September 25, 2014 Curriculum Vitae Name: Søren Hauberg Date of Birth: October 31, 1980 Address: P˚ a Bjerget 14,, Copenhagen, DK E-mail: [email protected] Citizenship: Danish Web-page: Education and Employments 2014 – 2016 Post doc at the Section for Cognitive Systems at the Technical University of Denmark. 2012 – 2014 Post doc at the Perceiving Systems Department at the Max Planck Institute. 2011 – 2012 Post doc at the Dept. of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen. 2008 – 2011 PhD in Computer Science from the University of Copenhagen. 2010 Visiting scholar at CITRIS, University of California, Berkeley. 2008 Consultant in Software and Statistics at Dralle A/S. 2007 – 2008 Research Assistant at the University of Copenhagen. 2000 – 2007 Bachelor and Master of Computer Science from the University of Copenhagen. 1994 – 2007 Various employments (dishwasher, secretary, toy salesman, teaching assistant, etc.). Grants, Scholarships and Awards 2013 2013 2013 2011 2010 2008 2007 The Danish Council for Independent Research has kindly given me a Sapere Aude: DFF- Research Talent award. Amount: 489.494 Dkr. The Danish Council for Independent Research (Natural Sciences) will fund my post doc position at the Technical University of Denmark. Amount: 1.994.748 DKr. has kindly donated access to their elastic cloud compute servers through an AWS in Education Machine Learning Research Grant award. Amount: 20.000 USD. The Villum Kann Rasmussen Foundation fully funded my post doc at the Max Planck Institute (MPI). The MPI also offered me a stipend. Amount: 1.271.014 DKr. The Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation covered travel expenses and tuition for my visiting scholarship at Ruzena Bajcsy’s group at CITRIS, UC Berkeley. The Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, fully funded my PhD studies through a personal fellowship. My master’s thesis work was supported by a scholarship from the Body and Mind research priority at the University of Copenhagen. Amount: 50.000 DKr. Media Coverage June 25 2011 Parts of my PhD work was discussed in the engineering news magazine Ingeniøren. Link: May 25 2011 Parts of my PhD work was presented on Danish national radio in Harddisken. Link:ælper-med-genoptræningen/ Apr 24 2007 A robotics event I co-organised on Robot Karate appeared on both National and Local TV (DR1, Aftenshowet, and TV2 Lorry), as well as in the news papers (Berlingske, Ritzau, and Søndagsavisen). Publications A complete list of papers is available below. In total I have co-authored 5 journal papers, 17 conference papers, 1 book, 2 abstracts and 2 technical reports. Note that in computer science, conference publications are considered as important as those in journals (often they have higher impact and lower acceptance rates). On July 23 2014 Google Scholar gave me an h-index of 8 with a total of 796 citations. 1 Journal Papers [1] Søren Hauberg, Fran¸cois Lauze, and Kim S. Pedersen. Unscented Kalman Filtering on Riemannian Manifolds. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 46(1):103–120, 2013. [2] Søren Hauberg and Kim S. Pedersen. Predicting Articulated Human Motion from Spatial Processes. International Journal of Computer Vision, 94:317–334, 2011. [3] Søren Hauberg, Stefan Sommer, and Kim S. Pedersen. Natural Metrics and Least-Committed Priors for Articulated Tracking. Image and Vision Computing, 2011. [4] Mads Nielsen, Peter Johansen, Andrew Jackson, Benny Lautrup, and Søren Hauberg. Brownian Warps for Non-Rigid Registration. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 31:221–231, 2008. [5] Søren Hauberg and Jakob Sloth. An Efficient Algorithm for Modelling Duration in Hidden Markov Models, with a Dramatic Application. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 31:165–170, 2008. Conference Papers [6] Michael Schober, Niklas Kasenburg, Aasa Feragen, Philipp Hennig, and Søren Hauberg. Probabilistic shortest path tractography in dti using gaussian process ode solvers. In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Boston, USA, September 2014. [7] Alessandra Tosi, Søren Hauberg, Alfredo Vellido, and Neil D. Lawrence. Metrics for probabilistic geometries. In The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), Quebec, Canada, July 2014. [8] Oren Freifeld, Søren Hauberg, and Michael J. Black. Model transport: Towards scalable transfer learning on manifolds. In Proceedings IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 2014. [9] Søren Hauberg, Aasa Feragen, and Michael J. Black. Grassmann averages for scalable robust PCA. In Proceedings IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 2014. [10] Philipp Hennig and Søren Hauberg. Probabilistic Solutions to Differential Equations and their Application to Riemannian Statistics. In Samuel Kaski and Jukka Corrander, editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), volume 17, 2014. [11] Søren Hauberg, Oren Freifeld, and Michael J. Black. A Geometric Take on Metric Learning. In P. Bartlett, F.C.N. Pereira, C.J.C. Burges, L. Bottou, and K.Q. Weinberger, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 25, pages 2033–2041. MIT Press, 2012. [12] Søren Hauberg and Kim S. Pedersen. Spatial Measures between Human Poses for Classification and Understanding. In Francisco J. Perales, Robert B. Fisher, and Thomas B. Moeslund, editors, Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, volume 7378 of LNCS, pages 26–36. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. [13] Aasa Feragen, Søren Hauberg, Mads Nielsen, and Fran¸cois Lauze. Means in spaces of tree-like shapes. In International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011. [14] Anders Boesen Lindbo Larsen, Søren Hauberg, and Kim S. Pedersen. Unscented Kalman Filtering for Articulated Human Tracking. In Anders Heyden and Fredrik Kahl, editors, Image Analysis, volume 6688 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 228–237. Springer, 2011. [15] Peter Mysling, Søren Hauberg, and Kim S. Pedersen. An Empirical Study on the Performance of Spectral Manifold Learning Techniques. In T. Honkela et al., editors, ICANN 2011, volume 6791 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 347–354. Springer, Heidelberg, 2011. [16] Søren Hauberg and Kim S. Pedersen. Data-Driven Importance Distributions for Articulated Tracking. In Yuri Boykov et al., editors, Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, volume 6819 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 287–299. Springer, 2011. [17] Søren Hauberg and Kim S. Pedersen. Stick It! Articulated Tracking using Spatial Rigid Object Priors. In R. Kimmel, R. Klette, and A. Sugimoto, editors, ACCV 2010, volume 6494 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 758–769. Springer, Heidelberg, 2011. 2 [18] Stefan Sommer, Fran¸cois Lauze, Søren Hauberg, and Mads Nielsen. Manifold Valued Statistics, Exact Principal Geodesic Analysis and the Effect of Linear Approximations. In K. Daniilidis, P. Maragos, and N. Paragios, editors, ECCV ’10: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Computer Vision, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 43–56. Springer, Heidelberg, September 2010. [19] Søren Hauberg, Stefan Sommer, and Kim S. Pedersen. Gaussian-like Spatial Priors for Articulated Tracking. In K. Daniilidis, P. Maragos, , and N. Paragios, editors, ECCV 2010, volume 6311 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 425–437. Springer, Heidelberg, September 2010. [20] Rune Møllegaard Friborg, Søren Hauberg, and Kenny Erleben. GPU Accelerated Likelihoods for Stereo-Based Articulated Tracking. In The CVGPU workshop at European Conference on Computer Vision, 2010. [21] Søren Hauberg, J´erome Lapuyade, Morten Engell-Nørreg˚ ard, Kenny Erleben, and Kim S. Pedersen. Three Dimensional Monocular Human Motion Analysis in End-Effector Space. In Daniel Cremers et al., editors, Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 235–248. Springer, August 2009. [22] Morten Engell-Nørreg˚ ard, Søren Hauberg, J´erome Lapuyade, Kenny Erleben, and Kim S. Pedersen. Interactive Inverse Kinematics for Monocular Motion Estimation. In Proceedings of VRIPHYS’09, pages 77–84. Eurographics Association, 2009. Books [23] John W. Eaton, David Bateman, and Søren Hauberg. GNU Octave Manual Version 3. Network Theory Ltd., October 2008. Other Publications [24] Søren Hauberg and Kim S. Pedersen. HUMIM Software for Articulated Tracking. Technical Report 01/2012, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, January 2012. [25] Søren Hauberg. Spatial Models of Human Motion. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, October 2011. [26] Aasa Feragen, Mads Nielsen, Søren Hauberg, Pechin Lo, Marleen de Bruijne, and Fran¸cois Lauze. A geometric framework for statistics on trees. Technical Report 11/02, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, April 2011. [27] Søren Hauberg and Kim S. Pedersen. A Physically Natural Metric for Human Motion and the Associated Brownian Motion Model. In 1st IEEE Workshop on Kernels and Distances for Computer Vision (ICCV workshop), 2011. [28] Søren Hauberg, Bente Rona Jensen, Morten Engell-Nørreg˚ ard, Kenny Erleben, and Kim S. Pedersen. Dense Marker-less Three Dimensional Motion Capture. In Virtual Vistas; Eleventh International Symposium on the 3D Analysis of Human Movement, 2010. 3 Invited Talks Sep 24, 2014 Sep 23, 2014 Sep 12, 2014 Sep 10, 2014 Jan 13, 2014 Random Riemannian Metrics: the mathematics of manifold learning?, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Grassmann Averages for Scalable Robust PCA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Grassmann Averages for Scalable Robust PCA, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, City College of New York. Grassmann Averages for Scalable Robust PCA, Statistics Department, Columbia University. Smooth Metric Learning, Robotics Research Group, Oxford University. Oct 10, 2013 Smooth Metric Learning, ML@SITraN, University of Sheffield. May 7, 2013 A Geometric Take on Metric Learning, Pattern Recognition & Bioinformatics Group, Delft University of Technology. Spatial Models of Human Motion, Institut f¨ ur Informationsverarbeitung, University of Hannover. Predicting on Manifolds in a Physiotherapeutic Setting, Seminar in applied statistics, Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen. Mar 28, 2011 Oct 4, 2010 Management Experience Students Programmer Open Source Organisation During my PhD studies, I have supervised 7 student projects including 2 master’s theses. This has resulted in two publications [14, 15]. As an extension to my PhD work, I have handled daily management of a research programmer employed to create demonstration software for physical rehabilitation. As part of my contributions to Free and Open Source Software development I have been leading the Octave-Forge project ( from 2006 to 2011. The project consists of 70+ independent developers. From 2012 to 2014 I organised the Intelligent Systems Colloquium talk series in T¨ ubingen, which brings international top-researchers to campus. References Michael J. Black Peter Johansen Kim S. Pedersen Director of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems ([email protected]). Professor Emeritus, Computer Science, University of Copenhagen ([email protected]). Associate Professor, Computer Science, University of Copenhagen ([email protected]). Teaching Experience I have taught several courses and during my PhD studies I have completed the Introduction to University Pedagogy course at the University of Copenhagen. I have taught Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (Fall 2003 and 2004), Image Processing (Fall 2005), Multimedia Compression (Spring 2006), Linear Algebra (Fall 2008 and Fall 2011), Machine Learning for Pattern Recognition (Spring 2009), Scientific Visualisation (Spring 2009), Robotics Experimentation (Fall 2006 and 2009), Statistical Methods for Machine Learning (Spring 2011) and Image Canons (Spring 2011). Relevant Volunteer Work Free and Open Source Software Development I have contributed much code to the GNU Octave development environment, and I have maintained the Octave-Forge project for five years. Student Outreach To recruit students for computer science I have given demonstrations in computer vision, robotics and machine learning as part of various outreach programs (2007–2011). I have also given talks at high schools for this purpose (2010). Paper Reviewing I have reviewed papers for International Journal of Computer Vision, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Journal of Applied Biomechanics, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Neural 4 Information Processing Systems, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, International Conference on Computer Vision, European Conference on Computer Vision, Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications and SPIE Medical Imaging. 5
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