S A M P L E P R E P A R A T I O N Chrom Tech Filtration Centrifuge Filter Tubes Micro, Midi, and Maxi Spin centrifuge filters are very useful for small volume sample filtration. Designed for use in centrifuges, the filter units consist of a sample chamber and receiver tube. This tube has a marking area and is graduated. A cap serves the dual purpose of capping the sample chamber during the centrifugation and the receiver tube after the sample chamber has been removed. Each package is imprinted to identify the pore size and membrane type. Micro-Spin Filter Tubes Quickly and easily clarify small sample volumes with Chrom Tech's Micro-Spin® centrifuge filter tubes. These devices fit in any standard microcentrifuge, and allow you to process multiple samples simultaneously. Less than 5µL hold-up volume provides near quantitative volumetric recovery. Maximum G-force: 10,000xG. Micro-Spin centrifuge filter tubes now include glass prefilters. FE AT U RE S For up to 850 µL sample volumes Polypropylene housings Midi-Spin Filter Tubes Midi-Spin® filter tubes consist of a polypropylene insert that houses a filter membrane and a tapered 5.0ml filtrate tube. Inserts can accommodate sample volumes up to 2ml. Maximum G-force: 5,000xG. FE AT U RE S For up to 5 mL sample volumes Polypropylene housings Maxi-Spin Filter Tubes Maxi-Spin® centrifuge filter tubes remove particulates from larger sample sizes with any centrifuge that holds 50 mL conical tubes. They should only be used with a fixed-angle rotor centrifuge to prevent premature clogging of the membrane. Maximum operating temperature: 50º C. Maximum G-force: 2,500xG. FE AT U RE S For up to 25 mL sample volumes Polypropylene housings Used with fixed angle rotor centrifuge © 2 0 1 4 C h rom Te c h , In c . P rod u c t n a m e s a re tra d e m a r ks o r reg ist ered t r a d e m a rks of the i r re sp e c ti ve co mpanies Pub . No . : 8 9 0 0 0 distributed by [ 800.822.5242 | (MN) 952.431.6000 [email protected] | www.chromtech.com ] Chrom Tech Filtration S A M P L E P R E P A R A T I O N Centrifuge Filter Tubes (continued) M E M BR A N E PO R E SIZ E MICRO 100/pk MID I 25/pk MAXI 50/pk Cellulose Acetate 0.2 µm CTF-CA020-01 CTF-CA020-02 CTF-CA020-03 0.45 µm CTF-CA045-01 CTF-CA045-02 CTF-CA045-03 0.2 µm CTF-NC020-01 CTF-NC020-02 CTF-NC020-03 0.45 µm CTF-NC045-01 CTF-NC045-02 CTF-NC045-03 0.2 µm CTF-NY020-01 CTF-NY020-02 CTF-NY020-03 0.45 µm CTF-NY045-01 CTF-NY045-02 CTF-NY045-03 0.2 µm CTF-PS020-01 CTF-PS020-02 CTF-PS020-03 0.45 µm CTF-PS045-01 CTF-PS045-02 CTF-PS045-03 0.2 µm CTF-PP020-01 CTF-PP020-02 CTF-PP020-03 0.45 µm CTF-PP045-01 CTF-PP045-02 CTF-PP045-03 0.2 µm CTF-PT020-01 CTF-PT020-02 CTF-PT020-03 0.45 µm CTF-PT045-01 CTF-PT045-02 CTF-PT045-03 0.2 µm CTF-PV020-01 CTF-PV020-02 CTF-PV020-03 0.45 µm CTF-PV045-01 CTF-PV045-02 CTF-PV045-03 0.2 µm CTF-RC020-01 CTF-RC020-02 CTF-RC020-03 0.45 µm CTF-RC045-01 CTF-RC045-02 CTF-RC045-03 NC (Nitrocellose) Nylon Polyethersulfone Polypropylene PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) PVDF (polyvinylidene diffuoride) Regenerated Cellulose Forensic Spin Tubes Our kit includes a 800 µL filter basket and a 2.0 mL microcentrifuge receiver tube with attached cap. The 1.4 mm mesh acts as a sieve to retain cloth samples and pass fluids to the receiver tube. FE AT U RE S 800 µL capacity Extracts fluids from cloth samples Polypropylene housing DE SCRI P T I O N QTY PART N O Forensic Spin Tube 100 CTF-FS000-01 distributed by [ 800.822.5242 | (MN) 952.431.6000 [email protected] | www.chromtech.com ] S A M P L E P R E P A R A T I O N Chrom Tech Filtration Membrane Filters M E M BR A N E PORE SIZE 13 mm 100/pk 2 5 mm 100/pk 47 mm 100/pk 90 mm 25/pk 142 m m 25/pk Cellulose Acetate 0.2 µm CTF-CA020-13 CTF-CA020-25 CTF-CA020-47 CTF-CA020-90 CTF-CA020-142 0.45 µm CTF-CA045-13 CTF-CA045-25 CTF-CA045-47 CTF-CA045-90 CTF-CA045-142 Glass Fiber 0.7 µm CTF-GF070-13 CTF-GF070-25 CTF-GF070-47 CTF-GF070-90 N/A 1.0 µm CTF-GF100-13 CTF-GF100-25 CTF-GF100-47 CTF-GF100-90 N/A 3.1 µm CTF-GF310-13 CTF-GF310-25 CTF-GF310-47 CTF-GF310-90 N/A 5.0 µm CTF-GF500-13 CTF-GF500-25 CTF-GF500-47 CTF-GF500-90 N/A 0.2 µm CTF-NC020-13 CTF-NC020-25 CTF-NC020-47 CTF-NC020-90 CTF-NC020-142 0.45 µm CTF-NC045-13 CTF-NC045-25 CTF-NC045-47 CTF-NC045-90 CTF-NC045-142 0.2 µm CTF-NY020-13 CTF-NY020-25 CTF-NY020-47 CTF-NY020-90 CTF-NY020-142 0.45 µm CTF-NY045-13 CTF-NY045-25 CTF-NY045-47 CTF-NY045-90 CTF-NY045-142 0.2 µm CTF-PS020-13 CTF-PS020-25 CTF-PS020-47 CTF-PS020-90 CTF-PS020-142 0.45 µm CTF-PS045-13 CTF-PS045-25 CTF-PS045-47 CTF-PS045-90 CTF-PS045-142 0.2 µm CTF-PT020-13 CTF-PT020-25 CTF-PT020-47 CTF-PT020-90 CTF-PT020-142 0.45 µm CTF-PT045-13 CTF-PT045-25 CTF-PT045-47 CTF-PT045-90 CTF-PT045-142 0.2 µm CTF-PV020-13 CTF-PV020-25 CTF-PV020-47 CTF-PV020-90 CTF-PV020-142 0.45 µm CTF-PV045-13 CTF-PV045-25 CTF-PV045-47 CTF-PV045-90 CTF-PV045-142 NC Nylon PS PTFE PVDF Membrane Selection Guide RC Nylon Regenerated Cellulose (RC) is a hydrophilic, solvent resistant, low protein binding membrane. Ideal for removing particulates from HPLC samples prior to injection. Compatible with all HPLC solvents. Use for particle removal and degassing of solvents. RC membranes are also compatible with aqueous solutions in the 3 to 12 pH range. Extractables with water are less than 1%. RC membranes exhibit low, non-specific adsorption — good for biological sample filtration where maximum protein recovery is important. When used with a glass prefilter, RC is ideal for tissue culture media filtration, as well as general biological sample filtration. Commonly used for general laboratory filtration and filtration of HPLC samples prior to injection. Nylon is solvent resistant and exhibits low extractables. Nylon binds protein and should not be used when protein recovery is important. PTFE PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) is a hydrophobic and chemically resistant to all solvents, acids and bases. Does not impart extractables to the filtrate. PTFE blocks water vapor, making it ideal for transducer protectors. Also ideal for filtering and degassing chromatography solvents. PVDF PVDF (polyvinylidene diflouride) is a hydrophilic, solvent resistant membrane that exhibits low levels of UV adsorbing extractables. Use for HPLC sample filtration and general biological filtration. PVDF is a low protein binding membrane. Polypropylene Polypropylene is a hydrophilic membrane that exhibits a wide range of chemical compatibility to organic solvents. A good choice for HPLC sample filtration when performing chromatography protein analysis. High solvent resistant. Low non-specific adsorbing membrane for maximum protein recovery in critical analysis. Also well suited for biological sample filtration. Glass Microfiber Glass Microfiber membranes are commonly used as pre-filters to remove large particulates and extend the load capacity of the membrane. Cellulose Acetate Cellulose Acetate is a very low protein binding membrane, ideal for aqueous based samples. CA membranes are an excellent choice when maximum protein recovery in filtrate is critical. Laboratory studies show the CA membranes bind less protein that PVDF. When used with a glass pre-filter, CA is ideal for tissue culture media filtration and sensitive biological samples. The pre-filter increases yield. NC NC (Nitrocellulose - Mixed Esters (ME) - unsupported filters are hydrophilic and composed of a mixture of inert cellulose nitrate and cellulose acetate polymers. The uniform microporous structure of these filters provides the fastest flow rates and highest throughputs available in a membrane filter. Because they are biologically inert, NC filters are ideal for a wide range of clarification, sterilization, and analytical applications. PS PS (Polyethersulfone) is the filter of choice for tissue culture work. It has very low extractables. Low binding of protein and nucleic acids. It has relatively broad chemical resistance except to aggressive solvents and it has good to excellent flow rates. distributed by [ 800.822.5242 | (MN) 952.431.6000 [email protected] | www.chromtech.com ] Chrom Tech Filtration S A M P L E P R E P A R A T I O N CA (Cellulose Acetate) CA (Cellulose Acetate) membrane filters are composed of pure cellulose acetate modified to offer researchers the lowest binding filters available. Due to the extremely low binding characteristics, these filters provide higher throughputs than competitive offerings and reduce filter changes when filtering proteinaceous solutions. Because of their unique strength and extremely low binding characteristics, CA (Cellulose Acetate) filters are ideal for protein and enzyme filtrations, tissue culture media sterilization, cold sterilization, biological fluid filtration and other filtration applications where maximum recovery of proteins is critical. CA (Cellulose Acetate) membranes are manufactured using a unique impregnation process that is internally supported by aninert polyester web eliminates cracking, tearing, breaking and distortion when handled or creased. Each filter has unequalled dimensional stability after autoclaving or steam sterilizing and is completely unaffected by temperatures up to 135°C (275°F). The exclusive impregnation process results in an acetate filter which has a burst strength of 130 PSI, uniform pore size and consistent flow rates for reliable performance. F EATU RE S Lowest binding material available Hydrophilic High throughput Strength and dimension stability Uniform pore structure A PPLI C ATI ON S Protein and enzyme filtration, sterilization Biological fluid filtration sterilization Tissue culture media sterilization Product Characteristics PROD U C T C H A R A C T E R I S T I CS Sterilization Gamma Irradiation or Ethylene Oxide (EtO) USP Class VI testing Passed Thickness 65 – 110 µm BSA Protein Binding 3.8 µg/cm2 Maximum Operating Temperature 135 ºC (274 ºF) Sealing Compatibility Ultrasonics, Heat, Radio Frequency and Insert Molding Pore Size Range 0.1 – 20 µm distributed by [ 800.822.5242 | (MN) 952.431.6000 [email protected] | www.chromtech.com ] S A M P L E P R E P A R A T I O N Chrom Tech Filtration Nitrocellulose Nitrocellulose - Mixed Esters (ME) - unsupported filters are composed of a mixture of inert cellulose nitrate and cellulose acetate polymers. The uniform microporous structure of these filters provides the fastest flow rates and highest throughputs available in a membrane filter. Because they are biologically inert, Nitrocellulose filters are ideal for a wide range of clarification, sterilization, and analytical applications such as: microbiological analysis, clarification or sterilization of aqueous solutions, industrial hygiene applications, silt density index (SDI - 0.45μm, 47mm) and particulatematter analysis. For gravimetric analysis using ashing techniques, Nitrocellulose filters yield a residue of less than 0.045% of their initial weight.They are hydrophilic with a noncytotoxic wetting agent extractable level of less than 4% of their weight. Nitrocellulose filters are available in pore sizes ranging from 0.1μm to 15.0μm. Standard disc diameters are available from 13 mm to 293 mm. These filters are autoclavable at 121°C (250°F) for 20 minutes. F EATURE S High binding capacity Consistent high flow rate for faster filtration Uniform pore structure for selectivity Hydrophilic, inert cellulose nitrate Manufactured thickness within 10 microns A PPLI C ATI ONS Aqueous filtration Microbiological analysis Sterility testing Gravimetric analysis with ashing technique Particulate analysis Black — food and beverage Product Characteristics PROD U C T C H A R A C T ER I S T I CS Sterilization Gamma Irradiation or Ethylene Oxide (EtO) USP Class VI testing Passed Thickness Approx. 6 mil (150 µm) +/- 10 µm Extractables <4% BSA Protein Binding Approx. 160 µg/cm2 (depending on pore size) Maximum Operating Temperature 180 ºC (356 ºF) Sealing Compatibility Ultrasonics, Heat, Radio Frequency and Insert Molding Wicking Rate Time required for an aqueous solution to travel 4 cm. 5.0 µm – 200 sec. 8.0 µm – 120 sec. 15.0 µm – 70 sec. Pore Size Range 0.1 – 15 µm © 2 0 1 4 C h rom Te c h , In c . P rod u c t n a m e s a re tra d e m a r ks o r reg ist ered t r a d e m a rks of the i r re sp e c ti ve co mpanies Pub . No . : 8 9 0 0 0 distributed by [ 800.822.5242 | (MN) 952.431.6000 [email protected] | www.chromtech.com ] Chrom Tech Filtration S A M P L E P R E P A R A T I O N Nylon Nylon membrane filters are fast becoming the "standard" filter material due to their wide chemical compatibility range and naturally hydrophilic characteristics. Nylon filters can be used to filter all aqueous and the majority of solvent solutions. Nylon filters are manufactured using a unique impregnation process that eliminates cracking, tearing, breaking and distortion when handled or creased. Each membrane filter has unequalled dimensional stability even after autoclaving and is completely unaffected by temperatures up to 180°C (356°F) or steam sterilizing. The exclusive impregnation process results in a nylon filter with uniform pore sizes and consistent flow rates for continuously reliable performance. Since Nylon filters are naturally hydrophilic, wetting agents are not used during manufacturing, resulting in a very low level of extractables. Through gravimetric analysis, it has been found that Nylon filters have an extractable level of less than 0.0015 mg/cm² making them ideally suited for HPLC solvent filtration, HPLC sample preparation, mobile-phase filtration and critical aqueous applications. The flow rates of nylon membrane filters are approximately equal to those of standard cellulosic membranes. They have a high nucleic acid binding capacity of 350 μg/cm² and Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) protein binding of 120 μg/cm² compared to 80-100 μg/cm² for most cellulosic membranes under the same BSA binding conditions. F EATURE S Naturally hydrophilic Wide chemical compatibility range Strength and dimensional stability Extremely low extractables A PPLI C ATI ONS Sterilization, clarification of aqueous and organic solvent solutions HPLC sample preparation Product Characteristics PROD U C T C H A R A C T ER I S T I CS Sterilization Gamma Irradiation or Ethylene Oxide (EtO) USP Class VI testing Passed Thickness 65 – 125 µm Extractables <0.2% (<0.0015 mg/cm2) BSA Protein Binding Approx. 120 µg/cm2 Maximum Operating Temperature 180 ºC (356 ºF) Sealing Compatibility Ultrasonics, Heat, Radio Frequency and Insert Molding Pore Size Range 0.1 – 20 µm distributed by [ 800.822.5242 | (MN) 952.431.6000 [email protected] | www.chromtech.com ] S A M P L E P R E P A R A T I O N Chrom Tech Filtration PES (Polyethersulfone) PES (polyethersulfone) membrane filters are composed of polyethersulfone and manufactured within a tight specification range to ensure a uniform pore structure for low binding applications where reliable fast flow rates and high throughputs are required. PES (polyethersulfone) filters are hydrophilic and can withstand high temperatures 135°C (275°F) without membrane degradation as required for autoclaving applications. They may provide better strength than cellulosic-type membranes. PES (polyethersulfone) filters are inert which provide extremely low extractable levels in critical sterilization applications such as protein and enzyme filtrations, tissue culture media sterilization, cold sterilization, biological fluid filtration and other sterilization applications where maximum throughputs and fast flow rates are the critical factors. F EATURE S Very low protein binding Flast flow rates Low extractables Wide chemical compatibility range Strength and dimensional stability Autoclavable A PPLI C ATI ONS Protein and enzyme filtration sterilization Biological fluid filtration sterilization Tissue culture media sterilization Pharmaceutical sterilization filtration Environmental water studies Product Characteristics PROD U C T C H A R A C T ER I S T I CS Sterilization Gamma Irradiation, Ethylene Oxide (EtO), Autoclaving or Live Stream USP Class VI testing Passed Thickness 110 – 150 µm Extractables 2% (<0.015 mg/cm2) BSA Protein Binding <20 µg/cm2 Maximum Operating Temperature 130 ºC (266 ºF) Sealing Compatibility Ultrasonics, Heat, Radio Frequency and Insert Molding Pore Size Range 0.03 – 20.0 µm © 2 0 1 4 C h rom Te c h , In c . P rod u c t n a m e s a re tra d e m a r ks o r reg ist ered t r a d e m a rks of the i r re sp e c ti ve co mpanies Pub . No . : 8 9 0 0 0 distributed by [ 800.822.5242 | (MN) 952.431.6000 [email protected] | www.chromtech.com ] Chrom Tech Filtration S A M P L E P R E P A R A T I O N Polypropylene Polypropylene membrane filters are composed of pure polypropylene with absolute pore size ratings. These filters offer broad chemical compatibility allowing its use with aqueous and organic solvent samples. The polypropylene filter has extremely low extractable levels designed to provide accurate, consistent analysis results for sensitive ion chromatography applications while prolonging column life. Polypropylene filter is the preferred filter membrane for HPLC applications where the detection levels are below 230 nm. The filters also exhibit negligible protein binding which, is essential for maximum sample recovery of critical, small volume protein samples. Filters are available in 0.1, 0.22 and 0.45-micron pore sizes in a wide range of disc diameters. F EATU RE S Broad chemical compatibility Hydrophobic HPLC applications – detection level < 230 nm A PPLI C ATI ON S Aqueous and organic solvent filtration HPLC sample preparation requiring low detection levels Ion chromatography Total digest for heavy metals PTFE Unlaminated PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene membrane consists of a pure PTFE laminated to a polypropylene support for improved durability and easy handling. These filters are chemically compatible with strong acids and most aggressive solvents such as alcohols. Laminated PTFE filters can also be used to filter aqueous solutions when prewetted with methanol. They are autoclavable up to 130°C (260°F) 175 μm thick. F EATU RE S Naturally hydrophobic Compatible with strong acids and aggressive solutions Improved durability and handling A PPLI C ATI ON S Filtration of strong acids and aggressive solutions Venting applications Phase separations Aerosol samplings distributed by [ 800.822.5242 | (MN) 952.431.6000 [email protected] | www.chromtech.com ]
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