Sept 2014 THE ATR PRODUCT SUPPORT & SERVICES NEWSLETTER NEW AVIONICS SUITE “STANDARD 2”… A WORLD OF OPTIONS THRUST T THRUST Tod ’s vectored ve Today’s st step-down approach to ILS THRUST ent arrival (Idle Thrust) Continuous descent oach ach integrated with RNP approach GREEN RNP APPROACH BENEFITS “Standard 2” Certification on the -600 avionics ics suite is the result of 3 years of intensive work and improvement search, undertaken in the likely emergence of new operator and regulatory requirements. In a proactive move, ATR set up collaboration with Thales and conducted the development of adequate ICAO PBN solutions, covering operational requisites, regulatory mandates as well as future market expectations. DEFINITION: The PBN (Performance Based Navigation) concept is addressed in Doc. 9613 of the dedicated ICAO publi- cation entitled the Performance-Based Navigation Manual. The concept represents a shift from sensor-based to performancebased navigation. It specifies that aircraft RNP and RNAV systems performance requirements be defined in terms of the accuracy, integrity, availability, continuity and functionality which are needed for the proposed operations in the context of a particular airspace. Please refer to Doc 9613 for full details. 3 APPROACH OPTIONS AND 1 SURVEILLANCE OPTION UPON SELECTION FOR YOUR ATR OPERATIONS LPV (Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance) LPV is the highest accurate GNSS instrument approach currently available; this function allows approach to runways with minima equivalent to ILS Cat I (where an approved procedure exists). How does it work? The lateral and vertical aircraft guidance is performed using the GNSS/GPS together with SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System). The SBAS consists of several ground receivers which broad cast position correction(s) to the aircraft via satellite transmission. The satellites are in geostationary positions and cover their own given area: EGNOS (Europe), WAAS (US), MSAS (Japan), GAGAN (India) or SDCM (Russia). The SBAS significantly improves GNSS/GPS signal accuracy (laterally and vertically) and can therefore be used to sustain all SDCM MSAS EGNOS WAAS GAGAN flight stages, including critical ones such as the approach phase. Zones under SBAS coverage will progressively abandon the costly maintenance of ILS infrastructures which will increase the number of airports with published LPV procedures. TECHNICAL SOLUTION ON ATR-600s For any further information, please contact the commercial department you belong to. LPV Baro-VNAV PRE-REQUISITE: “Standard 2 basic” package and MPC (DMU & FDAU) upgrade. 2 SBAS GPS are required and also installation of new wiring to manage new alerts within FWS. PRE-REQUISITE: “Standard 2 basic” package, MPC (DMU & FDAU) upgrade and installation of a new control panel FGCP with a VNAV push-button. LNAV/VNAV (Vertical NAVigation coupled to autopilot, APV Baro-VNAV) It allows to fly RNAV approach with LNAV/VNAV minima. The Baro-VNAV is the preferred function in areas not allowing the LPV solution. For reasons of safety prevalence over all aspects, the ICAO recommends that vertical guidance be introduced worldwide on all instruments runways before the end of 2016. The lateral guidance is performed using the GNSS. RNP AR (Required Navigation Performance with Authorization Required) This new function is also proposed as an option on the ATR -600 series; it will be of great interest for airlines that operate in difficult terrain or congested airspace. The aircraft is able to follow a precise 3D curved flight path in final approach, which increases efficiency (optimum trajectory, fuel and time savings,...). Moreover, the protected areas of the trajectory are limited to 2xRNP (accuracy limit) without buffer, thus allowing the lowering of airport minima, thereby increasing airport accessibility. Current implementation allows RNP AR 0.3 Nm in approach with or without SBAS coverage. Here, vertical guidance has nothing to do with satellites: it is strictly based on barometric altitude. The Baro-VNAV approach function alleviates the crew’s workload, optimises flight plans (lateral guidance) and reduces CFIT (Controlled Flight Into Terrain). Current Ground Navaids RNAV RNP Waypoints Seamless Vertical Path Curved Paths Limited Design Flexibility Increased Airspace Efficiency Highly Optimized Use of Airspace ADS-B out V2 “DO260B” (Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast) Here again, improved safety is what governs functional goals. ADS-B out V2 “DO260B” makes possible the broadcast of aircraft data to other aircraft and to ATC centers, even where there is no ATM radar coverage available. Data such as latitude/ longitude (including accuracy and integrity data), baro Altitude, speed (horizontal and vertical), are visible to others. Air Traffic Control beneficiates of enhanced information to improve aircraft tracking and so traffic regulation. In the meantime infrastructural ground costs are reduced (10 times cheaper than with equivalent radar systems). Note that ADS-B out version 2 function is submitted to upcoming EASA and FAA mandates. GPS Ground Station Air Traffic Control RNP AR ADS-B out “DO260B” PRE-REQUISITE: “Standard 2 basic” package, “Baro-VNAV” package, MPC (DMU & FDAU) upgrade and T2CAS (ASDB, ACD) on-wing upgrade. Installation of two new wirings sets: one to improve segregation of sensors chanels and one to add new alerts within FWS. 2 SBAS GPS also required. PRE-REQUISITE: “Standard 2 basic” package, MPC (DMU & FDAU) upgrade and 2 SBAS GPS are required. The modification is mainly the installation of a new transponder (NXT600) in replacement of the current RCZ852 model. ATR Customer Services 1, allée Pierre Nadot 31712 Blagnac cedex - France Tel: +33 (0)5 62 21 62 07 Fax: +33 (0)5 62 21 63 67 P R O P E L L I N G T H E N E X T CO N N E C T I O N
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