The Romance Languages Catalan 1 Catalan 1 Vowel system i u e o Minimal pairs a e/: Déu [dew] ‘God’ / deu [dw] ‘must; ten’ o/: dona [don] ‘gives 3 sg’ / dona [dn] ‘lady’ Conditioning of vowel changes: P¢ILU(M) > [pl] – SOLE(M) > [sl] ¢ MONTE(M) > [mun] ¢ FONTE(M) > [fn] ¢ CTU(M) > [it] LE FACTU(M) > [fet] ¢ FOLIA > [fu] ¢ LUCTA > [ujt] 2 Consonantal changes l-mb-nd-n -r > > > > > -m-nØ Ø LUPU(M) > llop ‘wolf’ *CAMBA(M) > cama ‘leg’ MANDARE > manar ‘order’ MOLINU(M) > molí ‘mill’ CANTARE > cantar ‘sing’ FLORE(M) > flor ‘flower’ but AMORE(M) > amor ‘love’ Final consonants: p: t: k: n: : : árab [] ‘Arab’, llop ‘wolf’ fred [] ‘cold’, nit ‘night’ llarg [] ‘long’, amic ‘friend’ accent [] ‘accent’ blanc [] ‘white’ bany [] ‘bath’ The Romance Languages : : : s: r: Catalan 2 pernil [] ‘ham’ full [] ‘leaf’ roig [] ‘red’ mateix [] ‘same’ capaç [] ‘capable’ see above Geminate consonants: (rr): ll: : mm: nn: bbl: ggl: gorra [grr] ‘cap’ novel·la [nubll] ‘novel’ vetlla [b] ‘old (f.)’ setmana [smman] ‘week’ tarannà [trnna] ‘character’ poble [pbbl] ‘town’ regla [rreggl] ‘rule’ 3 Plural morphology 3.1 Hypercharacterisation of masculine gender in plurals of oxytones ending in a sibilant Lat. CAPACE(M) P¢I SCE(M) FIL¢I U(M) CAPACES P¢I SCES FIL¢I OS Cat. capaç peix fill capaços peixos fills Cast. capaz pez hijo capaces peces hijos 3.2 Feminine plural casa cases 3.3 Plurals of stems in etymological /n/ cançó cançons má mans The Romance Languages Catalan 3 4 Demonstratives Adjective Neuter pronoun Locative adverb aquest açò ací aqueix això aquí aquell allò allí / allà 5 Clitic pronouns 5.1 - en and hi: en Partitive: = de + N: no en vull més ‘I don’t want any more (of it)’ demà haurem de parlar-ne ‘tomorrow we must speak about it’ no en surto fins al vespre ‘I’m not going out (of here/there) until this evening’ ara en tornem a parlar ‘let’s talk about it/you again’ hi ‘There’: Prep + N: no hi eres ‘you aren’t there’ ja no i surt ‘he’s not going out with her any more’ no deixaré de pensar-hi ‘I won’t stop thinking about it’ Marker of intransitive verbs of perception: no hi sent el pobre ‘the poor man can’t hear’ 5.2 Variant forms After verb ending in consonant or u: After verb ending in vowel other than u: Before verb beginning in consonant: Before verb beginning in vowel or h-: -los-la ‘ls-la els la els l’ -nos-el ‘ns-el ens el ens l’ 5.3 Order es et us em ens li elsIO el els la les ho en hi 6 Article Standard Western Balearics el lo es la la sa els los es / ets les les ses An ‘article’ deriving from DOMINU(M) / DOMINA is used before names: en Joan, la Maria / na Maria. The Romance Languages Catalan 4 7 The verb 7.1 Periphrastic preterite / synthetic preterite vaig parlar va(re)s parlar va parlar va(re)m parlar va(re)u parlar va(re)m parlar parlí parlares parlà parlàrem parlàreu parlaren Note that the existence of this paraphrase does not preclude the use of a ‘go’-future: Vaig a anar ‘I’ll go’ Vaig anar ‘I went’ 7.2 Conjugation types I parlar / II perdre / III dormir ‘Inchoative’ conjugation (subgroup of III): semiproductive type with suffix deriving from ¢ RE in 1,2,3sg. and 3pl. -ESCE llegeixo llegeixes llegeix llegim llegiu llegeixem 7.3 Gerund and present participle No distinction between gerund and adjectival ‘present participle’ in conjugations I and II, though distinction in III: Present participle Gerund parlant parlant aprenent aprenent escrivent escrivint aigua bullent ‘boiling water’ l’aigua està bullint ‘the water is boiling’ 8 The verbs ésser and estar With locative expressions ésser denotes simple location; estar indicates fixed time duration (‘stay’) Eren a Barcelona ‘they were in Barcelona’ Van estar dos anys a Barcelona ‘they were in Barcelona for two years’ The Romance Languages Catalan 5 With adjectives ésser denotes imperfectivity; estar indicates fixed time duration or resultant state: La ciutat és molt animada ‘the town is very lively’ Avui la ciutat estava molt animada ‘yesterday the town was very lively’ With past participles ésser forms the ‘dynamic’ passive; estar indicates a resultant state: Tot va ésser dit ‘everything was said’ Tot ja està dit ‘everything has been said’ though a past participle can also function as an adjective: La finestra va ésser trencada ‘the window was broken’ La finestra està trencada ‘the window has been broken’ La finestra és trencada ‘the window is broken’ 9 Position of Catalan in Romance PORTUGUESE CASTILIAN CATALAN terra porta orelha filha tierra puerta oreja hija terra porta orella filla B año caballo any cavall C amarillo azul pequeño pardo comadreja ardilla pájaro llegar querer nada entonces con groc blau petit brun mostela esquirol ocell arribar voler res llavors amb A OCCITAN croc blau petit bru mostela esquirol aucell arribar voler res laor amb Further reading Badia i Margarit, A.M., 1951. Gramática histórica catalana (Barcelona: Noguer). Colón, Germà, 1975. ‘A propos du parfait périphrastique VADO + infinitif en catalan, en provençal et en français’, Travaux de linguistique et littérature, 13, 31-66. Vallcorba i Rocosa, J., 1978. Els verbs ésser i estar en català (Barcelona: Curial).
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