) ) ) Date _ Period I ' _ c __., Name ...............9 Physics Skills .i'.... i. , ii' ,;,il! 111' Name _ Use with Chapter 2. Significant Digits Any measurement is inaccurate to some degree. The inaccuracy stems from several factors. The precision of any measuring device is limited. The person doing the measurement may introduce error. The experimental technique may be faulty. Because a measurement contains some degree of inaccuracy, the number of digits that are valid for the measurement are also limited. There are four basic rules that can be used to determine surement. 1. 2. 3. 4. the number of significant 13. Complete 4. 2. 1843.02 L 7. six 3.65 kg 5. km six 8.7Dl'C three four 3. 365 kg 6. 2000.12 three six 8. 9. 14. a. these addition 3.414 s + 10.02 s b. 58.325 s seven 1884 kg a. 15. as a least precise measurement. 4.301 kg .,. 1.9 cm ' An experiment calls for 16.156 g of substance and 9.44 g of substance D. a. How many significant A. five B. A, 28.2 g of substance B, 0.0058 g of substance C, digits are there in each measurement? three C. b. What is the total mass of substances two D. three in this experiment? 53.B g 0.000 98 s c. How many significant digits are there in the answer to part b? three + 0.94 kg + 1.0 kg + 9.778 kg 16. Your lab partner has measured 16.50 mL of water. You accidentally tip over the graduated cylinder and spill some of the water. You stand the cylinder up and determine that there are 8.0 mL of water left. these subtraction 2104.1 m - 463.09 problems. Write the difference as a least precise measurement. a. Which measurement m 1641.0 m b. Write the quotient Because the least precise measurement is 45.0 kmjh, the answer can be precise only to the nearest one-tenth. Thus the correct answer, rounded off, is 46.7 km/h. Answer the following questions. h 1896 kg 12. Complete problems. 2.4 s 45.0 + 48.21 + 47.024 = 140.234 140.234 .,. 3 = 46.74466 71.76 s b. -i- Averages follow the same rule. Suppose a car travels around a track three times. Your measurements for the three trials are 45.0 km/h, 48.21 km/h, and 47.024 km/h. Determine the average speed of the car. 10. 0.000 101 045 0 s Write the sum as a least precise measurement. + these division 80.23 m 2.3 g/cm3 three problems. + em X 0.0159 an 33 mls When you perform mathematical calculations, the result of your calculations can never be more precise than the least precise measurement Add the following quantities: 44.1 kg + 8.002 kg + 0.93 kg = 53.032. The least precise measurement, 44.1 kg, is precise only to the nearest one-tenth. The sum of the masses, therefore, must be rounded off to the nearest one-tenth. So, the answer is 53.0 kg. 11. Complete 140.01 cm X 26.042 Complete a. 0.5 mL 704000 as a least precise measurement. 58.0 cm3 onE! mm Write the product 0.13 m2 b. 2.00012 problems. digits in a mea- Suppose an observer measures the speed of an object and determines that it is moving at 6.13 m/s. The speed of a second object is determined to be 5.02 m/s. Which digits are significant in these two measurements? According to rules 1 and 3, all the digits are significant Using the rules given above, determine the number of significant digits in each of the following measurements. four these multiplication a. 10.19 m X O.Ol3·m Nonzero digits are always significant. All final zeros after the decimal point are significant. Zeros between two other significant digits are always significant Zeros used only for spacing the decimal point are not significant 1. 23.30 cm Physics Skills Multiplying and dividing are a little different. In these kinds of calculations, the product or quotient has the same number of significant digits as the least precise number. If you multiply 21.3 an by 9.80 em, the answer is 209, not 208.74. Because the less precise measurement, 21.3 em, has only three significant digits, the product has three significant digits. .}I.}I}I " Determining _ b. 2.326 h - 0.104 08 h or yoursl Explain. one- 8.5mL 2.222 h Physics: Principles and Problems is more precise, your lab partner's The lab partner's measurement is more precise because it is measured to the nearest hundredth of a milliliter. How much water did you lose when you tipped over the graduated cylinderl Physics Skills 23 24 Physics Skills Physics: Principles and Problems .z;.... 2 Dimensional Analysis Name~,--,Y,- _ Period _ Dimensional Analysis Exercising Problem Solving Skills 1. The record long jump is 349.5 in. Convert this to meters. There are 2.54 em 344.S I ;" '2..'>,'-< t c"" ill an inch. l_fV' __ /__ too c r-: \1"'\ 2. A car is traveling 55.0 miles per hour. Convert this to meters per second. One mile is equal to 1.61 km, - L- <; 5 , 0 "". 1 l.(,I t("" l l h r- l0 M l MI 1(,00 k/Y\ C; 3. How many mg are there in a 5.00 grain aspirin tablet? There are 16.0 ozflb. 1 grain = 0.00229 oz. There are 454 g/lb. l l1,. I \ 9r~·,,., lc,.() o't. l lb J ! 4. Mercury has a mass density of 13.54 g/ml.. d~ •.•. s; :+y =- VV\a.s:s . • How ma~lYmilliliters would 100. grams occupy? 'vOl4}1\e:= I Vc.(\AMe V:- lOo.<;, n.S'i _ = too.,,:) ~ /ML II \ V"'c..S"~ <f~" 'P ; 1-, = ""L lr 5"-l 7.3,,\ ""L ~- 5. In 1980, the US produced 18.4 billion (109) pounds 0rphosphorlc acid to be used in the manufacture of fertilizer. The average cost of the acid is $318/tol (1 ton == 2000 Ib) What was the total value of the phosphoric acid produced? tb-\c::J vc..tue.. -: :::: +o~c.\ l~.y (V\u.s> pn.:>~{~c{ )<. (cos+- \ I Mo.~> ) q )( io l -toA 2,(0)((0'\ 276 u, Laying the Foundation ©2007 Laying the Foundation. Inc. All rizhts reserved. Visit: www.lavinathctoundaucn.orz ;11 Chemistry Dimensional Analysis 2 6. On planet Zizzag, city Astric is 35.0 digs from city Betrek. The latest in teenage transportation is a Zeka which can travel a maximum of 115 millidigs/zip. On Zizzag the planet turns once on its axis each dyne. Their time system divides each dyne into 25.0 zips. How many dynes will it take Pezzi to get from Astric to Betrek to see his girlfriend? There is no telephone communication on Zizzag. Do you think this relationship will last? -+11"'\ e.::d-; S·h:"/H~ '7 ~ e-e c:ol _'3_5_,_O_d_, ...• -=,;,-.-! I L~ f>1_l_O_~_~_o\_·'~':.......jl--l_d_Y_(\_e._ ll.t; vy\ d. "31 l d., '2.-5·0 9;:r l'Z.z.. clyne,. 7. While prospecting in the North Woods, Joe found a gold nugget which had a mass density of 19.2 g/cm'. When he dropped it into water in a graduated cylinder, the water level increased by 15.0 mL. How many grams of gold did Joe have? .1 1\r'o.G.S) cA~~$.~y z 1"'c.,ss. :. \.'0 I"'M~ 19·Z. ~. l S ,0 1"\ cr-v '3 L _ ~~i"'/ \ X I v o '""~ ., l C M- l 1"\ L 8. Light travels at a speed of3.00 x 1010 cm/s. What is the speed of light in kmlh? 10 3.00 x ~o '\(,,00 S c""- ::: 9. A cheetah has been clocked at 112 kmlh over a 100-m distance. What is this speed in m/s? ::; 3l.( ~ 5 10. An electric current of 10.0 amperes is passed througha solution of gold(IlI) chloride for a period of 0.500 hours. After this period of time, how much gold has plated out on the cathode? There are 96,500 coulombs/mol of electrons. A mol of gold has a mass of 197 g/mol. An ampere is equal to 1 coulomb/second. It is necessary to transfer 3.00 mol electron/mol gold. i \ Ak~O-,..J) .•..., ~ ~ :; \ c...:.•..•.. loM.~ S 12..2..0. ~ Laying the Foundation A ""Cd;.> =- cl..(;(''le 4-.""e, '-'- in Chemistry 277 . ©2007 Laving the Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. Visit: www.lavinnthcfoundation.ora , Foundation Lesson JJJ Name-----+-K~(~y~· _ Period _ Literal Equations Manipulating Variables and Constants EXERCISES Directions: For each of the following equations, solve for the variable in bold print. Be sure to show each step you take to solve the equation for the bold variable. 1. v = V a. ;:: at t F 2. p=A -3. A r- :;: p h =- p 4. F(Llt) = mLlv .0 t - M! VV\ "l). - G6. C = 9 3 8. Kavg = -kB T 2 - --- 5 -(F-32) 2 Laying the Foundation in Physics (VI '2. q C s T- 32- T - 1 9. K = -mv2 ~V -t=' v =J~:: 73 :;, c Foundation Lesson III 10. vnns = ~3: ::,R-\ M .., ::; ~""~ '2.. kB ~I"\c;: ::: r / #\ 3T l<~ \b z, :::::- 4nfo 1 1 1 13.-+-=Si 1 1 14. -=-+CEQ C1 15. V = 4 r r f So _1l'r I So +: -- l- 5~ • i <;;, So \ 1 -r -:::: C2 , - ( --\ C" 3 3 c1 16. P+ Dgy+-Dv2 2 = 1 v = /2 .--.::._G==--- _- ~ _P_-_\_lJ _3 (X- 20. mgsin 0 == pmgcoso( M; m) Xo _ _ e:::: .tOIl t- \- '(V'"\ _ .l J- . -trfo;\(M+""",\l J _YJ p L • • r C 17. P + Dgy + - Dv2 = C 2 74 »-r--, sniet~-~Q Laying the Foundation in Physics .- -, ... I s R L T s SlolQ CA. b, r: '- +e. LR (Q,,+LK - 0Pl?O>~ Odja - - s . s "2.. e !Do G:: cos. -'(0,101,) c. Q ~ ::. S{,,- \ so. (~ z: .l.t s-i tJ-' (0,7;;)1):: L{ r;. 0 0 G Q. 5. 0 " c..-++ll- C t." ~) 1.\, +, e - tlH' I( (.\)~ -s: CoS- \ (0,S~)z: '(7. ..:::.0'0) --.LU:::;;'r'\ - - e &;0. (j ~~.ocV lo.of"" - 0) of ~ 1;) e - S e .F {<'\ - '90. 0 c Cfo.oD -- ~ 30.o'V r£ ~ 0 I , (()~O(V\. J) C D<;" C3 L, ::: - lO,a"" I - , . GA, G,O.(:) )0, 0 - - lO,o L?' 0 0,0 "0 r" lc\. :: S·OO \0 ~ LQ.Of\A "S ,',"" ~ "" D ,0 :) 1 c:; (""3 o.oQ) E~·c.[p_~J o Y;.OI ¢ - c} ? B d . o,4+o.c hr: d 3. ;; (o.q~$)z: 0 ' q: ) ) Y \...:..../ ....v tr S) L( N ~, () 5 ~ ~ . 0 VI ("\ is: ') ,( <C ~ 0 't 6 o U\ _.) J " \\ \/1 ~ '-t (i N o .•0 V\ r, ...... ~ 3 t, iff U) ~ 3 (s- \) U l\ • G () () ) ~ ~ l\ , (;'. ~, ("I ') 0(0 Of) (r' N . 3 CD 0 '. CJ ~ 3" V 3' V) ,-, It II tl I'J 0 L C) 3 ~ 0 i9 '-1. CC2 Oc:) € C(:; <b u 0llJ ~ ,0 ~ (3 ~\f$2n ---~ o~ r:~_J JL ~ r-..-7/ 7". { 1. c) (0 '" "" -- -:. .s v. q ,.., 1,••: s,> --5.){v+ "01> . ~ -- ~ - -'3, S f"/'- ,.....,...... -\- r-r-: ~ I .,/ '3.+ r-.. ---' \ t L.o X'-. ~- ~.~
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