See the Disclaimer Appendix A Unified Framework for CVA, DVA and FVA Applied to Credit Portfolios Youssef Elouerkhaoui Managing Director, Markets Quantitative Analysis [email protected] 19 March 2014 Citigroup Global Markets Limited Outline • Motivation: CVA, DVA and FVA Risk Mitigation for Credit • Master Funding Equation with CVA, FVA and FVO • Fundamental Invariance Principle for Funding and CVA • FVA vs FVO • CVA in the Enlarged Filtration • Credit Options Revisited: Impact of the Choice of Filtration • Wrong-Way Risk vs Gap Risk 2 Introduction There are a lot of discussions within the industry around best practices for marking, managing and mitigating counterparty risk charges and funding costs. The inclusion of FVA adjustements for unsecured derivatives has been heavily debated between practitioners and academics; and the marking methodology for DVA is still raising many questions. According to the E&Y 2012 CVA/FVA Survey, all banks record CVA and OCA (Own Credit Adjustment) on liabilities under FVO accounting; and most report DVA. (DVA reporting will be mandatory with the introduction of IFRS 13). The majority of dealers have moved to CSA discounting. But for uncollateralized derivatives, only a handful record an FVA. Funding is usually priced in at trade inception, but there is no adjustment 3 made to the FVA during the life of the trade for financial reporting purposes. Unsecured CVA will be less of a problem going forward as we move to mandatory clearing for derivatives, and cash-rich corporates are incentivized to reduce their CVA charges and earn CSA interest on cash reserves. For credit, even Secured CVA can still be sizeable because of the Gap risk induced by the enlarged filtrations. In that case, The Base PV will be funded by the CSA and discounted at the CSA rate. The CVA and DVA are funded via Treasury and will incur a funding charge (FVA). The main rationale for the inclusion of FVA in books and records reporting is based on the concept of exit price, i.e, the price that would be paid between market participants to novate a transaction. There is no consensus on how the FVA should be calculated. To mark the OCA, more banks are moving away from CDS curves to using either primary issuance data or target funding curves. The FVA Debate In a nutshell, the FVA debate is about whether we should include FVA in derivatives pricing or not. Academics, Hull and White (2012a), argue that we shouldn’t: • “It might be argued that the use of a risk-free discount rate indicates the valuation is only appropriate when the bank can fund the derivative at the riskfree rate. This is not true. The risk-free rate is used for discounting because this is required by the risk-neutral valuation principle. Risk-neutral valuation is an artificial – but fantastically useful – tool that gives the correct economic valuation for a derivative, taking into account all its market risks. • Another argument against FVA is a well-established principle in corporate finance theory that pricing should be kept separate from funding. The discount rate used to value a project should depend on the risk of the project rather than the riskiness of the firm that undertakes it. • FVA is closely related to debit value adjustment (DVA), but it is important to avoid confusing the two different types of DVA. One is the DVA arising because a dealer may default on its derivatives portfolio (we will refer to this as DVA1). The other (DVA2) is the DVA arising because a dealer may default on its other liabilities – long-term debt, short-term debt, and so on.” 4 Pro-FVA Traders on the other hand reject the“academic” arguments and state that FVA is a market reality that drives the profitability of the business. The response from Laughton and Vaisbrot (2012): • “They use the Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) theory to argue derivatives should be valued on a risk-neutral basis, independent of the cost to the trader of funding the position, but the theory rests on the ability of market participants to fully hedge all risk factors. In reality, they are not able to do so because markets are incomplete. As a result, risk preference is reintroduced into valuations, and the law of one price no longer holds. • In practice, a bank borrows at the rate it can – usually unsecured. The bank may try to convince counterparts that its borrowing costs should go down as Hull and White argue. But most of its debt will already have been issued at a fixed rate, which is unlikely to be renegotiated, even assuming the creditors believe the incremental debt is actually risk-free. And it doesn’t matter to the trader at which rate the bank should be able to borrow, only the rate at which it can. • models need to be amended to be useful to traders. They should remove the assumption of the ability to borrow at the risk-free rate to finance an apparently risk-free basket, and instead assume that: a) the cost of borrowing for an institution is exogenous and unaffected by a single trade; b) market-makers give no value to their expected profit or loss upon their own default.” 5 The FVA Debate Continues Hull and White (2012b) maintain in their follow-up article: • “the Merton argument is not the only justification of BSM – economic arguments, such as Fisher Black and Myron Scholes’ original contention based on the capital asset pricing model, give the same result and do not assume any risk-free borrowers. All they require is that, in equilibrium, a risk-free portfolio should earn the risk-free rate. We may not know exactly what that rate is, but the concept is clear and there are excellent proxies for it. • The key question in this debate appears to be whether the debit valuation adjustment (DVA) that accounts for the dealer’s own default is a real benefit or an accounting quirk. DVA2 arises from the possibility that the bank may default on its borrowings, and seems to be more controversial. Accountants signalled acceptance of DVA2 in the US Financial Accounting Standards Board’s directive 159 in 2007. • In the end, the reporting of DVA2 is just a move to market accounting. For those who believe DVA2 is an unreal accounting abstraction that carries this too far, FVA makes sense: it is equal but opposite to DVA2, so can be regarded as a way of removing it from pricing. But we believe the DVA2 benefits are real and should accrue to the funding desk. This means FVA should not be included in prices.” 6 CVA and FVA Literature Some of the key papers that tackled CVA and FVA consistently, include: • D. Brigo, A. Pallavicini, D. Perini (2011): “Funding Valuation Adjustment: A Consistent Framework Including CVA, DVA, Collateral, Netting Rules and Re-hypothecation”. • D. Brigo, A. Pallavicini, D. Perini (2012), “Funding, Collateral and Hedging: Uncovering the Mechanics and the Subtleties of Funding Valuation Adjustemnts”. • C. Burgard, M. Kjaer (2010): “PDE Representations of Options with Bilateral Counterparty Risk and Funding Costs”. • C. Burgard, M. Kjaer (2012), “A Generalised CVA with Funding and Collateral via Semi-Replication”. • S. Crepey (2011): “A BSDE Approach to Counterpary Risk Under Funding Constraints”. • S. Crepey (2012), “Counterparty Risk and Funding: The Four Wings of the TVA”. 7 Our Approach: Key Principles There is no need for a new arbitrage-free pricing theory. Use the same theory, with the same risk-neutral measure and the same money-market account (risk-free) numeraire. The only difference is that we price a more complex payoff which includes all the default contingent legs and all funding legs. There is no need to make any ad-hoc or a-priori assumptions on what the final result should be. The fundamental result is that by pricing all the funding legs, since we are by construction funding flat (or funding neutral), the (risk-free) money-market accruals drops off and the dependence on the theoretical risk-free rate vanishes. See Crepey (2012a) for an attempt to re-build the arbitrage-free pricing theory from first principles. 8 Our Approach: Hedging Portfolio There is no need to include the hedging instruments and the hedge portfolio. The hedging instruments just define which risk-neutral probability measure should be used. This defines the drift of the diffusions, and in the case of credit, defines the intensity processes to be used. If we hedge with bonds, we use the bond measure, and hence the intensity would be the one infered by bond pricing which accounts for the bond-CDS basis. If we hedge with CDS, then the intensity would be derived by calibrating on the CDS prices. See Brigo et al. (2012) where they include the hedge portfolio then simplify the equations and remove the dependence on the hedge by choosing the appropriate ”hedge” risk measure. See Burgard and Kjaer (2012) where all the intensities that they use are bond-implied intensities since they use bonds to hedge the default risk and neutralize the JTD of the hedged portfolio. 9 Bank Funding Structure Source: Citi. Bank funding structure for a derivative contract. 10 In this Presentation • We shall: – Derive a Master Funding Equation with CVA, FVA and FVO – Develop a new technique based on the Fundamental Invariance Principle for Funding and CVA – Use the Invariance Principle to solve the Master equation for the Desk CVA and Treasury FVO – Derive the relationship between FVA and FVO and show that FVA doesn’t disappear – Apply to Credit CVA and link Gap risk and CDS Option Skews through Filtration enlargement techniques. Analyze the relationship between Gap risk and Wrong-Way risk for CDSs. 11 Set-up We work on a probability space (Ω, G, P), where we have a set of default times (τ1, ..., τn), representing the defaults of a reference portfolio on n obigors (i.e., the names in the netting set). The other names in our credit universe are represented as τn+1, ..., τn+m . We denote by τc, the default time of the counterparty, and we denote by τb, the default time of the bank. Their recovery rates are R1, .., Rn+m , Rc and Rb respectively. And their default indicators are denoted by Dti = 1{τi≤t}, Dtc = 1{τc≤t}, Dtb = 1{τb≤t} respectively. The enlarged filtration {Gt} that we work with contains both the n+m n i ∨ Hb ∨ Hc and the i ∨ H defaults filtration {Ht} = H t t i=1 t i=n+1 t background filtration {Ft}. 12 Arbitrage-Free Pricing Theory We define a generic derivative contract by its cumulative dividend process Ct. In general, the dividend process is considered to be of the form Ct = At − Bt, where A and B are bounded increasing adapted right-continuous left-limit (cadlag) processes. Risk-Neutral Pricing. The value of the derivative security C without default risk and funding is given by: (r) V t = Et T t (r) pt,s dCs , (r) where pt,s is the risk-free discount factor with maturity s, at time t, (r) pt,s exp (− ts rudu). Note. The risk-free rate rt is the (theoretical) money-market account that we use in the classic arbitrage-free pricing theory. 13 Market Discount Factor Rates We will also have two (market) discount factors: (r c ) • pt,s exp (− ts ruc du), where rtc is the CSA rate paid or received on the collateral. rF • pt,s exp − ts ruF du , where rtF is the (unsecured) funding rate we get from treasury. Example. For a Standard CDS contract, with payment schedule (T0 = 0, T1, ...TN ), δi is the accrual fraction between Ti and Ti−1, and S is the running spread. The dividend process is given by Cs = Dsk − Ti 1{Ti≤s}Sδi 1 − DTki . 14 Close-Out Value Bilateral CVA. We consider the bank’s own default probability and the possibility of the bank defaulting before the counterparty. The loss incurred when the counterparty defaults after the bank is referred to as Asset CVA. The benefit gained when the bank defaults before the counterparty is called Liability CVA. Let τf denote the first-to-default time of the counterparty and the bank τf = min (τb, τc). Assumption. We assume that we do not have simultaneous joint defaults. Close-Out Value. Upon termination of the contract, the Close-Out Value will be denoted by χ(τc). In general, the close-out value of the contract is considered to be the value of the contract without counterparty risk at the time of default χ(τc) = Vτc . 15 Close Out Amount. The ISDA Market Review of OTC Derivative Bilateral Collateralization Practices (2010) summarizes: “Upon default close-out, valuations will in many circumstances reflect the replacement cost of transactions calculated at the terminating party’s bid or offer side of the market, and will often take into account the credit-worthiness of the terminating party. However, it should be noted that exposure is calculated at mid-market levels so as not to penalize one party or the other.” ISDA Documentation (2009) The relevant sections in the ISDA Close-out Amount Protocol (2009) are highlighted: “Close-out Amount” means, with respect to each Terminated Transaction and a Determining Party, the amount of the losses or costs of the Determining Party... in replacing, or in providing for the Determining Party the economic equivalent of,... When considering information described in clause (i), (ii) or (iii), the Determining Party may include costs of funding, to the extent costs of funding are not and would not be a component of the other information being utilised... the Determining Party may in addition consider in calculating a Close-out Amount any loss or cost incurred in connection with its terminating, liquidating or re-establishing any hedge related to a Terminated Transaction ... for the purpose of determining a Close-out Amount, the Determining Party will: if obtaining quotations from one or more third parties, ask each third party (A) not to take account of the current creditworthiness of the Determining Party or any existing Credit Support Document and (B) to provide mid-market quotations” 16 ISDA Documentation (2002) The relevant sections in the ISDA 2002 Master Agreement are highlighted: “the Calculation Agent will determine the Cash Settlement Amount on the basis of quotations (either firm or indicative) for a replacement transaction supplied by Cash Settlement Reference Banks (but the Calculation Agent may not take into account any loss or cost incurred by a party in connection with its terminating, liquidating or re-establishing any hedge related to the Relevant Swap Transaction (or any gain resulting from any of them)).” 17 Collateral and Funding We denote by Mt the value of the margin (or collateral) posted at time t: • Mt ≥ 0 means that we are receiving margin, • Mt ≤ 0 means that we are posting margin. We denote by Ft the value of the funding from treasury at time t: • Ft ≥ 0 means that we are receiving funding, i.e., borrowing from treasury and paying interest (this corresponds to Vt ≥ 0 where we pay the premium), • Ft ≤ 0 means that we are providing funding, i.e., lending to treasury and receiving interest (this corresponds to Vt ≤ 0 where we receive the premium). 18 FVA, DVA and FVO We derive a general formula that combines the effect of (internal) treasury funding, (exogenous) CSA funding, and counterparty default risk. The formula is generic and does not depend on the type of CSA that we have in place or the details of the margining agreement. Funding Equation. We start with the default-free case where we consider all the cash-flows of the transaction including the CSA and the Funding swap. This is the case considered in Piterbarg (2010) in a Black-Scholes PDE framework, which is limited to diffusions and Brownian motion filtrations. We do this in a general (probabilistic) set-up that includes jumps and larger filtrations needed for credit products. We include both the CSA Funding and Treasury Funding. 19 Collateral and Funding Accounts CSA Funding. When we are funded via the CSA agreement we should include the interest paid or received on the collateral account, which will change the value of the contract without default risk and will have an impact on the CVA/DVA formulas. The value of the collateral account between the valuation date t and the maturity T , is given by the sum of the variation margins and the interest paid on the account: AC t = Mt + Et T t (r) pt,s dαC s , where we have c dαC t = dMt − rt Mt dt, MT = 0, at trade maturity. By integration by parts, we have Mt + T t T T (r) (r) (r) (r) pt,s dMs = pt,T MT − rsMspt,s ds. Msdpt,s = t t 20 Hence AC t = Et T t (r) (rs − rsc) Mspt,s ds . Treasury Funding. When we are funded via Treasury we need to account for the interest charge or benefit on the (cash) funding account. Using a similar reasonning for the funding account, we have F dαF t = dFt − rt Ft dt, FT = 0, at trade maturity. Ft = Vt − Mt, for all t < T . which leads to: AF t = Et T t (r) rs − rsF Fspt,s ds . The Funding Equation We need to value the package which contains the derivative contract, the CSA agreement and the Funding (swap) with Treasury. Proposition 1 (The Funding Equation). The value of the defaultfree trade with funding from the CSA and Treasury will be: V t = Et T t (r) pt,s dCs + T t (r) pt,s · (rs − rsc) Msds + T t (r) pt,s · rs − rsF Fsds , where the funding account is given by Ft = Vt − Mt. 21 Equivalent Representations The funding equation can also be re-written in other useful forms: • either using CSA discounting: T V t = Et t (r c ) pt,s dCs + T t (r c ) pt,s · rsc − rsF Fsds , • or using (unsecured) funding discounting: V t = Et T t rF pt,s dCs + T t rF pt,s · rsF − rsc Msds . Both representations have been used in Piterbarg (2010). 22 The Invariance Principle for Funding Funding equation invariance principle states that we can discount the cash-flows of the trade (inclusive of CSA and Treasury funding) with any rate that we choose. Proposition 2 (Funding Invariance Principle). Let rt∗ t≥0 be any (positive) interest rate process, then the funding equation can be re-written equivalently using the discounting with rt∗ -process, i.e., the value of the (default-free) trade with CSA and Treasury funding is: V t = Et T t (r ∗ ) pt,s dCs + T t (r ∗ ) pt,s · rs∗ − rsc Msds + T t (r ∗ ) pt,s · rs∗ − rsF where the funding account is given by Ft = Vt − Mt. Proof. Define the net cash-flow stream (of the three contracts) (r) d Cs dCs + (rs − rsc) Msds + rs − rsF Fsds. 23 Fsds , Then, we can write the Funding equation as T V t = Et t (r) (r) pt,s dCs . (r) Define the process At : (r) p0,t Vt + (r) At t (r) (r) p0,s dCs . 0 (r) Using the Funding equation, we can show that At (r) (r) At = p0,t Vt + (r) = p0,t Et = Et T 0 t t (r) (r) p0,s dCs 0 T (r) (r) pt,s dCs + (r) (r) p0,s dCs is a martingale: t (r) (r) p0,s dCs 0 (r) = Et A T . On the other hand, differentiating we get the following SDE: (r) dAt (r) (r) = p0,t −rtVtdt + dVt + dCt . (r ∗ ) Similarly, if we introduce the process At , we have (r ∗) (r ∗ ) (r ∗ ) ∗ dAt = p0,t −rt Vtdt + dVt + dCt . Observing that (r ∗ ) d Ct = dCs + rt∗ − rtc Mtdt + rt∗ − rtF Ftdt (r) = dCt + rt∗ − rt Mtdt + rt∗ − rt Ftdt, we obtain, for all t < T , (r ∗ ) (r ∗ ) (r ∗ ) ∗ dAt = p0,t −rt Vtdt + dVt + dCt (r ∗ ) (r) = p0,t −rtVtdt + rt − rt∗ Vt + dVt + dCt + rt∗ − rt (Mt + Ft) dt (r ∗ ) = p0,t (r) (r ∗ ) rt − rt∗ [Vt − (Mt + Ft)] dt − rtVtdt + dVt + dCt = p0,t rt − rt∗ Vt − Mt − Ft dt + = (r ∗ ) p0,t (r) dAt . (r) p0,t =0 (r) dAt (r) p0,t (r ∗ ) Hence, the process At is also a martingale, which gives the result (recall that VT is the post-dividend price): (r ∗ ) (r ∗ ) At = Et A T = Et T 0 (r ∗ ) (r ∗) p0,s dCs . Note. In a deterministic setting, we can get the intuition behind the martingale based proof by solving the deterministic differential equation instead. Corollary. Setting rt∗ = rtc or rt∗ = rtF gives the equivalent funding equations with CSA discounting or (unsecured) funding discounting. The Master Equation with Funding and CVA Now, we add default risk to the equation and we include all the cashflows from the trade, CSA funding, Treasury funding, and the default terms. Proposition 3 (The Master Equation). The value of the risky trade will cover all the cashflows from the trade, the financing from the CSA and Treasury, and recovery payments at the time of default: V t = Et +Et T t 1{τ T t (r) f >s} pt,s dCs (r) 1{τ >s}pt,s · (rs − rsc) Msds + f (r) T t 1{τ (r) F F ds p · r − r s s s f >s} t,s (r) (r) +Et 1{τ ≤T }pt,τ Mτf + 1{τ ≤T }pt,τ FτRf − Fτ − + 1{τ ≤T }pt,τ VτR , f f f f f f f f where the funding account is given by Ft = Vt − Mt, for all t < τf . 24 • The recovery payoff (of the swap) will be after netting with the margin from the collateral account = VτR f + 1{τ f =τc } +1{τ =τ } f b Rc V τ f − M τ − f + V τf − Mτ − f + V τf − Mτ − f − + Rb V τ f − M τ − f − , where we use the notations x+ = max (x, 0) and x− = min (x, 0). • The recovery payoff of the funding swap from treasury (if reallocated back to the desk) FτRf = F −− + F +− 1{τ =τc} + RbF F +− 1{τ =τ }. f f b τ τ τ f f f Note. The contract Vt pays the cashflows dCs; the CSA agreement pays financing and exchanges the margin Mτf at the time of default; the treasury funding pays financing and exchanges the funding account balance Fτf at the time of default. If the DVA of the Treasury funding position is re-allocated back to the desk, the benefit from the funding leg loss is F,b ξ τ = FτRf − Fτ − = 1 − RbF F +− 1{τ =τ }. ( f) f b τf f The recovery leg on the funding swap is the DVA of the funding leg. It is accounted for in the FVO for Debt CVA. This is referred to in Hull and White (2012) as DVA2. The DVA of the funding leg should be on the aggregate positions across all netting sets and all counterparties: Ft = FτRf Vtk − Mtk . Ftk = k = F −− + τf k k F +− 1{τ =τ } + RbF F +− 1{τ =τ }. f k f b τ τ f f Collateral and Funding Accounts with Default Discrete Set-up. On a discrete time grid {ti}, the change in the funding account (or the value of each funding position) is given by (r) (r) F ∆t F F = p F 1 − 1 + r − A AF ti−1 pt,ti 1{τf >ti } t i ti−1 ti−1 ti i−1 t,ti−1 {τf >ti−1 } (r) −pt,τ FτRf 1{t <τ ≤t }. f i−1 i f Summing up all the individual funding positions, we get AF tN (r) n n (r) (r) pt,ti−1 F = − rti−1 Fti−1 ∆tipt,ti 1{τ >t } + Fti−1 pt,ti 1{τ >t } − 1 (r) i i f f pt,ti i=1 i=1 (r) n pt,ti−1 (r) R − pt,τ 1{t <τ ≤t }. Fτf − Fti−1 f (r) i−1 i f pt,τ i=1 f 25 Similarly, we have for the collateral account AC tN (r) n n (r) (r) pt,ti−1 c = − rti−1 Mti−1 ∆tipt,ti 1{τ >t } + Mti−1 pt,ti 1{τ >t } − 1 (r) i i f f pt,ti i=1 i=1 (r) n pt,ti−1 (r) − pt,τ 1{t <τ ≤t }. Mτf − Mti−1 f (r) i−1 i f pt,τ i=1 f The Invariance Principle for Funding and CVA The invariance principle holds as well for the master equation with CSA funding, Treasury funding and CVA. Proposition 4 (Funding Invariance Principle). Let rt∗ t≥0 be any (positive) interest rate process, then the master funding equation with CVA can be re-written equivalently using the discounting with the rt∗ -process, i.e., the value of the risky trade with CSA and Treasury funding is: V t = Et +Et T t (r ∗ ) 1{τ >s}pt,s dCs f T t (r ∗ ) 1{τ >s}pt,s · rs∗ − rsc Msds + f (r ∗ ) (r ∗ ) +Et 1{τ ≤T }pt,τ Mτf + 1{τ ≤T }pt,τ f f f f T t (r ∗ ) 1{τ >s}pt,s · rs∗ − rsF f FτRf − Fτ − f Fsds (r ∗ ) R + 1{τ ≤T }pt,τ Vτf , f f where the funding account is given by Ft = Vt − Mt, for all t < τf . 26 Proof. Define the net payoff at default (of the three contracts) , Mτf + FτRf − Fτ − + VτR f Θτ f f and the net cash-flow stream (of the three contracts) (r) dCs + (rs − rsc) Msds + rs − rsF Fsds. d Cs Then, we have V t = Et T t T (r) (r) 1{τ >s}pt,s d Cs + Et f t (τ ) (r) pt,s ΘsdDs f (r) Define the process At : t t (r) (τ ) p0,s ΘsdDs f ds 0 0 (r) Using the Master funding equation, we can show that At is a (r) At (r) p0,t Vt + (r) (r) 1{τ >s}p0,s d Cs + f martingale: (r) A t = Et T 0 (r) (r) 1{τ >s}p0,s d Cs + f T 0 (τ ) (r) p0,s ΘsdDs f . (r ∗ ) Similarly, we have for the process At : (τ ) (r ∗) (r ∗ ) (r ∗) (r ∗ ) (r ∗ ) (r ∗ ) ∗ + p0,t ΘtdDt f , = −rt p0,t Vt + p0,t dVt + 1{τ >t}p0,t dCt dAt f (r ∗ ) (r) where we substitute dCt with dCt , and we obtain, for all t < τf , (r) d A (r ∗ ) (r ∗ ) t dAt = p0,t rt − rt∗ 1{τ >t} Vt − Mt − Ft dt + (r) f p0,t =0 (r ∗) p0,t (r) = dAt . (r) p0,t (r ∗ ) Hence, the process At is also a martingale, which gives the result. The Bank’s Balance Sheet We need to separate the bank’s balance sheet into the Desk balance sheet and Treasury’s balance sheet, and allocate each term in the (bank) total economic value to the appropriate cost centre. Bank Balance sheet = Desk Balance sheet + Treasury Balance sheet. The full economic value of the derivative and the funding position can be written as: T reasury Vt = VtDesk + Vt . 27 The Desk Balance Sheet On the desk balance sheet, we only consider the funding ticket from Treasury. The external DVA of the funding leg would show up on Treasury balance sheet in the FVO accounting of the issued debt. VtDesk = Et T t 1{τ T +Et t T +Et t (r) (r) (r) R p dC + E 1 p M + 1 p V s τ t f {τf ≤T } t,τf {τf ≤T } t,τf τf f >s} t,s (r) c 1{τ >s}pt,s · (rs − rs) Msds f CSA Funding F 1{τ >s}p(r) · r − r s s t,s f Treasury Funding Fsds Ft = VtDesk − Mt. Treasury funds the base PV (or the unsecured portion of the base PV), the CVA P&L and the DVA P&L. 28 The Treasury Balance Sheet On the Treasury balance sheet, we will have: the back-to-back funding ticket with the desk, the external (market) funding, and the FVO Debt CVA from the issued debt. Treasury’s funding position with FVO DVA is T reasury Vt T = −Et t +Et (r) · rs − rsF 1{τ >s}pt,s f Internal Funding Ticket T t 1{τ (r) Fsds (r) F F ds + 1 R−F · r − r F p p s s s τf {τf ≤T } t,τf τ− f >s} t,s f External Debt Issuance 29 . CVA with Funding and Margining • To solve the CVA equation with Funding, we proceed in two steps: – First, we solve the pricing equation with CSA and Treasury funding without default-risk, i.e., we find the funded PV of the contract, – Second, we plug the funded PV into the CVA equation to derive the additional CVA terms. • We can separate the CVA and funding problem because: – The value of the collateral account Mt used for margining and the value of the swap recovery term VτR are a function of the f (funded) default-free PV. – The Funding rates rtF that we pay and receive from treasury are symmetric. 30 Note. Brigo et al. (2012) and Burgard and Kjaer (2012) consider asymmetric funding rates, which introduce an implicit dependence of the (base) PV funding charge on Vt, and the CVA funding charge on Vt. This level of generality is not necessary given the way banks raise long-term funding. Banks need to pre-fund their balance sheets. They lock-in their funding rates and warehouse the cash needed to finance the balance sheet. For a given balance-sheet size and maturity profile, cash is raised in the debt markets at a fixed cost determined at the time of the debt issuance. The trading desks will be allocated a portion of that balance sheet to use for their trading needs. By netting assets and liabilities, for each trading desk, we obtain the net balance sheet usage that then gets charged at the locked-in issuance level. The only case where asymmetric funding rates may make sense is for short-term (rolling) funding rates. Solving the CVA Funding Equation Using our funding invariance principle for both base PV and CVA, we can simplify the equations by discounting with rtF , and dropping the funding adjustment terms: 1. Funded (base) PV: V t = Et T t rF pt,s dCs + T t rF pt,s · rsF − rsc Msds , 2. Funded (margined) CVA: V t = Et T t rF 1{τ >s}pt,s dCs + f T t rF 1{τ >s}pt,s · rsF − rsc Msds f rF rF . +Et 1{τ ≤T }pt,τ Mτf + 1{τ ≤T }pt,τ VτR f f f f f Note. This works in the most general case. But to proceed further, we use the fact that the funding rates (although they can be stochastic) do not depend on the PV of trade. 31 Funded Margined CVA Proposition 5 (Funded (margined) CVA) The value of the trade with default risk, margining, CSA funding and (unsecured) Treasury funding, is given by VtDesk = Vt − CV At − DV At, + rF , CV At = Et 1{τ ≤T }1{τ =τc}pt,τ (1 − Rc) Vτf − Mτf f f f − rF , DV At = Et 1{τ ≤T }1{τ =τ }pt,τ (1 − Rb) Vτf − Mτf f f f b where the Default-Free Funded PV of the trade Vt is the solution of the funding equation V t = Et T t rF pt,s dCs + T t rF pt,s · rsF − rsc Msds . 32 r F −r c rF the default-free PV with and Vt Proof. We denote by Vt no CSA funding and the PV of the CSA funding cash-flow stream respectively Vt Vt rF r F −r c Et Et T rF pt,s dCs , T rF pt,s · rsF − rsc Msds . t t The value of the funded default-free PV will be the sum of the two terms: Vt = Vt rF + Vt r F −r c . By introducing the survival indicator, we can re-write each one of the extinguishing terms as a function of the equivalent risk-free term: T Et T Et t t rF 1{τ >s}pt,s dCs f rF 1{τ >s}pt,s · rsF − rsc Msds f = Vt = Vt rF rF rF − Et pt,τ Vτf f r F −r c 1{τ f ≤T } r F −r c rF − Et pt,τ Vτf f 1{τ , f ≤T } . Summing up the two extinguishing terms, we get T Et t rF 1{τ >s}pt,s dCs + Et f T t rF 1{τ >s}pt,s · rsF − rsc Msds f rF = Vt − Et pt,τ Vτf 1{τ ≤T } f f Plugging into the expression of the risky PV with CSA funding gives the CVA and DVA formulas. Note. To compute the default-free PV, for a fully collateralized trade, we need to discount the cash-flows with the CSA rate, to compute the CVA value we need to discount the CVA payoff with the unsecured funding rate. The trade P&L is funded via the CSA, but the CVA P&L is not and should therefore be discounted at the unsecured rate. Close-Out with Funding Using the Close-out amount based on the 2009 ISDA documentation, the CVA and DVA formulas should be based on Vτbf and Vτcf , respectively, i.e., the funded PV using either the bank’s F,b F,c cost of funding rs , or the counterparty’s cost of funding rs . With asymmetric Close-out, we get + r F,b , CV At = Et 1{τ ≤T }1{τ =τc}pt,τ (1 − Rc) Vτbf − Mτf f f f − r F,b DV At = Et 1{τ ≤T }1{τ =τ }pt,τ (1 − Rb) Vτcf − Mτf f f f b r F,b +Et 1{τ ≤T }1{τ =τ }pt,τ f f f b Vτbf − Vτcf , where the funded PVs are given by the solution of the funding 33 equations for each counterparty with its own funding costs Vtb = Et Vtc = Et T t T t r F,b pt,s dCs + r F,c pt,s dCs + T r F,b · rsF,b − rsc Msds , pt,s T r F,c · rsF,c − rsc Msds . pt,s t t Note. This will be more relevant for dealers and financial institutions than for corporate end-users. FVO Debt CVA Typically, FVO Debt CVA is computed for the Bank’s Structured Debt and its Primary Debt Issuance, but Funding is charged on an Accrual Accounting basis. Gross DVA is defined as the PV of the bond cashflows with today’s credit spreads (including liquidity basis, i.e., Bond-CDS basis). The Net DVA is the difference between the Gross DVA at today’s spreads and the Gross DVA at issuance spreads. FVO is based on the Net DVA. For bonds (debt issuance), we use a Recovery of Par assumption. This is also consistent with the recovery assumption used for CDSs. Other recovery assumptions are also possible: e.g., Recovery of Treasury or Recovery of Market Value. 34 Debt Issuance Spreads We use the following notations for short rates and forward rates: (r) pt,s = exp − (b) Qt,s = exp − s t t s s ft,udu = Et exp − λbt,udu t = Et exp − s t rudu , λbudu . We issue debt with maturity T ≥ 0, at par, with a coupon rtF0,t . We have at the time of debt issuance t0 t0 ≤t≤T T T (r) (b) (r) (b) (r) (b) F F 1= pt0,sQt0,s · rt0,sds + pt ,T Qt ,T + Rb pt0,sQt0,s · λbt0,sds. 0 0 t0 t0 Integrating by parts, we get: T 1= t0 (r) (b) (r) (b) pt0,sQt0,s · ft0,s + λbt0,s ds + pt ,T Qt ,T , 0 0 which gives 0= T t0 (r) (b) pt0,sQt0,s · rtF0,s − ft0,s − 1 − RbF λbt0,s ds. 35 Hence, the par (break-even) issuance rate is given by rtF0,s = ft0,s + 1 − RbF λbt0,s. Gross DVA The Gross DVA is the bond value with today’s spreads: T T (r) (b) (r) (b) (r) (b) F F pt,s Qt,s · rt0,sds + pt,T Qt,T + Rb Bt = pt,s Qt,s · λbt,sds t t T (r) (b) pt,s Qt,s · rtF0,s − ft,s − 1 − RbF λbt,s ds = 1+ t T (r) (b) pt,s Qt,s · ft0,s − ft,s + 1 − RbF λbt0,s − λbt,s ds. = 1+ t It can also be re-written as a function of the new (break-even) funding rate: Bt = 1 + T t (r) (b) F ds, pt,s Qt,s · rtF0,s − rt,s F = f − 1 − R F λb . rt,s t,s t,s b 36 Net DVA Similarly, we have today’s bond value with the issuance spreads T T (r) (b) (r) (b) (r) (b) F F pt,s Qt0,s · rt0,sds + pt,T Qt ,T + Rb pt,s Qt0,s · λbt0,sds 0 t t T (r) (b) pt,s Qt0,s · rtF0,s − ft,s − 1 − RbF λbt0,s ds = 1+ t T (r) (b) pt,s Qt0,s · ft0,s − ft,s ds. = 1+ t Bt∗ = Thus, the FVO Debt CVA is given by F V Ot = Bt − Bt∗ = T t T (r) (b) (r) (b) F F pt,s Qt,s · rt0,s − rt,s ds − pt,s Qt0,s · ft0,s − ft,s ds. t 37 FVA vs FVO The funding leg (for a unit notional) of my balance sheet is F V At = = T t T t = − (b) (r) Qt,s pt,s · ft,s − rtF0,s ds (b) (r) F ds + Qt,s pt,s · ft,s − rt,s T t T t (b) (r) Qt,s pt,s · sF t,s ds − F V Ot + (b) (r) F − rF Qt,s pt,s · rt,s t0,s ds T t (r) (b) pt,s Qt0,s · ft0,s − ft,s ds. FVO Debt CVA does not exclude the credit risk from the valuation, it merely marks the bond to market. If we issue the bond at par, traditional accounting pre-FAS 157, will keep the bond on the balance sheet marked at Par. With the FVO adjustement, it marks the bond back to market. The change in the bond price is not solely due to credit spreads, it can also move because of interest rates and liquidity spread changes. 38 FVO Bond Maths Using traditional bond maths and a continuous (implied) yield to convert the bond cash flows to price, we can write 1 = T (y) (y) pt0,s rtF0,s ds + pt ,T , where 0 t0 (y) pt0,s = exp − s t0 yt0,udu . We also have by integration 1= T (y) (y) pt0,syt0,sds + pt ,T , 0 t0 hence, the yield will be equal to the break-even (par) issuance rate yt0,s = rtF0,s. If the new bond price is Bt, then the new implied yield will be Bt = T t (y) pt,s (y) rtF0,s ds + pt,T , 39 and the FVO adjustment is F V Ot = T t (y) (y) pt,s rtF0,s ds + pt,T − T t (y) (y) pt0,s rtF0,s ds + pt ,T 0 = Bt − Bt∗ = Bt − 1. If we are marking an FVO adjustment, we need to change the funding rate from the lock-in funding rate to the current funding rate, and charge the desk accordingly. In essence, this is equivalent to buying back the issued date and locking-in the gain or the loss, then re-issuing the same outstanding debt notional at the new prevailing issue levels. The new levels can move because of: a) base interest rates, b) credit spreads, or c) liquidity basis. The current methodology for computing FVO includes all three changes in the bond credit spreads. But Treasury also hedges the interest rate risk on the issued debt, which would offset the change in the bond price due to interest rates. The choice of interest rate curve to use is arbitrary, it could be driven by the intrest rate hedges. If we hedge with swaps, then it’s Libor. If we hedge with Treasuries, then it’s treasury rates. Another alternative is to use Asset Swaps instead. The asset swap would be collateralised, hence discounted at the CSA rate, but the cashflows would be Libor + spread, in exchange for the bond cashflows. CVA with Gap Risk and Funding In this section, we focus on pricing the unilateral margined CVA with Gap risk and Funding. We consider a netting set with one CDS position to highlight some of key features relevant for credit. A large netting set of CDSs can be compressed into a CDO with a large number of names, and a similar approach can then be applied to price the CVA on the CDO. The margined CVA is given by rF CV A0 = (1 − Rc) E p0,τc (Vτc − Mτc )+ 1{τc≤T } , where Vt is the default-free value of the trade with funding. If we have a fully collateralized trade, the cash-flows will be discounted at the CSA funding rate V t = Et T t (r c ) pt,s dCs , 40 and the margin will be equal to the value of the derivative prior to default Mτc = Vτc−∆, where ∆ is the time lag between time t and the last margin date before time t. The CVA will be given by the value of the jump in MTM at the time of default rF CV A0 = (1 − Rc) E p0,τc = (1 − R c ) T 0 Vτc − Vτc−∆ rF p0,τc E + Vτc − Vτc−∆ 1{τc≤T } + |τc = t P (τc ∈ dt) . This is a series of cliquet (or ratchet) option conditional on default. Their value is mainly driven by Gap risk. If we have a cure period, then there will be an additional impact of the forward volatility on the value of this option, but the gap risk will still be the dominant factor. To evaluate this option, we need to compute the conditional forwards first, then overlay the vol-induced diffusion on top. Forwards. Starting with the forwards, we have Vτc − Vτc−∆ + = 1{τi>τc} Vτc − Vτc−∆ + = 1{τi>τc} Vτc − Vτc−∆ . The pricing boils down to computing the jumps in the expected loss DTi Vt = E DTi |Gt , for each time horizon DTi ∆Vτc DTi DTi = Vτc − Vτc−∆ = Eτc DTi − Eτc−∆ DTi , for all T ≥ τc, CVA in Own Natural Filtration Single-Name Case. We start with the single-name case and show how the jump upon default is computed. We use the Dellacherie formula to derive the conditional expectations before default and after default. Own Filtration. The filtration here contains the default of the single name τi and the counterparty τc: Gti = Ft ∨ Hti ∨ Htc. Working in own filtration, we have Et 1 − DTi = P τi > T Gti P (τi > T, τc > t |Ft ) = 1{τi>t}1{τc>t} P (τi > t, τc > t |Ft ) P (τi > T |Ft ∨ σ (τc)) +1{τi>t}1{τc≤t} . P (τi > t |Ft ∨ σ (τc)) 41 CVA in the Enlarged Filtration Enlarged Filtration. We use a top-down approach and assume that the {Gt}-filtration can be approximated as n+m j H Gt = Ft ∨ Htc ∨ Hti = Ft ∨ Htc ∨ Hti ∨ t j=1 i=1 j=i n+m (−i) = Gti ∨ σ Lt = Gti ∨ σ L∗t , i.e., we only need to condition on realizations of the (macro) loss variable L∗t (of all the other names in our credit universe) and we do not need the (micro) information on the individual single-name defaults. 42 In this case, we will have Et 1 − DTi = P (τi > T |Gt ) P τi > T, τc > t |Ft ∨ σ L∗t = 1{τi>t}1{τc>t} P τi > t, τc > t Ft ∨ σ L∗t P τi > T |Ft ∨ σ L∗t ∨ σ (τc) +1{τi>t}1{τc≤t} . ∗ P τ i > t F t ∨ σ L t ∨ σ (τ c ) Note. In the general case, to compute this for the whole portfolio, we work on the enlarged filtration and we use the top-down decomposition above. The choice of the (macro) filtration conditioning should be general and should not depend on the names within the netting set. The pricing for each trade (or each name) in the netting set would depend on its own natural filtration and the (macro) conditioning filtration. The (macro) conditioning filtration defines the gap risk. If we are in a distressed state of the economy, then gap risk will be small as most names would have already widened before default. If we are in a benign state of the economy, then gap risk will be large. Pre-Default and Post-Default Value We have the following result. Lemma 6 (Pre and Post Default Value Process) The value process is of the form Et 1 − DTi = 1{τc>t}F 1 t, T, L∗t + 1{τc≤t}F 2 t, T, L∗t , τc , where F 1 t, T, L∗t and F 2 t, T, L∗t , τc are the value functions predefault and post-default respectively F 1 t, T, L∗t F 2 t, T, L∗t , τc P = 1{τi>t} P P = 1{τi>t} P τi > T, τc > t |Ft ∨ σ L∗t , ∗ τi > t, τc > t Ft ∨ σ Lt τi > T |Ft ∨ σ L∗t ∨ σ (τc) . τi > t Ft ∨ σ L∗t ∨ σ (τc) Note. In Elouerkhaoui (2012), we have used the filtration of the netting set, and a top-down approximation of the filtration with the loss variable of the netting set. 43 The new approach is a hybrid that accounts for the micro default information of each name (or each trade) in the netting set, by conditioning on its own natural filtration, then it is augmented with a top-down approximated loss variable that would drive the gap risk. Hence, the PVs at the time of default and prior to default will be given by Eτc 1 − DTi 1{τc=t} = F 2 t, T, L∗t , τc 1{τc=t}, Eτc−∆ 1 − DTi 1{τc=t} = F 1 t − ∆, T, L∗t−∆ 1{τc=t}. Expectation of the Jump at Default Proposition 7 The expectation of the jump at default is 1−DTi E ∆Vτc |τc = t = E 1{τi>τc} 1−DTi 1−DTi V τc − Vτc−∆ |τc = t , where the post-default and pre-default expectations are given by 1. Post-default 1−DTi E 1{τi>τc}Vτc |τc = t = P (τi > T |τc = t ) , 2. Pre-default 1−DTi E 1{τi>τc}Vτc−∆ |τc = t = ∗ L P τ > T i t−∆ = x, τc > t − ∆ ∗ . P Lt−∆ = x, τi > t |τc = t ∗ P τi > t − ∆ Lt−∆ = x, τc > t − ∆ x 44 We need to compute the following objects: 1. The CDS survival probability conditional on default (with WWR) P (τi > T |τc = t ) , for all T ≥ t, 2. The CDS survival probability conditional on realization of L∗t−∆ and survival P τi > T L∗t−∆ = x, τc > t − ∆ , for all T ≥ t − ∆, 3. The joint probability of CDS survival and L∗t−∆ conditional on default P L∗t−∆ = x, τi > t |τc = t . To compute the marginal distributions of the loss variable conditional on default or conditional on survival, we use the CDO-Squared correlation model (see Elouerkhaoui (2012)). Credit Options Revisited • The choice of filtration that we work with has a fundamental impact on the value of CDS options as well. • Working in the CDS own natural filtration, we get the standard Black formula used in the market. • By enlarging the filtration, we have more information from the other names in the credit universe, which in turn skews the forward distribution of the CDS spread. • This leads to fatter tailed distributions and an implied volatility skew effect. • We see a similar effect with the margined CVA payoff, where the forward vol (distribution) is driven by the conditioning macro loss variable. 45 CDS Options in Own Natural Filtration Pricing Single Name CDS Options. The Filtration in this case is Gt = Ft ∨ Hti . We define the survival probability and the conditional (forward) survival probability of the reference entity: Qi0,T Qit,U,T P (τ i > T ) , P (τ > T |Ft ) , P (τ > U |Ft ) which is used to define a strictly positive a.s. (and {Ft}-adapted) forward annuity and its associated forward annuity measure. The Break-even spread is a martingale under this measure, and we can use the standard Black formula to compute this expectation (e.g., see Brigo and Morini (2005) for technical details). 46 Proposition 8 The price of a CDS option in its own filtration Gt = Ft ∨ Hti is given by O0,t,T = Tj >t p0,Tj Qi0,Tj δj Black S0,t,T , S 0, σBS √ T −t , where the break-even spread and the annuity are defined as − (1 − Ri) tT p0,sdQi0,s S0,t,T = , i Tj >t p0,Tj Q0,T δj j A0,t,T = Tj >t p0,Tj Qi0,Tj δj . CDS Options in the Enlarged Filtration Enlarged Filtration. When we work on the enlarged filtration we have: Gt = Ft ∨ Hti ∨ σ L∗t . We use a top-down approach to approximate the default filtration with the macro loss variable. Then, we get a mixture of Black formulas by conditioning on realizations of the macro loss variable. We define the Spot and Forward survival probabilities of the reference entity conditional on the (macro) loss variable: i,x Qt,T i,x Qt,U,T P τi > T |L∗t = x , P τi > T Ft ∨ L∗U = x P τi > U Ft ∨ L∗U = x . Conditioning on {L∗t = x}, the forward survival probabilities define a (strictly positive) conditional forward annuity, which is used to derive a Black-Scholes price under the associated forward annuity measure. 47 Proposition 9 The price of a CDS option in the enlarged filtration Gt = Ft ∨ Hti ∨ σ L∗t is given by a mixture of Black-Scholes prices: O0,t,T = x x x , S 0, σBS P L∗t ∈ dx Ax0,t,T Black S0,t,T √ T −t , where the break-even spread and the annuity are defined as x = S0,t,T Ax0,t,T i,x − (1 − Ri) tT p0,sdQt,s , i,x Tj >t p0,Tj Qt,Tj δj i,x p0,Tj δj E p0,Tj δj Qt,T = = j Tj >t Tj >t 1 − DTi j |L∗t = x . CDS Options Filtration Conditioning We analyze the impact of the Macro filtration conditioning on the implied Black volatilities. We set the Macro market spread to SM = 500 bps, and the Market correlation to ρM = 0.2. Source: Citi. Distribution of the Market conditioning variable L∗T . 48 CDS Options Filtration Induced Volatility Skew The Option maturity is 1 year. The CDS maturity is 5 years. The CDS spread is 100 bps. The Base volatility is 0.2. Source: Citi. Filtration conditioning implied volatility skew. 49 Applications We analyze the impact of post-default and pre-default correlations on Credit CVA. Post-default correlation is driven by ρc. Pre-default correlation is driven by ρc, ρM and SM . The primary driver of pre and post spread widening is correlation. The conditioning Market spreads have a milder impact. Valuation date is 18-Mar-13. The CDS trade maturity is 20-Mar-16. Counterparty correlation is set to ρc = 0.5. Market correlation is ρM = 0.5. Market spread is SM = 500 bps. The counterparty spread is 200 bps. The reference CDS spread is 200 bps. SNAC Coupon is 100 bps. We have the following pre and post value profiles. 50 Gap Risk vs Wrong-Way Risk Market correlation is set to ρM = 0.5. Market spread is set to SM = 500 bps. We vary the counterparty correlation ρc. Source: Citi. Pre and Post-Default PV Profile for a counterparty correlation of ρc = 0.5. 51 Wrong-Way Risk Correlation As we change the counterparty correlation ρc both the pre and post PVs move. Source: Citi. Pre and Post-Default PV Profile for a counterparty correlation of ρc = 0.9. 52 Gap Risk Correlation Counterparty correlation is set to ρc = 0.5. Market spread is set to SM = 500 bps. We vary the Market correlation ρM . Source: Citi. Pre and Post-Default PV Profile as we change the Market correlation of ρM . 53 Gap Risk Market Spread Counterparty correlation is set to ρc = 0.5. Market correlation is set to ρM = 0.5.We vary the Market spread SM . Source: Citi. Pre and Post-Default PV Profile as we change the Market spread SM . 54 CVA Pricing We have the following results. 1. Market correlation is set to ρM = 0.5. Market spread is set to SM = 500 bps. We vary the counterparty correlation ρc. ρc PV NonMarginedPV MarginedPV 0 26,625 800 0 0.1 26,625 2,968 1,090 0.5 26,625 7,158 3,737 0.9 26,625 11,395 7,319 2. Counterparty correlation is set to ρc = 0.5. Market spread is set to SM = 500 bps. We vary the Market correlation ρM . ρM PV NonMarginedPV MarginedPV 0 26,625 7,158 6,646 0.1 26,625 7,158 5,788 0.5 26,625 7,158 3,737 0.9 26,625 7,158 1,004 55 3. Counterparty correlation is set to ρc = 0.5. Market correlation is set to ρM = 0.5. We vary the Market spread SM . SM PV NonMarginedPV MarginedPV 5 26,625 7,158 1,823 100 26,625 7,158 2,905 500 26,625 7,158 3,737 1000 26,625 7,158 4,124 Conclusion • We have addressed the problem of computing CVA, FVA and FVO from a credit perspective. • We have developed a new technique to solve the Master Funding Equation based on a Fundamental (Funding) Invariance Principle. • We have analyzed the relationship between FVA and FVO, and we have shown that the FVA doesn’t disappear when you account for FVO as it is usually claimed in the literature. • We have derived the CVA for a CDS by computing the Gap risk in the Enlarged Filtration. And we have shown that this is similar to a Filtration-Induced Volatility Skew for CDS Options. • We have analyzed the impact of pre and post default correlations and market conditioning on the Gap risk and Wrong-Way risk. 56 References • D. Brigo, M. Morini (2005), “CDS Market Formulas and Models”, Working Paper. • D. Brigo, A. Pallavicini, D. Perini (2012), “Funding, Collateral and Hedging: Uncovering the Mechanics and the Subtleties of Funding Valuation Adjustemnts”, Working Paper. • C. Burgard, M. Kjaer (2012), “A Generalised CVA with Funding and Collateral via Semi-Replication”, Working Paper. • S. Crepey (2012a), “Bilateral Counterparty Risk Under Funding Constraints, Part I: Pricing”, Working Paper. • S. Crepey (2012b), “Bilateral Counterparty Risk Under Funding Constraints, Part II: CVA”, Working Paper. • S. Crepey (2012c), “Counterparty Risk and Funding: The Four Wings of the TVA”, Working Paper. • C. Dellacherie (1972), “Capacites et Processus Stochastiques”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1972. • Deloitte, Solum Partners (2013), “Counterparty Risk and CVA Survey: Current Market Practice Around Counterparty Risk Regulation, CVA Management and Funding”, February 2013. 57 • Y. Elouerkhaoui (2012), “From Funding to Gap Risk: A Consistent Methodology for Credit CVA”, ICBI Conference. • Ernst & Young (2012), “Reflecting Credit and Funding Adjustments in Fair Value”, Spring 2012. • M. Fujii, A. Takahashi (2010), “Derivatives Pricing under Asymmetric and Imperfect Collateralization and CVA”, CARF Working Paper Series F-240. • J. Hull, A. White (2012a), “The FVA Debate”, Risk, 25th Anniversary edition, July 2012. • J. Hull, A. White (2012b), “The FVA Debate Continues”, Risk, October 2012. • S. Laughton, A. Vaisbrot (2012), “In Defence of FVA: a Response to Hull and White”, Risk, September 2012. • V. Piterbarg (2010), “Funding Beyond Discounting: Collateral Agreements and Derivatives Pricing”, Risk, February 2010. 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The information in this communication, including any trade or strategy ideas, is provided by individual sales and/or trading personnel of Citi and not by Citi’s research department and therefore the directives on the independence of research do not apply. Any view expressed in this communication may represent the current views and interpretations of the markets, products or events of such individual sales and/or trading personnel and may be different from other sales and/or trading personnel and may also differ from Citi’s published research – the views in this communication may be more short term in nature and liable to change more quickly than the views of Citi research department which are generally more long term. On the occasions where information provided includes extracts or summary material derived from research reports published by Citi’s research department, you are advised to obtain and review the original piece of research to see the research analyst’s full analysis. Any prices used herein, unless otherwise specified, are indicative. Although all information has been obtained from, and is based upon sources believed to be reliable, it may be incomplete or condensed and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Citi makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information, the reasonableness of any assumptions used in calculating any illustrative performance information or the accuracy (mathematical or otherwise) or validity of such information. Any opinions attributed to Citi constitute Citi’s judgment as of the date of the relevant material and are subject to change without notice. Provision of information may cease at any time without reason or notice being given. Commissions and other costs relating to any dealing in any products or entering into any transactions referred to in this communication may not have been taken into consideration. Any scenario analysis or information generated from a model is for illustrative purposes only. Where the communication contains “forward-looking” information, such information may include, but is not limited to, projections, forecasts or estimates of cashflows, yields or return, scenario analyses and proposed or expected portfolio composition. Any forward-looking information is based upon certain assumptions about future events or conditions and is intended only to illustrate hypothetical results under those assumptions (not all of which are specified herein or can be ascertained at this time). It does not represent actual termination or unwind prices that may be available to you or the actual performance of any products and neither does it present all possible outcomes or describe all factors that may affect the value of any applicable investment, product or investment. Actual events or conditions are unlikely to be consistent with, and may differ significantly from, those assumed. Illustrative performance results may be based on mathematical models that calculate those results by using inputs that are based on assumptions about a variety of future conditions and events and not all relevant events or conditions may have been considered in developing such assumptions. Accordingly, actual results may vary and the variations may be substantial. The products or transactions identified in any of the illustrative calculations presented herein may therefore not perform as described and actual performance may differ, and may differ substantially, from those illustrated in this communication. When evaluating any forward looking information you should understand the assumptions used and, together with your independent advisors, consider whether they are appropriate for your purposes. You should also note that the models used in any analysis may be proprietary, making the results difficult or impossible for any third party to reproduce. 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The transactions and any products described herein may be subject to fluctuations of their mark-to-market price or value and such fluctuations may, depending on the type of product or security and the financial environment, be substantial. Where a product or transaction provides for payments linked to or derived from prices or yields of, without limitation, one or more securities, other instruments, indices, rates, assets or foreign currencies, such provisions may result in negative fluctuations in the value of and amounts payable with respect to such product prior to or at redemption. You should consider the implications of such fluctuations with your independent advisers. The products or transactions referred to in this communication may be subject to the risk of loss of some or all of your investment, for instance (and the examples set out below are not exhaustive), as a result of fluctuations in price or value of the product or transaction or a lack of liquidity in the market or the risk that your counterparty or any guarantor fails to perform its obligations or, if this the product or transaction is linked to the credit of one or more entities, any change to the creditworthiness of the credit of any of those entities. Citi (whether through the individual sales and/trading personnel involved in the preparation or issuance of this communication or otherwise) may from time to time have long or short principal positions and/or actively trade, for its own account and those of its customers, by making markets to its clients, in products identical to or economically related to the products or transactions referred to in this communication. Citi may also undertake hedging transactions related to the initiation or termination of a product or transaction, that may adversely affect the market price, rate, index or other market factor(s) underlying the product or transaction and consequently its value. Citi may have an investment banking or other commercial relationship with and access to information from the issuer(s) of securities, products, or other interests underlying a product or transaction. Citi may also have potential conflicts of interest due to the present or future relationships between Citi and any asset underlying the product or transaction, any collateral manager, any reference obligations or any reference entity. Any decision to purchase any product or enter into any transaction referred to in this communication should be based upon the information contained in any associated offering document if one is available (including any risk factors or investment considerations mentioned therein) and/or the terms of any agreement. Any securities which are the subject of this communication have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 as amended (the Securities Act) or any United States securities law, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, any US person, except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a product or transaction, not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act. This communication is not intended for distribution to, or to be used by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country which distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. 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