DEFENSE of MBA THESIS You are Cordially Invited to Attend the Following Defenses Monday 15/12/2014 STUDENT NAME AND ID Alain Elie Harb 15075 Olga Edgard Jalkh 13847 Joseph Elias El Khoury 12234 Anastasia Bassam Abou Diab 18262 Hassan Ali Aidibe 18770 Lucien Jean Maamary 11803 Louïse Georges Abi Haïdar 13063 Hassana Hassan Saad 17983 Richard Joseph Skaff 18482 Cyril Georges El Khoury 17145 THESIS TITLE Green Building Practices in Lebanon: Problems and Solutions Application of Forensic Accounting to the Tax System in the Lebanese Industry Financer les Entreprises à Partir du 'Leveraged BuyoutLBO" The Degree of Relevance of Audit Report in Lebanon Effet de la relation client- auditeur sur la qualité de l'audit Resolution of Communication Conflicts in a Culturally Diverse Workplace La problématique de l'adoption des normes internationales IAS (IFRS) au Liban The Financial Impact of Promoting Self-Development in Lebanese Banks Olive Oil Supply Chain in Lebanon: The Modernization of Lebanese Mills The Importance of Small and Medium Entreprises Sustaining the Lebanese Economy DATE / ROOM Monday 2:30 C 502 Monday 2:30 M 304 Monday 3:00 M 309 Monday 3:00 M 303 Monday 3:30 C 502 Monday 3:30 M 304 Monday 4:00 M 309 Monday 4:00 M 303 Monday 5:30 C 502 Monday 5:30 M 304 SUPERVISOR READER PRESIDENT Mr. Mazen Abboud Mr. Rabih Osta Ms. Vera Kheir Mr.Elie Abi Aad Mr. Moïse Kaï Mr. Chukrallah Abou Jaoude Mr. Antoine Nehme Mr. Charbel Tarabay Mr. Johnny Geagea Mr.Elie Abi Aad Dr. Gizel Hindi Dr. Nicolas Khoury Mr. Moïse Kaï Mr. Maroun Moubarak Mr. Antoine Sabbagh Dr. Hassan El Ali Mr. Elie Asmar Ms. Nadine Aoun Mr. Dory Daw Mr. Gaby Bejjani Dean Rock-Antoine Mehanna Management Mr. Johnny Geagea Accounting and Auditing Dr. Rayan Haykal Banking and Finance Mr. Dory Daw Accounting and Auditing Mr. Moïse Kaï Accounting and Auditing Mr. Dory Daw Management Mr. Johny Geagea Accounting and Auditing Mr. Dory Daw Banking and Finance Mr. Kabalan Wehbe Supply Chain Management Mr. Joseph Matar Management DEFENSE of MBA THESIS You are Cordially Invited to Attend the Following Defenses Tuesday 16/12/2014 STUDENT NAME AND ID THESIS TITLE Marianne Naji Awad Preventing Resistance to Change by Involving Employees into the Decision Process 16682 SUPERVISOR READER PRESIDENT Tuesday Mr. Elie Mr. Bassam Dr. Jad 9:30 Asmar Nammour Saade Management C 502 Ketty Joseph Ghoche DATE / ROOM Rôle de la responsabilité sociale (RSE) dans le secteur bancaire libanais Tuesday Mr. Johnny Ms. Joanne Mr. Kabalan 10:00 Geagea Doumit Wehbe 18010 M 304 Michel Sami Tuesday Dr. Nasri Dean Rock-Antoine Pr. Mohammad 12:30 Harb Mehanna Mortada El Zeinaty Syrian Refugee's Labor Market in Lebanon 17624 The Causes and Effects of Fluctuating Gold Prices on the Lebanese Currency 13639 Az Corporation International - Duvrai Mayonnaise: les étapes à suivre pour pénétrer les marchés locaux et internationaux 14558 Réduire le risque de la fusion et acquisition par l'amélioration de la "due diligence" 11377 The Impact of Double Standard Accounting on Lebanese National Economy 11652 L'impact d'une gestion efficace du risque organisationnel sur la croissance et la rentabilité des entreprises au Liban 17900 12400 2:30 Mouannes El Ali Haykal Banking and Finance Tuesday Mr. Kabalan Mr. Youssef Mr. Pierre 3:00 Wehbe Haddad Khorassandjian Management Tuesday Ms. Joanne Mr. Antoine Mr. Chucri 3:00 Doumit Nehme Mouannes Banking and Finance Tuesday Mr.Elie Mr.Chucri Mr. Kabalan 3:30 Abi Aad Mouannes Wehbe Accounting and Auditing Tuesday Mr. Johnny Dr. Paul Dr. Jean 3:30 Geagea Abboud Boulos Banking and Finance M 303 Joe Emile El Naccour Dr. Rayan C 502 Ramy Camille Khadra Dr. Hassan M 309 Joelle Joseph Hourany Mr. Chucri M 304 Antoine Louis Tabet Tuesday C 502 Saad Suleimen El Khoury Banking and Finance C 502 Samer Souhail Zebian Banking and Finance The Lending Policies of the Lebanese Financial Institutions and their Impact on the Country's Economic Development Tuesday Dr. Hassan Dr. Nasri Dr. Rayan 3:30 El Ali Harb Haykal M 304 Banking and Finance DEFENSE of MBA THESIS You are Cordially Invited to Attend the Following Defenses Tuesday 16/12/2014 STUDENT NAME AND ID THESIS TITLE Marianne Naji Maroun Ghassan El Haddad Preventing Resistance to Change by Involving Employees into the Factors that Affect WOM and the Impact of WOM on Restaurants Decision Process 19059 la crise financière des subprimes: frein ou huile de rouages pour le Liban? 17299 READER PRESIDENT Tuesday Mr. Elie Mr. Youssef Mr. Kabalan Bassam Mr. Mr. Elie 4:00 Haddad Wehbe Abi Aad Marketing Tuesday Mr. Joe Mr. Antoine Mr. Elie 4:30 Nader Nehme Abi Aad Banking and Finance M 304 Ziad Sami Daniel SUPERVISOR C 502 Johnny Samir Khicho DATE / ROOM Role of Human Resources Audit in Improving the Human Resoures Practices Tuesday Mr. Johnny Dr. Jad Mr. Kabalan 4:30 Geagea Saade Wehbe 17818 M 309 Carlos Halim Tuesday Dr. Haytham Mr Joe Dean Rock-Antoine 5:30 Aoun Nader Mehanna El Chacar Sustainable Finance - Equator Principle Accounting and Auditing 16746 C 502 Jinan Jihad Tuesday Mr. Jean Mr. Walid Dr. Jad 5:30 Gerges Akar Saade Kassem The Effect of Lebanese Financial Sector on Economic Growth 17194 The Application of Environmental Accounting in Lebanon: Problems and Benefits 13923 Blue Ocean Strategy Between Theory and Practice: The Case of Kazouza 17610 12283 Mr. Joe Mr.Elie Mr. Walid 6:00 Nader Abi Aad Akar Accounting and Auditing Tuesday Dr. Alfred Dr. Elias Dr. Jad 6:00 Riachi Choueiry Saade Marketing M 303 Marie-Belle Boutros Marbes Tuesday C 502 Mohammad Hassan Zinate Banking and Finance M 304 Antoine Samir El Saghbini Banking and Finance The Adoption of ERPs for Financial Performance Within the Commercial Lebanese Firms Tuesday Dr. Haytham Ms. Samar Mr. Elie 6:00 Aoun Rizk Asmar M 309 Banking and Finance DEFENSE of MBA THESIS You are Cordially Invited to Attend the Following Defenses Wednesday 17/12/2014 STUDENT NAME AND ID THESIS TITLE Christy Antoine Matar Effets économiques, financiers et sociaux des réfugiés syriens au Liban DATE / ROOM SUPERVISOR READER PRESIDENT Wednesday Mr. Johnny Ms. Joanne Mr. Nicolas 10:30 Geagea Doumit Choueifaty 16853 C 502 Sara Wahid Wednesday Mr. Nazih Mr. Youssef Mr. Johnny 4:00 El Jorr Haddad Geagea Fayyad Employee Empowerment as a Mean of Improving Organization Competitiveness in Lebanese Market Banking and Finance 17132 C 502 Jad Sleiman Wednesday Mr. Bassam Dr. Hassan Mr. Pierre 4:00 Nammour Younes Khorassandjian Bou Moghlbaih Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Lebanese Banking Sector (Branch Employees) Management 18896 M 304 Ribal Georges Wednesday Dr.Edgard Dr. Hassan Mr. Joseph 5:00 Rizk Younes Matar Fakhoury The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Lebanese Industrial Development 17162 Vicky Avedis Marachlian 14091 Majdi Omar Abed 17420 Management Management M 309 L'application de IFRS pour PME et leurs contraintes d'implantation au niveau des entités Libanaises A Comparative Analysis of E-Government Implementation Between MENA Region Countries and Lebanon Wednesday Mr. Antoine Ms.Joanne Mr. Johnny 5:00 Nehme Doumit Geagea Banking and Finance C 502 Wednesday Mr. Nazih Dr. Nicolas Dr. Gizel 5:00 El Jorr Khoury Hindi M 304 Management DEFENSE of MBA THESIS You are Cordially Invited to Attend the Following Defenses Wednesday 17/12/2014 STUDENT NAME AND ID THESIS TITLE Christy Antoine Rana Costantine Attieh Effets économiques, financiers et sociaux des Consumer Credit Scoring in Lebanon: Applications réfugiés au Liban and syriens Challenges DATE / ROOM SUPERVISOR READER PRESIDENT Wednesday Mr. Mr.Johnny Elias Ms. Mr. Joanne Pierre Dr. Joseph 5:00 Moukayed Khorassandjian Haddad 13887 M 303 Bilal Issam Wednesday Mr. kabalan Mr. Youssef Mr. Chucri 5:00 Wehbe Haddad Mouannes Kheir Deen Total Quality Management at the Middle East Airlines: Applications and Problems Banking and Finance 16767 C 502 Rachelle Hatem Wednesday Mr. Georges Mr. Pierre Mr. Youssef 5:30 Nasr Khorassandjian Haddad Eid E-Banking Adoption and Evolution in Lebanon Management 17311 C 502 Ahmad Jamal Wednesday Dr. Hassan Dr.Edgard Dr. Gizel 5:30 Younes Rizk Hindi Nassar Managing and Controlling the Employee Turnover Issue at AUBMC 17216 Dalia Salim El Hachem 12178 Baryouyr Sevag Sebouh Tekian 19491 Banking and Finance Management M 304 L'Augmentation des salaires et des appointements au niveau du secteur public entre le coût explicite et le coût réel Remedy for Tarrifs Corruption in Public Management Port and Airport Wednesday Mr. Elie Mr. Chucrallah Mr. Joseph 5:30 Abi Aad Abou Jaoudeh Matar Banking and Finance M 309 Wednesday Dr. Zeina Ms. Samar Mr. Pierre 6:00 Zeidan Rizk Khorassandjian M 303 Accounting and Auditing DEFENSE of MBA THESIS You are Cordially Invited to Attend the Following Defenses Thursday 18/12/2014 STUDENT NAME AND ID THESIS TITLE Pierre Geryes Aoun La fraude fiscale au niveau de la TVA au Liban 17265 Curbing Corruption's Impact on the National Debt: the Case of Income Tax in Lebanon 17197 Importance of Product Design in Social and Economic Development in Lebanon 15394 L'impact du stress sur la performance des employés dans un établissement familial 18237 The Effect of Cultural Diversity on Business Management: the Case of "Alfa Banks" 11539 16748 Pr. Elias Mr.Elie Ms. Joanne 3:30 Eid Abi Aad Doumit Accounting and Auditing Thursday Dr. Paul Mr.Chucri Dr. Rayan 3:30 Abboud Mouannes Haykal Banking and Finance Thursday Mr. Youssef Dr. Edgard Dr.Gizel 3:30 Haddad Rizk Hindi Marketing Thursday Dr. Pierrot Dr.Jean Mr. Kabalan 4:00 Khoueiry Boulos Wehbe Management Thursday Mr. Bassam Dr. Jad Dr. Gizel 4:30 Nammour Saade Hindi Management C 502 Wissam Mohammad Aride Thursday M 303 Jessy Imad Bou Abboud PRESIDENT M 309 Marwa Souhail Bou Ziab READER M 304 Joseph abdo El Khoury SUPERVISOR C 502 Nathalie Boutros Nasr DATE / ROOM Partnership Between the Private and Public Sectors to Solve Electricité du Liban's Financial Problems Thursday Mr. Chucri Pr. Mohammad Dean Rock-Antoine 4:30 Mouannes Mortada Mehanna M 304 Banking and Finance DEFENSE of MBA THESIS You are Cordially Invited to Attend the Following Defenses Thursday 18/12/2014 STUDENT NAME AND ID PierreIbrahim Geryes Najib El Helou 18065 THESIS TITLE Comparing Fundamental and Technical Analyses for La fraude fiscaleCurrency au niveauInvestment: de la TVA the au Liban Foreign Exchange Case of Euro/Dollar Parity SUPERVISOR READER PRESIDENT Thursday Pr. Dr. Elias Paul Mr.Elie Mr. Antoine M. Elie 4:30 Abboud Nehme Abi Aad Banking and Finance M 309 Ali Kassem Ali DATE / ROOM Impact of Leadership on Employee's Satisfaction and Productivity Thursday Mr. Bassam Mr. Joseph M. Pierre 5:30 Nammour Haddad Khorassandjian Management 16791 C 502 Wadih Tanios Thursday Mr. Jean Ms. Vera Mr. Walid 5:30 Gerges Kheir Akar Abou Zeid Widespread Use of Hedging Exchange Rate Risk in Lebanon Banking and Finance 10114 M 304 Nabil Farid Thursday Dr. Hassan Dr. Paul Dr. Nasri 5:30 El Ali Abboud Harb Chahine The Financial Performance by Innovative Lebanese Firms in Industrial Sector 12478 Christelle Georges Kanaan 11245 La motivation intrinsèque et extrinsèque des employés qui augmente le niveau de performance dans les sociétés Libanaises: le cas de "Consolidated Engeneering and Trading Co.SAL" Julien Antoine Halaby 12126 Banking and Finance M 309 Key Factors Affecting Market Competition Among Lebanese Banks??? Thursday Dr. Joseph Mr. Kabalan Pr. Elie 6:00 Haddad Wehbe Maalouf Management M 303 Thursday Dr. Hassan Dr. Paul Mr. Elie 6:30 El Ali Abboud Asmar C 502 Banking and Finance DEFENSE of MBA THESIS You are Cordially Invited to Attend the Following Defenses Friday 19/12/2014 STUDENT NAME AND ID THESIS TITLE Sandy Nabil Mohsen Friday Impact de la découverte du pétrole sur l'économie Libanaise 16861 Friday L'Efficacite du test de résistance bancaire mis par la BDL au Liban 18020 14338 17212 Optimization of Tenant's Allocation Management and Limitation in the Reaming Aspect of the IEEE 802.11 Standard with Innovation Solution Mr. Elie Zouein Mr. Pascal Azzam Dr. Gizel Hindi Mr. Youssef Haddad Mr. Moïse Kaï Mr.Elie Abi Aad Dr. Amale Abou Fayad Mr. Pascale Azzam Dr. Jinane Sayah Mr. Pierre Khorassandjian Mr. Elie Abi Aad Banking and Finance Mr. Moïse Kaï Banking and Finance Dr. Rayan Haykal Management Mr. Nicolas Choueifaty Accounting and Auditing Ms. Joanne Doumit Banking and Finance Mr. Nicolas Choueifaty Friday 4:30 Management Information Systems M 304 5:00 Mr. Youssef Haddad Mr. Walid Dagher Ms. Vera Kheir Mr. Youssef Haddad Mr. Walid Dagher Dr. Joseph Haddad C 502 Friday Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction 16742 6:00 C 502 Assil Ghanem 18409 4:00 Friday Extent of Barriers to Women Career Advancement: The Case of IFP Elie Khalil Bou Ghanem Mr. Marwan Khater M 309 13100 Skaff 4:00 Friday L'Importance du développement de secteur de transport sur la croissance de l'économie libanaise Jessica Youssef Bou Samra Mr. Elie Zouien C 502 19018 Greige 3:30 Friday l'Audit de la comptabilité des employeurs face à l'evasion aux charges sociales Ali Hussein Jiscard Miled PRESIDENT M 304 Maya Mohammad El-Zein 3:00 Friday The Work-Familly Balance Among Working Mothers: Conflict or Enrichment? 18336 Aliaeddine READER C 502 Dolly Samih El Eid 12:00 SUPERVISOR C 502 Hanady Tannous Bcherrawy DATE / ROOM Friday From Social Media to Social CRM: The Case of Morgan International. 6:00 M 309 Mr. Johnny Geagea Management Mr. Churci Mouannes Banking and Finance Dr. Nicolas Khoury Marketing
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