119 EXTERX,\L SEX DIFFEREXCES IX STOHED·PRODCCTS COLEOPTERA. By D. G. H. HALSTEAD Agricultural Research {';ouncil, Pe8t lnfe.qtatil)n Lavoratory, Slough, Bucks. (Received 26th October 196::.) External sexual dim<lrphism is common in Coleoptpra and, if not apparent in the adult, is usually to be found ill the pupa in the form of the genital appendages. Size and weiaht of newly adults mav ""in, an imlication of their "ex but c ._ emerae,-j 1:":1 .... is not reliable as some dearee ot overlap usually occurs. The aim of this pape; is to bring togeth~r the klJ()\l"ll eharaeters for sexing the adults ot stored-products beetles, and for sexihg. the pupae where adult secondary sexual characters are apparently absent. .--- Sexual differences in the pupal stage. The apex of the pupal abdomen may bear two pairs of processes (fig. 14), one, arising dorsally, representing the lan'al urogomphi. and the other, arising ventrally, associated with the external genitalia. The former pair is not always present but the latter pair, the genital apppndages, is u>;ually present and indicates the sex of the pupa. In the male, the genib1.1 appemlages are sometime::! represented by only slight protuberances, as in Ahasver1l8 advena (\Yaltl), bllt generally they take the form of distinct but short papilliform appendages. either two-segmented or witho1lt apparent segmentation. The papillae are often convergent: they are never as protuberant as those of the female. In the female, with the t'xception of some Tenebrionids (fig. 17), the genital appendages are always distinct and papilliforlll. The papillae arp, always stron~ly protuberant and often three-segmented. Generally they are divergent but in some species they are pa1'a11",1. As a rule. therefore, the female pupa may hr rl'adil.v distinguished from the male by its strongly protuberant and di\'erging genital appendages. Sexual differences in stored'products Coleoptera. The sexual differences found in species attacking stored products are tabulated by families (Table I). \Vhere figures have been redrawn from publisheu works, reference to the source is giVim in the legend to the figure. \ ~. - - D. G. H. HALSTEAD. 120 TABLE 1. Characters for the recognition of sex in stored-products Coleoptera. Family and species DERMESTIDAE Dermestes fri8chii Kug. D. penWianu,8 Cast. D. haemorrhoidalis Kust. D. maculatns Deg. D. lardaritts L. D. ater Deg. Character and its sexual expression Fig. Reference A ' - " p=t~ ~d bru"" of h";"; on tho 4th abdominal sternite : 1 Hinton, 1945 - Hinton, 194,') 2 Hinton, 1945 J C present I <jl absent } A large puncture and brush of hairs on the 3rd and 4th abdominal sternites : <1 Attagenns pellio (L.) present -, S absent Apical segment of antennal club : o 4 or 5 x as long as longer than the combined length of the two basal segments <jl slightly combined length of the two basal segments -__ A. megatoma (F.) (= piceus (01.» Apical segment of antennal club : <1 Anthrenns verbasci (L.) 3 or 4 X as long as combined length of the two basal segments <jl about equal in o globular, A. !nscus (01.) o globular, slightly Apical antenna! segment : A. mnseorum (L.) not petiolate I about 6 X as long as the 7th antennal segment - 4 Hinton, 1945 5 Hinton, 1945 <jl somewhat petio- late The 8th (apical) antennal segment: <1 7 Q 3-segmented, protuberant, divergent convergent <1 - strongly protuberant and nearly parallel Pupal genital papillae : . 6 <jl 3-segmented, convergent A.flavipM Lee. (= vorax Waterh.) Hinton, 1945 (includes figure) length to combined length ofthe two basal segments Pupal genital papillae : ". - <jl about twice as long as the 7th antennal segment 121 EXTERNAL SEX DIFFERENCES IN STORED·PRODUCTS COLEOPTERA. TABLE I-cont . Family and species Cha.racter and its sexual expression . DERMESTIDAE-cont. Phradorwma tricolor (Arrow) Antennal club : c! indistinctly 6-segmented Trogoder·rna granari um Everts Apical segment of antennal club : I l? o elongate I <;> Fig . Reference - Hinton, 1945 (includes figure) 3 B eal,1956 - Hinton, 1945 (includes 3-segmented not elongate Fusion of antennal segments is common in both sexes but the above differences can always be appreC'iated as the places of fusion are apparent to' s~me degree , T. ver8icolor (Creutz.) Antennal club : c! 6-8-segmented I ~ 4-segmented figure) 2 4 5 Figs. 1- 7.- 1, D erme stes frischii Kug ., abdomen ( .3) : ~, Attagenu.s pellio (L.), antenna (0 . C( ) (Hinton. 1945 p. 307); 3. Trogoderma granarium Everts. antenna (0 . C( ) (Beal. 1956 p. 561); 4. Anthrenu.s /lISClIS (01.), apical segments of antenna (0 , C( ) (Hinton. 1945 p. 358): 5. A nthrenlls mllseorll1n (L.) . antenna (0, 9 ) (Hinton. 19-15 p. 361): 6, Anthr e n !~s verbllsci (L.). terminal segmpnls of pupal abdomen, ventral ,·iew (0 , C( ); 7, Anthrenu.s jlav< ipes L ee ., the same. 122 D. G. H. HALSTEAD. TABLE I-corli. Character and its sexual expression Family and species Fig. Reference 10 Potter, 1935 . BOSTRYCHIDAE Rhyzopertlw d<Jminica (F.) Pupal genital papillae : - <I ~ convergent, 2-segmented not protuberant divergent, 3-segmented and protuberant ANOBIIDAE IFUP", gon"'" Stegobium paniceum (L.) p.pill•• , o globular. not Lasioderma serricorne (F.) - - - ':jl protuberant, 3-seg- protuberant PTINIDAE men ted and distmctiy divergent \ llfezium affine Boield. ___ .------- Pupal,genital papillae : ' <I _-- Gibbium psylioide.Y (Czenp.) G. boieldieui Levrat I} J present I present I¥ I Hinton, 1941 - Hinton, 1941 - Hinton, 1941 absent A brush of long erect hairs arising from a large, oval. shallow depression on each side oftlle middle apical region of lith abdominal sternite : o absent - :jl absent A median setiferous puncture on the posterior 1/5 of the metasternal disc : <I Pseudeurostus hilleri (Rttr.) ant, divergent, 3segmented with the apical segment pointed A large round puncture bearing an f'lrect brush of compact hairs on the middle of the metasternal disc : <I TrigonogenituJ globulu8 Sol. ¥ strongly protuber- slightly protuberant and divergent but adpressed to the 9th sternite for the greater of part their length, not distinctly segmented, rounded apically ¥ present 123 EXTERNAL SEX DIFFERENCES IN STORED·PRODUCTS COLEOPTERA. TABLE I-cont. Family and species Character and its sexual expression Fig. Reference Il Hinton, 1941 PTiNIDAE-COnt. Niptus hololeucU8 (Fald.) Pupal genital papillae : <3 small and globular. ¥ distinctly protuberant and divergent, apically pointed. ~egmen tat ion indistinct parallel to "onvergent, not distinctly segmented or protuberant Stethomezium squamo8um Hinton Pupal genital papillae : ~.~ rJ protuberant, ~ s·t'r()ngly protuberant. divergent. 3-segmented and pointed apically <j2 protuberant. divergent, large 3-segmented and pointed apically parallel to convergent, 2-segmented and rounded apically Tipnus unioolor (Pill. & Mitt.) -.·~~pal genital papillae : Ptinus sexpunctatu8 Panz. J Metasternum: J P. tectus Boield. convergent, small and appearing globular (much as P. tectus, fig. 12) broader, with the median longitudinal line narrow and extending from the base to the middle of the metasternum ¥ narrower, with the median longitudinal line broad and confined to basal fifth Xo secondary sexual characters occur in the adult but adult sexing can be achieved, without injury, by squeezing out the genitalia on the day of emergence 12 Pupal genital papillae : rJ globular P.fur (L.) <j2 3-segmented, protuberant, divergent <3 (i) Body elongate, ¥ (i) Body obovate suboarallel side'ct (ii) Pronotum with a median hump (ill) Antennae long (ii) Pronotum without a median hump (iii) Antennae relatively short - Hinton, 1941 124 D. O. H. HALSTEAD. TABLE I-cont. Character and its sexual expression Family and species Fig. Reference PTI.lHDAE-cont. Ptinua clauipu Panz. ~ (= hirteUua Sturm) = ; P. puaillua Sturm Ii) Body elongate, ~ Ii) Body obovate subparallel sided (ii) Eyes smaller (ii) Eyes large and prominent (iii) Antennae (iii) Antennae shorter long 'i1 (i) Body ovate 0 (i) Body slightly elongate Iii) Middle and hind tibial spurs long and curved - Hinton, 1941 - Hinton, 1941 (ii) Middle and /' hind tibial spurs short and straight , ............ ,Ir-I ·r CLERIDAE ~.- Nu,robia rufipea (Deg.) - .~ ~~---------------I-----------~----------I--TROGOSITIDAE Tenebroidea mauritanicus (L.) CUCUJIDAE Cryptole8tea species - Hind tarsi: ci 4-segmented -~ I , 'i1 5-segmented In addition to the basic separation on tarsi, the antennae and mandibles are useful in C. t'~rcicus (Grouv.) C. pusilloide8 (Steel & Howe) C. pusillU8 (Schonh.) C. ugan.dae Steel & Howe C. Jerrugineua (Staph.) C. capensis (Waltl) E=~=~': ~:~boU' J Lefkovit~h, 1959 2/3 <he length of the body the body } Extemal mandibular tooth : J ($ present - I - Lefkovitch, 1959 c;? absent EXTER.'IAL SEX DIFFERENCES IN STORED·PRODUCTS COLEOPTERA. 11 14 Figs. 8-14.- 8. Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), hind leg (0, <;? ) ; 9. Ahastlerus adtlena (Waltll, terminal segments of pupal abdomen , ventral view <0, <;? ); 10, Rhy zo perthv. dominiea (F.), the same (Potter, 1935 p. 463); 11, Ptin·us sexpunctatus Panz., median area of metasternum (0 , <;? ); 12. Ptinus teet us Boield., terminal segments of pupal abdomen. ventral view (0. <;? ); 13. N ec robia rujipes (Deg.). median th ird of elytron (0, <;?); 14, T enebroides mauritanieus (L.), terminal segment s of pupal abdomen , ventral view (0, ~ ). 125 TABLE I-cont. Family and species Character and its sexual expression Fig. Reference SILVANlDAE Aha8veru8 advena (Waltl) Pupal genital papillae: <i very small, hardly ~ 9 - protuberant, 3-segmented, divergent visible Cathartus quadricollis (Ouer.) <3 (i) Pronotum ~ (i) Pronotum - - Oryzaephilw, 8urinamenai8 (L.) 6 Hind co~l process ~ 8 - elongate (ii) Hind tibiae with a tooth at the apex quadrate (ii) Hind tibiae without a tooth at the apex Hind coxal process not conical and conical and hind femora with tooth O. merCldor (FBUV.) hind "( felllOra without B tooth , MYCETOPHAGIDAE ;:;-" Mycetophagu.'J } Front tarsi : quadriguttatU.'J (Mull.) Typhaea steroorea (L.) j <3 3-segmented I ~ - Hinton, 1945 - Hinton, 1945 4-segmented LATHRIDIlDAE ConinomU.'J nodifer (Westw.) Hind tibiae : 6 with a tooth Enicmus minutU.'J (L.) I without a tooth Pupal genital papillae: <3 apparently with-! out papillae NITIDULIDAE CarpophilU.'J obsoletus Erichs. C. ligneU.'J Murr. C. dimidiatU.'J (F.) C. hemipterua (L.) C. maculatU.'J MUIT. ~ ~ - - - Dobson, 1954 oval, apically pointed , l 6th abdominal sternite : ) ventral and visible, 5th sternite with a very deep round emargination to accommodate 6th r1 6 entirely c;1 not visible, 5th sternite rounded apically 127 EXTERSAL SEX DIFFERENCES IN STORED-PRODUCTS C()LEOPTERA. TABLE I-cont. Family and species Character and its sexual expression Fig. Reference CRVPTOl'HAGlDAE Cryptophagus specie8 Hind tarsi: _____________ I_ J_4_-_S_e_gm_e_n_t_e_d_ _ _1 ~ 5-~egmented - Coombs & \V oodroffe, 1955 TENEBRIONIDAE Tenebrio ObSCUI"U8 F. ~ T. moliWr L. 17 Pupal genital papillae : ¥ divergent and con- slightly divergent at apices, small and inconspicuous spicuous, flattened, somewhat chitinised, not papillate Fowler (1891) separates the sexes on the degree of curvature of the front tibia, but the author found this too variable to be useful 17 Pupal genital papillae : J Pribolium con/Mum Duv. <s paraIlfll, fused at base, small and inconspicuous 'i' identical with (il All elytral striae abbreviated before apex r;:' (i) Elytral striae 4 & 6 and 7 & 3 meeting Itt apices and entire (ii) Anterior femora. without a setiferous puncture those of T.obscurus (ii) Anterior femora with a sub-basal setiferous puncture on the ventral side T. castaneum (Hbst.) The elytral striae uRed in the separation of the sexes in T. conju8um can also be used here but the difference is not so apparent and considerable pract.ice is necessary. The setiferous puncture is. however, more easily seen in this species Sub-basal setiferous puncture on anterior femur: J present I ~ absent 19 Hope. 1953 Hinton, 1942 - lHinton, 1942 (includes figure) 128 D. G. H. HALSTEAD. TABLE I-cont. Family and specie8 TE)lEHRIO:>IDAE--cont. ratzebwrgi (Wissm.) P. subd.epre88U8 (W011.) PalOTUS I Cnaracter and its sexual expression Pupal genital papillae : ci Reference - - 16 - 'i2 conspicuous. pro- small, globular and inconspicuous Gnathoeent8 maxillosu8 (F.) Fig. tuberant and divergent apically A ' tusk-like' dorsal tooth on each mandible. and head with two median prominences: rS present "- , 'i! absent I G. t»rnutua (F.) --- ~ A large, tapering dorsal tooth on each mandible, and head with two prominences : ~ r1 present SiWphagu8 Iwlolepwides (Cast.) AlphitobiU8laevigatU8 (F.) } Mid-tibiae: I¥ - - 25 Surtees, 1961 absent I 'i? absent Ja apical with one spur of I 'i? with both apical pair turned spurs straight inwards J ¥ absent A brush of hairs at the centre of the labium: a present A. diaperinU8 (panz.) I Anterior region of head thickened and excavated. Top of head with two black, shining ridges : a present LatheticU8 C¥rYzae Waterh. 'i2 absent Anterior lateral regions of head produced into a pair of horns in front of the eyes : <1 present AlphitophagU8 bifasciatus (Say) I - - Hafeez, M. A., & Chapman. G. (personal communication) 18 Hewlett. 1958 EXTERNAL SEX DIFrEREXCES IN STORED·PRODUCTS COLEOPTERA. 129 19 Figs. 15-19. - 15, Gnathocer~ cornutuB (F.), head (0, 9); 16, GnathoceTus maxillosus (F.l. head (d', 9 ); 17 . TenebTio obscurU8 F. , terminal segments of pupal abdomen. ventral view (d' a, 9), T. molito., L . . the same (d' b); 18, Alphitobius la evi,]atlls (F.), apical tibial spur (d', 9 ) (Hewlett, 1958 p. 144); 19, Tribolium con!lwlln Duv .• apex of elytron (d'. «' ) (Hope, 1953 p. 265). (L 1052) B ( 130 D. G. H. HALSTEAD. TABLE I-cont. Character and its sexual expression Family and species CuRCULIONIDAE Sitophilua granariU8 (L.) <3 (i) Rostrum com- <j? paratively rough ; shorter and wider than that of the ~ (ii) Abdominal sterrutes 5 & 6 projecting downwards S. Q1"yzae (L.) ~Rostrum : S. zeamaia Motsch. J<3and distinctly shorter wider than (i) Rostrum smooth and shining, somewhat longer and thinner than that of the 0 (ii) Abdominal sternites 5 & 6 not bent downwards Fig. Reference 20 'j? distinctly longer and narrower than that of the 0 , smooth and shining that of the- ~ ; rough .... ANTHRIBIDAE Araecerus jaaciculatU8 (Deg.) ------ Pygidiurn : o vertical, not distinctly visible dorsally BRUCHIDAE Callo8obruchus chinett8"i8 o Antennae (L.) pectinate C. rhodeBianus (Pic) <3 Antennae strongly serrate C. phwleoli (Gylh.) d' (i) Antennae strongly serrate (ii) Pygidium without dark patches (Elytra usually brown with ~hite scal~) <;jl 23 Mohamed Taber el Sayed, 1940 21 Southgate, 1958 inclined, distinctly visible dorsally <i' Antennae serrate if' Antennae weakly serrate <i' (i) Antennae weakly serrate (ii) Pygidium with two dark patches, one on each side of the mid-line (Elytra usually black with patches of brown that are covered with white scales forming a distinct pattern) 22 Southgate, 1958 '1. 131 EXTERNAL SEX DIFF&RENCES IN STOB-ED.PRODUCTS COLEOPTERA. I d 22 21 23 24 Figs. ~0-24.- 20, SitophiLus granarius (L.). posterior region of abdomen (side view), head and. rostrum (r5. C;); 21. Callosob.,.uc}l/Us chinensis (L.), antenna (0, C;) (Southgate, 1958 p. 593): 22, Callosobruchus Thodesianus (Pic), antenna. (0. C;) (Southgate. 1958 p. 593); ~3. AraeceTus fascicutatus (Deg.). posterior region of abdomen, side view (o , C;) ().:[ohamed Taher el Sl1yed, 1940 p. 136); 24 , Ca ry edon gonagra (F.), posterior region of abdomen. side view (0. <;? ) (Davey, 1958 p. 401). 132 D. G. H. HALSTEAD. TABLE I-cont. Family and apecies Character and its sexual expresaion Fig. Reference - Southgate, Howe & Brett, 1957 - Southgate, Howe & Brett, 1!J57 BRUCHIDAe---cont. Oallosobruehus analis (F.) Separation ill possible only by using cuticular colour of the pygidium : ~ O. maculatus (F.) th~ +pygidium with a pygidium with a "ide median testaceous (i.e., brownish-yellow) strip or ' V •-shaped area narrow median testtlceous strip In freshly emerged specimens the ¥ usually has a dilltinct large spot on each elytron whilst the ~ is without dilltinct large spots but there is a wide range of intermediate forms '_ ~ Oaryedon gonagra (F.) O. cassiae (Gylh.) _______ <1 not visible from " 24 Davey, 1958 IPygidium : above (gonagra) ! C; distinctly visible fl'omabove I "·-~·=:;----;;'_-----------I---------+---------I-- Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic) J Antennae S' Antennae 26 serrate flabellate ! AoonthOilcelides obtectus (Say) Zabrotea .mbJasciatua (Bah.) Pygidium: <3 vertical, only partly seen from above (as in fig. 23<1) ¥ oblique, 3 Elytra "ariegated Q General eJytral pubescence black but with patches of grey and fawn pubescence in full view from above (as in fig. 24 '!') with a distinct small area of white pubescence surrounded by a verY narrow circle of fawn pubescence - oj I I EXTERXAL SEX DIFFERE:s'CES IN STORED-PRODUCTS COLEOPTERA. 133 26 25 Figs _ :25-:26.- 25, A l philophagu8 bijascinf us (S a~-) , dorsal view of hea u (3, 9 ) (Surtees, 1961 p . 112); 26, Br.u chidius alrolineatu.s (Pic), antenna (3 , 9). Summary . The known external characters . and some new ones, for separating the sexes of pupae and adults of stored -prod ucts Coleoptera a re described and in many cases fig ured . Acknowledgements. Thanks are due to the follow ing members of t h e Pest Infestation Lab o rator~: Mr. G. E. vVoodroffe and Dr. R. W . Howe for ad vice and ::\Ir. J. Hammond for photographic assistance. References. BEAL , R. S. (1956). Synopsis of the economic species of T l'ogoderma occurring in the United States ,yith description of a new species (Coleoptera : Dermestidae) .-Ann. ent. S oc. A 'me r. 49 pp. 559-566. COOMBS . C. W. & \\"OODROFFE. G. E. (1955). A revision of the Briti"h species of L'ryptophaUl/s (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae) .-Trans . R. ('nt. Soc. Land . 106 pp. 237-282. DAVEY , P. yf. (1958). The groundnut bruchid Carycdol1 gO ll agra (F.) .-Bllll. cnt. Res. 49 pp. 385-104. DORso::-;- , R. ::\1. (1954) . The species of Carpoph ilus Stephens (Col. , Nitidulidae) associated with stored products .-Bldl. en.t. R es . 45 pp. 389-402. FOWLER. W . W. (1891). TEe Colenptera of the Britis h I slands . Vol. V.L ondon, Reeve . HEWLETT, P. S . (1958) . Secondary sexual characters in Alphitobi1LS la ev igattls (F.) and .-1. diap e-rinll8 (Panz .) (Col., Tenebrionidae).-Ent. mall . -'l a.g . 94 p. 144. H rxTox , H. E . (194 1r. Th e Ptinidae of ecollom ic im portance.-Bull. ent. Res . 31 pp . 331-381. Hr:s'TOx . H . E. (1942). Secondary sexual characters of T riboli·um.-Natllrc. LOlld. 1019 pp . 500-501. 134 HI~TO~, H. D. O. H. HALSTEAD. E. (1945). .\ monograph of the beetles associated with stored pro· ducts. Vol. 1.-443 pp. London. Brit. ~lus. (Nat. Hist.). HOPE, J. A. (1953). A simple method for sexing the confused flour beetle.Nature, Lond. 171 pp. 265-206. LEFKOVITCH, L. P. (1959). A revision of the European Laemophlocinae (Cole· optera: Cucujidae).-Tran8. R. cut. Soc. Land. 111 pp. 95-118. MOHAMED TAHER EL :SAYED (HHO). The morphology, anatomy and biology of Araecerllll fasciculatus DeGeer (Coleoptera: Anthribidae).-Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ellt. 24 pp. 82-151. POTTER, C. (1985). The biology and distribution of Rhizopertha domillica (Fab.). -Trans. n. Cllt. Soc. Lond. 83 pp. 440-48:.2. Sm:\w:\Cs, P. & ELLIXGTOX. CX. \Y. (1025). The ham beetle Necrobia rufipe8 de Geer.-.J. agric. ite8. 30 pp. 845-86;). SOUTHGATE, B. J. (1958). Systematic notes on species of Callo8obrucJ11l8 of economic importance.-Bull. ent. Re8. 49 pp. 591-599. SOUTHGATE, B . .T .. How~;. R. \Y. & BRETT. G. A. (1957). The specific status of Call080lirlll'liu8 maculatuii (F.) and Callo8obruchu8 analis (F. ).-B 1l11. ent. Res. 48 pp. 7\)-89. SURTEES, G. (1001). Secondary sexual characters in adult Alphitophagu8 bilasciatu8 Say (Coleoptera: 'Cenebrionidae).-Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (B) 30 p. 112.
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