Rapid Response Training Plan POSPD Training Unit PORT OF SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT the nations finest port police… Overview Reality Contemporary Training Simple tactical principles the nations finest port police… Reality No clear demographic except gender – 97% Average incident last 12 minutes, nearly 40% < 5 minutes 98% of incidents are single shooter. Only 2% have involved IEDs Since Columbine tactical shift, no AS event has been solved by 4 officer response. FBI BAU-2 the nations finest port police… Reality Continued 40 % o incidents are over before Law Enforcement Arrives 10% suspects walk away. 20% go mobile Of the 60% the vast majority of suspects kill themselves or turn their aggression toward L.E. This is a patrol problem the nations finest port police… FBI – BAU 2 Contemporary Training Simple tactical principles that can be applied across a vast array of tactical problems. Training first contact is not sufficient (+5 minutes) Necessity to teach basic responses for single officer, 2 officer, 3 three officer, and 4 officer teams CUF/TCCC and Rescue Task Force Multiple entry points, breaching, MACTAC/PACOPS Stakeholder training – TSA/Airlines ICS/NIMS/COOP the nations finest port police… Simple Tactical Principles Homicide in Progress P.I.E Life Safety PRIORITIES INTELLGIENCE ENVIRONMENT Keep your safety equipment in front of car or forward staged in terminal Park within striking distance, move to an entry point and report. the nations finest port police… Single Officer Response Depends on PIE Not always appropriate Not appropriate for multiple suspects, coordinated attacks, heavily armed suspects. the nations finest port police… CUF/TCCC Tourniquets Pressure Dressings Evacuation Techniques the nations finest port police… Rescue Task Force Forward deployment of ALS into an area that LE Assets can provide a reasonable level of safety (WARM ZONE) Under the Life Safety Priorities bring them forward Adopted by all major LE and Fire Best Practice Bodies the nations finest port police… USFA position 10 JANUARY, 2013: MAKE CONTACT WITH LOCAL OR STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THEIR STRATEGIES AND TACTICAL OPERATIONS. SOME POSSIBLE SUBJECTS FOR DISCUSSION AND PLANNING FOLLOW: • POTENTIAL ROLES AND EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPECTS FROM FIRE AND EMS ASSETS . • REVIEW OF NIMS TERMINOLOGY ALONG WITH ANY TECHNICAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TERMINOLOGY FIRE AND EMS PERSONNEL MAY HAVE A NEED TO KNOW. • • • DISCUSSION OF HOW SURVIVOR TRIAGE WILL OCCUR AND IF LAW ENFORCEMENT DESIRES TRAINING IN SAME. HOW WILL INJURED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS BE MANAGED? EARLY ON IN THE INCIDENT A PROTECTED AREA SHOULD BE DECLARED AND COMMUNICATED TO EMS LEADERSHIP. • • REVIEW COMMAND, CONTROL AND COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS. CASUALTY COLLECTION POINTS FOR CITIZENS, EMS TRIAGE AND HOW TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS WITH AREA HOSPITALS OCCUR. ONCE THE PLAN IS DEVELOPED, IT SHOULD BE EXERCISED AND UPDATED ANNUALLY. IAFF position 11 ON APRIL 2, 2013 THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, IN COOPERATION WITH THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CHIEFS (IAFC) AND THE INTERNATIONAL CHIEFS OF POLICE, CONVENED A MEETING TO ADDRESS, “RESPONDING TO MASS CASUALTY SHOOTINGS – STRENGTHENING FIRE/LAW ENFORCEMENT/EMS PARTNERSHIPS.” BASED ON THE PROCEEDINGS OF THIS MEETING, THERE IS A REAL AND PRESENT THREAT AND AN OBVIOUS NEED FOR ALL ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED TO WORK TOGETHER WHEN CONFRONTED WITH AN ARMED INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS EITHER ALREADY KILLED AND INJURED PEOPLE OR IS THREATENING TO DO SO. THE POSITION STATEMENTS ARE RELEVANT TO IAFF LOCALS IN FIRE DEPARTMENTS THAT ARE CHANGING RESPONSE PROTOCOLS OR SOPS IN AN EFFORT TO EMBRACE A MORE ASSERTIVE APPROACH TO RENDERING LIFE-SAVING CARE AND RESCUING VIABLE VICTIMS IN AREAS CONSIDERED TO BE "WARM ZONES" (NOT FULLY SECURED) DURING SUCH AN EVENT. 12 “ IAFC position Those of us who chose the fire and EMS side of public service over law enforcement probably never considered we would need to be trained on how to respond in the event of an active-shooting incident. Active-shooter situations are left to law enforcement professionals, but we now live in a time when fire and EMS must be better prepared in the event we're first due.” From Reactive to Proactive: Why We Must Address Active Shooter Issues Now, June 2013 t h e n a t i o n s f i n e s t p o r t p o l i cThe e… Rapid Treatment Model of Active Shooter Response IACP Position 13 “FIRST RESPONDERS MUST PREPARE FOR, PROTECT AGAINST, AND RESPOND TO THESE THREATS COLLECTIVELY BECAUSE NOT PLANNING FOR THE EVENT WILL FIND RESPONDERS FIGHTING THEM TOGETHER UNPREPARED.” THE POLICE CHIEF, JULY 2013 A PARADIGM SHIFT FOR FIRST RESPONDERS: PREPARING THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE COMMUNITY FOR HYBRID TARGETED VIOLENCE, FRAZZANO AND SNYDER , The Rapid Treatment Model of Active Shooter Response National Center for Disaster Medicine14 and Public Health position “It is unlikely that any single component of the public safety infrastructure will be able to effectively and comprehensively respond to those threats posed and casualties inflicted during a hostile mass casualty shooting incident. Despite the impact of tactical medicine, there is an urgent need for greater cooperative planning, education, and training among law enforcement, fire, EMS, public health and the emergency health care system to develop enhanced preparedness for and response to these types of incidents.” Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Spring 2013 Role of Tactical EMS in Support of Public Safety and the Public Health Response to a Hostile Mass Casualty Incident Dr. Nelson Tang, Department of Emergency Medicine, Johns Hopkins University t h e n a t i o n s f i n e s t p o r t p o l i cThe e… Rapid Treatment Model of Active Shooter Response Rescue Task Force Essentials Timing based on PIE Reasonable level of safety TF v Strike Team Two Main Techniques Scoop and Run Triage Forward Prep Work is Essential Set up for ICS/Unified Command Casualty Collection Point PIE establishes size of the TF the nations finest port police… Rescue Task Force Tactis Embedded Warm Zone Multiple Entry Points and Breaching PIE Sooner we get LE assets into a position to interdict the safer the victims. We have to get in to effect safety. Mechanical and ballistic the nations finest port police… MACTAC/PACOPS Small unit tactics Movement techniques Overwatch Bounding Overwatch Clearing large areas Fight to the target, fight on the target, fight off the target. the nations finest port police… Stakeholders Next Level of contemporary programs Expectations – three primary programs See Something – Say Something RUN/HIDE/FIGHT COLLECT/DIRECT/PROTECT the nations finest port police… POSPD Course Descriptions Rapid Response In Service Care under Fire Single Officer Response MACTAC Initial LE Response to Suicide Bombing Incidents Basic Trauma Aid for Airport Employees Rapid Response for Airport Employees Rapid Response for Airport Leaders Standardized Terrorism Response Awareness (SAAT 160) Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings (AWR) Prevention and Response to Suicide Bombing incidents (AWR) the nations finest port police… ICS-NIMS/COOP When does ICS start? What works for us COOP thoughts the nations finest port police… Key to your Programs Comprehensive program including yourself and your neighbors Rapid Response, CUF, Rescue TF, MACTAC, IRTB, Single Officer Response Stakeholder integration for COOP Ask and Expert the nations finest port police… Leaders in the Field LT Dan Murphy – Arlington VA SGT A.J. DeAndrea – Arvada CO Don Alwes, NTOA Committee Chair I Love You Guys Foundation www.iloveuguys.org/ the nations finest port police… Questions COMMANDER JEFF SELLEG [email protected] 206 787-4182
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