A PRAYER FOR THE SWIFT RETURN OF TRALEG KYAPGÖN RINPOCHE .0=-w/-;J->J?-3$R/-0R-t3-S=-.%-, PEL DEN YE SHE GÖN PO CHAM DRAL DANG Glorious wisdom protectors Bernakchen and consort, hR-eJ-:(%-(J/-3<-3A-?$-$?3-?R$?, DO JE CHANG CHEN MAR MI DAK SUM SOK Great Vajradhara, Marpa, Mila, Gampopa, 2!:-2o.-$?J<-<A:A-UJ%-2?-$4S<-36.-0:A, KA GYU SER RI T'HRENG WE TSOR DZE PAY and the entire golden garland of the Kagyus, l-2o.-.0=-w/-]-3-,3?-&.-GA?, TSA GYU PEL DEN LA MA T'HAM CHE KYI 2!/-Y%-(J/-3R-A-KA-(R?-GA-1R/, TEN SUNG CHEN MO A CHI CHÖ KYI DRÖN great guardian of the teachings Achi Chökyi Drön, $/?-2.$-.$J-2~J/-hR-eJ-o=-35/-IA?, NE DAK GE NYEN DO JE GYAL TS'HEN GYI And local protector Genyen Dorje Gyaltsen: 3(R$-3=-M<-.-LR/-0:A-UA/-=?-36S., CHOK TRUL NYUR DU JÖN PAY T'HRIN LE DZÖ Perform the activity of the swift return of the supreme nirmanakaya. Foremost among the glorious root and lineage lamas: 3(R$-3=-M<-.-LR/-0:A-LA/-_2-lR=, CHOK TRUL NYUR DU JÖN PAY JIN LAP TSÖL Grant your blessings for the swift return of the supreme nirmanakaya. :#R<-=R-2.J-3(R$-.IJ?-0-hR-eJ-.%-, KHOR LO DEM CHOK GYE PA DO JE DANG Gatherings of the deities of the four levels of tantra — o=-2-o-35S-hR-eJ-PR-=R.-?R$?, GYAL WA GYAM TS'HO DO JE DRO LÖ SOK Chakrasamvara, Hevajra, Gyalwa Gyatso, Dorje Drolö, ;A-.3-o.-#J-28A-;A-z-5S$?-GA?, YI DAM GYU DE ZHI YI LHA TS'HOK KYI .J-v<-l-2-$?3-IA-2.J/-!R2?-.%-, DE TAR TSA WA SUM GYI DEN TOP DANG As we disciples supplicate longingly 2.$-&$-aR2-:2%?-$.%-2?-$?R=-:.J2-/, DAK CHAK LOP BANG DUNG WE SÖL DEP NA with the power of the truth of the three roots, .3A$?-3J.-,$?-eJ-(J/-0R?-*J<-.$R%?-/?, MIK ME T'HUK JE CHEN PÖ NYER GONG NE Think of us with great compassion free of any reference: 3(R$-3=-M<-.-LR/-0<-36.-.-$?R=, CHOK TRUL NYUR DU JÖN PAR DZE DU SÖL We ask you to swiftly return, supreme nirmanakaya. and all the rest: 3(R$-3=-M<-.-LR/-0:A-.%R?-P2-lR=, CHOK TRUL NYUR DU JÖN PAY NGÖ DRUP TSÖL Grant the siddhi of the swift return of the supreme nirmanakaya. &J?-O-=J$?-*A-3:A-35/-&/-.$-0-!k-2!/-0-<2-o?-UA/-=?-*A-3:A-$R(-3(R$-{-M-%/-=?-:.?-0<-,R?-0?, 3A-29R.-$.%-2:A-.L%?-GA?-O3=-c/-2?-lJ-$&A$-+-$?R=-2-2+2-0-.J-28A/-.-:P2-0<-I<-&A$Hearing that the ninth to be named Traleg Nyima, Karma Tenpa Rapgye Trinley Nyimay Gocha, passed into parinirvana, the old Thrangu tulku made this fervent prayer with a lament of unbearable sorrow. May it be fulfilled just so.
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