TdVpOOfM ALBANY EVENING NEWS, MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1028 WBttt riffs, H | , ] - News of Albany Society—Social Interests—Women's Clubs for taa year booh war* dumb****. Tfe* STATE GOIXEGE GIRL IS AIDING HitfcSd.oolS.aior.Wu1 staff this year M aa follow*! Editor. a fMr*AiAT *s*e*tat* editor. TOWARD ANNUAL JUNIOR PROM Giro Due. Night of m IrMHtMi Arrmnfcu Feb. 21. APrUM Coelsoni MvaeiMtag, Dorothy PAS aad IM Aealor daaea, the moat las* - a Balportaat social *vsnt at th* year ; Maida •aad and at tfe* Atbaay Mlgb gahawt. wtB taha COB; art eiltar, fOvoaa I Mb* editor, Peala Bargent; plaa* aa th* aeooad fioor at taa school. Fabfaary f l y Th* hall wUl be doe- adrlaory board. Miss Naomi a Kepaasfeo, Mis* Mahal A. TsHsaadg*, oratoa. Nam** of ehaperonee bar* Mies 3. isabsDa Johnston aad Mr* not yet boon announced. Harold B e a t •omprlM* CUment | Ml** Katherlne These student* at th* Albany HMb Meaber, Miaa Ulilan Veimer, Ooorge sahool malnUlasd aa *verag* of ninety per cent or hotter In all *»bP. Bis* aad Wftttar Doming. M t r y Hart jsets for th* second report: Jeaaette Andrleax, Richard Crouch, A m—tlag of Brownie pack No. I, Anna Goldman. Adeline Goodman, is chairman of Albany Ulrl Scout., dlrsctsd by Mr* Heater Hlnman. Winifred Lanaln*. H. Louis MuUtgsn, will tok* place at Marlon Nelson, Frederick Smith. Alio* the prom 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon la At. Nerd. Norm* Sahwarts. Richard Var•A WbtpBr %r ^*BAA assMIA wtsaSTSI^i^OW lan. Mary Teegarden, George P. Rico. publicity Ml** Edith Polgreen, captain of George Brown, Frances Alexander, troop 4, recently lavaated ,the follow- Robert Arnot. Helen Brook*, Edward ing sow acouts; BertjU Barman, Dsovy. Charles Tud*. Sol Goodman, committee. Batty Longbury, Marion Ermsdorf, Ksymond Hafea, Mag laenburg, Flora Mildred White, Helen Flnaieateln and Jensen, Samuel Kaatrowita, Allc* fit: t Levine. Lawson, Ruth Morgan. Hslen Relgel, Sarah Abraokln, Julia laaao aad Gertrude Ttooeaberg, Miriam Slrota, Dorothy Bator of troop A, fear* passed Gretcheo Weober and George Zlppln. in ssoond class compas* Troop T, Miss ftotfe Jansen eapuln, la plannlaj a week end party at Camp Mr. sad Mr* Alexander Oorsay, 414 AoAoad atreat, Troy, h*v* »nnoun<eJ Cogawell January lb-it. Troop 1* invaatsd Olive Tobfeta • * the sngagement of their daughter, Miss Jennie Goraky, to William O. a aooot W*dn*aday. T op 17 met (a headquarters Men- Martin of Port Henry. day night. Thea* girl* pauod the Announcement ha* been mad* of th* teat in bed making: th William., Ctrtaa Vroeman. Maurice Baer, engagement ef Miss Lxanor Roberts. Mary Sheridan and Graco Prltchard. 98 Elm *trs*t, to Lc lis W. Cossoy of Tfe* At th* meeting of th* Flrat Claas Buffalo, formerly of Albany. Mr* N J' WlUlam* of Watsrvilet. Scout Maeelattoa Wodaeaday plans wedding will take placa January M. soprano, and Cre Oalalso of Ooboo*. tenor, will sppear In the program. •aH Th* elu* will sing It* a*w song. •-rorward.** tor which Mr*, staataaaa wrota both word* and muslo. mmmmmmmmmmimmmimmmmmmmvim T mm , 4 , 1 tsmpl* la trial « . a peeaer.ud. Mr*. Laird, Mr* Leslie, athaon. Mr*. « « ? L Mr* „ . o * M r * Haien Mtla. Mr* S S T Cewwre, Mis* Jaard* * » £ • • * MMM LIB*** Car***, Mis* Margarai £ S c « U - r a»4 M r s M J J . L a w were i*fio*BBioata and danciog. * «%§* party « * • * • • " ******** f®* at her home t* "at sT t o * t** her elete*. , Of CMU» , raoeotiy. Miee i ! i u r . MIM <*<**• coos tar Karoo*. U « tee wera Mr. aad M** = Mr, and Mr* Theodore Mr. and Mr* Winana Mr* Pons* . a d MM.-ioba of the president. wUl ba la tba reMrOlur* Jack ceiving Una with tba a i m *f otfear Mr. aad offtaara, Mr*. Horbort Knaip. Mra. W. Kyta and Mr* L Warran wo- Fred w»o*t*r. Tba taa tabla wf8 b* decorated tn atno* eatertalned at and yellow, aad palms, farna .terday Bight for Miss *ABN a* will deoorate tba •not) Kaoa. Peseta taetaded Mr. and room* Mr* Tracey. Ajr. aad Mr* Oleott, Mr. 1*4 Mr* Saeewaa. Mr. aad Mr* H«a*Mr*. Joaaph P. Ord and Ml** Buean g * Mr. BB*l**e. MM* Knoa ana Mr. Ord am »topping- at tba Gotham i* New Tarfe ttty. ^ t r e ^ S e t h Wheeler t a r . a b«a«* Plana ara bain* arranged tar tba Mar annual Junior party whleh will tab* \ r a r a feflaa Oraoa KBOB. Mr* placa lata la February. The senior irloh TlUinffeatt, Jr.. Mr* ciaaa will entertain the junior*. . ftabitw Jr« Mra.,. Tfeoaaa* Th* committee comprises Baatrlea WBeelar. Mr*. Arofe!baM B. Sullivan, chairman; Barbara Kally, Wbaalar. Mra. rteadley. Mra. Anthony Doris Kline, William Davis and RichX. B. Parrel*. M6r*. Bertram Klbee* | Crouch. Thar* will be t a n a * and Btnprwon C. Ota • M l Mra. Bsneroon C Oray. •elng III the high school gym. £ Wfewc'i itftar, Is eetertalnta* at brtdg* tor Miaa KBOB today. Women s Clubs fr*» Reary Damary and Mra. P . K. >*4othW ara ****ag those Tag Women'* »s*oelatlon of tag a t M M hotel la Temple Bagttat church met Thursday 4Bew <TorB eity. night in tba church parlor* la Its ono tea. regular monthly aetslon. The devoclub, WW tional service* war* la cfearga e l Mr* toon from Allan atraat club- Jesse Rhoads and Mia* Mariana & Bat** wif* Xotartomsseo. Tba faatura of tba masting debate between member* of th* Wld* guild on th* aubject that tba enactment of the Jepaneee ei.ohi.lon act was Justified." The afSrmativ* was taken by Ml** Marlon a and Mlsa Mildred Smallman Special January Abigail lodg* WW feAP* A ***ta*T* and dau*hter* meeting Wednesday afternoon at I o'clock la aba vsstry room* of Tsmplo Botfe Btaotb. Mr*. Helen aommers will ba«w charge of th* social hour. in Mis* TtoMt C. Boynton. physical education director at th* Young Women's Christian Aaaortatlon, baa announced the swimming and gymnasium ichsdul* for tba sscond semester of th* y*ar* worfe. Three classes AT* conducted In swimming each Monday night, hegtaaars from « to « 30; intermediate*. from «:J0 to 7. a i d advanced pupili. from 7 to 7;M. A chUdren'e baginnlng claas I* conducted Tuesdays, from S;M to 4 o'clock. Thursday mornings at U:M o'clock there wss a matron.' swim for a half hour. Prodi A to t i t * Thateday alSbt 1* another beginners' class, with intermediates from «:I0 to 7 and advanced piiplia from 7 tm 7:t«. The Senior Swim club me*te from T:W to l:SA o'clock th* Arat Thuraday night of aacb month. An advanced children'* elsse t* scheduled for Saturdays from 11:10 to It o'clock. In addition there ar* daily plunge* and private lssson* by *ppointment. Meat gymnasium classes most at night. An advanced clas*. with gymnaaiaaa IB SMl ll III I, la alsd for Monday night* from 7:41 w t.10 o'clooh. Ba»ks;bsll M played from I N to t : l l . Tueadaya erhodule begin* with • walfbt normalising ciaaa from »:4e to 10:35 o'clock tn tho morning, followed by three-quaejom adgjia. hoar la the $7.50 I7.H Maoh tSCONOA PBOM OUR REGULAR BUANKAT LIMB decorative tn t-iaeh at oator* The Fronek ssotlon will moot Friday mtrntng, one group at It o'clocb. AM another at It. Mrs. William H. Plarb b) loader. Reservetlone ar* being made for tho luncheon of til* Amertcanixattoe department February 7. a V I r a f j l a* SABA «awa, aaAfete7 Ottoman titM zrjs?"*- ** $6 so M I * * t l « 4 l t t » l M * s *e ^ • Bra. Jane Oveaa will A* heat*** t*atgAt st • oard part? M Oeart atary Itegts, CatacHc Daognter* of Aawrte*, la tAo otaaaoaas, I t SJtA Mr*** otfiaor* wiB a* lasfftad B r * )largajp*t Xyaaa of sie. newly .looted depatp, will of* flHate. Anntaor <*ard party te a^hednled for Aaturaay. Jsiaary It. w!Oi wmiam J. Ststtsr a* aPWW Bsry Duan wm ao bo*t a card party to oeaaftt t*o_tt. (RarcA hattdtng faad, night at • M •<f}e*k IB S t A tseawS | 5 00 at $275.00 $300.00 $350.00 $385.00 $385.00 $495.00 $523.00 $575.00 VB^BJSJBSI 0 S S'taia- SS.M *t sam.,. * * • • * OOD MILLS Fur Coats Fur Coats Fur Coats Fur Coats Fur Coats Fur Coats Fur Coats We are desirous of obtaining several more good locations and if you have a store now available or to be available within the next 3 or 4 months communicate with us, giv. ing full particulars. Schaffer Stores Co., Ii THE LEADING CHAIN FOOD STORK $175.< $210.00 $245fQO $275.00 $295.00 $350.00 $385.00 $445.00 OVER 150 STORES IN N. Y. STATE ._ ' ataajtraarters • 12frERIE BfcVD. SCHENECTADY, N.Y. 194 South Pearl Street* Albany OP AN 1 VAN! NO* TILU t K %*¥'/ = l Oft QUALITY WHITE HOUSE COFFEE ^d TEA SPECIALIZED LAUNDRY SERVICES —Like fit* warmth of GINGER ? Ask aa UYXTXK ASBW ^W SJaW s o t w& S B v P P * TABBBaS BH^PBap *A ~s wa#^w^^a*i PRIM P1REST WHELAN'S ^W *^^aav*eBl »*^* EverytHfnt completely aklfliirl, wear or lay away BjstB aaadlatl, SEMI-FINISHED DRY GINGER ALE "AOWJO Cathedrals wf warw. T W W O %& . f o m WET WASH brigjit as day It i« amagini how qttickiw and thorouthly Oakita the whoU bath- Where As housewife b wttaBj ^ de *J h-oning but wtaha* SB MVBai the h«« work of washing. WHELAN'S DRY CLEANING BETTER SWVKX-atOOlRATE WCD DRY GINGER ALE IS POPULAR EVERYWHERE! va 10 charge ef tho pr&gr*av Mr* Pwter j A'hssMt wBi gte* a groap of otsfla • iBMlasad Mrs. Boyat K. i prostaeat. a i l Tho rifraiA aetata wtft *o I* lof tt* ai*gaher* of th* • AH your clothe* iaddfy **mhf&-4* fl«t work iroftatL iaawBAf |aat th* na*f piece* left to hi itOBwfJ at hotne. w^BW*r gwtM wta hao* it* aoaat w*woi py * ssetttwg * t ?. *** A. Vsa Saatasr* win ggggk es rvvwep. Celeta: ats ** ^fP *ae* ' ATTENTION t PROPERTY OWNEBSi **Albsny*s Largest Fur Manufacturer** Mayor Joha fteyd Thaahe> wtfi epeoA tpBtanaa' to tho AYboay beta* •!** !* the W e o a . ' i Hoh of AAsaay ioohiog A'l wool aad protection. If You Know Good Cofftw, Yot/11 Like W ed ay tho dBp"A 8S.$1J« VKKHMO* wtQ rwKorra yott ol Brtt*, kfr*. Jasoa A Bedsat, Mr* f*ohert I. Baa*. Mr* Boasrt Flewttag. Mr*. tleraert A. ftasaahrey. Br*. SB* art iassa*. Mrs. i . L Bpiaear. Mr* AMward gprtagtaed. Mr* Charts* MLaiah. Mies H*toa Wtoae, MM* Jaaa Mr* P. C A gaftd wW M to « •/etaok. f w tho taaehooa ho*r ere _ Bote*, Mr* MarUa C. DSBJ»*J «fha sad Mr* Bd ward C BATH R INDIGESTION AND 7U WCIUaW Reduced to $139.00 $225.00 Fur Coats $150.00 $240.00 Pur Cost! 50.00 Fur Coati Pr«*Ayt*rl*a raarrh la la fresh n « i « Ut* _ parlor* air*. B**ert i. iBnBgha*a( s B"Ba^^BW^^**P ffi. 7S« ELLANS taa aSJaT mwwm^Kf S T S a o ' ^ a o V ' mtU •MgatewAat SureRiftitaf include: Hudson Seal* J ap-Mink, Caracul, SquirreU Persian Lam b, Beaver* Leopard, Muskrat, Silver Muskrat, Raccoon*, Russian Pony a Northern Seal. ef the U sick ht*ifa-ln. ' sating 9t drinking quickly and aaraly relieved. have a e*f*terlB aad card party on January 21 la the veetrjr r***B* H Tetaple Beih Emeth. or A PIMt WHITS a ONJlCo Over-Acidity FllllCOAIS The wonderful BLANKETS FS AT.— The Year's Greatest Reductions Aaanath Van Bursa aad Mia* Ethel Burton. The dectaioo was awarded to th* affirmative elds. Mr* o . R. Millar gao* a- bttaf talb oo TiL*"# Bhrorcomoaf^ aad ~afnt i Frederick T. Ooldi* aang a group of song* acontnpanlad a t the plana by Mr* H. & Bauer. A ***l*l feear POOL a t • • » o'eioeM a t Bight, A group of beginners ha* gymnasium followed Among tho** pre soot war* Mr*. work for an hour and from • to 10 a Russell a. Green man. Mr* Marry clans for negro girl* meet* Dr. B. Conteiia Hathaway gteco Russell, Mr*. William Arris, Mf. Rlohard Ateorsa, Mr* Herbert Le physic*! examination* every ThursPolnte, His* Peril* Brtghtmyer, Mr* day afternoon from 4:M to A, by BA* I I C O N O I OF A'SPKCIAL polntment. Another weight norms)B L A N K 8 T tM fAOSB, TAB Oft Mabel MneMartla. Mis* Jennie Cain. tsing class meets Friday from 1:41 Mr* Jsssl* Bart**, Mra. W. J. HchoonmaHer. Mr* J. I* Reeae, Mr* to 10:10 o'clock, folio wad by a swim, i l l W i l t await ty aft west fabric Jamea A. Itavidaon. Mr* C J. MoM aad at Bight from 4:14 until 7:10 ig attractive solor* Bad* feniahtag. Mrs, ft. W. Snow. His* Mary E. there I* * hegtnn*r** clas. A basbot* | with saUrta* rraaoe. t t a a n a * * Jahn, Mis* A U Mealc U M P * b*n laxgae win he ergaalaed this 4 ^ijntUaamd aombar t j | S Tbamaa A. Allen. Mr* Osart* B. nwtTth. (Tlapbam. Mies Nina Burton. Mlsa » * * t * f * * A K « f W BSL.T BLANKSTS Oertrnds Burton, Mlsa Arietta Arris. Ml** Marcta Bouton and Mis* Grace fllMt ** waft, warm, all wool fabrlo Brtghtmyor, It la a* aarrlcaabla has been idea of roe*. Th* Italian section of the language taa, brown department ef tba Woman's *lub of with lustrous Albany will meet Wednesday roornlag aad la excellent at It o'clocb. Bra. P*t*r J. Pa»ano to ! • * a t the** price* leader. Th* Spanlab aectloa Win meet Bio* rt*S4 t g fjQ Thursday morning a t 1L Prom 11 o'clock until t o'clock, tba boa luneb...... eon r#sd!ng circle will mset. Tho Each . $7.50 meeting scheduled by the civic section o vers t itch of the mantclpsl welfare department aamo feMBket* are priced at for Thursday afteraooa will bo omit- KENWOOD MILLS Jin. 16 to 20, Inclusive S u re . Relief Phone Main 3537 btaaafsB taa fJaBaBaa fratrrantShafap with tU Tha aaelBBlTA Wbalasi (itwssJtaMa fl-LJj **f W h o l a a ' a Dry OtefAT Ala. BfodBoa tka gJBBsTa^W AS'Sfc • a ^ S l B W ^ n sddrMs tho Mataers* Third •sfarawi ehoreh : *tgh< *« the ! prograsj Mra Alfoet BSs em_ | PredOfloA BtaaWd *f Rati* ad i B f h PraAgrM PARK LAUNDRY B^w AT OROCWM AMD 1 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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