CARIBBEAN iXAN’llNATiQNS COUNCIL ME Ni 0 R A N D U NI FRO[i: Registrar (Ag.) REF: 0625-1 TO: Local Registrars CC: Pro-Registrar (Ag.) Principals and Heads of Centres SUBJECT: REGISTRATION FOR JANUARY 2015 CSEC® SITTING DATE: 14 August 2014 Examinations for the January 2015 sitting will be administered during the period 05—20 January 2015. Method of Registration The Online Registration System (ORS) will be used in the registration of candidates for the January 2015 examinations. Release of the ORS Application the ORS application will be available on the Council’s website, hPuj1% 21 August 2014 for the registration of candidates. t on Manuals and Video for ORS A User Manual and an Administrator User Manual are available on the Council’s for guidance. Video extracts concerning certain aspects of the website, registration process are also available on the website. Access to ORS Application Principals and Heads of Centres should be advised that the usernames and passwords used in the 2014 registration phase would be the same for the 2015 registration. However, they should ensure that the passwords issued to persons who are no longer in their employ are deleted and user account disabled so as to prevent unauthorised access. To avoid a security breach, the same user names and passwords must not be shared by individuals; each person who is authorised to use the ORS should have his/her own username and password. Personal Data Care must be taken by Principals, Heads of Centres and Local Registrars to ensure that individual candidate details are completed correctly and checked before submission to the Council. Source documents such as birth certificates, natonaI identification cards an(I passports must he used to verify the correct names, dates—of—birth and gender of candidates, especiall’ those registering for the first time. Previous Registration i)ata The registration databases for CCSLC’, CSEC and CAPE have been integrated, thus, a candidate moving from one level to another, for example, from CCSLC to (‘SEC. should supply the candidate number issued at the CCSLC level. If the candidate was registered for (‘SEC subjects before, any candidate number issued to the candidate ina be supplied as part of the prcvious rtgistration data I he foreseen challenge to candidates of keeping track of the different registration numbers issued at the various sittings has led CXC to introduce a Unique Candidate Number (UCN) see details under the appropriate heading below. — Users should ensure that the name of the candidate used at the previous sitting(s) ate matches exactly the name being used at the current sitting. For example, if a candid he not was registited at the Ma-June 2014 (‘SEC sitting as John P Brown, he should registered at the January 2015 CSEC sitting as John Brown, .1. P. Brown, .John Paul Brown or any other variation in the name. Any candidate who, at the time of registering for the january 2015 examinations, provides a name, date-of-birth or nt L’ender that differs from that used at an earlier sitting, will be treated as a differe (new) candidate and may he required to pay an Amendment Fee to have the old and new records converged. Candidates who have written CSEC subjects at or after the .January 2004 sitting, CAPE subjects at or after the May-June 2005 sitting, or CCSLC subjects at or after the June 2007 sitting, should supply a candidate number from one of those previous sittings. If be they have more than one number, the number from the most recent sitting would preferred. The search engine allows users to query on a candidate’s personal details and/or a previous registration number to obtain his/her previous registration records. The use of the search engine should ensure the presentation of accurate and standardised personal details and avoid the high costs associated with making changes to the personal details and the subject options of candidates who have written examinations before. Candidates who are registering for the first time or who have written CSEC subjects before the January 2004 sitting or CAPE subjects before the May-June 2005 sitting, should be registered as ‘New’ in the ORS. Use of the Unique Candidate Number An eleven-digit UCN has been placed on the preliminary results slips of candidates who wrote examinations at the May-June 2014 CSEC sitting. Candidates should be advised to retain this number because it will be required in the registration for future examinations offered by CXC. The UCN will also be placed on the certificates that will be issued for this year’s sitting. Resit Candidates lior subjects with a School Based Assessment (SBA) component, a candidate will be was at eligible to register as a Resit if the candidate attained a moderated mark which provide least 50% of the SHA marks in the May—June 2013 examinations. in order to ,uidancc to candidatis about thur eligahahtv status to rigister as Rsit for the tanuar br the May— 2015 txanniiations i notation as placid on thi pri—slaps that wu t issud would not ates candid which in t(s) June 2014 CSEC examinations indicating the subjec ated SBA marks. he eligible to “resit” because they (11(1 not achieve 50% of the moder Resit for Candidates who (lid not receive any notification will be eligible to register as also hae the sub jeits) Principals. Heads of Centres and Local Registrars would for the May received similar notification on the electronic broadsheets that were issued June 2014 CSEC sitting. Alternative Paper to SBA are not Candidates who are registering at private centres (educational institutions that write e to eligibl recognised by the Council as full-time educational institutions) will be e institutions ill the 4iternatne Paper (Paper 03/2) Candidates registering at full-tim not be eligible to write the Alternative Paper. select the Private candidates who opt to write the Alternative Paper (Paper 03/2) MUST for papers “Alter” in the check box. Candidates would not be supplied with question of registration. the Alternative examinations if they did not select the “Alter” at the time Official Name Change il should Should a candidate’s name change through marriage or deed poll, the Counc (EXA Form’ ation Notific Name in be informed through the submission of the Change Fee is ment 57). The form may be downloaded from the Council’s website. An Amend to the not charged once the EXA 57 form has been completed correctly and submitted Council. Checking of Registration Data by Candidates ation When the registration data have been entered in the ORS, a copy of the registr details (available in the Subjects Registered Report in the ORS) should be printed and given to candidates to check and confirm the details prior to the data being they forwarded to the Local Registrar’s Office. Candidates should be advised that the n of attentio the to s record must bring any queries about the accuracy of their Principal or Head of Centre. Subject OlTerings br Januarv 2015 r SUBJECT iology chemistry English A English B Human and Social Biology Information Technology Mathematics Office Administration Physics Principles of Accounts Principles of Business Social Studies Spanish PROFICIENCY RESIT 1 ALTERNATIVE 1 NON General General General General_________ General Yes Yes Yes jYes General Yes General General General General General General General Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Scale of Fees The various registration fees currently charged by the Council are given below. CSEC Subject Entry CSEC Candidate Entry CSEC Subject Entry (External Territory) CSEC Candidate Entry (External Territory) Late Entry (see Table below) Amendment (see Table below) Transfer BDS$36.50 BDS$36.00 BDS$73.00 BDS$72.00 BDS$45.00-75.00 BDS$45.00-75.00 BDS$27.00 Late and Amendment Fees: January CSEC Sitting Received 1 November BDS$45.00 Late Entry BDS$45.00 Amendment (subjects and options) BDS$45.00 Amendment (personal details) Fee — 15 Received 16 November BDS$75.00 BDS$75.00 BDS$45.00 — 30 Received After 30 November BDS$200.00 BDS$200.00 BDS$50.00 Submission of Late Entries and Amendments All late entries and amendments should be keyed and submitted through the ORS. Candidates with Special Needs Requests for special arrangements for candidates with known disabilities should he made when the entries are submitted. Requests for Braille and enlarged question l ii aptrs should bt tontirmed not later than 15 %tpttmher 2014 Wi should be gratefu 1 the at you would Iix or email such requests for the attention of Mrs Dianne Medford fax number, (246) 429 6491, or at the email address, dmed1ord( Spanish ()ral Examination The Spanish oral examination must be taken by ALL candidates. Local Registrars must ensure that private candidates are informed of the dates and times when the oral examination will be held. Access to Online Registration Records by Candidates they may All candidates should be given their centre code and candidate number so that access the student portal. By 15 November 2014, candidates should be in a position to visit the website, hit ://ors,cxc.or’studentportal to obtain details about their registration records. Candidates should be advised that they must bring any queries about the accuracy of their records to the attention of the Principal or Head of Centre. , Candidates 1)ebarred from CSEC Examinations In accordance with the Regulations for the Conduct of the Council’s Examinations nos. S 1 1 (Page 22) and 9 1 2 (Page 32), candidates found guilty of any irregularity, misconduct or dishonest practice may be debarred for a specified time from registering for examinations administered by the Council. We are seeking your assistance in ensuring that candidates who have been debarred from writing the Council’s examinations are not permitted to register for examinations until the period of the disbarment has been completed. Registration Deadline Completed electronic entries must be submitted by examination centres to the Local Registrar’s Office not later than the deadline given to examination centres by the Local Registrar. Entries received after that date will be classified as late and the appropriate penalties will be imposed. We look forward to your co-operation in ensuring that candidates are registered early and their personal and subject particulars are accurately recorded in the ORS. 4 1 Susän Gilés For REGthRAR (Ag.) GC:SG:aa
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