Preliminary, Subject to Change Posted: 11.06.2014 The University of Chicago Booth School of Business 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus: Winter 2015 PRELIMINARY Instructor: Lil Mohan Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 (650) 861 1086 (mobile) Teaching Assistant: Jin Zhang Email: Office Hours: Course Web Page: Class Locations: [email protected] On Request Sec. 81: Fridays 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm, GC400, Gleacher Center Sec. 85: Saturdays 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm, GC400, Gleacher Center 1. Introduction: Today’s digital consumers’ behavior differs significantly from that of their predecessors. Armed with a powerful supercomputer called the Smart Phone, consumers today seek out as well as create more digital content and on-line relationships, tend to offer more opinions, help and advice, and overall, engage more, via the mobile internet. Marketers now need to understand this new digital medium, its underlying technologies, and how to capitalize on the new opportunities that this medium presents. Particularly they need to learn how to (i) create new products and services in this medium, and (ii) leverage the medium for marketing products to consumers. 2. Course Objective: This course, Digital Marketing & M-Commerce (DMM), presents a set of useful concepts, frameworks and strategies to help students to better understand this new digital medium that is built around digital technology, the internet and mobile devices. Specifically, it will help answer the following questions: i. How do I effectively create economic value in M-Commerce with digital products & services? ii. How do I leverage the digital medium to market products – both traditional and digital – to the digital and mobile consumer? iii. How do I most optimally combine digital (on-line & mobile) and traditional marketing techniques to reach and engage with our target consumers? © Lil Mohan Palo Alto, CA 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus Winter 2015 Page 1 of 12 Preliminary Draft: 20141105 Preliminary, Subject to Change Posted: 11.06.2014 3. Topics Covered: DMM primarily focuses on understanding: (a) the new digital product business models and their underlying technologies, (b) digital (primarily mobile) consumer behavior, (c) new ways of marketing to the digital (particularly the mobile) consumer - including search, social media, geo-local, & omni-channel, and (d) several key digital marketing metrics. Specifically, at the end of the course, students will be in a position to answer the following questions: i. What are the technologies and business models that underlie M-commerce businesses & services? How do I ascertain their impact and ROI? ii. How do digital consumers behave? What are all the various ways by which I (as a marketer) can now digitally engage with my mobile consumers - including apps, games, geo-local, social media and omni-channel? Also, how do I make my customers my best advocates? iii. What frameworks do I use to create effective digital marketing strategies? Which metrics are important? iv. What should be my overall marketing mix? How do I combine my on-line, mobile, and traditional off-line marketing programs seamlessly to achieve a multiplicative effect on my consumers? This course is intended as a first course in Digital Marketing and M-Commerce. We will cover a broad spectrum of DMM concepts, technologies and strategies. The emphasis is on understanding and developing conceptual models and frameworks. Due to the broad range of topics covered, the course does not get into nuts-and-bolts implementations of specific digital marketing campaigns and programs. Students who already have significant prior exposure to Digital Marketing and M-Commerce should consult with me before signing up for this class. There is a extensive amount of reading required for this course including book chapters, articles, cases, and lecture notes. Also, the students will need to complete several group assignments. Students must be willing to dive deep into the material and approach the subject material with analytical rigor. 4. Course Structure: As shown below, the structure of this course is mapped to the traditional ‘4Ps’ of Marketing. The course is divided into 3 parts. Part 1 deals with creating value from MCommerce products; Part 2 focuses on Marketing in the digital and mobile medium: and Part 3 addresses Local, Social and Omni-Channel Marketing. © Lil Mohan Palo Alto, CA 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus Winter 2015 Page 2 of 12 Preliminary Draft: 20141105 Preliminary, Subject to Change Posted: 11.06.2014 5. Session Format: This class is designed for an 11-week academic quarter made up of 10 3-hour lecture and discussion sessions plus one final in-class presentation session. Over the course of the quarter, we will spend roughly half our class time on discussing concepts, frameworks, and strategy. The rest of the class time will be focused around discussing and analyzing specific case studies that illustrate the relevant concepts. Student class participation is crucial for getting the most out of class sessions. Reading the set of pre-assigned reading material prior to each class is essential, as it serves as the foundation for the class discussions. It is important that you come to class prepared to discuss relevant concepts and defend your analysis of the assigned case. Aside from the class sessions, there are 5 (or 6) group assignments and 2 individual assignments. The last group assignment is a small project that each group is expected to present in class. These assignments provide an opportunity for you to put your learnings to practice, and test your understanding and use of several key digital marketing concepts, frameworks and metrics. 6. Course Requirements & Evaluation: Students of DMM will be evaluated on the following: Attendance and Class Participation: 15% Group Assignments (5 or 6): 55% Individual Assignments (2): 30% © Lil Mohan Palo Alto, CA 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus Winter 2015 Page 3 of 12 Preliminary Draft: 20141105 Preliminary, Subject to Change Posted: 11.06.2014 Attendance & Class Participation: I will track class attendance and meaningful class participation. You should view class participation both as an opportunity to ask questions to enhance your understanding as well as an opportunity to demonstrate your critical analysis of the material. Please make every effort to attend the first class session. Assignment groups are formed in Week #01, and all students planning to take this class this semester must be present. Group Assignments: Group assignments enable teams to demonstrate their understanding of the class concepts, as well as their ability to apply these concepts. The team size for each of the group assignments is likely to be 3-4 students per group. Grading of these group assignments may include peer evaluation, where at the end of the quarter, everyone is required to evaluate the relative performance of all team members on the group. If an individual was rated negatively by 2 or more team members, the final grade for the individual may be adjusted downward. Individual Assignments: There are two individual assignments, with a total weight of 30% of the grade. These individual assignments are opportunities for students to creatively apply their learning of Digital Marketing & M-Commerce to specific business case scenarios. The best way to ensure good performance in these assignment is by preparing for each of the classes by reading all the required readings, understanding the class notes, and by active participation in the class discussions. Assignment Due Dates (Preliminary): Below is the schedule for submission of the various class assignments. * To be considered for full credit, each of the assignments needs to be submitted to me (or my TA) via chalk, on the due date, before the class session begins. © Lil Mohan Palo Alto, CA 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus Winter 2015 Page 4 of 12 Preliminary Draft: 20141105 Preliminary, Subject to Change Posted: 11.06.2014 7. Readings and Reference Materials We will use a combination of a set of required reading, lecture notes, several case studies, and as and where appropriate, other related reference material. (i) Books: There are no required textbooks. (ii) Required Readings: Cases, Articles, Lecture Notes: Distributed via Chalk The list of required readings for each session is included with this syllabus. All materials should be read prior to the class for which the readings are listed. 8. Prerequisites: There are no required pre-requisites for this course. However, having taken Bus 37000 prior to this will be useful. Students who are not enrolled in one of the Booth programs must obtain my permission to enroll in this class. 9. Chicago Booth Honor Code: Students in this class are required to adhere to the standards of conduct in the Chicago Booth Honor Code and the Chicago Booth Standards of Scholarship. The Chicago Booth Honor Code also requires students to sign the following Honor Code pledge, “I pledge my honor that I have not violated the Honor Code during this assignment” on all graded assignments. © Lil Mohan Palo Alto, CA 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus Winter 2015 Page 5 of 12 Preliminary Draft: 20141105 Preliminary, Subject to Change Posted: 11.06.2014 For your assignments: Type this statement on the front of the paper and have each student list their name to indicate adherence to the honor code. Also, it is a violation of the honor code to sign one's name to a group assignment if that individual had no input, that is, if the assignment was completed entirely by other group members. 10. Class Schedule Summary & Detailed Lesson Plan: 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Course Sessions Summary: © Lil Mohan Palo Alto, CA 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus Winter 2015 Page 6 of 12 Preliminary Draft: 20141105 Preliminary, Subject to Change Posted: 11.06.2014 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Detailed Class Schedule & Lesson Plan: Week #01: (Jan 09-10, 2015) Week #02: (Jan 16-17, 2015) © Lil Mohan Palo Alto, CA 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus Winter 2015 Page 7 of 12 Preliminary Draft: 20141105 Preliminary, Subject to Change Posted: 11.06.2014 Week #03: (Jan 23-24, 2015) Week #04: (Jan 30-31, 2015) © Lil Mohan Palo Alto, CA 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus Winter 2015 Page 8 of 12 Preliminary Draft: 20141105 Preliminary, Subject to Change Posted: 11.06.2014 Week #05: (Feb 06-07, 2015) Week #06: (Feb 13-14, 2015) © Lil Mohan Palo Alto, CA 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus Winter 2015 Page 9 of 12 Preliminary Draft: 20141105 Preliminary, Subject to Change Posted: 11.06.2014 Week #07: (Feb 20-21, 2015) Week #08: (Feb 27-28, 2015) © Lil Mohan Palo Alto, CA 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus Winter 2015 Page 10 of 12 Preliminary Draft: 20141105 Preliminary, Subject to Change Posted: 11.06.2014 Week #09: (Mar 06-07, 2015) Week #10: (Mar 13-14, 2015) © Lil Mohan Palo Alto, CA 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus Winter 2015 Page 11 of 12 Preliminary Draft: 20141105 Preliminary, Subject to Change Posted: 11.06.2014 Week #11: (Mar 20-21, 2015) © Lil Mohan Palo Alto, CA 37301: Digital Marketing & M-Commerce Syllabus Winter 2015 Page 12 of 12 Preliminary Draft: 20141105
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