Aug. 8, 1961 J. K. FARRELL 2,995,424 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE VIA TETRAHYDROANTHRAQUINONE Filed Oct. 6, 1958 IV WN dKnwl-bCmO(U mUDu-dFZ INVENTOR JAMES K. FARRELL ATTORNEY United States Patent j Ce, 2,995,424 Patented Aug. 8, 1961 2 l eñìcient method ofy producing hydrogen peroxide via alkylated anthraquinones in which the- working solution .. ' 2,995,424 f contains substantial amounts of tetrahydroquinone com HYDROGEN P_EROXIDE VIA TETRAHYDRO . ANTHRAQUINONE ‘_ ’ . James K. Farrell, Syracuse, N.Y., assiguor to Allred GI pound. v - ChemicalCorporatiou, New York, N. ., a corporation Another object of the present invention is to provide a method of maintaining high productivity of hydrogen of New York peroxide in a process for the production of hydrogen per y . i ' Filed Oct. 6, 1958, Ser. No. 765,367 „ 10 Claims. (Cl. 23-207) v I This invention relates to the production of hydrogen peroxide and more particularly refers- to a new and n_m proved process for the production of hydrogen peroxide oxide via alkylated anthraquinones in which nuclear hy drogenation A further object of the present invention is to provide an efficient method of producing hydrogen peroxide in a cyclic process involving hydrogenation of mixtures con by a cyclic operation involving the reduction of a quinone taining an alkylated tetrahydroquinone compound dis compound, oxidation of the hydroquinone compound produced, »and separation of the thus formed hydrogen sulting tetrahydroanthraquinone dissolved in the water peroxide. . l The anthraquinone process for the production of _hy drogen peroxide as commercially practiced and described in the literature is a cyclic operation in which an anthra solved in a water-immiscible solvent, oxidation of the re 7 ` ible solvent, and water extraction of the hydrogen peroxide formed during oxidation. Other-_.> objects and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the following description and accompanying drawing. quinone compound dissolved in a water-immiscible sol 20 In accordance with the present invention hydrogen peroxide is continuously produced by a cyclic process in presence vent is hydrogenated of a catalyst, to athe hydroquinone hydroquinonc compound compound in 1s volving hydrogenating a working solution containing an alkylated tetrahydroanthraquinone dissolved> in a water oxidized to the quinone compound with formation of hy immiscible solvent to convert the alkylated tctrahydro drogen peroxide, and the hydrogen peroxide formed dur ing the oxidation extracted with water. In the hydrogena 25 anthraquinone to the alkylated tetrahydroanthrahydro quinone, subjecting the hydrogenated working solution to tion of the anthraquinone compound to the correspond oxidation in the presence of a small amount, within the ing hydroquinone one of the side reactions leads to the range of about 0.002% to about 0.25%, preferably addition of hydrogen to the aromatic nucleus of the an 0.005% to 0.02%, by weight of a. water-soluble ionizable thraquinone compound forming the tetrahydroanthra quinone compound. In the course of repeated cyclic op 30 inorganic alkaline compound with elemental oxygen in the form of pure oxygen or a gas containing elemental erations the anthraquinone compound becomes converted oxygen to produce alkylated tetrahydroanthraquinone to the tetrahydroanthraquinone compound to an extent and hydrogen peroxide and extracting hydrogen peroxide of sixty or more percent of the original anthraquinone from said oxidized solution by passing the oxidized solu compound. The formation of tetrahydroquinone in the tion in intimate contact with water. arithraquinone process for the production of hydrogen In a more speciiìc embodiment of the invention a work peroxide has been objectionable because it is four to six ing solution comprising an alkylated anthraquinone such times as dillicult to oxidize as the corresponding anthra as methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, iso-butyl-, dissolved in a quinone compound. The elîect of the presence of sub mixed solvent of two or more constituents consisting of stantial quantities of tetrahydroquinone compound in the a constituent capable of dissolving the quinone form such working solution is to seriously reduce the capacity lof as an aromatic hydrocarbon,- e.g. benzene, toluene and the plant for producing hydrogen peroxide and may mean xylene, a constituent capable of dissolving the hydro the difference between running the operation at a loss or profit. The art recognized the problem of tetrahydro anthraquinone formation in the hydrogen peroxide proc quinone form such as an alcohol having from 5 to 12 carbon atoms in the molecule as for example amyl alco ess yand considerable work has been done in an attempt hol, cyclohexanol, methyl cyclohexanol, octyl alcohol, to minimize this inherent difficulty. One suggestion, U.S. Patent 2,673,140, was to limit the degree of hydrogena such as, a ketone, e.g. acetophenone, is in 'a continuous nonyl alcohol and decyl alcohol, and a synergistic solvent cyclic operation subjected to hydrogcnation in the pres tion to a level of about 60% instead of 100% by main ence of a palladium catalyst to convert the anthra taining the hydrogen gas partial pressure to 0.9 atmos phere or less. Obviously, such procedure reduces the po 50 quinone to the hydroquinone with concomitant formation as a side reaction of tetrahydroanthraquinone resulting tential hydrogenation capacity. Furthermore, even at re from the addition of hydrogen to the aromatic nucleus duced hydrogenation levels tetrahydroanthraquinone con tinues to form at a measurable rate and accumulates in of the anthraquinone, subjecting the hydrogenated Worr'k the system. ing solution to oxidation in the presence of a small reduction inthe rate of tetrahydroquinone can be thus gen to convert the anthrahydroquinones to the corre Rosenmunde and co-workers found that some degree of control of catalyst activity to reduce ring 55 amount, within the range of 0.005% to 0.02% by weight of sodium hydroxide or ammonium hydroxide, prefera hydrogenation could be obtained by the use of amines. bly ammonium hydroxide, with elemental oxygen in the Similar claims, U.S. Patents 2,720,531 and 2,720,532 are form of pure oxygen or a gas containing elemental oxy made for organic nitrites and nitriles. Although some effected, the forrnationis not prevented and it continues to be a serious problem. In another method as described in U.S. Patent 2,739,042 the working solution containing tetrahydroquinone was given a special separate catalytic treatment to convert it Ito the corresponding anthra quinone. While this method was successful in maintain ing the capacity of the hydrogen peroxide process never- I theless it entailed considerable cost for treating and con verting the tctrahydroquinone. n y ‘ An object of the present invention is to provide a more sponding anthraquinones `and produce hydrogen peroxide, adding a small amount of acid to the oxidized working solution in an amount about equal to or greater than the amount of oxidation catalyst, generally within the range of 0.002% to 0.5% by weight, and extracting hydrogen peroxide from said oxidized solution by passing the oxi dized solution in intimate contact with water, and re cycling the resultant working solution for further hy drogenation. Basic chemicalreactionsintheprocess fortheprcduc 2,995,424 3 tion of hydrogen peroxide via an is illus Theartsought-to overoomethisdiñìculty inhcreminthe trated by the following equations: (1) anthraqt?none process for the production of hydrogen peroxide by attempting to slow down the formation of o 5 01H5 tetrahydroanthraquinone by proces control, as for ex ample, by operating the hydrogenation step at a reduced level, i.e. hydrogenating only about 60% of the anthraquinone compound. \ The present invention is based on a new and different +B: approach-_the utilization of the tetrahydroquinone com EA Q (2-ethy1anthraquinone) \ l0 pound as an active working constituent for production of EHQ (Z-ethylanthrahydroquinone) (|)H CrHl hydrogen peroxide without any attempt made to retard the formation of tetrahydroanthraquinone or removal of the tetrahydroanthraquinone. This is based on the dis covery that the addition of relatively minute amounts of 15 oxidation catalyst within the range of 0.002% to 0.25 %, preferably within the range of 0.005% to 0.02% based on the weight of the working solution when added to the working solution undergoing oxidation would surprising ly increase the rate of oxidation of the tetrahydroanthra Hr 20 hydroquinone compound four to six times, e.g. reduce the time of oxidation from about 20-25 minutes to about 3-5 H THH (Q-ethyItetrah anthra hydroq none) (2) minutes. Quantities of such oxidation catalyst substan tially in excess of 0.25% are not eEective for increasing the rate of oxidation and usually act as an accelerator 25 to produce undesired by-products and causes decomposi OH tion of hydrogen peroxide with loss of the desired prod uct. The oxidation catalysts of the present invention when added to the working solution undergoing oxidation tend to cause the formation of emulsions with the water 30 used for extracting the hydrogen peroxide from the oxi dized working solution probably due to reaction with by products to form surface active materials. The addition EAQ of an acid in an amount equal to or greater than the amount of oxidation catalyst has been found to overcome the tendency to emulsify and the hydrogen peroxide may be readily extracted from the oxidized working solution with water without ditliculty of emulsiñcation. The oxidation catalysts of the present invention are ionizable water-soluble compounds having an alkaline 40 reaction. I have found that there is direct relation be -tween the degree of water solubility `and the catalytic ef fectiveness of the alkaline compound employed; the more water soluble it is, the more effective it becomes as an oxidation catalyst. While the mechanism of the catalysis ClHl +1110! 45 is not known, it appears that water, and/or hydrogen peroxide, is essential in one or more steps of the oxida tion using alkaline catalysts. 8 THQ Organic alkaline com pounds are undesirable for many reasons, among which are inetïectiveness as an oxidation catalyst compared to As will be noted from Equation 1 above, hydrogenation 50 the water-soluble ionizable inorganic alkaline compounds of anthraquinone in the presence of a palladium catalyst of the present invention, ltend to contaminate the hydro produces as a primary reaction anthrahydroquinone and gen peroxide product and complicate purification and as a side reaction a portion of the -anthraquinone is con concentration of the hydrogen peroxide product, tend to verted to the tetrahydroanthraquinone compound as well reduce the life of the palladium catalyst, and are eco` as a very small amount of non-peroxide producing by 55 nomically disadvantageous because they are more ex products of unknown composition. As a practical matter pensive than »the oxidation catalysts of the present in the working solution must be recycled many times, usual vention. ly live hundred or more times, thus subjecting the anthra - Examples of the oxidation catalysts are ammonium quinone to an equivalent number of hydrogenations with hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, so consequent formation of the corresponding tetrahydro 60 dium carbonate, calcium hydroxide and magnesium hy anthraquinone in each cycle which accumulates in the droxide. Although not preferred, barium and calcium working system displacing the anthraquinone often to an carbonates may be employed. The preferred oxidation extent of sixty or more percent. y Although the tetrahy» catalysts are the alkali metal hydroxides and ammonium droanthraquinone formed in a side reaction during the hydroxide. Of these hydroxides ammonium hydroxide hydrogenation step may be used as a working compound 65 and sodium hydroxide appear to be best. Ammonium in the hydrogen peroxide process, unfortunately the hydroxide is superior to sodium hydroxide in that a oxidation of the tetrahydroanthrahydroquinone proceeds smaller quantity of ammonium hydroxide as compared to at a rate of about one-fifth the rate at which the anthra sodium hydroxide has been found to be effective as a hydroquinone oxidizes. The oxidation of anthrahydro catalyst and additionally, ammonium hydroxide being quinone and tetrahydroanthrahydroquinone is illustrated 70 volatile can be more readily separated from the reaction products. in Equations 2 and 3 above. Merely as illustrative, oxi dation of ethylan-thrahydroqninone will occur in about The accompanying drawing diagrammatically illustrates three to live minutes whereas oxidation of the corre sponding ethyltetrahydroanthrahydroquinone, under the one method of carrying out the invention. A working solution is first prepared composed of a same conditions, requires twenty to twenty-five minutes. 76 quinone compound dissolved in a solvent medium, pref ‘ 2,995,424 5 ' 6 e’rablyy a mixed >solvent with three constituents consisting of a constituent capable of dissolving the quinone such `as Berl saddles or glass beads. A small amount, about as an aromatic hydrocarbon,‘e.g.«xylene, a constituent as ammonium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide may be added to the working solution through line 10 or may be 0.005% to 0.02%, by weight of oxidation catalyst, such capable `of dissolving the hydroquinone formed, such as introduced directly into oxidation tower 14. The primary an alcohol, e.g. octanol-Z,> and a lsynergistic solvent, e.g. a ketone such as acetophenone.V 'I'he quinone compounds used as the solute are anthraquinone and derivatives -of reaction in'oxidation tower 14 is the oxidation of the anthrahydroquinone compounds in the working solution to the anthraquinone form with hydrogen'peroxide split ting olf during the reaction. 'I‘he oxidation of the antha and butyl-anthraquinones, the corresponding nuclear hy drogenated anthraquínones and anthrahydroquinones. 10 hydroquinone compounds may be accomplished from be low room temperature to about 40° C. or more, prefer The mixture termed working solution is usually composed ably about 25-35° C. Oxidation may be accomplished of about 10-25% quinone compound, l10 to 60% ketone at atmospheric pressure and preferably under superatmos compound, with the balance made> up of the aromatic pheric Apressure by passing an oxygen-containing gas, hydrocarbon and alcohol solvents. An illustrative ex ample illustrating the composition o_f a typical initial 15 4preferably air, by means of compressor 15 through line 16 intooxidation tower x14. The off-gases released from working solution would ben15% Z-ethylanthraquinone, anthraquinone such'as methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, iso-, tert.-, th tòp of oxidation tower 14 through line 17 and valve 20% xylene, 40% acetophenone and 25% octanol-2s. During the course of operation by reduction and oxida 18 consist principally of nitrogen and usually contain less tion to produce hydrogen peroxide nuclear hydrogena-. than 1% oxygen.` The oxidation catalyst effects more complete and rapid utilization of the oxygen in the air thereby effecting a saving in `the: amount of oxygen-con taining gas used and also producing a substantially» pure tion occurs as a side reaction and after repeated cyclic operations the tetrahydroquinone formed will increase withcorresponding decrease ofthe anthraquinone formed nitrogen which may be used in the plant for blanketing in the working solution until after repeated cyclic opera tionsV sixty or morejpercent of the anthraquinone com pound 'initially present in the working solution will be 25 The products of the oxidation reaction Withdrawn converted to the tetrahydroanthraquinone form. If de from the bottomof oxidation tower 14,through line 19 containing about 1.5% hydrogen peroxide are then sired the‘initial working solution may contain a mixture subjected to water extraction .to separate the hydrogen of anthraquinone and tetrahydroquinone compounds ’or purposes. may contain only tetrahydroquinone compound as a >quinone constituent. 'I‘he working solution in the cyclic 30 operation will, after hydrogenation, contain vthe quinone compound predominantly or entirely in the anthrahydro quinone form and after the oxidation reaction the quinone compound will be predominantly or entirely inthe anthra quinone form. 35 ` ' ` I " ’ jperoxide from the working solution. “It was found that the presence of `the oxidation catalyst ltends to form emulsions when extracting the hydrogen peroxide with water from the working solution making the extraction operation diñìcult particularly on a large> scale commer cial operation. To negate the lemulsion for-ming tend ency of the oxidation catalyst a mineral acid> such as ofv about 20'-50° C. under substantially-atmospheric pres-` sulfuric acid or phosphoric acid is added through line 21 to -the working solution. In practice it has been'found that the amount of acid required is small, usually an sure of about 1-5 p.s.i.g. To the working solutionis amount by weight equal to and up to three to four times ._ l"lfhevworking solution is introduced through line ~1 in a reducingchamber 2 maintained in a temperature range added, through line 1, hydrogenation catalyst such as 40 the amount of oxidation catalyst will be adequate or stated in terms of percentage an amountof acid based palladium or platinum, preferably palladium, disposed on on the weight of working solution of about 0.002% to a solid-support. The preferred catalyst consists of about 5% palladium on a charcoal or'- alumina'carrier. The about 0.5%. Reaction products from line 16 are fed to centrifugal extractor 22 into which distilled water amount of catalyst required is approximately 1-~10% by weight of the quinone present. -Hydrogen is forced by 45 through vline 23 in contact with working solution result ing in a water solution containing about 10-20% dis pumpß through' line 4 into the bottom of reducing cham solved hydrogen peroxide together with small amounts ber 2 in intimate contact with a body of working solu of impurities which are withdrawn from extractor 22 tion containing suspended catalyst. Sufficient agitation through line 24 and may, if a purer and more concen t'o produce the necessary interfacial area for reasonable reaction‘rat'e and to maintain necessary suspension of 50 trated solution is required, be subjected to further p_uri catalyst is supplied by circulation of the hydrogen gas `'stream which is released from the top of chamber 2 through line 5 to the suction side of compressor 3. The hydrogen necessary tofsustain the reaction is added to ?ication and fractionation. Working solution removed from extractor 22 through line 25 is recycled to reducer 2 via line 26. Make-up solution may be added from time -to.time `through line 27 to replace that lost from l the circulating stream of hydrogen via line 6. The- hy 55 mechanical losses and chemical degradation. 4 The following examples illustrate the‘present invention. drogenation reaction may be `carried to a high level ap proaching or at the level of 100% thus enhancing the Example 1 etliciency of the operation. Previously care had to bel A working solution comprising a mixed solvent in the taken to avoid exceeding a level of about 60% hydro genation in order to minimize nuclear hydrogenation.y 60 proportion of 34.1 parts by weight acetophenone, 27.1 parts by weight capryl alcohol, and 23.7 parts by weight In the present invention nuclear hydrogenated quinone xylene and containing as a solute 15.1% by weight of a vcompounds are no, longer a handicap to the production mixture of 2-ethyltetrahydroanthraquinone and 2-ethylof ’hydrogen peroxide and therefore the hydrogenation anthraquinone of which the tetrahydroanthraquinone con reaction'may be carried out Ito its full potentialities. ' VThe hydrogenated' solution containing suspended cata 65 stituted 61% of the total ethyltetrahydroanthraquinone lyst is discharged f_rom‘reducer 2‘ throughl line 7 into centrifuge 8 wherein the catalyst'is separated from the solution and‘returned via line 9 to reducing chamber 2. and ethylanthraquinone was subjected to repeated cyclic operations each cycle involving hydrogenation of the working solution, oxidation of the working solution, and extraction with water of the hydrogen peroxide from the fuge 8 flows through line 11 into after-cooler 12 wherein 70 oxidized lworking solution. The hydrogenation reaction The working solution, after removal of catalyst in centri some vof the exothermic heat ot reaction resulting from the hydrogenation is removed by indirect heat exchange with cooling water and the cooled solution introduced is Vcarried "out by passing hydrogen through the working solution containing 0.5% catalyst consisting of 5%'pal ladium deposited on carbon carrier at a temperature of 25° C. until 1200 volumes'of hydrogen per 100 volumes through line 13 into the top' of oxidation ltower 1_4 which desirably is a vertical column iìlled with packing such 75 'of working solution were absorbed.- The ‘catalyst was 2,995,424 8 7 then separated from the hydrogenated working solution stituted 51% `of the total ethyltetrahydroanthraquinone and ethylanthraquinone was subjected to repeated cyclic operations each cycle involving hydrogenation of the working solution, oxidation of the working solution, and extraction with water ofzthe hydrogen peroxide from the and the working solution then subjected to oxidation at a temperature of 30° C. by passing air up through the hydrogenated working solution until 1000 volumes of oxygen per 100 volumes of working solution were _ab sorbed by the working solution. The oxidized working oxidized working solution. 'I'he hydrogenation reaction is carried out by passing hydrogen through the working solution containing 0.5% catalyst consisting of -5% pal solution was then scrubbed with water to remove the hydrogen peroxide product and the working solution therli returned for further hydrogenation to start another ladium deposited on carbon carrier at a temperature of 25° C. until 1400 volumes of hydrogen per 100 volumes of working solution were absorbed. The catalyst was cyc e. In the above operation the time required for etïecting oxidation of working solution in each cycle requires 20-27 minutes. then separated from the hydrogenated working solution and the working solution then subjected to oxidation at a . temperature of 30° C. by passing air up through the hy In a series of comparative cycle operations in accordance with the practice~ of the present invention.__0.03 15 drogenated working solution until 1200 volumes> of oxygen per 100 volumes of working solution were absorbed by the part by weight of the working solution of sodium hy droxide was added to the working solution and subjected working solution. ~The oxidized working solution was then scrubbed with water to remove the hydrogen peroxide to oxidation. The time required for effecting the oxiproduct and the working solution then returned for fur dation, i.e. absorbing 1000 volumes of oxygen per 100 volumes of working solution, was 4--5 minutes. To the 20 ther hydrogenation to start another cycle. In the above operation the time requiredfor effecting oxidized working solution was added 0.05% by 'weight of working solution of sulfuric acid and hydrogen perox oxidation of working solution in each cycle requires 16 ide was then extracted from the working solution with water without any ditlìculty due to emulsiñcation. minutes. ' ‘ In a series of compartive cyclic operations in accord ance with the practice of the present invention 0.01 part 25 Example 2 by weight of the working solution of ammonia was added A working solution comprising a mixed solvent in the to the working solution and subjected to oxidation. The proportion of 27.4 parts by weight acetophenone, 28.7 time required for effecting the oxidation, i.e. absorbing parts by weight capryl alcohol, and 27.0 parts by weight Y 1200 volumes of oxygen per 100 volumes of working xylene and containing as a solute 16.9% by weight of a 30 solution, was 4 minutes. To the oxidized working solu mixture of 2-ethyltetrahydronanthraquinone and 2-ethylanthraquinone of which the tetrahydroamhraquinone constituted 61.5% of the total ethyltetrasydroanthra tion was added 0.02% by weight of working solution of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide was then extracted from the working solution with water without any diñi quinone and ethylanthraquinone was subjected to re peated cyclic operations each cycle involving hydrogena~ tion of the wo?king solution, oxidation of the working culty due to emulsitication. , 35 -In an operation under conditions the same as Example 3 above the amount of ammonia was increased to 0.05 %, the time required for oxidation was reduced to 2.52 min solution, and extraction with water of the hydrogen peroxide from the oxidized working solution. The hy drogenation reaction is carried out by passing hydrogen through the working solution containing 0.5% catalyst consisting of 5% palladium deposited on carbon carrier ' Example 4 40 at a temperature of 25° C. until 1200 volumes of hy drogen per 100 volumes of working solution were ab utes. ` Example 5 A working solution comprising a mixed solvent in the proportion of 24.6 parts by weight acetophenone, 30.3 parts by weight capryl alcohol, and 29.8 parts by weight sorbed. The catalyst was then separated from the hy drogenated working solution and the working solution 45 xylene and cotnaining as a solute 15.3% by weight of a then subjected to oxidation at a temperature of 30° C. mixture of Z-ethyltetrahydroanthraquinone and 2-ethylby passing air up through the hydrogenated working anthraquinone of which the tetrahydroanthraquinone con solution until 1000 volumes of oxygen per 100 volumes stituted 66% of the total ethyltetrahydroanthraquinone of working solution were absorbed by the working solu and ethylanthraquinone was subjected to repeated cyclic tion. The oxidized working solution was then scrubbed operations each cycle involving hydrogenation of the with water to remove the hydrogen peroxide product and working solution, oxidation of the working solution, and the working solution then returned for further hydro extraction with water of the hydrogen peroxide- from the genation to start another cycle. oxidized working solution. The hydrogenation reaction In the above operation the time required for effecting is carried out by passing hydrogen through the working oxidation of working solution in each cycle requires 17 solution containing 0.5% catalyst consisting of 5% pal minutes, 50 seconds to 20 minutes. ladium deposited on carbon carrier at a temperature of In a series of comparative cyclic operations in accord ance with the practice of the present invention 0.04 part 25° C., untli 1100 volumes of hydrogen per 100 volumes of working solution were absorbed. The catalyst was by weight of_ the working solution of sodium hydroxide then separated from the hydrogenated working solution and the working solution then subjected to oxidation at a temperature of 30° C. by passing air up through the hydrogenated’working solution until 950 volumes of oxy was added to the working solution and subjected to oxida tion. The time required for effecting the oxidation, i.e. absorbing 1000 volumes of oxygen per 100 volumes of working solution, was 3 minutes, 17 seconds to 3 minutes, 50 seconds. To the oxidized working solution was added gen per 100 volumes of working solution were absorbd by the working solution. The oxidized working solution 0.06% by weight of working solution of sulfuric acid was then scrubbed with water to remove the hydrogen and hydrogen peroxide was then extracted from the work ing solution with water without any diñìculty due to peroxide product and the working solution then returned for further hydrogenation to start another cycle. emulsitication. y In the above operation the time required for eiîecting Example 3 oxidation of working solution in each cycle requires 15 A working solution comprising a mixed solvent in the 70 minutes, l0 seconds. In a series of comparative cyclic operations in accord proportion of 26.5 parts by weight acetophenone, 32.7 ance with the practice of the present invention 0.02 part parts by weight capryl alcohol, and 25.1 parts by weight xylene and containing as a solute 15.7% by weight of a mixture of 2>ethyltetrahydroanthraquinone and 2-ethyl anthraquinone of which the tetrahydroanthraquinone con rs by weight of the working solution of sodium carbonate was added to the working solution and subjected to oxida tion. The time required for eiîecting the oxidation, i.e. 2,995,424 absorbing 950 volumes of oxygen per 100 volumes of ` the range of about 0.002% to about 0.25%, by weigh working solution, was l1 minutes, 20 seconds. To the oxidized working solution was added 0.04% by weight of of sodium hydroxide. - ' ~ S. Ina cyclic process for the production of hydrogen peroxide involving hydrogenating a working solution comprising a tetrahydroanthraquinone compound dis working solution of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide was then extracted from the working solution with water solved in a water-immiscible solvent to convert the tetra lwithout any dilliculty due to emulsiiication. hydroanthraquinone compound to the corresponding tetrahydroanthrahydroquinone compound, oxidizing the Example 6 In an operation under conditions the same as Example ' hydrogenated working solution with elemental oxygen to 5 above the amount of sodium carbonate was increased to 0.05%, the time required `for oxidation was reduced to 5.0 minutes. produce the tetrahydroanthraquinone compound and hy drogen peroxide, and separating hydrogen peroxide'from the oxidized working solution, and recycling the oxidized working solution for further hydrogenation the improve ment which comprises effecting oxidation of the working Although certain preferred embodiments of the inven tion have been disclosed for purpose of` illustration, it will be evident that various changes and modiñcations may be made therein without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. solution in the presence of a small amount, within the range of about 0.002% to about 0.25% by weight of~ ammonia. I claim: ' 6. A cyclic process for the production of hydrogen l. In a cyclic process for the production of hydrogen peroxide which comprises hydrogenating the working so peroxide involving hydrogenating a working solution com-_ 20 lution comprising an alkylated anthraquinone dissolved in prising a tetrahydroanthraquinone compound dissolved in a water-immiscible solvent to convert the anthraquinone a water-ímmiscible solvent to convert the tetrahydro anthraquinone compound to the corresponding tetrahydro anthrahydroquinone compound, oxidizing the hydrogen to the hydroquinone with concomitant formation as- a oxide, and separating hydrogen peroxide from the oxidized working solution, and recycling the oxidized working solu tion for further hydrogenation the improvement which comprises effecting oxidation of the working solution in lution with elemental oxygen in the presence of a small amount, within the range of about 0.002% to about side reaction of tetrahydroanthraquinone resulting from addition of hydrogen to the aromatic nucleus of the ated working solution with elemental oxygen to produce 25 the anthraquinone, oxidizing the hydrogenated working so the tetrahydroanthraquinone compound and hydrogen per the presence of a small amount, within the range of about 0.002% to about 0.25%, by weight of a water soluble 0.25 %, by weight of a water-soluble ionizable inorganic alkaline compound to convert anthrahydroquinones to the 30 corresponding anthraquinone and produce hydrogen peroxide, adding a small amount of acid to the oxidized ionizable inorganic alkaline compound. working solution and extracting hydrogen peroxide from anthraquinone compound to the corresponding tetrahydro anthrahydroquinone compound, oxidizing the hydrogen peroxide which comprises hydrogenating the working so lution comprising an alkylated tetrahydroanthraquinone said oxidized working solution by passing the oxidized 2.. In a cyclic process for the production of hydrogen solution in intimate contact with water, and recycling peroxide involving hydrogenating a working solution com 35 the resultant working solution for further hydrogenation. prising a tetrahydroanthraquinone compound dissolved in 7. A cyclic process for the production of hydrogen , a water-immiscible solvent to convert the tetrahydro ated working solution with elemental oxygen to produce 40 dissolved in a water-immiscible solvent to convert the al kylated tetrahydroanthraquinone to the alkylated tetrahy the tetrahydroanthraquinone compound and hydrogen peroxide, and separating hydrogen peroxide from the oxi dized working solution, and recycling the oxidized work ing solution for further hydrogenation the improvement which comprises eiïectin'g oxidation of the working solu droanthrahydroquinone, oxidizing the hydrogenated work ing solution with elemental oxygen in the presence l of a small amount, within the range of about 0.002% to about 0.25 %, by weight of a water-soluble ionizable tion in the presence of a small amount, within the range 45 inorganic alkaline compound to convert the alkylated tetrahydroanthrahydroquinone to the corresponding al kylated tetrahydroanthraquinone, adding a small amount of acid to the oxidized working solution and extracting 3. In a cyclic process for the production of hydrogen hydrogen peroxide from said oxidized working solution peroxide involving hydrogenating a working solution comprising a tetrahydroanthraquinone compound dis 50 by passing the oxidized solution in intimate contact with water, and recycling the resultant working solution for solved in a water-immiscible solvent to convert the tetra further hydrogenation. hydroanthraquinone compound to the corresponding 8. A cyclic process for the production of hydrogen tetrahydroanthrahydroquinone compound, oxidizing the peroxide which comprises hydrogenating the working so hydrogenated working solution with elemental oxygen to produce the tetrahydroanthraquinone compound and hy 55 lution comprising an alkylated tetrahydroanthraquinone of about 0.005% to 0.02%, by weight vof a water-soluble ionizable inorganic alkaline compound. drogen peroxide, and separating hydrogen peroxide from the oxidized working solution, and recycling the oxidized working solution for further hydrogenation the improve ment which comprises etîecting oxidation of the Working dissolved in a water-immiscible solvent in the presence of a palladium catalyst to convert the alkylated tetrahydro anthraquinone to the alkylated tetrahydroanthrahydro quinone, oxidizing the hydrogenated working solution solution in the presence of a small amount, within the 60 with elemental oxygen in the presence of a small amount, within the range of about 0.002% to about 0.25%, by range of about'0.002% to about 0.25%, by weight an weight of an alkali metal hydroxide to convert the al alkali metal hydroxide., kylated tetrahydroanthrahydroquinone to the correspond 4. In a cyclic process for the production of hydrogen ing alkylated tetrahydroanthraquinone, adding an amount peroxide involving hydrogenating a working solution comprising a tetrahydroanthraquinone compound dis 65 of acid at least equal to the weight of oxidation cata lyst to the oxidized working solution and extracting hy drogen peroxide from said oxidized working solution by passing the oxidized solution in intimate contact with water, and recycling the resultant working solution for hydrogenated working solution with elemental oxygen to produce the tetrahydroanthraquinone compound and hy 70 further hydrogenation. 9. A cyclic process for the production of hydrogen drogen peroxide, and separating hydrogen peroxide from peroxide which comprises hydrogenating the working so the oxidized working solution, and recycling the oxidized lution comprising an alkylated tetrahydroanthraquinone working solution for further hydrogenation the improve dissolved in a water-immiscible solvent to convert the al ment which comprises effecting oxidation of the work ing solution in the presence of a small amount, within 15 kylated tetrahydroanthraquinone to the alkylated tetra solved in a water-immiscible solvent to convert the tetra hydroanthraquinone compound to the corresponding tetrahydroanthrahydroquinone compound, oxidizing the 2,995,424 12 " v , hydroanthrahydroquînone, oxidizing the hydrogenated of a small amount, within the range of about 0.005% to working solution with> elemental oxygen in the presence of 0.02%, by weight of ammonia to convert the alkylated tetrahydroanthrahydroquinone to the corresponding al kylated tetrahydroanthraquinone, adding 0.002% to 0.5% by weight of acid to the oxidized working solution by a small amount, within the range of about 0.005% to 0.02%, by weight of sodium hydroxide to convert‘the alkylated tetrahydroanthrahydroquinone to the corre sponding alkylated tetrahydroanthraquinone, adding passing the oxidized solution in intimate contact with wa 0.002% to 0.5% by weight of acid to the oxidized ter, and recycling the resultant working solution for fur working solution andlextracting hydrogen peroxide from said oxidized working solution by passing the oxidized ther hydrogenation. solution in intimate contact with water, and recycling 10 the resultant working solution for further hydrogenation. 10. A cyclic process for the production of hydrogen peroxide which comprises hydrogenating the working so lution comprising an alkylated tetrahydroanthraquinone dissolved in a Water-immiscible solvent to convert the al - References Cited in the tile of this patent UNITED STATES PATENTS 2,158,525 2,901,491 '2,909,532 Riedl et al. _______ --..._.. May 16, 1939 Eller et al ............ _.- Aug. 25, 1959 Cosley et al. ......... _- Oct. 20, 1959 kylated tetrahydroanthraquinone to the alkylated tetra OTHER REFERENCES hydroanthrahydroquinone, oxidizing the hydrogenated Walter C. Schumb: Hydrogen Peroxide, Reinhold Pub liahing Co., New York, NLY., page 527 (1955). working solution with elemental oxygen in the presence AJ
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