CTF BScN degree Equivalency List STATISTICS Acadia Acadia Alberta Alberta Alberta Alberta Athabasca British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia Brock Brock Brock Brock Brock Brock Carleton Carleton Carleton Carleton Concordia Dalhousie Dalhousie Dalhousie Dalhousie Course Number Course Title MATH 2223 MATH 2243 ECON 255 PSYC 211 PSYC 309 STAT 141 MATH 215 COMM 212 COMM 313 EPSE 482 LFS 252 STAT 200 CHSC 2P07 CHSC3P07 MATH 1P98 PEKN 3P08 PSY 2F23 RECL 3Q07 PSYC 2002 SOC 3003 STAT 2507 STAT 2509 PSYCH 315 COM 2501 COM 2502 MATH 1060 SOSA 3415 Applied Stats for Science Stats for Life Science II Statistics Statistics Statistics Intro to Stats Introduction to Statistics Business Applications of Stats Quantitative Methods of Analysis Intro to Stats for Research in Education Quantitative Data Analysis Elementary Statistics for Applications Biostatistics I Biostatistics II Basic Statistical Methods Quantitative Analysis Statistics & Research Design Quantitative Analysis Intro to Statistics Studies in Research Design and Analysis Intro to Statisitical Modeling I Intro to Statisitical Modeling II Statistical Analysis I Statistics for Business I Statistics for Business II Intro Statistice for Science & Health Science Social Statistics Dalhousie Grant MacEwan Guelph Guelph Guelph Guelph Guelph Guelph Guelph Laurentian Laurentian Laurentian Laurentian Manitoba McGill McGill McGill McGill McMaster McMaster McMaster McMaster McMaster McMaster McMaster McMaster McMaster McMaster Memorial Nfld Mount Allison Mount Allison New Brunswick Nipissing Ontario Inst of Tech STAT 2080 STAT 151 BIOL 2250 PSYC 2010 SCMA 2070 STAT 2040 STAT 2050 STAT 2080 STAT 2090 BIOL 3327 STAT 2000 STAT 2126 STAT 2246 STAT 2000 BIOL 206 MATH 203 MATH 204 PSYCH 204 ARTS & SCI 2R03 HTH SCI 2A03 KIN 1G03 KIN 3C03 PNB 2XE3 POL SCI 3N03 Psych 2RA3 SOC SCI 2J03 STATS 1CC3 STATS 2B03 Education 2900 MATH 2311 PSYC 2001 STAT 2263 MATH 1257 HLSC 3800 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis Intro to Applied Statistics I Biostatistices & Life Sciences Quantification in Psychology Stats & Research Concepts Statistics Statistics II Intro Applied Statistics I Intro Applied Statistics II Experimental Methods in Biology Basic Statistical Analysis 2 Intro to Statistics Statistics for Scientists Basic Statistical Analysis 2 Methods in Biology of Organisms Principles of Statistics I Principles of Statistics 2 Intro to Psychological Stats Applied Statistical Statistics Research Methodologies & Data Analysis Statistics & Research Design Descriptive Statistics Research Methods, Statistics & Political Analysis Research Design & Stats for Behavioural Science I Intro to Statistics Introductory Computer -Aided Statistics Statistical Methods for Science Intro to Statistics in Education Statistics I Research Design & Analysis Statistics for Non-Science Technical Statistics Statistics & Critical Appraisal for Health Science Ontario Inst of Tech Ontario Inst of Tech Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Prince Edward Island Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Redeemer Redeemer Redeemer Ryerson Ryerson Ryerson Ryerson Ryerson Ryerson Ryerson Saskatchewan Simon Fraser St. Francis Xavier St. Francis Xavier Thompson Rivers JSTS 2820 STAT 2020U EEB 225 EPI 4142 HSS 2381 HSS 2781 MAT 2378 MAT 2379 PSY 2106 PSY 2116 Stat 263 MATH 221 BIOL 243 ECON 250 KNPE 251 PSYC 202 SOCY 211 STAT 263 STAT 268 MAT 201 MATH 215 PED 221 CMTH 304 CQMS 102 ENH 440 FNR 100 MTH 380 MTH 480 PSY 411 PLSC 314 STAT 201 STATS 201 STATS 231 STAT 101 Quantitative Methods Statistics & Probability for Biological Science Biostatistics Biostatistics Measurement & Data Analysis Quantative Data Analysis in Health Sciences I Probability & Statistics for Natural Sciences Intro to Biostatistics Quantitative Methods in Psychology I Quantitative Methods in Psychology II Introduction to Statistics Introductory stats Data Management and Analysis Intro to Statistics Intro to Statistics Statistics in Psychology Social Statistics Introduction to Statistics Statistics & Probability Research Methods: Statistics Statistics Research Methods: Statistics Probability & Statistics Business Statistics I Biostatistics Intro Research & Statistics Probability & Statistics I Probability & Statistics II Research Methods & Statistics Statistical Methods Statistics for Life Sciences Elementary Statistics Statistics Introductory to Statistics Thompson Rivers Thompson Rivers Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Trent Victoria Victoria Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo Western Western Western Western Western Wilfrid Laurier Wilfrid Laurier Wilfrid Laurier Wilfrid Laurier Wilfrid Laurier Wilfrid Laurier Wilfrid Laurier Windsor Windsor STAT 1201 STAT 2101 HMB 325H1 PSY 201H1 PSY 202H1 PSY B07F or PSY BO7H3 STA 1075H STA 220H STA 221H5 STA 255 STA B22H3 MATH 150 PSYC 300B STAT 255 BIOL 361 KIN 222 PSYCH 292 STAT 202 STAT 204 Stats 202 BIO 2244 HS 3801 Psych 2820E Stats 1024a/b Stats 2037a MA 240 MA241B MATH 141 PS 292 PS 296 STAT 2126 SY 382 02-250 KINE 269 Intro to Probability & Statistics Statistics in Social Science Stats Applied to Human Biology Statistics I Statistics II Data Analysis in Psych Intro to Probability Practice of Statistics I Practice of Statistics II Statistics Theory Statistics I Probablity & Statistics Statistical Methods in Psych II Stats for Life Science Biostatistics & Experimental Design Statistical Tech Applied Kin Basic Data Analysis Introductory Statistics for Scientists Statistics for the Physical Sciences Introductory Statistics for Scientists Analysis & Interpretation of Biological Data Research Methods and Analysis in Health Sciences Research Methods & Statistical Analysis Introduction to Statistics Statistics for Health Intro to Probability & Statistics Statistics for Life Sciences Intro to Applied Statistical Analysis Intro to Statistics Intro to Statistics Intro to Statistics Social Statistics Quantitative Methods Measurement and Evaluation Windsor York York York York York York STAT 205 KINE 2050 MATH 1131 PSY 2021 PSY 2022 SC/BIO 2060 SOCI 3030 Statistics for the Sciences Analysis of Data in Kinesiology Intro to Stats I Statistical Methods I Statistical Methods II Statistics for Biology Statistics for Social Sciences Anatomy PEDS 100 REHAB 250 Structural Anatomy Intro to Human Anatomy ANAT 390 ANAT 391 Intro to Microscopic Human Anatomy Intro to Gross Human Anatomy CHSC 2F95 PEKN 2P04 EPOB 3420 EXCI 253 Human Anatomy Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy Intro to Human Anatomy Human Anatomy ANAT 1010 Basic Human Anatomy ANAT 1020 Basic Human Anatomy DEHY 2851.03 Basic Human Anatomy KINE 2020 BIOM 3010 Kinesiological Anatomy Comparative Mammalian Anatomy HK 3402 Human Anatomy HK*3401 Human Anatomy KIN 1040 KIN 2060 Human Anatomy II Human Anatomy II Zoo*2090 BIOL 2020 Vertebrate Structure & Function Human Anatomy BIOL 1700 Structure & Function of Human Body McMaster BIOL 2107 ZOOL 022.1320 BIO 3F03 Human Anatomy Anatomy of the Human Body Vertabrate Anatomy McMaster BIO 4G06 Human Anatomy Alberta Alberta British Columbia British Columbia Brock Brock Colorado Concordia Dalhousie Dalhousie Dalhousie Dalhousie Guelph Guelph Guelph Guelph Guelph Guelph Lakehead Laurentian Laurentian Manitoba New Brunswick Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Ryerson Saskatchewan Simon Fraser Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Trent Univesity Victoria Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo Western Western Western Western Western Western Wilfrid Laurier Wilfrid Laurier Wilfrid Laurier BIOL 1711 ANP 1214 APA 1212 APA 1213 APA 2113 Human Anatomy I Musculoskeletal Anatomy Functional Anatomy I Musculoskeletal Anatomy Functional Anatomy II ANAT 100 ANAT 1010 Anatomy of the Human Body Intro Human Anatomy ANAT 215 Principles of Human Morphology ANAT 215 ANAT 216 ANAT 270 Principles of Human Morphology I Principles of Human Morphology II Human Anatomy and Morphology ANAT 315 ANAT 316 BLG 700 ANAT 202 KIN 325 ANA 126Y1 ANA 300Y1 ANA 302Y Human Musculoskeletal System Human Visceral Systems Anatomy Basic Human Anatomy Basic Human Anatomy Human Anatomy Human Anatomy and Histology Human Anatomy and Histology BIO 210H5 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy BIO 1050H PE 141 Human Anatomy Intro to Human Anatomy BIOL 201 Human Anatomy BIOL 301 KIN 100 ANATCELL 2221 ANATCELL 3319 HEALTSCI 2300B HEALTSCI 2330A/B HEALTSCI 3330B KINE 2222A HE 210 / BI 210 KINE 223 Human Anatomy Human Anatomy Functional Human Anatomy Systemic Human Anatomy Anatomy of the Human Body Systemic & Functional Anatomy Anatomy of the Human Body Systemic Approach Body Human Anatomy Functional Human Anatomy KP 223 Functional Human Anatomy Windsor Windsor Windsor Winnipeg York 55-202 95-160 95-265 KINE 2301 KINE 2031 Human Anatomy Human Anatomy Functional Anatomy Human Anatomy Human Anatomy Physiology Alberta Alberta Alberta Athabasca British Columbia Brock Calgary Concordia Concordia Dalhousie Guelph Guelph Guelph Queen's Queen's Queen's Lakehead Laurentian Manitoba Manitoba McGill McMaster McMaster Ryerson Ryerson Saskatchewan PEDS 102 Human Physiology PEDS 210 PEDS 211 Human Physiology Human Physiology BIOL 230 Human Physiology PHYL 301 CHSC 2P09 + 2P97 Human Physiology Human Physiology ZOOL 361 EXCI 257 EXCI 353 PHYL D1010X BIOM 3200 BIOM*3100 & BIOM*3110 HK3940 PHGY 210 PHGY 212 Human Physiology I Human Physiology Human Physiology Human Physiology PHGY 214 Physiology BIOL 2030 BIOL 2701 Introductory Human Physiology Human Physiology BIOL 241 + ZOOL 2540 Human Physiology I & II ZOOL 022.1330 PHYS ED 522-311A BIOL 1J03 Eng Phys 3X03 CBLG 114 PLN 103 + 203 PHSIO 212 Physiology of the Human Body Intermediate Physiology (Neuro/Cellular) Human Physiology Human Physiology Physiology I Intro to Physiology I & II Human Physiology Mamailian Physiology Mammalian Physiology I & II Human Physiology Physiology for the Life Sciences Physiology for the Life Sciences Simon Fraser Simon Fraser St. Mary's Thompson Rivers Tompson Rivers Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Trent Victoria Victoria Waterloo Waterloo Western Western Western Western Western Wilfrid Laurier Wilfrid Laurier Wilfrid Laurier Windsor York BPK 105 Fundamentals of Human Structure and Function KIN 205 BIOL 2322 + 2323 BIOL 354-3 & 335-3 Intro to Human Physiology General Physiology I & II ANT 203Y BGY B33H3 BGYB 30H3 & BGYC 34H3 Cont'g Studies 2159 MIE 331 PHYS ED 201 PSL 200Y1 PSL 221Y PSL 302Y1 PSL 321Y Vertabrate Physiology I & II Anatomy & Physiology I & II Human Biol & Evol (taken before SU07) Human Biology Development and Anatomy Mammalian Physiology I & II Basic Human Physiology Physiological Control Systems Basic Human Physiology Basic Human Physiology Basic Human Physiology Intro to Human Physiology Elementary Human Physiology SCS 2159 Basic Human Physiology BIOL 1051H PE 241B PE 241B BIOL 273 & 373 BIOL 273 & 373 PHYSIOL 1020 PHYSIOL 1021 PHYSIOL 2130 Physiol 3120 PHYSIOL 3312 BIO 216 & BIO 217 HE 211 KINE 220 55-204 & 55-205 KINE 2011 & 3012 Human Physiology Intro Systemic Physiology Intro to Human Stystemic Physiology Principles of Human Physiology I & II Principles of Human Physiology 1 & 2 Human Physiology Intro to Human Physiology Human Physiology Human Physiology Mammalian Physiology Human Physiology I & II Human Physiology Human Biology: Physiology Human Physiology I & II Human Physiology I & II BIOL 1593 + 1693 ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY Acadia Athabasca British Columbia Brock Dalhousie Laurentian McGill McMaster McMaster McMaster Memorial Ontario Institue of Technology Redeemer Ryerson Ryerson Ryerson St. Francis Xavier Trent Trent Trinity Western UNB/Humber British Colombia British Columbia Manitoba Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Toronto Toronto Toronto Winnipeg Winnipeg Wilfrid Laurier Biol 2813 & 2823 Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 & 2 BIOL 235 Human Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 131 & 133 Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II PEKN 1P90 BIOL 3078.03 & 3079.03 Foundations of Human Anatomy & Physiology Principles of Animal Physiology I and II Human Anatomy and Physiology Mammalian Physiology I & II Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 & 2 Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 & 2 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 & 2 Anatomy & Physiology I & II Anatomy & Physiology II & III Biol 2105 + 3756 PHYS ED 209 & 210 KINE 1Y03 & KINE 1YY3 2YY32YY3 KIN 2Y03 & KIN Hth SCI 2F03 and 2FF3 NURS 1000 & 1012 HLSC 1200 + 1201 BIOL 341 & 342 Mammalian Anatomy & Physiology I & II BLG 10A/B CBLG 010 BLG 10A/B BIO 251 & 252 BIO 105 BIO 105 BIOL 241 and 242 BIOL 1414 & 1415 HKIN 190 & 191 HKIN 190/191 ZOO 22.253 and 22.254 ANP 1105/1106/1107 ANP 1103 ANP 1501 BIO 210H5 Human Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy and Physiology B30H3 + C33H3 PSL 300H1 & 301H1 Mammalian Physiology I & II Human Physiology I & II KINE 1112 BIOL 1112 Human Anatomy & Physiology Human Anatomy and Physiology PE 221 & 222 Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II Human Anatomy & Physiology Human Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy and Physiology I & II Anatomy & Physiology I & II Funtional Anatomy & Applied Physiology I and II Functional Anatomy & Applied Physiology I and II Human Physiology I & II Anatomy and Physiology Introduction Systems Anatomy & Physiology Intro a l anatomie et la physiologie Human Anatomy & Physiology York NATS 1610 The Living Body Updated January 2015 This list is for the purpose of verifying prerequisite admission requirements for the Compressed Time Frame BScN program only. This list is subject to change, and is not exhaustive. If you have completed a course not listed here, you would be required to submit a detailed course description to determine the eligibility of the course for pre-requisite purposes. Course descriptions will only be accepted and reviewed once a formal application to the program has been submitted on the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre.
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