max. 15 KB per motive Reminder: MCA 4:1 / 6:1 CPM: 7,00 EUR CPM: 10,00 EUR Mobile Sticky Ad Mobile Video Interstitial / Layer + A Mobile Sticky Ad sticks to the top of a + This video layer can be closed by user inter- website even when scrolling down. After 10 action or after the end of a video. Bookable seconds it returns back to the bottom. for iPhone / iPad. Specifications: 300 x 50 px Specifications: File format: gif, jpg, png incl. close button backgroundgraphic iPad: 3768 x 1004 px File capacity: max. 20 KB Video: position up, middle or down CPM: 8,00 EUR aspect ratio: 4:3 / 16:9 File format: gif, jpg, png (graphic), Mp4, H264 / AVC (video; max. 10 sec. of length) CPM: 15,00 EUR 18 / 19 Retain control Optimize your appearance: Regio-targeting enables delivery of creatives to users from a certain + Insight of your statistics on a regular basis region or city. + Changes in booking of your adverts during a campaign + free changes of your text within your advertorial Predictive Behavioral Targeting aims at users with a certain socio- + You can use several motives in one campaign demographics, certain interests in products and services etc. Control your success by: Frequency Capping defines the amount of ad-impressions per user + Detailed evaluations and consulting by our competent sales team + Measurable benchmarks (impressions, click-through-rate etc.) Targeting optimizes the delivery of ads to a certain target group with a low loss rate. + your budget ist managed efficiently + online users see relevant ads only, which highers the acceptance + targeting applies only for banner creatives in a specified time frame. 19 / 19 Your contacts in charge Our team Thomas Brettschneider Wenke Steinmann Nadin Hornberger René Semmlack Head of Sales Senior Sales Manager tourism & hotels | shopping Sales Manager culture & tickets | clubs | events | cinema Sales Manager immovables | economy | jobs & training | health & beauty | travel Fon.: 030 2327 - 6321 Fon.: 030 2327 - 5661 Fon.: 030 2327 - 5906 Fon.: 030 2327 - 6410 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Heiko Warnecke Ad Management Fax Sales Fon.: 030 2327 - 5386 Fon.: 030 2327 - 6403 Fax: 030 2327 - 5280 [email protected] [email protected] Sales Manager leisure | sports | cars | restaurants
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