2015 EMPLOYEES’ ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP LIST as of January 29, 2015 GROUP NAME PHONE E-MAIL DELEGATE AREA BCC Group I Rep Dlg Dlg Chuck Mangio Roy Hayden Valerie Andreichuk 464-7544 464-7503 453-5812 (@pinellascounty.org) cmangio Solid Waste th rhayden Mosquito Control & Veg. Mgmt. (118 Ave) vandreic Maintenance South BCC Group II Rep Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Randy Rose Christine Taylor Jackie Shoopman Paul Sol Bob Shields John Morton Richard Ging 464-6153 464-4033 464-6972 464-3488 582-7738 541-8713 582-3000 (@pinellascounty.org) rrose Real Estate Management - CJC cmtaylor REM - 509 East Ave., Clearwater jshoop REM - Detention psol REM – NW (303 Chestnut & 10756 Ulmerton) rshields REM – SE (501 First Ave N., St. Petersburg) jmorton REM - STAR Center rging REM - Fleet Management BCC Group III Rep Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Steve Yeatman LJ Wood Loren Guay Joseph Lawton Celeta Duncan Greg Smith Mary Jung Ryan Ryczek vacant 464-8897 641-9770 741-8772 741-3438 464-8857 464-8904 464-8957 464-4462 xxx-xxxx (@pinellascounty.org) syeatman Traffic Engineering lwood Stormwater Management lguay Urban Forestry jlawton Infrastructure (Streets & Bridges) cduncan Public Works Administration gasmith Survey & Mapping mjung Traffic Engineering rryczek Watershed/Coastal & Freshwater xxxx Construction Management BCC Group IV Rep Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Charles Toney Linda Umberger Nicholas Rintrona Frank Seecharan Pete Provatas Adryan Higgins 582-2382 582-7020 453-6974 453-6711 453-6744 582-3089 (@pinellascounty.org) ctoney Logan Station lumberger South Cross WWTP nrintrona Keller Plant frseecharan Maintenance North pprovata Dunn WWTP ahiggins Field Services (9837 Ulmerton) BCC Group V Rep Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Hazel Lane Eleanor (Lynn) Speiser Lynn Harper Donna Beim Tricia Cartier Brea Greene Greg Woodrum 464-8414 464-8495 582-7531 582-2510 582-2600 464-6200 582-5754 (@pinellascounty.org) hlane Human Services (HS) HS Community Connections (2189 Cleveland) espeiser lharper HS Community Connections (St. Petersburg) dbeim 911, Emergency Mgmt, Radio & Technology tcartier Animal Services bgreene Justice & Consumer Services gwoodrum EMS, Fire, Ambulance Billing 2015 EMPLOYEES’ ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP LIST GROUP NAME PHONE BCC Group VI Rep Dlg Dlg Lisa Wombles (Chair) Barbara Fogel Laura Rosser 464-4862 464-4764 582-2318 vacant xxx-xxxx (@pinellascounty.org) lwombles Utilities Office of Business Support bfogel Utilities Customer Service lrosser Utilities Office of Business Support, Water Conservation xxxxx Utilities Engineering Richard Castle Patricia Kelley Darry Martin Lisa Baltus 552-1862 464-8900 552-1862 453-6924 (@pinellascounty.org) rcastle PCR – Fort De Soto pkelley PCR- Horticulture dmartin PCR – South District lbaltus PCR - Extension, Heritage Village, PCR Admin, Bill Froberg John Walter 464-3371 669-1947 wfroberg jwalter BCC Group VIII Rep Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Clare McGrane (Secretary) Stella Mansfield Sue Steele Rhonda Caruso Ryan Brinson Ryan McCabe Michelle Poyet Tanya Beelman vacant vacant vacant 464-3788 464-3000 464-4776 464-8123 453-5642 453-7805 464-7212 464-8256 xxx-xxxx xxx-xxxx xxx-xxxx (@pinellascounty.org) cmcgrane Purchasing smansfield Communications ssteele Purchasing rcaruso Econ Dev, OMB, Co. Admin. rbrinson Planning, MPO (310 Court St.) rmccabe Airport & CFR [email protected] Convention & Visitors Bureau tcbeelman Community Development (440 Court St.) xxxxx Code Enforcement xxxxx Risk Management xxxxx Building Services At Large Rep Joshua Chance 582-2030 (@pinellascounty.org) jchance EMS, Fire, Ambulance Billing Other Appointing Authorities Rep Mercedes Pearson Dlg Thuyvy Connelly Dlg Elaine Bucklin Dlg Mary Flockerzi Dlg Janine Lescarbeau Dlg Dennis McCloud 464-5498 582-3106 464-3354 464-5411 464-8250 452-4357 (@pinellascounty.org) mpearson Office of Human Rights tconnelly Construction Licensing Board ebucklin County Attorney mflockerzi Human Resources jlescarbeau Planning Council dmccloud BTS Supervisor of Elections Rep Dawn Grasso 464-6110 @votepinellas.com dgrasso Supervisor of Elections Dlg BCC Group VII Rep Dlg Dlg Dlg E-MAIL DELEGATE AREA Park Natural Resource Management Dlg Dlg PCR – Air Quality, AQ Tag Fee PCR – North District 2015 EMPLOYEES’ ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP LIST GROUP Tax Collector Rep Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg NAME PHONE E-MAIL DELEGATE AREA Richard Carvale (Vice Chair) 464-8548 Karen Bayly 464-5600 Brian Peckham 464-7777 Amber Bradley 464-3076 Katherine Dempsey 582-7649 Carly Roe 464-8723 vacant xxx-xxxx vacant xxx-xxxx @taxcollect.com rcarvale TC- Mid County Service Center kbayly1 TC- Gulf to Bay bpeckham TC- Processing Ops (STAR Center) abradley TC- Courthouse kdempsey TC- South County (66th Street) croe TC- North County xxxxx TC- Tarpon Springs xxxxx TC- Skyway Clerk-North Rep Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Jennifer Gundel Elise Price Ann Milner Sylvia Andino Hamid Moharreri Elisa Bess vacant 464-2466 464-8354 464-8618 464-3318 453-6580 464-3274 xxx-xxxx (@pinellascounty.org) jgundel Civil Court Records eprice Finance, Payroll, Accntg, Insp. Gen., Admin. amilner North County Branch sandino Recording Services/Official Records hmoharreri Printing & Mail Services ebess Civil Court Records xxxxx Probate Court Records Clerk-South Rep Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Dlg Peggy Poole Arijana Agic Jill Bird Camille Fedor Denise Duffey Dondi Irish Christa O’Brien 453-3064 464-6281 453-7534 453-7025 453-8632 582-7618 582-1465 (@pinellascounty.org) ppoole Records & Information Management aagic Criminal Court Records jbird Court Assistance/Jury Services cfedor Criminal Court Customer Service dduffey Clerk’s Customer Information Center dirish Tyrone Branch Office cobrien St. Petersburg Branch Property Appraiser Rep Mike Powell Dlg Bill Schulz Dlg Lisa Wright Dlg Mike Manion (@pcpao.org) 464-4952 464-3646 582-7105 464-8788 mpowell bschulz lwright mmanion Prop Appraiser-Clearwater Courthouse Prop Appraiser-Clearwater Courthouse Prop Appraiser-South County Prop Appraiser-North County (US 19)
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