NAT DATA LINK MANDATE IMPLEMENTATION PLANS (TASK LISTS) – AS ENDORSED BY NAT IMG/44 (Appendix W to the NAT IMG/44 Summary of Discussions – NAT IMG Decision 44/10 refers) Editorial Note: Completed tasks are shown by the entire row being greyed out. In cases where only part of a Task is completed, only the associated sub-task will be shown with grey highlight. Phase 1 Follow Up Items Task No. Phase 1 Task Description Lead Co-lead Deadline Status/Comments Reference P1 - 1 Confirm Availability of ADS-C system functionality listed below: ANSPs 1.1 Conformance monitoring to provide alerts to controller when reports do not match current flight plan (clearance). ANSPs Complete 1.2 Implement ADS-C periodic contracts. ANSPs See next Complete for Gander, column. Shanwick, Reykjavik, Santa Maria and New York. Bodø - May 2014 ATMG/40 Appendix H; SUPPS 5.4.3 1.3 Implement lateral deviation event (LDE) contracts with threshold of 9.3 km (5 NM) or less. ANSPs See next Complete for Gander, column. Shanwick, New York, Santa Maria and Reykjavik. Bodø –May 2014 SUPPS 5.4.3 1.4 Implement level range deviation event (LRDE) contracts with vertical deviation threshold of 90 m (300 ft) or less. ANSP See next Complete except: column. New York Sept 2016 Bodø –May 2014 SUPPS 5.4.3 May 2014 SUPPS 5.4.3 SUPPS 5.4.3 page 1 of 8 NAT Data Link Mandate Implementation Plans (Task Lists) – as Endorsed by NAT IMG/44 Task No. Phase 1 Task Description Lead Co-lead Deadline Status/Comments Complete Reference 1.5 Implement waypoint change event (WCE) contracts ANSP SUPPS 5.4.3 1.6 Upgrade FDPS and HMI to alert controllers when aircraft are not equipped to operate on data link mandated tracks and flight levels. ANSP Feb 2013 Shanwi ck -co mpl et e ATMG/40 Gander - complete report Reykjavik - complete Santa Maria-complete Bodø- N/A New York - N/A 1.7 Upgrade FDPS and HMI to identify DLM tracks and flight levels ANSP Feb 2013 Shanwi ck -co mpl et e ATMG/40 Gander-complete report Reykjavik-complete Santa Maria-complete Bodø- N/A New York- N/A 1.8 Develop procedures for coordinating DLM tracks ANSPs Feb 2013 UK – Complete Canada – Complete P1 - 2 Safety Aspects of DLM Implementation 2.1 Develop Performance Metrics/Targets (e.g., Key Performance Indicators (KPI): reduction in number and duration of LHD events, etc.). 2.2 1. Analyse and monitor the effect of Data link and enhanced automation on SARSIG safety. IMG 2. Evaluate DLM Phase 1. SOG 3. Continue assessment of DLM equipage on the NAT OTS and NAT CNSG Region. May 2014 SOG IMG 13 Dec Complete per NAT 2013 SPG C 49/02, but KPIs subject to on-going review. IMG/44 (13-16 May 2014) NAT SPG Conclusion 49/02 To be addressed at NAT SPG SARSIG/19 (Apr 2014) Conclusion CNSG regularly reports 49/18 on DL equipage for the ICAO NAT Region as a whole, but does not provide specific figures for the OTS page 2 of 8 NAT Data Link Mandate Implementation Plans (Task Lists) – as Endorsed by NAT IMG/44 Task No. Phase 1 Task Description Lead Co-lead Deadline Status/Comments Reference Task developed at EFG/24 (April 2013) Completed EFG/25 report Para. 5.11 & App C P1 - 3 Economic Impact Assessment 3.1 Provide a version of the cost impact that can be published on the ICAO EUR/NAT website for the benefit of the NAT SPG and all its contributory members EFG US ASAP Note: Published as Appendix C to the NAT EFG/25 Summary of Discussions. 3.2 Coordinate with the NAT IMG to integrate the DLM safety case analysis US EFG/25 Task developed at with the DLM cost into a paper that identifies the value proposition from Secretariat Nov. 2013 EFG/24 (April 2013) the implementation of the DLM Phase 2 On-going EFG/25 report para 5.6-5.8 Phase 2a Implementation Plan Update Task No. Phase 2A - Task Descriptions Lead Co-Lead Develop a work plan for the mandate of Automatic Dependent SurveillanceContract (ADS-C) and Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) in the NAT Region. ATMG CNSG IMG *U.S. Deadline Status/Comments Reference P2A-1 General – Phase 2 1.1 IMG/40 (May 2012) NAT SPG/48 (June 2012) Complete (see ref.) NAT SPG Conclusion 45/11; IMG/39 Report, 4.414.42 P2A-2 Establish Phase 2 Implementation Plan 2.1 DLM Airspace Boundaries and Implementation Dates. Establish specific ATMG June 2013 Complete (see ref.) vertical and horizontal boundaries of airspace where DLM is to be applied in (NAT IMG Phase 2. NAT SPG SPG 49) May 2014 NAT SPG Conclusion 49/11 page 3 of 8 NAT Data Link Mandate Implementation Plans (Task Lists) – as Endorsed by NAT IMG/44 Task No. Phase 2A - Task Descriptions Lead Co-Lead Deadline Status/Comments Reference 2.2 Policy for Non-equipped aircraft. Establish categories of non-equipped ATMG June 2013 Complete (see ref.) aircraft to be accommodated in DLM airspace and basic policies for (NAT IMG operation. NAT SPG SPG 49) NAT SPG Conclusion 49/11 2.3 Policy for aircraft with inoperative data link system. Establish basic policy for aircraft operating with an inoperative data link system. ATMG June 2013 Complete (see ref.) (NAT IMG NAT SPG SPG 49) NAT SPG Conclusion 49/11 2.4 NAT Regional SUPPS Amendment. Determine necessity to update NAT IMG June 2013 Not required (ref.). Regional SUPPS w i t h n e w implementation dates and airspace NAT SPG (NAT SPG 49) boundaries for Phases 2A, 2B and 2C. 2.4.1 If Regional SUPPS amendment necessary, establish plan for developing PfA. IMG June 2013 Not required (ref.). NATSPG 2.5 Assessment of Flights Using and Not Using Data Link. Estimate number and percentage of flights projected to be using data link on 7 February 2015 start of Phase 2. ATMG ATMG/41 Complete 2.6 Update data link usage data using UK dynamic assessment tool and report to ATMG. UK ATMG/41 Complete 2.7 Aircraft types without retrofit packages. Update and report estimate of aircraft types and numbers of aircraft without retrofit packages. EFG U.S. June 2014 Updated for EFG/24 On-going Sept 2013 NAT IMG/43 SoD para 6.17 & App S) Complete NAT SPG/49 Report, para 3.1.34 NAT SPG/49 ATMG/38 SoD para 6.36.4 P2A-3 Notification of Phase 2 Plans 3.1 Advance Notice To Operators. Publish advance notice of intent to mandate equipage and operation of CPDLC and ADS-C in specified airspace at specified FL’s for Phases 2A, 2B and 2C. US 3.2 DLM AIPs and AICs. Publish AICs o r e q u i v a l e n t d o c u m e n t s providing detailed plans and policies for DLM Phase 2A, 2B and 2C implementation including operator and aircraft requirements. IMG ATMG ANSP May 2014 NAT IMG/43 NAT IMG/43 SoD para 6.17 & App S) Complete NAT SUPPS 3.3.1, 5.4.1 page 4 of 8 NAT Data Link Mandate Implementation Plans (Task Lists) – as Endorsed by NAT IMG/44 Task No. Phase 2A - Task Descriptions Lead Co-Lead Deadline Status/Comments Reference 3.3 NAT OPS Bulletin. Develop N A T O P S B u l l e t i n for ICAO Secretariat NAT distribution detailing p l a n s f o r NAT DLM Phase 2A, 2B and 2C. ATMG IMG/43 IMG Note: OPS Bulletin 2012-031 published for DLM Phase 1. 3.4 NAT Doc 007. Develop plan and schedule for publication of policy/procedures for operation of equipped and non-equipped aircraft in DLM airspace in NAT Doc 007. DMO IMG Open Start NAT Doc 007 ATMG/42 Complete for phase 1 Ed.2013, par. Sept 2013 Include phase 2 info? 1.10.3, 6.1.25, 6.1.26 & 10.4 3.5 Update DLM Phase 2A AICs. Update depiction of ATS Surveillance airspace and any other updates necessary. ATMG IMG ATMG/44 Open (NAT IMG/43 SoD para 6.17 & App S) Complete (NAT ATMG/43 SoD, para 4.8 refers) P2A-4 ATC Tasks (Airspace, ATC System, Policy/Procedures) 4.1 EUR/NAT DLM Airspace Interface. EUR and NAT ANSPs concerned coordinate to establish agreements to facilitate vertical transition of traffic to/from NAT DLM and EUR Data Link IR areas. 4.2 Update, as necessary, operational concept/guidance material (including ATMG in June 2014 Complete procedures) for use of CPDLC/ADS-C data link services to reduce the coordinanumber and duration of operational errors and pilot deviations (include tion with conformance monitoring, interval consistent with safety requirements. CNSG 4.3 CPDLC Services. Confirm CPDLC service compliance with Oceanic Safety and Performance Requirements specified in RTCA DO 306/EUROCAE ED122 or equivalent. May 2014 ANSP Sept. 2014 ATMG IMG NAT SPG CNSG SOG IMG ANSP CSP SOG/09 update (Dec 2013) Open Coordination started by Shanwick and Santa Maria OCAs On-going CNSG/5 report, App I IMG/39 report, 4.41 SUPPS 3.3.3 CNSG/5 report page 5 of 8 NAT Data Link Mandate Implementation Plans (Task Lists) – as Endorsed by NAT IMG/44 Task No. 4.4 Phase 2A - Task Descriptions ADS-C Services. Confirm ADS-C services comply with Oceanic Safety and Performance Requirements specified within RTCA DO 306/EUROCAE ED-122 or equivalent. Lead Co-Lead CNSG SOG IMG ANSP CSP Deadline SOG/09 update (Dec 2013) Status/Comments On-going SUPPS 5.4.3 IMG/39 report, 4.42 P2A-5 Safety Aspects of DLM Implementation 5.1 Update, as necessary, Performance Metrics/Targets (e.g., Key Performance Indicators (KPI): reduction in number and duration of LHD events, etc.). 5.2 Open 1. Analyse and monitor the effect of Data link and enhanced automation on SARSIG Postsafety. Phase 2A IMG Imple2. Evaluate DLM Phase 1. SOG mentation 3. Continue assessment of DLM equipage on the NAT OTS and NAT Region. See Task 2A-7 (Readiness For 5 Feb 2015 Phase 2A Implementation). P2A-6 Continue Data Link System Performance Monitoring Reference SOG IMG June 2014 Safety KPIs: NAT SPG Conclusion 49/02. Under on-going review. DLMA USA CNSG On-going On-going ATMG IMG June 2014 Capability is there for Gander , Shanwick, (NAT SPG/50) Santa Maria and Reykjavik Complete NAT SPG Conclusion 49/02 NAT SPG Conclusion 49/18 NAT SPG Conclusion 46/3 P2A-7 Assess readiness for 5 Feb 2015 implementation 7.1 Review ANSP plans, policies and system readiness for Phase 2A. May 2014 page 6 of 8 NAT Data Link Mandate Implementation Plans (Task Lists) – as Endorsed by NAT IMG/44 Task No. Phase 2A - Task Descriptions Lead Co-Lead Deadline Status/Comments 7.2 NAT document update. Review status of NAT document update with ATMG June 2014 Complete related policy and procedures. SARSIG (NAT SPG/50) IMG 7.3 Operator/aircraft Issues. Review operator and aircraft fleet readiness issues for Phase 2A. ATMG IMG US June 2014 No issue identified by ATMG nor by (NAT SPG/50) SARSIG 7.4 NAT fleet status. Review status of NAT fleet in terms of FANS 1/A data system equipage and use CNSG IMG US June 2014 Status of equipage provided at CNSG (NAT SPG/50) 7.5 System performance metrics. Review NAT system performance against SARSIG June 2014 performance metrics and targets. IMG (NAT SPG/50) SOG 7.6 Report to NAT SPG/50. Report to NAT SPG on readiness to implement Phase 2A on 5 Feb 2015. ATMG IMG Reference NAT SPG Conclusion 49/18 NAT SPG Conclusion 49/18 June 2014 NAT ATMG/43 SoD, NAT SPG para 4.9 refers Conclusion 49/18 P2A-8 Task List for Phase 2B and 2 C. 8.1 Develop task list for implementation of Phase 2B on 7 Dec 2017. ATMG June 2016 SARSIG IMG SOG US 8.2 Develop- Task List for implementation of Phase 2C on 1 Jan 2020. ATMG June 2018 Open SARSIG See Task 8.1 IMG Point of Contact May 2014 Position Phone Open NAT SPG NAT IMG/43 Summary Conclusion 49/18 of Discussions para 7.15 refers (NAT ATMG/43 SoD, para 4.10 refers) Email page 7 of 8 NAT Data Link Mandate Implementation Plans (Task Lists) – as Endorsed by NAT IMG/44 Karen L. Chiodini USA/FAA NAT IMG Lead; +1 202-385-8931 Manager, ATO Oceanic & Offshore Operations [email protected] Steve Pinkerton USA/FAA NAT ATMG Lead; ATO Oceanic & Offshore Operations +1 202-385-8384 [email protected] Roy Grimes FAA Program Support CSSI, Inc. +1 202-863-3692 [email protected] Note: The NAT IMG/39 report (November 2011) endorses the plan for the USA to provide project management support for the work plan for — END — May 2014 page 8 of 8
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