FALL 2014 HANDBOOK CWE-188 Internships / CWE-189 General Work Experience ____________________________________________________________ STCN – 123 ● (661) 362-3309 ● [email protected] ● www.canyons.edu/interns Table of Contents……………………… …………………………………….. Cover Table of Contents CWEE Mission Statement and Student Learning Outcomes All about CWEE units The 6 Steps to CWEE Success Assignment #1- Worksite Driving Directions Assignment #2 Multiple Options Assignment #3 –Workplace Project Workflow Process Assignment #3 continued How to Write a Workplace Project Objective Sample Workplace Project Objectives Process for Writing a Workplace Objective Action Word List Policies Campus Resources Appendix Workplace Project Objective Worksheet Workplace Project Agreement Form Student Self-Evaluation (Assignment #2, Option B) Resume (Assignment #2, Option C) Time Sheet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-11 12 13 14 15 16 17-18 19-20 21 22-26 Last Updated: 8.6.14 CN 2 CWEE Mission Statement and Student Learning Outcomes .. Mission Statement The mission of the Cooperative Work Experience Education and Internship program is to strengthen student learning by engaging students in enhanced on-the-job learning opportunities and provide meaningful internship opportunities to students of all majors, enabling students to apply the skills and knowledge acquired in their academic coursework while adhering to generally accepted business principles, standards and work ethics. What is CWEE? The Internship department allows students to enroll in CWE (Cooperative Work Experience), to earn credit for hours worked at either their paid job (CWE-189) or an internship (CWE-188) they have acquired. Students enrolled in CWE-189 or CWE-188 will complete supervised workplace projects and independent career-related assignments. Student Learning Outcome CWE-189 Work Experience 1. Utilize problem solving/decision making models to identify workplace problems, determine root cause, create and evaluate alternative solutions, select the best solution and implement it. 2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the change and iterate the process if necessary. CWE-188 Internships 1. Comply with legal requirements and policies governing work experience education 3 All about CWEE units .. All students must be working (paid or unpaid) in order to participate in our program. The number of CWE units a student may take is based on the number of hours they will complete at the worksite. Students must complete the minimum required hours per unit: Working Requirement Factors Units Hours required for Paid Hours required for Unpaid 75 150 225 300 60 120 180 240 1 2 3 4* *Reserved for 188 courses Deadline Dates Admissions and Records deadlines can be found on: the student’s MyCanyons account, Blackboard course, and the syllabus provided by the instructor. Refund Add / increase units Drop without a “W” Drop with a grade / decrease units When can the student begin their internship? Begin upon registration and payment of fees. How do students track their completed hours? A CWE time sheet is provided at the class; Instructors will not accept any other timesheet from the student’s specific job. Complete, scan and submit the signed timesheet through Blackboard by the deadline. Please refer to the syllabus for deadline. A digital copy of the CWE time sheet can be found on the Blackboard course or on the Internship website www.canyons.edu/interns - If the student does not have access to a scanner, they can visit the following locations to complete the process: o ASG Computer Lab, Valencia Campus, STCN-124 o Library, Valencia Campus o ASG Computer Lounge, Canyon Country Campus, Quad 2, Room 204 **YOU MUST BE A CURRENT COC STUDENT TO ACCESS THE COMPUTER LAB** PLEASE REFER TO THE APPENDIX FOR A COPY OF THE TIMESHEET 4 The 6 Steps to CWEE Success .. Step 1: Read and understand this entire handbook The course requirements are fulfilled through independent study and efforts by students. Faculty are available to assist you and to clarify any assignment requirements. Step 2: Identify/Propose Workplace Project Objective Discuss and identify a workplace project with the internship supervisor and propose project to CWE Faculty. Complete CWE Workplace Project Agreement form with the internship supervisor once CWE Faculty has reviewed the project. Step 3: Participate in a consultation between faculty, supervisor and student Faculty will schedule a meeting between the student, faculty and supervisor within the first one to four weeks of the semester. The Workplace Project will be discussed and approved at the meeting. The student, supervisor and faculty must sign and date the Workplace Project Agreement Form A fully executed Workplace Project Agreement Form must be returned to CWE Faculty or the student will fail the Course Step 4: Meet Deadlines Complete and submit all CWE assignments and timesheet on or before the due dates. STEP 5: Notify CWEE Faculty and Internship Office of Changes Students should notify the Internship office if they: Move, change phone numbers or email address Change jobs, supervisors, workplace project objective or terminate employment To withdraw from the CWE course, permission must be granted by CWEE staff. The process must then be completed with the office of Admissions and Records. Step 6: Submit Timesheet Timesheets are a requirement by the California Education Code. Complete the required number of hours for the units enrolled It is the students responsibility to track their hours Students may begin counting their work hours from the date they registered for the CWE course and continue through the last day of that session/semester Hours must be completed by the last day of the term enrolled, which can be found in the syllabus All timesheets must be signed by the student and supervisor If the student cannot complete the hours required, the student must either decrease units by the deadline to do so, or request an incomplete. To request an incomplete, the student must request an “Incomplete (I)” grade on the “Incomplete Grade Contract, form #029.” Forms are available in the Internship office. If hours are not completed by the required deadline, a grade of “F” will be assigned. Students may request an “I” from their instructor. The instructor may submit at their discretion. If the student does not turn in a timesheet documenting that they have worked the required hours per unit enrolled, or the timesheet is unsigned or missing a supervisor evaluation of the workplace project, they will fail the course. 5 Assignment #1 Worksite Driving Directions .. Learning Outcome: By completing this assignment the student/employee will demonstrate the ability to communicate clear and accurate worksite directions to customers, vendors, community members and visitors. It is necessary for faculty to meet with your worksite supervisor at the site of employment. The visit is required by California Education Code regulations. The purpose of the visit is to discuss a plan of action for the students Workplace Project and approve the project. It is preferable that the student be present at the meeting. Your instructor will contact your supervisor to arrange a date and time for the visit. Assignment Instructions In order to earn full credit for the assignment, you must upload a .doc, .docx or .pdf to Blackboard that includes all of the following information: 1. Your name, date and assignment number 2. Directions from College of the Canyons (COC) to your worksite (use www.mapquest.com or similar site) a. College of the Canyons, 26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91355 b. Include directions, distance in miles and time to travel to site c. If you are an employee or intern on the COC Valencia campus, provide typed walking directions from the Internship Office (STCN-123) to your supervisors location 3. Supervisors contact information: a. Business/Company Name b. Business address c. Supervisors Name d. Supervisors preferred telephone number e. Supervisors email address 4. Relevant information such as: a. Significant landmarks near worksite b. Is the address viewable from the street? c. Parking instructions/restrictions i. Is there a parking fee? ii. Does your company validate parking? iii. How far is the office from the parking? d. Security clearance/checkpoint information 5. What are your typical days/hours at the worksite? DO NOT send links for the directions DO NOT submit screen shots or jpegs of the directions DO NOT email the assignment to the instructor 6 Assignment #2 Multiple Options .. Complete ONE of the following assignments (20 points): A. JOURNAL ENTRIES B. STUDENT SELF-EVALUATION C. RESUME D. INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEW A. JOURNAL ENTRIES Learning Outcome: Reflect on your experience in the workplace and identify how you can apply this to your personal or career growth. Assignment instructions: 1. Write 10 journal entries in the form of a log for 10 different dates within time frame of semester enrolled and address one question below per journal entry detailing your observations: a) What did you see, hear, and notice at the worksite? b) What did you do at the job/internship? (Descriptions of your daily routine) c) What did you see others doing at the worksite? (Descriptions of coworkers daily routines who does something different than yourself) d) What did you find surprising, interesting, confusing, or exciting? e) What tasks were difficult or annoying? f) What tasks were stimulating, motivating, or enjoyable? g) Does the experience relate to your program of study or a specific class in the program? Explain why or why not? Were you able to apply a theory, skill or concept learned in class at the internship/job? h) How do you see yourself using what you have learned at the internship/job in the future? What skills are you gaining that could be transferrable to a job in your chosen career path? i) What did you accomplish that could be added to your resume? j) Looking at your experience, are you more or less interested in the field of study? 2. Write 3 to 4 sentences for each entry and include the question you are addressing for each entry 3. After answering the 10 questions write a 2 to 3 paragraph reflection on what you have learned through keeping the journal and how you can apply this to your personal or career growth 4. Upload one document containing both the Journal Entries & the Reflection to Blackboard 7 Assignment #2 Multiple Options (cont) .. B. STUDENT SELF-EVALUATION Learning Outcome: By completing this assignment, the student/employee may use the reflection to serve as recognition of achievements to build on and guidance on areas for improvements. Assignment Instructions: 1. Use this form to analyze your strengths and weaknesses as an employee/intern a. Honestly rate yourself using the rate chart listed below b. Ask two additional people to rate you from your workplace, college or personal life 2. Write a one page reflection paper addressing strengths, weaknesses and recommendations a. Compare and contrast all three sets of observations/ratings 3. Submit both of the following as uploaded documents to Blackboard: a. This assignment sheet containing the evaluations b. One page reflection paper BOTH COMPONENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED to earn full credit Evaluation Performance Indicators Self Additional #1 Additional #2 Knowledge of job Quality of Work Reliability Problem Solving Skills Organizational Skills Communication Skills Initiative Leadership Skills Punctuality Attendance Appearance Date (mm/dd/yy) Ratings 1 Unsatisfactory Description Failed to meet necessary requirements as against set target standards 2 Below Expectations Requirements are met occasionally yet minimum standards are not often achieved 3 Meets Expectations Requirements are met usually indicating the delivery of adequate results 4 Exceeds Expectations Performance is found more than adequate on most occasions 5 Outstanding Performance has consistently exceeded job requirements and expectations PLEASE REFER TO APPENDIX OR BLACKBOARD FOR A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT 8 Assignment #2 Multiple Options (cont) .. C. RESUME Learning Outcome: By completing this assignment the student/employee will be able to write a resume that effectively communicates his/her skills, education, experience and qualifications as a job candidate. Assignment instructions: 1. Create or update a resume that includes content that is focused on your job objective 2. Resume must include (but is not limited to): a. Job/internship used to earn credit for the CWE course b. CWE course workplace project accomplished during current semester i. Include accomplishments/skills gained or enhanced by completing workplace project on the resume ii. Include any other accomplishments/skills gained or enhanced at the internship 3. Resume must be reviewed by a COC Career Center or Internship Advisor a. Student must submit this assignment sheet with the information below completed to earn credit for the resume assignment 4. Upload both of the following to Blackboard: a. This assignment sheet with name, position & signature of advisor reviewing the resume b. Resume To learn more about how to write a resume, students may do the following: Contact the Cooperative Work Experience Education office at 661-362-3309 to schedule a free appointment for resume assistance. o Please make arrangements early. Last minute appointments will not be accommodated. Visit the COC Career Center website to review the resume information packet: http://www.canyons.edu/offices/CareerCenter/ResumeCoverLetter.asp Attend a Resume Rally offered by the COC Career Center – schedule of events can be found at: http://www.canyons.edu/offices/CareerCenter/ Go to the resume creator found through My Jobs at www.canyons.edu/myjobs. Resume option is highly recommended for students who do not have a current resume. Resume reviewed by: Name_________________________________Position:________________________ Signature________________________________Date:_________________________ Students Name: ________________________________________________________ PLEASE REFER TO APPENDIX OR BLACKBOARD FOR A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT 9 Assignment #2 Multiple Options (cont) .. D. INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEW Learning Outcome: Investigate other job opportunities in student/employees field of study or workplace. Assignment Instructions 1. Conduct an Informational Interview with a co-worker at your workplace/internship, who holds a position different from your own. The purpose of this assignment is to acquire the perspective of someone who performs job duties within your place of employment that you are unfamiliar with. By interviewing a colleague, you gain valuable information that can enhance your job performance/skills set, and increase possibility of advancement or transfer into a variety of positions within the establishment. 2. Submit one document containing ALL of the following: a. Student name, date, assignment number and title b. Subjects name(optional) c. Subjects position, title & department (all required) d. Responses from your interview with your co-worker who holds a different position from your own addressing at least 10 of the questions provided below i. Questions addressed must be included ii. Each response should include at least 3 to 4 sentences e. A one page summary addressing: i. What did you learn about the company, interview subject & industry? ii. What skill set is required for the subjects position & do you have this skill set? iii. Would you be interested in pursuing this position? f. Responses and summary must include proper grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure Question List 1) What do you wish you’d known before you entered this field? 2) What qualifications would you be looking for if you were hiring for a position such as yours? 3) What are the major qualifications for success in this occupation? 4) What are the advancement opportunities? 5) What kind of training program does the company offer? Is it highly structured or more informal? 6) Is continuing education/training required in order to retain the position? 10 Assignment #2 Multiple Options (cont) .. Assignment #2D Continued 7) How would you describe the morale level of people who work here? 8) What do you like most about this company? 9) Where do you see yourself in five years? 10) If you could do things all over again, would you choose the same path for yourself? Why? What would you change? 11) What jobs and experiences have led you to your present position? 12) What do you feel is the best educational preparation for this career? 13) Is there a great deal of turnover in this job? 14) What particular skills or talents are most essential to be effective in your job? 15) What are your interests and in what way does this job satisfy your interests? 16) Do you ever take work home with you? 17) When people leave this career, what are the usual reasons? 18) What personal characteristics do you feel contribute most to success in this job/industry? 19) Describe some of the toughest situations you’ve faced in this job. 20) Create your own question. 11 Assignment #3 Workplace Project .. Learning Outcome: By completing this assignment, the student/employee will be able to identify and complete a workplace objective requiring a written agreement between a supervisor and employee. To accomplish measurable on-the-job objectives, student/employee must complete a workbased project involving problem solving and the application of academic theory, skills and knowledge while undertaking new or expanded workplace responsibilities. Assignment Instructions (Must complete all four components - #3a, #3b, #3c & #3d) 1. Develop ideas for workplace objectives at the CWE class session. 2. Discuss ideas with supervisor and choose potential objectives a. Use the Workplace Project Worksheet to write project in correct format 3. Assignment #3a – Type your proposed Workplace Project into Blackboard a. Once approved by Faculty, write the project on the Workplace Project Agreement (WPP) Form 4. Faculty will schedule a meeting between the student, faculty and work/internship supervisor within the first one to four weeks of the semester at the worksite to discuss & approve the Workplace Project a. Student, workplace/internship supervisor & faculty will sign/date WPP form b. Students unable to attend this meeting due to work schedule must write the approved objective on the Workplace Project Agreement Form, sign the form, and leave the form with their work/internship supervisor or email the form to CWE Faculty prior to the meeting 5. Assignment #3b - Fully executed WPP form must be submitted to Faculty or student will fail the CWE course 6. Assignment #3c –Initiate the Workflow in the Internship Database after WPP is approved by faculty & workplace supervisor–see next page for instructions under “Workflow Process (Assignment#3c)” 7. Complete your workplace project and have your supervisor rate your progress and provide a written comment in the box provided at the bottom of your CWE Time Sheet 8. Assignment #3d – Upon completion of your Workplace Project, write 1-2 page essay summarizing the results of your project by addressing all of the following questions: a. What was your objective? b. Was the objective accomplished? If not, why? c. How did you accomplish your objective? (Give details/examples) d. What was the result/outcome? e. Was there improvement? f. What difference did the completion of the project make to you and your employer? g. How did you benefit by working on this project? Essay format includes: Students name, date, assignment number and a title Introduction, body & conclusion Typed, double-spaced, 12-point font A minimum of three separate indented paragraphs Proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, etc.… Fully elaborated ideas Inclusion of details/examples/explanations POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM ESSAYS THAT DO NOT ADEQUATLEY FOLLOW THE ESSAY FORMAT ABOVE. 12 Workflow Process - Assignment #3 Continued .. Initiating Workplace Project Workflow (Assignment #3c) Student must initiate the workflow for the Workplace Project in the Internship database once COC Faculty and Workplace/Internship supervisor has approved the workplace project. Students Responsibility for Assignment #3c 1. Student receives email from [email protected] providing the link to initiate workflow process once they have been assigned a COC Faculty a. Subject line: CWE-188/CWE-189: Workplace Project Approval Time Sensitive b. Hold on to the email until the Workplace Project has been approved by COC Faculty & Workplace/Internship supervisor 2. Students accesses the database with link provided once the Workplace Project has been approved a. Type approved Workplace Project in box, initial & click “I Approve” b. Failure to type the correct project into the box may result in a point deduction for the assignment c. Failure to complete the workflow process will result in zero points for assignment #3c COC Faculty Responsibility COC Faculty receives email alert that the student has initiated the workflow process, reviews project submitted by student, makes changes if necessary, initials & approves Workplace/Internship Supervisor Responsibility Workplace/Internship Supervisor receives email alert once COC faculty has reviewed/approved the workplace project, reviews project, initials & approves 13 How to Write a Workplace Project Objective .. How to Write a Workplace Project Objective 1. First sentence (VERB & OBJECT): Describe the goal by beginning the sentence with an “action” word (i.e. create, increase, decrease, research, learn, conduct, etc…) and state how the goal will be accomplished using the word “by” to connect the two components (i.e. by making, by gathering, by writing, etc.) 2. Second sentence (STANDARDS/MEASUREMENT): Tell “who” will evaluate the project and “how” it will be evaluated. (i.e. – Supervisor to evaluate through examination and use of spread sheet; by comparing preobjective data to post objective data.) 3. Third sentence: Estimate a date you think the project will be completed. (i.e. - Completed by May 22.) Objectives Must Be S.M.A.R.T. Specific: Make sure you state exactly what will be accomplished. Measurable: Include quantitative statements as: 95%, 7 out of 10, once a day, or within 20 minutes. Action-oriented: Focus on action. Realistic: Allow time for personal and professional constraints when choosing a completion date. Timely: You must complete your project during the semester, well before the project paper is due. Formulating/Writing Objectives – Three Components: 1. Verb (create) 2. Object Specifies what will be accomplished five advertisements 3. Standards (measurement) Indicates performance required Specifies what will be accomplished Results/outcomes Example: Create five advertisements using Final Cut Pro and After Effects for restaurants that are members of SCV Concierge and upload to the official YouTube page. Supervisor to evaluate ability to produce five ads that meet client specifications and upload by November 30. The project should address at least one of the following: 1) Achieving organizational/business objectives 2) Improving workplace efficiency/productivity 3) Increasing revenue 4) Decreasing costs 5) Solving problems 6) Learning/enhancing skills or abilities Problem Solving & Decision Making Model 1) Identify/clarify the problem 2) Gather information-look for possible causes 3) Evaluate evidence: Is it accurate/current information, facts, opinions? 4) List alternatives/implications: Analyze/evaluate alternatives 5) Choose & implement the best alternative & monitor results 6) Take corrective action, if necessary PLEASE REFER TO THE APPENDIX OR BLACKBOARD FOR A COPY OF THE WORKPLACE PROJECT AGREEMENT FORM 14 The Process for Writing a Workplace Objective .. 1. Before you begin writing, spend some time thinking about the organization. What are the problems it faces? What processes are in need of improvement? What practices need review? What are the developmental needs and requirements of the people? 2. Draft a verb-object or action component. 3. Think about why the action is required. What results will it produce? What outcomes will it have? What effects will be created? Why are they important? What is their value? 4. Modify the verb-object component, if necessary, to emphasize results rather than activity. 5. Think about ways of measuring the work you specified. 6. Draft some measureable standards the work must satisfy. How could you tell whether or not the work or results occurred? What is the measure of those results? Quality? Quantity? Speed? Money? Frequency? Ratios? 7. Think about the time frame in which the work should be accomplished. 8. Specify deadlines and due dates for the work. 9. Rethink it all, rewrite it, and rethink it again. Summary Writing effective work objectives is not an easy task. Reconcile yourself to writing, reviewing, and rewriting. The form of a good work objective has two components: a verb-object, indicating what it is to be done, and a standards component, indicating how well. Work objectives may be broad or narrow, short or in-depth, address financial or operational matters, and pertain to routine or situational work. 15 Sample Workplace Project Objectives .. Animation “Develop 10 character designs for use in an animated show by learning to adapt to studios specific art style. Supervisor to evaluate character designs for quality and creativity. To be completed by December 1st.” Computer Networking “Prepare and install two new PCs following company guidelines and connect them to the network. Supervisor will evaluate by examining the PCs and their connectivity. Completed by April 24.” Culinary Arts “Improve knife skills by chopping and prepping different foods in restaurant kitchen. Chef to evaluate progress through examination of finished product. To be completed over next 8 weeks by December 10th.” Education “Create study guide for Psychology 225 class exam to include main ideas of chapter and vocabulary terms. Professor to evaluate study guide for completeness and accuracy. Completed by November 22nd.” Graphic & Multimedia Design “Design Financial Report layout by using Adobe Creative Suite software in combination with company style guide. Supervisor to evaluate based on use of color, copy and overall design. Completed by October 31st.” Marketing “Maintain and organize press hits on the internet into a filing system by sorting through Google alerts daily. Supervisor will evaluate ability to organize all vital data into filing folder by deadline. Completed by November 22nd.” Music “Compose a music cue for a short video by using the techniques and programs utilized at the workplace. Supervisor to evaluate through examination of composition criteria and value. To be completed by November 2.” Paralegal Assist at least 30 litigants to prepare litigation documents while working at Neighborhood Legal Services. Supervisor to evaluate documents for accuracy and completeness based on legal standards and litigations factual situation. Completed by July 17. Radio “Learn the technical aspects of the radio show by training on the operation of the sound board. Supervisor to observe and evaluate ability to work soundboard accurately. Completed by November 22nd.” Sales/Restaurant “Increase sales of deserts by 30% in 3 weeks by suggesting desert to all tables at my stations. Supervisor to evaluate progress through examination of cash out reports. Completed by November 21st.” SHARP/Gerontology Outreach by phone to 90 referred and data-mined Facey patients to inform them about and encourage their participation in the Healthier Living program. Results measured by supervisor’s observance of phone calls and audit of database. Completed by April 30. Sign Language “Increase time able to interpret in ‘hot seat’ from 5 to 30 minutes with minimal self-correction by practicing with mentor. Progress evaluated by mentor by comparing interpreting in ‘hot seat’ at beginning of term to end of term. Completed by November 22.” Television/Film Production & Development “Create a sports highlight reel by covering high school sports events in the SCV. Supervisor to evaluate for quality and viability for air. Completed by November 30th.” Welding “Create a series of skid platforms by following specific blueprints and welding them together correctly. Supervisor will examine completed platforms by checking dimensional specifications according to the prints. Completed by September 28th.” 16 Action Word List Creative Clerical & Research Author Conceive Create Design Develop Devise Direct Enhance Establish Formulate Illustrate Improve Initiate Introduce Invent Launch Market Originate Plan Prepare Produce Propose Set Up Structure Write Arrange Automate Budget Catalog Categorize Calculate Classify Collect Compare Compile Complete Compute Critique Decrease Diagnose Dispatch Distribute Evaluate Examine Execute Generate Identify Inspect Interview Investigate Monitor Operate Organize Prepare Purchase Record Retrieve Review Separate Schedule .. Clerical & Research (cont) Screen Summarize Survey Systematize Tabulate Validate Verify Human Resources Advise Assess Assist Clarify Coach Collaborate Consult Counsel Diagnose Educate Employ Group Guide Handle Hire Integrate Mediate Monitor Motivate Negotiate Recruit Represent Select Sponsor Strengthen Train Management & Leadership Administer Analyze Assign Attain Authorize Chair Consolidate Contract Control Coordinate Delegate Develop Direct Evaluate Enact Establish Exceed Execute Expand Guide Head Implement Improve Incorporate Increase Initiate Institute Investigate Launch Maintain Manage Mediate Negotiate Organize Oversaw Management16 & Leadership (cont) Perform Plan Prioritize Produce Propose Conduct Reorganize Recommend Reduce Remove Replace Reposition Reproduce Retain Review Revise Schedule Simplify Strengthen Supervise 17 Action Word List (cont) Technical Assemble Build Calculate Change Complete Compute Convert Construct Design Engineer Operate Overhaul Modify Program Remodel Repair Restructure Solve Upgrade Communications Address Arbitrate Arrange Articulate Author Convince Correspond Define Develop Direct Draft Edit Enlist Formulate Influence Interpret Interview Lecture Moderate Negotiate Participate Persuade Present Preside Promote Publicize Recruit Represent Sold Spoke Translate Wrote .. Financial Allocate Analyze Appraise Audit Balance Budget Calculate Compute Forecast Increase List Manage Market Plan Project Research Tabulate Transfer Update Teaching Advise Clarify Coached Communicate Encourage Evaluate Explain Guide Influence Inform Instruct Interpret Persuade Rewrite Stimulate Train Critical Thinking Analyze Appraise Arrange Assemble Assess Calculate Categorize Choose Collect Compare Compose Construct Create Design Diagram Estimate Evaluate Examine Formulate Inspect Measure Organize Plan Prepare Rate Revise Select Setup Score Solve Test 18 Policies .. Incomplete Policy The grading policy requires that an Incomplete (“I”) grade be given only for satisfactory but incomplete work for ‘unforeseeable emergencies or extenuating circumstances’ which occur at the end of the semester. Extenuating circumstances means verified cases of accidents, illness, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student. Supporting documentation from doctors, employers, etc., may be required. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their instructor to complete an “Incomplete Grade Contract” form #029. If the form is not submitted to the instructor, the student may receive an “F” or another letter grade as appropriate. To clear an “I” grade, a student must make arrangements with the instructor to make up the grade prior to the end of the ensuing semester in which the incomplete was given. Failure to clear an “I” grade will result an “F” or “FW” grade being assigned. Grading Policies Credit is awarded on the basis of assignment completed and the required number of hours worked. Each student needs a minimum of 75 hours of paid work or 60 hours of unpaid work for each unit of credit. The grade you earn will be a direct reflection of the quality of assignments and amount of effort you put forth. Time sheets must be turned in by the due date or the student will fail the course. No late work will be accepted. Retrieve your final grade via your My Canyons account at www.canyons.edu 19 Policies (cont) .. How your assignments will be graded Include the following information on all your assignments: 1. Your name 2. The date 3. The assignment number and title Assignment # 2A, #2B, #2D and #3D must include the following: 1. Introduction – in one or two paragraphs, introduce and identify the point of your paper a. Explain your object and the nature of your project 2. Body – in this section describe, explain and discuss the topic a. Include any relevant information 3. Conclusion – in the final section, summarize your findings and elaborate on what you have accomplished The following criteria must be used when formatting your paper: All pages must be typed and double-spaced Include a minimum of three indented paragraphs 12 point professional looking font The following criteria will be looked at when evaluating the structure of your paper: Competent editing Use of conventional spelling and punctuation When writing your papers, you should: Strive for clarity and accuracy Develop a sense of relevance, consistency, and significance Develop depth and breadth of a subject The following performance standards will be used for grading: Grade Criteria A B C D Provides full elaborated ideas Organization is smooth, logical and purposeful Provides several examples for the reader Adequate sentence structure and vocabulary/spelling In-depth analysis of the topic with complete discussion Provides generally clear ideas Organization is generally smooth, logical and purposeful, but has occasional inconsistencies Somewhat limited development of ideas Provides some examples for the reader Some errors in sentence structure and vocabulary/spelling Ideas tend to be listed rather than elaborated with examples Weak sentence structure and basic use of vocabulary Several spelling errors Lack of in-depth analysis Poorly stated ideas Overall lack of organization and careless lack of ability Very general – too brief of a summary or reaction Many errors in overall work 20 Campus Resources .. Career Development College of the Canyons offers workshops and counseling classes. Counseling classes are credit classes and can be found in the schedule of classes for exact dates and times. California Career Café The CA Career Café website is sponsored by the CA Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and has been implemented statewide at just about every community college in the system. Students can use assessments, explore career pathways, contact professional associations, complete activities, peruse career tips, prepare for jobs, and much more. Visit www.cacareercafe.com Career Services The Career Center is open to the public and students. Some of the services they provide: Workshops: Free telephone service Computer lab Job Search Resume Template (for career related Resume Writing purposes) Interviewing Success Resource Library Resume Critiques Free fax services Career exploration Location: STCN-123 Contact Number: (661) 362-3286 Computer Labs College of the Canyons provides locations where a computer may be used for internet research and completing projects. In addition, the Tutoring, Learning Computing Lab (TLC) offers free assistance on your required projects. TLC The TLC lab has computers with internet access as well as printing access. In addition, the TLC lab also provides tutoring in many areas including English to assist you with your CWE projects. Valencia Campus (LTLC-126): 661-362-3662 Canyon Country Campus (Quad 3, Room 306): 661-362-3857 Library Open Computer Lab The library’s Open Computer Lab has computers with internet, as well as printing access. Valencia Campus (LIBR-210): 661-362-3334 or 661-362-3605 Canyon Country Campus (Quad 3, Room 307): 661-362-3854 ASG Computer Lab/Lounge (Activity sticker needed on ASG ID): ASG lab/lounge has computers with internet access as well as printing access. Valencia Campus ASG Computer Lab (STCN-124): 661-362-5050 Canyon Country Campus ASG Computer Lounge (Quad 2, Room 204): 661-362-3840 21 Tear out this page and use to practice writing Workplace Project objective Workplace Project Objective Worksheet Objectives Must Be S.M.A.R.T. 1. Specific: Make sure you state exactly what will be accomplished. 2. Measurable: Include quantitative statements such as: 95%, 7 out of 10, once a day, or within 20 minutes. 3. Action-oriented: Focus on action. 4. Realistic: Allow time for personal and professional constraints when choosing a completion date. 5. Timely: However, you must aim to complete your project during the semester, well before the date the project paper is due. How do you write your objective? 1. First sentence: a. Describe the goal by beginning the sentence with an “action” word (i.e. - demonstrate, create, develop, etc.) b. Describe how the goal will be accomplished using the word “by” to connect the two components (i.e. by making, by gathering, by writing, etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Second sentence: Tell “who” will evaluate the project and “how” it will be evaluated (i.e. – Supervisor to evaluate through examination and use of spread sheet; through examination of responses; through examination of results; by comparing pre-objective data to post objective data.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Third sentence: Estimate a date you think the project will be completed. (i.e.) - To be completed by October 22.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Write your workplace project objective below: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now that you have written your Workplace Project Objective you must also do the following once the project has been approved by COC Faculty: Write your objective on Workplace Project Agreement Form Meet with your supervisor and COC Faculty for signature and date Submit the completed Workplace Project Agreement Form to COC Faculty 22 CWE-188/CWE-189 WORKPLACE PROJECT AGREEMENT FORM Date: ____________________________ Term: ______________________________ Student Name: ____________________________________________________ Student ID: _______________ (PRINT) Company Name & Supervisor: ________________________________________________________________ Company Contact Number and/or email: ________________________________________________________ ■ WORKPLACE PROJECT OBJECTIVE INSTRUCTIONS ■ The Workplace Project involves the student approaching his/her employer to establish a specific task that would increase efficiency or productivity in the workplace, or provide an opportunity to learn or demonstrate a skill. The identified objective must be specific, measureable, realistic, action-oriented, and achievable within the given semester. Please see the back of this form for examples of well written internship objectives. Write your Workplace Project Objective below, indicating what will be accomplished, how it will be accomplished, how it will measured, and when it will be complete. You will refer to objective written below when you are prompted to electronically submit it for approval by your COC faculty, via email. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer and Santa Clarita Community College District (“District”) agree to provide supervision and guidance to ensure maximum educational benefit from this work experience. District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, medical condition, mental or physical disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or Vietnam era veteran status in its acceptance, assignment, treatment, evaluation or compensation of students who participate in programs sponsored or arranged by District. Employers who sign this Agreement are expected to uphold this policy in their selection of prospects for employment, education processes or activities. District shall be considered the employer o unpaid students in the Internship/Work Experience program for the limited purpose of providing worker’s compensation insurance. Students paid by Employer shall be under the Employer’s worker’s compensation and/or liability insurance as required by law. Signatures indicate the supervisor, student, and faculty agree to the stated objective: 1) Student/Employee Signature _____________________________________________ 2) Employer/Mentor Signature ______________________________________________ 3) Faculty Signature _______________________________________________________ ■ WHAT’S NEXT? ■ Students will receive an e-mail with a link to electronically submit the perfected Objected written above. Once your project is approved electronically by COC Faculty, you should immediately begin executing your objective. 23 Tear out this page and use to complete Assignment #2, Option B STUDENT SELF-EVALUATION Learning Outcome: By completing this assignment, the student may use the reflection to serve as recognition of achievements to build on and guidance on areas for improvements. Assignment Instructions: 4. Use this form to analyze your strengths and weaknesses as an employee/intern a. Honestly rate yourself using the rate chart listed below b. Ask two additional people to rate you from your workplace, college or personal life 5. Write a one page reflection paper addressing strengths, weaknesses and recommendations a. Compare and contrast all three sets of observations/ratings 6. Submit both of the following as uploaded documents to Blackboard: a. This assignment sheet containing the evaluations b. One page reflection paper c. BOTH COMPONENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED to earn full credit Evaluation Performance Indicators Self Additional #1 Additional #2 Knowledge of job Quality of Work Reliability Problem Solving Skills Organizational Skills Communication Skills Initiative Leadership Skills Punctuality Attendance Appearance Date (mm/dd/yy) Ratings 1 Unsatisfactory Description Failed to meet necessary requirements as against set target standards 2 Below Expectations Requirements are met occasionally yet minimum standards are not often achieved 3 Meets Expectations Requirements are met usually indicating the delivery of adequate results 4 Exceeds Expectations Performance is found more than adequate on most occasions 5 Outstanding Performance has consistently exceeded job requirements and expectations 24 Tear out this page and use to complete Assignment #2, Option C RESUME Learning Outcome: By completing this assignment the student/employee will be able to write a resume that effectively communicates his/her skills, education, experience and qualifications as a job candidate. Assignment instructions: 4. Create or update a resume that includes content that is focused on your job objective 5. Resume must include (but is not limited to): a. Job/internship used to earn credit for the CWE course b. CWE course workplace project accomplished during current semester i. Include accomplishments/skills gained or enhanced by completing workplace project on the resume ii. Include any other accomplishments/skills gained or enhanced at the internship 6. Resume must be reviewed by a COC Career Center Advisor b. Student must submit this assignment sheet with the information below completed to earn credit for the resume assignment 5. Upload both of the following to Blackboard: c. This assignment sheet with name, position & signature of person reviewing the resume d. Resume To learn more about how to write a resume, students may do the following: Contact the Cooperative Work Experience Education office at 661-362-3309 to schedule a free appointment for resume assistance. o Please make arrangements early. Last minute appointments will not be accommodated. Visit the COC Career Center website to review the resume information packet: http://www.canyons.edu/offices/CareerCenter/ResumeCoverLetter.asp Attend a Resume Rally offered by the COC Career Center – schedule of events can be found at: http://www.canyons.edu/offices/CareerCenter/ Can’t get an appointment? Go to the resume creator found through My Jobs at www.canyons.edu/myjobs. *Resume highly recommended for students who do not have a current resume. Resume reviewed by: Name_________________________________Position:_________________________ Signature________________________________Date:__________________________ Students Name _________________________________________________________ 25 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS CWE TIME SHEET Mark One: □Internship CWE-188 or □ Work Experience CWE-189 PAID _____ / NON-PAID _____ Student Name___________________________________________________ ID # ______________________ CWE Section Title ___________________________________ # of CWE Units Enrolled: 1 2 3 4 (Circle One) Company Name ________________________________________ Company Phone # ____________________ Year/Term ___________________ Month of ________ Total Hours Worked This Month _____ Month of ________ Total Hours Worked This Month _____ Month of ________ Total Hours Worked This Month _____ Month of ________ Total Hours Worked This Month _____ Month of ________ Total Hours Worked This Month _____ Month of ________ Total Hours Worked This Month _____ TOTAL HOURS WORKED:___________________ EMPLOYER / SUPERVISOR EVALUATION OF WORKPLACE PROJECT Upon completion of your workplace project, have your supervisor rate your accomplishments: Excellent Accomplishments 100% _____ Limited Accomplishments 70% ______ Better than Average Accomplishments 90% Average Accomplishments 80% ______ ______ Unacceptable Accomplishments 60% _______ Consider commenting on the student’s accomplishments or something significant that stands out from this experience. Or, comment on how this process was handled by the student, faculty, or college support staff. We are always looking for ways to improve our program. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ Student Signature ____________________________________ Date __________________________________ Supervisor’s Signature _____________________________________ Date _____________________________________ This timesheet and employer evaluation is mandated by the State of CA; students who do not fully complete this document will fail the course. SCAN AND UPLOAD the completed form as a .PDF document through Black Board 9 26
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