Community Land Trust of Waldron Island May 2014 ' Community Ties Taking'Stock…What'next?' By#Joanne#Colman#Wester,#Donna#Adams,#and#Betsy#Sharp# At'the'CLT'annual'meeting'in'June'2012,'participants'completed'a'survey'listing'their'top'choices'for' CLT'projects.''The'current'board'revisited'the'results'this'winter'to''help'us'evaluate'our' accomplishments'and'as''a'guide'for'the'future'direction'for'the'CLT.'Of'the'28'potential'projects' suggested'back'in'2012,'the'top'half'included:' '''' 'Fire'prevention:'35,''Solid'waste/recycling'35,'''Water'quality'monitoring'33,' ' Community'building'31,'''Coop'boat'service'29,''Organize'workbees'28,'Waldron' ' Commons'Housing'Cluster'24,''Forest'health'management'20,'Citizen'science'16,'' ' ' Address'SJC'regulations'for'community'building'15,''Ivy'control'14,'Scotch'Broom'control'14,'' ' Housing'9' ' Fire%prevention'remains'a'vital'concern'on'Waldron,'and'our'local'fire'brigade'is'doing'a'fine'job' managing'equipment'and'educating'citizens.'The'annual'pancake'breakfast'and'rummage'sale' provides'a'generous'boost'to'the'Fire'and'Medical'brigade'budgets,'and'we'look'forward'to'adding'one' more'trailer'to'our'“fleet”'in'the'future,'as'well'as'a'newer'replacement'for'Charlotte,'our'ambulance.' The'Fire'Brigade'is'currently'in'the'process'of'relocating'Big'White'and'fire'fighting'supplies'to'CLT' Commons.' ' Seven'major'trash,%steel,%and%recycling'hauls'and'one'toxic'waste'removal'have'left'the'island'since' the'2012'survey.'Waste'management'needs'to'be'an'ongoing'project.'We'thank'Bob'Schmoker'and' Paul'Peterson'for'facilitating'these'runs.'Josh'Orleman'is'currently'available'to'haul'off'garbage'and' Maria'Quinones'and'Ric'Phiegh'hope'to'establish'a'freight'and'hauling'business'soon.'Stay'tuned'for' more'details.' ' Suggestions'for'water%quality%monitoring%were'presented'in'last'year’s'annual'newsletter,'and' project'ideas'are'explained'in'detail'on'the'CLT'website.'At'this''time,'no'one'has'stepped'forward'to' lead'these'projects.'Likewise,'the'coop%boat%service'remains'a'seed'idea.'The'CLT'did'provide'a'corner' of'the'post'office'CLT'board'for'community'members'to'offer'and'seek'ride'shares.'This'same' opportunity'is'available'on'the'CLT'facebook'page.' % Opportunities'for'forest%health%management'have'been'available'through'Kirk''Hanson' '([email protected] )'from''Northwest''Certified''Forestry.''He'has'come'to'Waldron'to''provide''free''' forestry''site''visits.''During''these''site''visits''Kirk'is'willing'to'discuss''any'''of''the''following''topics:' 'improving''forest''health','improving''wildlife''habitat,'''thinning''overstocked''stands,'''forest''stand' 'dynamics,''mitigating''wildfire''risk',''conservation''funding''programs''for''forest''stand''improvement' 'and''wildlife''habitat''enhancement',''county''tax''programs','and'free''funding''for''forest' 'management''plans.'Kirk'has'worked'with'Christine'Johnson,'Bensels','Magraws,''Anore'and'Keith' Jones,'the'Huntleys'and'Chris'Broberg;'and'he'taught'a'free'community'workshop'on'thinning.''Carson' Sprenger'([email protected]')is'also'available'to'write'forest'management'plans.''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '(Continued#on#page#2)' ' '' CLT'Craft'Fair'&'Annual'Meeting,'Friday,'July'4' ' ! Citizen!science!!There%are%some%new%opportunities%for%citizen%science%participation%on%Waldron.%! The%baseline%plankton%study%has%collected%and%counted%625%samples%for%just%over%five%years.%%We%have% reduced%the%scope%of%the%project%and%now%monitor%2%beaches%once%monthly%to%verify%that%the%counts% remain%about%the%same.%%We%are%working%on%preparing%the%data%to%be%published%on%the%internet.%%We%will% be%looking%for%interested%Waldronites%who%could%assist%in%transcribing%the%notes%that%accompany%the% samples%into%digital%form%so%that%they%can%be%included%with%the%data.%Russel%Barsh%is%continuing%his%study% of%juvenile%salmon%and%is%wanting%Waldroners%to%participate%%in%his%seining%project,%which%happens%two% times%a%month%from%now%through%October.%(See%schedule%on%community%calendar,%page%8)%%In%addition%to% the%salmon%seining,%plankton%tows%will%be%done%on%the%same%day%and%Waldron%will%be%able%to%participate% in%sample%collection%and%collaborate%with%the%University%of%Washington%in%counting%those%samples.% ! Ivy!control%has%been%taken%over%by%a%%new%group%who%calls%themselves%the%LIONS,%Less%Ivy%On%WaldroN.% They%have%paired%up%with%San%Juan%Preservation%Trust%to%inspire%landowners%to%tackle%their%patches%of%ivy% infestation.%Community%ivy%pulls%occur%the%first%Saturday%of%each%month,%and%Alden%Remington%has%been% hired%at%10%hours%per%week%to%help%map%out%ivy%on%the%island%and%assist%landowners%in%its%removal.%% ! Housing%was%low%on%the%property%list,%but%we%couldn’t%pass%up%the%opportunity%to%purchase%the%Mail%Bay% property%when%it%was%offered%for%a%significantly%reduced%price%last%November.%%This%property%will%provide% one%new%leasehold%for%the%island.%Watch%for%workbees%this%spring%to%prepare%this%property.%We! encourage!anyone!interested!in!applying!for!this!leasehold!to!send!a!letter!of!interest!to!the!CLT! as!soon!as!possible.%Leasehold%applications%will%be%available%next%month.% % The%hurdle%regarding%zoning!for%the%CLT's%longVdreamedVof%Commercial!Kitchen/Community!Building! was%alleviated%when%the%county%suggested%%we%apply%the%San%Juan%%County%code%that%allows%construction% of%a%lowVimpact%“religious%assembly%facility”%with%only%a%provisional%use%permit.%Our%501(c)(3)%articles%of% incorporation%are%sufficient%for%this%zoning%designation,%since%they%follow%the%standard%IRS%wording%that% designates%us%as%an%"educational,%religious,%scientific%and%charitable%organization."%We%are%not%required%to% be%a%“church”%under%IRS%regulations,%nor%do%county%regulations%require%documentation%of%religious%beliefs% or%activities.%San%Juan%County%planner%Julie%Thompson%verified%the%fact%that%nothing%in%Waldron’s%Subarea% Plan%prohibits%this%type%of%institutional%use.%Filing%for%this%permit%as%well%as%for%Open%Space%Timber% property%tax%status%will%be%on%the%CLT%agenda%once%we%have%accomplished%the%more%pressing%tasks% involved%in%establishing%the%Mail%Bay%leasehold.%We%will%provide%a%chance%for%our%members%to%share%your% visions%for%the%uses%and%configuration%of%the%Commercial%Kitchen%/%Community%Building%at%the%upcoming% Annual%meeting%on%July%4th.%Weekday%community%classroom%space?%CoVop%breakdown?%Music%practice% room?%Gallery%space?%Ceramic%studio?%Fermentation%cellar?%ToolVsharing%center?%Fire%up%your% imagination%and%come%to%share%your%vision%of%how%this%future%building%can%best%serve%the%% diversity%of%our%community’s%talents%and%interests.% % CLTWI%Financial%Summary% % % .%% May%2014% See%details%on%website:% Funds%in%bank% $25,346.48% Petty%cash% $80.00% Commons% $140,000.00% Scruton%leasehold% $113,790.00% Mail%Bay%equity% $426.81% TOTAL%ASSESTS% $279.543.29% % % 2% % ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!ByLaw!Amendments! In!preparation!for!establishing!our!new! leasehold,!we!would!like!to!suggest!two! amendments!to!our!bylaws.!Both!of!these! suggestions!are!based!on!!the!massive!CLT# Technical#Manual!published!in!2011!by!National! Community!Land!Trust!Network.!! ! Resale!Price!Formula! May!2014! ! Mail!Bay!Leasehold! By#Bob#Schmoker# !!!!!Work!will!commence!in!early!May!on!the!Mail! Bay!property!on!!improvements!to!the!house!and! surrounding!five!acres.!Our!goal!is!to!complete! the!needed!upgrades!and!have!it!occupied!by! summer’s!end.!The!CLT!has!an!initial!budget!of! $15,000!for!this!project.! !!!!!The!improvements!on!the!land!itself!will! consist!mainly!of!removing!an!accumulation!of! debris!and!possibly!rerouting!the!road!that!runs! through!the!property.!The!house!will!get!a!new! roof,!be!insulated,!walls!and!ceilings!will!be! covered,!and!we!will!add!a!dormer!or!two!to! make!the!upstairs!more!spacious.!Water!will!be! plumbed!to!the!house!and!a!modest!electrical! system!will!be!installed!to!power!the!pump!in! the!well!and!provide!lighting!in!the!house.!The! goal!is!to!make!the!house!a!reasonably! comfortable!place!to!live!and!let!the!leaseholder! take!it!from!there.!This!is!an!ambitious!project! and!the!CLT!is!hoping!that!any!community! members!who!may!have!some!time!or!money! will!be!able!to!lend!a!hand!this!summer.! !!!!!In!addition!to!the!physical!work!involved!in! the!project!there!are!also!some!policy!matters! that!need!to!be!addressed.!We!will!need! members’!feedback!on!two!specific!issues!at! hand:!the!first!being!the!criteria!by!which!we!will! select!leaseholders;!and!secondly,!we!need!a!fair! and!comprehensible!resale!price!formula!that! will!give!the!leaseholder!a!return!on!their! investment!!should!they!decide!to!sell!while! maintaining!the!home’s!affordability!for!the!next! purchaser.!!Board!proposals!on!both!of!these! matters!are!presented!in!the!following! article!for!approval.! 3! ! !!!!!!In!the!event!that!a!leaseholder!should!!decide!to! !sell!!the!leasehold!the!!maximum!resale!price!is!to!be! determined!by!the!following!formula:! MAXIMUM!RESALE!PRICE!=!BASE!PRICE!PLUS! THE!APPRECIATION!IN!THE!APPRAISED!VALUE! !OF!THE!IMPROVEMENTS!MADE!DURING!THE! LEASEHOLDER`S!TENANCY! ! !!!!(!a!)!BASE!PRICE:!The!purchase!price!of!the!! Leasehold!by!the!current!leaseholder.! !!!!(!b!)!APPRAISED!VALUE!OF!IMPROVEMENTS!!at!the! BEGINNING!of!the!seller`s!leasehold!ownership!as! determined!by!a!professional!appraiser!contracted!by! the!CLTWI.! !!!!(!c!)!APPRAISED!VALUE!OF!IMPROVEMENTS!MADE!! DURING!THE!LEASEHOLDER`S!TENANCY!also!to!be! determined!by!a!professional!appraisal!!contracted!by! the!CLTWI!at!the!time!of!resale.! !!!!(!d!)!AMOUNT!OF!APPRECIATION!IN!APPRAISED! VALUE!OF!IMPROVEMENTS!is!!determined!by! subtracting!(!b!)!from!(!c!).!! ! !!!!!!The!purchase!price!of!a!subsequent!buyer!becomes! !the!!new!BASE!PRICE.! ! !!!!!!The!seller!will!satisfy!any!outstanding!mortgage!or! !liens!on!the!leasehold!at!the!time!of!sale.!The!CLTWI!! reserves!the!right!of!first!refusal!to!purchase!the! leasehold!should!the!leaseholder!decide!to!sell.! ! !!!!!A!copy!of!the!original!resale!formula!is!on!the!CLT!! website,!!for!comparison.! According!to!OPAL,!the!Orcas!Land!Trust,!our!original!! resale!formula!is!rarely!used!any!more.!Tony!and!Josie! will!have!the!option!to!update!their!leasehold!to!the!! new!formula!if!it!is!approved.! ! ! 7. You must have good references from your current landlord. Leasehold Criteria In 2007 the Waldron CLT membership adopted a general set of criteria for leaseholder selection. These criteria may be read in their entirety on the Waldron CLT website. The third point of these criteria stated: Leaseholders must *Have income and assets below thresholds established for a particular lease. The specific thresholds for our current Mail Bay leasehold are described below, and are offered to our members for a vote of approval. Extra points will be given to applicants who fit the following criteria: *You are already living on Waldron Island. *Your household income is less than the following: Household Size / Income 1 person: $21,900 2 people: $25,000 3 people: $28,150 4 people: $31,250 5 people: $33,750 (These are 2014 HUD figures for 50% of annual median income in San Juan County.) *You have good enough credit to qualify for a mortgage loan through USDA Direct or other financial institution. If you want this extra point, we will order a credit report for you, at your expense. *You have never owned a home before. *You have assets of less than $15,000. (See explanation of assets in #6, above.) ------------------------------------------------------------The application process will include an interview with the CLT Board. The Board will select the leaseholder from among qualified applicants. The CLT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, familial status, or disability. Proposed Leaseholder Selection Criteria May 2014 You are eligible to apply if you meet the following seven requirements: 1. You must be at least 18 years old. 2. You must be a member of the Waldron CLT and support its mission and goals. (You can join when you apply.) 3. You must be able to demonstrate to us that you can earn a living on Waldron Island. 4. Your household income must be less than the following: Household size / Income 1 person: $35,000 2 people: $40,000 3 people: $45,000 4 people: $50,000 5 people: $54,000 (These are 2014 HUD figures for 80% of annual median income in San Juan County.) 5. Your total housing payments (including property taxes) may not come to more than 40% of your income at the time when you sign the lease. (The leasehold’s monthly cost will depend on several factors, including the type of financing you are eligible for. For the Mail Bay parcel, we estimate the total monthly cost will be roughly $450 to $475. That means you need to earn at least $1125 to $1200 per month, approximately.) 6. You must not own assets (savings and other real property) that amount to more than 80% of County Median Income. (For example, a family of two could not own more than $40,000 in outside assets.) The following are NOT counted as assets: IRA’s, pension funds, personal items, tools and equipment, business inventory, vehicles and boats. Money used to purchase your leasehold also does not count as an asset. BALLOT 4" " Members"may"vote"in"person"at"the" Annual"Meeting"on"July"4th."If"you" cannot"attend"the"meeting,"please" mark"your"vote"below"and"mail"by"July" 1st"to:" CLTWI,"POB"11,"" Waldron,"WA"98297" Or"email"your"vote"to" [email protected]" " I"vote"to"adopt"the"May"2014"Resale" Formula.""_____yes"""" " "_____no" " I"vote"to"approve"the"May"2014" Proposed"Leasholder"Selection" Criteria." " """"""_____yes" " _____no" " Signature_________________________________" Less Ivy On WaldroN By Tillie Scruton One of my first jobs was to pull ivy for Chuck Ludwig. He hired teenagers like me to patrol the woods looking for little ivy starts, and pull them out by the roots. He called us the Ivy League. At the time I didn't think much of the work (I called it “useless and dull,” among other things). However, it did make me start to notice ivy. Ivy is spreading on Waldron. It spreads by dispersal of seeds, by coming up from the roots, and by growing long vines that put down roots. It is coming up on Waldron in the middle of formerly ivy-free woods, and patches are much larger. After observing ivy in Waldron's forests over decades, it became clear to many of us that we needed to give ivy some attention and make some conscious decisions. Peter Alexander started an ivy committee in response to a CLTWI dot survey that revealed community interest in controlling invasive plants. I was happy someone was taking the lead, and joined up. He called it LION, standing for Less Ivy On WaldroN. Since&the&beginning&of&LION,&Waldron& community&members&have&contributed&over&460& volunteer&hours&pulling&ivy. We are frequently asked what the big deal is about ivy, and many question the whole idea of native versus non-native plants. I'm glad people are thinking about that – that people engage in their forests and think deeply about their relationship to their ecosystem is something I want even more than that they pull out their ivy. It is what is needed to make wise decisions. Those decisions are happening right now, even if we aren't thinking about it and doing nothing. Here is a picture of our woods. The local forest ecosystem depends on a wide network of species. The trees and other native plants have special, complex relationships with the hundreds of species of fungi that break down the forest duff, hold together the soil and transport water horizontally through the ground. The insects and other tiny beasts that feed on the fungi and plants help support our wide variety of birds, both resident and migrant. When ivy takes hold in a forest, it covers trees and the trees eventually die. It also takes over the understory, dominating and eventually eradicating the bushes such as snowberry, salal, Oregon grape, flowering currant and ocean spray. It also outcompetes the little plants you ordinarily find on the forest floor, such as mosses, orchids, or twinflower. This drastically reduces the community of native plants that are the basis for everything else in the forest ecosystem. Once ivy begins to dominate a forest – which it inevitably does around here, if not controlled – then the diversity of species in the area shrinks drastically. The little creatures peculiar to the native plant community disappear. Birds that depend on native bugs, berries and seeds have to look elsewhere. Change is nothing new. Before the relatively recent arrival of European and Asian plants, this area endured ice ages, mass extinctions and other major ecological changes. More recently, our biological landscape has been drastically altered by farming and logging. It's true that in a few thousand years things will find a new balance, and Waldron will host an ecosystem consisting of different species than now, perhaps one in which plants like ivy and kudzu figure prominently and plants like conifers are relatively rare. However, in the next few hundred years, the local ecosystem will be determined in large part by decisions humans make – deliberately or not – right now. These decisions will influence the future resources and resilience of the Waldron community. 5& If you would like succeeding generations to inherit a forest that produces firewood and lumber, controlling ivy and other aggressive foreign plants is important. If you would like them to experience the variety of species we have come to expect – lots of perching birds, butterflies, forests dominated by conifers with an understory consisting of a wide variety of plants – then we had best put in some effort to protect native diversity. This includes controlling plants that have a tendency to dominate and eradicate native species. One of the main things that make species go extinct is the introduction of aggressive non-native plants like ivy. There are people on Waldron who routinely pull up ivy when they find it. Consequently their woods do not have much ivy. This could be you. If you want help, there is help available: Before he died, Peter set in motion the hiring of an ivy-removal person. LION is now collaborating with the San Juan Preservation Trust, which has allotted ivyremoval hours to their woods-roaming employee, Alden Remington. LION helps by working with Alden and by raising money to fund the ivy removal hours he puts in. (The SJPT has been the largest donor so far to this ivy removal fund.) Alden can help you remove your ivy. Alden also organizes an ivy workbee for the first Saturday of every month. We hope you'll come join us, especially if you have questions. If you've never dealt with ivy before, be aware that some people are allergic to it. Most importantly, I hope that you will spend some extra time in the woods, looking around or quietly observing. How many kinds of mosses live on that big glacial erratic? What kind of tree makes the cones that blast apart in the first autumn blow and accumulate on the trail? What are all the different noises a wren makes, and what do they mean? What should the future of Waldron’s woods be? More info is available on the CLT website : Contact information: Alden: find him in person, or (208) 721-0750 (voicemail), or [email protected] LION committee: POB 183 / Waldron, WA 98297 Tillie: (360)331-2957, [email protected] Joanne: (360)317-4926, [email protected] Jennie: (206)795-0239, [email protected] Donations can be made by writing checks to the WCM, with LION written on the memo line. ! Remembering Peter Alexander By Chelsea Crooks Last spring, Waldron lost yet another cherished member. Peter was very active within the community, and was the chairperson of the Waldron Community Land Trust… But, he was so much more than that. To me, he was a mentor. His guidance led me to a spot on the board for the CLT, and helped me through a college math class. We got together three times a week as I fretted over logarithms and quadratic equations, almost in tears. Though in declining health, his patience and perseverance were inspiring to be near, and he managed to cheer me up by happily explaining (for the 100th time) the commutative properties of sweet meat squash in a linear function. If I was feeling stretched and tired, I cannot even imagine what was going through HIS mind, save his commitment to social justice and education. He tutored me until the day he passed. His attention and support made such an impact on my life. He died just before finals, but I made it, and I am determined to pass the next class too. I never thought the words beautiful and burial could occupy the same sentence, much less find themselves coming out of MY mouth. Truth is, it seemed the entire island couldn’t stop talking about Peter’s burial. We gathered with flowers at the school, and followed behind his casket as it was carried to the cemetery. I could not bring myself to join in the joyful songs, but I listened. And when it came time to share around the grave, I found my voice (just barely) and some sentiments to share. I don’t actually remember much of the serene blur aside from clutching onto my neighbor for support, and Peter’s final send off on that oddly sunny day. If I was feeling such a wave of emotions, I cannot even imagine what his FAMILY was feeling. Peter’s wife, Carmela, and their sons Nathan and 6! Greg, were present, hands-on, and attentive. Their dedication to the moment was awe-inspiring. I know that I am not the only person whose life has been touched by Peter. His example has left me more dedicated to everything I do; and if I am feeling so thankful for the small bit of time I got to spend with Peter, I cannot even imagine the impact his legacy has left on a whole community. Chuck Ludwig, 1920-2013 From Bellingham Herald Charles Heberle Ludwig, 93, died on June 16, 2013 at his son's home in Seattle, Washington. Chuck was the second child born to Edward Roy Ludwig and Mary Harriet Gable of Minneapolis, MN. He graduated from Macalester College in St. Paul, MN, (class of 1942) and became a conscientious objector during WWII. Chuck was sent to join other COs in the Pacific Northwest, where he planted trees and worked in the mental hospital at Steilacoom. It was during this time that he met and subsequently married Helen Cleveland. Helen and Chuck, with children Steve and Meredith in tow, moved to Waldron Island in 1949. In the early 50's, Chuck began work on a house for the family, and their original abode, a drafty army tent, was soon abandoned in favor of the comfy new log home. Chuck and Helen parted ways later that decade, and Chuck remarried Mildred Holstein Campbell. He obtained a PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Washington, during which tine he wrote A History of Waldron Island for a class assignment, and then landed a job as a research chemist at the pulp mill in Bellingham. Chuck worked at Georgia Pacific for many years, while Mildred taught at Lowell School. The nowcomposite family (Dave, Dorn, Steve and Merry) lived on south Garden Street. Upon retiring, Mildred and Chuck moved back to Waldron. After Mildred's death, Chuck married a third time, to Elizabeth Haan, acquiring five more grown stepchildren. He and Betty divided their time between Waldron and her home in Chicago City, Minnesota. Betty died in August, 2012. Chuck was a founding member of the Waldron CLT. In his will he left 10% of his estate to the land trust. ! Dorothy Henderson, 1918-2014 By Gretchen Wagner After many years of visiting their close friends, Helen and Gene Hill (Dorothy and Helen were Whitman College classmates) already living on Waldron, Dorothy Henderson and her husband Dwight purchased property along Severson Bay next door to the Hills and moved to the island in the early 1980s. Once on Waldron, Dorothy was able to pursue her passion for gardening, a love and skill passed down from her father. Not only did she collect and cultivate many unusual trees, shrubs and other perennials, she and Dwight also grew and preserved much of their own food while living here. In addition, Dorothy was a long time member of the Arboretum Foundation and a founding member of the Puget Sound Mycological Society. People on Waldron still comment, upon finding an unusual mushroom specimen, "I wish Dorothy were here. She could tell us what kind of mushroom this is!" Dorothy was also a founding member of the Waldron CLT. Dwight's death and her own declining health finally made it too difficult for Dorothy to remain on the island, but she continued to take an active interest in Waldron happenings right up until her final months. She was 96 at the time of her death and is survived by her daughters Shelley Henderson Froyland, Marcia Henderson and son Kyle Henderson. 7! Claire'St.'John' Community'Calendar' By#Hannah#Holm# '''''Claire'Pitkin'St.'John,'former'Waldron' resident,'passed'away'early'in'the'morning'on' March'3,'just'one'week'after'becoming'too'ill'to' care'for'her'horses.'She'was'73'years'old.' '''''Claire'was'born'in'Norwood,'Colorado,'and' moved'around'a'lot'as'a'child.'She'had'fond' memories'of'riding'her'white'Arabian'mare'Lady' along'the'ditch'banks'around'Clifton'in'the' 1950’s'and'of'her'grandparents’’'farm'in' Missouri.'She'spent'most'of'her'adult'life'in' Washington'where'she'attended'WSU,'married' twice,'and'raised'two'daughters'on'Waldron' Island'and'on'a'farm'on'the'Black'River'south'of' Olympia.'Never'able'to'get'Colorado'out'of'her' blood,'she'left'Waldron'and'moved'to'Gunnison' with'her'mother'Ruby'Bowyer'around'1990.' They'settled'on'their'property'in'Doyleville'in' 1996.' '''''Claire'is'survived'by'her'daughters,'Narayani' Kuhnau'of'Rochester,'WA,'and'Hannah'Holm'of' Grand'Junction,'CO,'and'her'sister'Ann'Orleman' of'Waldron,'and'her'brother'Robert'Rains'of' Nactches,'WA,'as'well'as'her'horses'Rufus'and' Saila'and'her'dogs'Petal'and'Lily.'A'memorial' service'for'Claire'will'be'held'in'June'in'Gunnison' and'on'Waldron'later'in'the'summer.' ''' Date'' ' ' Event'''''''''''''''''''''''''' Friday,'June'13'' Waldron'School'' ' ' ' Play'&'Graduation,'6:00' Friday,'July'4'''''''''''''''CLT'Annual'Meeting'&' ' ' '''''''''''''Summer'Craft'Fair' Sunday,'July'27'' Pancake'Breakfast'' ' ' ' &'Rummage'Sale' Sunday,'August'10''''Cabaret' '' Community'Ivy'Pulls' Saturdays,'10'am' June'7,'July'5,'August'2,'September'6,' October'4,'November'1,'December'6' '' Cowlitz'Bay'Citizen'Science'' Juvenile'Salmon'Data'Collection,'4:30' Friday,'May'16' ''Sunday,'June'1' Friday,'June'13,' ''Friday,'June'27' Friday,'July'11' ''Sunday,'July'27' Friday,'August,'15''''''''Sunday,'August'31' Friday,'September'12''Friday,September'26' ' ' ' Newest'Editions'to'the'Waldron'Community' ' Flynn'Trygre'Edward' Hatten' 4/9/14' ' Joseph'&'Hayley'Hatten' ' ' Caelen'John'Jennings' 10/11/13' ' Jeremy'&'Laurie' McGuire'Jennings' 8' ' Oliver'Reed'Finda' 5/2/14' ' Marceline'Finda' Babu'Ollie'&''Bibi#Judie'Wilgress' ' Many hands make the island work. Please&renew&or&join&NOW!& Annual&memberships&run&January&1,&2014>January&1,&2015& & _____Renew&&$15&&&&&_____&Join&$25& Please&write&checks&to&CLTWI&or&pay&online&with&PayPal.& & Membership&amount&$_______________&&Donation&$______________&&&Work&&Trade_____________________& & Earmark&donations&for&:_____Mail&Bay&Leasehold&&&&&_____LION&&&&&_____General&Fund& & Please&check&if&you&are&interested:&_____Automatic&monthly&donations& _____Estate&Planning& & Contact&Information:& Name______________________________________________________________________________________________________& & Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________& & Email______________________________________________________________________________________________________& & Thank you for your support! Community&Land&Trust&of&Waldron&Island,&POB&11,&Waldron,&WA&98297,& & The&CLTWI&is&a&501©(3)&non>profit&organization.& Donations&are&tax>deductible&to&the&full&extent&of&the&law.& & & & & & & & & & & &&&&&9& & & You are invited to the Waldron Community Land Trust Annual Meeting Sunday, July 6th Craft Fair 11:00-2:00 Annual Meeting and Ice Cream Social 2:30-4:00 Guest Speaker: Melora Hiller, Executive Director National Community Land Trust Network ! ! ! ! Agenda to include: *vote for leasehold criteria and resale formula *discussion: community kitchen/community building and zoning designation Community Land Trust of Waldron Island PO Box 11 Waldron, WA 98297 [email protected] Our Mission The mission of the Community Land Trust of Waldron Island is to be a resource for and provide access to affordable homes and land for lowincome Waldron residents while cultivating economic sustainability and nurturing land stewardship, thus enriching the entire community. Newsletter Contributors: Photographers include: Winnie Adams, Carmela Alexander, Joanne Colman Wester, & Bob Schmoker Design, layout, editing: Joanne Colman Wester ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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