AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND COLLEGE OF ANAESTHETISTS ABN 82 055 042 852 Minutes recording the proceedings of the Annual General Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists was held in Peony rooms 4404/4405/4504/4505/4506, Sands Expo and Convention Center, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore on Wednesday May 7, 2014 at 5.30pm to 6.00pm (SGT) Present: Dr Lindy Roberts (President and Chair) and the following Councillors and Fellows who indicated their attendance on the circulated register: Prof Arthur B Baker, NSW Dr Jane E Baker, NSW Dr Vanessa S Beavis, NZ Dr Charles N Bradfield, NZ Dr James P Bradley, Qld Dr Michael J Challis, Tas Dr Craig J Coghlan, NSW Dr Suzanne L Cook, Vic Dr Alison R Corbett, WA Dr Margaret H Cowling, SA Dr John A Crowhurst, SA Prof Martin D Culwick, Qld Dr Robert O Edeson, WA Dr Mark J Fajgman, Vic Dr Patrick T Farrell, NSW Dr Elizabeth M Feeney, NSW Prof John M Gibbs, Qld Dr Genevieve A Goulding, Qld Dr Richard W Grutzner, Vic Dr Edward W Hughes, NZ Dr Simon A Jenkins, SA Dr David M Jones, NZ Dr Andrew J Kennedy, NSW Dr Diana C Khursandi, Qld Dr Judith C Killen, NSW Dr Francis X Lah, NSW Dr Vaughan G Laurenson, NZ Prof Kate Leslie , Vic Dr Simon R Martel, NSW Dr David I McCuaig, Vic Dr David R McIlroy, Vic Dr George M Merridew, TAS Prof Alan F Merry, NZ Dr Rodney G Mitchell, SA Assoc Prof Brendan J Moore, Qld Dr Craig A Morgan, Vic Dr Michelle J Mulligan, NSW Dr Daniel T Orr, NSW Dr Ashley N Pollock, NZ Prof Anthony W Quail, NSW Dr Ian M Rechtman, Vic Prof John M Russell, SA Dr Brett E Segal, Qld Prof Edward A Shipton, NZ Assoc Prof Timothy G Short, NZ Dr Derek F Snelling, NZ Dr Gabriel Snyder, Vic Dr Sandra M Taylor, NSW Dr Rowan D Thomas, Vic Dr Walter R Thompson, WA Dr Maurice P Vialle, Tas Dr Richard J Waldron, Tas Dr Leona F Wilson, NZ Dr Mark G Young, Qld In Attendance: Ms Linda Sorrell (CEO) Ms Anna Kleskovic (PA Council) Apologies: Apologies for non-attendance were received from: Dr Christopher J Acott, SA Dr Penelope A Briscoe, SA Dr Troy S Browne, NZ Dr Cameron C R Buchanan, NZ Prof Geoffrey R Cutfield, NZ Dr Michael J Hodgson, Tas Dr Richard Maynard, NSW Dr Frank X Moloney, NSW Dr Rene G Pols, SA Dr Richard H Riley, WA Assoc Prof David A Scott, Vic Dr Hilton Sheppard, Vic Dr Natalie A Smith, NSW Assoc Prof Kersi JTaraporewalla, Qld Dr Jeneen K Thatcher, Qld Dr Kerry Brandis (Qld) did not attend. The President welcomed all in attendance to the twenty-first Annual General Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. Page 1 of 10 1. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 5 MAY 2013 The President advised that the minutes of the last annual general meeting held on 5 May 2013 had been previously circulated, and there being no amendment, moved that they be accepted. Resolution From the Chair That the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 5 May 2013 be accepted. Carried 2. PRESIDENT’S REPORT The President noted that her report has been published and circulated in the 2013 ANZCA Annual Report. Much was achieved in 2013, thanks to the hard work of many dedicated Fellows, trainees and staff. This year was the beginning of the ANZCA and FPM Strategic Plans 2013-2017 “advancing anaesthesia” and “advancing pain medicine”, with a vision that ANZCA will be a recognized world leader in training, education, research and in setting standards for anaesthesia and pain medicine. The President highlighted the following key achievements over this period: Strategic priority 1: Advance standards though training, education, accreditation and research • A highlight was the successful launch of the new ANZCA curriculum at over 170 training sites, the biggest College project ever undertaken and supported by the College’s new training portfolio system (TPS), which was progressively upgraded throughout the year. • The new integrated primary examination and upgraded examination management system were introduced, along with Workplace-based assessments (WBAs) across Australia and New Zealand, supported by WBA champions. • Many new educational resources were developed including new podcasts and webinars to assist learning. • For ANZCA trainees in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore, a new training handbook and regulation were developed. • The Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) worked hard on its curriculum redesign project, due for roll-out in 2015. • The Melbourne ASM attracted more than 2000 delegates and the College held 17 combined regional CME meetings in Australia, the New Zealand Anaesthesia ASM in Dunedin, six special interest group meetings and the FPM spring meeting. • The College allocated competitive research grants worth nearly $A1.2 million, Australasian Anaesthesia (the “Blue Book”) was again published and the Electronic Persistent Pain Outcomes Collaboration pilot took place. • The College developed and revised many professional documents, including a statement on roles anaesthesia and perioperative care, distributed critical safety alerts in the College’s publications and supported the incident monitoring system WebAIRS (with the anaesthesia societies). Strategic priority 2: Build engagement, ownership and unity • Workforce is one of the most significant current issues facing our countries and especially our new Fellows. The College conducted the inaugural graduate outcome survey and developed a workforce action plan focused on collecting high quality data, advocacy with government and other decisionmakers, and communicating this work to Fellows and trainees. • ANZCA CEO, Ms Linda Sorrell, visited 14 hospitals with regional and national committee chairs. Page 2 of 10 • • • • • • • The College undertook the Fellows CPD survey, which guided development of the 2014 ANZCA/FPM CPD standard and program, streamlined by a new user-friendly CPD portfolio system, accessible on any device and allowing automatic data entry when registering for an ANZCA/FPM conference. Regulatory bodies are making it clear that revalidation (already a fact of life in the UK, USA and Canada) is on the agenda for Australia and New Zealand and the College is actively engaged in these discussions. Improving resources for Fellows and trainees has been a focus. This includes the online library project, new online “flipbook” style access to the ANZCA Bulletin, and the College Conversations CD. The web-based My ANZCA portal that includes online event registration, subscription payment and Foundation donations was introduced. The New Zealand Anaesthesia Education Committee (NZAEC) website was developed. The College developed the FFPMANZCA logo for Fellows’ professional use and the FPM New Zealand National Committee was established. The Geoffrey Kaye Symposium of Anaesthetic history was held and the new History and Heritage Expert Reference Panel was created. Three more web-based “Anaesthesia Stories” were also recorded. Strategic priority 3: Develop and maintain strong external relationships • Building relationships with government remains a key goal and will remain so in 2014. In New Zealand, ANZCA hosted a function attended by the Minister of Health. More than 60 submissions were made to government authorities in Australia and New Zealand. The College continues its collaborative engagement through the committee of presidents of medical colleges (Australia) and the council of medical colleges (New Zealand). • The College re-launched National Anaesthesia Day, which was highly successful, resulting in strong support from Fellows and hospitals. The day was informed by a community survey that highlighted the need for more public education about anaesthesia and anaesthetists. Web-based, printable patient information sheets were also introduced. • Pro-active media activity resulted in hundreds of media reports reaching a combined audience of millions on National Anaesthesia Day, during the ASM and to promote other College activities. • Fifteen countries now participate in the essential pain management (EPM) program which has attracted private funding. The College now has an EPM Sub-Committee, a web presence and a regular newsletter. • Initiatives to “close the gap” for indigenous communities include nine podcasts, medical student mentoring and collaboration with the RACS Rural Health Continuing Education (RHCE) indigenous health portal project. Strategic priority 4: Ensure ANZCA is a sustainable organisation • In 2013, ANZCA introduced a framework for recognising Fellow and trainee contributions. • Business processes have been improved, including project management, financial reporting to ANZCA Council, performance appraisal processes, Lean Six Sigma managerial training, an information management/information technology roadmap, greater trans-Tasman collaboration, and Work Health Safety management. • The Green Committee has been re-established and a staff recognition program introduced with career milestones recognised and staff excellence awards held. • Educational committees and the Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine Foundation were restructured, introducing a Board of Governors for more effective fundraising. • The Council continues to closely monitor use of College resources to ensure maximum value in supporting Fellows and trainees to deliver safe and high quality patient care. Page 3 of 10 The President acknowledged the numerous contributions of dedicated and enthusiastic Fellows and trainees to the College and the Faculty of Pain Medicine over the past year. The ANZCA Council was also thanked for their leadership and support. The tireless work of CEO Linda Sorrell and her hardworking staff was acknowledged. Resolution From the Chair That the President’s report be accepted. Carried There were no questions of the President. 3. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTS AND AUDITOR’S REPORT It was noted that the financial statements and the Honorary Treasurer’s report, have been published and circulated in the 2013 ANZCA Annual Report. The Honorary Treasurer, Dr Michelle Mulligan highlighted the following key items from her report and stated that all figures were in Australian dollars. ANZCA finished 2013 in a sound financial position with net assets of $27.218m, no debt and the ability to pay debts as and when they fall due. This is an increase of $3.185m from the position of the end of 2012. Although a reduction in operational surplus was expected due to the affects in the change in delivery of services for the implementation of the revised curriculum and the improved services to Fellows, the operations for the College produced a surplus of $1.068m due to tight financial management. It is important to note that the College must make a surplus in order to pay for capital projects, such as the new curriculum and the online CPD resources. Although in 2013 the investments markets world-wide continued to display a high level of volatility, the College’s investments delivered a higher than budgeted return. The investments accumulated funds are the result of proven financial management over a number of years. The overall investment portfolio delivered a positive return of $1.957m compared to the positive return of $1.558m in 2012. Over the year, the net assets of the college increased in line with this surplus to $27.218m compared with $24.003m at the end of 2012. This net asset position reflects that the College is financially strong, secure and is well positioned to enjoy any future economic conditions. The ANZCA Council is committed to maintaining a direction to ensure financial sustainability that will allow it to take up opportunities and to invest wisely in the future. The adopted budget for 2013 does not forecast an outcome that will match this year, however a better than budgeted result can be achieved through effective management of the College’s resources, through tight controls on all discretionary expenditure and raising higher than budgeted revenue. The Honorary Treasurer extended her thanks to all the staff at the College, and in particular, the Finance Department led by General Manager Ms Galina Fidler and CEO Ms Linda Sorrell for their tireless efforts and diligence. Dr Mulligan also acknowledged the extraordinary efforts of the Councillors and wished the new Council well. The President moved that the financial statements and auditor’s report for the period ended 31st December 2013 be received and adopted. Resolution From the Chair That the Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure Account and Auditor's Report for the period ended 31st December 2013 be received and adopted. Carried Page 4 of 10 4. DECLARATION OF THE POLLS 4.1 2014 ANZCA Council Election The President noted that there were five vacancies on the ANZCA Council and five nominations were received. Standing Councillors Prof Alan Merry (NZ) and Assoc Prof David Scott (Vic) were re-elected. The President welcomed Dr Simon Jenkins (SA), Dr Michael Sean McManus (Qld) and Dr Rowan Thomas (Vic), elected unopposed to Council and replacing retiring Councillors. The President acknowledged the valuable contributions made by retiring Councillors Dr Kerry Brandis (Qld), former President Prof Kate Leslie (Vic), Dr Michelle Mulligan (NSW), Dr Brendan Moore (outgoing FPM Dean) and Dr Gabriel Snyder (outgoing New Fellow Councillor) during their time on Council. 4.1 2014 ANZCA New Fellow Councillor Election Four nominations for the position New Fellow to College Council were received by close of nominations. The following details the ballot results for the 2014 New Fellow Councillor election: POSITION ON BALLOT 1 COGHLAN, CRAIG 2 MA, SCOTT 3 SEGAL, BRETT 4 SIDHU, NAVDEEP TOTAL VOTES COUNTED VOTES COUNTED 33 26 24 22 105 Envelopes Received Less Invalid Envelopes Ballots Received Less Invalid Ballots TOTAL BALLOTS COUNTED 126 21 105 105 REGIONAL BREAKDOWN OF BALLOTS REGION ACT New South Wales Northern Territory Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia New Zealand Hong Kong Malaysia/Singapore USA/Canada United Kingdom Rest of World Ballots Received 19 1 20 13 1 18 11 17 2 1 2 - No. of Fellows Eligible to Vote 10 176 7 108 45 12 146 61 77 27 12 4 8 3 % Voted 0% 10.79 14.28 18.51 28.88 8.33 12.32 18.03 22.07 7.41 8.33 0 25.00 0 Page 5 of 10 Others (No Address) TOTAL Ballots Received Invalid Ballots TOTAL BALLOTS COUNTED 105 105 105 696 15.08 The President moved that the Declaration of the Polls be received. Resolution From the Chair That the Declaration of the election of the New Fellow Councillor be received. Carried 5. OTHER BUSINESS OF WHICH DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN TO THE CEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ANZCA CONSTITUTION No items of other business had been received by the CEO. The meeting was declared closed at 5.55pm (SGT). Page 6 of 10 AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND COLLEGE OF ANAESTHETISTS ABN 82 055 042 852 REGISTER OF DISCLOSED INTERESTS This register includes standing disclosed interests, for example, employment at training facilities accredited by ANZCA and involvement with organisations of relevance to ANZCA. Interests that arise from time to time, for example, in relation to individual Fellows or trainees, grant applications or accreditation of new facilities, will be minuted. Name of Member Declared interest Date declared 08/06/2012 Date finishing Dr Vanessa Beavis (Councillor) Employed at the Auckland District Health Board as the Director, Perioperative Service & Clinical Support Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at the Auckland University 08/06/2012 Ongoing Prof Barry Baker (Executive DPA) Emeritus Professor, University of Sydney 21/10/2011 Ongoing Editorial Board, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Journal 21/10/2011 Ongoing Dr Kerry Brandis (Councillor) Employed by Queensland Health, Gold Coast Health Services District 22/09/2011 Ongoing Dr Patrick Farrell (Councillor) Director Anaesthesia John Hunter Hospital Newcastle 19/11/2011 Ongoing Dr Ross Freebairn (CICM President) Medical Director Intensive Care Services & Clinical Director, Acute Services, Hawke’s Bay Hospital, Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Hastings, New Zealand. · Medical Director & Trustee, Hawke’s Bay Rescue Helicopter Trust. · Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Department of Anaesthesiology, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences University of Auckland. · Associate Editor, Critical Care and Shock. · Editorial Board member, Intensive Care Monitor. · Council Member, (Australia and New Zealand representative) Asian Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine. · Member, Steering group, BASIC Course 15/08/2013 Ongoing Dr Genevieve Goulding (ANZCA Vice Deputy Director, Quality & safety, Dept of Anaesthesia, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital 18/10/2011 Ongoing Ongoing Page 7 of 10 President) Senior lecturer, University of Queensland 18/10/2011 Ongoing Prof Michael Grigg (RACS Vice President) TBA Dr Richard Grutzner (ASA President) President Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Edgecliff, New South Wales Member Victorian Anaesthetic Group, Glen Iris, Victoria Past Medical Advisory Board Member Invivo 15/07/2013 Ongoing A/Prof Michael Hollands (RACS President) President and Chairman Council and Executive Committee of RACS 10/07/2013 Ongoing Chairman-elect Committee College Presidents 10/07/2013 Ongoing Prof Kate Leslie (Councillor) Staff Specialist, Royal Melbourne Hospital 21/09/2011 Ongoing Honorary Professorial Fellow, Department of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne Honorary Adjunct Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University Director of the Australian Medical Council 21/09/2011 Ongoing 21/09/2011 Ongoing 15/02/2014 Feb 2015 Dr Candida Marane (Trainee co-chair) Employed at Canberra Hospital, ACT 15/02/2014 Ongoing Prof Alan Merry (Councillor) Specialist anaesthetist Auckland City Hospital (cardiac ORL and chronic pain) Head of School of Medicine, University of Auckland. Shareholder and director, Safer Sleep LLC (produces automated record keeping and drug safety system for OR and perioperative patient management. Chair QS Committee World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists Chair, Board, Health Quality and Safety Commission, NZ Director, Lifebox Foundation • Spouse is a child psychiatrist • Honorary Deputy Treasurer of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists • Trustee of Robert and Alison Gunn’s family trust • Director and shareholder of AF and SN Merry Ltd • Shareholder of Anaesthesia Auckland Limited • Shareholder of R G Gunn Limited • Shareholder of ORL Land Limited • Shareholder of ENT Equity Limited • Shareholder of Dual Vent Circuit Limited 21/09/2011 Ongoing 21/09/2011 21/09/2011 Ongoing Ongoing 22/09/2011 Ongoing 22/09/2011 Ongoing 25/2/2012 12/4/2014 Ongoing Ongoing Page 8 of 10 • Shareholder of Surgical Group Land Limited • Shareholder of Surgical Group Limited Dr Rodney Mitchell (Councillor) Staff Specialist, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Woodville SA Staff Specialist The Lyell McEwin Hospital Haydown Rd Elizabeth Vale SA Clinical Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide School of Medicine 21/09/2011 Ongoing 21/09/2011 Ongoing 21/09/2011 Ongoing Dr Frank Moloney (Councillor) Emeritus Director of Anaesthesia, Orange Private Hospital, NSW 10/07/2013 Ongoing Assoc Prof Brendan Moore (FPM Dean) Appointments: Adjunct Assoc Prof, Centre for Integrated Preclinical Drug Development, University of Queensland; Axxon Health, Axxon Pain Medicine, Axxon Research and Training, Axxon Anaesthesia Previous research affiliations or industry funded trials: Gallipoli Research Foundation; QRX Pharma, Mundipharma, Astra Zenica; Medical Advisory Boards, Education Advisory Boards or Paid Specialist Presentor; Pfizer, Janssen Cilag Visiting Medical Specialist; Greenslopes Private Hospital; St Vincent's Private Hospital Brisbane; Brisbane Private Hospital; Wesley Hospital; Holy Spirit Northside Hospital 16/06/2012 Ongoing 16/06/2012 Ongoing VMO: Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards 19/11/2011 Ongoing Anaesthetist: Mater, Crows Nest 19/11/2011 Ongoing Anaesthetist and Specialist Pain Medicine Physician, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands, WA Dr Robert’s accountant is associated with the Bongiorno Group. Member of the Australian Medical Council Specialist Education Accreditation Committee 02/10/2011 Ongoing 16/05/2013 Ongoing 16/11/2013 Until 2017 Specialist anaesthetist, Dept of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Auckland City Hospital IMGS assessorMedical Council of New Zealand Expert advisor, Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner, NZ Member, Clinical Practice Committee, Auckland District Health Board, NZ Chair, Anaesthesia Advisory Committee, MercyAscot Hospitals Ltd. NZ ANZCA representative, Council of Medical Colleges, NZ 15/02/2014 Ongoing 15/02/2014 15/02/2014 Ongoing Ongoing 15/02/2014 Ongoing 15/02/2014 Ongoing 15/02/2014 Ongoing Dr Michelle Mulligan (Councillor) Dr Lindy Roberts (ANZCA President) Dr Nigel Robertson (NZNC chair) 16/06/2012 Page 9 of 10 Assoc Prof David A Scott (Councillor) Director, Department of Anaesthesia, St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne Associate Professor (Principal Fellow), Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences; University of Melbourne 21/09/2011 Ongoing 21/09/2011 Ongoing Prof Ted Shipton (Vice-Dean FPM) Employed by the University of Otago as Head of Department of Anaesthesia and by the Canterbury District Health Board Pain Specialist/Clinical Director 16/11/2013 Ongoing Dr Gabriel Snyder (New Fellow Councillor) Employed at St Vincent’s Hospital 04/06/2012 Ongoing Ms Linda Sorrell (ANZCA CEO) Director, Health Purchasing Victoria 09/2011 Ongoing Dr Richard Waldron (Councillor) • Consultant Anaesthetist at the following: • Calvary Hospital, Lenah Valley, TAS • Hobart Private Hospital, Hobart, TAS • St.John's Hospital, South Hobart, TAS • Hobart Day Surgery Unit, Hobart, TAS • Associate, Hobart Anaesthetic Group • Client, JB Were (also own shares in DJW) • Director, ilfracombe Superfund (direct share ownership of AMP, BHP, BXB, CBA, CPU, CSL, DJW, NAB, NCM, ORG, LLC, TLS, RIO, WES, WDC, WOW, WPL shares) • Director, ilfracombe Investment Property Pty Ltd • Appointed a director of Lancet Pty Lt (Hobart Anaesthetic Group) 29/5/2013 Ongoing 12/4/2014 Ongoing Employed at Western Health Service 15/02/2014 Ongoing Dr Noam Winter (Trainee Co-chair) Last updated 12 April 2014 Page 10 of 10
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